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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1892, p. 3

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Rias demonsfr'ztcd ils vaonder fui power of 'KILLINo EXTERNA-L rr INTERNAL PAIA. fi*wonder IMen ýL, Iit le founa' on 'The Surgeon's Sheif The Mother's Cupboard TIhe Traveler's Valise, The Soldier's Knapsa;:k The Sailor's Chest TIhe Cowboy's Saddle T#ieFariner's'Stable _'iThe Piofeer's Cab i Trhe Sportsnafl'S Grip, The Cyclist's BundIO ASK FOR THE NEW "BIG 25c BTTLE 'TESTED YOU IF tNEED 1 F GLASSES JNO. H. H' JUJRY, Graduate o Detroit Optical Instittite and -Chicago Ophthalmic, College STOTT & JURY'S. No charg.es for consultation. Spectacles at lowest prices. Gold Frames specialty. GRAND TRUNK RAILWÂY. BOWMANVILLE STATION êOINQ EA5T 0011<0 WE5T al 8 5am Ial ..516m Express1 25am Li'm.E xpreoe.. 5 53 a m Ntxed . ca.8 45 am Local......707 p m i Mxed ... . 229 p m Mail . .. 942 p mMail..... 8Mp m Lm. Ex...10 36p m BOWMÂNVILLE, OCT*R 26, 1892. LocaI and Otherwise. K'vangellats Crosley and Hunter are conducting meetings iu Lindsay. Public Sohool Concert in the Town Ilall cm Friday eveuing Dec. 23. American hay buyers are purchasing In #he Kingston ueighborhood at $10 a ton, At Whtby Fair Mr. A. Tamblyn won 4 prizes on sheep inatead of only 2 as re- ported. Mr. Thos. Moffat t won the Beitli special prize at Clarke Faim for best Couadian Draught foal. Dr. F. Warren, Biooklin, hasbought Sheriff Paxton'u fine residence, Whltby. a~nd will reside in Ontarle's county town. 1111on." W. Thompson, east of Raglan, addreaising a meeting of farmers the other evening, answered the question, What is the farmer te do in a hard year like this 1 by uaying, The only way ts 10 spit on your haudus ad go for IL. Farmera will ,)Il understaud Mr. T'a meoning. A thoro-bmed iHereford cal! hanging outaide o! W. R. R. Cawker's butcher mhop Thursday attracted the attention of passers by. It is a great pity to kilt for vestl purposes such a fine young heifer, bu t Mr. Cawlter evidently spares ne ex- pense te supply is cutejuers with the Lest pete the ceuntry affords. This co.I{ was bought from Mr. W. Cour tice, s.i,4k1ifgton, aud was a beauty. New Straw HaIs for 15 and 25 cents at Mrs. Daucoster'a. Gents, the West End flouse tu the place to get suited iu clothing. Ladies are lnvited te inspeot the levely ,tock cof new Dress Geodis just recoived at Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman's. lmperted direct from Germany 'by Couch, _'ohinstou & Cryderman, the flueut stock of Ladies' Mautlos ever shown in these counities. Ladies wishiug te see the largest choice, neweat stylos and best values lu Ladies' anrd isses' imported Mfrtles sud Coats will do well to cal aud luspect the large display o! these goods beng shown by j no. J. Mason. Minardu Liniment cures Colda, etc. Qhhos.,Wadleigh, Oshawa, cnded bis 60, FALL ANNOUNCE MENT. yeams of life by drowning Mronday. M. W. J. Whitlaker, Aghburinham, O1 SPEÇIAL 1ST.EREST TO WESI' DC-NIIÂM bas a turnip cf the Swede variety waigh: READERS. 0 ing 291{ lbs. The4 grand jury fouud a true bill again-1 We May soon expeet the cold and 'I t Joe. Pritchard of this town for criminal1 stormy seolitoi f the yoar when worm As a nervo oute sn olood otînuer uiiey areunilld Tbey increase the oppu- tite andromote a healthy performance o! all tho founctionsa o! the botdy. A tbor- oughly scieutifle prepratlon, Ibey nover foul to effoot s cure if directions are !oith. !ully caried out. Nothing harn!ul lu thein composition. The meut dolîcote sysîem will ho benofitted. ARk for Dr. Butler's Golden Pille and take ne other. Mr. John Englisb on e! th3 pioneec?