District Notes. TYBONE Visitors: Misses Cynthia and Eva r.J. G. Mciean, of the Toronto ryderman, Bowmanville; Mr. R. Best, 'Vorld, has accepted a position wth the Orono; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davey, Buffalo Express. Whitbyý. . . Miss Etta Campbell and Miss Principal Jefféry and the ecliclars of 'McCulloch,teachers, from Port Hope and Fickering sehool were photographed by a Borketon respeçtively are home for -the l*Vhitby artist recently- bolida-ys ... . Tyrotie Division held a very Commandant and Mno. BHrbat Booflî Ieas3ant At Home on Thursdayevening. were accorded a hearty welcomt on their Strawberries and cream furnished a very arrival in Toronto last week fromn Eng. agreeable item on the Drogram. Follow- Jand. ing are the new offcers:-W P- ýT ]and. i Oreeper; W A-M Werry; R -S-:Miss If voit feel weak, tired, and ail ruii A R. S-Miss UJ Souch; F S-J :H Allun; clown~, Hood's Sarsaparilla is ~utwa Tres-J T Welch; Ohap-Jas Bingham; Voan îepd to baid un strength and punify iie. - A I,-Mina T.lv . Dn .BLACKSTOCK. The celebration in Blackstock on the first of July was a grand success in every particular. At one o'clock, a inonster procession was formed on Cnurc'h treet and at once, proceeded to the fair grounds where they were to witness the sports of the day. Afteralwere comfortably seat- ed on the grand stand the first game wss called wich was the base bail match bc, tween Blackstock and Lifford. After 9 innings were played Lifford's score Ixas ,four shead, although Blackstock had the be-st of the garae as they were knocked ont of it by the umpire, During the1 y2(s t- O~q? aNezo' ~ISELL B-O-,OKLET geiLeL.fl, ~ - I - nmnnrr rrr A the boys engaged i a game of bail. ,.;hey o then retired tc the drawiug room where Eider Russ, Grafton, preacbed in eorgg inost çxcellent_ music was ýpvided1 Christian Church Sunday mornirig. t hef r ITQ à Enfaelc; lierhai c e t li d - per yard. Aise, a few pieces of higher price goods which are aise in the BEAVER BLjOCK, ne>- oo IIOSIERY AiND GLOVES.- Ladies' l. Cotton ose acus. ai for ssvn ipans Tab.les cure scrofuh. wegko. Ant-I'in laseîthe i taneus pimklingu1ater, idrý illdren anda milts. ilipans Tabules cure nausea. NOLDS, il K)y mail, Dox i-, Dowil ' ilex hilir c.,me out in big ný& X, Lviaill )s for cym hipans Tabules cure scrofula.