,a Y DAY pas deirnonratcd ha wonder fui power Of #IILLiA' EXTFERNAL and INTERNAL PAIV.' goWonder then i'hat it f fod ot ý'J'he Surgeofl's Sheif TIhe Mother's Cupboarâ Whe Traveler's Valise, Trhe Soldier's knapak The Sailor's Chest' "ècowbqyýý's Saddle T 2he Farrxner's Stable The Pioneer's Cabiti The Sport&lafl's GriP\, The, cyclist's Bundl@ Mise Jessie Laing le visiting relatives in Gueph, Miese Nellie Williams le visiting f riende ii in Belleville. Mise Editb Adams of Guelph le visit- ing friends in tewn. Mise May Shaw, Te 'rente, is viiting' Miss Loule Andrew., Miss Gertrude Hall bas been visitingf friends in Kingston. Miss Edna Hammil], Teront o, la visit-u ing Miss Annie Niebels. Mrs. J. M. Jones, New Yerk, bas beenr viiting Mre. M. Burk. Mn. R. McClung, Streetevilie, je spend-v ing hie belidays at home. Miss Millie Brimacombe je spandingç ber holids.ys at RLice Lake. y- Mies Edith Hoekin?, Terente, le visitinga ber cousin Mise Ida Uoskin. 1-Miss Laing, Sturgeon Peint, bas beenr guet ef Mrs D. B. Simpsen. Mr. tD. M. Lockbert, Columbus, Ohio, je spendinu bie belidays et home. Mrs. A. Deube., Port Penny, wae visit-o itug Mre. J. B. Matyn lest week. Mr. and Mre. C. P. Isrsel, Bochester, N. Y., are visiting relatives ln tewn. Masters Charlie and Byren Haddy,1 ,Iave been viiting relatives inuTrornto. Miss Edith Maunder,Penetaiiguishene,j je vipiting ber uncie Mr. S. H. Rteynolds. Mns. A. H. Weleh, Parkdale, bas been epending a few days wth friende in town. Mr. and Mre. Thes. Osborne have been vititing at Mn. T. S. Brant'o, 'Pickering. 1 1ars. C. B. Borland and cilîdren of To- rente Junction have been visiting friends bere. Messrs. Sharn & Kirby have impreved, tbe looks of Buckle's Block by a coat 04 paint. Mne. (Rev.> Newton Hill1 and Master Ezie. L1indsav, have been visiting friands Mr. Fred Quick,_ Lindsay,, le aLhome. Mr. M. Annis, Oshawsa, speait Sunday in town. Mr. Bert Saund isa le visiting feiende in Port Perry. Mr11,. Frank Pethick le holidayiag in Peterboro. SMisa Redoliffe of Toronto la visiting friends in town. Miss Allia Dingman le ,visitlng bher ancle in Lindsay. Miss Aggie Nookeg, To ronto,, is, visiting relatives in town. Miss Keitb,,of Toronto,, le spending hier vacation at home.. Miss Batty,. of Birnoklin,5 speout SundaY with friends in town.. MisE. Jtuston,, Toronto, ae visiting at Mr. Geo. Downey'sî. Mre. Legan. l visiting fris-nda in To- rente, London, and Cialt,. Mise Ethel PR.ichardeou, MilVbrook, je visiting Mrt. G. H,1. Websteri. Mre. Chas. Lyle and i àan.ily, Pet erboro, aral vieiting relatives in ttswn. Mr. W,..Thinney bas gene te Newmark- et te fill a responeible position. Miss Carnie Babeok la spending hier holidaye with friends, in Clarke. Mr. Brn. Dowriey ban gon, te Picker- ing where he ba-s secured work. Mns. Archer ansd child, of Teronto, are visiting ber sister Mrs. Dunsford. Miýs Birdie Pellard la epending lber helidays with relatives at Cadmuns. Mrs. John Goodman and family, of To- ronto, are vising relatives in towfl. Mise Isabsel Wilson, Bond Head, ie vieiting lier sister, Mirs. W. Bennett. MisLottia Brimacembe le spending hier vacatien with friende ln Lindsay. Mr. Rarry Dobsen lias returned from hie trip te, Watervilie and other places. N- QfL D- -IA -- 1A LM. M1,. ENTRANCE EXAMNATION. BOWMAXVIhLE 111011SCU0OL. GIRLS. C~ANDIDATE. MARKS. 3CISOOI. Mamie Allun. 