- o! Cortwright called at our ciice on Men- ilay and we had a ploasout chat. Mn. Engliesh baî bee'n in that township over 40 years sud bas mode farmiug a succes, lHe built the final br ick bouse, if we rememben conrectly, erected iu the town- ghip. lie bas Ibis yeam erected a wind- mill for maising waterfor bis stock ont o! a 76 foot well sud it gives entimo satisfac-ý lion, fIe takes great dolight in hors à and is one et the successful exbibit'ra eveiy yeum aI the exhibition. The pmcgram meudemed aI the Epworth Letsgue meeting Monday eveniog wau ou exceedingly -praýctical --one. --The- -topie "Wltnessieg for Christ" wab led veny ably by Mme. T. E. fliggiubethsm, who gave a practical five minute talk sud Miss, McWaien ead an excelleutly prepared paper beamiug ou the. subject. Mr. L T. Courtice read one cf Miss Havergal'u pooa entitled "Our Work" anti Mm, H. J. Knigbt sang 'Asbamed of Jesue. " The mite boxes were distributed among the meinhers who bave agreed te raisas money te support a missiouary. The enîertainment given by the yonng people of the Methodist Cburcb lu aid o! the Soulh WordSunday Sohool Wednez- day eveniug wts a splendid fauccesu if we may judge by the number pneeent. A good prcgnam was given consiBling o! readingu by Mr. A. N. Mitchell and Mms, T. W. Jolliffe; o uiceiy worded paper on "The Leaves" by Mite Gale; solos by Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham and Miss B. Shern emcitaliens by Misa V. Oahorne sud Mn. L. T. Ceumtice; duets by Mm. and Mrs. McLean; and choruses by a number o! young people., Rev. T. W. Jeiliffe presidod. The pnoceedamenunted te $19. PIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance ROax. ViRTuEu, Agent, Bowmanville A full linso!o Watces, Clocke and Jewelleny alwaye in stock aI Big 20. Mr. H. C. Bril-tain woubd like aIl ouI- standing accouaIs paîd t10 Mm. Dobuon, Big 20'. this week if possible. AUl pensons owleg accounts 10 Muyuamd the Jowellen wiIl pise cail and setle thenu et once, as ho is leaving Iown. Il wiil centaily pay faninens te get all the grain ibey feed ground wheu Mn. Vanetone doce choppiug aI 5c. a bag. Wo are juet receiving somne obegant patterns in Ladies' Tsweed Dreus Goodu. Callsud iuîspect thora. Jue. J. Masen, T. Geo, Maaon's Clotblng sud Boot and Sboe ateoehave adopted the cash system. Buy fer cash, and uebl for cash is their motta. Cash cuelomens ehoubd givo them a cail ard gel Ibhe benefit. Seo adv't. Connb Jobuston, & Cryderman have opeued ont a epecially fine ausomîmonî o! (Janadian, Scotch and Euglleh Tweeds, aise worateds aud over-ceoiugu which they are propared le make up in their usual wcll-known style. Asx YouR Fnîsbus ABOUT IT.-Your diatreuuing cougli cou ha cured. We know it bocauso Kemp's Balsam. withlu the paut few yesrs bas cumed se mb;ny, ccughs and coldu in Ibis ccmmuuity. Ile remonkablesale bas been won entireby by ils genuine menit. Auk soins friend who bas nsed it whaî ho Ibinku o! Kamp's Balffam. Thene la ne medicine se pure, noue se effective. Large botties 50c, sud $1 aIaldruggists.&Sam.p e free .