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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1892, p. 7

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01AT 1FUL- 00. FORTINO. "By a thiorh knowledge or the naturai Iaws whuh- ýgoveèrn tue operaialns of digest,31 anid nutrition. suad by a caîref. .i applcation o! ji -l prties et welt-solected Cocoa. Mr. cppsIsas provided aur breakfast tables with a deliatey flvord beerae w ich ay save us sn hav dactora' bis. It is by the Judicious use off ignc articles off diet th.t a constiution may begraduaily bujît up untîl strong- enýougli ta resist every tendency to disee.0 Hundreds off subtie maladies are flOati îgaro-und us ready Ioasttack wherever there Js a% weak point. We may escape many a fte,,liaft by Leeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pronerly nourishe d ramel. '-",Civil Service Gazette." Made slmply wil h boiling water or mille. solM only in packete. by Grocers. labAtlod thus *YAMF.S EPPS &~ Co., Ilemoopaihic Chem- 5s'.London., Engl]and, Lifo Assurance. g.McGinty-Did yez say Denny's loife sinsure-d? M rs. 0llaffety-Naw, indade. -Mrs. McGinty-Bedazd, an' bim a workin' ou th' rocks wid th' blasths an' tbings. Shunre. Moike bas bis loife insured, or, bie- dlad, many's the toitno he'd been kilt long aga. Th' other day a blastb wiut off before lie knowed it, an' divil a schratch dlid be g1t. Loife insurance is a faine institution, and prevents many a leddy bein' a widdy before ber tolîne. For Ovea, FifLv Years Mas.- ' SLOW'S SOOTHING Svnup bas beeu uîed by millions off mothero for their chidren wtiilý teething. If disturbed at night and brokjn off your rest by a sick child suffering and criug with pain off Cutting Teefli send at once snd get a battle off "Airs. WinRlow's Sooting Syrup"fer chidren teething. hI wIll relieve the poor litile stsfl'rer immediately. Depend upon ilt, mothoes there is na mistatte Iibaut it. It cue Diarrhoea, regulates the S1ùonacli sud Boel.ures. Wind, Colic. îoItens the Gums, reduces Inflammation and gIve ro ansd energy ta the whole system MisWinsia w's Seothing Syrup"l far children teething îs pleasaut ta the taste and la the pirescli Ain off ane off the aldest and best te- male pohysicians aud nurses in the United SIetep: Price 25 cents a bottle: Soid by ait druggists thronsehout the warld. Die sure sud ask fo'r 'Miis; Wissaw's SaoTHiNG SyRup" They Made Him Active. Youug Physician (ta patient): - lDid you f ollow mny directions iu taking the littie pis--one cvery Iliree haurs ?" Paiet "Veil er-yan see, doc--" Y'oung Pbysician : "Great beavens! Yo)u didn't take them of faner tbaiî that ?" Patient: "I didnx't take any. My littie boy got hald of the battie iu the niglit and àte tbe!in ail up." ongPhysician (hastily): Where is Pat'ient :"The last I beard of bim, he ivas oat in tihe back yard stonin ucats." (jatarrll. CATAIGITAI DEAFNESS-HAY FEvER-A NEw HoTtE TREATMENT. Sufferers are fot generally aware that the2se Cdiseases are contagions, or that they are due ta the preseuce af living parasites ii the ]uing, suembra'ne of the nase sud nutah antbes. Microscopie research ho' m aiba oved this ta be a fact sud die i,,sult oý Ihiîs discorery is -that a sim- Iol remedly bas beeu far.mitated where- y catarrh, catarrhal deafnýess and hay feVer are permanently cuzred lu aone ta thiree, sîiple applications made ait home by the patient once in twa weeks. N. .-This treatment is not a înuffl or an ointment; bath have been dis- uaddas injuriaus. A pamphlet ex- pluigthjs new treatment is sent free oni receipt of stamo) ta psy postage, by J. G. Ijixon & Co., 345 West King St. Tor- Drto Canada. -Christian Advocate. ifeerers fromn Catarrhsal troube ýhudcaýrefully read thse aboase. A Merchant's Test. Nlerebant (who bas advertised for a bay, ta' tentis applicant) : "Vieil, my littie mari, hihwauld you prefer ta do-wark or est À?"1 Tenýt à Applicant (aaruestly) "I'd rather1 est, sir, auy time."I MI,'rcblant (approvingly); "Thàt's riglit, -Y lad ; you'd be s foui if, you wouldn't;1 and ya may have the situation I offer, as1 yuare the first lad who lias applied for it thýa t