______ ______ _____ __---__-_------- Fagged Out!! T 11-AT tired, worn - out feeling, ni wiici seS many women compliin ater a de,,'s 'wasing, is dore away wtti by those wlio use tisat great Wbh m iakes th iseflst dront Without Hard Rubblng Wlthout Boing Without Washlxsg Powders irry the easy, dlean aud economicai way-the L. ay nf wasiing, and yo il not ho dis S8UNL19FHT SOAP having nu equlai fus Purîty, yog/eay ose t witis eomort and deiight for every household porpose. WORKS: PT. SUNLIGHT LEVER GROS., LmITES WIEAR BiFrKENHEAD TORONTO MILLINERY STILL GOING ON Mt iMrs. Dancaster's. Grand dii- play cf trimmed and untrimmed fitil and winter goods. The stock is the choicest of this season's importations; it w as norsnl cnal n'c wi th ri,, r n.-P H1OUSEHOLD. Liglit at Sunset- Ail day thse rain had f allen Upon the shadowed lend, Crusising thea pale, sweet flowers Thatt N. utsire's lavish baud llad 8troiwu when Sommer glory Reigned in ifs isecuty grand. Ail day the beating tempest Swopt with its chilling main 0cer bill and faded woodiand, 0cer mount'siu ieight and plain, Until itseecmed tbat Nature Wouid nover smie agaiu. But as tic day grcw darker Beyond tise wstern hili There came c boit nofisrigbtnoes Su silent!y aod still, .And thon a flood nf sunlight TIhe riied cioods to ll. Tise stnrm-drencbed worid grew brigister As sulight kissed the land, And elFoudesu lateiy dreary Gleamed lîke the golden s sud, And ail tise c was giidcd By tbe fair sunset band. -And tisus. 1 thougist, the sunset Will sweetiy gliw et iast. Wben ail lifes yoars ni comopost Are numisered w:tb tise past, And nom mny dying piti0-N' Itýs fair,birglst beauty cast. -[By Mrs. M. A. Huit. Teacli Ohildren to Work. Teacis tise bldren habits ni industry wlsile thoy are yet very youg, and tbey wiil aiways ho induetriuu, says Jeneess Miiler's Moothiy. Ulve tison at first only very iigbt taske, and try tu lind tise work to whicbeach ebild inclines. Don't lot tbem work su long tisît they become tlred and su <isgusted wlth ail wnrk, bot long enoogis Su accomplisi seometbiog, and if it le ni use PO muchstisebotter. Teacildren tiat tiere is a tîme Su o 1 dl as weli as a time to be at work. The appareotly idie tini ftise systemnaticaily busy man or woman us niten tise mnst fruitini lun resulte, for it is tison that many things are thougist over sud plannod. Wben it is possible, lot tise ch il- dren feel that they are workiug for some definite end. Tiey wish to sec tise profit ut their laisar as machs as ulder people do ni tiseirs. Deny thons tisat, and tise very higist incentive to habite ni labor le rensoved. A gond ai-d industrinus woman once eaid: , One ni tise muet bitter memuries ni my chidhiood is that my mother, who was onue nitise boit sud most consceeitious wnmcn that ever iived, wae witisout tact or j udgemont as to my tasks. On tise long, beautiiol sommner days, wbeo J longed te ho at play, and wisen 1 ouglit to bsave beon, sinco tisere arc always enougis droary days lu wbich to give a ciîd work, she wouid givo me two yards sud a- half ni unbleacbed muslu whicýh I was l'e- quired to hem. It wae always stiff sud rougis sud disagreeable. Il it had been fine, pretty work, 1 woud nt have minded balf su mucis. Tisose hoebcd ltube turned sud browned on one side tomn; serve on a hot platter. PiOKLE.D Lrmo's. -You must have firm, smnall lemons of the best quality for thi-, piokie. Cut them deepiy with several incis- ions fromn end to end, and fill the cuts with sait, put each ou end, aud iay them in a dish in quite a warin place. The sait will dissolve and make quite a brine. Let them remain in this for three weeks, taking themn out occasionaliy and ruibing witb addition- ai sait. Tien take tbeifrom the brine and Dut them in a jar, with a large tablespoon- fui of mustard seed, half a pouud of broised giuger, two ounces eseli nf coves and lail-1 spice and a very littie tuineric and three or four chiles. Boil ail this lu vinogar and pour it over the lemons. In about six mouths thcy wiii hoready for ose. This pickie will keep for ycsrs, and increase in' excellence as it grows older. Siuice the Çaifoîuia limes have core ne oo the Eastern market 1 have! tried picking them by this rocipe, adding a double handful of yelnw sugar to the vin- egar. They are ready for use in about eigbt or ten weeks and formi a very delcioue pickle, ont surpassed by the best potted pickied limes of commerce. SW EET PICIann PEAcH-Es. -To one quart of gond ider or wiue vinegar shlow three pinte of sugar. Make a couple of bags of cheesecloth and put lu them the spices- balf an once ni whtole cioves, aud stick ciu- namon, a tablespoonoful nf aulspice, a table- spoonfai nf mace, a couple of pie ees ni gin- ger muot