terest. Arrned with one of the numerous guide bocks te the city our party visited the castle,viewed the Regalia of Scotland, F o re ig npeoped jute the capaclous niuuth of Mons Meg, entered St, Margaret's Chapel, the old est building now in Edinburgh, and eujoy the magnificent view which the anuJ castie affords of the city and Firth. We wended rur way down the irncient and historie Iligh Street, visitiug St. Giles' * Cathedral, Parliament Flouse (where flhe t Scottish Parliament used to meet), the Advocates' Library(one of the fiye libraries iu the United Iingdlom haviug a right to every book published),the Signet Library, the Mercat Cross (re-erected by Mr. Gladstone), and John Knox's pulpit, and flually reach I-lolyrooci Palace where some cf the most eventful days of the choquer- I ced life of the unhappy Mary Queeu cf Scots were spent. le patet remain very much as they were inulher lifotime, and some keen-oyed guides net many yoars age used te point eut what at they proessed te believe were the blood- stains cf the Queen's favorite,Rizzio. To the right are Salisbury Crags and Arthur's SýL Seat, the latter affording a stifi' clîmb te MU these whe like that kind cf exorcise. We did net climnb te the top. The pathway Y O U N l&",, 0 0up leads by St. Anthony's Chapel,suppos. ed by Dr. Exaniol Wilson te have been erected "te c'tch the seaman's oye as hoe A~soeveythig fund n along and perilous voyage, whon his vows ftrst-class Grocerv. te the patron saint, and the hermit who ministored at his sitar." St Anthony's well is a littie below the chapol. In the eld Scottish ballad of "Lerd Jamie Doug- ýr Q U " »tao =U*las" Arthur's Seat and St. Anthonry's Well are mentined- "Now Artlîur's Seat shalho my bed, The -,hoets shall ne'or ho pressed by nie ? BOWMÂNVILLE, AUG. 10, 1892ý. St. Anton's wol shall ho my drink, ______________Since my true leve's forsaken me1 Martinmas wind, wheu wilt thon blaw Editorial Wanderin2gS. An' shako the green beaves af the troc? O gentle death, wlion wilt thon core? GLASGOW AND EDINBURGH. For o' my life 1 amn weari." Asceuding the Calton 1Hl1 on Sundsy NUSIBER FIVE. evening anether fine view of "Auld haigReekie" was enjqed. A monument te Our Canadian Tourist Party à is Nelsen crewns the hill, and net far off such an exceedingly pleasant tour, barring stands the uncompleted meniorial te the thec frequent Scotch showers thiat keep British officers and mon who foul in the the dust wll laid, that our time for Waterloo campaigIn., A stroîl along writing is very imited,indeed. Preparing Princes Sitroot, oneocf tihe prottiest streets a letter cf twe or three columons in length te he found anywhere, brouglit us te the ine very small contrsct, even wbeu our magnificent monument te the great Sir ever ready guides are at unr elbow, so the Wallor. Net for from itheo Monumeont are Ibad grammar, indiffereut composition sud the Royal Institution, Antiquarian Mus- even horrid speling that-will ho found in eum,, sud the National Gallery where the our letters must ho excused. Our readers Exhibitions cf the Royal Scottishi Acacle- who are in Ontario swoltering with the my are held. rAmiong the otherý objeets Let this moth can scarcely realize how c f interest in Edinhurgh seen were the -we can bo geing about Scotland dressed University, the Register office, General in our wîuter clothes aud wesriug au ever- Post Office, Bures' monument, Prince coat aud warmn gloves and yet ho oniy Consort's monument in Charlotte Square, comfortably warmo, Why,it aimostniakos Free Church College, United Proshyterîsu -soivtt see the ladies in Glasgow this College, Fettes' Colege,Ileriot's Hospital week wearing fer capes, aud îelerines, (founded by the genial goldsmîth te James fur-liued cloaks, etc. But after all,if eue VI.), the