hia s, o d the tr o Uh." Whein Paby was sicir, we gave lier Castorit, When'ý she was a Chitd, she criefi for CasIons., j Wlsen shecame Miss, she clung ta Castoria. W-;l sh lad Childrea, s gave themn Castania. IA ÙèAicate P'oint. Cholly : "'Do you think, my love, tisat yocur fth;er will consent ta aur marriage?" In l O f course papa wili be very Sors'y ta ios me, darling," Cblyt"But I wi]l say ta htm that in- Anlge].: "Iwouldis't do that, love, if you ieýiJy ant e. apabas three such sons I iyi ièenw n he's a littie touchy on 1 3 i T. BAD LUCK TO TIE lIANCIL Il Came of s 'Visil off a Pretty Young English Bride. A Ftace 55 !reîsknack Spees Wits an Ari- es Tumua mmianda1Faa5l Mihap liant Pre- venlea Wut~orse Tragedy. Vibentise catîlo naisuug business avas at tise zanili off ils prasperily in Wyomsing, astd whan Cheayennse -as lu its giory, tIare avre no more familian figures aI tise Chey- anus Club tissu Iluse off lav youug Englial- mca wbrc. aaere mak[ug big uuouey out off a large ranch some' thinty miles from tise luavu, aviera bhey not ouly raisatilied, but liraI drauglist hlaes from Percheron andl Clyleadals stalluna. Botis wcre undar 30. Tailleuar, thue eider, came off ait oui famîily, whilIe Valsopp avas tise son ai a rihais naun- facturer w a 4balsent bim off ta e V/aWst la leeep hlm froim fliigiug monay imb the Landau gutrs. It wss genensihy suppos- aI tIsaI Valsopp's faths a bilpaiî fanrbthe rancis sud stock, but thc two appearel to dis-Ide tise profits, and, t suy rata, avare on tle very hast off ternis, sud, sîsaugis ai- avays gttyii.g snd iausghirig amcli aller, avre pmacicliy insepanahle. Oua day, a 11111e as-ile alter tise spring round up, Iisay, la coîupany wiîis a isumiser off olher catîlamen fraî isahecloub, bailsatun- taraI doavu to tise station to a aaatisath Pacific express go Iliraugs, v'hichs aas ans of thse dsy'a diversions, visaistisa iraI avent proof avas gis-en ta tisein camp suions Ibat neilisen off ism iastoasel a risougislon lise iffa thal thsey isadlbefi lehuil Ilium, ansd from vluichs ticy bal apparais Iy SEPAEATED THETISELVES ENTIRELv, for tiscy usualhy avant 1e Caliloruisas-bau bisay lef t tise rancis inaeal off running aven ta Engl -au hntlssy conl geltIsae chance, as dil most off tîseir campatniots lu tise caIlle country. Tisane came ouI on tisa platfform ai tise observation car a youug sud vsny heantilul Euglush aomani, foiboas-al ly au eidcrly man, who avas obsiousiy bier isusbanil. Tailleur anil WaIaopp bath casgisigisî ai lise pair aIthe samne moment. Tise loal rusisel la thein faces sol lhseysteppel for- aarl. Tise Englisis asoman startel a iittle as se recoguizeil thoam,sud tisan hsld ont bollulber bauds. Tisera was au aninmaed sadsaling ail round, sud than a quicle intencisuga off questions sud ausasers, lu wbich tise fiua-hooleîug aid isbaul joinal ffreely until tisa train pulied out. 1Durng tise shsort interview tisa parnnrs lied ilhs Mrs. Forbes-Bninton _(wiicis may .stand for lier real usmne) sisa muaI ither hava gis-en tbam au adînesa ta avhich tisay sulisaqunuly wnotc, an then sud tisaeebava promised i a svisil on han reluru, for se andilisr husaisu appeanul again at Cheay- aune, gaing eass, lu the course off a wee or lau daya, sud stoppaI off, la la met by hanr al loversansd canniedailta tiseir ranch, wbanc sise aas royalhy eulerîaiuuad. Hunt- iug parties wene made up for thcm, sud tise guides saId tisaI abs was a gaul aloi amd laulleil a Winchester rifle avitlu sasa. Also setoaagreat inteesat lu the is-a stock, aud Ihat was tise begiuning ai ail tise 1111- culy; or ratisen il aas waa suppiel a anus fanrlise troublea that arase ai Ian abs bal gous away ta concentraeIs sd1 upon. Tisosa îwo paon yauug fllows abanid have beau satiafleil witis tiein 111 lucle in meeting tisa girl wbomr thay augisita b ave f orgottea. Probsbly se bailno îlesase was domug su nnaaiac tbing in accepting Ibair haspilaliîy, sud neyer suspectaI alftarwau-d thai han vslit wasa ayliing more tissu A CASL'AL INCIDtENT af tiseir rather lonely life. Auyliaw, Mna, Forbes-Bnintous weut away affien a faav bay' tay boadeil up witis more memenloca off yaming 