(CUTPLUG.) CPLUG No other brand of Tùo1cco has ever ene o- coyd sueh an immense 'Sale and popularity in the samne period as this brand of Cut PIug and PIug Tobacco. Qtdest Cut To»acco manufac- turers în Canada. Cut Plug, 10e. 1 lb Plug, 10c. ï lb Plug, 20c. THF COOK'ýS BESTFREN W.DICKEY 'VËIETEiuN RY SURÇ*Ëoh. ORONO, - ONT. Offic.-Puat OffilsaBlok. Celle b5y taagvpàor tebephens reoeiva las ST79-AN" DA'R D B ANK OF' CANADA. lràtlitalpelai up, iiesPtegs,59,se iOu Thiis Bank is praparod te do Legiti- matae Bauking in aIl its branche. F arlner's niotes discenntad; Dopeaita ý,ece-ived'anS Initareat paid on ancouna of $5 aud upwards in Seringa Batik Departmnent. 0 R A FTS ana uSudCoîhantious made in Europe UnstaS Statesj, nS Canada. W. J. .TONEse cotna edo a Ganeral Býauklitg Business c 'a di l 5aîv lenkDepartment and On Prs sudrtýaretal at carrent rat nas Noir ýIIýnot ie titdr esranitedssary ti este paya le n daman ol niitn soeanS tMrartsusinah, aouIlrtpo ýïU. h Tels Grs eLbaebouldataS sS Pr s plivimainsa nit rse upo il pares cfUacrs ta n, s abe autaS bcsîsta)is Dof ire olAnt elcgi'icuaph a îsfersk E. . FORZTT Annountant. GEO. McGILL, manager. Nyeuralgi9 av Sciatica, Lumibago, Bakache, H-e ad a che,. Too0th 'a c he 8ore Throat, Feost Bites, $prains, Bruises,_Brns, Etc. YOUNG FOLKS. Thse ' Blad es 0' Grass" Faîies. 1h nas a ihappy biffe tiset tise uttle faiciea, "i-haSes o' Grass" lad Sown in tise cool damsp nartis. Tiseir fir£t recollection was off pusbiug np tiîmough tise grenSsud receiving a dazziiug fluoS et sunsie fullinlutiseir hittie faces. Tisen tisay faIt soft breazes haSen nits cli tinils off eneet oSera fan d'air brens. Moruiu gs thay pmoudly ceunteS tise glisten- ing dendrepa arîici spectîn lita brîblients upon thair gai meula, anS et nigist îiey fell asleep lu tisa silvry nioonheams. Tisen tisera nere tise aveiiinga, wnisîshsy ieard tire ffcogs orer lu tisa pool cellng in tiseir boarse vuicas, anS tisa plaintive notes off tise robin anS tise tismusis frae.tisa great trans, anSdnisen they wetched witis daligist tIse nîgisîby rayais off tise firafiies as tisey SauceSl heet euS forth ehore tisair heada lunuSil euS lautastie fasision. Oh yes 1tisa fainies, "'BlaSes o' Grass" asere very happy, very prend off their nen summer frocte off a Selicate green bue, anS vamy glaS tiay avare clive. Tlhe mother usaeftheu ho taikt h br cisildren aeuSthel tisanioff ahi tisanonderfuli hinga tisey wonld sea anSdbacc haffora suminer wonld dieaneu tiser nould cmaep hant loto tise esrtis, anS nait for tise intar te spreaS hem wammn whsite osautie ovar tises. "lIf yen eujoy life new, my daes," ase saiS, oeaday, Isow mucismnea cpinesa wîbl yen. possess wisen laer yen bava maiss igber in tise world anS eau loot out abroaS over tis aibad. Yen will sea se mcny ibings, You nih ana huts goiug up anS down tisa river yonder, filleS witis pao- pie nso sis'g anS hrinu s inin euh off strange instruiments. Yen nul sea a wîbderness off flonars lu tisa gardena over there acroas tie wsy-rosas, lsonaysnctbas, nasturhinnis anS seet p"s.Yen null sec most beentiful butterfiies anS dragon fias anS gmeet melba fiulteî-iug about. 