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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1892, p. 8

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«(5ondensed from the News.) Mr. Joseph Henry had.a barn raised Thursday. Mr. Edwardl Benson £pent last week in~ Port Hope. Missa J eae Knox ie recovering from lier eevere ilînes. MissEa May bias returned to lier home in St. Thomas. Mr. Wni, Thompson lost a valuable horse recently. Mrm. R. K. Scott, Port Hope, lias beeu visiting in towrî. Mrs. Wal. floury bas been visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. \Vm. Cornish's new residence is nearing completiois. Miss Lillian Garnsby is attending Bow- enanville High School. Mrs. R. T. Linton, Scarboro, recently V ite ien a in town. - <Mr. Joseph Rickaby, Lindsay, recently visited Mr- John R1.ckaby. Mr. iRobert Winter visited et Mr- Legg's, Uxbridge, lest week. Mrs. Ben Davis and chîld, Caunington, are visitIng Mr. Lewis Tourje. Catarrh in the heacl is a constitutional disease, and requires a constitutional remedy like Hoori's Sarsaparilla, to effect a cure. Mr. and Nire. A. J. Loekhart. Bow- manville, were in town Sunday. Miss Beatrice McLeod, daughter of Mr. Wm. MoLood, is recovering. Miss addia Moulton bas returned fromn lier visit with friends in Toronto. If you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pille before retiring Vou would net have hanû that caated tongue or bad taste in the moth this morning. Keep a vial ~vth you for occasional use,,, Mr. John Hall bas purchased the, re.si. dence of the late John Cobbledick. Mr. . R. Hall and Mies Ethel Hall, Uowmanville, were in town recently. Mrm. Cayley and family o Pullman 111, viited Mis. Wmi. Allia recently. Mrs .Luxton and Mrp.<Rev. )Geo.Browïn ettended the W. F. M. Society's Conven- tiohî, et Belleville. Master Sid Ruthierford f li into Tuck- er's pond recently and liad a narrow escape from drowning,. Ladies appreciate Anti-Dandruf from tbe fect that it not only thoroughly re. tnoves- Dandruf with three applications, but stops failing of the liair, restcores fad- ing hair to its original clor and makes it aoft and pliable without leaving any in- ication of sny dressing being .used. Clear as crysta], ck an to use, it is a val- iable tiolet preiaration. 1 Msrs. Hall Bro3, have commenced the tone work for the rew orchestra of the Methodist churcli. Mr. Fred Rutherford carrigd off the red ticketwth, bis two year old Tariffe colt at West Durham Fair., MIr. Zol Hall, Chicago', is viEiiting bhie inother and friends bse. lHe is accom. penied by Mrr Bighaiin Hall. Ask your neighibors if they use Dodds Kidney Pilla They trengthen the r:erves, toe the Bystem, end the moBt stubborn caes of kidney disease yield to their influence. They are especially ap- prectedby he idAskyour ueighbnrs about them. Th e ba l ieliige.ne lise reached hare cthc deï%th hy drowning of Byron ~ib ab Victoria, B. C., on Oct. 6. A F&kaaeaYFiNO-r,4 have uaed Dr. Fowler's Extrect of Wild Strawberry ian my fa mily for yeers and can highly recoinrnend it fur summer complaint, ciarîlicea, cramps, etc. Mra. Geo. West, Huntsville, Ont. Mrs. J. Purdy, Leekaid, and Mr. L. Clark attended the golden wedding of Mr. M. Clark, Kingston, lest wcek. Mies Ltta Momet wilI attend Iligh SoboDl at Newcastle. Her position in tli poat office will be filled by Miss Ethul Vaûiderburgli. WOxSE AEZD WEAKE.