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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1892, p. 2

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The devil was sick, the de Vil a saint would BIBYO~~N1D IR..ECALLE No;:etrg t ai e The d 'vil grow well, the devil a saint was Young feliOw Of twenty-to go and bi-rd f'bclby special arrangement from advance sheets of Chanieis' Jeititcf ibtln.I ohrwr iignwt see me thus. l'ni glad she is doad. I neyer CHAPTER III. infeet, the policemnan h idseized me by the thouglit te say that." ANESCAPE, A CAP U~ E)TUILE N SF. clnyarad asgiinbiknclsnt The polished steel of the handcufTs shîm- upeted ith l o, heildredI)y he he Dpe f Myroc. mered before my cyes ; I think it was that ,1pled wI d i&ep, hildere iby the the ae nE my eck. aihosadeturiied My iemories back te the od home. en hrî, Jdi~uihiu. Hs add tee otuone on e'saew, aoohe t lfancied 1 saw in the shiniug bond of the S'l~e lcw out the lights upon the satoeotripb Lt'hvealketftters a reach of the river where as a lad I y ic.Tucy lad botraycd us. To yo"*" used to sit with my rod by a gap iu the reods, 'Y PÎchen .tsteisicieiple Then bavine thrust his bullseye fullinmry throngh whi'b1 one saw the flat meedow oni 1~untc ste ntntv mus face, lie add-d- teoie iealrdwt er) hnm vh~o feared furflh"r discovery.th te iealrdwhsre)Tonm )k Out there !" cried the ýman froin -Ah, I thouglit I should sea Yen agalu, thonghts uanidcred te the long, low work- ."Tiy've put out the liglits in the "Y jo)kert You're the yenng feUow I sPeb- shpbhn ouctagwreJ okd ,,ýs 1-09ai o vou, sýr.ted on Richmond Hli." ei mfahrttebncakgtos ~'~i mcm te yen, 5 r." I A distant whistle and the fain t s ind of bsdmfîeateecmkn hs Di)omrs wero opýmed hast iiy in the cerrn- vi amo8 oak pessfrhIb lie was fanonsj ,'tîc short, imperative orders of men's es caling in anther part cf ijbe groninds fIl nth emiceur on.Wa ieedf ce. werc îni ld with the terri 'dd p-eut short further comment. îowthe ws, y .fatherWHe warfie fol- woý84s aril' t fei "Halle, they've got anuother cf tbem up1 bi hacter soiid, ýand1 Honotka ruflc.e Filec door haudie wais tried; then came a, there," criedl lie here, sir, yeni must takeIfIadbo cntttetck eth ý,ii-,,rp rp, andacharge cf this iellow whule I mun te my old craft as bie did, I mighit have .U.se [banc I Miss ['lane l" mate" beome a man like him. But wouid ,My Wife, cIilugîn te iny arîn, gasped in 1Old'thane,wbobad grappled on te myarm Heehvlodan mridme No melhcviesa eyadbejwith a vigoreus show of courage whie there Hb aelvdadmridm o Wha r wasitaeukeihbdlme scpinfr -'te lie was carricd away with admiration for "Miss Thalle 1 Miss Thalie V' againu and constable's firru grip, now showed thîe white n'y g us!enu I neyer bad it. Just feather.ellougli skîli as a carvor cf tc-ys te pess in then another aice, IlHebe? 1ilebe 1" And, ltfeathor.-wyplc, n t aâ h wibtattee a ioevtoutetts Deul't go away, constabe-don't leave ta u-ftewypae u emk h with meaabuseriihaibisvdesperaterecoundrthe"1imple folks wonder. I recalied the day that oldtMr.hNorthcoî,rtte rectorrbr'îugb leer thai made the panels crack, bie cried "l'mi net equal te ih. I can's b bc h okat a pan Nrtoel Ithe d crved. Ig 1 steoil like onc p,,traiy8cd ; a va gue Con- 1responslokible for hlm." arvd. eaîiîeses tatdisovry asineit sib lefr m"bad never seen lber close before ibat tiîne. &eemed te num i y faculties. B itilebe, I' eysry ibu o'lbv eb.Sie seemled aliogether beyond my wonid. more qLiickwitted--as wemen ever ar ca~clls upon yen u ibe Que's namne. Tbe rector made some cemnmonplai'eremark in trne cf danger-rau te the door, and Tbr' ymt'switeaae tsMy abent lppiicatien and taleiti bringing one steadyiug lber vi ce rled - duty tnan e 'bae hm n yur esody ugh tDeWfame ;and fiche