9'ben up et tise cottage on tise iilaboesus younavili sea people loungiug about reedling, talting anS wmiting. They swing lu gayby coloreS baminocts anS tise ladies near beantîf ul gewns, tliongi noure are as beentiful as yonr on. AniS Most nendarful sigiht off ah Youeu wllsesae linge bridge ovar tise river enS a grec h mens- tar rush acrese 1h nitis au engry snorh anS snarl. AnS et uigbt thsis terrifie monstar bas an aya of firca niicisvoen mey sec glesîn. ing e long, long way off. "1Mata haste aSdgron nmy ebldran, se tisat yeî may seealal tisosa ranarkabbe anS beautiful sighs." AnS tisa ilttle green f ainies miodSad Ihiair beads anS Scant lu tise denegacly anS baiS up tiseir faces te ha tisseS enen by tisa sue, that tusey mighh gron tise ffestcr. Oua day tisey nece conscious tisaItisey baS ueighhors. Tisese naigisiors isad comae silantly euS mystacieusiy. Tisey aIse huaS pusseS np fcem the soul, anS nere grewing vemy fast, munis faster tisen theaIlBlaSes o' Grass." Tisa mohr ffairiy trieS te bolS hiem eau grenSfor barsaîf anS bier eblidren against tisase nan comners, but tbey eibowad their nay in a meat violant anS imupudeant fasision, "lMate wey for us"hey criaS mongis- ly. "lYen ueadu't gire yeucselff suebu aima anSacl as if yen ownd tis a accu. Wie'ra mast as geod as yen are. tVa may net ha quila su slima or neer quite sncb Sain ty cloîising, bat na're bsers te stey, and Son't yen forget il aither," anS lita many human heinga îbay uudged andpotad anS joatied and lgmen taller anS ranter sind quite orar- cama their amallar anS neater neigbbocs. Tisa "Netties," for so wema tise nen corners celleS, naeea vecy course anS cruahy lot, anS holdly Saciemed that they proposeS ho "mtn eut" tise "BlaSas o Grass." IlWa'll show yen tisaI ae'ra jual as geod syon," tisey couhinully crieS, anS fiaunted thiar ieada evrer tisapoor lîhtle Selicate fainies, niso gran more feebba anS aictiy. IlOh, niset shah I1 do?1" moared tise poor motiser fcicy as ase sanhier cisildmeu slowly wasting away. "lHon cati I sae tisa liras, of my darlings?' But tise I"Net- hIes" ouly langised Sarisivaby anS psied thair route deepar in tise soil anS haiS np tiseic heeda more dafiantly tisen evrr But urie day a hart aligistei on a brancis off tisabimnis trea nudar -iviose sisade tue I"Netties" ansd tisa Il"BlaSes 'o Grass" nere slcuggliug for niastery. Ha sang off' hope anS feith, anS -as ha pouc- cS toctis bis massage, tise feint anS weecy, isaat-sk meher fît tien biffe. She lîshen- aS eagariv as the hart sang lu jubilent aIrain Tise "Nattca" criaS "Oh, hon ne niish tisatIbird-wctuld stop île hiresume noise 1" but tisaIl BlaSes o' Grass" avis- pereS "lOh,, if ha arusd but sin&' for arer !" But aet lest tise lent fluishad bis song anisti hssa ords : Hope on I Halp us isigis, ielp is nigis." The iean hlSunheavetnward. Tise motlier ffairy natchad hlm disappeer euS focreaisomeint fait veny bouiy, but, me- membcring bis parting nords, embracad lber bitîlaeues anS saiS: I"Be brave, my Sari- inge, selp is nigis." Eerhy tisa naxt moruing, ara tise cew bcd cesaSho spartie, tisece came a sound off footalepa on the atone naît. Than a sitadoîr hauet orar tisa grass. Tise '"Biedes e' Grass" booteS up anS san tnofanas, ctie tisa face off a uitIle mhilîl, laugiig, cronned nilis sofi, yellowv iair anS nitis nyns as bine as tise sky. Tise oliser face nas oldar, nih genthe ayas anS an expression off pity. IlOhs, pape," thay l1marS a sweet, litIe veine say, "anaectisa nasty i-oeils speiling tise pour grass. Wisat a hame 1" lTisaI's se, my bey," saiS tisa otiser, "tsaIavon'l Se, Wn neu't hava osîr lawrt Takinig It (JoolIy. Tise shiip off an Admiral, nisu aas thse Dute off Welliiigîon's near coustien, n-as wreckeS. IHa nas piaced iii cumnsalid of a recoud aip, nisic s asoelos t amishinseiff iv as dronned. Lord Cha'rIa nmuniiceted tisa disaster te bis fetiser, wbo nsaraly e- cliîmad, wltis Spartan colduese euS bevity, IITbet's tisa second sbip ha hat lest. ",Tise tain anecdote, se ho ccll it1hbd refemence ho Lord Charles bimsabf. Baiîig ordered withhbis regimant abroad ha fait munis con- cern ah hidding ffeaweih te bis agad fathaer, nisosaha migist never seeaegalu. On bis mcking tise nnouncamant, tise D ute, who bcd been reediug damiped bis emotion hy sayin g sbomtby, IlGood-hyn, Cisarhie, good. bye 1" and tekiug a las i ook- baffoea aving the mom, tise son was mortifieS ho ses hiset the fethar seamad ho ha as intasît on bis raadiug as ever.