BAIlLE 0F QUEENSTON HEIGUTS. A THRILLING OIIA.PTER OF CANA DIAN llIST0RY, BI' ERNEST CRIJIKSHANli. T a battory, nanied Fort Uray, aboya ton byonueonithem,asud the darkuass and the village ni Lewistosm, two aeighteen. distance renderad the tweuty-four 'pounder pi=An ere mounted-with the intention at Vrooman's quite inaffeetive. On the t i.cigthe gun lu the redan,, and twn other baud, round shot from the Lewiston juortars and a like numnber ni six-pounders batteries soon radnced Hamiltou's housa to were plan ted ou the baink of the river below a mare heap ni ruins, and drova Crowtbar's to covar the landing and drive the iBritish light gun ont of range, while the mortars eut ni QuapnsLon. Chrystia's snd Feu- constautly pitched thein shahls into the vill- wviek's regimeuts ni ragulars frorn Fort age, sud thair fleld-pieces searched the gar- Niagara, sud thnea militia battalions from dens sud orebards wiîh grape. 'Tha mova- lichînsser, were marcbed 4o Lawiston by ments ni the remainden ni their troops cou- Wulsd roads sitar dark ou the avening ni tinuud,' however, to ha ramarkablv dilatnny. the l1th, sndl]nug bainne theasppoited The arrivai ni the woudad penlîaps had bour ni three 'elock more than 4,000 men someihiug to do with this, sud the march ni were assembked thera wiihout axciting a cousiderable body ni militia wasssrrested ypecial attention. Twelve boats, eaab ni by the snddau iluess ni their commaudiug ,whieb eould carry thirty men, sud twn officer. At al events, boats remainad lying otnrs mvig a a cpacy ni eguY ascii, inanmed b vtran fisherman familiar with the river, ware alread) moored ai the land- ing. The ngt was intensely dark, nain was stilîl ialliug gently, and the wiuds and the ar aing ni the river drowned the sound oi thair movamants. Evarything seemed te zonspire tn favor their enterprise. idit3 on noth shores. Conviuced b yunumistakable signs that an attack was redicated witbin a day or two, Brock had beeau eugaged tili midnigbi dis- pamebing nrders for the assembly ni the miii- tia. ht was no surprise then for him in be aroused shortly siter three 'clock by the distant boomiug ni Convinced of the great importance of re- gaiuîng the lest position belore the enemy, was hesvily'reinforced, ha ordered Dennis to join him. with the 49th- grenadiers sud Clihlnscompanof niYork militia, leav- iug only a iew men lu the village teohb"ld the Americaus lu check in that quartcr. When these companies came up be detachecl W',illiams with a section ni bis own eampsu y and the w hnla ni the milita, iakinig about seventy mnen lu ail, by a oundabout routie1 to turn the left ni Wool's position.1 Observing this movement, the latter de- tachad a panty of 150 men to meet ilt, but, sltar a bri interchange ni shot the Americans feul into confusion aud began to retire. Seizing the favorable moment Brock sprsng over the stone wall-behind whicb bie bad directed his men te take shelter, and lad the way directiy up the steep asceut towards the battery, waving bis sword and shoutiug words ni encouragement to the grenadiers, who iollowed himi witb a ready cheer. Tia nain had eeased and strong, slanting glearns of sunshine broke through the part- wit flle lave sippnywith wet, aud yielding treacherously, and as the men stumled ud eIlibere a.0there thaeUe was quickly broken. Wool Erut a rein- fnrcement to support lu s advauce party, and their tire soonu bagan to tell. "Ibis is thefirat time 1 hava ever seen the 49th turu their PRINCE 1MIIIJEL'S CAREEII. ah Leider of a Remarkable and Iqotorl- ous Sect. IievoliîII Caxidisai ilu a Colauy that COssif!l iNet ha Tolereted-A Conviction that May Causse thec Meuinhers te 5flspeise 'I'he Origin or the Fiyin.