sid, looking at me vritb IlWisat is it, papa ?Qutcen s nmo. Hheesiafend o lownglowing enthusiasni, I"Oh, yes; yen wili ho "Open your deer. Burglars are in the thhl nhm ee"i, n odo great eeof tiiese days." Aud ibis is wat heuse. A ligh t bas been seen lu bore.," 1hd tite!Igbt ntdwl n h "One moment," sie aeswered, and thon With neat dexierîty lhe bad fished eut aam . esn tongI eu.lMynet d wl n ths turuine te nie, ini a quick wisper skie im- Pair' aduf re i ektedrem orse and regret, and the knowledge tisat plorod me te bide clesed them with a snap upon my wrists, au aid wsevrad notbing left toelue of tioSe Wbat was tise use of that? Their motive 00w leaving main the old gentieman'sbends giorieus hoes. I ehook myseif te get froe in eutoring thse room was te searcis. Would bee holted off to jolîl the otiser Censtable. cfths mddrng refiectiens. A tear hedt tise father leave any corner44 is deugbter's I migbt bave easly wrenched myself fiom fn down my eek robditaa room unex amjned ? At that moment there b bebne that new hcld me. Ho wasa tvers1n was old and corpulent, and the toile cf witb my jeiued lîends, and leeked up at tue -"Hello, there ! criedtbe voico outaide terror in whieliclIled upon bis servants maor the ina hghe ke,' l Tis ayDavs-te come te bis assistance sbowed ibet a Hee may have been wonderiîig whether here tboy are more monaceoen nîy part would suffice tistis inort, spiritiess, moedy wretch in a umake hlm release me. But wbat chance of frayed jacket, and cordurcys shinling at Thon th ere foliuwed a confusion of sound espeiaI tbm budsfterd the knees witb the rubbing cf tise bondi -the sm slîiug o ls ntiechsraor uld be rotakeu for a certinty hy tise and mess cf an uphelsterer's worksbop, -a souffle -sharpbw-muttered impre-180 cold really hoctise accepiod loveror f '~aion-i o qiekeproeb c stps po police and the mou from the bouse who ctis t aelied pckah- aocf stpin-ton wr cennih eoeb hchImstHebe Thanle. For eucb a thîng as me the rav Ild pth- hol ofpai-thn wre couingthe ood bywhih. mu bchd siesacrificed se mucis cndrunstise risk enother c rash of glss-and cries cf I"He's pases te get awey ; and the attompi t o erdngdsoeyto e n ys off! 1, Stop hil'1Il"Over tise lawu evasien would confirm the belief that I was adcniudt eaduewi lccm "Af ter hlm v' minglod togeiber, and tbe oec begn haed broken inte the clamîn bak c ib conervtor dor- ouse. Perbaps it did net ocertmet look cf a puzzlod inquiry. Perbape hoe sougbtj te read through mny cye core botter explan- foot pt tering over tise grass and clttering! the time, for I was bewildered by the rapidatoo! ee'iftuintenhcul devu the pts. 'i boi the comparative couse cf events ; I1iseve but a- vague re- find eisewbere. He gave it up at leugth, as silence, broken only by the distant Cal' cf 1tuembrance cf my ewn sensations. me olenmouil a distant part ef the Mr, Thane, graspicg my coller withbobtb e tbiug past apprehlension, raising bis oye- greu s.bauds, couiiniied te oeil for Ielp, nndcurse irows as hoe ooked atet l asi cf bis cigar, My senses came back te me, and wlth the servants lu between for baving loft tise adeple hncra t eefmc bouse. I'reeently 1 cauglit sigbt cf e tal, bis lips, witb a rturn cf that cynical sînile themn decishen and energy. I bad befere seen on bis face Who can ac- "Nowle my time te escape,"I whispered spar,, figure in the doerway cf the hall,cenfrtaeluwmnlimgithv te Heie- e hestanding ont agaiîst the iigbt within. beent sarina te imelf liig hv I slipped t h window, drew aside thoe lc uî, eeuiiioM.