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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1892, p. 5

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GR A TEFUL-COMFORTING. ]3REAKFAST-SUPPER. a"thorougli kao-ledçge of the natural 1 l là1b pgoern to oPýreltons of! iaàtion and. nu'trtion. ani by a 0aret aI application of the fine proparties off wel-s81ectad C)3,Mr. Eppebas rovddOur breakfast table3 wjth a deîcatlydwoedbereraxe wlh i 1l5.'éve lis manY liaVY doctori' bUils.,h it 1by the JudicÈqeus use1.4y of sliharticles off diet that a OOfltittiOnS~a be rad atl ot up until Stron2 enogu 1,j!to reaisi eVerVtend8ney te dieu.Hundred3 off subie maladies are floati augiend us re&dy Io attack wlerever there us s wesltc point. Wemuay eseapemany a fatal tihaft by keepinr ourselves well fortified 'with pare blood *ad a prouerly nonrished rame."-"Civil Service Oazefte" Made simply with boilin.f water or milk sold el la packets. by Grocars. labAllad thu JAIIIIIM EPPS & Co., Eâoeeoepathte Chefs W9t, iendon. Esgland, , ,DNESDAY OCT. ~,1892 »Et. J. C. HITVIEll.. MEMER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICL&N and Sugeon B, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offie and Regidence. Enniskillen. 74. B AItITI SOICIOR &:. OPRIS cLOU, atataro, Kie Street. Bowuaa- Ville. SOlicttor for thé Ontari Bankt ertima IlNineys Ioaned et the lowalt rates S. C. Mi'iNKIVG L IOENSED AUCTIONEER FOR the Connty of Durham. Sales -atteaded to on ehortest notice and loweet rates. Addreeél Cc uutuien P. 0. 38. noar. YOUN<G, Y. S. O FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM N& Oi Blek. wliere himseUl or asiseént ~vil! Le ftnd from 8 am. to 9 pn. Night calis at rcradeae.direclyoppoate Drilttshed. Cals ky teitgr&Pli Or telePhone will receive p)romnpt attention 171*yr L, A. W. Tj.Ii. AUTNE ,APPRAISER, Real Sýale tesuded fa &Dy part or province. AA.PONT, IRCHIECT.Plama and Specîfica. A ions repared forevrvIé fbuda. ýspeciai attentiongtea lu teating by eteaun P d Ihot water aa itu eaaltary arrangemuent@. Office: Qerrie Block, Whiltby i3-ly R. EÂTEÈiy Tailor Gentlemen's OlthesMade to Order. Q ~IANDENL_ D. Gratute s heRoyal College off Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. COLO FILLINO A SPECIALTY Artiflejal Tot-th inserted wjthoub Plates, Great Beductions in price on ail Denta W'ork. Vitalzéd Air, con@tantly la use pr0 ducing Painiess Oprations. Particnaa atton tÎon paid to the régulation off Chidreu's Tecili 829 ALL WORIC WARRENhTED -n Brandi Office, Dr. Rutherford's Ou onv. JEINTIST. J)FFICE :.-Rear of Mlessrs. Higginbotham & Sou's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMÂNVILLE DYICANDCLEANINU Ladies' audssi uts' wear off ail kinds, Featîsý elra, Gloves, Rîbiées, Laces, Cumiaine, ansi al kiuseoff falicy guode Dyed, Cleanesi cm Frénci lealles. Wor peaituvely guaran- cd thé heut. No padduissg wagoîepoei A réliable &geé i, in eV ery to m. BRITISH A MRiCAN BYEINGCiY(., Mouireal, Terénto, Otîtawa ai-i Que4esc. Agent ini Bowmajivillé, Gents' lothinig Cenet, Lyed, Preésed ami Rep&fred by- T-HOI'S. Pfl A Ti Dj-er a" Clohea Cleaeur, Coode marraated te hé as Dé eue wilhI know tInsfein anir Issedone. Corner King and Qtarié Sireto, tnbci tihlbe aloggecd avenues off thée Di,-U»dneyS and Liver, carryissg i gmaduaiy mi.tthout wouainng thé sys- lom, 111 bthe impuritieé and foul humoro Mf thq So'é'sions; at thé £&uantime Cor- Peoln CtAlity of tue Stemaceh, cung -Plllefusness, Dyspepsia, Roadaehe, Dlzzlness, Reartburn, ~ipatlon'.Oyness ef the Skin, o VISIon5 Jaun- cf eluelas, Selo.' ~~'LlIart Fltel er ~pffe so ma osmp ainta LOsOf BITTERS.rq MEs Mi éb ui élss Fat'o Ana-el. I thouglit I's dead for a mJinute, sol let, unyseîf j u'4t ay, And wondered. klnd o' stuptd, if ldget to heavén that day; And then. thinks 1,. 