-Liked Bpellinz. l'aying Points of Oows, Tisitor-' What do Yen study atscisool 2' l'rofessor Robertson, tise well-known Little Girl-' Rcadin' an' writin' cmi, Canadien daim>' aufisurify, specifies five 'rithmefic aii' ipelihu'." peints for judgiug a cew tisai will prove I Well ! Well ! %IViaf a bright Uitile profitable, and properly Solde tisai uncem- girl yen are. Now, whicbh study do yeu fotable conditions cf keeping, as te stable like best V' or debective bced, wjll nuoralize even tise "Spellin'." isefequipnicut. Tlisepints arcas îoîîws: "Inideedi !Most cbildreu do neft. Wisy "lA long uddl'slengibwiscoallier body ; cnd Cdo you like speIliuig !" if îsauld bc vcny elaîtie in qcality -,flue " 'Ceuse every time I epeil a word teaci elastic qualit>' meaus'rous teaunake milk. cm laugîsut"1 A sef skiu-a mellow skin ceved with messy, ilky bain; a cew isas oui>' one skin Re Probabî>n Remainied. -onue skinaraound ber body and dlean Papa (f nom the lucad efthtie stairs)-Oh tismougis b>'way oetlhem etomacs. -Tise skie, marY. if coarse or harsis, meana sluggisb digestion DÎan tr-Yes, father. iîside and tisaI meane an expeusice cow "1s1arry down tisere yet?" tisai deesunot digest liem food or tisnrive well. VoYs, dean baliser. " Then, a cew îhould bave a large -Tell iim to walue me up for fisc five nooni> barnel witis broad rusa -wide 'dlock train as lie gees out, wiîI yen V" apami, for holdingi plenfy et . good, rougis, bîlky, ciseap teed; if sbould be fil cd up twice a day Stec tiatishe milk- ceinis Obeyiag: Instructions. unden fisc cow'a belly are puorincnt;promin- Joues' litile boy bcd been told, before emce je alfan more important indication thian linner nefte make auy nemankis about bis actualsizewouldbe, Firnsnmuscles itheab- auntie's noie, whicb was rallier inclinied te domne mean good constitution ; tise>' are be mcd. oneo ethtie besi evudences cf endurance and lielied beh.aved veny well iudeed, and ai tisift tisat yen can fiad in a cow ; and en- tis encd of tise epast walked op ltiste oid durance teaiftand tise îtraîn et gicing cnilk lady and said: coniinuoosly je wisat you wanf. A cow - Wasn'i I ver>' good, aunlisý, I neyer sould have broad loins witb long nump. A said anytising about your noue 1" WEDNESDAY JULY 13, 1892. BIR. J. C. HITCE-LEU., MEMBER OF COLLEG W 0F PHYSICIÂN etnd Surgeonse, Ontario, Corror, etc. Offiae and Resldence. Ennisltiien. 74. B AIRIRISTI R SOLICITOU, &o. MOPRIS EI OCE. nupstairs,, Klnz Street.Bouu ville. Lolicltor for the Ontari Bankt iIlynate hoe tloaneçlat thlOlweBt rates 9- C.-RHJNKING T ICENSED AUOT ION EE R F0OR Uj the County 0f Durhamn. Sales att.ended to on shortet noticeý and 1owest rates. Address CLUrLnCE P. 0. BOUIT. YOUJNG, V S. f( FFICE IN< THE WES DURHAM4 ,JNews Block. çhere hnsuelf or assistant e iii le fcund frein 8a.m. te09 p.m. Night cailt at residemce.dlfcîîY OPPosite Drill Shed. Galle l'y felegrsph or telephene wÎiI receive prompt attention I..1.VL. 171-yr AUCTIONEER, -APPRAISER, Real u-,,,,,, .kent., Bowmiinvjlle, Ontario. £ales atended In Any part of Province. A. A. PONTI, AROHITEOT. Plans and Specifica, A !. ions prepared for every class of building. SPe C'al attention gven to heatjng by 8teamj Bnd hot water. and te sanitary arrangemrents5. Ofke orrie Block, Whitby 31 RPEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's Clotles Macle to Order. C.HARNDEN, L. D. S. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. COLO FILLINC A SPECIALTY Artificial Toeth inserted without Plates. reat Ileductions in price on ail Denta Work. 