Ayeir's HairVigor Makes tho hair soft annd glossy - - 1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly flue years, and my hair is moist, glossy, and in an excellent state of pres. ervation. I arnforty years aid, and have rifiden the plains for txenti, ive years.' -1K m. Flenry Ot, alias LIMustang Bill,'! Nesucastia-, Wyo. Ayes Ha irVéigo r r'eveàt.s hair fron faing Ont. "A number of years ago, by recomn- mendation-of a friend, 1 began ta use Ayer's liair Vigar ta stop the hair ram, falling out andi prevent its turning gray. The first effets wcre most satisfacory. Occasional applications since have kept rny hai r thick and of a natural color. H. E. Bashani. McKinney, Texas. Ayer'sHair Vigor Restores hair after fevet s. Over a ycar ago I had a severe fever, and hen 1 recovred my hair began ta full but, and what ittle remaned turned gray. 1 tried varions.remnedies, but uithout success, tili at last I began f to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now mny hair is grosing rapidly and is restored taeis original color."-Mrs. A. Collins, Dighton, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigo)r 2revents hair fînm turning gray. -Miyhair was rapidly turnng gray and falling ot; one botie of Avers Hair Vigor bas remnedied the trouble, and my hair is 00w its original color and ful- ness. "-B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, . * Ireparedl by Dr..J. C. Ayer & C., Lowell,,Mass. ,bolÉ by Druggists and Plerfumners. J. E. K>IMILII. IE»ARISTR, SLICIORNOT- kng Sreei Bowman ville. Money to ban. 37. % IONEY TO LOAN,-On farmrecur lL ity on most favorable terms-mortgages boughi" Apply ta RICHARD FOSTER, Oust 01 t'iWn. P. 0. BOX 119, or7.1OHN FOSTERý DraVer, Bo*nmanvilie, P. . 1-lyr. FLORIST. OSHA WA, - - - . ONTARIO Grower ud dealer In Choice Cut Flowers, Plants. Roses. Carnations, Violets, Smilax. and Feras. Funeral Desigus and Bouqusets made un on short notice in Wreaths. Crowns, Pillows, Rearts. Socip.ty Emblem3, &i. Plants Leaned for Decoration.Euch as Palms Ferne Liies, &o. Telephone Conneotion. 1. iy FAR FROM THB WORLD. "Sha'n't I boîp vou ?" "No, 'twon't tako me lcng. 1 was partie- BY JENNaSRE. TI. DOWE& ular about digging 'em cleani. Mrs. B assett wac digging dandelians hoe- Mary lit a candie and went Up the narraw 'ideî ageen couoitry raad, aod thesaft oven- stsirway leading from the kitchen. ng light chane gently about bier lank figure. Mrs. Bissett nover inoved. A wholo hour 1r. Bassett camne slowiy along with an. aid went by and stili she cat quiet. Ail that uided army coat thrawn vrookediy aver hi-, Mary hadl said rankled in lier mind. lier eunt chonulers. The limp, empty sleovos life witlh Cyrus Bassett bal been bard and appd at random. 11puorý She, had once been an ambitions 1"lGettiis' greens?" bie asked.- A ragged wsman, but lier ambition was long gono. eit bat uvas set on the back of bis head amd She no langer expeeted anything. She at le gray hair fell traggling about lus tanned last begau ta wonder why Cyrus didn't came 'me. Lie.wac csmoking and the bowl ai bis home ; but she nover tnoved. The feu moan anon doi ay pipe was bottomuirpward. rase np over the eastern bill and sbone "Yes," was tise reply, " I tuought I'd square in bier face. Sho did't appeer ta ii oito.night,. s'e to bave 'ýem ready for observe it. - The lamp grew sickly and at o morrow. 1 don't have much tirne in the iast went ont. She nio longer even bsoded î,ornin'." the cow's Longing bellow. -"That's so, 'Seneth, but 1 hope yon won't Later, Mr. Basseti came acroce the lots, t1uas ho borrjed ta deat. " stole slyly aronnta a bencti at the hack Where are yen gaiusg father?'i part ai the hanse an which a tin strainer "l'un goiug down ta Davis'. 