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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1892, p. 5

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-~L -~ .~ -w-- I. I i Mr. W. Furze is visiting in Detroit,I Mich. 7, Mr. E. DO wncy spent the Civie holiday I at home. I [j ~ ~Miss May Gorbon, Pickering, is guest - I of Mr. Alexander. Miss Laura Brimacombe is visiting friends in Oshawa. -Miss Nellie Williams, Toronto, is visit- ing friends in town. BUY mias Josie Williams has returned frorn B~G visiting in Pickering. BIG Mr. Coulson Jeffery has been spending his vacation in Peterboro. Mr. Avery Johneton bas been visiting 0- i Toronto for a few days. 25C. Mr. Win. Hellyar is home fromn the llorolopical Collage, Toronto. BOTTLE. Miss Stella McKeowan is spending hier vacation at her home in Acton. The cattie shipments fromt Montteai abroad up to Aug. 1 were 54,591. inl the stilly night, Mr. John W. Brimacombe, Marion, v.Then Choiera Morbus faund 1nn d., is visiting'relatives in town. <'Pain Killer" fixed mne right, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lawrie spent tior wakencd those around me. Sunday with relatives in Whitby. MiLss Lillie Patterson, Brooklin, is [st OLD PEOPLE are friendsà o visiting bier Bister Mr&. J. A. Lawrie. Miss Gracie Ferguson, Peunsylvania, ?crr DlvsU. S., la visiting at Mr. W. H. Wlim' Miss Maibel Northcote is viiting ir Port Hope, guest of Mise Lonie Singleton. Mr. John Wilkins' Wyoming, Ont., he visiting Mr. George Bickell, recuperating hisheaith. d often its very best friends, because Mies Spencer who has been visiting at ýr Irany years they have found it a friend Mrs. Fleming's bas retu-~ned to ber home t eed. lt is the best Family Remedy in Owen Sound. )r Burns-,, Diuises, Sprains, Rheurnatismn, Mrs. John Maynard, and Misses Ethel, reuralgia andl Toothache. To get rid of Gladys and Gertrude are visiting relat- ny such pains before the-y become aches, ives at Fenelon Falls. Mr. Aithur J. Honey, Toronto, wassin se PAIN KILLER. town last week on his way home from ey it zight non'. Keep it near yon. bicycle tour to Trenton. 11 Use it prPlmPY. Mr. snd Mrs. S. Suowden, Pickering, or sale everyvj'hrhc;. I ~L Mr. F. and Miss Mary Brimacombe, To. ronto, visited their parents h2re Sunday The Toronto Police force are organi. ing a motubeefit association, wt h object of ir.suring every man'a life fci You It is underBtood the Education DeparL ment wili recommend the teoberso Soing Ontario to have suitale celebrations i hXolllgthereaohools to commeniorate Oct. 12 the discovery of Amerlos by. Columbus. ro~ Paint? Miss Maud Rundie, Tyrone, bas o a boon d copy of the Giri's Own Annue for ctrect anwers to puzzles in Jul. We seil the bet pitta t nmber of the Rlouoehold Oompauio issued by the J. E. Bryant Compan3 possible to prepare and have3 it ail 58 Bay St., Toronto. Wait for the Oddfellowis' Excursio eady for use at lowest prices and August 16, to Alexandria Bay, N. XY.,ar Thousand Islands, by G. T. R. sud stesr 0,ly color you Nwant. er Rocket, Fare:-Wbitby, $2.20; Osh we, $2.10; Bowmanville, $2; Newcastl