-Gentlemen,-I suffcred for tbree days very soerely from summer comonlaint sud could flot get relief bat kept getting worse and worse till the -,ain was almnost unabeareblu and1 bucame very weak. Somne friendsa dvised Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawburry and aftur I1 had taken the firBt dose1 f ound muci relief and it, did net fail tc cure me, 1 do not intend to be witloio thiB valuable medicine if 1 cani elp it Wm. T. Glynn, Wilfred, Ont. Mr. John Loclilan, of the Mail btaff Toronto, Miss MeDonald, Baltimore, au Miss blcDougall, Bowmaniville, wer guests cf Mr. Win. ThompEon, recently The five year old son of Mr. Thomnw Adam-,--ar Nw Park, got lis leglan th, Lu- tc.- and reived ne banefit frein fIe many xiedicines I tiad, but alter taking five liottîe of B.B.B. 1 caeat huantil>' of any fo ' u amn trong sud smart. It is 1 aý- grn edicice sud ba% madu a wondur- fui c hange in my beait. Mca. W. R., Lu3e, Harle>', Ont, frIAPLE ROE Farmers were busy lest waak herveat. ing buckwheat .... Mr. Mark Muaday lias 2,000 bualiels of mangolda from 2 acres ... . Mr. Cheter Power lias improv- ed lhis new "Peerlesa" threshing machine by adjuetiug a patent feeder and baud. cuter...,. Mra. Charles Rundie lied a succesaful quiiting liee lest ...k.... Mrs. Mark Munday bas been- visitang friands la Chatham .. .. Mrs. Steplian Debeon and deuglter Berthe, cf Wawaaessa, Man., have been spending a few dsys with friends Hello 1-yen fellow there 1 Don't go liumping about as if your back w as brolen-Go off at once and get a bat. tle of Magic Pile Lotion-aise it accerding te directions snd yen will walk as atraiglit as anybody in 24 hora-Gat along with yen 1 To Iligginbotham'e or Sttt & Jury's. Mrs. Wma. Stewart, of Cayeu, is viit- ing -with lier brother Mr. Thos. YenCamp ...Mr. Mervin Burke who ia running the dairy business axtenpively lias a large force cf mea engaged filling hie large silo for winter feed .. . .Farmers are busy storing recta snd are wall pleaed with [the yield .. . .Mr. Jesse Truil lise gone on his annuel linýt te Muakoka. Mr. H. Monîtoni, Orono, is with him .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Diokia, Oshawa, spent Sundey et Stonyhurt-.. .. A meeting cf fermera wesa held et, Derlington station negetiating wlth the G.' T. R. for the ereetten cf an dueveter. Messrs. Levi Vancamp and Geo. Alin went te Toronto t e e fuithar about it. Minerd's Liniment cures Ditemper. A Pl'W TON viij"B Anjinterer3ting avent occnrrad et the ru sidence cf Mr. aud Mrs. J. R. Raid, Oct. 8îh, il beicg the 25th annivursery cf their mgrriage. A large number of friands sud neiglibera gatherad withi others frein Newcastleansd Toronto. Whan alliead partaktn cf the good things nrovided, eld and younR indulged in s few innocent gamus. The brcorn handie pascrînanice gene throtigh, the crovd dispcrsed for their homes. The worthy couple were preeuntan wth many presents anai long may theyliv toe njcy tlier. Mr. R.basý beau suffrinz alI sommer from crheumat- jeli but it is disappearing... .Mr. James Lockbart, and Dr. Oliver sud wife, Ter- ente, have been down viating old acquir.