1 saw hlm pail stool bottom upward. He took the .ombing aiong iiome a few minutes ago, and pail an lus armn and went ta milk the 00W. t thouglit 'twasc a good tinse ta catch bim 11e felt it was a doed ai reparatin. Hie igltaiter supper. l'Illdo the milkiog wheli had got ta diseppoint Seeny. Davis had [ gît back. toid hlm that there were a thousand lacks, Youî haiu't doue the milking then ?" already iii use, far btter than bis. As ho "No, but I chall be back pretty quick. " milked le talked ta bimself. He badl heen holding bis pipe lu bis rigbt "lIt ail cames o' my heing s0 poor that Gand, Iliow began ta funnsle tbrough bis I couldî't go about ta sc anytbing. If 1 pockets in seerch af came loose tobacco witls cold bave gone about, 'diulvented a lock xvich ta refil it. lis gatbored a uitile from btter than any on 'cmi. I kuow wbat l'Il hic trouseis pooket ino the palm ai bis do; lIll seil the 00W and stari. I don't hoe- left baud'. and carefnily ifted itjuta tbe lieve L'Il tell Seeny about tise lack aftor cli. bawi aiscpipe. Then came enother searcli l'il get up sametliing else ii a week. l'Il for' a match. Tbis t lest was found aand jusi get ber ta plan about a new dress. She ignitod, and between the vigorous drawin gsi lai't bad one-" bore hoe stopped. lie ci bis pipe hie managed ta, say: dld't like ta say lu coid words wbat was "Seuy, I've thonght it ail ont at iast ; the trutb, that se bad nover had a dress tbat's wbat 'm gaing ta sc Davis about. since cie married birn, Ain't you glad, Soonyt" The cow gave a small mess, lu spite ai the "Yes father, ai course l'in glad and-" latenece ai the bour, and Mr. Bessett was to "Don't say anather word, Seeny. Just impatient ta long trip bierflie crewied stop digging dandelions for une minute aud tbrongb tbe bars and weuî ou in the tali lt mie shsow you. The dandeliaus 'Il koep, grass aronnd tbe corner ai the, bouse. lie and we'Ilibave something botter than dan- gave a groat start at the sigbt ai Mrs. dlions if ail works well, and cure 'twill."' Bassett lu the doarway. Ho badl supposed Mrs. Bassett lifted lier beadt front the bier long since in bcd. lie thaught again ground witls a jerk, and bier pasteboard baw disappointed she wold hoe if lio told sunhouniet fellaisthb bckoaier neck. Sbe lber thc îrutb. [le lied neyer discoverod gathered berselfi np slowly, pan and kuife th.at he had lo3t alfaitlunhli. lie stop- lu baud and tepped bouide bier hosband. pied beck erouud the- corner ai tbe bouse.. lie remnoved bis old bat careinilly tram lis Hee bit cuddeîîly 'aeak, He set the Pail ai bead, took fromn witbin Pt folded bah abheet usik dowu by bis side. Tben iii a moment ai common white nate paper and thon de-jlho feul heavily upon the gronnd. Tise moon liberateiy laying bis bat ou thc grecs, un-, shone upon lus slent iorm. folded and sînootbed ont the papier.j Mrs. Bassett woke up came time lu the IlThere 'tic, Seeny, jist the best lock inj night. She went in, shut the door and ceréation. P'vo got it ail drawed ont toper. placed a chair against it, so that sue asigit fection, I don't s'pose, Seeny, yau've evor bear any otie comiug in. Cyrus bcd for- tbougbt bow nriaoy luocks tbere's îîsed. Wlrn- gtten ta wind the dlock and it baad ru mon don't nover tbink af i cs biugs. Wby, down came time ns the afiernoon. She 3there'siniillioinson 'em. liere's thefiggers," thonghi it was late. She reasoned that and hetnrunedâ~verthepaper. "IIiIdidu't Cyrus liid a goofi deal ta say tô Mr. Davis. inake only a cent a pioce I wonld hc as ricb She slept couudly util the next marntng. as rand. Locks is allus breakin' or doiug Mary came bnstling down and begen ta suthin' or other. I tel yau wbat, Seey, 1 uild a fire lu tbe kiteben stove. Thon IIow to Maîfc a Divan. Tise Turkjsb divan bas carne ta be so bigislyusppreciated iu this part ai the world that there lesearcely a bouse where came atoînypt bas neot boon made ta secure a louriging-piace