111e tisai se conlpossilby lias-e aantal, andilhsving acceptaI, afflar aome nrging, tisa promise off a pair of farmi hou sas selactel lrnmamong ltae colts wisicislbar boats then bal on tisair stock fsrm. Aller se bal gona lotis wemsllack e thie club sud dranle more tisan avas goal ion tbam. And a man' can standl a goal beal avien lie la id- sng ail day long. I)inking diIInat burl Waiaopp'a lamper, ttîgl il made lim inattentive ta business, huis Taillaon'a nerve sulfatIebadby. Ha li- cama moodly, growvl, on remaluel allant whbcu Valsopp trial lu jolea ailh is bund o gava signsa ta liseîseeded lattiîug alane. Walsopp, isoavavr, avas not aires-nssougis ta sece this, sud lise moodien Tailleur grew tise more ie endeavorel ta nausa hii uta ahana bis oavn acless gayaly. One dlay bise foreman off île rancis roda up ta lise bouse toa sal for directions ais some malter ai businsîs. V/aisopp taikedi l ven ail is isinsdhewaas about going away avbeu Trailleur ooleed îsp fnom thc easy clair in aviicislie avas siîting sud saId: " Fairbanks, I waaîsyau ta brand tisaI pair ai draugisl borsea avlich waas sel asile for Mrs. Forbea-Brinton." Thie foraman hoolesilat iinlaseimeastan- ishusent, sud Vialsopp saId quicllyt "V/ly Tailleur, wa isaIlutisename off gobssess do yan aant Ibis doua for?"t " Tiat's my lekaut," said Tailleur, is- inug, "I1 want ih bouse. 1mesu tisIa se, salilenuw iiey causa from us, do you unu- lersatu '" " Wiy, avio aise avolil tiey cama fromr," said Walsopp. "My dean dean boy, are yen mail '" Tailleur tunnel simd wslkad away. A day on tv-o aler ie brougst lise subject up again sud vael tisaItishe branding shonlil ha lona at once. V/aîaopp, vhuo lu tisa meautima bail bee a sanel by the fotre- man tisai Taiileur's minI was nais ruouîing avas t c a llad tIsaI they liaI sîrayel nway or bail been alolea by nuabiers. Unfortun- atahy tI-laexpeiant, tle aisdom off aviia wns entinaiy supenfical, asas aiopteid, sud affler tisacolls a bieen apiri -r!off tisýe Iual- unal resait flloaveilOuzn cu i tisein bass, Tailleur fieavInoas great passion, abus- aI everybody for incompebause sund came- lesaneas, anul insistail ou advertising in al tise V/yoming papiers sud os, uatiffying ail tistoclren. Off coturse tise colts ware ual fonul, sud Tailleur, wisa uow assetal v.ilh franti ansd paitffl veisemaucea tI is sala ramaining intercat il 1fe was ta place lhem in tIse banda off Mrs. Forbes-Brnaon, toole ta mauuting a hanse sud iling ail day lu searai off tisent or tiscmatlens who liaI car- riad 15cm off. Tis was %, goal tiing 1in ans way, for constanst liffe in tise saille again migist liave liagunuacure, but V/aisopp hecame alarmaI, andin ii is fear bisat Tail- leur aoul came te some ltarnmon lisese long salitsry rides on avîichihe wouid ashow no ana ta accompauy iim, onlerel Fairiankls 10 bring tise colts back etSIobee anti couletisp any story tisaI avulil aaialy Tailleur. .AstI 00w tise 'est place ni bal inde was yelta coma, for il se bappeil dtisaI Fairbanks, who siipped off aller tise colts oueaday wben il waa îbougist tisat Tailleur bts1 gone on anc off iis protracteil journeys, roda ont off s uitIle wood inta bis arme with tise colts lu baller. Tailleur rode aI Fairbanks and tIse coav- boy ivbo was witls lim lilea a madmaîs, sud in a ioarsc s-alec demandaI te kuaw wisenc haeissd foussd île colts. Fairbanks stammen- aI aven lis ncply, sol Tailleur inaîantiy accused hlm off hssving ATTETSPTEI) TO STEAL TT5EM. Fairbansks recovared bis presence off mid aI once sol hegamn a xplanatuon, but it wasas 100late. Tailleur avoulil ual listais. He ilîew bis revolver suid onlered Fairhauks te rida hotme wiîis hlm aI once, sud isave tise mattar setlel aitishe ranch. Fairbans assentad i ss realsucas ta comply, anti throw- ing the ballera ta tise coas-oy Irova is spors labo bis hsorse. Tailleur wbaeled ta acaampauy hlm, sud tisey bal goume but a fcw paces as-isu bbc malman penceivel tisaI bise colts wane bcing lait iehiid. Ha veinaI iin sud shouted anarlly laetise cowlioy ta folio w a1 top speî. Ibis lef t Fairbanks a uittle lu ailvaulca. Tailleur, thiuking tisaI hae waa tryiug