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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1892, p. 5

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eltching the At night is always a trouble, and it is often an C Àie nnecessary 7?crry ]Davis, b' cept i the house. A few drops ýý thîs old rernecy iin a littie sweet. ened witer or milk, brings prompt .tlief., Sold everywbere. kaeyou seau thbe New SIG E30TTLE YOUR. EYEIS 'TESTED YOU IF {NEED IF GLASSES JN.H. S. JURY , Graduate o Detroit Optical1 Instittte, and ýChicago Ophthalmic College STOTT & JURY'S. No, charËgas for consultation.' Sppetac1es at lowest prices. Gold Frames specialty. GRAND TRUNK RÂILWAY. 13OWMANVILLIC STATION. 0011<0 EAST 0011<0 WEST Wail......... au" Mail ....516 a M xpe .10 25.a ni m.Express. 553 amn Mixîes *...312pnLoai 845a ni Local......707 p taMixed .....229pm M&al.... 942 pu Mail . ....2P M ýtL ] x. 10 5 p rm BOWMÂNVILLE, OCT'R 19, 1892. Local andOtewe Thev look fine and Wear wel-Trelev. 'efl'saubhes. Mr. Chas. Tod has made extensive ne- pairs on bie bakery aven the past week and is now supplying his numerous cus- tomnera again with bread that cant be "eten. Last Tuesd.y evening,, MiasaEthel sud Mr. Frank Trebilcock gutve a party ta about iý,hrty of ther selrrl mates. A very p lé%sant time was opent in varions games and amusements. We cansider the number of tube Auglo. Saxon for Oct. 15 theo Bs ever is8ued ai that worthy journarl. Every Irne Britishi- ar in Canada sbould take lb regularly. Published at Ottawa, 135 Sparks treel. A very enjoyable lime was spent a'. Mr. W. Pearn's, Queou St., Thuraday even- Ing whent a number of invited young fiends met in honar of Miss Viola Bnldgeman, off Ottawa, who is viiting there. Our Ilong-time neighbor, Mr. R. H. Henry, photo artiet, bas decided ta givo up phatagraphy for a lime ta engage in out-of-door occupation, for the present joluing bis brothens lu tube apple export trade. Me are s',rry ta baose snch a good1 nelghbar but wish himn greater succes In bis niew sud langer galleny. Ris many1 rustamiers wîllwef ancy welcome hl-m biýck when hoe chooses ta relurn lo-bis tawn studio. Ne w S traw LIajts f or 15 and 25 cents aI Mlrs. Danicaster's. Gents, tube We£t End Hanse is thbe ppi 'pto get suited iu lotbing. i.isare inviteýd ta inspeot tube lovely >5tock.off new Dress Gooda just recoived nt Couchi, John stan & Cryderman's. lmported direct froni Germany by Couch, Johustatn & Crydermian, the finest stock off Ladies' Mantlis ever showsu in those couties. Ladies w'shing ta see the langesI ohoice, niewest styles and best values iu Ladies" and Miserlported ftantlers sud Coats will do wpil ta caîl and inspect the large display of theze goode beiug shown by Jua. J. Masan. Mlinard's Liniment cures CoIds, etc. Tneieven's for fine footwean. We noticed a large field of peas-ri se cond crop-in fucli bloom just nonlh off Oshawa on Sonday. Mn. D. Burke Siupson bas been ap pointed a member off the High Scbaol Board instead off Mn. John P Rice, ne- sigurd. New for goods-a yery nice stock fan ladies, men sud childns-n-j ust anived at M. Mayer's. Cali aud gel youn choice while they are ffresh. Mn. Wu. Bunuey's pleasaxît home- a very coufortable bouse well furniabed iuterior-is uow oflened for sale by tender. See adveniisement in this issue. Smoking a pipe on a strawstack is a very daugerous indulgence surely. Il l8 quite probable tuai Mn. T. Henderson, Kirby, lbinks sa. Ses Kirby news. Keachie sud Mn. aud Mns. W. Ri.'Climie atlended tube faunerai off tube hale J. B. Trayes off Port Hope au Sunday. There wene 210 Mason lu tube procession.Mn. Alfned Tennyson DoLuny, B.