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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1892, p. 5

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JUST OUTI HAVE YOU SEEN 1V? THE BIG BOTTLE PAIN-K! LLER Old Popular 250. Pr-icee BAYE 'YOUR EYES YOU IFtNEED 1 F' GLASSES 'TESTED JNO. H. H. JUJRY, Graduate o Detroit Optical Institute and iChitago Ophthalmic College STOTT & JURY'S. No chargas for consultation. Spectacles at lowest prices. Oold Frames specialty. 'GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMÂNVILLE STATION. GOING EAST OOING WEST )Expees 10 5 am ILim.Exprego.. 5 53 a m Me . 312 p m ILocal. ....845&am Local .-707 pm IMixed .....229pm Mail . .. 942 p mi Mail ........ 825p m Tlitn.Ex... 10 6 pmni BOWMÂNVLLIE, OCT'R 12, 1892. Local and Otherwise. Prof. Clark, town hall, to-niglit. Joe Hesu is addressing big Meetings at 'Xontreai. The Misses McNall Of Port Hope are guets of Miss Prower. Gents,; the West End Rouie la the place ïqs get suited in clothing. 'The Guy Brou are crack base bail pay- ers. There are 15 members ini the Co. "Beyond Recal" is a capital slory of its kind.- Read il on an îîîside page. Mre. Win. Warne and Mrs. Geo. Car- ruthers of Cobourg have bean viiliDg Mrs. J. Reid. Farmers shouid flot fail to read the article on an insida page on British Agri- culture and Amaerican Competition. An inlereeting entertainmeni iill ha given in the'South Ward Tabernacle one waek from Wednesday evening, admission oniy 10cts. Particulars next week. &'WTatwe can iearn f rom Dorcas" was the subject discussed at the League Mon. dlay evening. Il la expeted soma prac. tical work wili ha, the oulcome. Come nîcxt Monday evening;tha meeting wil ha inleresting to you. ,-Rlands3ome is that hand£ome doas," and if Hcod'is Sarsaparilla doesn't do handsomeiy then nolhing does, Have iou ever tried it. We take due blsBanme as cash. Ell. flon &-CO. New -Straw Hats for 15 and 25 cents at Mlrs. Daîîcater's. Sea those lovely flowers and plante at Sherin & Kîrby's for Sale. Ladies are invited to inspect the lovaly stoci of new Dress Geode juil recaivad at Couch, Johnslon & Cryderman'u. lmported direct f rom Germany by Coucr ,Johnston & Cryderman, the finest stock bf Ladies' Mantls ever shown in these ebunties. # [Ladies wishing la Sec the largest choica, newest styles and hast values in Ladies' and Misses' imported Manties and Coats will do wll 10 cali and inspect the large display of Ihete goods being shown by Jno. J. Mason. Minard'u Linilment cures Coldes, etc. Canada's hast elocutlniet-Clark- lewn hall lo-nighl. Gant's Furaishings are sotd very cheap at the Watt Eud flouse. Bowmanville citizans ptconizad Cari- Wright f air in large numbers.' Teachersi' convention at Port Hope Thursday sud Friday this week. the ,MeArthur Block was sold on Sat- urday ta Mr. D. Davis for $4,500. Be? ore' wintec sets lu ladies ahouid take their fors te Mayar'a for needed re- pairs. Mr. S. IL. Reynolds aotd six miich cows to iwo 8carboro mari for the city milk business. Country people, coma 10 bear Prof. Clark to-uîght. Ra's at the head o? Cari- adien reciters. Wa are givirig the Weekly Globe sud other woekly papeca free for balance o? 1892 to new subseribars for 1893. Mc. James Dempter o? Gananoque was haro itet week sud hought a car lood af c eice fat cattla and apringars fcom Mr. S. H. Reynolds and aipped tham ODt.4th--- At this tima of year especiahly the country seems te ho inastad with ped- lacs. Beware o? ibase wbo seil for $2. 50 the saine spectaclas you ceau boy fer 5SOda aI Stoti & Jury's. STocu Foit SLE.