- tances .... Ruv. J. D. Dyer, Selkirk, Man- itoba, preached in the Methediet churcli on the 9th. ~- rocville, 9th Sept. 1892. The Dr. Butler Medicine Ce,., Brockvil'e, Gantle- men.-Coeper's Iightning 0Cr Cure was recommunded te me snd I tried it. Ita <ff-ct was magical. Cern was painleseby aud compltely removud after a few ap- plicatiene. Cheerfuily eîîdorsu its s" It proved the moat perfect rfýmedy I ever used. Yours truly, S. S. D&vis, Palace Grc cary. The aboya le onu cf the many testimonials reçeived. ,.,fu.oILjMarion isashesging extraordinary values in Black and Colered FingeringF, Saxony and Baldwin yarn3 Ibis seesen. 2 apecial hures, 5c. akeir, black worsted sud black sexony 15c. double F.kir. John Akens 0f St.N4ary's Onit. A GreatSufeer cifrom Pr-fectly Cm'r'l 1y Hood5s Sarsaparilla The best stcnch tonîcs known te anedical science are se happily coin- biued in Hood's Sarsaparilla that it cures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia in its severest formas, whev. other rnedicineýs fail, In imany cases.,Hood's Sarsapa- rilla seeme te possess a magicai toucb, se quick and so gratify.ing the relief. Read the following fromn an aged and respectedcitizen1 of St. Mary's, Ont.: I arn very gla t t give this tistisuonial as to whit Hood's Sasaparilla hasifone for me. I suf eredivery muahis ttl yspeýp5si. lave beau talciug medicine For 25 Years and 1I novor had ana tingtCWme ,,s nuchi god as F1oodis Sarsaparilla. Evury o- lui i of the dys3pepsîa bas entlrly tisaa11PP- peteei anti I feel tisat I canot praise 11w Lieiiille 100 highiy. I Fat Better, Sleep Better auj fcal sfronger t/ian I have for rnany ie iii I have takeis six botties of ilootis 1 uipirla bouglit of Mr. Santierson, the d1ruggist." Jouit .A.IiEN5. COJIDIAL LVDOILSEAENT. ciii, I31r. Sandersoee, thne Druifgist. I knwMr. Aikens lo be a striatly honest, straiglîtf oru art mass, and laie mucixpleasure iii leslifyiîîg ta tise trutis of the testimonial lie gix es above."1 F. G. S.ANDERso8t, Dru.- gist, QiieeiSthreet, St. Marys, Ontario. HooD-s PILLS, the best afier-dinner PiILiS aasist digestion, prevent constipation. AUCTION SALES, 'EDSNESrfAv, Oet 19- Mr. W. Struti, lot 20, con. 9, "Darlington, will subi al his farm st ck sud implaments bye auction. S l..e et oue o'clock sharp. L. A. W. '1LE, auctionuer. rnuRsDAv, Oct, 20.-Mr. Alex. Staples,,I i loi 3, con. 7, Darlingîcu, wili sali hie v@ry valuable farm alock, implements, mschinery, etc. Heata a splendid loet cf lieuses, cslt'e sud aheep. Sua large posters. Sasue at 12 o'clock; lunc 'h pro. vided. L. A. W. ToBE, auctioléer. t F'BIDÂYI Oct. 21.-Mr. John Foster'sî (dreyer) annuel stock sa1é on lot 9, con. 2, Derliugton, Manvurs Rssad. when there will bu sold 100 good feeding steers, 20 awe laxaba for breeding, soins liorius, colts, implamenta, etc. Saleata 1 p. n'., sharp. Sevea rnonths' credit on approvud notes. Sec bille. L. A. W. ToBE, Auctioneur. MoNiOBDÂ, Oct.24.-Mr. David Thempon, lot 25, con. 10, Clarke, nuar New Pack, will sali his vabuiable f arin Etock, impie- niants, imachinery, bey, etc. One o'clock S -e bibis- L. A., W. TOLE, Auctioneer. TUESDÂY, Oct. 25.-Mr. W. M. Joues, lot 17, con. 7, Darlisîgton, who is givieg np ferming, will sali seven vury valuabia lcre, bis berd cf thoro-bred Durham cattle, eoofi grades, improved machine- ry, impbumunts, etc. This is a large and important sale sud commande at- tention (f formera wuuîieg good stock. Sa'aea--ti o'cicck sharp. Seo large post- ers. L. A. W. ToLE, auctioneer. sPECUîL NOTICF..