to, escape, fit-ad aI hlm sud mussed utm. Tise foreman saeiug tisaI il was a mad- man vis wbom lelisailta deal, lnew bis lawn revolver. Tailleur aveitoole iim, ind tlie-ynrode on ida by sida, covarnug cacis atiser witis Ibeir dnawu waapous. The cowlioy tunnel tisa colts otze sud foliowal them. Fan miles lbey roile ou thus togatisan, île hanses gailopiisg aI linealenecle speel, Fairbanks expectung tisaI eveny umoment avouble iis test, sud yul, by siseen lance off will, nastnainiug lîimselff fram flring. Tise malmans burning eyas were glarsng int bis, asd that tisair fierastblreastcnings off insantul lests lid ual once munerve hlm during tisaI long ansd sas-fui rida is tisa iigis- est tributs ta bis powera off self-contraI. Hie fait, isowavar, tisat uuiaess Tailleur again suspectaI hlm ofainug ta escape lha wouid ha saîlufled, withib ie impression tisatieh was.lniviug bis pisofier ta tisa ranch. Sa hae diI not pull lise bigger. Tisey bail been i ditug for aven au hour wbeu tisey passaI tise first hune of'f wire lances, wiis stiscy were a littia out off bise trace, tal'hansces bale on tise gailop, ieapiug th iat;iaie by aida. As Iisay sttiel down into thein sînide agatu Tailleur scsm- aI taeinotice tisaI Iiey wena nearîng home, sud boaleail fonwsrd as if ta sas if tise bouse wassta sigist. Fairbanks made asaulden' longe sud kuocleel the pistai f rom Iis isand, Tailleur turnnai in funy. A,ýtlite same mo- ment bis hanse stumbiledsol Ibreas-bisa. Ha was pickeciusp deaà, his necle baving beau brakea. Walsopp soli the rancis slsorîiy afferwarnd d a'nt bains ta Eng- land. Notlsiug mare lias been beard off lsiunin V/yominug. THE ViILD ZEBRA, fais UeCha'nîge lus Stripnes 'sVleit r'uied? Aimoat every writen avio treals off tisa colora off animais talerasO flGaiton's obsera-- teas tisat lu tisa liiglit starligîl off au Africas, ulis eliras are pnacticaily inîviisil aveu aI sasort distinas ; lut tisane dan lie no bull tisai tîsein paculiar atripal appean- noce is aiso off gresit --,îectivuo vaine in broal ilsyligist. On as recessuh elira hunt nean Cradocle, la whicis I taule part seoal usemlers ai aur parîy commentaI ou tbe diffi]culty off seeiig reliras aveu aI molrate distancdes, aitisoug t tiseaasas notlsiag ta bide lisei, tise blacle nul visita stripas bleudsssg se camplebeiy tisaI thie aoimale assuma a dih linowa appearance quile in isanmauy witi tisa generai colon off tisa iucaiity iowbicis Iisyaneffound,andi l a'iicls fan instasnce, Rooi aisoole (Peleas aroa la alsa wel protectei oun acountoff1us paculian broasnisis cuat. A memben off o'sn psriy, as-li on anatheri occasion gave proof that lie la poasessel off excellant cycaigis, sud wso lias fraquessîly buntel in similsu' lacalities, saw a zains wblab was woundcd iii ouaoff tise front legs, aI a distance off about 400 yards, andi atratuge bu say haielekil for a hig baliun. In n latter avhichu I receiveil fromi ins s faw laya ago, lha saId:' "Il galiopeil> like aàlia- boan from me, sud I coulil only sesliaItisae colon was grayisis-lrowii. At aliaut 500 yards ffom ssa t rau as tetaa utIle lranîr, sud mauoting the igihest racle, dreas-ils body togathan jual as a baboon doas wiseu ils four feel arealal togaîher outhie summil off a litle racl." fils remarle as laetise gray- lsh-brown colon off tIse animai is tIsa more valuahle, as I bliee-e lis geulemat', Mn. V/ranch, A, R. M., off Cradoale, la quite ns- prejudicel. Iu my owu laîlers taelim, - s-iais drew forth Ilsese nemanles, I bail oniy asked hlm for the distance aI wbich hae saw lise zains, sud I ilid ual asalehlm iow it ii as hae mistooii a hlacle-anil wiitc zebra fan s lirown haboosi on a perieutlly cîan Sauts "Centainly ual, This is a pris-ste housa, Sir-a ahome, nota lioariing-liouae. " "Tien I have basa misinformel." "I sisoull ssy sa. Beîug ianely, I take a ffew guestsat eiglil dollarss a weele. Wouid yau iles ta sas the roama '?" Children Cry for Paon child ! Saessasoxv se bal neyes beaubi hiltli girl wss peacafnlly rcpcsiug, Lulls sal liu tise bigist favan by bier faIsan. ciaspeil tigbitiy ta han linesn. Tise ieal off Han birtis hail cansed baer motben's lests. I"tisa