-tf. Mýinamd's Liniment etes 2Diphthemla, Chilciren Cry for Dean's Presentaton Party. Prof. Dean, o istefi by a compauy o! select people wilb open to night lu the Town Hlsl for a short season. They car- rie "Harrigan'u Minier of Ineland" a col- lection e! 1i isoric Ecaues o! the Emeno'd Isle sud basides givingz a long and reficed ententamnt eacb eveeing, they odvem- ',iee to gîve away oe ubndned costly sud hnIsome pre.seutu at each performance. ?.ecal adnisio 10and 20 ee. &~uLh Daminglon Patronîs cf Industny will hold utn open meeting ou Thunsday oveniug, Oct. 27tb, when speeches wil ho dlvemed by Coutty ofceransd athors, sud a fine programme wlli ho rondemed. Ali sjubordinato lodges take notice. AUI are cordially invited-como aIl. H. PaSAiR, Sacy., Co-rtice. New fur goods-a Very uiae stock ýfor ladies, men ant ildren-j uet anivud aI M. Mayer'%. Cabi aud gel yaum choico wbile they aroe fh. STOCK FOR SALE, -A lot o! oboicu e- newod cowu and upringers and catlb fit for !eeding Ibis ws nter sud lso soma cholce yearling ewuu sud ambm. S. H. REYNOLDS, BowmanviUe.. For comne montbu poil a baud o! yeung girls o! St.Paul's Cburch, "The Daughteru o! the Cbuch", bave hcozn buay îaking a numaber o!fuful faxtcy articles wbich they intend offenlng for sale lu the Sebool room o! the church on Friday, 281h mt, aflemnocu and evening. Refnsshmnents sud mulec will aliso ho pnovided. Al ciîdially welcamed. Admiusica froc; a umaîl change for efreabmenîs. Il duos its work qulckly and tborougb- ly-It ia the best sud the cheapesî sud the world cannot beat 11, or match it. If you have a cobd in the bead or a cough ask for Magnus Expectauî-'The Great Cou g7îMixtutre. At StI & Jury's or Higginbotham's. Minard'u Liniment cures Burns, &c. ThoIsleuI uo%îelty lu Birtbduy Rings at Big 20 Jewellemy store. Coul sud ueo thora. Cbildreu's ElaIs a specialty aI lOrs. Dancaulen's. Ladies ploase cail sud ueo thorm. Gmey Maonuels and Flanuettes in groot variety and very cbeap aI the West End Hanse, Ladies !ancy Hair Pins,20e. uow e ducud te îOc.pen dozen-going fast. Cal soeurse ame at Big 20. 500 LAMBS WANTED by the new Bowmanville Batchers, Hume & Wright. Caîl at Reynolds' nid stand. Rememben Maynard Ihe Iewelber in laving lown; ony one wanliDg goodu aIý and beiow coul now lu the lime. H. C. Brittain bas le!ft hit accounts with J. H. Dabson o! 'Big 20' for collec- tion. Please caîl on hlm soon as possible. As axiuouicod lu inheir advertisoment Concb, Johustcu & Cryderman are uow sbowing what lu beyond question a su- perb stock o! faîl and wintem goodu., Thausandu o! dollars' weth o! now goodu, ClothIng and Boots sud. Shees have arrived at Moson'u. Mn. W. Jen- ingu la in charge o! the Boote sud Shees. Give hlm a cail. Ricu PLuUDDIuNGic.-This debliin confection là nicely calcuated to produce dyspepsîs, hearîbumu, billary troubles sud headache. Bundock Blood Bittens is eqnally well calculated bo cure these trouibles anti bas preven its powoms lu hundroduo! cases. B.B.B. regulalos and purifies the ontire ystes, Pltcher's Ca8tor!aý, 2 important position lu the Educaîlo: Depamîment. 3 Mies Mînnie Jonces sud Mm. J. E 3Dobucu from the MethodisO, Miss Viol 1Gilfillan from the Disciple, sd Mis 1Mabel Tait !mom the Ceugmegationa 1Societiee of Chrietain Endeavor attende& 1the Provincial Convention at Londoi last week and had a meuýt enjoyable timE To Correspondents. \Ve charge 10 cents a lino for all notices cf Anniversaries, Concerts, Lectures, and entertaiuments, for which -no printing bas been, cm is te ho ordered at ths office, wheu an admission foe is charged or col- lection taken. The same charge is made for ail business notices appeoring among uews items. Comespondeuts will ktudly stato this te all opplicantu for such notices and whenever possible fcrward the amount with the notice, or atate ta whcmn the account lu 10 o sent, If. -A fmiý-wA" is a matter of 1 assouit on a Prt tHope gira. anu euuastauttal tiV'JV u laa matur ai The North King will make ber bust trip groat importance ta evemy mant, womau for Ibis seasen betweeu Port Hope and sud cbild, and 1&. John Babcock, manu-E Charlote, N. Y., on Monday Oct. 31suL ager at Tmoeve's popular old reliable Mr. Edward Canu cf Salemi picked over shoe store, aska the privilege o! usupplyini. a quart of ripe respbermies lu bis gardon tewnao h epee omnil Saturday, Ibis being the second crop Ibis tewnso h epeo omnil season. sud West Durhmngoerally with superior -Nellie McGowan hou issued a writ and fauionable goods fnom a freuli stock against J. W. 