-'Wheu sale bille are unrintudt nTHE CTATHEsCN offiewu give ei free notice like ehe. aboya np le data or sale Whan v lad the zeniet the bis the haret ?5 cents a lime each insertion. Fer sales i. West Durham an.d Eat W hithyanoieu this papiar lB Worths as mnch as Itellfrn w OFFENSIVE__ECZEMA Suffred TeMibly. Doctora and Med- elnes Usaelase. Cured In Four Weeks by Cuticura. 1 bave a bey, dfteen y ans old, borele 1,iishil, potait encloseS, who baS ie.czema Bo offensive tsiIoould net oeay iu tise rocin witis iim. The cr boy sffered ternsbly. c Ès etrs tnil acrilysre, and baS tiseeforu 1sa t bomrnom rebooei, Wisan ise t Cou a pair cf dry stociiga he samornîng, they wouiS Jlis e bouc ha satnarated Vtb -mousture sud Vcry offen-sive uvcn in thse coldet teutiser. 'Th isdeeegan ta asread ovec bio body, a pecia iiy is bandsancd ing-. The thumise an bctb li8sbands ha- came tiffandi aýs neless as two vvitisred ticika aof mcd. It wouid bu uselese fonr me ta try ta tati he acfericg tiis boy endorad. I taO istîm te, ix a dfereni doctars, bth gave hlm lts cf madicine, but allIta no use, lie gîaw worge. i tberefore despaicad of ev-i a ing hlm cnred. Oaa day I Saw hu greai bcneits praralsed ta thiss eO 10 ail s tia aCUTI- CUAsa MxaîIrss, 1 went ultaway totise dmgf store ad boubt tbern.1I mut confuas 1IbaS but littie faith in îihem. liotreven I nsed tbam arccd. iag ta dirctions, and ta day I ssy trîthfully to al the wrlrî, if yaisutri h ta publIis t, hat u3y'son is enirely curedtlhnck God and thank the di..caerers cf OrTicuiA JIsisEutas. [bey cured hm la fonr treelkej as soucti as c gaid dollar. JOUNSAVGFskl ilgHY TIhe SSw BlocS aud Cin Purifier, intaeally, ana CUTCîcoiA, the great Skia Cure, aS CUICUo SOAT. au exqisite bkiîs Beautifier, aitrrnally, in- Ftuntly clieve antid aaiycaca Caery diFaase and hamac cf the sia, sralp,anS loud, with lasof isair, troam infaeey tuoaga, Ire n plpies to 'rt.fuia. SOIolderyiwiseYé. Pries, CUTIC rua, 75e. :SeatP, 35C.; RnSoLvENT,Sl1.50. Parelti by the POT- TER DamGANsI CussaîcxL. aPsstlsBoston. 9ý'r IIew ta Cure Skie Discas.es. '64 pages, 50 illustrations, anti testirnisials, inailid Ireue, PMPLES. blackhieatis, ced, rougis, chappat, cuti Soly skia cured by CovîcunASoA2 MUSCULAR STRAI~ teand paies, back ache, snack iducye, 'In is rsats, anS cist pains reiieved lu ..nunssute by the catiesira _Z.'-.. Ati-Pain Plaster. Thea fret sudI n sutancoUs pin.bliliog piceler. CA 1UrT IO%."âN. i]LU $yr"U avyE I M IIfI T. IN BRONZE LETTERS. NOU~E OTHER G~1E Boys SUITS ANI) OVEIICOÂTS ALL SIZES.-If you want a really flrst class choice see oui newv stock. Wle, miake Boys and Youth's Suits to order at very close prices. Our Men's Ordercd Clothing trade is stili. in,3reasing, our work is ahead, and ail who have compared wi]1 allow our prices to 1)3 the lowest for same quaaity. BOOTS ANI) SiBos.