À\,Iý s pupil off Bownianville BFigb Scubool dur' I ing Mn. W. W .Tamblyn'e headmaslerebip, wss recently appointed lectunen olý Math- ematios in foranto University sud mince bas been fother houored by being Sp. poinled Dean of tube University in place af Pr! Alfred Baker, resIgned. '- Two represeulalives off the DpmiIiion Nuubering Ca. are in towo for thbe pur- pcse off uumbering tube bouses They have juat got lhnough lun Osbawa sud ar-3 meeting witub success bore. We hope aur cilîzens xil al get noînhers ou their bouses ; iilliigiveotoelaoun progress- ive tawu. Tubegold leaffed figures look best we uottced ou tube Oshawa bouses. How ARE Youit Eyrs ?-Mn. Lawrence tube eminent oculist-optician off the OYptical Institute off Canada, will be a, Jna. 3. Masou's Dry Goods sud-Jeweiny store an Fniday, Oct. Liai, fan tube purpose off- ex- spectacles- onu-sc7entifwo prinnripie --No 1 charge fan consultation aud aîi-Ia- Everybody witb defectiva igubi should embrace ibis oppatuuity. A fairhy gond audience mas ententaiued in tube town bail by Prof. S. Il. Clark, eloontionist off Toronto, Wednesday eai an eveuing af recilals- sud was Wal pleased. Mn. Clark is cenlainhy one off the, beal readene tubai bas visiied ibis towu sud bis faulties e ndering of tube dramatiicas well as tube bumarous sud sympaîbetic rendings wass igbiy spoken off by tube cril ical audience. Farnosane manîhai pasl a baud off young girls off S.Paui's Chu rch, "Thse Dtuguteraý off the Churchu", bave beeu buey makiug a numben off useful ffaucy articles which îhey intend afferngfor sale lu tube Scubool racu oof tube chunch on Friday, 28thb met, afternnan sd eveuing., Ref reshmentsi and music xiii alsa ho provided. Ahl cordially welcomed. Admiission free ; ai amnali charge for reffreshueuls., 1 Mn. Chas. Brown off Sinalford mas buried biereaon Monday, several aid acqqaintances foiiowed bis romains froni the statian ta tisecemeteny muere ho mas interred by tube aide off bis mife. Tube pali-beanens more: Mes-ara. Ga. McGiil, 11. Wiudait, R, H. Turner, W. A. Neada, Lewis Quick sud JGs. MeLeau. A Mn. Smiths, oua off tube Plymouth Bnelbrn, read tube Sciptune, spoke briefly sud -pa bd-t hagxave. --Tbere-wasno-fcr -- ah bunial tervice. Miss Brama, bis dauguter sud Mn. Jas. Pellow sud Mrs. Dinuer cf Oshawa more tube principal mourners. Daeased mas fathen off Mrs. R. D. Foiey off Manitou, Man. Salunday,,Sunday sud Monday meek more Ibreeaspecial days lu tube Sais-ation Army, tuba occasion being'usarkod by large congregations. Tube meetings wene con- ducied by Staff Capi. Beatty sud McIn- lyre. Monday tube annuel banquet lu aid off fuel supply mas held, beiug ffairiy meli atlended sud a veny enjoyabie lime mas dpent. Iu tube eveuing Staff Capt. McIn- lyre delivened a very intenesting lecture ou tube mork off thbe Anuy inluNefauud- land whrea b bas been lsbaning. Six yeara ago tube army cammenced mork on tube ishand sud bas taoen incneasing nrapidhy Ta-day it bas one buudred fild officens sud thinleen bundned zodiens, rnkiug tube fourth'denominatian ou the isiand. Tbey have tueir owu hunying gnouîud sud are about ta enect their own scuoals aller tube custom. off ihat iland country. "Not ail la goîd tuai glittens" ln a true synu ; ilus equaily, Inue Ibat not all is sarsapailila tubatinla o labelled. If yau mould ho sure off the genulue article, aek for Ayer's Sarsayaiiia,and take no aibon. Hoaltb la loo preciaus ta ho trifled ib. Treleven leads lu boots sud shoos. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, Insonance ROBr, VIRTIUE, Agent, Bamanvihie A fuline cf Watches, Clocks sud. Jewelieny aiways lu stock ai Big 20. Mn. H. C. Brillalu mouid like aIl out- standing accaunits paid la Mn, Dabson, Big 20', Ibis meek if possible. Ail pensons oing accouis tla Mynard tube Jemeller xiii ploase cal sud sele Iheni at once, as ho in leaving tamu. Il xviii cetaiuly psy faruens tb gel ahi tube grain they feed grouud muben Mr. Vanstone doos chopping ai 5c. a bag. We are jusi neceiving Pome elegaut patterns lu Ladies' Tweed Dress Gooda. Cal sud lurpect'tlbem, Jua. J. Mason. T. Ga. Mason's Clthing sud Boal sud Sboe store bave adopted tube cash system. Boy for cash sud selfor cash la their motta. Cash cutouers sbould give them a cafl ard get tlie henefil. See sdv'i. Couch Jobuston, &Oyderuan bave opeued out a 6pecially ino assonimnent off Canadien, Scotch sud Eugiiah Tweeds, aiso mostedsansd over-coatinga mbich lbey are prepared ta mako up lu thein usuai wel-known style. Asx Youu FRiENDS ABOUT IT.-Yfour disitremsiug cough can ho cuned, XWei kuow it because Kemp's Baisani mithin the past fow years bas cuned se many cougub ansd coida lu Ibis coumuuity, its remankable tale bas beeu, won entinly by ils genuine menit. Ask nome friend irbo bas used h muat ho tisinka off Kemp's Balsamn. Thero la no medicine no pure, noue sa effective. Lange batties 50c. sud $1 aIah druggisis. ieMple fre .-tff. Minard's Liniment cures Diphîhanie. C-hlidren Cry for For wear sud style gel Treleven'a boots. We are givîng tube W 'eekhy Globe sud other weekiy papers free for balance of 1892 te neW subscribers for 1893. At Ibis lime off yoar especiaily tube country reems tobchaiufested with pcd- lans. Beware off ihose isba seil for $2.50 the sanie spectacles Yoeucrin boy for 5Oce aI Sîott & Jury'e. Mn. B. Bigisby's lecture au Winchester sud Rugby Scubools lu tube Town Hall Fniday nigubi was weli attended. Col. Cubitt pnesided. Tube lectunen bas a capital command off language sud inteneat. ed bis audience. The cuief menit off tube lestune consisted in the chaice language used naîber thau tube information ut cou- tained, Mn. Bigsby la cerlainly a miaster artiiat ai word painting. FALL WEDDI NGS. CANN-WOtTHl. Weduesday last ws the date off tbree happy avants. At tube residence off Mn. Richard Worth, Deputy-reeve off Bow- manville, bis eldest drsughten, Ida Augut. ta, sud Mn. Harry Caun wene uuited in tube bonds off matrimony- Tube ceremonyv Wsas Perfformed ai 5 p. m. by Rev. R. A. /Bilkey lu the presenceofof a large coni- Lpany off inviled guest3. Tube bride was, handsouoly dresed ln creani Henriet,1 lnlumed witb silk lace, sud carrioU a beautiful bouquet off roses_.-9Te bride was assisted by ber asis- Misses Mary sud Eva Worth wha were also becomiug- iy attined the former lu paie blue sud tube latter in fawu, pnettiiy lniusmed, sud carrying bouquets off roses. Tube groom waa ably supponrd by Mn. A. J. Ellioti, Mîllbrook, sud Mn. J. H. ElliolI, Hamp- tan. Tube dnawing roou pnesenled a very' pretly appearan8 beiug decorated witub many beantif ul plantsaLd fio wers. Aften tube cereuouy a splendid wedding dinoar waq served ta the guests and tube happy couple deparled ta their own nosidonce which bsd beau previously f urnished f cr -t-m wpn~xenvey useful and valuabie assortuent, teatifyîng ta the bigli esteem ln wbicla she is by honr many f niende. ROWE-DARCH. Tube sanie eveuîng Mn. Gao. J. Rowe, oarrespoadiug clerk in tube D. O. & P. factany, aud Mary, seiond daugubter off Mn. Tubos. Darch. The ceremony was performed aItubhe Methodisl parsonscge by Res-. T. W. Jolliffe. Miss Allie Darch asLsitted tube bride sud Mn. Robt. Rawe performed tube duties off groonimn.v Tube bappy couple lef t tube sani enu hy tube western express ta spoud t1woir honeymoon. TYLER-ALEXANDER. Anoîber weddiug hock place aitubhe nesideuce off Mn. Jas. Alexander when bis eldesl daugubler, Annie Emma, was mar ried ta Mn. H.rbert Tylen, D. D. S& Rer. Ga. Punkis penformed tube ceno- mauy in thbe presence off tube near rois ts-es off tube bride sud groom. Tu STATESMAN wisbes aIl long sud happy weddod livea. A Ourious Contest. Liberty Street iras tube c 30 cf quit", au iateresîing es-eut Monday eveuing wben Mn. A. N. Mitchell, financisliy sup- ported by Mn. Luther Countice, nden- took ta non a mile lu shorter limje thu Mn. J. H. DobEon sud Mr.