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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1892, p. 5

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JUST OUTI M0AVE YOU SEEN ST? THE BIG BOTTLE PA 1 N-KIL LE R Old Fopular 250. Pricet Are -You Going 'To Paint?. We sell the best paint that iti ,possible to prepare and have it a ready for use at lowest prices ar any-col« or D~-W&aL-- Mr. A. Parish, Philadelphie,, was in Judge Burnham, Whitby, is 8jCk with .A Happy Marringe. I otelW el ead town lIast week. fever. MotralWIll HVad.A uction.Sale Miss Thom paon, Whitby, has been vis- Dr. A. S. Tilley, Toroato, is spending A happy evant was celebrated et the Thernew proprietors of the MOINTPEAL0F ALA E iting Miss ,Mbel Couch. his hoidays at home. Armory hotel Tuesday evening, July FVEEKY 1HERALi have resolvedt upnOFV UAL Mie kiver' Ohaw, bs bau isi Mr Jon RcoNewYortbs when John ]McWaiio, formerly of inaking that paper-a firet class one in PR E TY is Kieranve r OJhaRai, h e i vacatJon hn ie e. orj;sedn -Bwanve, but now ùf Toronto. was every respect. To enable them to do this ingheraun, Ms. . Rid.hisvactio athom. m~rBd. t Miss Kate Blakely, of Allan- they have provided for ample capital and Mr rn ie n aiy, Toronto,. The band concerts on Saturday even- forcl, Bruce County. The service was an entirely new and modemn plant aud IN TIIF ESTATE 0F JAMES COLTON are visiting relatives in towfl. ings are well attended. performed by Rev. J. J. Redditt. The are nuw turning out one of the handsom- DEoiEAsED. Mrs. Ebbett and dauglter, Port Perry, Mrs. Paul Grant, Rochester, N. Y., je brid>e was attired in a bandsome créea est waekly papers in Canada. To intro- v isited Mrs. S. Mason recently. visiting relatives in town. ilk gownwith orange blossoms, lher gis- duce this fine weekly and to give every Pursuant to lhe Power of Sale in the will 0t Mrs. WillohbPo rTonows Mr. E. E- Sheppard of Satrday M&ght, ter, Mis Mary Blakely, who acted as dweller in the land an çpportunity to e- cffJAESd OlTe ulcauctin ythe un-.l visiting relatie ntw atwe. sle o emn rdy bridrsmnaid, being dressed in drab ailer. corne acquainted with it they are offering derigna theineeio Many of our citizens went to Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Downs, Whitby, George Brown, of the Albion, was best to send i f rom now till- the end of the FRIDAY, 29th day of JULYÏ,189-2 to the"glorous telfthcélébrtion. spen Sundy atm r. JAf KerhttheMaa.comperimenteempreascnmpimearprfort 2eaceorts.ce To. gaiet th to s th lieotfth elebratN., apentyudW. aield, Jas. Kight'softe r bnuewas tendered by Mr. and reading of seb a paper-as the WEEULY theouof1 7ocno, Mis Mile, o LRoy N Y. las yrs W Feld te oignatr f ie ry banquet, of the Armory hotel, at HPRALD for ahnost sixtmonthe for the AT BEER'S HOTEL IN ,THE VILL- been visiting at Mr. T. E. Higginbotham'e. Atlantic telegraph cied in New York Jal MrwhiFCoAMtTr QansOwnBad hh ainatn-myntocraanl lftme Te the f0eliowing lande and premises. namly: lie. Wm. AkronnOandare usiigte srLI-2..oen Bad hc asi ted na o curaani lf re h part of lot 22 in the Csh Coces4on of the han o Akon Oboar viitng me Mm FedGrveti has returned to bis anc2, performed many choice selection. address je TiE MONTREAÏ HERALD CO., township of Darlington containing 50 acra«0f Dr. Potter, home iii St. Thomas after an extended Mm.