-There are stili somne who bave not tried us in tûs line. One pair tried willi convince that 'we have Ihe right goods and rigbt puices. Mii. Wi,. JENNINOS iS incharge of this depaitment. T. GEO. MVASON, Çlothingr Store, Bowmanvllle. CARTWRIGHT FAIR NOTES. The dlay was unfairly wat. Hoit'a Commercial was the favorite rascrt, Bowmenvilla marchants were largely represeatad. Whare wera the Port Perry marchante liai hava bid se liard for Cartwright triade? The turuipa conldn't buheat sud the puînpkin8 wara e ri'emiall pompkina" either. Mr,. Werry sliowad Bsxter's improved barlay, 65 rowed, that weighad 54 Rus te ,the boshel. Mr. Dunu cf Scugog ahowad e naw waashinR machina thet osea teposses cnsiderabla menit. Cartwright lias rnany pretty gins sund tliey wure at the Fair but their uew lis aud dresses wana sensibly lai t Bthome. Mr. W. Parn shcwed e spanking flua carniage pair cf light stepperq, a-id Mr. James Parr a very pratty team of greya in the ganerel perpose class. For epples, vegutablas sud grain Cari- wright curtainly excalled flua yaar. The judges pronounced the grain better tIlis tle exhibit et the couuiy fair. Mis. fl always putseno a splendid dinuar on Feir.Day. J. N. Kîvuilsays she dous3 the othor 364 days cf the yaar aIse, and he's s good judge toc. Our popular sewinig machine dealer Mr. Kivaîl wae a greai centre cf attractions with hic world farnous "Singera." John subis flic beet machina in the market and "the ladies-al lika him." The efflceracf the Agricubtîseal Society know well how te 1i53 newssiaper men jwbo attend their exhibi 'tion. Itis pfapis- iug te fuel thet ona's presunceansd. masa- ifastufi intereet are appreciatad' The ladies did themelvus inf inite credif by their di3play cf neudia work and other lfancy articles. The good old arts of suw- ing and knit' ing are evidently net antire- i y gene eut cf fashion yet with Cartwrighit mothers. We Bought Cheap, We Seil Cheap. FIRST GLASS COUDS AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES., Read carefuliy thse foblowing list of Bargains. Cut this list out and bring it, with you. We wiil show you each article as advertised.. 15 Il Fine Shaker Flannel for. .$100 11 lb. or 20 Skains Black Worstad Yarn for............... $8100 5 pair pure Linen Toweas for... $.00 1 suit Mena' Heavy all-wool Under- wear for.,................. $100 6 pair Menas' Havy Wool Socks for.$î 00 8 pair Children'a Black Wool Rlose for $1,00 or 2c pair. 2 Meus' Soft Fuît lRata for ....... $100 107 s Get a ics for...............$ ' 1 pair Ladi es Black or Celored Kid Gleves (guananteeci) toc .. $. - 1 Ladies Heavy al-wool Shawl . .. .$1.00 5 yds. doubla fold Cel'd C&ahmere.$î.OU) 5 yds. Black doubla feld Oashrnere. $1.OU Levely patterns in Dres tweeds for pr yd................. $.OO- 13 ekeine Blackt Saxony for ...10 style more quality, miore quantity and does more good in service, worth and wear than any monay you spend. JNO. J. MSN ai fi 'v; any ttr ofieteB w aeil. so e uj Mn. Jas,.l'arcrnmakes e capttal hecretary, hl fermera ail iasd THE STATESasAN. being courtsous taeavenybody, especialty Il z o-ite nepresentativea cf tle Press. fie bas., e very efficient assistent in Miss Faneiaj C. C. RIcuAitos & Co. Parc, hie estimable dangîtur trIo inlienitsaie Getss,-My daugliter tras suffuctng largely lier fefher's pieasilig mauners. terribi>' with neuralgia. 