-Geo, Aisde could est fis-e dry soda biscuits. Dowu tube sidewalk tube runnen sped towards Rag Casile. No f air eyes' looked upon bis deeda, few supporters ehood by 10 ýcheer hlmn on,bnt t albi e dasbed pasitubhe ruîàis in a splendid sport sud flnished bis mi le lu 4 min. 45 sec. Shorltly afier six o'clock tube twa marchants, welldiug spoons, sai ai a table with a bowlful off rolied biscuit beffore eacb. Time iras oalled sud tihe sporîoifusfoliowed lu quick successian. Thbe speed, decreased boweven and soon bath wera making startling albeuptsata strangling. Tube suspense sud tube bis- cuits passed away sud the esters wrne an- nounced victorions. Ou Tuesday, tube; Big 20 jewellen undertook ta foiiaw suit, but failed, lime belng up befone the bis- cuits were dewu. Au ayster supper pro- vided by thbe lasers is teho biehd ai llio Wsrder Hanse Weduesday nigubt lu coni. mmoaation of tube aveut. South Darbington Patrons off Iudustny mill bold au open meeting on Thursday 1evening, Oct. 27th, muben speeches wili be delivered by Couaty officens aud others, sud a fine programme xviii be reudened. Ail subordinate badges takre notice. Ail are condially invited-come aIl. H. PRAIt, Secy., Co'artice. Minard's Liniment cures Burus, &c.ý Tube lu test novel ty iu Binthday Rinigo at Big 20 Jeweiiery store. Cal suid se theu. RoIr -1Pium rPuDimNa.-Tha deliciGua confection is niceiy calcuiated 10 produ)ce dyspepsia, beanthuru, billany troubles sud beadache. Bandock IBlood Bittera laa equally meil calculated ta cure tbese troubles sud bas proven its po)wers lu bundreda off caseso. B.B ,B. regulates sud purifies tub e nie system., 1niiptis Tab ules çure scrofulii. - Pitcherls Castoria. PERSONAL. Mr%. James MecLeau bhas Ueeau visiting ai Blaomfield. Miss Parsnsu, Coibo ne, iras guest off Miss Neads, recently. If you want s conifontable pair off boots-, examine Tre]even's stock. Miss Youuie, off Port Hope, bas been visiting relatives lu lown. Mn. W. A. White visited lu Port Hope sud Millbrook lasat week. Mre. John Fostan, off Norwood Place,, la visiting bher son ai Essex. Sir Oliver Mumwat is ta lecture lu a Lon- don Clîunch Thanksgivinig Day. Mns. E. Rut',off Wbitby, mas guest off Mra. Jas. A. Lamrie aven Suuday. Mr. FHector Beith was registened ai tube Waiken House, Toronto, laqI week. Mn. sud Mns. W. Beiîb at ûniýand Patronees off Wbatby Curling Club. Rev. J. H. T. Blue, Balimore, Md.,, pneacbed lu Trinity Chunch Suinday. Miss Minube Beuce, off Pont Penny, w.asi g uost ai Mn. Thos She.n's, lai week. Mns. W. J.. Cohe bus returned frou vis- ~ting at Berlin% sud othen Western îawus. 1/Mn, Allan J. Lockubart mas lasi week V ehected a member off tube Tcironto 1Board off Trade. A wahking advrtiserceut laevery pair off boots Rohd ai Tr.,levenea store-noue botter made.ý Mn. A. Yonie ba% grea81y imprived in bealth suid begins to eep anoucd as t- îvely as off yore. Mn. H. Gale off tube Coîborue Enter- prise mas lu tomu on Friday renewing aid sequaiutancer.. Master Hfanry, aud Misses Gertie sud Pearl Pearce, Nemoasîle, visited. cousina at Salins necently. 1Mn. Tuob. Baker and Miss Penhaîl, off Pon Penny, visited -Miis Beken, Newv- --Mise Fanny ~arla eundhm sller visitîng lier Rasttr, Mns. Jury in Rochasten, N. Y.