old Tolbooth "lleart cf Mid- looks at a miap cf North Amrerica and eue lothian," General Assomhly Hall, Fro of Europe and compare the nrtheru Church Assemly H-al. and the Museum latitude cf Glasgow with tha- of Toronto cf Science and Art. To do justice te the for instance, it will ho seen why it is Scottish capital two days were required,' colder here. The cold would net trouble and a week inight have been very pleasant- us, however, if Old Proba wou1d give us ly spent in the city aud neighborhood. dry weather sud permit us te sec the Sun Our home while in Edinburgh wvs at occasioually. the Dun-Edin Private ilotel kept by Miss This is our third visit te Glasgow and Adair, situatod at 219 High st,, near the it bas been the mnost iutcrestingu. We ohd, Trou Churcli and a very comfortable have accuncarly ahi thre big sightsansd a "home from home" we found it te ho. bost cf miner cnes-some plasi' ,te the We are quite iu love with theso private eye, ethers revotiug te behold. A inong hotels as constructed iu this country, bo- the groater things accu are the Cathedral cause they are se quiet and home like. -with its haudsome staiuoed glass winidows Our company have a separate dining room and famous cript,the corporation Gaileries, sud s tea or coffee pot is placed ou the Municipal Buildings, possibly the fiuest table with sîl the etceteras sud the oldeat iu the world, the University, Museum and lady cf the party serves the tea, one cf IÀbrary, Kilvingrovo Park, the panorama the gentlemen carves and serves the meat, of the Batthe cf Waterlco,the St. George's vegetables, etc.,aud it is just like a f;4mily Square sud Monuments,t etc., etc., but as at meals iu a private house. sucs- 'f tbem were describcd iu our des- Ou Sunday mnoruing we atteuded service cription cf the city at the tiii'J our iu St. Gile' Cathedral at 9.30 sud heard aset visit, we shaîl net attompt auctlser s goed sermon from eune cf the assistant description now. It was a real satisfactionu sinisters, a Mr. Ritchie. At il a.m wc te us that every member cf our CcUîpauY atteuded another service in Nich olson st. was se highly delighted with the sights. Weslyan Chapel snd heard another good Our friend flellyar is net a man easilY but rather hngthy discourse. The con- excited, but his admiration cf the 250w gregational singiug here was the heat we municip Ai buildings was iudescribablo and bave heard su a long Lime, lu the after- he ahnost cut-vied the ladies in bis use cf ucen we visited the lieuse where eur highly descriptive adjectives sud adjectiv- esteemied citizen ex-Mayor J. K. Galbraith ah phrases. t is net an uuncmmcin occur- was boru and St. Cuthbcrts church where rence te sec femalos go intoe cotacies over lois family worshipped, ase the burying zomething very beautiful, but when a grcund adjoiniug the church, a very stasd old gentleman gots sîmost uncon- ancieut bursal place. We also visited the trolable with ec8tatie delight our readers parks. On Saturday afternoon we went auay f orm somie ides cf the grandeur cf ou a coaching excursion te sec the now the subject that prevcked such unexpeot- fameus Forth bridge, oeeof the greatesi ed hilarîty and deinenstrative manifesta- triumphs cf engineering art sud skill tien cf appreciaticu sud admiration. But (excoptiug cf course our own King st. Our sjouru lu Glasgow, pleasaut in spite bridge) in the world, It teck Severi of the unpropicicus weather, camne te an years te build sud consists cf three main end and we rcgretful bado adieu te cor piers, each standing on four colorons, er] mothîerly and hospitable hostess,. Mrs. which are buiît three cantilever-s. The, E Baikie, (222 Buchanan st.,) aud booked cantilevers are composcd cf a central for the more beautiful city cf Edinburgh., tower, hig-her sud