1 purchbed a Say, beys of Cartwright, why don't yau va bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT sad ud mm youn attention t3 pcultry raisiog? i 'cubbed bar face tbonougbly. The pain Your axhibit wares eier bebînd the other Va lait lier andd ea lept tru il liimeruing. dupartmeuts. For saine reason hu bush E iNext nigît enotisen attack, aucilier ap- pair cf Roun ducka did net guitiret i plication resultad as pruviinel>', with noe pnize. Wasait becausa the dreko hld a fil rutounsince. Grataful feelings deturmin- white bil, Mr. Judgea ?lc ed me te express raysaif pubbicly. 1 TIare are a loi of enegutie yooîsg would net bu witbîout AINARD'S UINI, fa inl Cartwright, but tbuy lava ient MENT ln the bouse et any ceai. se fair taken mudli interest in tle Azricui- a J. H. BAILEFY. tural Society. Wake up, young men aud Parkdala, Ont, gui somaniing raady for nexi fal, Don't yen kaow fha hope of île country resta li with the yunug men ? Meny young ladiest FARM STOCK WANTED. may takuea kindiy liat iso The judges wre : Rerses-Lavi. A. Persone beving fat cattla, mildli cows, W. Tole, Bowmanvilia ; George Jackson, sheep, lambs, <veal clves, hoqe and peul. Scugog ; A. W. Williamss, Port Perry. cr f any kind are rcqueated te sua or Catlle sud Swiu-J. M. Jonase, Bow- trymanvilîs ; Jno. E. Dyer, Enfialdl ; S. sand word te ineaet my reidence sudn Allin, Bowmanvillu. Sheup ansd Poultrs wil oeIl on ilium. Or addrass S. H. REY- -Levi Skinner, Tyrone ; W. C. Black- Noips, if by mail, Box 1, Bo wmanviile.1 burn, (Jrouo; Jos. Lemon. Gr ain, Fruit aud Dairy Producu-Jolin Lyle,Bowmau. Out inTexas.villa; R. Ellioti, Hapton. Ldies' De- 'Outin Txas.partmenf-Mrs. J. Lyla, Bowmanvilla; Mn. Gnstav Na 'nweld, Jr., Tivydabe, Mrs. R. Eliioti, Hampton. Fnadericksisurg P. 0., Tex., U. S. A., We will back Cartwright butter makers wriies: 111 ra eut by e scythe sud kuife againât the wliole world for good butter. in my hatudsansd fat; 1 auffred thir88 Singularly, tee, the pizs butter wesi treeko. A heif billie cf St. Jacobe 11 nmadle lu the old fashioned way, trithoul cured me." any of tlie boasfad modern appliances. BOYS' Clothing sud Mun'e Ovencoata Mns. Teasdal Whtfild's was proneuaced will bu offcred at tempting prices. Elli the btst in tub sud pints, Mca. Jas. Penn son & Ce,.tres awarded second ou peinte and third ____________ _____________on 50 lb sud 20 lb cracks aud surely liera A. WOTINIESPI ITS ihe al casehs. lia- waa "Parr-excellauce."- Mca. S. Slup. torid carbonle salvea hcala ail -wannds, cls, lard won tirât 0it 10 lb sud third ou bruis es ar huma. prinfe. It waa ail cf such good qualiny Ripans Tabue cure naissea. that te award fIe prizes was ne e'asy iaak. TYRGN-E. Mc. B. F. Gardiner, Cobourg, apent Salbaili week a'.home...... Miss.M. Walcli itakiug a tanra ai Botruinville Rigli School. Rer msny friands liera wish lier1 al auccees. ... Mr. Fred Williamsansd family, Canniugton,visited lis father Mr. Plies. Williams racunîiy. . . .Mr, A. 3rown's bouse receivad soins e w occup- ants on Moudey, but crediteble citizens are always wcelcome...,.YMiss Mabel Rer- -ia ia spending a few'weka at the Matb- odiet persouage, Courtice .. . .Miss Miin- nie Werry hs beau appoiuhed dulugate from Tyrcue Sunday Scbcoel to the Pro- vincial S. S. Convention at Guelph.... tIrs. Duacon, Sirafford, bas been vesiting ber sisten Mie. Jas, Souci, sud Mr, dueard, Toronto, ai Mr. Jos. Hawkey's,. ..Membens of Tryrone Division are cord - aily invited te attend the cyshur supper and "At Home" on Tliuradeay ax-iug. . . .Our pestellra aral conducting ravivai sec- vice, ai Long Snt church ... . Mca. Tom ses returned frein ler pleasant summer resit with friands liera te lier home in Brookbyn, N. Y....