'Steven2on), o wealthy Pick- o! wbieh ho feels justly proud. He asks oing farmer, claimning 9¶20,000 for bneacb for your patronage feeling confident that Afprmietn. lb ed uteTmlrsyoun dealingu will nu al o eho rutual, HAllmoneFidng igbchldint'eoktepfenm profitable and etiafacîory, because the Hallon ridy niht t 8o'clck a frm.lineofo boots and shoot kept are net mode a Prohibition Club for tho tawn. Addreas simply tb self cheap, but ta wear lon~g, be- by Mn. Fee. AIl favorable învlted. iug roud and subtantial os te qualiîy A capital pnogram .was furnished attho aud value, ta au te beave no riom .fan dis- S. . E. forlnighîly meeting Tuesday séatisfaction on the psrt cf te purchaser. night by Brou. F. Oshamrne, J. B. Taylor The banteut muit of the goeds ls su auJ Jas. Goard. Bro. S. W. Sanderu effective appeal te the gaad judgmeut o! was present sud mode a nice speech ced the custornen vibo knows that uotbing lu gave 9 recitation, after an absence through really cheap wbich doos not pessezs stirling sickneus o! oven six years., The broîbren worîh lu keeping with the pnico askod. gave him a right Britishi welcome. Be not deceivad, modera ; you caunot The Editor attended the dleicatemy buy cheaper beatu sund abaca than Tre- exorcises of the new Victoria University leven sello, quality boag tho test. Ho lu Toronto on Sunday and heard Rev. sella gaada of bigh grade and qualityý D. Carmen's excellent sermon. Ho met tricIly'modem îun style-not banknupt there the following former uludents, and on shop-woru goods-and buying evemy. graduatea o! Bowmanville 11gb Sehool tbing for ctsh, ho eau soeil aI a very low wha are attendiug the Provincial Univer- puice and dant3sto. TaLe a friend's ad- aity-MeEsîa. Wesley Janws', W. Tamblyn, vice ; go righù along te Treleven's audI and T. G. Bragg ; alto Mr. W. j. Bragg Mn. Babcock vitil mccl your oxpectation-,s of Trinity University. sud givo you the best satisfaction. This Please do net forget the sale o! useful la the real tate of thingu fairly preeouted, snd fancy artileu in St. Paul's Sehool witbout baasting, misre proe là tatiou or Room on Friday o! Ibis week, f rom 3 bluster. These faels bave b»3en peunted o'clock and through the evening. This for your contsideraton-be will substauti- will aford a good opporîunity ta sccume aie et auy timoe with quality and pnieu. youi m înoa presencu. There will ho a Mm. Ba'rcack bat an canet, friendly do- short musical pnogram, alto efreubmenta sire lu do jueft as well hy oierv custamer for which o emoîl charge will ho macde. ai ho p ssbIy caui ou every porchas', t'a The public will ho -heatily welcomn. as tbereby t n-ntt Rsud1 obtain tbein Next Tueuday evonlng anentertainnmont fLIture obtet-Ilîed cilstolki. will ho given iu the echool room o! the Na.v a wori atout Televeri'â repairng Methodiet Chumch lu aid o! the pe or. ý_parnieitt A btch intime saves nine, The ladies have the malter in bond an.d Our copy headlue uted ta rcad, sud are ging te provide a capital prograre.fiabcock goaraul.ea te put uaid ttchcs Mrs. (Rev.) Liddy of Hampton, whoboaheu uptomp,.iy, tuste!ully, and far faim won much favor ie other places, bau moneyed constiera ion on ail