thioker than the threE The journoy from Glasgow te Ediuburgh main pierm, sud the tcwor foundation5 is eue of thse snartest ruus in the king- are sunk over 70 fot in dopthi. On eith. Some ctios te ho sdmired mnust be seen we siay the greator siglîts, bocause iç in fine weather sud under the meat pîcas- ceuld net sec the city lu a yesr. WS sat auspices. "Fair Edina" needs none crowded se much sight-Eeeiug into ex] of these aid s. She loacs nothing in besuty week that wo hsd net tînie te miake sonr whatcvor the season, but we had realhy calls that 've prcmised friends we wouh( giqucen wetheor" during cur stsy. Per- Our party was very much iuterested wit lisps the maost beautifuly situated cty lu what, we saw, but iithout exception m the on Edinburgh is aise equslled by ivere glad te get away frein the noieý few places su romsutic cbarmn. To the smoke sud bat. Now for afew facîs ax reader cf Sir Wlter Scott-atod whe is figures. The great Boawehh wrote : not one-the chd towu la brimful cf in- "I hsave often amnused mysecîfnîi te different people. They ivheae narrow &c. -in which 300,000 people are amused minda are contractcd te a cousideration cf every lawful night. The police force some eue particular pursuit, viow il cniy uumbered, by ateat returua, 13,286 sud througlî that medium." the City police 905, the number being sud is oeeof the most ancior't, pcrhaps thie metropohis sud for the proper super- the incet ancient cf English cties. It le vision cf tIse imîmense ares cf London, ecE ' ý situsted about sixty smiles from the sca ou with its 700,000 bouses, iucrcasing evory the river Thamos, wlîicix dividles it isite day lu number. The expenditure cf the, Jusb received ini our second-a car to'unequal parts. The nortberu haîf Metropolitan police is £1,440,069 2s. 6d., centaine the lieuses cf Parliament, palaces for the City police about £120,000 a yesr. l a t o parka, principal docks, sud public sud The average coal per man su the whole o d f private buildings; the southeru half cou- British force is close on £100 a year. We sists principally cf mnfatris wr- got tlîis informnation frcm cur guide, sud houses, shopsansd private lieuses. The ne deubt il is spprcxiimately correct. batiks of the river osn either ide are lined M .J with wharves aud docks frees Blackwali te the City, sud theuce by Westminster lfaett sud Vauxhaîl Bridge by embankmieuts cf The laIe Cyrus Field lf nett mascnery, îvhich, if ever completed on Worth $650,000.I f.ics seaqsori. beth ides, will niake ils shores two cf Sir Daniel Wilson, Chancelier cf To the finest promenades itise wcrld. The rente University died ou Salurday sged river le crcssed by soyons1 bridges, iwhiclî 76 ycars. P reserving season ju.st t r ng unste flic nortîseru sud acutlioru ides cf Ont cf 76 candidates wbo tr'ed the En- tbis collection cf cities, jute eue great Irauce examinatiens ah Whitby only 25 .*nt +.o c 0-P Q-1-1 ç.rili hbe rq i e city. Louden extendasuto tour countie8s ucceeded in passing. J1 .O 1 i .J-%J L é L4>J.. VVJL. rJ.'.J'L4.. 1 -Middlesex, Surrey, Kent sud Essex, A large Strathroy knitting factory was but by far tlie largesî portion is ccutained burned at Tuesday, causiug a losa cf Just corne to the W. E M S T E N D lu the ccunty of Middlesex. 