-A lot o? choica ce* newed cows sud apringers sud caIlle fit for- feedinRthîs isnter sud aiso soma baoie yearlinig ewes sud tambs. S. H. ~EuyNoLDs, Bowmanviite. Mc. Alpha Pincb,.Toiodn ,hiai baugh laid Sl. Andrew's Mante sud grounds an Lib- erty et. uorth. Hi la ottling haro te ed- icato hie famity', wa urideratand. We gladIy welcome hum bsck te his old home. Our ceadecu muaI not ovaclook Ellisor SCa's naw sdvi. an an inuide page. Ihere la money lu il for ail cash hoyers. When they Bay "diicount"t'lhay mean rua reduclion as al it lvi find wha comn- paca Ibair pricas. At the Y. P. S. C. E. Mouday evening week the follawing officeris were eiecta< for the euuuing hal? ya. Han.Preei. dant, Rev. R. 1). Fraser. M. A.; Presi lent, Misa Broughall; Vice Prou., Misi BasseU'; Sec., Mr.Ogla R. Adair; Treas. Miss Lottia Lockhart; witb the foltowing convenarsof committees: Prayer meetingý Miss HunIer ; Look Out, Miss Hall Music, Carnie Allen; Vi8itinga, Miss M Moorcraf t; Social, 'Miss Fisher; Fiowtr Mie& Ienry. The Royal Tamplar Dcamatic Clul was greetad with a packad bouse Wedaaî day evaniug. Alîhougi'. Ibis was tho sac ond lima they have givan this dramý haro, il has hast noua o? Ils attractivonee sud is a true rapresentation o? wbaî mari wiil cama te if ha hecomes a viclit o? the social glass. Emach membar par formed bie or lier part axcaedingly wel aud the large audience was higbl, pleased wilh the whola pcogram. Tbi club deservas the great succesitbey havi Won. The many fiienris o? Mr. W. C. Alliu principal et Ghencae Public Sehool, wi' ha pieasad 1te acu that ha is spaedihy r( covecing from bis receut sevare- attack c typhoid fever. Mc. Ailin ha% bad charg o? the aboya school for the past two yes: sud bas gainad for himseif sud achoolthI reputation o? baving thea mosi succesaf i school lu West Middlesex. At 1h. racer outrance ex aminatian 17 candidates ouI 20 weca successful. Master W. Yonne aged 12, woni the priz-e cffeced by 1-To: G. W.- Rosa. Ministar a? Et1ucation, fr havinti obtaiid the higbesî marksi West Middlosex, 613. Miss Lizzîa Bar lot o? the saine achool obtaiaad n simili prize hast yosc. Wheri the hair begins 10 came outi combing, il shows a waaknass of the acal Ibat calsa for immoeaate attentian. TI bkEt preperation ta arreat furthur los hair sud rastora the scalp ta a heali condition la Ayar'a flair Vigor. il doas ita work quickiy and thorougl ly-It la the hast aud the cheapoal ai the worid cannot hat it, or matchi If yen havu a cold ini the bead or a coul ask for Magnus Expectanl-'7e Gre, Cou gltMixture. At Stott & Juryst or Higgiribotham'a. To make qnick taies wa wilt sacciffi the profita. Ellison & Co. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT lnuran, ROBT. VIITUE, Agent, Bowmanviiie A full lina o? Walcbes, Chooksaia Jeweltery aiwayu in stock aI Big 20. Mr. H. C. Brittain wouhd like o1 standing accaunts paîd ta Mr. Dobso Big 20', Ibis week if passible. Ah pacsons owiug sccounls ta Maynai tbe JewelIer wiit pheasa cali snd sali thein ai once, as hoe is leaving town. il wihl certainly psy fermers te gatï the grain Ihey faed groud wberi IM Vanalone doas chopping aI 5c. a hag. Speciai valueslu Seanloties at Jua. Mason's freim $5.00 par yard up. T% are Liaiter's make and cari ha relîed ou good te woac.e AiU gentleman who appracisto a go( fitting and watt made suit or overca sbouid leave thair orders aI Coucb, Jobi stone sud Ctydermau'u. Have yen san the lovaly uew patteri o? Wall Papar ai Sharin sud Kirby'i Their stock la very completa. Il will pý you ta callsud inapect hafore purchasiz elsewhere, T. Geo. Masou's Ctotbing aud Bo sud Shoa store bava adoptad the cai syalam. Boy for cash snd sal for cash their mota. Cash customars ahould gi, thern s cali ard gel tiheabnafit. S adv't. Couch Johusten, & Çryderman ha, opeued eut sa paciaiiy fine assortmarit Canadian, Scotch and Eugiuh Tweed aise wocstads sud over-coalings whii they ara propared ta make up in tht usual weli-kriowu style. A GREAT SultarS.