\e sat there, face te face, for five- blicd, and as swiflly and iently as 1Ilmigbt ua tonieocfprofouînd satisfaction. "Comle tan miiites-î kî'ow net isow lon-lu sncb lifted ties ash. Outeide it iooked thiikerhTis acnfued eostale's abf t elw i ec htvntedaigo i ia a enfidarker tian evor. I conidsec uoiiing, charge afoii urier, asai'sl teevansaudible. Suddeniy ho'took the weed trommhie but I knew thaitishe verandais was trot more cag fti ugaadaltesrat thana yrd hbowibewindw cii. are ont of the w'ay, cf course. îî's a Blsaute- lips anîd tnrned bis head, iisteîsing. We both than yar belw thewindw sii*scard a cautions stop ce tise ravel ontside. "lKit-Kit, wbat are yen going te do " fl tbing teoeave a ruffian ef ibieort ou my Telthwscrflyrie.H oe whispered îoy wife in terrer, bearing tise bauds. And look bore, you krîow I havee latcb wais aronoefhe raised ledrose usovement of tise sasis, and ceming te my Gony gt my slippers on. I shall get an- the cerner licar hlm, regarding tise deer side. ohratc frîîeumatic-gout îeîucîrcv,, wtbtscansefpssodiikfa "lIt's alright. I cen slip dowc fromthie a sure as fate. Wlsat eneartis are we to brave oli, ccd rawin tse îlooke pfr- veranah esilyenoug," 1answred. do wlib tlie felew ? It's as mnch as I cen baeslir n rwn h ink -r ver baisasiyeo," ianrdldote hcid hlm wiih botsliands, aînd l've beps a litile qîicker than iefore. BagIbn i u oaan and od ac butthissîeey dres IloHbe Iexcbaimed, spriuging -te my Thae viecligimpatiently te hise ohilig on my bah utthong. he wî fo, sI egiieli ttiepaefaee dene thbnowater te, open. dbetise deaib of me." tise epenicg door. "Shut t; sie ind out andeleTIhad, major lied corne to my ide.Illse major tbrew dowe lus ciger and stop. buridyelpin oiaîddroppîng my "Laehmtmhosdtcig ped fcrward quickly-j fot down un te tise iren verandais. IlOpen "Miss Tisaneebc 1",,tochi) the door, and occupy your fatiser's attention My arma cooliy. Il Is ibat tool bouse open?" MisTaeV -but tase cil tisat drees firc." Yes. Ah, capital idea. Clap hlm up "Oli, Major Cieveden 1" cried se, lu a w broisen volce, isardiy audible for emutien; The wiîsdow closed, my poor wîfe mur- ibere. Tisere's a stronig boit outeide, and ." do loitrue speais to you." muring a prayer fer me; and now witb a nomeaus of escape from within.' view te droppinig from tise verandah et the 'Get nie tise ianp, wiîî yen ?" "Certainiy," saîd tise major; and lie pase. furtser edwlîee I newtisee wa " Certainly." Mr. Tisane weui off witb ed oeî,ciosing tise door cfter iîssi, andi shut- fiewer bcd ou wbucis my faîl wouid lie more aiacrity, and, returnieg witb tise îamp, now tgoifrm ysraiggzetesigiio noiselese tîan ou the gravelled orrnade, 1 offered toesssow the way te tise tool bouse, tisai gaie, terrified face ; those large, deep began to creep aieng, crnuehing dcwn cnd depite tise dam p. eyee ibat iooked beyocd. him te me lnunil- groping upon the il for anytbuîsg tisai Cin manage very weîî by mysoît. 1 epeekable enxiety cnd î'uderîîess.. mlight give me a isoid, fer I fat tise sîopiîsg ses u vster le handcuffed. Go in aud Ikn e b u c hr h c iren, wei and greasy wiiitiste fog, treaciser- sec afier Miss Tisalse. I arn cfraid the learut frein bier father wisere 1 was confined ousy sippcg nde m Inia-ubiers ~fight bas upset lber. A couple of tise and wise gcardod me, and the secret sise got isoid cf a window stili. My eysweemeids are in there, but tlîey secîn aliltecodcicnfetedmsehacmobr ye Wr ha vo lest their aits. Prcy go." te disclose te tise isajor-tîse frieîsd wisom agaîn growing nised te tise fog, ccd I coulid ieod eîeaî eBodsih ileIl"could trust wiîls ber life"-lu tise bc- uow see tise edge ef tise vercîsdab, whicb at T e haentsemgcau sexe for gt- 1fta fre eeh oiav efo fret bcd been invisible te me. Whosc pleased t ae disda xcs org iec At hi a tie I ond saeiyesurmis wiudow ",as ibis? Xas there a iht intIse tîug eut cf hie duty ; ho, isewever, werîîed dsrc.Atta ie ol -l ums reom eu an dagerofdccoerybor? îthe masjor te ho careful wtb me, as 1 wcs a lier pupose ; but tise