- Our j unior pasher's addna on "The dtscoery cf Amerlos, thie marvullous piogeis made lu four centuries sud the future outlook of Chu great Amenicen nation," uhicited mucli - ,aîmp.ýndation from e very attentive audience on Sebbath morning. Coma agin and welcomu ye people cf the Sauît . .Mr. Thomasi Jardine, or., bas beau serioualy iii but je ebowly muuding... Mr. Eddy Hawkey, Port Hope Model ýSohooI, wes home last wuuk. ., Everybody pluased te se Eddy.. Drover W. Wigbt's improvament la very graduel. Report for Sept.-Stb, M. Welch, A. Campbell, I. Ryan, Ed. MoCuilougli, T. Ryau; Sr. 411, Elle McCullougb, C. Bren. ton, I. Avery, D. Cade, L. Panfcnnd, A. Gardiner, L., MoLaughlin, O. Pollerd; Jr. 411, M. Clemens, E. Branton, E. Skinner, N. Souci, O. Bond, E. Wight; Sr. 3, it Binglisi, J. MeLaughlin, E. Curtis; Jr. 3rd, P. McCullougli, A. Me- Lauglilin, F. Fraser, G. Sendera, L.Sand- are; Sr. 2ad, A. Wight, G. Halfacre, B. Pollard; Jr. 2ad, L. Aodge, E. Skinner, Hattia Clemans, B. Creeper, M. Sanderos N. Stock, A. Polard, F. McLaughli, M. Bysi, . andurs, I. Travelle, S. Simp- son;Sr.Pt.2ud, C. Ram>', A. Creepar, N. Simpson; Jr. Pt. 2ad, P. Clemens,1lI Clamene, bM. Lindsey, A. Rodge, J. Bingham. J. H. ALLIE, Teaciar. "Ol1ear Havana , Cigare" "La Cadana" and "Le Flore,." Imisi upon lieving thase bratîda. N~ovice bte iLegisiative Assembly of Ontario. Notice ta hereby givua hat Che Corporation of Chu tewn of Bowmanvillu the County of Durham, wîll make application te the Le919. lative Assambly cf the Province ef Ontario, at its next Session, for an Act le consolidate fhe dahentuceaneuSfiatisg Subi or said Corpors.. tieni, toeuxiesd the ime foc payment theneof. te nliser ize tisaissuing t fdeisentucsfor psar. meut thserant, to providu, for tise redemption et debenture now ontstandieg sud snct otharC naceseany measures as may bu pnopecly in- cidenet tiste .Act proposud. Dateti et Bowmanville, Chia. 26th day 0f Septumiser, 1892. usine ss. inst elaberata' illnstrated truatise on business education over publistiad in 'Canada will be sent ambitions young menansd wornen iuttrestud in the subjuot, upon application te the principals. SPENCER & McOULLOUGH, Hamilton Business Collage aud Shorthafld institution, James St.,Sôuth, Hai1ïtoný 0--t. 39-6mi When you sue an Adcvertlacrnent like this DON'T BELIEV"-. IT but If yen require ar.ything intGrocerie5, Staple Dry Goode, Patent Medîcines, Tinware, Gxarden. Seeds, etc., cal) et SOLINA STORE wliera yen wlll flnd a firsi-class assorîment which bas beexi bought for cash, consequently I arni pre- parad te sali et close pricas sud not sp.cit- tics quality. 1 Ametrican and Cnaiioil always In stock. Please give=mu a.,Xiil sd yenwil be welcome'whatliur yen, buy or net. N. B. Ellioct's Rolie,ýr Fbnr kepi. J. T. WILLIAMS' ,,iWFar' ors Produca takzen. FL CE CODISlVIE 011c, m niY ilih Wild Cherry and IT yssophopiiits rcndera 11l1lburws £mallss ise bSon Cte lYalicts ý ýi D. BURKE Sil, [PSON, Soliciter fer Town OF 39-tf.

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