-[The Fortuigbtly Revian. The Songo- f thse Exiles. Is f 1 lorgeF thce, 0 Jamursa, let rmy rigis hbaud forget hem cunng. If 1 do net emnember tisea, let my tougun cleae to thse rouf off îy inouth ; if I pmaler net Jarusaean abus-c my c ief juy. "-Pacisa cxxxvii. The onby mnswbo eau ffully appraciata tisa power and pathos off tisis psalm, is tisa man wbo ilana exile fronx the land off bus fatisars, ffrom thd huma of bis sunny youtb. Tha axiles in Behylon tnew hatter far then thmir brethran lu tiha home aud wisah Zion nas wurtb. Tisay had loveS tise courts off Zionin i their eacrier Scys, and inow exiles lu a foeigu aud, ailitise spiandors off Babylon feiled ro chein, se hy the rivers off Babybon they set Sown aîîd nept wban tbay rerem- bemad Zion. Nue' wera these uuumiby ears; tbay ware crystal trihutas off a love tisat grew strongar as tis a Sys pcssed on. Wbat these Jcwish exilas faît lu Babylon more tîen thirae tisousand years ago meny ara feeling lu Canada te-day. Ail ovar tiseland, se loveS off GoS, tisera are thosa whose mesmory b obis ne more sacraS treasuras tisen thse remambrance off Christian fabionsis anS cburch associations tiset tise sundaring bauds off time ansd space hava oniy made more dace. And offtan by tise rivers aud lites off Canada thby it down, anS by tise St. Lawrence anS the RaS river, by Super- ïbm, Huron or Ontacrio, îbay waap when they remember the Zion off soe Scottisis city or seina peacelul Englisis plain. AnS thase are gracions tears. Tbey bear hestimouy te tisa Wor tis of thsose eariy religious homes, te tisa tendamneas anS constancy off those friendsipa nsicis, firsi it ah God's citer, hum wiltis a SeetilshsaSanie. Te sucis Il exilas frosa home," tisis littie pacîsa is worthsuncouttaS gold. 1h providas for the enguisis wiicis euby exiles feai, tise oui', stifficient sobace. 1h praseuts ho tîsaîr lips a vow, tise rary utîeriug off wbicis ialcas tises brave and shroug. Il If I forgat thea, O, Jernsaicm !1" AnS thsir thbougbts fly heekto tehie churcis nitis ivy-mautied tower, or te tisa unadomuad meeting-bouse ou tisa boue hblilsida. Il If I forget tisen ! Let nîy rigih baud forget hem cnnniiig." Forgat tisose sacraS Scys ! Tisosa isappy Sahisatîma ! Tisa faces offtisosa nise lireS lu a iigih tisat wae Ilaboya tisa brigisîncîs off tise sun," with wbom we toot sweh counsai 1 Forget tisose nithswbom wa nabted t hesa ouse off GoS, by wiooae sida ne sung off a lanS Where congregations recer break up AnS Sabbatbs neyer enS. Forgat tiiese i Neyer i Thîey are graven on tise pehîns off unr bauds. Tisny are writtan ou tisa fiasiy tandem tebleta off tise baart. But tisera is more coînfori for exilas lCen - acte fros tisis psalm. Th le Jews lus Behybon aiare lu a streuga land, amiS streuge gode anS ahounding iS<latry. But tisis is nut e strange land ; this la GoS's land as suraiy as Palestinea nec, or Engleud la. XVe ara siuging tise saeasunga, reading tiesare Bible, brectbiug tiesare prayers. AnS if ne wouid draný ail tlue sîrcugtis anS coin- fort fresa tiispsalm tisat 1h otfais tisa exila wasshabhrajoice tisat wa ara au ric in lubless- aS mernorias off otiser Scys%, anS se ricis in tise greet hope that yet a littia nisile, anS.tise scathared famiby from acil lauds, troutisa