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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1892, p. 7

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A"ý,\TEFIJL-COMFORTING. IREAKFAST-SUPPER. "By a, thoûrongl knowlsadge or! the natural Jaws whgoveru the oparatiotu of dgtti % ci nition andi by a cireflul applrication 0? "e in peprtesor wsll-sslecte 3 ,-Coa. Mr. K11113 ha.s Provîded ouirbreakfaït tables with a ds 1atl ivored bsves'age whirh May save asms -avy doctori' bills. Itii 1 by the jsîu, us 'e such articles of diat that a C0O1tiý!ttio maba gradually buit n un itil strojng enuougb to, rosigr every tendnncy ta dies.Hundred3 o! subtie Maladies ara flat g around us ready In aptack wheovor there ia a weak point. We May escape many a ftal shaft by keepiug ourselves weil fortiffed with pure bloed and a prinsrly nourshtd rm-- Civil Service Gazette." Made.ssmpiy with boiling water or mille. s0M enly mu usekets. by GrocArs. labnfleti thug J A1 WES EPPS -% 410., fltoopathîc Chein Ist.s, leOsîden. England, Vî, .2 'iDAY OCT, 12, 1892. ORi. J. C. HITCHEJl. EMPEII OF COLLEGIE OF PHyqj0OXÂN ý nd Snrgoss Ontario, coroner. etc. Ohoice Recipes. CL--NAmoNeCÂýK E -Take soma bread dough when it is just ready to bake, work a little fresh lard or butte~r in it, relA it out, aprinkie well with gzanulated sugar, butter, aud cinnainon. LIIMON JELIx'WITH BAIIN. -Make some lemon joliy, using tlhree lemons, a copful of- sugar Vo haif a box of gelatine. Lot it get a littile stiff. Peel and suice quite thin somo fine solid bananas. Pour a la) er of Jeily ini a mold, thon put in a layer of banana, thon another of jelly, and se on, until the mold is full. Lot ih stiffen, ansd serve in a bed ef stiily whipped croam.,1 COLD CIIEESE SOUFFLES.-Crate une aud ono-hif ounces of Gruyere cheese ; whip hal£ a pint of cream, and three tablespoon- fuis of aspic jsliy to a Iroth ; stir in the cheesâ; season witb sait, cayenne and made mustard. Fi11 littie paper cases, grate eheese over the top and set on ice to geV firm. PkAtsNeeis.-Those who like paranips will appreciate them if cockeR in the followiog manner. Grate the amount required ou a rather coarse grater, and mix with beaten eggs-using eggs onough to make a stiff baitrer. Season with pepper and sait. Shape about ttic Bize of largo oysters, and fry brown iu hot lard or dripping. PUS PSÉ1r -0LJi-0R ht.n. MBOman. tur ~ ~ II ;ieunaîJîn ugpks - coubirtg, w rns eaoju 'I ~1hatEijievs1 ane-t th" Ow03l rates solesin o tô-Stob#7peere S.____C.________________________________________ inýA ...itb.A-. .--n A ÂGRIOULTURAL. thermomieter and the bandi-capped butter [given w y ta the box churu, power worker and tbienices weet btteroetto-dia,. Butter- The (lare oie Shaep. making bas been reduced to a science. Farîners are manifesting a more general A buttermiker shouid ltnow wby bis belief lu ths value cf sheep justim0w than cream ig slow in comirg, he should kuow at any former perleR lu the whole history t1he eý'cqt of arreospheric changes on nii of our agriculture. A r2ason for' this, per- and1 eream iat dii ceont seasous of the year; hap.9, lies in the fact tisat the agrieuitural in faet.. al the whys and wherefores of bis press bias long becîî aimost a unit in urgig profession. farmrers to ceusider titis brauehi of the stee. Th'le 00w t at produces the rilik should business.' The resuît bas been that duriug bc a parit or fol i-boouded Jersey or Guern- the past year our dlocks bave besîti increased sey. l'le stable shoulddlhe kepi ecan sud by a million and a bial i 3had, aiiio i , wooi ail pails and cans he saine. If the ns 1k produet by ton million Tha.iis is a goes to a ereamery it shoid first holiesrain- move in the rigbt direc'tion, and we hope ed into large deep cana called creamers and the near future wili show aý stili greater in- subniergel nho ui water for froi 12 te 124 crosse. \Ve thinik jrtvouid ho hard te flud heurs ; thon the creaml is taken off and any fariner who bas gens inteliigently irîto taken to'the crsaniery. There iris strained the sbeep business, keeping good stock andcinlir a vat wbero jr la t'empered to the iight giving good earre, wbose profi ,s trom btis degree for churninig the next day. -The year's work, have noV been considerabiy aug- swinig eburo is a-estîy useR lu sonie quartera, meitedlby their airl. If any of unr rea'lers whle inl other placcs tbey useethe revolv ing are still a litile douhtfui upon thes seep box churn. Af rer churniug front 40 to 50 question,we wouid auggest that they observe minutes th e butter bas come far eno'îgiîse thse mon wlio have been tryiug it. Are Vcey thartvwe eaui rinse ut down, thon shako t up going out of the business, or arc Vbey msak- a few rimes and we bave a lot cf goidun iog arrangements for larger Rlocks ani stiil grains the 5izCetfwbcat. Atterdrawing off btter care? tbe buùtermilk sud rinsing VWice in c A,,d Within the past thirty years the "Valel cear wster the butter is ready to go on ru production cf the United States bas very, the worker, where sait la aprînkled over it nearly trebled, yet we coîld double jr again and raked iu, so thar each golden grain bas without more thanmesting thecrequiremenis its own coating cf sait. It is thon werised. for unr own conisomption. iigbtiy, put inro) tubs to stand for twe heurs Fed the breeding owes a littie cern with or more, wben it la again worked uver, and worrîngcysa o rocîngimean ico a sep2arator or extristor, whih - 'lhe Dorest siîeep, cf whicb rve have Le- lîigh rate'cf speed, the cresm las foreed n te TMar Becogllisgd STANDARD Blds "cMungo"7 "Kioker"ý "Gable" Lumbago, a"kache, Toothache, Sore Throatq Fro£t Bites, Sprainsy Bruises,Burnfs, Etc. Bld by Dr-ggsts and Dealers everyW!ieMe FfyCns a botrie. Directions lu il Languages. IMM CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimore, I Largeât and Hiihpst (4s-îsde fliacsa lu the I M~nîsf'stçd,.a~,.~ Universtliy acknowledged to be Stîpirior lu every respect to sny otber brande iu the market. Always reliable, as bas been fully deuaonetrsWed by the millions tG'at are Ooid annusiiy sud the incressinig cdEmauid for them, notwith- stsflrilg an inecrassed Ciom- petition cf orer Unre fundr2d aîdTivîtnffire Factoris.- Thie faut spcaks volumes. We are not -houp, Cigar à& .qver's-

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