occasions, biudly couuented ta siug-the fint time whotter it ha a riny rip on o hole womn iu Ibis towu. No charge for admission, throukb a bal! solo or- a miisnitg beel. but a slver collection wili bu laken aI the Take to Treleven's ycur dliniquent foot. door. Il, is a worthy objeet. LAt thero Wear an 1 you wili entrust ilte b ands t1ct ba large attondance. ext ert a;td taulofal le 1cmn you ou'. eny- ho ~~tbing but a erctpce !work- Dr. Butler'u G'olden Pil have carned Prop ~ e easouablo pnices guar- a great reputation wherover cmployed. autced. T EACHiER WANTED-For Tyrone Sehool, maie holding Seconfi-clas certi!i- cale. Applications will be received on or be. fore Friday 28th inst. bY W. R.-flLEMs43te.Seoy. o! Board. 42-2w PERSONAL. Capt. Luther Wermy has gene tu Findlay Ohio. Mra. Thos. Hoar bas been viBitingc in Tronto. Missailigbet, B. A., was iu Tomante bis week. M r. L. N. Vanstone, -rorouto, spent Sunday lu town. Miss Carnie Kuapp, Brookli, lu vemy il with typhoid foyer. Mr. Go. H. Webster wbohoue been very 111 is aouud again. Mm. Geo. Brimacombe cf Belleville hau been viuiting relatives lu town. Mrs. John lligginbcthamt left cn Mou- loy for hiem new home in Milteu. Bon. G. W. Ross'a health is much im- proved by his sojouru in Europe. Mm. A. N. MeMullen o! Clarke recently visited Mm. James Rundle, Sollua. Mr. N. F. Patterson, Q. C., Port Perry, in gDogte reside in Europe. Mr. J. WN.'Bengough, Cartooniat, lu leclurlng lu Prince Edward Island. Miss Moud Fairbaimu lu visitiug Miss Brodi e and other friendu in Toronto. Mr. John Runnalîs, 'Welcome, was guest of Mr. J. C. Vanstono bu6t week. Misses Lizzie and Mamîha Irwiu, Lind- say, have been viuiting friends lu Oown. Mr. J. N. KivolI and Mr.W. E. Pethick attended the S. O. E. concert at Omono., Hon. John Drydien wau at Chicage Iast week attendlng the World's Faim openîng. Mm. John Hamn Pemry, Whitby, ie much afflilcted threugh two attachu of la grippe. Mr. Ilarry Rice hou gone te 611l a pou. ition lu Mr. W. J. McMumrtry's store lu (Galt. ilagh Ross, Dat lingtan, won 2nd prize at Wbitby plawingm match lu stubble clasu boys. Mm. W. S. Percy of Port Arthur bas been enjoying a visit under the parental roof. Mm. Ernest Loscombe o! Tiuity College Schceî, Port Hope, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. H. Jeffory of Daviuville, bas been renewing Bowmauville acquaintances the past week. Mr. W. Rloustan, M. A., of Torontr, bas been appointed Director cf Teacher.' ustitute lu Outarlo. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe attende I the open- ing of Victoria Univensity iu Toronto yestemday, (Tuesday>) Mm. J. J. Smith, Enniskillen, and Mm. Alex. Roue, Sclino, wene j udgeu at Wbitby plowing match. but week, Mm. and Mrs. John Joblîn atteuded tt f unemal o! hie cousin, the laIe Mme. Ed win Sou uderu et Oshawa, Sunday. Rev. T. W. Jollifi'e ottended a con. ference o! the Methodist Mission Comn mitIee at Paterbaro laut week. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe addresued the Yo1int ladies cf Ontario Ladies College, Wbitbl'y 14th inut., iu Christopher Columbus. Mr. John Ileagens, Pickering, who ha juct mturncd frein England, wnote a ver, iutertntinz accounit o! bis trip for 1h Mrs. M. Crydeiman sud Mns. T. C Jewell are attending tbe annual meelini Of the W. C. T. U. at Belleville thi week. F. G. Murris, sou of Dr. Morris o Oshawa, gut a pain lul accident whi7e ou ubooting. Abm ech loidiug gun discbarg ing lu bis foot.1 Hon. Edward Blake wlll bo banquette, by the Refomm Club o! Liverpool on Nov 10. --aIea a d a ec1I o ecepttoutendem r d by Mantrk a, admirera. t