nortis euS frosa tisasouth, from tise east anS fr&m tise West, shah bc gatiser- cd home, anS we siseil sit down witis Abra- ham, and Isaac, anS Jacobs, with Jolin anS Peter euS Paul, witb Luthenr anS Wesley, anS nitistise great Master himseif, anS se shahl we arer ha withstise Lord. .What Mothers ShoulS do, As tise boys gron np, mate nompanions off thsa ; tisen tbay will net set cumpan- ionship cîsewhere. Let the chiidren mate a noise sometimas their bappluasa is as important as your nervea. Respect thieir little secrets; if they bave cuncermmnut, worryiîsgtisem nibnevar mata tisanithll anS patience aili prooabby do ils womk. Alloar tism, as they grow oldar, ho have opinion, off tiseir own ; mate theis indiviS- nais anS nol mere ecisees. l4amensherthist withont pisysical bealth mental shtaimnat la nortislass ; lbahesm beacSfree, ihappy liras, wisicis nul sîreugtis- en bous usiid anS body. Pace in mîind tisat yen are bacgeby raspous- ible for yuur cbild's inrteS ciscracher anS hava patience nis feuits anS fcilings. Talk isopafuihy ho yonm clîlîdmen off iife anS its possibilitias; yen hava ne rigbt te Sepresa tisas beceuse yen haro suiffea., Teacis beys anS girls tue actuel feets off ile is sooti as tbey ara olS enongis ho under- stand tisem, anS gis-a thera thîe muse off r- sponsihilty nitîsout saddeniug tisem. FinS ont aviat their special testes ara anS develop thern, instead off spaudimîg time, mouey anS patience in forcing tisan inho studies tisat arc mpuguant ho tisam. As youu daugbtcrs grow up thasch theisaa least tha truc nenits off iouseaepiîsg euS cootery ; tisey will tisent you for 1h in laher life a great dccl more tisan for acconiplisis- close c tamp for rapby. -Address llxsaty ScFtALLEiiXz, V. M. P. A.,345 West IKing street, Toronte, Canada. Society is ncessary to mani, aven if 1h ha onby tisat off e Sog. THE SINGING GH03RT. 'TisaCran er a Vassal Doser& Recansaertheu Itystawtecss tmse Wa bcd beau in CaesTewn four Seys, conipletiug our leaSing for Liverpool, aftem heviug beesu up tise Affnicen noast as far as Zauzibar anS ratumu, nisan an Icisbwomeu came aboard eud astad for passage a home. Our crefft was tise Englisis hart Fanur Lac, ecrying a cran off fourleen mati, anS e noman nonfrteblabedne pintaS bar off c wraut ins midaceen, tise hart cerclaS no passeugers anS had nu accommodations for tises. The nomnu gare ber nae as Molly MnDcris. Shia nas a sinugle neman 24 yaara lS, anS baS made tise voyage ho tise Caeaisuan ausigmeut ahip tb juin sud marry a lever. Lite meny anotiser famale se nas disappointail. Pat baS skipped tise country nisen sise arrive&S ie isad beau et work for sereral menthe, but conid nul pay bac way home, IndeeS, se 515 îîot propose te. Sue wae nisat migih hae celleS "la strcpping yonng neman,l" bcbng as hall as eîsy sailor aboard anS naigiig about 150 punde, Sse offered ho go as coût, but as tisane asano vacauey se esteS te ha taten as a commun sailor anS alioneS te nert lier passage home. We faît a bit surry for Miss MeDavis, but ne noubdu'httaebler in any position. Sha was Sisappoinhad, but sis a bd no tears te seS. On tisa conhrary, se neunt away nitis a very determined bout on hanr face, anS an Irisisman emong tise cran effareS te bathbis seu'nastar ageinat a pbug off hoiacco tisat Sh' sec Liverpool as soon as ne Sud. 1h s' as tan days troini be hune se came aboard baffea e lef t tisa Cape. 1 san hiem abeerd lismea or four limes lu tise neet, anS once or tnine se hbldothar ceufaha nitis tisa Caphain. As ne neigised enchor anS stood eut for our offing Molby MnDavis nasi tisa ast person in Cape Town u o lha suspect- aS off