belief ilulber iseroic lookd up God Gol !justaboe mewastocibiy reugli cuetoner te dea i whb*Tise genoroiy kindled e fiame of gratitude frcm a man leaning ispon the very sll I liedm' ligisi fren tise lcmp lit up tise major face, the spara cfigced feeling tiasilil rested ai isand on, caimiy egarding use,.fie mnat aud 1 saw tise onde of bis long moustache tebio fm ici and omehin lik a mil crese is I was flot efi long ils dOubi as te tue bave sceeu me slip by tise window frem tise go.up, c oeiielseaeîeces inaor eiyt.eb' apa.H e nexi reem, and muet lhave beard me speak tiiscieeli~s as ho ooked sideicug cu me. aente sre ibiteelbe'ws a quicis, Hrp- toebce. Wiîiînut dîmnih wasta ta Major 1 weut quictiy elîcughin uto tise ted bhouse, stop. Cleveden of wvlom she bcd spoken. Ho Tisemuajor sot dowu tue lamp ciia chaf "IlYour wife liae toid me ll,3'lie scid luea muet bave coucluded thait fwcs Miss Cutter, closed tise door, and hcvhng fiaised lowione. "Herisappicessdepenid2sn your Tisane's lover, for liSe a gaiiaîît gentlensan -the dusi off a billet cf weei with hie baud- gtigaa. D you ihink yenii liemcd neettmpite ass analem, nox-. kerchief seated himsecf acd puibed oui a escape? " ing it wiuld expose Hebe; but wiiliout a~cîa case. I sank dewnon e fcggot belside "I wiil escape"," I repeaied, vehî-mcntly. wird enffeîed me te pcss ou close hefore bis tise chait cuiter cand dropped my bead. Tise Il cd kuows she bas euffered enougis iy eyee. major stimeS a liglitand puffed atm bis cigar ; leving tue toc weil ; but she shah csuiter ne I crepi ou c few yards cnd got boid cf tise thene wa lic cuber sourd. I feund him re- more. I wiib net ho retaken clive if I ccxi iexi wiîsdow sibl ; tison acotiser wiudcw aas garding me cuionly, lis hrews crea.qed to gauise use cf my bauds." throwu up-eue in my wife's rocm. Tise getiser. These word seeced thavecapeculiar force major wes stîll wiîeme I lied ceeu hlm. 1I " h s corne te ibis," said 1 te m', se ', fer bim. H ie fingtrs were upen suy iscd- Iseardmi s ay cainiisy- I1sal liec sent te geel for a bits gie . oisfs, feeling for tise spring tiset ciosed ilseni. "lYen bave fouîsd nothiîîg luM ies Tbaue'e Tlsere's nu way oui cf it but by ieîîiug ail He paîssed an instanît, looking in rny faiee toomt, I hope ?" the world Sîîexvtisai a wcman laid al ber wlth bis piecissg eyes t-- rcad tise extent cf A voice froin beyoud replied, cnd ih wac faits i my leve aîsd houer, ced tisai I bcdinsy meanmcg. Jiele's father- net enougli cf eltiser te keep lier secret and IlWell," lie ssid, 11 1 nould do t'ise saine "lNe. fiebe had left ler light burning. cave bier frotu disgrace. No, I won't do for hon,, ccd since yen are ist guiltycof tuai Ou haaricg the poiceman's whistie se tisai. 111 ge to geol. A uitile more degrada. for whsîclî îsese fetiers have iscen put upoli sprassg up lu aicrma and upset the Canidie- tien will ot incie mucis dillerecce te îuy you, I shah romove tlsem, aud take thse ne-I sýtick, 'bsai accounts for wbaî sves seen suel, i chah coenecui ne weree off tisaisI sponsiiiiy tîpon mysoîf."e frr no onsimie, Ycu have seen notIisng.?" go in. l'Il ge atway thon--te America or Tisese wcrds lied hbt asimple iseaninfi for saw tise ray of iis lactenîis sxvhging rcîs as cie lest sexy me -indifferecite b er caross, many servante wise werc s0ouricg tise place. ide te side as ho rauacoross tise iawn. yei. raicorously joaioîms of tisose svbo vahued Tise advaîîtage afforded by tise darkuess Tisere wa8 no0 urne for refioctiou. 