-IS in store for wba use Kemp's Balaam for the Thro sud Luugs, the grat gnaranteed remed Would yau believe that il is soid crii manIa sund thal suy dcuggist is authorizi hy tha proprietor o? ibis wouderfui rai jedy te give yen a sample bail froca?_ neyer faits bo cure solteansd chroir coughs. AUl druggista sali Kemp'a Bî sain. Large baIlles 50 coulsand $1-1 cel ce icd ut on crd tle ml [c. J. Ley as lcd Dat in. cns ,fi sy 'ot ash vo iva ,o?, h, ich ir al Dtt Jy. its ,ed i nic ml- if. Curling Club was hold Mouday oveniug at the Council Chambar. Mr. Jos. Rue- bottoin, pat preident,in the chair. The chie? business wau the election of officors- as foltows:-Paîron, R BaiIh, M P; Pst- roneas, Mrs D Bocke Simpson; President, Jas Ruahottom; Chsplai,Rev R D Frai- er, M A; Socy-Treas, M McTavish; Re- prasentativa mamberm, NMersc. D Boche Simpson, Dr. A Billi; Mauaging coin- millee, Meusrs, S Burdea, W. McKay, W J Joues, R D Davidson, Dr. Beiih. Meeting -adjaurnîed ta hat Monday lu Novambar. Miund's Liniment cures Burns, &c. Sus te order aI $4 lest than ýreguIar prica'. An extra discount o? 20 par cent on cash salas. Etluon & Ca, Parties looking for bargnins wili ual ho disappoiutad. Ettiuori & Ca. Ail raady made clothing witi ho ciaad eut regardiesi ai, prica. Eltîsori & Ca., The lu lest novahîy lu Birtbday Rings aI Big 20 Jewelaery store. Cal sud sea thein. Childre's Rats a spacishty aI Mrs. Dancastar's. Ladies pleate cahi sud sea Ihoin. Grey Flanneis sud Flanualetîas lu greai variety sud very chaap at tho West End Rouae. Ladies fancy flair Pins 20c. no w ro- duced te 10e. par doen-gaoing faut. Cahi, acuce sameata Big 20. 500 LAMBS WANTED by the now Bowmanvilae Butchers, Homo & Wright. Cahi aI Reynolds' aid stand. Remembar M .ynard the J'eweler la ieaviug iawn; auy oua wanting goods aIt sud hala w coat naw la the lima. fi. C. Britînin bas le? I bis accounts with J. fi. Dobson o? 'Big 20' for collec. lion. Please eaul on hum soon as possible. At aîînounced in their sdveclisement Coucb, Johusion & Cryderman ara now showing wbat la beyorid question a su- perb stock o? falsud wiutor gooda. Thousanda o? dollars' worlh o? uaw gooda, Ciothing aud Boots and Shoas have arcivod at Mason'a. Mc. W. Jeun- inga is lu charge o? the Boots aud Shees. Give hum a eal. Hipans TRbu1es cure seïMpula. Pitcher's Castoria,. Cheese, Blackttock i'utctery. GRAIN, SEEDS AND VEGETABLS. Fali Wbeat, J Rl Devîtt, Thos Wercýy. Spcing Wheaf, ced fife, T Whitfieid, N Maclow, J Beacack. Spcing Wheaa, toft, D Galbraith, H Mouutjoy, T Werry. Mumîny Pans, N Marlew, T Werry, J Parc. Sinalt Peas, N Msriow, il Mount- jey. Onts, white, T Wacry, T Whitfleld, John Wright. Onts, black, J Parc, S Shepherd. Bnrley, six-cowed, R Poland, il Mountjoy, H Suggitt. Bacley, two- cowad, J Wright, J R Deviti. Potatoas, D Galbraith, J Parc, W J Beacock. Touipa, N Mariow, D Galbraith, R Soggitt. Beaus, J Y McLaughiin, J Parc, Mca F Monet. Carrais, Hl Polaud. Carrais, table, P Hait, W C Fergosoîî. Cabbage, J Jobb, J Samalla. Squash, W C Ferguson. Mca. F Moea. Pompkiu, J Beacocir, J L Power. Beets, P Hait, S Shephard. Onieus, G Corfieid i sud 2. Mangoids, W J Beacock, J Jobb, FRUIT. Applea, wîntec, J Beacock, R Soggiti. Applea, fahl, D Galbrsith, John Swain. Applas, cusseta, J Beacock, W C Fergo- son. Apples, suaw, S Shephard, J Y McLaughliu. Apples, N spy, Il Soggitt, J Beacock. Pears, fail, J .Beacock, J Samahls. Pears, wiutar, John Swain, W J Bencock. Grapes, S Shapherd, J Parc. Tomatees, P Hait, Geo Prouti. Watar- mahous, Mca F Moea, J Parc. Citrons, S T Fecgusou, A Beacock. Cocu, ea, J Englisb, D Gabraith. Apples variety, Roht Pbiip, N Msciew. LADIES DEPARTMENT. Clotb,bome, nade,Mcs J Y McLauighin, Mrs A