JURY. $2; Port Hope, $1.75. STIUÜâJ.i & - UR . On account of an advauce o! 25 cen par ton ini the price o! coal for four su cessive months in American markets, t Our ~price of coal will be $6.50 per ton for t month of Aogust with a rebate of 25c.f FloorPaintcash. MnCCLELLÂN & CO, A yery plesssnt aud enj oyable timem dries * pont by the South Ward Sunday Sdi( t re quickly, is very durableBatlV întergreeu Point Thuraday aIlt noon. A number of the tea-,hers ai ànd gives a fine gloss. officers of the larger schoA a ccapbedt _____________________________invitation and joiued in the outir Swings, boating snd other amusemoi GREAND TRUNK RAILWAY. served to pass the time most enjoyal BOWMANVILLE STATION. If we xuay j udge from the lattera we receiving, froin Editor sud Mrs. Jam QOINQ EAST GOING WEST they are mskinLy good use o! their ti i la L -.. .. 45 arn Imail ....516 a ru and privileges Ther oeywl o -=prSs...10 25 arnm LimExprese.. 5 53 a rn much in the Old (Jountries worth soe ..... . 312 m ILcl 8435 m h wilntse M.Jae Local.... 707 pm M xed. 2 29 m athat they wl o e.M.Jm3 Mail ...9 42 p m Mail.... 8 25 p ni been sufféring f romn a seaere coid but M Llm. Ex«..10 56 pM James seenis to keep in splendid boe and bier letters to th-3 children aud frici giving glowing accounts of Engliah1 ZQW 9 U a.4'~tt1 1 nd soeiery. She is ,highly deligi with lier tirst visit to -Great Britainî BOWÂNYLL~ AU. 1, 192. with the hearty reception she bas1 BowmAviLL, ArG 10,1892 fromn the relatives aud friends she hai far visited. We do not think ahei Locl ad O ber îse tallo w Mr. Editor to go to Europe al Localand ther ise. again alter finding no much enjoyni 'Nir W.S. ritcardin isitng is ar-there herseif. Mr. W.nS. ritchr istnghs a- Several proposais bave beeu made ~Ons I Harison.the utilization o! the Lspacious builè Mms. D. Beith and Master Gordon are vacated by the Victoria University visiting relatives in Chatham. Cobourg. It was suggested that a E Mr, and Mrs. Moffat, Berlin, have beeu ville institution might be attracted, Tiaiting nt Mr. W. P, Prower's. the people of that lace objected. Ti IL R.J. Niddrie formerly of Miii- is now a movement on foot to foui lâekItends going toelUtah, U. S. Methodist orphanage and place it in -The 'Mthq)dist Sundsy School intend buildings lately occupied by old Vico holding their anniversary in September. The Bay o! Quinte Conferen ce bas app -nine ed of the ides, aud its ex-president,1 Ninty.nn candidates tri8d theEntrauce0. R. Lambly, is a strong advocate of exams. in Cobourg aud fz)rtytwo werea charne. It would be more than a pi sitocessf ul. 11 the building was allowed to fill Mra. Southworth sud Miss McLaugh. decay froin disuse. The Methodist Chi lin, Detroit, M jo., sud Miss Germn, is a blg cuijceru. az1d if it takes the c 1l --o--hve-eengue -C ! rs. E. S.