'Vitalized Air, constantly in use pro ducinigPainless Operations. Partienlar atten tien paid te the regulation of Chidrens Teeth 4T AL WORR WARRENTED 1U ]lranch Office, Dr. Rutherford's Oionc. Narrow Escape ef a WeIding Party. Tha Welsb newspapens report an exciting sdcee t Mucubles Hecad, wberc a usuriage party, ceasistingot six pensons, arrived from the Ogomor Valley. Tbey hined a Seat wmtlu accomojdefion ton four, lbut cqneczing tseinselves imb tis ecreft, tiiey atuempfed te neýw reund -ttiseMunscled.Tey go'eve , get miea 5treîîg currenit,au wcre being carnied Ouite sel, wbemm lcud crues reaclied 'bm rom tiesehlore. Tise>' miade fnantic efforts to etinec, but in fisc sîmuggle bots cars were lest in tise w.sten, and the party wcnc left at tise mercy of w av e. Betre aid coold neaclu tbem tise beat was dashed te piecea on tise rocks. Tise occupantessucre iisnown inte tise water, but atter a meut exciting sceeue tise>'sîccccded un reaciîg tise rocks,.lise bride and bride- groom were ian uneisîiotis condition for about an heur. Tise party was es-enically rescued. Tise bride je sf111 lu a precaniocus condition. Tiscre are two places where îf requires an effort te keep ene'e balance-on tise ice and ai tise bank. That nctbing le more easîly torgeffen tisan anu ombrelle or canee mc prom cd by a necent cale ef uucliied properi>' Ly e raiinoad cemnpcny. The lot cmprîsed neariy 2,000o uns rellas, more tisan l,CCO walkiag sticks and 300 parasols. AGRICULTURAL. rather long, lean neck, with clean-cut face endtering perente stand thic airain cf a long Old-Tîime flaying. înilking season. If a cew bas these five tisphayig, seetcthayng!peints she will usuially have thse power et Oh! hahy glec es ai n; serving aemnsweîî, ' With swingingscythes agem lis Inerry-niakens ail alieid--- Witis mernings resy bern, Ilsq clos en sceuf s and beoboliniks, Poultry for Women of Smal1 Oepititl. Ifsdiameund ipw, ifs-cheer; Tise iaying turne ic beiretinks, Seme eue bas said tisat "1thene ih notbing In ail tise goodiy 3gear . . wshicli c woman cen do se well as a man ex Wisen whéeling np tise ptrple east cept te sbeo a lien eut efthte garden." L, The gorgeons zc-,unbas li l certain thaitishere is noihing whîcls a we-. Tise Yelý-ow% bectio flewery feaf; inarea do et bouse wblcb will yield se Tise grass green minaret-îuc health, pleasure and "bard cash " asý Tise iîat3-tck, cone-lilzegivingoeut tecn fpuîy o h an uly A world oet pefune, borne ilecr fputy o h an Tbneug i many mreafs, a fairy route Even tise peer, frozen, lice-eaten towls (I! s Te fieldis of shiuling cern. bcd almosi writîen it feula) whîch one Wiseiî lasiing 'usd1 use grass, losis green, usuelly secs oule efata take hbearî whenl Tise gleamiug fork and scythce, warm weather ceuses and yield eggs and And ce as keeniy isigist,. weeu, stelen brocd,, cf chiekens enuuh ta e lcp As, vni crisslive;tefmlingoeisaniftý ao s Wben ftoaîaing up frein steinleslips th0aiyl rcneadi h csnl Tise frmer's song rings dlean, very tavorebl? tisere may be money enoîîgh Oh!wisat eaui îîayiug turne celipse. left te buy tise mistres a new gewu. Tise In ail1 telhappy yeanî master says if would bie cieaper te get id Tise isying lime! se beaufif ul of the troublesorne tbîngseand have enougis With labor's romance fiue. vegetables id t luntise garden for family use Wiseu hatsenibrace tise dutiful, instýead of keepiug a peck et lazy liens te L And weter flows fer in scratch up every seed anti et the cornants Whbe ietue sweeý f le king, and tmte, if hikn ha fh s on by tu og ,I eucs ee iiku ia fh t he ornei yema sa er, lîîngthinno asfacyditae A usenarcis cf tise bicîsedfi îl they would work ex-en greater luarnm, Aknigiteof igisdegnocc while yielding