McLean. Fîsunel, home made, Mrs A MoLean 1 and 2. Flanuel, mixeti, Mca S Shepherd,Mrs A MeLean. Woolen carpat, Mca T Weccy. Rag carpat, Mca A McLean 1 sud 2. Biankets, Miss M McGili, Mca A arcLesu. Coverlet,wooien, mrcs D Galbraith, airs S Shapherd. Caver- lei, cotion, mrs A arcLean, arcs J Y amc- Laughlin. Ganta' Plaid, arcs A arcLean. Mca A Spinka. Faucy Quiiting. arcs J Y arcLaughlin i sud 2. Plain Quiiting, arcs J Parc, aisa Fiera Prout. Geuts' Shirt, arisa Fanuy Parc 1 aud 2. Patchwork, arisa F Parc, ais aaggîa Bescock, Qoiit, huit, arcs T Dac.cy 1 aud 2. Yarn mat, miss m mcGiil, arcs J Y -'tîcLaughlin. Rag GOOD NEWS FOR WEST CARTW RIGHT FAIR. mat, miss m wcGill, sîrs J Y mcLaughlin. N DURHAM. Yarn, mnis Jas iParr, mrs S Shepherd. The airai lacstok Tursay n dSocks, srrs A mcLean,Ai.rs J Parr. Stock- Theseason .imelieira Friday was a one iay ndai ioat woolen, mrs A sîcLean 1 and 2. Th hneo ofthe asoi le rdywsreally asplendid oneneooein allMrlWix change of garments. Ah sommer ciotb. but attendancq which was simaîl on ac- mtes oln r alw r ing wilsoon have lobe laid aside tili an- counit of bad wether. We shall have, Shepherd. Berlin work raised, mrs AT other spring shall make ils appearance. soentso h rnx eek Spinks, mrs S T Ferguson. Berlin work 1, To ail of our renders who wish to be ele- soentso hBfi etw .fat, Žtrs N marlow, miss Ida Parr.. Bcaid gantty as weli as comfortabiy dressed for P R IZE LIrS T. work, embroidered, m~rs J Y mcLaughli2i. P the approaching winter we can heartily Crochet work, miss F Parc, miss F Proot.1E recommend them to make their purchas- HORSES. Fb.ncy Netting, mrs T Darcy,mc f Moudt. es at the weil known establishment of. RUH.Tem ae WieJi Fancy Knitting, mcc J YmeLaugliliO, %irs Messrs. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Devitt. Bcood mare and foal,John 'Jobb,.F oA.Emrîeyo meiMs This firmn have the enviable repolation of James Contes, John English. 2y odBzidgy Freeborn 1, and Z. Bead work,1 carrying a fine stock cf goodeata ail limes; colt, Thos White, J Coates, J Mahe~fyý. MS eccsr a.Baok a but we are qoite safe oisaying that take 1 yr old, Thos White, James Coates,,.Jdhip ngo, .rs T Fergsn, i sd 2 Pint-. il al round they have caver shown such Jobb. Socking colt, John Jobb, james Pîoig,wou, r cLeu,msParrandiok. a magnificent stock of new gooda as lhey Coates, John English. Paintingdrwter colrsMAss acr i amno2 do this season, especiilty lu Dress Goodo,1 GENERAL Punos.-'ream, J Parr, G Peuci ieDr ing, urssYBearr. Stono Mantleè, Fors, Seaiettes, Clotho and Nesbitt, J Parr. Brood mare and foal, ChokmticSDawing.. is BePrin Seed Carpets, Their Dress Gooda coutain ah W C Ferguson, J Jobb, J Swnin.. 2 yr flwr,, rs SJT erosoniý.r beritwho the lteat noveltiefq iu Serges plain sud old gelding or filly, S Robhins, J Swain,, Chir er, 'tirs J eYokmr5 YGalb, raiST shot in ail colora. Tweeds plain and G M Nesbitt. 1 yr old, J Swaiu, J YCharuSoncaMceJYMLaughif,m iTes ST fancy hoth Scotch and Canadian. Plain MeLâughlin, J Jobb. Sucking colt, W Frson'. FeatherPlow ers,mrs Aecy Broad Clotho in ail the leading colora. C Ferguson, 3 Jobb, J Swain. Bers T' Darc-.ý,ly. apernFlowesMs A Alligator Clotho in al shades, basides the CARRIAG.--Teanm, Wmi Parr, S Deviti,. IBencockParr 1 aMnal. tofa i oc mssi usual plainod maefabrics, JB Kenuer,, -irs W C Ferguson. Qoilt, ities. They hava alto a fu lina o? the English, R Chambers, Win McCrae. log cabin,, miss, M MCGilI, arcs T Wercy. new-est--trimmina --W match oal Dres T 1J -1 JRHes.