1 tîsen'lier sweetnese moeeoniy ceasing to erto- -as pretiy v cetsy hala,,ced by tise disad- usyself ou my ciesi, and tise next moument 1 mî.ent lier geuile spirit eitis inuesîdo and ne- ventages. Tise pais uvas perlions, yet 1 suid over the edge aud carne claitering te the proacis uvisn ny ceuses 'acdnlled wth dared not beave i, for elîonget thei gmrdeis grounsd witis a lcngth cf giter that hîoke cx er-feeding? No, sce wili rerneusher me by iode I1uight wancder rouri-nd riinin lia away frou tise veremmîahî cdge nuden n ,y omùtiing btter. Oh, if I eere free now I ircie unuil broad îlaylsgbi. Ts!ere uvas weig hi. Before 1 couid recuetrie tue cf m NYat tActs notisig fer a guside but thc-g revel patiu. flcppily iny goloshsemcdo my feetetepe le- audilse. I Sept on wish my hands eut- strettobet, reaedy ai theis hteet toueS te sprng liceS, New and tison ty tee sinik- iîsg againsitishe box edginsg cf thie vaik warcet me ibat I w'as goiug fnemn tise straight lins ; uni I lied ne oison guidle. Tise dankiiese seined impeaetrahshe. Nover- thseless, wiueî J bcd, as I tbougtit, mcdo c coupie cf hisîsreti yards freci îry startiug puilît, I detected aclittie glicîner of lilt on tise greusud et ac tile distance froci cy fect o! i touciseu an edgicg. 1 stoppet, wen- terng whîaî it conît bc. Net a g!owsworci sureuy. I steopet doiwcasîtbeîut forwant; tissu I ponccived ceeenia c damS of ight, sucis as migisi be seen tbnougb theisel1- elosed door cf e damS ucetenui. Hcd e constable seti down tisatieho niglît cils-ces witis lese isk ci discovery. Ih seemedulniiely ; yoi I couit net oison- ser ecce uni for isbeiîsg tisons. A lautern it was aeeusedly. A bot noeilon sinuck use. I Sneow tuatithis emore difficuli te dscre a usais vio flashes a lighsus in your face tbcu if hoe carniet no iigbi et cli. If I teck np ilhe lantemn cnd advanced bolîlly withi , I.uîsghsi futd îy wcy te ths palinge quickiy enemîgi ; I.b miii-e danîger hefore nie and eiseus-lere by dcsbhiog it around me fnom ie teounie. Ne eue would suspect a man canrying ais open Icîteru cf beiug au oscapiug tîungiar. If I oucountered cny one I couit iu a me- ment dar5 down the light aud boît, cnd bc ne evrse off than if we bcdl mec against eace cuber in tise danS. 1 determinctot possese mysel! ef tise lautere ansd iazard hi, et cny raie. I set my foot o'or ithe edgc and eau- su forwart te take lu ; yoi net 'aitboi pro. caution, for it migisu be ibet tise lactere bcdl been cnnniugly laid thons as e hait, and tisat as I sîeeped te taes itishe crafîy treppen migisi poulîce upon me. As I teok np ise iceteru the deor swung open, aîsd tIse liglit ficslied fullil îpeîutise beck wel egainet wiîicish i ws set, revealiîsg tise strande cf a cord ledden aand tise wliol mysiony of tihe igisi being tiers. Ih wes by ilis latder tisat tise birglars bcdl got oven tise wcli, They bcd soi dowu tise han- ternas a guide te discever i wien tisoy me- turnet fromth le bouse witis tiein plunder. In thein fligbî they lied lest tisemuelves, cnd lied been unahie te finitd h ageie lu the darkness. I cboced tise lantere icetcutiy, ced ilînusi it deep amongsitishe foliage ou.ilie groulit. I bcdl ne need fthttisincv; c btter ced surir nhecce o! escape lied heen providen- îially offret. Tîsene was net a moement te spaeo Tiseflash e!fithe lamp îsigbt bave been seen. I feumiet 1 heerd a mevement ai ne great distance. Imnpelicd by feer I graspet the roes iigisnp, wiiisoui weiîing te get my foot in the stirtlps. asnt began te pull mysoîf np lient over bard, but net wuîuout noise. Somo leaves yet lînng ciatise fmuit-trce tnained agaiîset tise vail ; tise beaves ustet ccd tise twigs creeket unden me. I fe tishe top of tise waih ageiîusi îsy Snuckles, ace h hecame cerns iitisai ny tsars- were reeiîccd. A v'oie beîow wlsper- et, iondy-j le Is bt ycu, 1foleoy ?" I get my bauds on tise wcll eut ebeîstnning the repe,seranbiet nup. 