minority " wass lowel loav, sud bis Not ouly bail se beau tise barbingen off mis- lips were moving lu allant prayer sud biess- fortunie-thisnîlgisl have beau forgisen- sng. but Mn. Sîradwici lhaIl wistsel for s sot- for an baein to thse usine, fame and asIates off A faw laya ai tan Mn. SlralafIi's couali- Iheousofftralwile.Andisereyoubavaa tuants met lu sole.iu conclave sud passeî s fîîntbcr aine la tise indignation off tisa fathen vote off censure upon hlm for bis absence ils ha Irove ta Selton station, tuins si fseim tise division-s vote is-iicis every anc arabian. ; ta ie tsars off tise ciîli as site wil, off course, admit tisat ise lasers-ad. p1tcher'i a trxflos is bistony usade I ~1 Thus is History Made. wept ber littie iseart out, lu soiitary con- It was a period off great political excite- finement, uncouscious Of tise enornity off ment. Constitutîou-wîth a capital C- tise deed se bai perpetraled ispon tbe began ta make frequent appearauces, as il bonoratie meîober, bis constituants, and tise bas a isabit off doing at suds tinties, l iseitinuhe asmiy f bci sw a public prinIs ; tise people rose, lu sorrie represeulative. *. instances, tu tise saine lypograpisicai diguity: refferences, vague yet empisatic, warc made A "fi'e-liined avip" bil beau sent ont ta tise Charter ;* and, wbile somne astute by tise Govarument ta tiseir supporters ; for politicians pointed ta ais aie of golil, otisaîs, tise ve-te upon tise seasure befone the House equaily astute, pointaI ta an epocis of de- was one su wiîbtisein pobitical existence suaîr. vacs invoived. Parties were su evcuiy bl- But tisis axciteinent, intense tbougb il aisceil on tise question under discussion tisat iAas-intenser tisougis il promised toelie- lt -as tisouglît au ail sidas taolie a Il near lwas trivial comparaI ta tliat whicls neignel itisng" Tise wisips bail beuis enjoying a lu the isouselioid of Fairboime, tise counutry lively time off it. Tise f il antiicry ofthtie seat of Mn. Stradwiclt, M. P. for Sellto,. front isencises, ,Iinsterial aud Opposition, The caraiuiiy prepared speech of tiseisonor- bail beau brouglit inoapa, u'alda a bus sîember bad vanisbed-gone as liy piayed tisein powers of attack amil ltse ap- mnaia-no ans know isow, and, affter dili- jlause or groatîs, as tise case migist be, off gent searais, nous coulil fiud whttiser. Ilt tieir respective adlierenfrs. bial taleen ils fliglis, tisougi witboultishe Tise excitement of tise I'ariamentany codtoswbîis avould esstie ilte tahis battie asas reflecteil outside. Meetings lsad lesignaliait off "tisa fliglit oratarica' Th ie been heldLn luil directions. Tise supporters mýanuscriptwbicisaonvainedMr. Stnsdwick's off tisaGovarument bailpasseil nsolutions of golen tbougisîs uad rested aerenely ou bis congiatillation sud encouragement ; tiseir iirary tible at il s. nm. ; at 12 a. m. not tise OPpoetsbt passed resolîstions of condein- sîigistesl trace off il coîîld lie founil. nation and dtseouragense's. On tise onse Tisat was perpiexîssg--nay, extnemely baend, tise unbiased spectator woul bave an,.noyiîsg. Tise dissemination ùf aýspeeais is imagined tisaI tise country andl institutions s ood tising is ils way, but its aîtisor is at avare effete, goiug ta destruction aI express leâst entitied ta two tisinge ; first, laelenow lspead ; ouitise otisen, tbat ht was mancbing isow it is dissemiîîaled ; second, wisere. along,unden astuta guiilance,to tise guerdoîs Tiise essentiais bad beau traated, in titis of a golden aga. inýstance, as a matter off no cousequenca. It wasslte aiasing niglit off tisa lebate sud But for ona iraumstance il la impossible thse divisi .on vais expeced-' at an eany ieurstin o say is wisat marnuer tisis searcis waaid this onoig. bajve terminsted. At 1 a. m'. tise train stant- ."I Intend spealeîîg to-nigist, Slnadwick ? ed wi jisasas tae onvey Mn. Stralwick ta iuquined Mn. Metntai owitt off tisaI genle- bis Parliamientary dutias lu Landou. île man, as tisey sat discussing cornent avsusits bad,( îsen ta tise Spantan nieaassity off male- aven a cigar in tise smoking room off tbe ing lise janrney aithsaut bis speech, but lie