litile if auy umorc meuey. Whseuyeowes tahappy teil, Tise irst tliing te coisider in sîartiug Trihufe and fealir, ht olr uiesi as o *God blese tise worid! itaufuui Prime, ueapuîybsnesj os o its wiuten, coid and cjnan. thein cemfrnin. If rnay bie very cheap And bless ten-fold, tise bying finie, ansd ungainly, but hin uit be warm lun Tise giony of tise yeenr iliudao Rcis and admit ne drafts or if will net bie a succesa, If meîuey ie scarce e very cheap bouse ton feun or fiteeni lieus Dairies and Creameries. Mnay bie made by îetîing twe forked Frei tise Departineuit of Agriculture et sticks in tise greuud feu feet apant, flic Province et Ontario bas been received iscving thein seven teet llgis wheu set. Lay over "'Annuel URorts cf the Daiein a sire ol ces the sticks and put and Creansieies' Associations efthtie Province brusîs on rails aiong tiscie, nestîng eue end and Ontario" fortise year 1891. It centaine on the 91701,d1(aîad tise otiser on tise pole. over 200 pagea octave, filled witb incitera Covereen d ietise aides but tise ouher,ý et :nterest and value te Canadien dairy- whiclî sbould face tIes oufs,inust be board- men. Among tise subjecta niscussed ai tis ecd up and supplicd ivitl a wîde door, tise meetings of fliese associations wae ibat of upper baîf f etwbicl le glezed witb chieap testmng the milk efthtie individuel cows, and wiudow glasp. Ceven wini sterew, course cf tise combincd dainy in orden te ascertaini wecds or oîlîer refuse, holding if in p-lace tise neal value et the milk for buttie and witlu enst. Thsis .saes a wcrmnlighe hvel clseese. If ie a 'veny comnuon cusionu for tiseetoflthe sent wisiclî ued teaSeiesmade te store- managers et cheeEe and butter facionies te potafees and apples un wisen cellars werc i pay eacci patron tise saine prise per pounid net se pleut iful. If unmatcbed boards are tor hie inilk as is paid teail otiser patrons. tued fontise front tise cracks slîould be bat- Wisilc if seeins just te pay tise same pnîce edwihltanteisd cvr ih per peumîd te ail patronus, tisere is more or papen. Streng wrappim; papen pasted on lees discaîiîfactioîî because sortie f amers sineeiily will do very vil if if je nef desir- fced fisein cews se well, lu orden te get al ed te spend mneey ton tcrred papier. tise nilk possible, that tiseir milk is evi- Inuscslectîng fowls tise hegiiier must de- denuly, riciser ; tisat is centaine more but- cide wisetlîersise inteunds tamake a'pee-iaiîy ter in a given quanîity than dees t he milk et eggs or drcssed peultny. If fur tromt tise alt-starved cews of anotber pat- eggs , tise sînaîl breede are' ro doubt non. Mlk ceniains fisree contiuent- best, Ilieugis tiere are few et the besf fat, caseine and water. In tise nîghi pro. knowu breeds wicb wîll net nespond portion tiiese will make a perfect cheese. te tise propen kind of cane, 1 have pure Poor milk frein 11-ed cows, bas ton mucis bred Brown Legisenmîs and a mixture et waten and tue uitile ufthtie otisen substances. Ligbt Braismas aîd Wyandottes in my flock, If ie fouud fluet tise fat and casciuue are gen. and wisile tise Legliorns iatte tise lead wben erally propertienate taecacis otiser, and the tise cicumestauces are al favorabule, they watcr ie the variable constituent. Tise dii - f ccl e chance chilI more tisai ftise large fenence in value betwecn plier and Lgeod milk tewls, and tbey are suds epinionated littie was illustraîed by Prof. Robenîsun by in- wncetcises that tisey soenis insis ipue stcncing tise casaeoftiwo tanusere takiîîg leeving f hem su;ug quartera ton soine cold eacb e fat steer te market. One efthtie crner, if givein flueir libserty, anud