----nAge ide 4-nto its-a dfit_;Illm ;laeéw here The Dreas gooda at 7, 8 sud 9c Masou's bargain counter of remuants, yard, original price 20 to 25 ets. OdIds and euds, etc., bas beau attracting proven a genunne surprise to those a lot o! attention for the past two weeks, dîd not thiuk we were reaily doin gooddà have been disposed o! for -' their Large quantities have seld but value, tbis week they add saveral new plac-es we were reservïng hive juat linos whieh will be asold just as chaaply. put out this week 50o yod are not to Do't fail to see thesse bargains. if you corne at once. Jno. J. Masoi Keep Minard's Lîhalrent lan the ILouse RipaxIs Tabiag e ~ngÙti4vi 1Chlldren'Cry Mr. W. Rankin spant Civic holild .y in PUBLIC IGEHOOL ORANTST. COUGliING IEADS TO ÜOFFIN unless Ton1 e bet cure for Cengles. Clds and Lung >0 MiEva.leillyse in visiting lrien" DARLINGTON. Treubles. Lakefeld.1 Mary Dodds, Bogaunville. 217 Mra. S. Coombe, Port _1qpe, ila visitiug 2 Elleit ooe,6.25 Notices ef Blrths,'25 et; arge,0 3 N. S. McDonald Il 24.60 -but FItEZ OF CHJARGE, whefllte relatives in town.4 Ernest Tonkin, Courti. 22.25 fanerai cards are pirnted ai ibsa aflce Miss Jeunie Willieins, Toronto, is vis. 5 Itiunie Spry, Bowmanville, 2845l/T~ iting frienda in town. 6 Thos. Kirkpatrick, il 20.40 , 't,, Mr, Norman Sherin la spending hies 8Frank Wright, Courtice. 44.00 FAR uee, te DaringOnOf, ne.arrlfades V\> . vacation lu Port Perry. 9 .M. Fielding, Bowmnanviile. 23» 95 Son Mise ili adAlc, eki pet 10 John Lee, Tyrone. 18.35 Byn-A on g ateug. the wifa0 r:.are, eof r dard - yet oflanîtaug. thew f~ 'i . Civie holiday in Oshawa. il Franko Groat, Hamptou.n . Edwîar BYN-t3 ne of a dgTrono in viiti. Jaunie Saiiabuty, il Miss Effie Bond, Oshawa,lavitn 12tddeLcautn155 8, the wife of Mr. B. B. Cronyn. of a son.0 her ousns t Lone ill. 1 Gînsox-In Ularka, Âug. 8, the wife of D. J. bercosis t ore ila.13 W. J, Orcb cd, Tyrone. 27.00 ibson, of a daugliter. MissNellie Brittain bas beau visiting, at 14 dadSneaoEfld 20.40AN Mr. Robt. <oville's, Orono. 154 M. J. Gisadon, E24.15 - ARRIZD. Miss Bertie Henry, Port Dalhousie, is 16 Johiel Coolidge, Enniskillan. 37.15 BESr'rGAMSBV-At 0O'ono. Thursday August A LB ER éW D l vîsting at Mr. Gao. E. Mayuard's. 16 Bertha McCullough, Burketon, 26.15 4, y Rov. W. 1'. Allan. Newcastle, Miss E. x V liNF L IL EW D 4.h sud Mr. Isaac Best, otf.Arthur, WVel- Supersedles ail other preparations for thea cure of Wellington Lodge No. 19, S. O0. E. will 17 Rose Brown, Enniakillen. 17.85 lington Co., Ont. MentalfDebiiity, Nervaus Prostrationl, Losa of decomate the graves of the deceased breth- 18 j. H. Aluin, Tyrone. 42.10 itsanlîood, Paralysis, 5.ocoîàotr Ataxi, Painful rau Friday evening Auguat 19. 19 Maggie Rogers, Hampton. 13.25 E. Menstruation, Suppressionsansd Irregulsirl- Mm J C Vuson ttudd heDo-20 W. il. Tonkin, Solina. 36.45 STUART-At Bowmauville. Saturday Aug. 6, ties, Leucorrhoea. Disorders cf Stosr.ach, Loss of Ap- Mr. . 0.Vantoneattededthe om-petite, Dizziness, etc. These Pills psses n purga- ien Milier's Association asat weak sud 21 Rendol Snell, flaydo.t. 32 50 Rebecca Stuart, ageti 73 years. tv rpris o ntighrfli h is > 2Union, 22 Clarke. 8.25 RUDDOCa-At Bowmass1Vilie. AUg. 6, Dinah delicate systeiu. Theyare the resultof ycarsoe are. was elected on the Board of Abitation. 