Housa, just as tbc deliatalisad beaun eopen- bail sa lîtle daugîstan, Miss Bessie Strail- aI. Publiciy, tisese two politicians were wîale tise sole represeulative off bis- bouse, oppose tela ecis otiser. Prîvately, tisey lame and fortune (fan lie was a widowen), ta were tise best iff friands. "I nteuil spealeiîg wb'om il was incumbent upan iim as a ta niglit, Strsdwicle " parent finst off ail ta bid fanawaii. V/bile "No. I bailtisehast intentions tiat way haý avas waîting, Thsomas, tise page boy, wiso sud bail prepanail au onalion tisat wouid ba, Î beau dispalaisel witls tbe message ta bave tisrowss dismay into aur rasîles ; but Bessia's governuss, enteradinl a state off tisa fates ware sgainst me." breatisiesa exailaînt. Mn. Stradsvicle as IlYes, tlsey uaually poili a good tising. paaihtg up sud dowu the library. 'Tisaetutlu wat way hsave .tbey ,3tumbledl carriage avas waiting outsida, ready ta cou- against you tisis lima 1" vey liii,,tla lie station. At thîs moment au attendant piacail a "\Veil, aviera is theiseeld? " be inctuireil. letter lu Mn. Stradwicle's baud. Tise youtliswss breatbiess, sud coul oniy " Ah !" saId Mn. Menton Haowitt, wittb s stamne out::Il If yon --please-sir "l- laugis, I"a corrective ffnom oua off your cou- "Ais! I seawisaîti i; you mean ta say stituents-tobeweil ssaleen baffons ta,_e. my cisilil is Iost as as-al ?" l'i leava you ta enjay tue nauseaus dose lu »"Ye oye-yes, sir "--peac."1 Yes 1 " axciaimeil Mr. Stradwýick, ring- Andi, s sayiug, the honorable gentleman ngr tisa bail wilî great vigor. Iu auswer ta departeil for tise tuonsbealeaamosphere off ils imperative summons iu cause servants tise flouse. fomail directions. Mn. SînaIwîale staredin l astouisismaut aù "NZo, sir ; I diîln't meau tisaI," hastly tise latter brougbt ta bini. 'Vieill ie migist replsad tisa lewildered Buttons. Tbis was tisa address l' Yas, air ansd n, Sm 't /bat tisedlance MR. STRADWICK, s 1,IPE, do yen inesu? Can any off you vet -au lu- M. P., teli -gent answer from Ibtis- Ibis youîisiu! for Saiton, candýidale for llaîîwail ?t" Hans off Comeiss, !ibe faotman, tise huIler, tise bansemail, Lunden. tise c-ool stareil agisa t the boy m'ho aI Ha turnnail t ven first Ibis way, tîsan tisaI, leuglis jankeil out andl tisn, witis grave deliberation, opened " I'va foundilit' the auvelipe. Andl tiis is wisat hae read. "FCiounil wbal'V' came tisa generai choruis. Danlin' Papa,-I'm vary, vany, saray,t "Master's isoration !". andl gnvnass bas aiways said tisaI venf "My speecb-ý ouve f oîsildit'?" aageriy a littie uînl's sorey se sut ta say su saolIve q1-'nieî Mn. Stradwiale.Il"I beg ta witb-o Stanliey, who can rite lister suddartel dnw, nconscioasiy adoptipg tise l'anis- 9ele tn anea, teseuil Ibis latter, Ha mcîstany formula; Il you sa"thbc andi-asys tisaI e's sorey ta, ant ill iineven male date for H-auwaIi. But wbcna la il ?'" 1 any mare lite talas. Haeiii oniy spits topst suada ir." Iand play sojans. Hle'a gain taelie a sojer Otitide Why, .s he ume ff ouî- iimselff won bas saiman, wichiswn't lia long, Iani, did 1u'l yau bring it in tian '?" becos ise'a groin fast. V/e Itel ta put tise if yo plesa, m, I ouid'î"peasses off tise taie togetiset agen, but it mails i'eaiiy ! I didu't titinle ils arguments a ur liedsakaea. Stanley says your itiu's Sa mieil So waigisty as ail tîsat. V/heu yaîs bail. Sa, as wa caulari' do that, wa tisant isa'eanoisn uaid interval parisapa you'il s lonsg, long aa'lea ndrnaIe s speecisfor yon, expisin' tisea," saI tise oy, wiis a V I. Bas do insted.