.ATEFTUL--COM -O RTI-NG t'fl PfÇi7 SEALERS AND iflEIFRWÂS.Contraryiand. LAT £I1J~IUN EW S ewtie rieeets rePrVlisioed and aigein voyat Contrariand -- lcit yodo! uels Cach.The winds are alsteady, Iteleve of hei Caàlk.Thesbiijeail ready, Sbatis tes recently conîpîled show that Ev or since British Columnbia -,-aliiig The cargo je diliing, BREAKFAST. about 1,200 miles of new railroad wure but schooners have been numerous eneîîgh t b To hio's iiing, whots5willing, "Ey a thorough knowledge of the naturai in the Stat es during thse firet six months of called a fleet, it has beeni a yeat-ly customt laws wlisih govera thse operalions or digesio' this year. to tend a steamship te the North Pacific And whom shall 300 find there? thse lân propertie of weli-seeected Cocaa, Mr. Of the thirty stores iu Machias, Me., six Ocoan te a previously appointed rendez- ThÏey aealo kn iee &nd oîriion andby acioefalapplcaton o I hat great fameus baînd in the Contraryiand, EPpp lias provsdoed oui' brealeraît tables with a arc owned and condncted by -vomen, and vous, to provision the schooners, and bring The ail sit la corners, like littie Jack Horners, deiicately fiavored beverage which May save are the most successful business estab]ish- back their catch. They would thon pro- ASwaît 10te btaseS into ssying they're xs ayheav otors3' bis. Tt le by thse mente in the town, ceed te Behring Sea and play bide and seek pesd uacosue ofo sucli articles of diet that a Termuh i ro on contitution May bc gradually but up untîl A new pavement, made of metai plates, with the American Revenue cutters, with Their eyebros al fropdwn, ~togenougis b resets every tendency to le now being tried in Ch icago ansd St. Louis. vary ng succees. Theeyebruik andley on, MWrUaee. Hundredg of subtie maladie are 1l0oàtt ng around us ready Io attacle wh erev'or One of the advantagee clajmoed for it le that To properiy underetand the reason cf And they whine anS thcy fient, bitre is a weak point. We May escape many it wili last nearly 20 yeas, and can thon bc edngasplysemrsm de ut AnSthytediiy eaY, a ratal shaft by keeping ourseives well fortifieS rlaid without dieîurbing the foundation ibucIîad cf the sealing business. In the fil'et Ail the day, ail thse day, '1o1h Pore blood and a properiy nourish-d which consiste impiy cf seand. place, there are two seasona, caliod the "I won't," and "1 cant, tamte. "-"Civil Service Gazet te." catadtesasaos epciey h n o' n h" Made simply with boiiag water or saill. Napoleon Le Granîde, a Biddeford, Me.ct? dte u esn, opeîey.Te .a ItI dceni; t,"aS sha'n't"w SO)d only ia paukêts. by Grecere. labAled hn i rench Canadien, has a emall îsenagerie of' heg sna Fbruaîy. The fluet, whicî It's tee fast," "it's tee slow JAI&IES EPFPS & sCo. lolnoSopathie Clinhe wihlebî ftbeand u sfhes' is aduater. nVcoigt u u'deli nCnrrin. Ists, XOndon, Eegnd, hsown, - 'of wintor quarterabat tnat1.ime and saile îng. Hie big St. Bernard dog frnishes:outhtoterWli'ii si'ii one veyegtiteeontnaryiand -. - ~~poer fer s turning latise -by diligent work we e emutsel a ine cff te Orel on eev- ghesn ofr otaya iii a treadnsill, anîd aise takes part, sh thveelfali wilhth sai mv The winds are ail steady. othr eg, a crbaieexrcse w i ng nertis. The ehip ie ail ready, oterid wiu api ca tseeinarmseslotît. Le A schooner carnies früm four te ight hui- The cargo te filiing. Gradehasclwn og, lapng rehouds, tors, each onu of whon has hie otadT set ssii for Centraryland I adabuck deer breken te harnese. rw Daafedythbos are lowered j___________ and and ge cruising around, sometimosseavoral WEDNESDAY AUGUST 3, 1892. Hon' Ferdinand Goyer, an Austrian gent- miles front thse essel, in porsuit of suai. _______________________________leman and land proprietor, aged about fifty, 1 Thse hunter stands inilieu bow of thse boat Remedy for Potato Rot. whiie asconding thse Griming Mouintaîn, 1 with a shoîgun and sheets hie game in thse Te tthe Edter: XI DUi.. . M11NTCHEn,, hua, Auaaee, la tise Sazkammergut, on Sua- head. Itijene easy matter te îakeagood Sr-hr r e iesso il rp EMBEROF COLEGE F P'day, missed hie footing, and, eiippssg down Sir, -on a emaîl boat tessinogfiabout onthe M~S~E 0'CLEGV0 HYSICIAN ties ide, was precipitated imb a chashe w navesa a oa od hunraboteof'ere which are the direct cause cf more bass te It %dSurgeonls, Ontario, Coroner, etc. tise sadagohuirstefra 0ffie and Residence. Enniskileon. 71. mentît of which wsas neas'iv envered< with lno i_-- - ',ithe farmere of canada. than tha.t hich la Tt, ABOUT 1wiii save you much to! ýwili brîng you cosafort and ease - will save your clothes and hands N1~R E, ERV BEPI'are -a new dis- rdveM thatcure15e wor t-c asea o! NerousDeiisyLost Vigor ani ,eakns,, olbsuor mmd "cans by oer-ork ortis i 0or .or x- cesses of youth. T, , emedy ais- soiuteiY cores thse mo,1obstinte cses when a.ilother TREÂTIETSh efaid even 1 relijeve. Zold tydrug. gistsa aI $1per akgo six for 85. or sent isy mail ou reetstof Prie M'rite for Pamphlet. iSoMl s- llowmanville by STOTT & JUrY. MMANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO,1" the Wondierful Spanisis ltemedy, le soid with ut Written Cuarantee Io cure ,al Rervoua Dis- sces sci as Weak Memory, Loas of Brain i/ Power, }iendache. Wa.kefuinees, Lest Man.- boondNervouanese, Las- Befor & Ater s udý,ail draine and Befoe &Aft U135. as l pweof lise Pisotographed ue.rom lire. Genretive Organs Ila eltiser ex, casssed by cver-exertion, youthfut Indiecretions, or tise excessive ose of tobecco, opium, or stimsulants, whicis nitlnateiy ieed 10 Infirmnity, Consomption anîd Inisanlty. Fut up ln convenient form 10 carry ln tise veet -pociret. Frite 81 a peckage, or 65 for $5 is Canadian or U. S. lltoney. With every$5 oider we give a written guarantee te eules or refund tise inoley. Sent isy mail, ail dut , pald, to any address. Circulai' free in plain envei9T ,,ention tis paper. Address MADRID CHEMIC. 00., iraneis Office for U. S. A. and Canadas. 8 Ieas'boeu Street, CHIICGO. ILL. FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BT I .Higginisotham & Son, Family and Dispensing Chemista.