bcingiug iii mecktol our hart. Wa ball fine waatier anS favorable ninds anS nana neli ap nis Cape Frie nisan tisamati came t1 nme lu a body Snring TH1E MesINdo ATcH te mate a nompicint. Tbay ae b hasSeS by tise cerpentar, avio Secharad thst for tise pal tneniglisthtuaatcessbelon baS beau diaturbad hy strauge noises aud -could net sleap. Tisa hart bcd tisa olS.fasbonad, fo'castbe instead off tise Sent bouse, anS tisa noises biaS seemed ho coma fresahiisd tisa buikisead diridiimg tise fo'castle fros tisa bolS. Whileanay seiling craft nerrying a miscelneons cargo is alwayaffull off strange, qssaer noises, cased by friction anS strain- n1g, tisera e insi a.s ahleast oeematinlutise cran ready te abate hie bead euS mata myetery over somatising eeily explained enay. I ieed ho tisa nompiaint, prom- iseS te bookitotei, euS tien dropped tise mather eut off my sainS. On tise nigbt off hst day I came on wateis ah midnigist. I foundl my men on dock, anS zlua second matas nateis juet relieraS, isnug about tise scuttie insteed off tnnning le. De- manding sto ntiemreeson off tisssingular action, 1 nas telS that tIse qunan noises refermeS te baS iscen iboard egain anS egain, anS tisa cran nare as good as upeet oer then. Bcd tisaIl"old mail" beau on Sact. hae nouid hava seized c beaying pinî anS Siren tisa natelibelon anS cranteS tiscan on four iseada, lIe had iso patience nitis sailoma' neatuesses. I nas tenupted te gire tises a bit off my mmnd, but al nare Fu serions anS eacrnet tisaI it seemed only reasonebie ho invastîgale. I nent loto tisa fo'ccsîla andSapeul fiffleen minutes istening for sounud. Tise hart Saa liplinlusalI ou [anS was hacheS ho port, anS for tisa finet tan minuttes I1iseard only tise sounud off boxas euS bales rubbing tugatisar. Then, off a sudilen, I heard a ruina singiug. 'It nas a feint, ffr-away veine, anS I bcd te len closely, but it cnrtainly nas a human voîca. It nas impossible ho locale il. 1h seemad le coma frosa above as m-ach as iu auy other direction, aSnd eut ou Sack hhiutiug soe off tisa banda migistlha playing a jota. Il htnill heacnytbsing but a joe for the matinlsoos playing tise if I eau catchs hlm et il," I saiS as I gacnad tisa decneuonuS botis watnissgroupaS around tisa iatcis sud avaiting fer me. IlMr. Merwin, diS yen bear augbt Sown belon2" ae te a rpeuher, specting for ail. IINet Sown tisera, but I heerd semeene sîngiug up har.' "No, sir!I I pledga yen my nord anS tisah offeavary man iserea tInet emais off us utlamad a nisisper. Ih nas singing yen heard, ir? AnSdlisah'e niat tise men cemplain off, sr-singlug irist off lie time, but non anS thesenetig lita praying anS calling ont." IWeli, singin7 and praying wn't hurt anly O offyeaveu if il's tisaI. Its lu tise cargo, isonerer. tV'va got tismea or four olS pianos aboard going le Englaud ho lie fixaS np, and it's tisa boxes rnlbing together nisicis mates tise singing sound. Iî's freea msusic, anS you ought ho be gied off tI. Go isbun wtise atnis, euS let's isear ne more off huai." Tise mesn huug bent for a moment anS tisan folioned eue another Sownu ie tisair sleeping quartera. I nas isoneat in nisat I baS saiS. As sooti ns I namuambanad tise pianos I nas sure tisat THE StINU NOISE caine frosa tism. 1h ne Sonhh booteS rea souchie te tisa siions, as nutbiug more nas heard fron heni at niLht. Iwnaoffah 4 ansd oun again ah 8 naxh moruing. Tise breeze ter, bonaver. Tuae quner noises çontinuaS, aud tise mati baS become se reattled tsat thse nctcisisbew saoed thiar pipes and tapI very nide anake. Tisa discipline off tisa siip aras heine upsat hy a mystemy, anS I cm free ho non fasa t il