22Ajan, belovad wîf a ot John Ruddock, aged 5 flui study andi analysis, and used mth great succeae Pleasad to ses Mr. John Rica ocup 23 Union, 20 Mianvere. 2.00 years. 9 months. inth ie private practice e? an emi'sert physiclan. -GULL-At Bowmanvilla. Mondav Aoak. 8, They set primarily on thse nene centres, increasingr ing bis former position as organiat lu the 560,00 Olive Vicia Rosa.o- y 0 uhtr f lreti antithe vital Foyes', proinotiriz Assirilatinnu, EnrieSe- Mehda3brhSndyl h bec Emma Jans Gully, ageti 9 years, 3 months, 13 ing thse BIoCel,thus preverting rd~.iudsaO o! Miss Northoote. CARTWRIGHT. tisys. Fuserai to-day(wadnesday), au 230 p.m. For sale by Druggists, 50c, per box, or set ot 0 Miea Stuart died at bier esideuce haers 1 James C. Devitt, Bueketon. 18.70 B W AVLE M RES i.~ te~~ldcseC. on Saturday asat froin cancer. Hem re- 2laihBBraBicstc. 623iteeilile, Ont, mains were taken to Cobourg Mouday 3 James MVoore, Il 16.6- Corcted by J. Xliurtry, avery Tueeaday COPRSL HIIO ON JE bura4 H. Sanderson, Purple q 9' 4 Rev. W. A. Bunner in ocoupying the 5 Lonie Proutt, Cadmus. 19.75' FLOUR, P 100 l'ba.........$1I 90 to $2 50 CUPr'SLIardfldeI CrnaORniCREe e ulitofth Smee t etudatchre, Lur MNïl I62 '90aVIrah....M 0 N9 Creildad oH Cr24s.90ythc pupto hSiioStMtodsduta, 7 John Ferguson, OSetarea. 40.20 WnE.ÂT, Fal, bsh .a0 O95splications requtreti. Oshawa, during the abeence of the pastor o Spring,I ...0 00 ,0 80 COOPETR'S BUNION CURE Rav. W.J. Joiiffe. eatricaKan-0 -7IBlakstock.26.80 BColotodon W Oui and M~oles, Swollen bi Mr. J. W. Bengough., editor sud car 9 Minnie Graham, Janetville. 17.20 R , ..............O0 0 iO075- Glands, Thick Neck anti Skin Diseases-cet-a- 0toonist o! Grip, is sald te have aevered - 0 ........ 28 Il 0 29 speciaicharacter. These remeirs are Perfec1- 246 00 lypainless. Don't ba deceiveti. Ask for Cop bis counection with that journal. Mr. BÂ&RLE, , bush, No. L. ..O 00 O 4 or'santi take ne other. 15 anti 25 cents1À , Ssmn. Hunier will daw for Grip. CLARE. ' 2x.. 0 00 0 45 drur'gists Miss Minnie Higbat, B. A., Cobourg, 1 Florence Reed, Port Granby. 33.15 2.... o 00 0 40 Dr. Butter liedicine Coe. rackvilte, Ont, Graduate o! Victoria University sud 2 Isabel Wilson, Newcalitie. 25.95 Two-rowed O 00 0 40 s Medalliat je Modemn Lauguages bas beau J. W. Bradley, Clarke. 53.00 BuckwheatV bushi....... 0 00 0 45 LAKE ONTARIO STEAIVBDAT Go. s angaged as Modern Language teacher in 5 Elizi Ballagb, Newcastle. 22.55 PzAn, Blackeye, V buah... 0 00 il O 90 eue High School. 7 Effie Warren, Cla-,ke. 19.,80 il Mammsy Il ...O O9ir O80 Me.JonRddc, h ssrrîkn 8 J. J. Keitb, Orono. 28.45 il Small, 0.. 00 le 0 57, o'with paralysie while at Muskoa,9edat Kate R. Soquair, ir 11*00 I 'Biue, ..-O0 0 i 0 70 10 John O'Fiynn, Starkville. 24.00 BUTTER, beat tabla, e II... 0 00 0, 13 y' bier residence bore Satueday imomnieg. - F.W Ralilton, Orono. BEcs, e~ doz.......... O0 00 0 10 ýz. The funeral took placa Monday te, Orono 12 {osephine McoBalei 88.35 PoTATOEs, 4 bush ....... 25 0 30 Dal fo 1 n 1ic r e ceuietery fellowed by a large concourse 1o! 13 Mary Caun, Kendall. 40.40 EfiÂT, V ton..... ........ 6 00 o7 0 QO férRo h str er relatives sud friands. 