't conlsisa $00,0,adrnlig25bns de cf the City, or London preper, withs ,0, u edeig25 ad ie o twcnty-six "wards" and several"liberties" Capt. C. H. Nichols3on cf the Steamer S n e u u t to the cul parishies cf tihe city; the City cf NrhKigws are a oougWd Westminster; sud eight parlisnîenîary nesday te Miis Lilian Victoria Williame',r boroughs, uansiey,Marylebone, Finsbury, Are fie trosu aIl crue d sdrriîatxng a Barrel for spot cash. If the price Seuthwark, Lambeth, Greonwich, Chelsea, malter. Coucentrated miedîcine ouly. d I{ackuey aud the Tower Haseleta. Each Carher's Little Liv-or Pille. Very smal; , - ~ cf Ihese boroughs formeriy returssed two very easy te lake; ne pain; ne gripiv i s n 1t J l ow eU.LLJV yh.do LLoLJ. a.k members esch te the House cf Commone; ne purging. Try xhem. Westminster rcturued liv-, sud the City -How te Learn a Language ini Six cf London four, in ail, twenty-hwo. But Mouthaj," proved te haoeeof the meal now London ie represenîod by sixty eue popu,,ar articles lu the July Rsvirw OF f erally aaid te ho about thirty smiles in Ibis montb by a chrming litîle article f circumfereucc, but ils exteut as deflued conbributed; by the veteran Professer R y et 0 nu 0 s 0 E by bbc legisîsture for psrliameuîary pur- Bîsekie, cf Edinhurgis, who f uliy endorasa,-- poses is only "thie circumfereuce cf s cir- the doctrines sel forth. r1P' cie, the radius cf whichî is cf the length PANSY FOR AUGT? -COntaiD$ a Cern- C L E A Ir .N G qk .L mn cf three miles from the General Post probensive paper on Je-an lngolow, which Office," which i gveesa circuinference cf wiîî ho read with pleam uTrad profit. It only about twenty miiles-ev-*destly too aIse givos a bright bit cf Arnericar isi termi cf London its outlyin u aiîrbs, tory unden the tille cf A bont St. Augus London, as dcflued by the Registrar- Cen- ine, sud bas likewieu- a goedly nuinber cf short storieg, pnerns, bkelehis aud Straw Hats at cost. Delaines at cost. oral, extends nortlîanseouth behwecn verse. Pansy and Margaret idney furu- Norwood sud Hsmpslead sud easet sud bh excellent chap ters for the twa prni Teasel Cloth for loc. worth 15c. Parasols west between Elamuesmirli sud Wool-plsoe. ic t00a1i;lacns wicb. This ares is 122 square miles. aaones.. Price $1 00 a yaar;:1 cen London lies prsncipaily lu a valley, sur- ~xxbr .Lriir&Cx.Ph at cost. W holesale Dry Goodsi Traveller's rouuded by gently-risingy bille. Like au- ensr, Boston. cient Babylon, it is built generally orf V Sone cf lise good things in tise Msgust co pee sok o a pew l e sl brick, upon s fine grav-elly soif on s kifrsd aumber cf Ceeu Houisxxzaresoý inCiude cf dlay, khnow as the "London cîsy,", Mina Parloas indispensible paper ou at first cost. whiclî rees on s bed cf gravel. It ie "Many Meals for lMany MillionR,"' the ________________ bakiug, il altogether, certainly oeeof the other serial articles on "Thse Expert Wait- best draisied, bet paved, beet iighled sud rs, "The Children cf the flouselhoh."' f1ee W s E i . i I '.e i Europe, enhapa "erbsansd Simp'eRe' The H1ouashoii J.jJ in the world, sud tlierefore, il is oeeof Laundry," The Food cf bbc Peruple," ma * >, - bealîhicat cilles wtbiu flice asfetcivil- "asdtah eaes"Car . ss±1 rTi 1tA Jia>u VO LL alJ. w e izaion. To, the strauger, London ah tiret & Ce., Publiabers, Springfield, Miss-.~J~ presenits tbeaspech cf interminable streets dITcJ t"TIl 3'tl the grealer part cf ivbich are cf comimod- .Aek Your Friends U lVVGtys 9 1 V th e h igh es/ loua widtli,, with bouses cf a sombre sud Wh& bave t aken bood'a Sarsapanilla whatx rather dingy look, caused by the use cf bbc tbiufcfrit, sukIhe reples wilI h large quantitiesEý feai fuel. Lateiy,howv- poitive lu ils favon. Oua bas been cnred' r c e f r a l i d f g a i ever, stone-frented sud stuccced bouse cf indigestion sud dyspepsie, anothera d T ÇO' T Tr1 have beau erected in al the principal finds il indispeusible for sick headacheý u n Ê^% an cJ'y o avensues. Practically, London is dIivided ethens report remranable cures o c ol,,la I.. -%n -b 44-itt >N int six principal divisions-theciy the saiI' iheaumansd other bbood diseases, stîli gOOLIs t n c %..0- u.ïDuu u'..