naa myslery niiniaise oIsoteraS me. Ou n oliser oc- casions I bcd enhared tise ff'nstle euS plain- hy iseard tisa uucanny seunde, but was nul able te locate thasa te my satisfaction. I Empamor William bas instruchad Cisan- cehier von Caprivi ho ignora the Bismeare" coutmoversy, but 1h le understood thaerince la to e apiosecuted if ise cerrles ont bis idea off meking a tour off the principal German cities. was pretty sure, isowever, that thay "ctma froin tha foraholil, and one aiternoon I told tha wbole story to t1he Captain and suggest. nd tisat the focward batel ha remo1ndd an investigatien made. He fmw mcd et once, and began beaîing me for an obd worn- au and a gravayard seilor, and than ha weut fforwerd ainong the men and tolil thcm ba'd un, the bark ashoreanad ha bangnd to lier bafore ba'd pull off a isctcb ncover. He thougbî that sailled 1h, but lia was nîistck- ci t was tise Captein's watcb always bebd hy the second mate-frosa midnigbt te 4 o'clock naxt murning. Ih bsd bacomeaelmosi a dead cabri.wbaui I left the dack. Every man off tisa second imte's watcb was np ha- foiýe hlm, and I n9ticnd tiiet noua off mina weut balow. Wbat isappannd heif an heour effter I had turnad in gava tise Caphein TIIE GREATE'ST SURPRISE off bis life, Mr. Groat, thea second mate, was paeing the quarter wben hae was saddnnly seizad, gagged, and hound, and a voica, wbich ha re.cognized as t ha ccrpauter's, cauitioued hlmi to ha quiet or he'd go ovar- huard. Ah scilors are ligbt ueapers, but officers especially so, and whîy it wcs tbat neithar tise Captain nor 1 woka up durlug the avents occurring on dack bas clways beau a suttar off surprise. The men brougbt the bemk to the wind, got tacklas alof t, and bova ont tha lenghoat, and wa slept rigbt along wîthouthieacing asounhid. Thny filleS two breakars off wctar, took sncb provisions as the cook, who was in with thesa, couid bay bauds on, and by 1 o'clock thay wera away, The steward was the only oua lef t hahind witli the oficers. Afftec the mn lefh, Mr. Groat mae efforts to free bimsescf, but wiîisout avail. Ha couid nul aven roi1 alcug tise dent, as hae had beau lesised Co a ring boit. At bal pest 3 'ciock thse Cap- tein awokneand svant ou deet, sud when the wisoieaeffeir hecama plain to hlm 1lia ueaciy feil down lu a fit. Our position was off St. Paul de Leourlo, ffiriy lu the palhway off traffic, but we reelized that wa migbt kuock about for a month without sighting a sali. Notbing eould ha seau of th-, bonghoat f rom aloft wban daylight came, and the first thing wa did was te educa sali, so that wa migih possibby manage tise hark lu case off haavy weathar. The breaza ffrsbeuad witb the suni, and as it was fair for the coast, whicb wes about 600 miles away, Mr. Greet aud I supposeS, off course, the Captain would et- tnmpt te work ber in. Ha badlSifairent ideas, however. Ha was vary quiet and humble over tise firsi. shock. Thonnlha bat bouse and diS sweeriug enougis ho lasi tan shipmstars ou tan long voyages. Ha de, cbaed ha'd uas'igâtc the harktetoLiverpool if it tuuk five years ho imata the voyage and if ha neyer get a)) bours sheap. We baS just got bar on lier course, anS the old man bimsebff was ahttise wheel euS stili sweariug, wben a strange figure amarg- cd froni the focastieanad came aft as fer as the meiu.mast. It was the figure off e wum- au, but her face was se whilteancd pînchail, hem eyes se barge anS abassy, aud sise racled about lu sach a mannar Chat 1, who was, nearesh to bar, was tan seconds lu makiDg sure she wes aveu a isuman baing. The minute 1 ceugbt sigbt off RIER PARC5IED LIPS I rail to the scuttia