14 S. J. U urtice, Kirby. 32 30 Moudsy, Civic holiday, was aspecialiy 15Annie Moore, Leskard. 40.80 F"OR SALE on easy ternis Lot 17, lu Maguificant New Steamner -t. fine aud tha majorlty o! eue citizena apent 16 Lizzie Watson, Orono. 1 2.25 J the 9th concession iu the townsh, e Tf 1 liÊ-4? T ' of it aIthe laka. About 300 Royal Tem piara 1 OlyFlis edl, 2,5Darliiagtonknowflas tse Swain ta. AIplply ,'14',JLbJ. L. r J .N 17 only Ffls, endîl, 23 OS MULOOK. MILLER. eovsa&MNT- lu ! Ohaw an Bornavile bld pintc18 Jas. Las son, Kirby. 120 80 GOMERY, 99 King St. East, Toronto, 26 -6e.o.w Wl aeCbuga 8 u u otHp 2,atWitegrauPont Bsebal oo. 9F. J. Jollow, rl 12.80- at 9.46 a.m., on arrivai ef IG. T. R. Trains frein bail, croquet sud beating were, engaged 20 Union, '20 Manvar@. 3.55 STRAYED from lot 5,cou 4,Darlingtou, North, Eassanti West. on iu sud a pieasaut tiras apent by ail. The 21 Agues Haliiday. Orouri. 17.10 S wo one-year.oid cattla. ene ai iseder. aud RETURNING-Leaveg Charlotte nt 11.15 p. Salvtio Arm pinickd a th14inon ee resu steer with saii hole iu each ear& m.. except Ttiesday at 9.45 p. mn. andi Sa=nday ai~~~~~~ SawtinAnypcuced he ne 2 rncsaitosuitiable rewand wil ha given te anycue giviug al,4 25 p m.' CONNECTS at Rochester witis ar1ry îy sud s number o! privats picuicerehi 23 Union, 1 Darlingtoin. 9 .60 ir.formatiou tisat wlil leadt t their racovery. trains fer ahl points ou New York Central and at Sydenham Park. Al o! the pleaseure - S. V. RoÂA. Tyrene, P. O. 29-tf. ail diverging fiuas. CAL.s ait Brighiton on on seekers seemed well satisfied wlth the Mentiay anti Weduesday Moruing for Rochell- ll533.CO -ot 0are !lt3,tee sud Weduesday mornring anti Satnrday da'souin. sd ccreic hap,,'IdOR SALE. Nrh7 ce flt3,Eveuiug freiniRochsester, tiolisorne Wednee- yds'souin.A adocuruc apeied~ 2con. 3, township et Carke, Tenders wili dysdFia t .i in the evaning wbicb marrad he rced- CÂNADA'S GREAT FAIR bl receiveti by the undersigneti up tae is la n rdya m on11luga somewhat. Miss Olive GSl, .ept. 1892 for thse purchase or sasitiprpnY Thressgh Ticliets aud Baggage Checkfi mid dagtmcUe"Afe ul astkn-M C 'sssIA GARDINER. 198 O'CO omr 'fromt Agents or ou board. daughter of M. AlfredeGtuantiam oat powertnl steamerslliou th. m-u wltb hemorrage o! the lungs sud died lu Sbli. 5 Sru o l7TH, 1892 Olawa. 21-9w TRE NORTH KING is ena of the langeai tliae e unts hel iey55o g Tha citizans o! Tororito bave voteti ARX TO RENT.-Being Eouth balf lakea. Ligisteti by Electricity anti modernr le, suhas beau siling fer soain montha but i F oet!ot 7 anti sonth quirter of lot8 iu tise throughout. destb was net expected so soon. Much $150.000 te the Toronto Indui4trial Faic 7sis con. of the township of Darîjugton adjoîn- C. IL NICHOLSON, Int sypaty i flt or he erave paent fr iproemetsto ha made on the ng tie village et Tyrne. 143 acres, clesee. ~F Gen PaBs. anti Fgt. Agi. prove SmenteATrnc o o .YoNiC.F GILDERSLEEVE. PORT ùoru. ne- lun the destb o! their only cbild. grounds for this yeatr'e Exhibition, wlirb Bowmanviile, 32-tf J. H. H. JaRY.erNsT Ib . ________________is te h be ld front the fi! th te the l7th J .H UY IGTN the Sept. r.ext. About 50 acres bave beau RENT.