ý and Mr.3. McWain received many 6 Beaver Hall -Bill, Montreal. Sample land more or legs and which said parcel or landj M.Jas. Huit and Mis's Lizzie Hoi, visit with friende in town. presents froin well.wishing friende Eîe copies for inspection are sent frae o mencîngbotte a ont ntewied sn ound- Picern hveben istig friende in Mrs. Frank Brimacombe and Missa î<q News charge. _________ ry of said lot No, 22 ai a distance of 27 clbetns Y.,iaetM.Go Bcela Sergt. Chss. Windatt, Royal Grena- lot; thence northerly along the said westerty Mr. Nichiolas Ingiam, Port Perry, vstn tM.Go ikl'.. irfrel f4>h atloBw boundry of said lot 50 chains and 20 links more n of B 11 h e, bb eet WhitbyOhaw ad ilm Snso manville, was one of the 8 Canadian Rifle- allowance at the north of Raid lot 9 chains andi edl grand Eecetary of the True Blues. Temperance held a union pic-nie at Mr. men selected to eresent Canada in the, 96 links more or legs; thence sonth paralleli tc Mrs.W. . BookRenr's roudset te lke,03hwathe western boundry of said lot 59 chains and U. S, an M 9of ew Olean, Turody. C t; contest at Biley, England, for the Kola-, 20 links more or legs; thnce west 9 chains andi Mrs. . D.Brooe ow ewlea e sgrude t h ak,0iiws _______pore Cup. The Engliali team secnred the P6 linkrs more or lese to the place of beginning U, S.,a n Mists ni owelofW tDr.sa. ponsJbyatecontaining by admeasuremnent 53 acres of land. by aebe usso r . M. Brim. Burgiars entered the residence of Mr. ooetrpyb22oisaovth mrerlg. acombe. John Osborne, Lake-view farm, and stole will buy a cloth hound book at sore of the Canadiens. Sergt. Windatt On the promises le said to be a gond frame Ontario won the prize uanner ai the sin rovsos.n ,ol achSna led hie campany with a score of 92 points barn. a fair honse and 10 acres et good timuber t'- somth oiein ada od achSnd" mostly beech and maple and a Iaw scattering Christian Endeavor convention held in 100h mat. I16 la ont of a poasible hundred. Thongli they pins. New York, for the greateet increase in A very Bucceseful gardon paty wes loet the cup tbay won tha Colonial prize of TERMS 0F' SALE-Ten per cent cash at, £80erhi. time of sale and balance within thirty days mm rep.held at the Iresidanca of Mayor Allen Wed- £80meiately alewnr hretsI possession wl eRvn Mr. N. F. Patierson, Q. C., cf Port needay night last. A gond number were On ursuay aftemnoon JUIy 2lst ~o the 15h diay f Nohavembeanr, 18posessnme aem is been appointed erenntm- present and a very enjoyable time wae and on paying 5c. extra book Juvenile Fox esters will hold their pic-and me artiua of nions wiI be92. ae Presentative of the Ordr f pendéf ý get wllb ecaned- e oe nie at Wintergreen Point, and extend a known at date of sale. Fomesters in London, England. Mr. M. M. Fanwick, M. A., aiiendad cordial invitvtiongtaxecutor o! tha wilers! Mr. Albert Dyer of Oshawa while ai- the célébration of the one hundredili an- j, Il. OBSOIN Court Pride, their wives and families to James Colton,deceasect,ui' D, BORUE SîPSipox temlin toleca bli n te PanoWors, îveeam oftheestblibmei o rera-be with tham. Dring along your baskets; bis Solicitor. temptingto lacea belt n the Pinobring, aioeg youmf girls.abiLhmonaode pEVILEV . W.W.TOOL, wble the machinery was in motion, had sanlalive goverrnment in Upper Canada, Bookseller and Stationer, boys i l be su irsonthagounade Dtone. BRESMSN th hm oi rmbslf adada iagar onSuday ud tea Auciioneaedonth D BRKESMSN theftehmbadtom from i edfibasdband a agr aua. Bowmanville. A conveyance wiil leave the lodge room Vendorls Solicitai. ili fes bdlyscubedfro bs iad. On account of anl advance of 25 cents ai i130 and 2 30 p. m. and, will take Dated Bowmanvill 3 4th July, 1892. 