-Your aoney jenle off lus Iea li tise direction off the Inalasil wilis Ibis, ou a large siseet off don. ffoolsaap, a eny muais iotteil was the ffaiiow- Il Over aviera 1" ing: Tlomas's sale nesponse was taeisarcli ont SPEAcH OF MR. STItADWICK, S-RIRE. off tise ilirary, follawed isy bis master, tise Jaîstelmen (Stanley asys ail speacises butier, tisa footînani, tise bousarmtid, tise conîesa witb jeutîsmen)-l'm tisa papa off a coole. Tian ha mouinted tiese tains, follow- littie girl narned Basa. Shebas't no brislh- ail ly tise samne excitad contingent, sud ara or aistera, sud no mamma, BILt aie lias pausaI opposite a large open winlaw tisaI a linil, goal papa, wiso onily gels X wan se ocgr!oakacl tisa grauisîd. taraes bis apsaclses. Prapa you bava uittle tli i is air !" Hapoiniteil ta a lite girls avio tares, yonr speacisas. rfhay aas't tisaI wastountinis hiigisier 5tni h iglier mob I amuore sonay tinu sy 1111e girlislafor being tise sley. soSo, wicket. Kitesasut tafly witisout taltsý, My speech tise?' Prapa yor au nale em't Anti ,etmen "Yes, ir." Wjï,! can spele suais lots migist d-6 away wiîh Itwas Mn. Stnadwick's turu ta lobae.li- pellin, anCl re-, à l in sd Vitia, ia"ih la a grat wîlderal. s'oaaans ta gýirls sud baya. It 4uaaut balp IHow tisa deuce li il gel tisane?" tisem ta gro a bit. We %,o a coacisîan wbo Il On the tail," waa tisa laconia nesponse. aant rail or rite, suid ha's qîsite a tai umau. Mn. Sînadwicle gazad in asuazemnst. Loi îy Drawin, we don't mind, cas we can usale perioda indeei! Sisades off Demioathenes funey horses. sud cws. sud daga. iNcsdo ansd Cicero! ta wisa wag bis eloqueucea saay wtthdolers. Tlay give sualis astay aspiring? To tise conversion off tise goda stuf. People wiso give nsstey stuf sisudu't theurseivess'T'f inatruat sud guida erring liv. And l pise enu yots make a Ian thtia bunanity was tae aim off, ordinsry risetoia;- nurses sisui neyer put us taelied wen tbe muaIs )mors exaltail fate, it seemal, bad beaý u au'a itinein. Andl tiat ave somid ineyer tasael ,for ibis. levaail nca gamas for îîastey hailis. Ansd "Aul wbo bas dsred"--Mr. Stralwiale go tisaIboyssugilssds'hataalfi, ttîrnjed ffssiously upan Buttonsa, but puiled l pise pass anuthen ion tisha ich ilderu. bimelfupwithu a:jerk. An ides bail strualesuil sometamscagiva sp tiser toys ta paw Ihitm. "AIs ! I tindastand; it's tisai mis- ciilînen, -Tbem tisaI hava cruel papas gî ve chias-loug 11111e aif, Besate, who bas doue nice leisîllike ours ; sud tbem bisaI bavu't tisa Brîng ber ta sua at once !" any mamasas Ion't piese ilon'-lie so MnI. S,tailwick bail coajectuf reil ihtly. angaryv aganst as tiîem tisai have. It avas " tisa isaliievona littie cl, Beasia,'" Iben followed, lun Bessle'a own band whso bailbeau abiefly respousibie for sanding Dans Pa, do say walber Ibisj speacis xviii hien papi's oration ou a mission ta that do; sud do, do say thiat yau ana not angery, Uppar fRouse e rp'-ascntt by Cloudndliu. aitîs youn litai girl Dow. Stanley put X A pisymate off bars was a certain ingeniousj for angery, I put it for lisses X X X. youug gentleman lenosavn iy tisa style sud mn. Stnalwiale, M. P., real andl m-mail titieoff Master Stanley Horatius Somers. tisis exraordinary 'pesais" Tisen lie kias- Eariy tisaI morning lis aba appisal ber off, aI il tanderly, foilel il, sud put il in bis tise joyfful facî tht ie bal a uew kito. poakal. Now., klos, ns wa al lenow, reqtuins talls, The echo off tisa voice off a greal orator STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. Thsis Bank las prepa railta do Legili-. mate Bankiug in al ils branchas. Farmer's notes disilountel ; Ioposita% received andl Interest paid on accounts of $5 sud upavards in SavingaY Bank Departiment. 12.RAFT S lasmc d aCollections made in Europe United 2tates, sud Canada. W. J. JONYEiS, ONTARIO BANK continues ta do a Canerai Dauleing Business B3owsmaua lita Agenas'. DEPOSITS nec 'ivAilu fia-legs hBank Doasratsan sd oil c&Al and intarest sllowad atournent ratas Ns notice ef avthdrawaî nacessary. Ail depositg. p-iyable on demaul, EXCHJANGE B naistend sold sud Drafts lssuad isimon Enrap< Unîted States sud Canala,alsa Qold,Silvam and U. iudffta.ee GresubakabouRht aud soid. COLLECTIONS Pr rptly madea a curretît rates u1POil ail patrt of Gremat hnl'taln. tha OUnited Statses ana rt4 La uiion oflCanada. Telegi'apli Transfers M suIe fer taai' e , ks55hm ania- i ail ban' o inada. Tiss s t,u imo5Y svu s t;s j'ar tus living l~ea 5,stor..inlke NonGi.