Mr. and Mre. John Hoa,Eatit Whitbl were surprised by a number o!fmiend and pmeseuted %vitih f tir coats on the ev o! their removail tu Dakota. Mm. W, F. Trayon will continue 1h publication of the Port Hope Timeg IRE STATESMAN Wisheu8 the clever youn editer aud publisher succes. Mr. William J. Bray o! Enfleld ha mucces8fýuliy pasued the Pmimary M. D, f' M. examinstion o! Trinity Universit] Toronto, sud in now working hard !c the final. Mr. B. JewelU, son o! Mr. W. Jewel 8Oshawa, bas .received, a remunerativ 1situation in Detroit wheme his brothE Mr.Sid A. Jewell lu aise filling a lucrativ position. bln and Mme, James Hepburn, Eai Whitby, were supmiued by nearly 20 frieuds lest wtiuk and pmsented witb number o!for garmen.s. They're off t t Dakote, toc. Dr. .Julia Thomas e! 296 Gerratd. ut, Toronto, iu now o member o! the <Jolieg o! Physiciane and Surgeons o! Outarih 8havlug uuccessfully passed ail the exani laoitiens o! the Modical Cne! Notices or Birilis,' 25 cents; Marriages, 50 cents; Deaths. 50 cents, eaeh insertion -but FIC1E 0OF CHiARtGE, when the fimerai cards are PrInted ai this oMl ce BIRTHS. TÀBB-In Bowmanvllle. Oct. 22, the wife of Mr. 1. Tabli, of a daughter. MÀR'rvN-In Bowanville, Oct. 17, the wife of Mr. J. B. Martyn, of a daughter. MARRIED. WBiRGHr-McLAiNx-At the Methodist parson- age, Pontypool, Oct. 18, by Rev. T. B. MoKee. Alfred M. Wright and Elizs. McLain, boili of Janetville. LIED. THomVCN-At Whitby. Oct. 15, William J. Thompson in bits 42nd year. SA&uNDRs-In Oshawa, Oct. 21. Julia Tanb- lyn, beloved wiie o! Mr. Edwin Saunders,aged 44 years, CHuBB-In Oshawa, Oct. 15. Elizabeth J., daughter of Mr. l4obert V. Chubb, agetd 30 years, 5 moullis. BOWMANVILLE MARKE1TS. correeled by j. mcmurry, every Tuesday FLou, e 100 Ibn ........$81 90 te $2 50 WHEÀT, Fail, VI bush ...0O00taO070 lé Russian, .".... 000 ,0 70 fi Fife, n. ......0 00 0 75 Il Goo,îe, n..........O00,OTt O 61 if Colorado fi........0 00 0 O66 RYB, i............ 000 ,0 55 OÂS, la....... 025 0 27 BA.LBY, e buah, No. 1 .... 0 00 ta O 45 lé t i 2x.. 0 00,, 0 40 fi i Il2.... 035 i 0 35 il il 3. .. 00Oif 030~ Il Two-rowed O 35 0 O35 Buckwheat 'V'bush .......O0 00 0 O42 PEÂAs, Blackeye, P bush... 0 75 nt 00 11 Mummy 0.00 10t 0 62 'iSmall, ' .0 00,,l 058 Blue, 0.. O55 ai 0 65 BuTtER, -best table, P' lb...0 16 ta 0 18 CBIcKEN, e lb ........... (JO0 ilO010 EGas, Y'doz ............. 015 ai 0 00 POTÂTORS, VI bush ........O0 30 ai O 35 RAÂY, e ton .............. 600,a 7 00 RATE PAYERS 0F DARLINQION. MR. J. S. RUNDLE.Township Collect- or, wi'Jl be at Mr. J. J. Mason's store every Saturdsy until Dec, l4th te r8celve taxes. 41.3w* S MART YOUNG GIRL WANTED- for general housework. ADDlY tO NMas, GEO. JOIL.Li berty street, or at MR. W. R. Rt CÂwxER's bu-cher shop. 42-tf FOR INVAUB»Sanrd wokdelicuute wosaI Ripans Tabules banlh pain, uise MiiIIsrn's Detef, ronauod WIse; au omieriIipnTauecredpps. ht Io the berai, iasailscrcypes ý r F ARM TO RENT FOR A TERM OF AYEARS.-Improved grain famm or 100 acres situated je the township of Cartwright. con. 2 lot 6. about 2 rode front .Pompie Hill P.O. and lesa thon 1 mile te Sehool bouse, witii god dwellïeg bouse, stou e fuedaton, soIt snd bard woter. also a gond bore with soft and bord water. About 420 o! apple, pear. cherry and plum trous aud a variety o!small fruit. First p,,ghi-g dou. 34 miles fromt Bumketon steio. Fr umhu particulars apply ta .ABRAHAmMMoRRis, Pompie 1Hil1. 1-t! F ARM FOR SALE.-A firat clos f arma o! 125 acres or 145 acese situated in the township of East Whitby 13t con, lots 15 sud 16 on the tisse LUce, about Iý miles front Osha. wo station. 