butt auS got ber a paua kim off wcîer. It was ouly a drop ho bar, and slie bed swellowad f ully- two quarts baffe I chukcd lier off. Thcu I sigualad the steward, wbîo was now acting as cook, anS hae hrought ber e big hnnk off mah and e coupla off biscuit. Sh.eae ita a wolf, and ih was a good baîf boum beffome sisa spokeaa word. Than it was te say : 1"Ah1 me bye, but Moiîy MeDavis bagins te feai lite ber old self once more 1" 1h wec the Irish woman we bcd refusad ho tateaeboard at Cape Town, anS aftar tbirst anS hunger bcd beau satisfiad Fill telS us ber story. The lest thne se came eboard the men were et supper and tise cargo necrly stowad. Sis ad liebr plans al mae, and sha sippad down the aftrratch witbont baing sean. She made baer wey ovar the cargo tu the ffo'ceshle buitheail, and thera hoot up quartars emong the bales off driaS cowskinj i e lbcd storeS thare, She bad bmeugbt witb liar four quarts off wcter anS two loavas off bread, iutanding te bah bar prasance ha kuown befora se suf- lareSffroin hungar aLd tbimst, Shie wec dreailful sh-k whan we got te sea anS hem gruens anS prayers aud lamants ware iscard iu the ffo'castbe. Wbeîî abe get botter sa san 'g ho kaep bersaîf compeny. Sh ae the iraad and watnr lest lier a wet. Than aba trieS ho attreet attention hy rapping ou tise hultiseed, but thseffrightened seilors paid ne attention. Sha bcad a pocktkuife witiî hem, anS ou tise ffternoou off tisanight they aisandnnec tise sisip shle out tise bands off four babas off stins unuS moveS theni eway, auS tisa ttacked tisa bulkbead. Sha nas ail night cutting tbrougb the shount planks, and wisan sha appeaeei on Sautk she lied beau foty boums without foodl or weter. I expactail the Captein weuld give tise stowaway women a bbessing. Afler se bcd fiunishad hem story, ha diS stert lu to, but sha could uttar five words ho bis oe, and sha soon timed hlm ont. Ha sent bar te tise galley te acc as coctk, auS I don'h think ha wes as mucis put ont as lia pretcuded te ha. Tisus fcr, as yen bave sean, threa VERY cuPLIous CIRS'UMSTANCES bcd oceurrad-tîse diseovary off a spoot lu tise ffo'castle, tise flighoff thse crcw, antI the appeerance off Miss MeDavis. Tisera ivas te ha a fourtis ecloue circumstanca. On tisa second day off our shotbaîîdadness ave bcd baîf ai gaie anS a tumbling sec nil day anS PUREST9 ST ONGESTO BESTe Centaine no Aluni, Ammoula, Lime, Phosphates, cm euy Inurienant 9. W. CILLETTo Toronto., .a «'Afler sufféri'ig for about twentyflvc yean' fr.inscrofulous bores on the legs and arms, ' egnt _us yer'sSarsaparilla, and a ,,.ndcrf.1 cure wa the resuit îebote sufficed to restors me to healtb.' Bort aCia i pez 32 E.Commerc s.. t.San Autonio, Texas. "Mydasghterwsas afflictelfor nearly ayear ';th catarrh. The physicians beir.g unable ta lielp ber, my pastor recominended Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 followed his advice. T1hrea months of regalar treatrnent ssiîh Ayer'e Sarsaparilla and Ayer's PUis conipletely restored -v dighte-'s healtP."-Mrs. Louis4 Rielle, LitIne Canada, Ware, Mass. "For se.'eral vears, 1 was trou-ied witlt mnflammatory rheunatism, being su bad at times as to bc entirely beili.. or the last two years, whenever 1 feit the eflects of thti disease, I l'egan to taise Aver's Sar ap.aril.4 and bhave .it bcd a sped1 for a long time. - E. T. Hansbrougli, Eus Run, Va., For ail blood diseases, theu best remedy is Preparel by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Loivell Masé, Sold by aIl Druggists, Price $. ; six botties, $£. Cures others, wilI cure you* Natural Barometers. There are many natural barometers, "ch iu a