ý Mrs. Thc)L. Jury irbo bas beenu vieitixsg hier parents nturned ta ber boue lu Rochesher lasi meek. Mies Davidson, off Lttle3 Brtain, and Misa Soymoun,,off Bath, ubese bien guesti OFf Mn. 1. B.wilianss. Mn. ýD. Gilbertislemakirg extensive ne. pairs sud iimprovement8 ou bis bouse sud promises on Liberty St. Mn. A. T. ElliotI, off Milhnrook, was lu tawn Wednesiday assisling, Mn, H, Caun lu bis matrimonial event. Mn. T. E. Higginbotbau is movinglulto tube bandsoue residence j uat vaeated by bis parents ou Liberty St. Capi. C. H. Nicholson, off the Steamer Nortb King, sud mife wiii reside at Balt- imore, Md., for tube muter. Treleven iosds tube shoe rade iu tbree cmncnt points off perfection-quaî y ce gands, style sud fit. PnicQs are alma5f, rigubi. R"r. D. F. Geo, off Newcastle, lias beau preacin~g special sonrmons an Hampton circuit sud lbas won gallon opinions t on hs e earers. Mn. snd i'Jrs. Js5 'bMr., Mms. sund Mies Dinnen, off O.sawa, more liane Monday atltendinu2 tube undrel off Mn. Guy Bros buS a g'oîd houes Tuosdsy evouing. The progr n u was a vaird sud very interesbîug aose tu ail iovera off fu sud music. Corporal A. IHobbs is lu Tornto mith bis brother Fred, isho is not expected ta recos-er froni injuries received in a plan- ing fyfactory. Pater Guy off tubs Guy Brosi'. Minsineis was here with tuba coupiany sud is josily prnd off his six clos-en aine. Mrs. Guy, mon., mas bore 100. Miss SteDonald, off Seafforth, Miss Phemnie McDonald sud Mn. Chas. Wrigubî, Bowmanvillo. woe gurats cf Mn. John James,. Othawa, on Suuday. We are pleased to see tuai Geo. Haines, Esq., P. M., bas regained bis bealtb. Considering thuathle luinbis 72nd yean hie lsa s emankabhy active man. Mr. Roht. Knox off Orono returned Ibis meek ou tube Mongolian froni bis trip ta Great Britalui. Ris accounit off'bis trayals in tube Noms mas very iutenealing. You are cordially invited to Tneleveu'a shoe store ta seoetube cubia new assoni. meutoff boota sud sboes. Dont buy sbaddy gooda, for tube best la aiwsys tube chrapeal. Mn. R. R. Lwnie bas breou r-eugaged fan suother yesr as, principal off Greeu River Public Schoai ai s substantialinl- crosse lu stipend. Hoe is a succesaful teachen. Mn. sud Mra. J. iliggiubotham are maving ta Milton ishere their yaungesl sat. la carying ou the ieading drag huai. ness. Their msny fionda bore regret thein departure axcoedingly, Mn. W. C. King won final prize in t Ail-Camons rifle matceh ai Cobourg, sud second Iu tube Association match, iànini, $20 lu ail. Mn. J, H. Morris wou $1 and Capi. Mîlligan off Clarke $13. Tube many frieuds offý Rer, M. P. Tal ing, B. A., milI ho deligbiod ta bean tubat lio bas eutered upon tube third year off bis pastonateo of St. James' Preshytenisu Church, London, mith eueounagiug pros- pecta. Since bis induction a nom lecture naom bas been erocted sud 151 namnes added ta tube membensbip rail. A Toronto coutempoaay caulalus these kiud mords lu a recent issue.: "PEN A-ND ScîssoRs regrets ta earu that Mn. M. A. James, off tube Bowmanvihie STATESMtAN, bas beeu unden tube meathen almnost es-en aince ho returnd frotn bis prolonged trip la Bitatu. While hapiug tubaI ho may soon rocovor bis usual beaibh, PEx AND ScissoRs'is pieased so notice that ye editor off tise STÂTESMAN bas such au able help- meel lu Mns. James. Tube nocossity hav- ing ais(,n 50 unffortunaieiy aube bas taken up tise editDniai quihi sud bas mntton ses-orsI .comua ndescriptive off Iheir nocent journeyings sud in a style tubaI ieîuves notbing la be 4esired. Racy, doyven sud pseseiug much literany finish tube subsenibens of tube papen milI miahu that muen tube immediate ause la bappily removod that shie mill continue Irous lime ta time to furnsub 'copy' for tube STATES. I I COLUIMBUS DAY. The Columbus anniversary wascea brated in this tqown Wednesday afternoon whe-i our citizens assembled at the Iligh Schoal ta wîtnesa a program suited ta the occasion, presented chiefly by the pupils. Af ter prayer by Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, sing - ig of "Red White and Blue' by the sochool led by Miss Armour on the piano and Mýies M. Fairbairn, violiniste, Mr M-i. M. Fenwick, B. A., gave a brief ac- count of the events