- Mol i sc pies Trac- The doings1 of Prince MLeliael and his colony of Flying Roll Disciples culininated in tLe conviction of the notorions leader ot the seet at Ann Arbor a week ago. The 1frince wvas arrested in Detroit about two mnontbs ago nu the charge of camnal kýnowlcdge of Jierice Bechel. The at- i orueys for the defeoce asked for a change ot venue to soine other circuit, on the ground that publie sentiment iu Detroit ,vould prejudice the prisoner's case. The change of venue was granted, and the case was transferred to Ann Arbor, whcre Oie ttat -proved tmat yrînca Ntf1i dlyiir the guise of religion, had perpetrated out- rages -bicli ould not -be tolerated lu a semibarberi ccmmuuity. Revoltîng facts concerninig the conduet of bis colony in Detroit were brougit ont, and the jury agreed upon a verdict nf guilty in fifteen minutes. Prince Michael was sentenced to tIe viciuity of',flamIin avenue begau to coîupiaiuni groks immoralities practised iu the cnlouy. The Prince's hdjusehold cou- sistîng of tan maideus, Žrs. Mils, sud Eliza Courts, was a rival ni an Oriental harem, it was said. Suspicion was aronsed, aud aboutflve mouths ago it was strength- auglit bis new couverts that Detroit was t, o0 the "City of Salvation," and that trouf ~t the 144,000 lect-or more propcr1ý tha 28S,000, as it takes a man andv ~vMan to make a Ilperfeet seul "-wou1h' ho taken to heaven at tbe isat blasi utf the trumpet. Tisa Prince came t<- Detroit witb about tan f allowers, iuclnd- ing bis wife sud Eliza Courts, bis "'spirituai afinity" -the other hall of bis soul--Lu' ciuer Durand, wbo was bis religions rîght bower, tbree Il qneens "and three " kuaves " to keep them eonlpary. This was iin Sep- ,ember last. In November members ni lus, seet from 'Canadian towns began to congre- gate in Detroit. NEW CONVElSTS wcre secured, and lu a short spaca ni time l'rince Mlichael avas establislîed with about l25followersinseven cottagesin Hamlin ave. nue. The cottages had heen ieased one l)y rue, but as the sect grew and funds began to accumulate througb the donations made 1y the deluded people the cottages were purchased, the deeds being madl, to Prince [rince George ni Wales, The bouse is quita large ennugh for a yoning marni couple. The Prince is gradually putting off b'is mouruing, sud ha is now accepting invita- tions to dine ont with friands. Ha would like to go ou a cruise lu theauatumu with the Duke ni York, who is non lun- mi le--r 1 )aKo . Ie C v-~ V 'l i - --- ---em rke r asud7ai u euk h aka olladroti uielte tW ascertained tatYoufg S. Wrhpshvi ikow mne bu wanCryti rnvehastbornly iattack would flot ha there, he a rk e ar m y tinsu mrisuet-* ,, t a LL u -1- -L ri nown to founder LATE GABLE NEWS. About the If eir Apparent-The Paris Sea. son-The German Sunday Law. Five years ago the Prince of Wales start- ad a stud farma at W olverton for the purpose Dl i'nproving the breed ni baeknays snd hunters, and bas since spe3nt a lot of money upon it. Yesterdsy ha held his first bieiniial sale and there was a great gatlîering of a ristocratie buyars despite the distractions of the general electlon. The Duke ni Port- land bought several horse3 on behali of the Queen, and tha sale realized altozether £6,655, assum whicb was nt large consider- iug the numnbar-and quality of the animais sold. The Prince nf Wales is spanding a gond deal of money iu extendiug, aitaring, and beantilying the so-called Bachelor Cottage ab Sandringham,which is te be the Norfolk IVILCLIaCi. d -1 1 L ýr i 1 rt -t 1 --- - 1