ýKGi3son_ Qnit, ruk a Issi GilLiland o-L-Cp Good@a. Their Mauties which are all uaev 1 yr old, T Daccy,D Galbraith, J English. ok is ecwk rs egsn and ail German made were imported di-' Single driver. A Devitt, J Beacock,, D, Collection, Crochet Patterns, airs J Y mec- rect by the firmi fromn Berlin, and we ho- Galbraitih. Single driving horse, open to Laughlin, mss mt NicGill. Crazy Patch haeva no bouse belween Toronto and the province, Jas Parr, L Parish, Port Wock, arcTs Jas Bencock, 'trs T Werry. Kingston show a finer range of medium- Perry, A Staîker, Isaac Foot. Pillow Shais., mias B Freebocu 1 aud 2. priced styiish garments. As a prouf that thesegoaaergtsevrawere SADDLE HRs.-S T Fergoson Prosi Faucy Braeket, mrcs J Y mcLSlighlin, ciss ladbth 1m hlte ae odmr m MMrae, R Chambers, J Eu'glish, arm, Bencock. Gants! Slippers, miss B told a th ii -n uth -ae-tol mor e emd<oe-JsPacFreeboco, arcs. A -'teLean. Outliue work ayformer santon. In Sealettes lhey Colt, 3 yesrs or under, simed by "Sun-- on muin rolon, Mcasac W Ida Pan rr.s shlow no tata Ibmn six qualities ail o? themn shina", T Daccy, J Coates, G Prout. B [Canner. Tinsel work, mca S T Fergu- Lister 5 maite. Tit-a8ta e asa of gooda lnCATTLE. son 1 aud 2. Teancosy, miss B rreuburi, which the firma have doue a large trade DURM.MlhcwTAWih i ac.Aacen ollet mats, miss B Frce- for several yaars past and as they impact su 2nd lhcwTA rih st-.A cen othem direct f rom the manufacturera. no an n, R W Philp. 2 yr old heifer,.R bhem i1 and 2. Baby>s drats, miss B Frec- better valne cari ha obtainad aoywhere. oW Phiip, T A Wright, J Campbell, 1. yc boru, arcs Jas'Beneock. Ottoman top, i lu ioth aIo heifer, R W Phitp lutauJý 2nd, Il-4miss' Ida Parc, miss maggie Beacock. In ing sn they showa big stock o Suit- 0Mountjoy. Ileifer cal? und i ,yRWKnsingion painting, miss F Parc, miss B insadOveccoatingi which they1 are, rJ r ,lu -prepared ta make up in their usual weîî- Philp, T A Wright 2nd and, 3rd. Boil Kenuer. Rilbbenette work,amiss F Prouti, knwn stylo.Iesdaaui lina o? Waol( calf urîder 1 yc, T Wecry,. W PhiIp. amissIda Parc.. Danued net, mrcs Jas Bea- snd Union Carpata they have letely open-' Herd, R. W Philp, T A Wright. cock, axs. S T Ferguson. Guipure wock, au out a fine assori ment of Crosey's 1,1GsRAE.-Milch cow, T Whiifield Josmiss. F Parc, mca F Monet. Embroidery, Brussels sud TapeEtries iu new detin Campbell, T White. >2 -yc aIld heife >os slk, airs. A AicLean, miss B Keuner. d and cr Thets' goode have a world- Camupbell, T Whitfieid, HI Moutî. Table scarf, mrcs A Beacock,mcs N malo\v. i- idereptaton or ermnena i coori yr old, T Whitfield, T A, Wrght DAccaseus. work, miss F Parc, Mcc A Bea- wîndd rputaton or eanteclu olor n Galbraith. cock. Toilet set, Mrs Jas Beacock, amiss sud uraihîy. esids teselesiogF Parc. Foot-stool, airs Jas Beacock. ae hues the ficm carry a large sud choice3 as- S.IE.Mca A Beacock. Sideboard caver, miss F .,sorîment of stupie gocds such as Lineot, COTswoD.-Aged rami, R, W Philp. Parr, '-irs Cea Neshitt. Ladies Under- g Flatinets, Blanketa, Uudecclothiug, Yearling rami, H Polland, J Saînelis. weac, miss B Freabocu i sud 2. ýSet Ï,Gloves and Roaiary, ait of which have Ram lamuit, T Dnccy. J Coatas, J Samnelis. table mats, miss B Freeboru, 'tis W C beeu cartuly selectad lu tha beat home 2 Ewes, J Castes, R W Philp. 2 shear' Fergoson. Randkerchief sachet, miss F sud foreign markete. As ail their goodao liug ewes, J Sameils, J Contes, R W Parc, arcs A Baacock. Whisk holder, rare baugbt for cash ns iow as any ratail Philp. 2 ewe Iambs, J Contes, T Darcy, miss mr Beacock. amiss F Parc. fBouse bouse in Canada ean brirlhem, oor rend- R W Philp. plants, Augus McLean 1 sud 2. Lamp ,b ars anauldepend uoan getling ticat clati LEicxsxxR.-Aged ramn,Nelson Marlow. mat, mrcs Geo Nesbitt, miss F Proutt. goadasi the very closet prices-, compat- Yearliug rami, R Sogugitt, T Werry, Juo IMPLEMENTS. ibie with business safety. Wih.RmlmTAWihJh obeWgn a omsi~d2 ia Wright. 