27.4w Althougli the weather is warm and par ton in the price of coal for four suc- MiePaoTooosvsligntiem besadfmia freote work on the farme plentîfull, our excellent cessave monihe in Arnericau markets, the î nl-on 1Cmaal n hv aodlim...u cT staff of correspondants wilikindly ramemn- prie of ccal will bu $625 par ton for the "ismeileAne o, oouo 1TiS hIsnoOhN hepSALeosEa, u bar thai we publish caoliweek just the monili of Ju y wiih a rabale of 25 e. for iiilss in tw AdcnTrntosvs ti o wha oo' e Srpmiia eto a, btt0 VA ABL same Hap u kep u ineret i th cah. CULLLA di(JoMm. Erai. Bailen, Newcastle, speut inakas it seaU, sud wins the confidence of -papar. A dispatch from Monireal Ray-s the SS. S'nday iu îown, the people. FA MPiPERT E Rev. J. C. and frr. Wilson, Wark- Vancouver of the Dominion Line waî vias-Trutisvei- Lais1 kCitnRoefo ot, a RIIP O E T E wortli, were presented with an addrese ited by a large number of citizens ou. its 1Master Frtd Gat or piava aieatBJ.cJ. CMason e r Goode adI and a beautiful tiiting ice pilolier by the arrival there. This boat has beau entime ý rltvsinJwlyHus.T W SIS FCA K N membeas of their'congregaiion on July ly rebuili and lias accomodation for 250 Mr. Dert. Thompson, Toronto, is spend ____________________________OFCLARKEAN 3rd, it being the t wenty- fi! th anniversary lirtelclse passeugera and ie a credit to ing a faw eays in town. DARLINGTON,ý IN THE of their wedding day. They aise reccivad ithe company thai mue shem. Miss Joliiffe is visjilina Colege friende, TH E AM ERFCAN DOCTORS COUNTY 0F DUJRHAM. a beautiful slver and crystal fruit dieli Word lias been recaivad front Mr. John ià, Turonto and Dixie. (29 Years.j5reO<.c in Lauro.je andArnerica.) from the Dariford congregatior. Heliyar, who with the Misse3 Tod, Mme.1 Mr. Isaac Pumkii, Prescutt, îs visiting tepwr fsl otia ncr --Tobht-y-hcüce as:Rv .u arch, McI4r. Fred T. Ashtone M RFeeland's.udr. n,'thR 1 lb~ 711lidWhib~~roÏclbiYRav. r.Enfield, sailad for England by the Ailai Mr. Will. Morshead bas gone on a tripSRIES' offared for sale by public auctiln aubte Phlp, London, Ont,, a relative of Ithe Liae, Parisian, on Jane 25tb, that they to ýChicago and other places. SERIES. B 'ETT F SE Messiis. Philp on the base lina wast of lied a very plensant voyage, fine weatlier iAFB N E T H U E liera, -preacliad in the Methodiet Taber- an ete ffh a xenecdte~ you paironize Big 20 ]euding libry RE , ~ I H O N0 O MNIL spnakeronMronday J.ight lasI. Ha isa fne pleasautnese of boing sua ick. Telatesen 'w ~ill be plaasd. Seaadd .pe. mH. JKihBw an. unt front Ed itomad Mre. James eaye Mr. aad Mme, T. A. Brown. Exeter, R i one o'clock pm. in the afiemnoon, on ville, sang Ili elwîhM ol lu~1~aaa ail .yylau tliey are havicg lovely wcaalhr and n a 1en visiting finds ijaloaiv. A staff of emlnent Amenican Physicians and 'fIURSBAY, 201th day f JUL)É 10.a a mosi acceptable mnnr, bis vie fillng jyo limevsd-ugclatedne1aa 33 t ah Pra -h--uhhl0 h ss alo -the--hlurai--withvolm-of-sa caf- jnel. ___alvs immensely. Mise Kata Kerr lise reiurned to Tc- Surgeons have opaned an office for usedicat the fallowing valuable pmperties:- 14ody. At the regulatr-maa[éiijof the Epwortl er~~ il,~li ~ ~ aine Sreet, ontre-aîTTey give Y are ea s lot 1 , con. à, aawnsiip o~raecoaisn TheAmeica Hman EdcatonSo-Loaue n he thodiet churcli Monday The International Y. P. S C. E. cin- ta al wha calupan tbema befare August let. 55 sces more or les3. Tl mtia oan dcitio,% So- M. .Jbin h asadl- eto i eb hl nMotelin19.1892,and Irankly tell yon if jour case ls curable There are said ta hô ou the premi$es - -ciet-iso.ofri 0,10()-pz aenig, n.r. noetn Ali wsianecurvatloeislobsesld nrMotrel la 19.) orflotArtincrabebcsesarendjeted-. ram ban an emli rchrd.50 cne $2 o Is-wge-g tie 1 CrTiir anEiIndeavor convan- Misa frL Gaibniiït-I and nidceffafi on_ elaa - a- ewinad-nd «e nt~to-,fitn~ebn Becnty, in mosi attractive forci for use grL&iy msia hi niit[tve~~g- u i:caloI'e~Sap fr Pril2"0~1 ~f ol th Là, f1 - . . ~cil ave a very interastian accout of hie . .à. ymptoZam bleuir u estion ebeets, oi ,con ,twsia alngton. con. Z.- iL Vli iL U ja 1

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