505, No. I,Darlington. Susie Beilman, 477, Bowmanville. Maggie Bogue, 440, Plana Cale, 480, e Alice',Cawker, 434, Mabel Clemence 436, No. I,Darlington. Bertha Cra go, 445, Bowmanville. Jennie Fraser, 543, Loise Hanson, 447, Sophie James, 469, Blanche Mann, 418, Maggie N eads, 422,, e Ethel, Reid, 393,, e Ethel N. Rickard, 447, ~ 1,Darlington. Bertha Rick'ird, 536,,Nca. i ,Darlington. Mabel -F. Rogers, 467, Etkikillen. Ida Ryan, 413, Tyrone. Nellie Sautiders, 428, Bowmanville. Bessie Scott, 437, No.9,Parlington. C. Trebllcock, 44-4jPowmanvil1e. Ethel Washinguon, 42e, Haydon., Eva WVorth, 453, Bowmianville. BO)YS, Albert Aunger, 430, Hayo.on. John Brimacomube, .433, Bowmanviile. Fred Burden, 4SSý Bowmnanville. Archile Campbell, 4,35, Tyrone. Harry Cherry, 4W,, Bowmianville. Abe Coleman, 425, Hlampton. Orion, Clatworthy,, 4à8, il George,Freeand. 5M6, Bowmianville. William Gibson,, 396, Hampton. Geo. E. Gilfillana i479, Bowmianville. Lorne Hastings, 472, Hlampton. Percy Hook;, 456, Bowmanville. Fred Joblin, 462, Il E. MOC Ulloch,> 485, Ram, ton. W. N.McDougall, 432, Bowinanville., A. F. Northoote, 393, il Frank Page, 409, Burketon. àA. T. Peunington, 382, Ham pton., Thomas iRyan, 470, Tyrone. L- Jhn Sinclair, 463, Boxvmanv .ý' Our Lending Library, bas been pro- nuunced a, succeos., Try a book., 25 cts. only for ech bound book. NWe expect a big lino next week o f the neted Blair's Stationsry, Pade, Pens, etc. Be sure and ses thambefwae you pu rchase. We buy these gooda direct frein factury and prices are very low. J. EL. DOBSON, 1 CHILDRENi A P INFALLIBLE REMEDY1 Supersedes ail other preparations for the cure efi Mental Debility, Nervoias Prostration, Lese of iiaaheod, Paralysis, Locomotor Ataxia, Pain! ni Menstruation, SIResiosand irregulai- ics, Leucorrhoea, Dhsoridersncf Stoach, Lo8s of Ap- pette, Dizziness, etc. Thes Pills possesn puia- tue% properties, nor any thing hurt! ii to the niosti delicatc systeri. 'hey are the resultof yearsof care- lul study and analysi s, and used mith great succesa in the private' practice of an eminent physician. Thev act primarily on the ocres centres, inoreasing the Vitli Force, pronsoting Assimilation, Eni'Ic- ing the Blo4>d, thus preventing andcnring diseae. For sale by Drnggists, 50c. per box, or sent nO$f- Vaid for 50c., or 6 boxres $2.O0. Dr. Btnler Medsicine Co., Brsockllei, 0u COOPER'S LICHTNINC CORN CURE Cures niard and soft Corat. Only thriee applications required. COOPER'S BU.NION CURIE Cures Bunions, Wants and Moles,, Swolleui Glands, Thick Neck and Skin Diseases of a special character. These remedies are perfect- ly painless. Dont bedecived. &k for cop or', and take ne ether. 15 and 25 cents. I drugaiets. Dr. Butler Medicine Co. Brockivlebe, Oi LAKE ONTARIO STEAMBOAT CO. .~ ~4.. A xotices of Blyth,,2W. ents;- lwarriagres, 50 cens; eate,5o cent%. eaeh Insertion -but MIRE OF C 4HARGE, whea thse fanerai cards are urinted at i tis ilIce BIRTIS. DoBssesc-In Ooaob,.uly 22, the wife of Mtr. SteplbEnDlobson. 0!of.a5son. DAv-TSON l Clarke, July 28, the wife of Mr. G eu. W., Davidson, of a son. CýOec.rnE-~Near Taunton, on July 21, the ýwife of Mr. John Coolidge, of a daughter. "PEEsQQoT, liEast Whitby. July 26th, the wire of Mr. James Prescott, of a son. SirePEN-At Stephen's Miil. Darlington. July 31. the vvife of Mr. Geo. Stepisens. of a dauglater. WAIKls-ALLI-AtCadmus, July 201h. byRer». I. J. Fallte, brother of the bride, as8isted by Rev. R. L. Edwards, Jared Wat- kins. o!f1Edn burg, North Dakota, and J ennie Evoungest daugliter of Uobert Fallis, Cart. ,W right. Tnompýsol-In Newcastle, JuIy 28, Leonard Thompson. aged N y earsa PHuI.tv-At Lower Swell. near Stow-on. Wr-d, Gloucester, England, May 12, William Phlitpe, fcrmerly o! Bowmanville. PA.niSH-In Hampton, JaIy 3th, .&nn Parish. *aged 161 lears, a months.