upon-which this day's cekibration was based, when ho called on Mr. A, N. Mitchell who deliverel an ora- tion on the dincovery of America that calieci forth the hearty applause of the audience, Mia Ernily Freeland sang "The Bello of Lyna" and Mis$ Kate Ehl- iott recited a paem ou Columbus. The annual cgmmencAment of the ochoal thon f ollowed, when, af ter Mr. Fenwick haà Provincial de;partmental records of the pupils, the chairman asisted by Mr. Jas. Gilfillan and D. H. Coates, B. A., dis- tnibuted the diplomasa -d certificates is- sued by the Education Department ta the successful candidates from thia school at the universîty junior loaving and teach- ors examinatians lu July last. Tho achol- arfs sang "Sons of Britain join in choruis" sufer wbich Mr. Bernard Bigaby, M. A., of Detroit, director off Teachers'Inptitutes for the stateo of Michigan, delivered a verv interesting address on "Student if e at Rugby. Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., ,Iollowed in a timeiy addross, and appro- priate remarks. were also made by Revs. T. W. Jolliffe, R. M. Phalen, H. Blue, snd Col. F. Oubitt. The national au- them concluded the interesting ceremony. DURHAM TEACFIERS'. ANNIUAL, CONVIŽMvîox AT PORT HOPE. The annual meeting of the Durham Teachers' Association was fiold at Part M. M. Fenwick, B. A., pnesiding. Rev. E. Daniel opened witb devational exor cises, Mn. Jas. Gilfillan opened with Dapart- mental Regulations and Examinations. Ho coulended tubaI a papil should be ai- lewed a Ihird clues standing, by taking a certain percentage of tube second class papens, and nat luse the result off Ibree or four years labar. This was, af course in the cape of pupils who had failed ta secure a third sud yet had made sufficient marks ta ho allawed ta go au ton a second. Dr. Purslaw LL.D. supponted the popi. tion sud made s capital speech. A coin- uittee wss appointed ta prepare a nesolu- lion bearing ou the subject. President Fenwick addnessed tube teach. ors hriefly befare intnaducing Mn. Bon- nard Bigsby, M. A., of Detroit, dinector off leachers' institutes in tube United States, wha gave a vey inienesting lect une on Language. Fie ihluslrated bis Mouo ftetatiing lJOIgu.MO ±rom rua. wonds by numeraus examplts.ý In tube evenug Prof. Bigsby lectured in thbe Y. M.0. A. hall te a lange aud- ience an Winchester, Eton sud Rugby. Mn. Thas. Bengaugb, off Torauto, aftén- wards spoke on the use of the typewriter in teaching EnRlishcomposition. Friday monning Mn, Bigîby discussed Phonie,. Thbe eleçtian of officers follow- ed wiîh this reau'lt.--Presideunt--Dr. ProwvP<upt-Haro1it>neis-Mr. Clias. Ketlh, Bowuanville; 2ud Vice Prest, Mn. John Yaung, Enulakiln; TreaEurer-Mr. Jas. Gilfillan, Bowmau- ville; Secretany, Mn. R. A. Lee. Port Ilope followed by a splendid address oa "Word Life." Mn. A. Barber, off CobourgMoe Scheel,'introdnced the subjaci off Drawig which tie made veny interesting. Mn. A WlcLean spoke on Seal-wonk for junior classes sud a profitable discussion ensued. 1The nexl meeting will ha held in Bow- mauville. Thbe leachers are very enthusiastic aven the valuable sud practical subjects dis- ouaed b> Prof. Bigsby sud deulane that no man has ever given tbem more useful information in such au iutenesting man- non. Gent's Furnishînga are sold veny cheap a t tube Went Eud House. Il doos is work quickly sud tbarough. ly-It ln tube best sud tube cheapeat sud thbe world, cannot beat l, or match fi. If yau bave a cald in the head or a cough ask for Magnus Expectant-The Great Couph Uixrture. At Stott & Jury's or Rigginbotbau'si Noetices ef Binths, 25 cents; Miarriage 50 cents; libeaths, 50 cents, eseh ilnsertion -but FRLEE OU CKARGE, wyhen the fusseral cards are printesi at tis o e SmIeur-At 67 Portland street. Newiawn, Exeter, England. tu