'liere I pausot an instant. Tlîe pessibîli- ty cf beiîîg folewed by tbe mac who cahoti te IIflookey " precented itseof ; I reeeîs-ed te poil usp tise lcdden, ccd se baS-e away tise meanus o! punduit. But as I got lîeld of tise repe I felt it cluiciet bslew. XX us a sissrp wrench 1 dnagget ht froc, IlWisat are yen ai, Hoisyl" wîtis a ouîrse, nustteredthtie veille belew; tison IlBhimne, yeu're net ging te acc i tty te a pal? By G--, if yenu dio't trop it dewn te me, 1'il blaze ai yeu, if I brin g tise whoio lot down ouncie aut swing for it !" I was net afrit of heiîg liti, but I dit fear semeene ou tise ether aide e! that wal heicg brougisi te tise spet by tise repent o! a pisiol beforo J goicboan off. Tisemcieh- lew was chviously cahuglar, acd, afier ahi, Ibat nctiing tefeen froi hm. I droppet tise latter. I cipped down tise onter side of tise waii te soeoleugts, ccd thenlicigo. There wae a ditcm eishow ; ciy foot slipped upon thie ite. and 1 weni in np te my Scees lu wcter. Before 1 bcdl pullet myscîf out, the hungian came dowîun-lihscplhise side me. We rubiet agalîssioe n otiser. Ho lait bande un me savagely. Ill'in a goed mind te drown you 1n thîle ensset tditei !" lho grotriet. " Wbat dys usean by goiuig fer te hning cp tise repe wisen I callet te yen, booky ?" l'ni net Hooky," sait I. "Xhat !" lie plliet eut tise laniern lho batl eippet in lis pocket, eut opeeing it upen ciy face muiteret, I"hbiîse, sac imore yen in't 1" "Lotge, cnt shut up bat tbîng, 'sait 1; "imcncr'c sure te lue sornconeaieng ibis patb, %XVle'-e mseenoise enon-,gisCtora t ilim on us, dnîspping in ibis dttei." Il Rigisi ;on are," sait lie, ciutîiug the hanternu eutslipping ih hache ini is poket. IlDo yen knowcany wcy enter ibis witiseet goto' tisai pets ?" Il oc-if I cen manage te fisîit h songis tiidfeg." "IHave ary et it, any way,îucate. Yrm'rc c gced sont. Don't bear cie ne grudge foi hein' a bit lisard en yeni," Leas diet, as we sirneis eut tegeiber from 'tue piths Il I tell yens quare, I ibonghît you was Heiuky. " There wcs grass ucuier ocr feet: JIsîsew tumt if we couit cîîby keep c tclerahiv straigbt lice, wcinst coenl ticie te tise Igaies cf Richmnut lanS, Before long thie risîmsg gronnd couvincet use tib e bl Inet geise fan actney. Nly 'cocipenion Sept clese te m idlue, eut heahmete, cietey." Tise grass wcs slîppeny, tise Iill cteep, tise grounul tanglet xviîb bramiales I 1e'as neot avoiso frein noaing 'awiie. I sait uothîeg, buti cy couspaîlien nas a csaty jvilein, andt conutiîiet f0 speak of! Heokys fenite ccd failinge ai domsielcngtb, hlcming bis waui o! caution, foreslghi, asnd attention te friendly >afivice, wisich lied resulteti in their nearby gettiug esegisi, and spoilisig a good gacie afisen wcsting c week nii pispan- in g topiay it. "Nover mnd ; Hooky cin'i eut cf the wood yet, i kuow ; andi ray bc, for al bis clevrneî-s and uppenhandeduese and sly fckcîiieîîts, ie'il goi up fer tis job. fille? wviaî's tisai? Tisere, wliat diii I tell yen Thats tue pteire, D'ye lîsar? bats Hoky !" eaid msy t'ocpcnion. "le's denei. Tbere's a stîmî un te eue wer fer sîow ! Good-bye, ilooky-I don't stey le the came ring wih hyen cften thie, ici off to Birminghamir, as ais lionet wtrkcan eut of cohiar, ihi s bessed cv. Coîaicg en, matey. W'rs c little tire warrnlur." (s-o BE CeNTINUTED.) Vienna Medicai Prescription Ne ExcuSsr osiL ILLHEALT.H, Tiesoie0~ brauci ohftise abave ae'-ecia- tien on thse Amrsiccu continent le eow loc'îitcd in the eîîy of Toronto. Lstters ouf thanik8etmir' pcsnin ufs-iathoze wiso rcceived thîn, mmci cf.whoram bave fer yscre beau taking patent medicines and prugef furnised by advert siet qisacks. Patients write tâai, thay havas becn civedc cf Rheumeati-rn, Brigbt's DiseAse, Dy&; p-psia, soceudary Cocns pion-, Pies, Hoeaîb Dîseese, Sali Ibetu, Witie$, Nervous Dubillty and a4ineet every dis- ease thet flash iis heir te, anîd lune casa diti cuy emuagiet chsargre for filling tiseý prescription nacre