2 cives, T WVercy, J Wright, R Single Carniage, Jas ilolmes. Set Horse 10SOHOOL SPORTS. Soggitt. 2 shearling ewes, T Wercy, J Shoes, Audcew K;inumnn, Gao Soggitt. a Wright,RP Suggitt. 2 ewe lambs,J Wcight, Sewing machine, J N Kiveli i sud 2_. In A number of eveuls wera crowded ont T Weccy, J Wright. DMS1 AUATRS frotu the School Sports Fridsy week, sud FINE WooLs.-Aged rani, A Spinks. Team haruess, S Stewart, i sud 2. Lthey were take i last Thurîday eveniug. Yearling ram, E Galbraith. Ram lamb, Single lighl harneas, S Stewa rt 1 sud 2. Iy The foiîowiug la the list of winorB: A Bencock, E Galbraith, 2 ewes, E Gal- Set bedroom foruitore, R McNally. le Standing long jomp, under 1.3, Hnry bcsitb. 2 shearling ewes, E Galbraith. rO Parkas.1 2 ewe larnbs, E Galbraith. Vauiting wth pole, under 13, Frank SWINE. A Big Offer. n, Dowuey, A. Allun. .11 'Vauting with polo, avec 13, F. Burden BERnsjjîR.-Boac, R Philp, P Roît. To any persan sending us two new tub- a.- and F.'Pethick aven. ý Sow, T Wecry,D Galbraith. Boar 6 mas scribers sud 50 ceuts wa wiii Rive THE of Ruung high jomp, ovor 13, F. Bur- aild, R Philp 1 sud 2. Sow 6 mes old, STATESMAN foc tbe balance of 1892, sud go den, L.,B. Williams. q T Werry lst sud 2nd, D Galbraith 3rd. the Famiy Herald sud Waekiy Star, one ýr Throwîag 141b atone, E. Pacha, A. W.' LARGE BRERD.-B.3a, P fiait. Sow, ,t? the leest weekties pubiished lu Canada, ha Bcadhurn. S Sheppard. Sou' under 6 mos, N Mac- free fr 5 monthe. il Kickiag foot hall, A. N. Mitchell, B. iow. - - -------- nt Rondia. POULTRY. Mc. Cawkar advacti as some choice of Mc- A. N. Mitchell wou the champion- Plymouthtir.cks, A McLeau 1 sud 2. stock for ale. g, ship priza by making the iargest nuimber White leghorns, J1 Parc, A McLenn. M.Ga i'e ?Gepbsba n. Of points lu the apen avents. Mc. E. Pcown leghorns, G Suggiii i and 2- home Iis week. Or Parka was only oua paint behind hlm. R amberga, Jas Parr. Brahamqs, light, Mr. snd MrP. Rarry Brown, Toronto, in Aftar thasje contesta the Eligh School J Parc, T Werry. Tuckeys, T Whiifield,haebuviiigfrndiitwn t- Foot Bati teani playad a friendly gama S Sheoherd. Geese, J Campbell, Albertci envstngfinei on lar wîtb a tam frcin Caurtice. During the Spiiîký okASkARî. Mci. Jas. Dawson and son oFrser- firsi haîf lima the visitors had a trong Dcs pns ot ville are visiling ai Mr., John flelyar'e. lu wind lu their Ltvor and made 2 goals while DAIRY PRODUCE. Our citizena miss a great treat if they ,porboys kicked against oddsansd secuced Butter, 50 lbs,m'rca T Whitfield arcsJY mishang-rfCrktte o al ho but one. Tht. second haîf of the game McLaughhlin,arrs Jas Parc. Buttec,20 iba, lo-,ight. 3fwas played lu the dark, aud lbough most ars S Shapbrd.arsT \Vhitfieid,mrcs J Parc, Sons cf Eugland, thara 18 a surprise for hyo? tha p!aying was near tbe Courtice geai arcs J YMcLaughlin. Butter, 10 ibs, arcs oatldem tigOt18h Ben no f urîhar oszoring waa doueansd the gaine T Whitfield,Mrs J Parr,arrs, S Shepherd. - b-euded in a victory for the visitors. Bread, Mrs A Beacock, Mcs J Parc, Mcs an ue 1d - S Shepherd. Bons, Mca J Parc, Mcs S Mr. Robt. Virtue bai returiad from n il. GresEtOfr. Shephord. Canned Fruits, Miss F Parc, extensive trip ibcough Manitoba and the gh ureraBlctOffces. i Houey, strained, G L McLsughlin. INorth Wett a4 facase Calgary., "'t 'T"- .nril- iA~ ..r fi.... aOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. A,- Ay,~.. S T OÂvS, n...........O 0 BASaN, i VIbush, No. .1.O 0 0 2..0 00 t11? T 3.. 0 00,1 tTwo-rowed O 35 BncIkwhaat V- bush ....... 000 PEÂs,.Blackoye, te buah...0O75 11 utMummy 0 00 iOl6 tSmaii, n 0 0,i 'sBlue, -0. 0O 601 BUTTER, hast table, 0tP,- .. O16 1 CEICKEN, IIIlb..........O.0 0 EGsIldoz ....... .....O 013 PoT.