-Ail that part of the nortb 16-tf Tce gnBeWMÂNVILîZ for 9dedteta raan gond sd nv quarter of lot 20, con. 6, Darlii gion.ho -___________________ In addecoutainingrabout g48uacresamore or 06MMUE %J race track and tSOw grand stand te seat longing to the esiate of WilliIam williamns, l. ease dt e e o na L. abo tn acr ees oe oF rti e o was ~ ~ twclve tbousaîsd people in beiug buit anîd lets except a enisil portion tisereof ineîsadeti in Notc r me s îoeimany other imprrivements are being made. parîussapplyne J ohn U a R. aIrdd ased. Bar- ter- Our Lending Library bas beau pro Consequeutiy this year's Fair promises te rinler, Bowmnvilia. 32-if Iarpeaedtdealcppnatv and uounced a succeas. Try s book. 25 ecIa, te be greater sud baller than ever. iA 1cents pareg, havaase hput u uw achi the oly fo clot boun book lare numer ofErie pecia. atta0t SALE.-A beautifl brick mti-cetpr ai1hvsenutInwmc- the onl fr coe bondboo.harge sbero! inged oran aver'aiusF dRuce on Elgin St. containing 8 rmoins, 2 inary for grnudlng cern anti cab wieh 1«Il Ing. We oxpect a big lina next week o! tha e beurage frsd vrlne halle anti a wooti shedi witis a tountain anti enanotai Biair's Stationary, Padle, Plans, etc. features bave beau premised. The ex- every ceuvenience. Oua acre o!laudonwhieh gr!n iltiti sautse price. hits inaideatetswl c agrana a number of goti fruit trees ant i sistbe h hibBetsulu aidl depahtmentsoreillu a langer aise a trame dwelîmng, wîîî lie solt ciseap. For Yonrs Respecttully sly. esnreudaeebem eforeyen prc ~ sud botter Ibso se arry previons Fair sud particnlarsa ppiy te MRes. W. II. IINSON, Bow-A.STOLY 3 are \Ve boy shese gouda direct frein !actory wil include mnally thals have beau pre- manville. 31-tfA.S OLY nos, sud pricas aie very low. paredlfrteWrdsFi et er olye ilDrigo Lie F11 flV~tYTChesp eforsi orld's uFa rn oncar. ARM ,T> BE SOLD BY TENDER TrieD c Ole'5MilDar91.o ,tbc J.' H.- 't 'D' xcrsoss ' ualh mn Xn UTenders wil Ialerecelveti by ttitiller,19. 0f 0ail rsiiways aud the attaudanca of visitera igneti up te Menday Augnst 29, 1892 fer thse ein g ?> will ne doubt be as longe, as aver. Ail Noth hait ef lot 7. con. 7, in tise township oet b as ___ s" U M Darintgon. 100 acres more or iess, gondti buid éi " ~rs.~ ~ ntnes hve 1 hamadeou o beore he uge, gondi fonces. Weill watered. oua mile front1 ani thavilin or maexnorbt o manu-ent st's_ mGs onydoa.N tndrII aith~~ .1. '13tb o!i Auguat but most o! tise space lu Tyrone, 9 miles frem Bowmauviiie. Apphic- e i nds _____thebuildingsfor_______________ofmanu ecassaly accepteti if net satisfactoryJO' h! e ____________________________________factura bas already beea ppiied for. For BEJnlil.3-w htad Hîgh School Notes. eopies of the prize liaI aud programmes drop a post card to Mr.Hlll, thea Manager, ('1 ALVES WANTED for vealing purý sud atTrnt.'