tban 50 cen s. Th e cseelation seîn i froc te ail aiplicat t boaet peecripticu kn"wi for purifying tise lbodcnd ini Ur-iiî iietsv)us tsys- tain. A circuler ivn ail particulas-- wîl h sent fre o t ah applicante wh, enl- close a etamp fer reply. Addr,,'s% I'<s SC IALLEIIN, V. M. P. A. 1345 Ws t Kin u ais-est, Toronto, Caina la. Fo0r OverFiftv Yes'c Mas. W Wr' 'osS îSOOHING SYuxup bas ben used by milii ceecf nmtei-m tre bir ctidren while t6ethinir. Ir'dis unbed ai uigkir cnd broken of yeur rosi by e sick chilti snffrîsg &ud cying wiib pain of Ctnng Teetb eeed ai ou, anîd çt a bot la e I"sre. Wlnuw'a Soeting Synîsp"fer eblidren isetbIog h tw!il relve the peer Il tiîuii'erniinndiai'i1y Depend upon it, motherd, thons is neonistakc about1le,16 cares DicinrSa, eguisates skis M4 oû&âce and I3eweI4, Caro%. Wlnd, Celle. safions thse Gainse. reduces Inliîrnesatien ccd gIv@e tons ced euergy! te the wbale sy',eil "Mme s.Wlnsbow's îloothing 'yrp" *or cidren teetiis pieasant to the tac)ts cindita a preiptice of oeso! thse oldesut n ihst ta- mas hysiciens ced nurses lin hï Uîit"'i States. Pries 25cent s a botte. S ut hi ciý d i,iKisss 'bnutîis jeat tue wunld. Bs sguie eut a sk f or "Misc. W ia sLGws ceerütisIN G tysxuP.' ilqoilily Frizes for Bois an 4 irs The "Sunlight" Seap Co., TercetS, cifur tia foli.owing ýizmiesevemy me sît tfi iu'-ikernce to bits ced iiris under L;. re3idininlate Province e! Ontriowhe sent thoe recuet,î $0; 1-dt, $3; th $l; 5 h te lis, a llandsoine lIeuS cnd a pretty Oseture te îbua'c who ceaI coi tees ISsu 1w.cscosr'. Sandt wreppene 10 "Sunli;5tt" Sîîaii Ort e.43 dc tt si., venante net Inter tSien29rh4cf seki jm m nt.cd niarket 'Cernietities ";aasegive f nanmi, cdirdii v.ge, and nember <of wrc9enî Wianî us naines wit ho puàUiihad ta Thc 1 'ore ato Mail on fis-t Saturdav jenemch mon th. The Esod Bur-non O! the Lubon Meticci Company ls e no et Toronto, Canada, aed îuay lue cee- suited eîthier in person or by letteon ce li ebrenic discases peculier te man. Mon, youeig, cid,1or rndtle-cged, wlo iedthtbm- qels-es noms-eue, weak an exhausteti, who are breken tcwe frons excese or oerwur)ýk, resutininlemeny of tise following syinp- tomsa: Mental depressien, prernature old cge, lose cf vitality, lees cf memcry, bcd tneems, dimnesof igisi, palpitation efthtie heant, omissions, lacS of eeergy, pain in tbe kidneys. beadeebe. pimplea on tise face om body, itchlsag or peculiar sensatin about tise scrotum, wabtl g f tise organe, dizzinese, specks before ii eyes, twiichng of tise muscles, oye li?â sud elsewisere, basistulnese, deposits le thso 'aine, boss of wll power, tendomnes cf thse scalp cnd opine, weck anti fiabby muscles, desire te clsop, failure te ho eted by eeep, constiption, duluess cf isearing, lose et voice, tesime, for solitude, excitabuluiy oet imper, sunken eyes sirreunt- ed with LIO-ALSiN *IlilCLE, cily loekitig sîtin, etc., are cli symptoms of nervens tcbiiity htisabd te ieaenity ced decîb nunless ctret, The spring or vital force hevieg lest is Cen sien every funetien wanasie6l cequcoce., Those wbe tbrongh cause cernnittet lu ignorance may ho percianeetly curet. Sent your ettrees forbook on elh diseases pecuhiar te man. Books sent free seelet. bean disease, the sympieme et wisicb are faint spolie, purpie 'upc, numbuese, palpita tien, ckip beats, iset flushes, rusis of bloot to the isoat, dulu paie in tise Sean witis bears streng, repu1cd irregîshar, the second isearis beat quickcmtitan tis e fis,pain about tise isesi bene, etc., can positively ho cured. No cure, ne pay. Senîu for bock, Atdress M.V. LUBON, 24 Mecteneli, Avenue, on osto. Ont, Sielk fleateache cnd ner-e..