wlsieb chall ho similar, at leasi, ta ihoce ceeu in Orientiai countries. Thero a-e several ways ta make aine, but the eaciest, by fer, is ta give a carpentor thej requicite dimensions, and let. htm iake a ctrong frame ai pine boards. - Inarder got these dimensions, boy a wovcss wire nsattregs which will fit a cingle bed, and plan the iraîsse5 thai tbe, mat- trocs will rosi down un it an eleats arranged for the purpose. Caver a hair mattress with came suitable tuatorial and lay it aver the wire ane, and finish hy tackiug e pleated valeance ai the camne ou the frame. Lt choul' ho moîstioned tbat the height ai tbe pine frame muet depend somiewbat npon the thiokuesa ai the mattross nsed as, wben eutirely campleted the divan sbonld not be more than eigbteon incises higli, aud it could be a trille iowez if desired. Tise entire casi aiftise foundation, carpen- ter'c work, ivire mattrece, and hair mat- trocs, wili not exceed $15, but thissaterial for coverissg înay ho as haudsomc as the ather furnisîsings ai tise room demausd. If a gaod qnaiîy ai brocade is used and the val- assce jseodged witb a rich frînge, the expense might easily reacb $75. But tisere le a cimpler and far less expen- sive way tiîan this, which givos a consfort- able resting place, atîd at the caisse titnie adds a vou'y decorative feainre ta the, raa.m. Oct a cot bed (the widest sizO) witb a waveiu-wirc cpring, and loiver it four incises. Sîrengîluen hy nddiîîg an extra pair ai sup- parts justise contre or by bracing firmly ai tise onde, A bair mattrees may ho placed on ibis, but one filled wiîh excelsiot wili auswer if cometbing sofi j lid avor the top for padding. Tack came dark material aronnd tbe irame, sa that every part je cov- ered, aùd lay a baud aine Begdad rmg over the -whol1e. The extra ienvtz1h ai the rug sb!ouild ho gatbered up in the fa)ras ai rosettes et the front corners, and sewed securoiy with stout thread. Berdad rugse are cheaper then forrnerly, and $8 or $11) will gei a Lraod one which xvili wear indefinitely. If tbis wonld mdcce the expeuce too great, two Italiali hiaukets st $1.50 eacb migbt ho joinoîl togeilser and used lu the caise way. ]Iley are madeofa refuse cilk, and aiten came su dark and noîsîrai colorings whlch would ho veiy suit- able. The divan is nasv ready for its pillowc, wbich ii ay be piied up in any way ta suit tise fancy, and if their coverings isermonize, the elfeet caniiot feu tae ho ploaciug. if a large number ai pillos s eued, it le well ta have a support for them, and in manyhanses tbis i- obtained by facîening a for Infants and Children. '1caitorlaîs go weladaptied to Chidren has atos e ures Colle. Constpationl, trecommend it as superior to any prescripton Sour Stomnach, Diarrhoea, Eruetatiofl, J.. t.nie71 . A. ACEM., .D i nu5 Worms, gives sleep, and promt dl- knOtstoun." R.~.ARHE, . . gestion, 111 go. Oxford St., Brooklym, 1q. Y. Iwithou& lnjurious medicauion. - Tna C=aa'R eCmiv, ?W Murray Street, N. Y. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON1, BOWMANVILLE' JUSTLIS T EN.a A large Stock of well selected Arnerican Wall Papers, cheap and beautiful from 62ts. to 5Octs Fer_ roll, Cail and see for yourself be- fore. purchasirg ehewhere. Ail colors of Paints ieady for us-,, guaranteed to give good satis- faction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Bru3hes and w1lisks. Glass.any size, and iPutty. Paintingt, Grain'ng, and Paparingr done prornptly and satisfactoriiy For ail of which eall at SHERIN. & KIR BY'S, South s1de King st., between Tîleyui's and iReid'8 Shoe stores, Bovsmanvill HlA INS' CGA«rRR IAGEWO R K GEORGE 0. HAINES, iProprietor, MANUFACTURER OF- OARRIAGES, SLEICHS, OUTTERS, WAGONS, &Go KING STRIEET, DO WMAN VILLE. Now on hatnd a namber ai vehîcle3 antIis manueaoturi'sg a agr0at mi.ny iaft ME 1 ý lii 'l am