Mrs. and Mr. Wm. T. Smith, a datughiur. HEDDoic;-Near Mt. Vernon, flarlingtun.Oct. 13, the wlféof Mr. Daniel Heddan. ai a son. VIRTUE-Near Enniskillen. Oct. 11, the w ife off Mr. J. J. Virtue, off a daughter. RowE-D.Ancii-By Rev. T. WV. Jolliffé, at the Methodisi Parsonage, Oct. 14, George Jas. Rowe, cornesponding clark off Dominion Piano Ca., sud Mary Aun, second Saughter off Mn. Thos. Darch, ail off Bowmanvilo. WILLIAMSON-NESBTTT-At the oIS Mane Pont Perry, Oct. 12, by 11ev. J, Mechan. n Henry ;Wîliiamson. aud Miss Sarah Mau Nesbitt, al off Cartwright. CANN-WOItTH-At the resîdee of the M. Rarry C nan Miss Ida Augusta, eldest daughter off Mn. Richard Worth, ail off Bow. manvillo, TYLIR-ALEXANDER-OII Wednesday, Oct, 12th, ai the residence off the bride's parents, try Rev. Geo. Punkis, Herbent H. Tyler, D, D. S., aud Annie Emma, ele est daughier off Mr, Jas. Alexander, ai of Bowuanville. TnÂTEs-At Port Hope, Oct il, aged 5a1 years. John ]3rooke Trayes, editar sud prapnieton off the pont Hope Times. BR0wuc-At Stratford, Oct. 24, Chas. Brown, farmerly off Bowxnanvlîe, aged 86 year3. BOWMANYILLE ZIARKITB Cerreeted by J. licMurtry, ever Tsenday Fuouu, P 100 Ibo .....$1 90 to $2 50 WmEÂT, FaIl, P bush ..... O 0 0 fiO70 la Russian, la ..... O0 0 teO070 il Fife, Tr1 O. . 0 0 iO075 Il Goosfe, fi........ 0 0 fiO061 Il Colorado il....00 il 0 6G RYE, la....... 0 0 fO055 0MBS, la............0 060fn 0 27 BÂRLEY, bush, No. 1.... O 0 Oa 048 la ri ai x.. 0006et 0 43 fi Il fi2.... 035 et0 37 il r3._,0 32 ,0 35 rTwo-rowed 0 35 ,0 40' Buckwheat P busti.......O 0 0 O40 PuAs, Blackeye, P bush... 0 75 ai 0 00 la mummy il ... O060 il 0 60 la Small, ai .O 0 0 lO058 fi Blue, lé ...0 0 laO060 BUTnbsttbeOe .016 an O 18 OHICKEN, tP lb ...........O0 0 ilO10 EGGs, e doz ....... ......0 15 e 0 00 POTÂTOuS, e bush ........O0 30 la O 00 llÂv, Pton..,... .........6 00,e 7 00 SMART YOUNG GIRL WANTED- for general housework. ADrir to MuS. GEO. J0IL, Liberty street. o, at Mn. W. R. R. CAwTtEI's butcher shop. 42-ti TVEACHeRWANTED-For Tyrone ca te. .pplicatîor t will be receivefi on or be- fore Friday 2&th imt. by W. R. CLEMIS.SeCY. of Board, 42-2w Tr'EAHER WANTED-For S. S. No. -'1,Township of Cake o 1893. Appli- cations, stating salary, experience. ttc.. will he received by the undersigned up ta N'ov. 8th D. F. Walsh, Secy., Sterkville P. 0. 42-3w T EACI-ER WANTED.-A good teacher wanted for School 3ection No. 6, raei ove n afo.183 . fSxotinwM b. ey reple ve, f o o.183. ApplJcatienw lll hocy Treas., Box 1099, lowmnanvrlle. 42-3w BT~ACHER WANTED. -Au exper- .enced teacher for S. S. Na. 8, township 'tfCak.fan the year 1893 Applications cevdrp ta Nov. Lit. Apply to box 127, TRAYED,-Fro -i Enfield about the K)middle off Jaly, three yearliný liruifers, two red amdone grey. Anyoneiziving information as te their çvhereaboute -iIll 'e suitably ne- warded by JAMIES PARE, Ellfielfi P O. 1L-3W* STOCK FOR SALE.--A lot of gaod kYoung cattle Suitabis for winter feedinit and 50 superiar ram undl ewe Iambs for breed- [ing purposes for sale. W. R It. CAWKER, butcher andi stockr dealer, Bo wmanville, 40-4w A50 ACRE FARVM TO RENT near Bwmanville. on whicb are a houýe snd necessary autbuildings goad orchard and well off water. Immediate possession. Apply ta M. A, JAMES, STATESMAN cies. BOWMau. ville. 39--tf S IROPSHIRE LiMBS FOR SALE "-Having lmported a numbur off very fine Shi opahire sheep 1 ofl'en for sale a numbor or Ram Lamba. Parties wanting sheep xviii Sud mnat home on Tuesdays and Satuidays. LEvi SKiNNER, Tyrane P. O. 38-tf IMPRVEDFARMS FOR SALE.- Lt8 and west 1 lot 7 lu the 2 con. of the Township of Pickering. 