tise resuit teers was a lab-sided, cearse animal, tain. le disasirous te tiseir egg record for a tew ly fttened, and weigbed 1,000 pounde. jde3 s. lie wa 4 years old, baving been stunted! Fowle ehouîd lbe kept uoder perfect -cou-. wben yecng. Sncb au animal wouid be trol iii winter aîîd not aleowed tea wacder. soldat 3ceuitsperpound,bringirlg$fle. Thse But ubeir evidest enjoyyment tcumpts niete oiler steer wcs a 2-yecr od, wbicis badl let themu mun ont on sunsiiy days sund it le ciways bEen wel ted, and alse weighed ofet thie case that eue pays'for tise pleasuire 1,000 pounde. This steen wouid se 1 et 5 iii c l8se et eggs. cen ts per pound quieker tirait tiseaitler Most peultrymuen agree that ~tise W yani- would at 3 cents, aîîd would tisenetere brin, dotte,orPlyrnoutI Rock is the faniner'a twlu1, $50. Togetiser tise steers wouid brnug ss. and ne doubt îhey are as nean 'reneral- and it the mney sbould se divided ac- purpese toxls " as euie carn find. Bti lat- cording te tise weiglst cf the efeers, butter- ex-en Sreed is chiosen sele oe breidstc faciory style, one fariner would get $10 less frem e geod strein. It is ivice for a n jovice than belcnged teahis, and tlîe othen $10 te beginu ber work with peultry iîUtie.sping, more. Prof. Roetnson gave tests of milk as ail tise conditions are favorable and neli- cacis mentis et a Venaient creanîenY, wbich [ie puovides a great dccl et substance tor necelves tise milk frein 700 dainies. Tise tiselheu &t little or ne 00sft. If tisefol uilk bere is paud for accordiîîg te tise have unliiiitudeii-ge, as tliey osuially duono ameunt et butter-fat ie if, In Jonc tise a tanm, tisey wîll do weil and net ha uudly pocresi dairy neceived 56 cencts per 100 miseli-,vous if tlîcy have eue geod feed ecis pouuds ot milk, auîd tise bect one got 81 day, with pienty ot pure wafer aind a pant of cents. Tise diffenence incneased napidly setmik fetialcersrescpy mentisatter inonts, util in October tise If tlue monning fced is made i-,flti o f p2cnest miik broelht 92 cents, and tise beet muslss uiss "htfise bette<as-vity cen lbe $1.56 spver 100 peuinde. Prof. Robertson ,_ý î ained enu&ncasir thianwisen grain is edvised every cream ,- ?, aconf' ied wiiele. Dry Seamme, furuips, carnets, te get c Babceckmil mk-tester, and use if enuali Pc ta-ce , aud ex-en tise lit uer tron tise centantly. Dairyuseu wmo nmake fiseir bey new may bie boiled anud îlickened witis owu butter weuld fiud tise tester uctuli in buckwheeî, baAey or otiser grain gunoîuuid painting eut,,tise poon and unprofifabe cowes ansd mixed wif h wbeat bansl on ciip- in tise bord, Tise Babcock tester is sold by tuif. Saine icect should be gi'Veil in dealers in dairy untensils, and itbosc wbo soose bfrus. If a ione cutter leaces bave tried it flnd if uccurate, and it le net ible there is nc-uhiig, betuen tigree cxpcnsive. If doos mut pay te keep poor boises. Auy iuîcacn pound asl oe cowe un a dairy, and judginp frein tIhe dis- iute availaischape wiih a mmli îjedge dussions attise Ontario conïvenitions,->tise banuer and a hi-, suan. Oysien ,1L and -, Babcock tester affords an easy and ciseap ahelîs inay be rednceed iii tbssaielevav. if mîetiisof detpecîn io thelees cows. fiseboules arc large and tougî roet th eminc tise oven until , iip, and tisere wili be no.