....poses. Drop a card on cali on HuMua & bead Bowmiauvîlla 111gh Sebool wil me opena rnto.Waînxn, tise Peopie'a Butchers. Bownsnvillei as se Moinday Aug. 29tb, t ia vexy desirabia_____-__________________ wnll tbat ail intauding pupils shldh e EnglauIl Magazine for August loue on baud sud enroli thanisoee the fimt centaine Round about Glouceter ; ans Fîrst Glass Farm to Rent naut day. Guteman's Winniugs ; Juat Taxation;, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, MIîSS EÂSTWOOD'S succscsson Hat; Dusk ; Wlt Whitman ; WsitA Sfur Wbile regrettiug the rerali tean-WhtaluBso;W tWitas Being Darta of lot saven sud eigbt ou tise A t .<~ ~ Iding other ephere o! labor Miss Eastwood B. Damecrscy ; Off Monomoy Peint; Ye Brokcen Front, Lake Sisore, Pickering, 5 milesA t % ii e &A., whose sterling qualities both o! IeasdRmneo ac a bnIanod Pickering Village. contaiuiug 214 acres; ne st Oua e! s Thouaand; Free Suumer breken Land, seli day boan. Firat chass atone elle hs hear bave o f orlatayiands PlMeaurrs fer the People lu Boston ; The stbing underneath two banna, ahi furnlised butr aslu Ibis st hiema onslation atSECandidiate at Bionacle ; A Study of 70 heati et catteand5 spart or horses, wehl liera H0 abesueiabslecty o u lad br aacss'tu acoPlsEplr-waramad sud tencoi offitut 20 anti 25 acre Higet asbea aleoed10 uceadbe FmtionSatus nflueceo CoElorabuso ilda wiîi gales openlng lntIes~ lane unnîng ithe Miss Highet lsa sgaduata of Victoria _Un-tosada.i uinnauo Clmu.tisougi tise centraeofthtie farm; two gooti ivesity, Medallial jis Modern Laig-uage;a 86 Faderai St~ Boston, Male., dweîîîng bouses; aise orcisard aud gardons; ail omis _________________________________lu gonettate et cultivatien- Use eofeueetftise suv.ad cones very bighly recommended fer bonnesaltereu___________ad___________fo Re______________________________________for tour herses. sud use et eue atone stable aud Rer scoisti atainats.Wehasea fe THE Vl.CA DOCTORS barnu ater l5tis Noember. For furrisur par- )f the bier s hearty welcome sud a pleasaut z nî750,ý dAmrc. ticuhars enquiro of )ityif ournIIIourmillt. erhps, he edtJAMES CAMPBELL, Owuar. juewisb we cau make for bier in that she will -5 1-1w Wiitby P. 0. A w ay îurch ha nul only as popular, but aise as suc- HI ®rph- cessu a teachar as bier predecessor. If1 SERVICES kaanet she will disappoint the veny higb ex-11 pecaton tatbaa bau!onrd egrd-. ow is yorFFm ets. a sud certain cure for constipation. It is EVRYOD I DELIOI5TED WITII I. CostopaTroondlo ., bas inl the !orm o! dry oots sud lbaves, sud t contains historie sud inters stîng for Srnith's Dye Works, Toronto.- wbo is kuown as Lane's Family Medicine. i tte eBîgt Mutb u h semalirr su kiuey, su fo clerinmupth e il Subscriptlo Martoa and M A Y N A R ýng il. will cure sick-headacha. For the blood, Norb-Waat and will inlerest yen., Try Starnpirig doue to order. ibeau complexion il does wouders. Druggiats PUB IInn1. ria~ .La .~- o0 laIe sall ii at 5Oz. a package-enuOgu f riuve rus seau y the MANITOBAX UB MLD AÂNCASTAEA )n. wosks.'7 LTSHING C0,186 James St., Winuiregâ Minard'a Linimeut for sais aveywbere. Manu., J. A. Ostoi4, Editor. 13-t.! ~THEI JEW7 ELIJE, for Pitcher'6 CaiàtorI-i e e t-, 'h a, r e g g ~tg i y Lt, i M -s-.- R

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