±± wost end, the ost end, the uoith west, others wîll bell yen that il overcornes sud the uortbersa suberbs, sud the southi, "that tïred feeling," sud seou. Trulyi on '"over tise waler" as il ha cslled. Other the hast adv-etiing wbich lloed's Sar-1J.P C M Ù Z ' Y social divisions have becu adopted. Thus saparsîla neceives ta the hearly endense--JOM MR T ' " we are familiar with such herma as Bel- ment cf tbe anmy cf friends il bax swen by ______________________________________ gravis, Tyburnia, etc. The Thanies flows its positive medicinal merit. rigbt througlt tbe city fromt weet te asat_____________________ aud the principal fines cf sîreet3 take that direction½ ,though corne important thhreughfares run directiy nontîs sud m aout 12sur ie, leeihbtnt a a as E A TIhe number cf* inhahibants witlsiu Lon- HM don is nearly 4,000,000. In an ares cfGra occnpy sbove 500,000 bsouses foruîing about 11,000 strecîs, squares, terraces, T'rT For Spring a-nd SuLmmer pla.ces, lance, etc. Thse average numberY cf pensons te eacb bouse is 7-8, and there N are 4,500,000 pensons living witbsn a bu an C ps g to M M A E radius cf là mtiles frous Chsring Cross.R tsanTC p r1 got MAY R The average density cf the population is l' t e ,w e e-o îlfn h aÂ-se, *square mile, a densily 100 tisues greater n a g s s o k i 'i Iban that of the United Kiugdcmi gener- h cb aliy. At the ascension cf James I. Lon- FAIR aove3 Une. HRa ts ,fo r 5Oc. worth Vdon was esthmated ho contain about 150,- a A Rk 1000 inhabilans-abonl as mnypensons as go te esake a good ized county tewn i E r m1lu o ' . 0 i r o o ce orday. But taking bbc population c L T - r rn $H6 o 2OO ar r lsft YIte Motropolitan Police district, ivo ehal T lUID Men's Y outh's or Boys G alea y earrive aI s numben approsching five inil- i ions-a populatson perfechly Chinese lu Sept.5 to 17n v u Vils deusihy,aud wheu we cerne te censider a892 e t'- , u choice. ýttaaccordiug te the income-tax rehurn,119 cltie-orh f those payiug Ithe hax si' redGoud A. large and well selected. stock thse inetropolitan districts are living on in- lNew HaIVdIIUe Track cernes cf lesa Ihan £300 sud the great Q marivn es than £100 a year, we shah An New Grand Stand, Of Gents' Fvurnishings. always on dustrriveal fair approximtnsî of theie- Anany other Improvemeuts hand e utilcharacter cf the Ihabilauta. 0f a d klcourse Ihese roturus are net te ho taken Greoter antd Better than ElverH GH T P IC P. ID F R BA F RS ýeas shictly accuraho. A glauce ah htse pal- I H S PR E ]A D FO R W F R . is sah mangions in thie suburbs, particuiamhy ENTRIES CLOSE Ac'usTI 1H -Brompton, Kensington, St. Johnx's Wood,.. . .- .1 ne -eer, besides ltes, ccffee> etc; oetîsan stock. Phease givo me a eall snd yen wihl Cambrian Wolleu Milîs, Put Op ronce. 'le 11,000,000 tosaof coal, sud 150,000,000 ho welcoîno wbetlîer yen buy or net. 21-2a. iHamupton, Ld. galloise cf wsîer. Tiscre are 600 emni- N. BI. Ehiott's Roller Fleur kept. - JL Ot8a D FARMS FOR SALE.- th bses(eanin nealy 600000annully) Lt 8andwcst 1 lot 7 lu tise 2 con. of tho :h busesramearsi13000earbs60,asn ahe iy,) J.'T'. WVIL LIA MS. IIELL DIGGING CLEAN NVI ANDToTwnship of Pickernig. 250 acres onv wiclIara t'O 00 ramcar, 1,00 caa sd te MIre YVrepairtur doue at modems -e xmicos by a firat class barns. ail atone fouindallia; 2 i, pobtan nailways engaged i11 carryiner the jeD"Farmers Produce takou. JAMES AIN.. radehaw St.. BowrnauViil3 dwoliig bo-uses, well watered. ne wast a d. ________________________________WilI ho sold s'isole or lu parts, Prtoê a an(ý id Londouens. The cah esmingaalone reach terme te suit puroseer. AppJy te Hî. P, . a totalcf between £3,000,000te,£4,000,-, VOUIWONILISNOTisave badlthat threbblng A $CRUE AND PLEASANT T0N1E nd ln, soit, Whiîbv,Out. hexs4acae hait yen taing a Buritock Pli# vigorst'isapelzru Iur A romale lbh 000. Thene are nesnly 500 places c f on-.isat nigiat. Qilise isie. Ripans Tabules culre d.ýspûp»'iit.]