ç (Janadian- bred Olydieadalaeg. tîisle witilît iluenu, avud tisefowlslike tise change. Rclw beetu are uîîuchn-lsedb Cih c,-ipbsd Ctlydýedales and fiW , euý,s aud ikeep themin iigý.ood. :utebu cnigit bc uppocd, tiose ired ad teL , aien nmusi b 'e very isungry btr u vi in Caricda, but in rtere s ocf tisaI c c unp uesi cioudfneTise anm le wbicis(do not trace ou f isc sidec, f tîeusdare lice and moistu e. Tiscin isoucec tise dam te an inîpertedl mare. At tise Pro-.iol ekp en n r n eeeu vincial Spring Stallion Show, beld let Ta- 8oue toie , isold n iseuseýr deycleg enta, in Mercis, tise wiuner etf the finit prtze as a bouse us left in tisein quartera. The in tise eged claie waa Pride ef Dollar f962-) casiesi and safet way is ho use kerosene wluo was aiso tise wiiter a year cge. IeI is emulsion witls a force pump sncb as.is oued sated te bie by Pide et Perth (282) ont cf te spray fruit trees. Tise nu ixture sboulld be a mare by Sir Williamn Wallace (123). Tise Ised vcry siroug and cure siuld ise fckeuu winuer of finstiun three.yecr-eld dlass was te make if reacis eveny crevice butise build. Oliver Yef (1838) who ih by Oliver Twist inETsssîod~e oei ieieun (873) out cf a mare by Boydcf ou Boy (216.) sen1trts in aelf lenFrhs dia-bed lyeedlc, sd ndiafe miu. seiabsfereni esuaen e dpt t i e re. DEPL0BUiBLE I1êSS 0F LIFE. A Sad ShipwTeok off Yarmouth N . Fesertesi t ives Lost Ont of a Total ef Twenty-seva.n on Board-Tlie Captain's wille andi Chilel Arong the test-Try- lng xpr orceetthe Itescued-The Vessels Owil ela Lendion. A4 Yarmoiiuth despatels sevs :-A sad ship- wrceek, involviug the lois of 14 lives, ocdur- r4d off Y arînouth barber lait uight. At 9 >'ulock tii morning a great quautity et deals drifted ashore nortb of Chebogue ipe(int and then a damaged life boat with thirteonen xlausted sailors was washed ashore in the surf, aud the men were helped up te the lbuses ýaud cared for. Tlsey prov,- cd to be Capt. Henry Hughes, bis firsI mate and il of tlie crew of the Liverpool iren ship Peter Stuart, bo'înd from St. John for Liverpool wvith deals. The second mate and 13 others, inclading tise captain's wife and ehild, were drowned. The Stuart weî towed as far as Briar Island on Saturday merniuig, and the captain, ai ter getting within 10 miles cf thse lucher buoy, rau 50 miles west, and then headed down tise bey, altlîough be îbought be had made ellowauce te, carry hum feir off land aud ledges. Thcy brouglît up at S o'clock Suuday evcning ou .sore rock oSt Chebogue Point, sîîpposed te Gannet rock ledge. THE S111P BROutE UP vmd ail the boate but the lîfe boat wene srnashed. In cutting away the life-boat she m.psized, Thse captain'î vite and child were nev er -eeu egain. Some of the crew, who were throwu on the floatiug deals frei tise broken-ep vessel, managed te niglit the boat and fouud the captain sf111 alive îînder- neath. AIl who could be seen were pieked upr, and the boat stood byv fi' daylight, wben the firsf mate and sonne cftilie others were picked up. 'lith,18 ont oethtie 27 lives the boat started eway front fli coee et the wreck, net a vistage eof the vesîcl ne- înaiuiug. The boat bad b'-en damaged, and filling, was again capqized, but they got ber righted and steered towands land.- Four more bcd, bowever, beeu lest, and before they got te land if was fouud a, dead body uamed -Alexander Troop was wasbiug about ini the almosi submerged boat and thse corpse was pushed off, This body drifted eshore, and se far bas been the offly eue recovered. The captain, mate and several of thse crew were badly bruised, and the sailmaker bad bts leg brokeîî. The vessel was loaded by Alexander Gibson, and fthc cargo was prob- abl insured. Thse vessel was uninsured. Sise was owned by Thomas Stevens & Son, Lno. SÀDŽ.ESS IN ST. JOEN. ST. Jois-e,, July 9.