- itu toubles iuci- 'Ssci Cetoa binions stase of ts y toci, sucis as lsizziiiess, lasisea. P-euiîies, Pi triss ait-r eatîîîg, IPain su thmue, c 55imi teir moci reciarka'to cuccess icebeu iow n ninig Iteadaclie, yot Ceurrens LITTaiLE is-ocPur!I are eqnîiiy s-chiis isin Constpation. enui, muiid preveýntiugtbisaemsmmyiugcosi,plaimt imuil Iily aise correct aeut ehredrs of tue stossam'u simulatebise iver uni negulate ithe boeei Even if tbey euly cured Achbei vouid ho almo'-t pniceteso te blos Nlimo suffer froua Ois disuiesiuig cocipie:nt, bint fortunatety thi'i gooisees doec, iot ent lucre, ansd ihos usioncîce try tissus tIi fimm tuoce ile pilla vatuisie lu se ciao-C w ys tisai imey xiii no e osiii te do aitheurt leci. Buot cfter autlds bead iu thse bocf se mcm'- livses tîsat bore 1,' here syo5cake oîsr great icasi.COnr pille curei eshile otl7ers dco not. 'e iasLT IV OsEst tie Fare ver su'ial and vony easy ttit', C. Oicoriwo piluisuai e n dose. Tiserare stiutiy segeuîtble cri l i coi grip'a ci purge, bot by <hein gentie sc"ci - pIos cli sue use bo I,.nisvia ai 1M cu t- five for $1. S uos- eeu yw-eie, on sent by niaI. OÂIlTEII SDicili3 00., îlw o. That it is not Wise to experimene viih cbeep compounds pttrpoating ta lie bieod-pnriflers, but wbioia have ne real medielual value. Te zueke use of au-y other then tisé cli stan- dard AYEIR's Sarscprlla-the Su- pe-ier Bleod-psriier-is simpý,Y to invite loce of time, nioney and lisaIt h. If yen are nffdicted witli Scrofula, Cat.,cnli, Rlieumatern,, Dyspepsie, Eczsma, Itlnnning Semes, Tumers, or ny ether blood dtsease, bc assued .A'£ER'S Sarcapes-ille, and AYEII'E ouly. AYER'S Sassaperilla cen cl- ways be depended upon. It dees net 'cary. Ihis a lwcys the same ln qua'ity, quantity, samd offect. h ler superior Je cemabluation, propertion, appecrance, and inu ah that.gees te build up flice ystosn weakened by disease and pain. It secs-choc out ail impuritîes in the bJeed and ex pes thena by thse naturel cliannels.*4 Sarsa pari Ha Plreparedl by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cc., Loweli, Mass. Soid by cil Dnsggists. itrice $1; six bottles, $5. Cures otherswill cure you .re seil our unexoelled Nursery Stock. Siesdjy employaenet cnd contmel cf temnttoîv-. Have dorae business le Canada 35 ysârs. ILibara1 pay te uhe rigbî =en Send for temms. CHASE BROTHERS Co., Colborne, Ont. Notice to Farmers. 1 cm prepared te do ail chopplng et flve cents per bag.I 1bave aiso put le eow mach- inery for grindlng cern and ceb avich I wîl gnlind ait tse same price. Yours Reeeectfuliv A. 9. TOOLEY, Tealev's Mille, Derliegien Courtice. Do.t 1891. D-tf. Covenant Mutual Benefit Association. Thoe arg,?st Ocudfllows Life Insurane Company in thse Worid, $10 68 rer yeýýîr. Ineures for $1000- OeIl or Write im fer particutars. 3-if iO i CH-ILDREN AIN IIVFALLIBLE REMEDY I S-speneedes cli ether prepamatiies for the cure of locntal Dsbiitiy, NerVoîS romstration, LOFS 0cf tfno5cdq P.iratssis, îcescmiAt'tPanful etneuatiori, s%àippesctens iaid îsiiims- jies, Leucorrbrco, U scders of Stousacîs, Lusse oSOp., ,etite, Dizzluese, etc. These Pis pesseus ne purge- jvc propertios, cnraîyihieg hurikul te the moili Jielicate systesu. They ar-e tise recuitoci eanscf cars. lui eiudy ccd cuaiy1s, and used with greai succea& in the privais practice ci aun entmiphybiien. .Tîev acciprirnaiy on thse nîrve cenitres, iccroasiîsg time Vtal Force, premeoiicg AacmtE xusirIsly- tîig the 0310d,îthus preventing and ý.rngdiiease. For saes ly Dmuggists, tOc. per box, or sont peet- paid for 50., on G boxes $2.50. Dr. Ruiler tedieâne o C., Brockvule, 4@nt. CPPER'S LICIiT 190C ORN C IRE ('sires lnard andîlSofti cmi mOnly ibres api licitions r'eiied. COQ PEWS IJNION ';CURE Cures B'icious, Warta and Ma ouý, Swcllee Con Suis noceAluns, Amr-ronia, Lime, Pisespiscutes, on aniy Injuiriant. E. W. OZLLETT. Toronto. Ont,,

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