-Aa sl' ritEs 8ILs iU.tsfls, avaîU Oe s01108 91tle, place off iaylaSmi - Itîsn erbîrtculans al at the lia le. * .L. FORTT GEO. MucGILL, Accou ntant. Mansiger. The Head, B4reon 0f the Lubon Medical ('ompa ny ls now at Toronto, Canada, aud snay lie cou- sulted estiser in persan or by letter on al clironie dîseases peculiar ta man. Men, young, old, or middie-aged, wbo flnd them-. selves nervaus, weak an exhausted, wbo are broken dlown from excass or overw-ork, reasulting iu many of tise following symp- toms : Mental depression, premature aid age, ioss off vitality, loss off memory, bad dreams, diminess of siglit, palpitation ai the heart, emissions, lack of euergy, pain in the kidneys, beadacbe, pimpîl on tise face or body, itcbing or peculiar sensation about thse scrotum, wasting of thse organs, dizziness, specks bef'-re 7i,3eyes, twîtcbing off thse muscles, eye à?cs sud elsewhere, basbfulness, deposîrs in th uarine, loss off will power, teuderuess off the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mu'cles, desîre ta sleep, failure ta be rested by sleep, constipation, dulîness of heainï, loss off vaice, desire for solitude, rexcitLabliîty of temper, sunken eye surround- ed witb LFALI,2N cirE'LE, oily lookiug skin, etc., are ail symptoms off nervaus debility tisat lead ta insanity aud death unless cured, The spring or vital force baving lost its ten stan every funation wanes in cousequence. Those wba tisrough abuse comrnitted in ignorance may be permanently cured. Seud yaur address fforbook on ail diseases peculiar ta man. Books sent frec, sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms off wbich are faint spelîs, purpie lips, numbness, palpita tien, skip licats, hot flushes, rush off blood ta the bead, duil pain in tbe iseart with beats strong, rapid sud irregular, the second heanis beat quicker tbau thse first,pain about the bresst boue, etc., can positiveiy lie cured. No cure, no pay. Seud for book. Address M.V. LUBON, 24 Macdonell, Avenue,Tor auto, Ont. goï nz to Law. Two Dutcbmen, wvho bail built sud use& for years in common a smaîl bridge over a streara wiia ran tistougli their farms, had s dispute cancerning repairs which il requir. ed, Oue of thein positively reffnsîng ta bear any portion off tise expense secssary ta thse purchase off a ffow piaules. Finaliy, the nggrieved party weut teaa neigbboring iawyer, sud placing twa five- do'llar notes in bis baud, saicl : Il'il give yeu ail disis mouisis if you'il usake Hans do justice mil de pridge." IHow mucb will il cost ta repair il?" asked tise bonest lawyer. " Not more tissu five toilar," said the Dutcbman. IlVery weil," said tbe iawyer, packetiug one of the notes aud giving bim tise other, "ltales Ibis sud goansd geltishe bridge repair- ed; its tise best course you can take. " Vaas," said tise Dutchman, slowly, "yaas, dat ish mucis botter than ta quarrai mit Hans." But as lie went alang home lie sboole lus heail frequenlly, as if unable, after ail, ta sec quite cleariy bow lie isad gained any. tbîng by "Going ta law." Tise rate of progression of a storm is of ton fifty miles an hour, sud a series bas often beau traceil in a direct line from nortis ta soutb a distance off 400 miles. Tise average altitude off tisunderst-rmns bas been found ta ha not over 5l,000 feet aboya tise surface of tise antis. For Scrofuifa «After suffeing forabotitwenty-liveyears from scrofutousas on thl-egs;,and arms, tryin vaclus meicalcersesioutbefiefit, 1 began t-ue A)-', S-raparitt.,anad a ivondrffl cure sas tse neaulti. Five boittes sufficed te, resiore ne ta heatî.'-onifacia Lopez, ý3.; E. Cominerce st., San Antonio, T exas. C i a t a r r h . he!p ber, "'y pa-toto,nmese y? .,ars.panilta. tf-- Il.oehii, sdvie.Three flnntsOOaSmf eguterz tresîmeul with Ayersa PSarSap-riîlarand Ay ers Pills completety St iamydagiter'shmaith." ira. Louise Lite ndaI Wace, Mas,% '~rs-veral ycars, , was troubird wit¶h ifltaxeoma'ory rheumnatism. being so bad aI d, es as ta be entirety helpless. For thse last twvo years, svhenever 1 felI thse affeut s of thea ,l'sease, I began ta talle Avers Sarsaparilla, and have flot had a speli for a long tin,-* E. T. Hansbrough, Elle Run, va., For al]blood cdissaSeS, the best remedy is Sarscaparîl la Prepared by Dre. J. C. Aer & Go.,Lel. Mass: Sodby ait 1}ruggists, 5'icee$l; six btis ~ Cures others35 wiII cure You

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