and a few poppercorne. Wben the vînegar le weii skixnmed and biiing add thse peaches, wbicb' shoold bie carefuily pecled. By tise way, if the vinegar is very strung, add a cup ni cold water tu the quart of vîuegar, and let tise vinegar, spices and sugar come tn a bull very aiowly to oxtract thse fiavor of the spices. This amounit wiii take about seven pouuds nf peachos. Put a iow in the syrop at a time and cuok util tender, thoen remove tbem tu a Jar, set in bot water. When ail are conked, fil up thse j ars with boilinig hot syrup sud cuver. Thse next day pour nolf tie syrop, place the bags ni spices lu t and bull getly for tweuty minutes ; tdien pour ovor the fruit again. Do this three timos aud thon cuver them securely aud set tbem away lu a cool place. You xnay stick a icw cloves lutise, peaches, but ont more than three or four to a peacis. I have seen jars nf pickied peaccies that were uneatabie irons tise mauy cinves that were pt in theni. BOILED POTATOES. -Wash clean, let stand lu cld wator a low hours, put in a pot, cuver with biling water aud let hoil rapid- ly util doue. Drain, set onu the back of tise stovE five minutes sud serve. ScALi OIED SWSET POTATrc. - Poil large sweet putat os. ,Pool and sice, put a layer in tise bottons of a pan, cuver with sugar and bits ni butter; put iu anotlier layer ni sugar and butter and potatoos, util the pan le fuil. Set lu the uven to TuseAuEs AD OKE.A. -Tako a quart ni ANECDOTES OF DOGS. Sonîie ]esnairible Canines- Whose Intel- ligensce Approache8 thse Maiveliens. I have observed as an invariable ruie that persons ni ail ages like reading weli authen- ticated anecdotes ni dogs- lu iset, oext te a gond gist tory, I tblnk it-may safely be said they are about the muet popular inrm nf narratives;nr is this surprisiug, for the dog is the frieud ni a man, whose virtues, Sir Water Scott prononnced, hoe dispiayed witbnout bis vices. Having lately passed thmougis a sevore attack nfi liless, I greatly mised twvn fine dogs lest, tbroogh acci- dents, and who, when I v.as laid u p on for- mer occasions, aiways found me out sud paid me regular visite. Tiinkiug ni these "1loi ed aod 1-flut" lu the woariuess ofniv.alescence, led ýme te refiect ou some extraordiriary instances ni canine eagaity, or more than sagacity-what une mighit cal 1'dumis reasoig"-which I had witn'essed, sud amongst them the three fl- iowiug recurred to minfroihly:- Sume years aguo we had n brn wn water spaniel callcd Donihey ;thoy are doge nf au affectionate disposition and great intelli- gence, and Domhey was noxceptionoteothe mile. Ho was very fond ni me, and on onue occasion we were parted four- îontbs wiist 1 was absent lu Scotiaod. When I returned home we arrived late, aud I saw notbing ni the dng that nigist, lu fact hoe did nt seem te be about the place. Next moriug I was awakened very early by a great iattliig with tise haudie ni my dour, and wondered rather irritably who was ruusîng me onrea- soaisiy, aiter miy long jouruey and rough passage. Wbea tise dour openedsumethiog sprang onu the bed, aud there was pour dear Domubey in an aguny ni weicome, haviug turned thee handie and opened tise door witb bis moutb ! But bore was the mys- tery-lîov did tise dog, wben hoe got lotoi tbe bouse in tihe monnng, diseover 1 had corne!i as it by seelue my luggage iu the kitchen where it lîad been left, orwa it by hearinig the servants taik ? It puzzledl me, wbiob, aud thougis pour Dnmbey bas long been gone where the gnod dogs go I have nover furgotten bis welcome. Ou aniothor occasion tise kitchen tnok tire during the night, an'l Dnmbey, becring the noise ni faiiing wood witbloi, and ni course seeing the blazes, rusbed off to the servant meu's s]leeping place lu the yard, and did not cease bauging imieli against thse duor and bark- ing till ieh bd oused thons. My înext reminriscenice bears on the munIs- debated poin t-cao doge converse with each other? and my impression is tboy certainiy cao ; and moreuver laugb wbo wiil, I shahl aiways believe I used to sec a imali cor carry messages toen'y dog bore from another, the resuit always being that the two mnet ab twiiight and went off puachi'sg, whicis ex- peditions resuited lu the death nf une ni tlsem. Tise spocial instance I spoak ni wae tiîis :-We bcd a tboroughbred Englisb ter- rier, very wiso, but very vicions, nuo favur- BOWMANVILLE, Headquarters in WEST'DURHÂM for FINE Dinner and Tea Sets- Chînaware Glassware Crockery Hall, Parlor and Hand Lamps Fancy Cups, Saucors, Vases Lemonade Sets, etc. OUTJR FAM ILY Is always well supplied with, the very best goods at lowest prices. Highest Prices for Farm Produce. Leadîng Seedsmen. in the district. Always pleased to show goods. Inspection solicited