ÂTeEs, e bush .......O0 25 HAY. VIton ..... .......6.00 O 27 0 43 0 40 0 35 0 32 0 40 0 35 O 80 0 65 O 58 0 60 0 18 0 14 0 30 7 0 RATE PAYERS 0F, DARLINCTON. MR. J. S. RU NDLE. Town shi p Collect- or, 'wil1 ba at Mr. J. J. Mlason's store every Saturday until Dec. 14-h to receiva taxes. 4I-3w* T EACIIER WANTED.-An exper- -'ienced leacher for S. S. No, 8, township of Clarke, for the Year 1893 Applications received up to Nov. lsr. Apply 10 box 127, Orono P. O. 41-tf. TRAYED,-Fro ,i Eofield about the ~mildle of Juily, three yearling heffers, two red and anagrey. Anyone civing information as 10 Iheir whereabouts will he suitably r. warded by JAMES PARR, EnIfisld P O. 41-3w* S TOCK FOR -SALE.-A lot of good 0Young cattie soitable for winter feedinc: and 50 superior ram and nwe Iambe for breed- ing purposes for sale W. Rt. R. CAwtEit, botcher and stock dealer, Bo wmanville. A 50 ACRE FARVM TO RENT near Bowmanville. on which are a houie and necessary ontbuildings good orchard and weil of waier. Immediate possession. .&pply to M. A. JAMNES, STATESMAN Office. BOWMan. vill e.39-- tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT-34 acre, fuarted~ being part of the North West awellinz house. 20 acres cleared. For partio- uiars apply 10 JORN RowE, Letkard P. O. 38-tf C~RPBIR1E LAMBS FOR SALE. KJ-HavI mportedl a nomber of very fine Shi opshire sheep 1 offer for sale a number of Ram Lambs. Parties wanting sheep will find me ai home on Tnesdays and Satuidsys. LEVI SKtINNEiR, Tyrone P. O. 38-tf ][MROEDFARMS FOR SALE.- LMPoV n ED t1lt7i h o.o h r8T w anip of ic ering.lot250inctes 2on . of lbar afrt lnshi obPcarn. 0acr toes oundhich are a fir.t datah barne . ll atorn oundatolnd. Willb ouseswoerlu aerdpn arts. iand: teime te Suotld wh4se r.iiiparyt . PriceAY« teLrmtasIt f ýOnt-sr Apyt H .Tc IAVALUABLE FARM FQe m 01 coistitiq ôf north 75 vsores of lot 2l.con. 6,alse large cougregations thoao asi Suuday. township cf Danlinceton. Tenders wilit ri-ô- caived up to the 251h cf Septembar foc the MrI. J. Bahcock bas everytbing ceady piircbasoc of the said property. W. WIr.nAsRD. for public ins:eption ai Troevan'a ppu Port Perry. 37-If. lac hoot sud shuao i..Fooi-wesc for every meinher o? the family, lua -,ana lI' O ET O ATRM0 X IARS.-I.,npcovd grain facin of 100 coarsor grades. Sea the uow adyt. Ihis affles a;ý-ted inri the township of Cartwright. week. con. 2 lot 6. atn,..: 2 roda from, Pur ple Hill P.O. sud losthan 1 mil u 10 "-oo House, wiot Rev. E. F. Torcarice, pastor o? St. good dwelling bouta. atone foUu,.'.hu.sf Paul's Preabytenimît churcc, Petechocro, sud bard watac. alto a gond barri withaBor an is cosiderbly mprovdsad iI"'i8 ex- bard watec. About 420 of apulo, pear, cherry n~~~~~ .oisdrandipovd s u hon rInud a vaciety of sinsl fruit. pacied wili b3 aroiiil saortly. It is au- First ploiughrng doua. 3e4 miles frain Bunketon deraiood ha ilit takean six montbsj' vaca. station. Foc furihur pacticuharsapplytu lion, going east. ABAnAM MoiRRis. Purisi, Hill. 40-tf The Fail number o? the Canadian Gri-11ARM FOR SALE. -A first cîaes farmn car sund GareraI Storekeeper la an admir- Frof 125 acres or 145 acres sitoatéd lu tha shia issue. The nomber la a ,oredii to a township of East Whitby lItcari, lots 15 sud paper which la acceptad hi' Canadieri 16 ou the Bas, Lina, shoot 141 miles fcam Osha. wa station. 2 miles froin Whitby and 60 code grocars aod gau rsal merchants as a lesding frointhoecshool hoosa. LarReroomy buildings. sutboriiy in ail that partaius te thair main haro 95x36 ft. planty of fruit. soil day trada. The Canadian Grocen is pobiisbed loani, altagaîher oua of the best grain farina on the Lake Share. No bRlis or tones. About by the J. B. McLean PobiîahingCa., 10 acres of wood, 75 acres in pastoce sud freali Ltd., 10 Front Si. Easst, Toronto. $2 secded Ternis easy, Ficat plowing doria. Fo Ifrher patlcalars apply ta A. AcîNsi par yesc. Oshawa. 