general way, are just as reliabke La the best aneroid instrument that aver cam> from, the factory. A plug of tobacco, ty h. moisture and softness, will ludicate ths£ ap. proach of a storm; a loose window cord wil. tighten up just before raim, an d a '0'a gloves, ordinarily tight on the baw&rs, wilî hecome almost haggy 0o) tha approach of brAi weather. lWentlsly Prizes tor liovs ant Girl%, The "Sunlight" S oap Co., Toronto, ,ffar the following prizas every month tîli further nul ice to boys and giris under Id, residing in the Province of Ontario. wbo sr nd the Qr, o est number off "Cinnlight' wraesp8rý:i. st..$10; luS. $6; &2d, $3; 41b, $1; 5 h to 14, a I-..anune Boûak bwd a pretty picîure te r-11o00 win Seaundul les& than 12 wriaoper.a SenS wrappers te "Sonlah" Ss oOff ce. 43 Se itt St, Tloornto not later than 29.,h off eauh i nth, and m ,rked *Compaîltion"; alqo giva f ull namaý, scd raes8 age. and number off wraupers \Vi în-rs numes wilI be published je The Toronto Mail on firsIt Saturday in eacli soush, Choiera is se had at Baku that aillWho possihiy can are leaviDg thle place. H1e who is iu love wjthi hisaself has no rival. Thie Head Eý,urzcon 0f the tubon )Yiedical ('opauly is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be con- sulted eiter in person or by latter on ail chronic diseases peculiar to manl. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who fiud them- salves nervous, weak an exhaustei1 who are brokan down fromt excess or overw-rk, rasulting in many off the following symp- toms : Mental depression, prematur ci age, loss of vitaiity, loss of memory, had dreams, dimness of sight, palpitatieu of the heart, emissions, iaok of enargy, pain ln the kldneys, headacha, pimples on tha fface or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, waF3tin., of the organs, diz7.iuass, specks befere iâseayes, twitching of the muscles, aye li? o and alsewhere, basbfulness, deposits lu thzu urine, boss of wiil power, tEnderness of the scalp and spina, weak and flaihy muscles, desire to sleap, failuire to be rasted by! iepcoustipation. dullunes off hearing, as of vuica desire for solitude, 1 _itahIýilty oi teinper, sunken ay e sure nos ed wlth LEÂALN CIOROLE, oily iookiu skia, etc., are ail symptomns of nervous debility t'hat lead to insanity a-id death unIess cured. The spriug or vital force baving lost its ten sien avery function waues lu couýsequience. Those who through abuse comrnîttad in ignorance may ha permanently cured. Send your add7eas forbook on ail diseases peculiai to manl. Books sent frae sealed. Haart disease, the symptoms of whili are faint spells, purpie lips, uîneas, palpita tien, skip beats, bot flushes, rush off hlood to the head, duil pain lu the heart with heats strong, rapid an~d irregubar, tise second beart heat quier than the fir3t,pain about the breast houa, etc., eau positiveiy ha cured. No cure, no pay. Saud for book. Address M.V. LUBON, 24 Macdoneil, AvauuaTer ente, Ont. The Stete Capitol et Albany, N. Y., aven in its unfinished state, is the costliest build- ing of modemn times. Nineteen million six hundrcd tbousand dollars have beau expeud, cd tipon it te data. Fer Over Fiftv Tears MES. WINSLOW'S SOOTHîNeG SyRup bas bgoau usaS dby million off moihars or their bldran while taething. IE disturbari ai night anS broken offyour rest by a siek child suffering anS cryfng wjlh pain off Littiag Teeth send et once anS get a boude or -Mra, Winelow'd Soothing Syrup"ffor ebldren taething. lu wiii reliave the poor little suffamar immediately. Dapend upon lu, mothers, tisea sno mistake &bout 1t. lu cure& Dierrboei, realaeas thse