2 miles f orri W titbsr and 60 rada fromIhe sehool boitte. Lune -rom!y buildings, moii bore95x36 il. pl'iltr"o l ita.,Sit day loo. otoethr nu ! ho best arain £arma ou the Loke Shore. N Usr re.A.bout 10 acres of wood. 75 acres in c9,.o iroancd freshb seeded. Terms easy. Fîrst pýowng doue. For futher Partieulars &pp, t) A. &NmNie, Oshawa. 37-tf, E IXCELLENT FARM IN DARLING- XJTON FOR SALE.-One o! the besi fatrms in Darlington for sale containing abaut 140 acres ail o! which is cleamed andi la high state o! tvation. Ou the prem:,ses are a jKood brick dwelling bouse and good outbiiildings, two Wells, two cisterus, two neyer failing prnuadcrack unming ibrougli the south eat 6.th ^ rm This propety .isesîtuated on ý.1, quarter o! a mile frace the lînits o! the town or Bowmoanvl!le. Thlere are about 5 acres o! orchard besides plum orchard. and gardon with small fruits. Well fenced. Easy terme for paymient. For lurtber particulars aDuly on the premises ta MRs. RowE or IR. H. TuRNE,tBowm anvtlle 38-tf E'GAION THJAT PAYS, Parents who call at the calIs4e ta ar- range forthirsoni'a attendance f req-xently remrk-" If I could have the opportunity of obtainisq a busineis eluaatîon wheu a young man, il would have been Werth thOusoodus Of dollars tenm,. " They do * fot Oçer eâtimate its valve. Young men should profit bý -the oxperieuce and advlce of thoee who now see where they failed, The elegant Announcemeut, profusely il- lustrated will be mailed anywhere on ap. plication te SPENCER & McCULLOUGH, Principale. Hamilton Business cXllege, Hamilton, Ont. (MentIon *'TaR SrATZSMAN." FARM FOR' SALE 61Y TENDER, cd, will b reccived up te the firth day o! No. vaiber. 1892. for the purchase of ait that part o! the Norîli quarter of Lot number 21 iu the, 6th concession of the Township o! Darlington, belonging te the estate or William Wý,iliiorna. deceased, containing about 48 acres more or tees. A ornait. portion o! the above land lein, cluded ilu base teonee John L. Maynard. de- oeosed, wbich dos net terminale for some Years. Riglit te plow this fait. The bigliesf, or any tender not necessarily acceptedt. Dated at Bewmounville, Ibila 9i day o! Oî .A, D. 1SP2, JOHN X. GALBRAITH, 43-2w Barrister, Bewmanville, Outý 'VALUABLE TOWN rOPrERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT BY TENDER. Sealed tenders addressed tu the undemsigued wiIl ba received on or beforo 12 o1clock, noon, Satumday. November 5. 1892, for that valuable properly owned'and occupicd by Mr. Banuey, situate on the cerner o! Ontario and Qý,een streets, Bowmanvil. consistinýr o! a FpramEb Hbuse Icontamnine 9 mains, wilb halts, closetg, and pantry, bard and so! i water. There le a good stable 18x24, aIse a nico iawn. Tbe prcp8rty is in fist-class epair. baving porches and Storm Windows. and blinds ta al the ,windows. The biglicat or any tender net ueceassoiiy occepted. TEEMS -Tenderers can pay the wbole ameunt of iheir lender down. or eue thira down and balance in annual instaimentsa a per cent. For further particulors aPply on the promises WM. BUNNEY, 42-3w Nýewmamket, Ont. GAraini G rain!1 WANTED AT THE FËPIRE ptELIEVÂTOZ AT GJRAND TIIuNiç STATION, NEWOASTLE. The highest current market price will ho paid for ouy q uantity of Wheat,Barley, Peas, Ryo aud J3uckwheat, delivered al; the above elevator. Or, if preferred, viii receive, inaure, and ship for owuor at two cents per bushel. JOHIN CARVEI. Ne wcastle, Ct. 1892. 40-t!, BOAR FOR SERVICE. -A Thoro- bred Berkshime Boar îu kept for service on lot 6, con. 1, Darlington, Terme $1, payable at U1ime o1 service. RoBT. ROWE, Bowma.nville,, UOARS FOR SERVICE.