-Tse wneck et the Peter Stuart, wîtis its terrible lose et lite, cansed sad feelings bere, theugh noue cf the decd belon g te this province. Several et the meii shipped cithtis pcrt, but tisey were forcigners. Captain Hughes, during bisn:tay bere, mad:ý many friends. His wife formed a cîrcle cf pleasant acquainlances by wheîu se was mucb liked. Tise child was about -lyears elà. The lumber cargo of tise Peter Stuart was fnrnishied by Alexander Gibsen, and, like the vessel, 'aas insured in Eîîglcnd. UANADA'S LUMBER INDUBTRY. lThe Oupeuifreontthe Ottawa Ilisîiet. Adespatch frein Ottawa saje -Jt le .estimnated that 30000lge will corne down tibe sîreauns cf tise Ottawa ditrcttas sommiler. These loge will corne down thse Ottawa, G atineau, Missiseippi, Blanche, \ orts Nation, anîd Rouge rivers, and will be used by the mouIs eat Ottawa, Arupnion, Breidre, Jlawkesbuny, Rocklcnd, Carleton Place, aud \4/ontreal. 0f tise 3,000,000 legs i ilentioned, about 2,000,000 will cornte down tise Otawariver, 600,000 down tise Gatineau, 200,000 on thec Blanche, N',ortb Nation, sud Rouge rivens, and 200,000 dowu tise MiGsis. ippi. Tisnee million legs, e t au estfimaîed average yield et 1lÎ feèt, board measure, per feu, will give a total board measure ef 375~,0(30;000 feet for ail the mille cf the ettiawa district. This quenîity cf sawn -ube, t-i average price et $15 per 1,000 fet i nean a turnover cf capital te lise sure ef $45,775,000 in tise mills et the Ottawa district. Of the 3,000,000 loge ceming down a tain percentage iselongs te ihose, lef t over lait season. Taerefore tbe actuel eut in thec woods during tise pcst season canuet bc judged by tise figures given. Frei aill information tiet enu be gathered the lumber drives are now ail sae, excepi c few small cnes thzttwere abandoîîed earlylu tie season. As a- reauli of the iîeavy reins the water iu tise streamF lbas remeîned about eîaîieuany et a goed level for the, lest tbree or four weeks. A large Stock of well selected Arnerican Wall Papers, chieap' auci beautiful from 62ts. to 50ct3 fer roiL Cai and see for yourself be-. foie purchauinug elsewhere. Ail colors, of Paints ready for use, guarantced to give good satis-. faction, Floor plaint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Briishes aud.t Whisks. Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Gi âinng and Paperingdone promptly- and satisfactoxily. For aillof whîch ealu at SHERlIN &.KlBlS South side King st., betwetn releven'a and Reid% Shoe etoires,Bostnie HAINES, GARRIAGE WûOKxS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, -MAN FAT Rir - GARRIACES5 8LEICHSe 0UTTERS> WId1 >&O RING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. New on baud a number of vehic'ies and is manufacturiug a great; many oeetts it3 patterns and best finis~h, which arniofferingfer sale at thse lowest price ~issOl wihdue regard to workmanship, and quaiity. The following is a list et thse principal vehiclee rnnufactured by me !Double Covered Carniages . ,...$1..50 ..........a...d. Single Phaetons. ................. ........................... 10U Open Buggy............ ........................ ........... 70 Top Buggy.......................................... 9 Dernocrat Wagons ....................................... 65 C Lumber Wagons ... .........l.........55 Light Wagon,.................................. 40 " - Express Wagon .................................... .........75 Skeletoli .............. ............................ ........ Ob( Sulky.... ............... ......................l............4 Possessingsuperier facilities for rnsuufactnring carniage, intenldteouvr eafrc.s. approved credit, and by se doing i hopc tte greatly increase My n ofer e1tals. We seil the wvood pairts only, or the gearings of buggiesirnd Ail Kinds of Vehicles Repýàikd At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Triusmed if Deýsure4 At, thse Factory 1 also do Planning, Matrhin4, Tnrning- and Sawing withCreBudoirq Saws. and propane ail kinids ef lumber fec carp-nters and others for biling purpoil Ornamaaitýal and Plain Picekets for fanc2s in every style reduirad, îndl e oder East nd Grain Deo The undersigned desire to, th ank the farmers of West Durhamû for the liberal p)atronage extended to us durinc, the, past seýason, also to remind them that we are btiil in the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKErT PRICRî ALI KINOF CODARSE GRAIN &ASES deiivered ait otnr storehouse cor. King 'and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, HEW AND FRESH, of Canadia-i and L;îvrpool Coarsýe Salt, in Bg.Rocýk Sait for cattie aiid h eard Fr(esh Ground Grey iPlaster in -Barrels Nvich Ne are lirepared to sel Ail kinls of Lutnber, WVood and DRY CLEA.N SCUEENEI) COAL a'ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MeCLELLAN TG FROST & WOODI SMITI-1S FA LLS, 1Vanufattrirs ot ilite folio ivin frs-cas Single Apron 'Steel Frarne Binder, The Model Buckeye Moweýrs, Daisy ReaDer, The 4'Tiger," the LýeadingR&e Steel ?lows, etc. AGENT Also agent for Draders',Spade H{arrow, the best Pulverizer, Cultivator and H-ar,-rowvj made. See it. W. H. OSBORNEt SPECIAL AGENT FOR}I-J ýToE AWY for Infante and Children. ~Oatxai e el datdYpchr=a atot re Cle ostptos I rcomned i;04soerirt anprccrpUo ESour tom% ,Dr)4rlioa, F.ructatioil. inown tomre." H.L A-. ÂcrnMm. D, f ws omaives aleep, %Ui 4promODt" l ~ ~.o~ t.. ~, . ~.i gStiUon, 2109 Otod t. BILwÛit injurionsmeiao. TUs E e'ua Coxraxr , 7 ira tet . FOR SALE BY J. IHIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE4'ý WV. W. DICÈKEY Office. -Post Office Bok Celle b>' telegraphu or telephone rec2ive im mue liste attention. JXMBIACOMBE -- ENTIST, OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Iligginbotham &, Son's Drug1 Store, (down stairs) BOWMÂ.NVILLE VETERINARY SURGEON, JIOWItIANVILLE, . ONTý DYEINC AND CLEANINO Ladies' aud Gents'weéar oe-aIl kudFeathi ers, GloeRibn, aeCurarea ail kinda of fancy goods Dyed, Cleened r Frenchi Cleaned. Work positively guaran- teed the best. No peddling wagon emnployed. A reliable agent in every towni. BRITISH AMERICAN, DYEINC C'Yqý 'oid Medalist Dyers. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. Agent in Bowînanviile. J. H. DOBSON, STATIONER. Gents" (lothing Ceaned, Dyed, Pressed snd Repaired b>' THOS. PEAT, tlyer and Clothes Cleaner. UCcds werrented to l'e as no one wlll know them f rom new when done. CG.r9irRing and Ontai Strece. THE f ALL WA1NT IT. tlfaiiuee l'rsavicîce t'aieerî Urgxe the ee-I ct'eileîiSeacahl ers ac Adsacsfrein ýIaIifax scys :-NÀews lppens et dt i nenîiiwe. prevîusees are ong- unig upon tise GoverumeoI(it'tisenecssf c ani iInýpree lnO rie , pOJImtiàng oct flic great _benietIs is at weuid accroc te andcspeciahIy flue part efthtie Domnin- ion, if eue e 4uai or cuperier te fisc crack hunes were established. A nomber oftpapers, urrespective et policeà, favor iuegotiatsuns wnth tise C.YP.R., wIlieis ee.npauy iiîey as- sent, weuld give a service equal te nequire- menti, and intute ie otis e acitiasame enengy and enterprise wisich bas been dis- played in tise weat tbrough ifs efforts, and re-enict bere the marvelieus decclopineut noficeable iseyond lake Superier. Judging frein tlein edifenial utterances any tain and reumenaisie arranîgement wbich would guar- cntce a service as efficienti on tise Atlantic as the C. P.R. pos.cesses on tise Pacifie woold mcdi witb onbounded fax-or. JUST LISTEN.S