37-tf, Citizens Shouid flear Him. In XELLENT FARM IN DARLING- 4 TN FOR SALE.-One of the hast farms Mr. Bernard Bigsby, M. A., Diroclor 'a Darlingion foc sale containing about 140 aces. ail of whcb is cleanad sud ti bigbstiate o? Teachara' lustitutes for the Sîsie, o? of cu'tvatîon. Ou the promises are a good Michigan, wbo le ta lake part in the brick dwelling houseansd good othuildings, teacore oouîy conenton I Pcnttwo wahls, two cisierna, rwa neyer'failhng teaher' cunt covenionat -)r apriigsa sd craek curining thcougb the aouth Hopo Ibis woek, bas conaenîed la deiver tuartotftha farin. This roperty isasituatod on bis famons lecture on "Rugby, Arnolidlot 6, con. 1, quarter of a mile froin the limits ofthe towu or flowmauvllle. Thora ara about sud'Tom. Browni" iu ibis lewis on Friday 5 acres o? orchard hesides VlIum orchard, sud uigbt. Mr. Bigahy lu an oid Rugby boy garden with a3mali fruits. Woll fenced. Easai sud berfor wei qaiiiadle pea outerma for payment. For fucîbor Partlculare and herfor wel qalifed o seak onanîîly on the promises ta Mas. RowE or R, H. tucb a subjact. fHa bas the copulation TURNER, Bowmarivthle 8t o? being oeethe ablest sud meut popular lecturers o? tha day. Go aud bear bin. G r i ! ra n A sinali charge o? iOdas. witi ha made tu ra n G a n defray expenses. Town Hall, S o'clock. WÂNTED AT TREF FREx rooP ELEVÂTOI Pipe Smokers. AT GRAND TIIuNK STATION, You may ha astiafied wibth e brande NEWCASTLE. of tohacco yen Ihave beanusuing fer yeara. Grant: il ; thal you are aatitfied. As The highast corrant market prica wil thora is ahways room- for improvemieur, ho paid for any quanîity o? Wheat,Barlev, we auk yen te try aur Onu C011UM CUT es yeadBckwheat, daiivered aI PLUG, or cui smoking tobacco,sndl we ho- the aboyaetevalor. Or, if pcatarred, wilt lieve you wl h h BETTER satiufiusd. In reoiva, [usure, sud sbip for owuer at twe auy casa a trial won't bort you. Dorî't cents par huabel, deiay upon the order o? boyiug, but boy 11JOHIN CARVETU-. ai once. -t?. Novcastll, Oct. 1892. 40 .1?. FOI& VALJID~S d weak deigiate wonttnaIlipâns Tabulàes banish pain. use MIiburan iX r ran d WVlse; neo iiau abllssuedvep[. i le the best, pasTble u dpeý,ï Notices or Birth,e25 cents; Marrtages, 50 cents; Ibeaths. 5o cents. eaeh Insertion. -buit FRtEE OF CHiARG~E. when the fusserai ca~rde are isrinted ait this OtE<& POUJLTON-SHANIKLÀND-At 57 Sullivan St., Toronto, by 11ev. W. F. Wilson, Mr. Joseph Poulton,and Mfiss Lucy Shankland of Toronto. BICKLE-On - At the residence of the bride's parents, by 11ev. L. Phelps,Cet. 6, Mr. Thos. H Bhckle and Miss Lizzie Okeyoungest danught- er of Wm. R. Oke. Esq., ail of Darlimgton. _ PUItCHES-HUXTABLE,-At St. Mary's. Par. Cornwall, England, Sept. 21, 1892, by Rev.R.D. Vaughan, William Hlenry, E, R. A., H. M. S. t.urora. eldest son of, Captain W- Porches. to EKate, second daughter of T. G. Huxtabie, P.C. 0.. H. M. Customns, Par. Mr. Purc ans' Canadian friends wish hlm much joy. DIEX). HÂMBLY-In flowmanville, Oct. 8, iryphena Hambiy, aged 27 years. JAcoBs-At Wellington, Prince Edward couaty. Oct. lat. in the 71th year of her age. Susannah Qnay. belovt'd wife 0of Luke B Jacobi, and sister of -Mrs. F, Bleakley, Bow- roanville. ILLINas-Xn Toronto. Sept. 28,Mary Jefl'ery, wife of Mr. Nornman M. Bilings. MOFFATT-IIU Clarke, Oct, 4. Wm. Moffatt, aged 71 years. BOWMÂNVILLE MARKETS. Corrected lsy .. MeX urtry, every Tuseaday FLOUu, e 100 te........ 81 90 to $2 50 WnE.&T, Fail, ýP bush ..... 0 00 e 0 70 n Russian, -".... 60 te 0 70 T Fife, il.......O 0 0 fO075 TI Gooiie, Ti... 0 00 fi061 il Coloradlo n........ if n0 66

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