250 acres ou which are a tiret clase barns. aillStone fouadations; 2 dweliing house, weil watered, no waste, land. Will, he ç01d whale, or in parts. Price and ternis ta, soit purchaser. Apply ta H. B.T - LOR. Whitby. Ont. -f. A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE by endr n thAtownship ofDarlington. cansisting off north 75 acres of lot 21.con. 6,alsa the narili 57 acres of lot 19, con, 6, of the gaia township of Darlinîrton. Tenders wiil bie re- ceivefi up ta the 25th or September for the purchasor of the 8atd property W. WiLLARD, Port Ferry. 37-if. F IARM TO REINT FOR A TERM 0F _'YARS.-Improved grain fan of 100 acres situated iu the township of Cartwright. con, 2 lot 6. about 2 rade fromn Purple Hill eP. and lees than 1 mile ta Sehool flouse, witb. goofi dwellhng bouse, Stone foundation, sofit and hard water. aiso a good ban with sort and. bard water. About 420 of apvle, peur, cherry aud plun trees and a varîety ofs mail fruit. Firtplu1ngdne lmiles froni Burketon station. For fothur particulars, apply to ABRAHAM MORRIS. Purpie 1Hill. 40-tf FARM FOR SALE.-A firet ciass faruz cof 125 acres or 145 acres situated Iu the township of East Wbitby Isi con, lots 15 and 16 on the Base Line, about 11 miles from Osha. wa Station, 2 milles fromn Whltby and 60 rod.s fromithe echool hanse, Large roomy buildinge, main barn 95x36 f t. plenty off fruit, sal day loam, aitogether oneoff the best grain farmsg on the Lakte Shore. No his or stoues., About 10 acrefs of wood. 75 acres in pasture and freah seedefi. Terme easy, Firsi plowing doue. For further partical4ng apply t> Z4. ANNis, Oshawa. 97-tf, ECELLNT FARM IN DARLING- in Drlintonfor sale cantaining about 140 acres, ail of which is cleared and inu high etate of cultlvation. On the promises are a goca. Lbrick dweiling bouse and good outbulinge, two wells, two cisterns, two neyer failinq Springs and creek runnmng ibrough the south Part Of the fanm. This property is sltuated aos lot 6, con. 1, quarter of a mile frons the hmits of the towu or Bowmanviile. There are about 5 acres off orchard besides plum archard. and. garden with small fruits. Weil fencefi. Easy termes for Payment. For fnrther pariculars annily on the premises ta MaS. RowE or R. H. TuRNEa. Bowmanville 38-tf VALUABLE TOWH P ÉROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT BY TENDER, Sealedi tenders addressed to the undersignea. will be rec'-i7ed On Or befar8 12 c'clock, noon, Saturday. Nevember 5. 1892, for that valuable praperty owned andi accuoied by Mr. Banney, situate on the corner of Ontarioandaufi een streets, Bowmsanvilie. consisting off a Frama Rouse containne 9 mons, wlth halls, closet, and pantry, bard aud sof i water. There, is a gond stable 18x24. aiso a nice, lawn. The prcperty ie in first-class repair. having porches andSstorm windows, and blinde to ail the windows. The highest or any tender not necessanly accepted. TERMS -Tenderers can psy the wbole ausounit of their tender uowu, or one tilîrc. down and balance lensonnuai instalments ai Per cent. For lurther Panticulars apply on the preruiseil or ta 12- 3w WM. BUINNEY, Newmarket, Ont. Grain!1 Grain! NWANTRD) AT THE Fîxu 1'uOOr ELEVATOP. AT GRAND TRUNK STATIaN, NEWCASTLE. Tlie higiest current manrket pnîce xvili RÂTE PAYERS 0F DARLINCTON. ho paid fan any quantily off Wheai,Barloy, Peas, Rye sud- .Buokwhueat, delivened att MR. . S.RUNDE, ownsip Clle tubte above ebovaton. Or, if pneterod, xiii MR. . S RUDLETownhipolbct-recels-e, masure, sud sbip for owuen ai Imo or, ivili be at Mr. J. J. Masou'a store cents per bushel, every Salunday untii Dec. l4th to recelve -' JOHN CARVETU. taxes. 41-3 w* Ne wcatle, Oct, 1892. 40 "tf, F0OR INVALIBS auea weak delitat-2ivemln Rpuns Tabules banish pain. ~ use 3hilbuns eecr, Imon sud WY lsae, o ç'ter RpasTblsurdsest It te tisa Orsi, 11 Rpn aue uedses 1 y nu-aulUF41-M 9-prx) per4mzul 'L --i 41 tL 1 -1ý

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