-AuIm _" .pmoved Yomkshire Wbite Boom and a Berkshire Boar are kept for service ounot con . 8,Darlîngton. Termseue dollar. Tac0s, WOODLY, proprietor, Tymone. 4J3w',v cah;$12 I cah. Lot 22, ccn, e, rln- tcton MeL SSOWE, Sen., 13-4 w C HAIRMAKER WANTED.-.First- c ase. higliest wages pald. steady eupoy ment- Address AMEEIC AN RÂTTAX CO., To. cnto. 43-w S TOCK FOR SALE.-THORO BRED "registered Short Hores, prize stock, for g3j1ê &1ô yoting Berkshire pige.' S. SNOWDEN, Sen., Bowmanville. 3-4w* Sj TOCK FOR SALE. -Jersey Bull ris- 0ing 2 years old. perfectly quite; Young cow due ta second cal! lu December; a Young mare izcod driver 3 years old. gond size. Apply ta J. J. CooLEDGE, lot 22, con. 5, Darllington, Taun. ton?. O. 43- 3 w * S W LOST-A Black Berkshire Sow with white nose. slrayed from lot 22. con. 4, Darlington. Information leading to her re- covery may be tcf t at STATE5MAN Office Or with ownier FRED. Nîcîros, Hampton, 43-tf S TRAYED,-Fro-a Enfield about the middle of July, lhree yearling boiers, two mcd amdone gmey. Anyene giving lunformation s1 theirir whereabouts wlll be suitably re. warded by JAmEs PARR, Enfield P O. 413w* S TOCK FOR SALE.-A lot of good "Young cattle suitable for wlnter feedinit and 50 supeior rami and ewe 1lambB for breed- ing purposeS for Sale, W. R. R. CAWKEE, butcher and stock dealer, Bowmanvile, 4-4 S HROPSBHIRE LAMBS FOR SALE -Having Imported a number of very fine Shr opsbire tbeep 1 offer for sale a number o! Ram Lmbs. arties wanting sheep wîll fiod me at home on Tuiesdays and Satudays. LEvi SKINNER, Tyrone P. O. 38-tf I MPROVED FARMS FOR SALE- Lot 8 and west 1 lot 7 In the 2 con. of the Township of Pickering. 250 acres on which are a fmrst class bamuis. ail stone foundations; 2 dwelliug bouses, Weil watemed, no waste land. Will be sold wboIe or lu parts. Price and terms to suit purchaser. Apply ta H. B. TAY. LOR. Wbitby. Ont. -t!. Write g;us -FOR- Club Terms FOR 1893 AND VALUABLI! PRIZEULST.' IT WILL PAY YOU, SThe Finest List of Premiums c tver offered by a Cana- dian Paper. DA!LY GLOBE, Morning Ed. $6.00 64 .6 Second "4 . 400 ai id Saturday ai 1.50 WEEKLY GLOBE From now taencd 1893, Only one Dollar. ANYON1C CAN GET UP A CLUB ANI) SECURE A HANDSOME PRIZE, THE GLOBE,Toronto, T EACTOiER WANTED-For S. S. No. 10, Township of Carke, for 1893. Appli- cations, stating sa]ary, experlence. etc, wili be recel ved by the undersigned up te Nov, th D. P. Walsh, Secy.,,Storkville P> O. 42-Sw T EACHER WANTED.--A goodl teacher wanted for Scheel ýAcîÀon No, 6, Maplo Grove, for 1893. Appicatieus will tie received up to Nov. Sth. by J. SNOWDEN. SecY- Treas., Box 109, Bowmanville. 42-3w TEAtOiER WANTED.-An exper- Tienced teacher for S. S. No. 8, township of Clarke. for the year 1893. Applications recelvcd up te Nov. 1,3t. Apply to box 127, Orono P. O. 41-tf. T EAtOiER WANTED for S. S. No. -'5, Darlingto. for 1893. holding second class certificate, male preferred. Apply up to, Nov- 10th statlnw experienc'q and salary required te W. J. BRAGG, Secy-Treas. Box 29, Bowmanville, 13-2w* T CHER WANTED.-For S, S.No. second class certificate. Applications will be recelved op te Nov. 5 State experience and if married or single. JOHN RUNDLE, Secretary- Treasurer, Haydon. 13-2w AVALUABLE FARM FOR SALE Aby tender in ibe townshin of Darlington. consisting of nortb 75 acres o! lot 2i,con. 6,alsa the norili 57 acres of lot 19, con. 6. of the s3aid township cf Darlinzion. Trenders will bc re- ceived up te the 25eh of September for the purchaser of the said propcrty. W. WILLALD, Part Ferry. 17-If.

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