've got thére," For 1 heard an angel say: "Poor fellowv, ho ,s had a tumble; Jusl ho!p me 1ifts bis head." 'And your scarf will stop the bleeding," Another angol said, And 1 thought, "if this is heaven, It's jolly to0liedead." Somehow 1 didn't kno-v nothin' Titi 1 0e -néd my eyoesup widé In whatIgns was a drug store, 'Cause there'.sbottles on the sie. And tiue veliest lady standin', -Ani-clookin' as if slié'd cried, At first Is se swfiil happy 1 couldn't say a thing, Thon 1 satd, "if you'ro an angel. \Von't you lot me hear you sing?" Ani she anýswered. "Cm net an angal; I'm the Dauightér off a KCing." Slie îaid 1 cocsld allias tell'em iiy the siver cro.s thev wear, And slis xpisined tome her moanmn And 1 lhanked lher for, lier caro. 1Itellyeu. lil net forget, lier, That lady good and fair. And ïsew whon I méat a lady Who wears a cross E5ke t at, 1 bow am polito a% 1 van. sir. And takc o l»my ozd feu hbat, For 1 blieve they're ail off 'em augels, As sure as my rame i. Pat. -[Christian Observer Sarsaparil!a Y-our best remedy ýo r E-rysipeIas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-c roful1a 3a!t-Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores S-.curvy, Humors, ltch A-nemia, Indigestion P-impies, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes I-mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Com plaint A-Il cured by Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,Loe cl lMss. Sold hyaIl Druggits. Price $i; six bhaLles. $5. cures ctiieso ViwÇ Cure you PAOKED IN TRE FOLLOWING SIZES- LONGFE LLOWS PERFECTOS L ANSD OWNE RiEINA VICTOJItIA PINS AU off exceptionally fine quality. 0f diffarent atréngth. To auit all fastes, Millions Sold Annually. dis BVS&SONS9 MONJR[AL~ Mers, LIONEI & Me"'UIITRY have pnrchased the County f4Dorbaunfor thé bret Wire Fencé ln liis Couritry. i j Etrone, eé.éily handlssd and ornaunentel. lt wilI not bc injîîred by çâmow, heat, csld or wÏnds. It will turo liornae, Cattle, Sheep, loin-, Dogs and P5.ltry. Ih je a ne work wîthout barbe, aLnil wull net in- BRISTOLS SUGýRCýE P R CO) m P YOUNG FOLKS. The New, Baby. Ont ru thé deer-stép, théevindietnmemning, Brightliair for thé uitile liead's ontv adomniag- Rlis eyes ablaze with éxeiment and joy- The wee littlo wili -e-bIé ise ef a bey l 1 maq geiag hy ai, straiglit as yen cliooýe. Whlie uelailési me wtihitueastonishtng 0èe - sO it, did yen icar 'bout env baby up-tairs À.-tient any teéti and jusi ime or f tee hairsl lier eyés are shut up se you cant look froo, But I1rpened oee anS tlsat eue was buea. She's orly juIl Heu-, ilîl -me anme lier a namé, 'Cause,dSeau yen se, mibOer, ses nly just causé? Shes inuit tee tcenty te tiekle ansi t1uch Bat 1 apprecimabe wheréy muci, Rer noie Mfju g but it miglit hé pugr if you'I 'svuié me easy, l'Ilgo ta ansi iug lier-" -[Annie Hlamilton Leurrait. Aunt fNau'e Soaro- "G;amma, O gamma, cau t I go up in thé airkit te play? Ca't I pleasé,' gammns?" ansi thé siréet uitile face lookesi up int grandîua'e, fnirly quivaring with unger- nes. Grandma béat dewn, andi tab.tug the nofi, rcey chéèirs betwéen lier t'.v hande, presséSd a ovin 4 irise on thé little month. "UaiitI go, gamma ?" thé pleading voicé epeated ; but granduna hesitatesi, "Wlsy are yeu nea afraid te havé hiem play in thé aitie, motiser 1" aniS Aunsujé Nan. ."Sié is a caréfful littho girl, ands he énjeye it se mucîs. Do lés lier go ! "Wal-cl, Sarling," saisi gransima, elowly, "Yenu .y ; but wait a moment," as MiS- gét started té fly off, l'Yeu wen't play ai lie hasi off thé clairs 1" "No, gamma." "N or léan est thé windom V' Thé yéliom curie choir vigomously. "Nrget iste any off thé te-nuireV" "Nngamma 1!' ansi tisécurie shoir harder ihan aenr "l'Il 'mémbér ih al- evéry single but. Corne on, Solly ; gamma Pays me can go up te thé aiirit," ands siz- ing her favorite Betcéy, Misiget ushesi amay. "She thinirs more off that olSd eii than any off théeet," laugiési Anal Nan, luei inq ai t-hé row off handeeme, flneiy dregssé doihies eeated primiy on thé sofa. ti uns té be ml favorite, tee; but I didn't havé suci austhesé tu comparé t i mu." Iltmeuisi havé made ne différence if yosu hasi," &aisigransima. "Chilsiren ean taie more soliS comforl miii an ever-dsay sort off a doli ijie tint than wihauy off thé fine une. ', "WVlat a comfort Misigét le " ais auntie, iovissgiy. 'II mih Sarah moulsi let us have hiem ail thé tlimé, hhonglu I Son't îàéé isow eeue cao &pare her an heur." "lShe us taying up tiare s long tise,", éjaid graudmna, afier awhue. I belueve l'Il just go p npud seo misaIsheileahosit." "Neom, moîlser," Anal Nan epliesi, Iwbal is thé use off yonm tiiing yeureelf ln tIsaI way ? iMudgui is ah mrigit , nié aimnysf ulées as aie promises. "I'os geing te gét supper nom;, tien l'Il cail lhe," anS thé brisir young auntie huai- leS Ont labo théeiritchen, anS soon mas ah thé foot cf lie attiicsirs célling snrriiy, "Aiiybody up theo that wants raepbermy siortcaire for su-pper b" Thera mas ne respénnse, se sayiug, "Sire mst hé aslèép, " au'stlé raniligbtly up-stmirs ansiloiresi ahimarund. j4o Mid gel mas te hé seén, se seébegan vsling, but surddénly stoppesi antI saisis lu thé fler mitb beoti banda ovér lher face. Thora in a cornie-, shie snddeniy sair poép- ing froua besseathu thé 115 offan olsi imnui, mas a bit off Midgei's litié pini r Sens. Only a moment Auni Nan saitinsu, tien nerving herseif, se quicirly rose ansi gasp- éd tisé liS, faissi auss sicir, but thiriug, II hi say net bave héen very long." The t1mai epenesi, andthoun seésanir on thiéfluor agamio, laurghing ansi cryiug te- getier, forethbire on a pile off bianireis lay Betny, sobes inlu ier miatress'u pis dresi, ansi gaziag ameîhy up into Anal Nau's face. Aunt Nan seoinrgel up again, ansi grab- bing thé doll, gave it a siaire, sayisg, " I conisi almot shairo Misigèt hésli fofergir- ing -nenci a frigit." Just né nie mas begissning te huai for lhem -mail nièce aalsie heard grauîdma cali- ing ah the foot off thé étains, II Are yen np thora Iooiring f or Misigèl? Yon mayas mal stop. See hieèi'Se mti Betsey etili in hem r ase, Aust Nan tan Sown aud tolioeés gauma te hlrer'.vn recrm. Thoére in the midsile off lhe bési mas Misiget, faut asléep. lier nesy uitile face mas hslf-biddeîî in the depthu off au nid frifles i sulin cap, net se very tnolike lhemremu Sainty bonnet A white crape -hsawl mas mrsppesiarouînd ber, ansi a bacir ilS skiri cempierosilier costume. IlTe tliui," exelaimesi ganadma, "off h'-r csiug damastairs in tintdsrèesI Whlat if sié hasi trippési ou it I Thrtt mas soiuthing I sida't thinl, off." Aunt Nan was langbing ai theé fuusny lit- tlé figuré; ands sen Midgel's eyés hegan té open, féiling fimet off ail on tIse dQoil miici aunîh mas holding asn-usddyunder hiem ami, lienS dowuward. "O Anbie Nan," Mîiget crie, lun tartes offd ssres; IIyou'me holding Betsey se tisé bhood'ii lIHun atssie he ad. Don'î, don't! Give hem te me." Aunt Nahastiiy reeteresithéedI lte n proper peuieso, tien aid her is usé iltie issobiéer'arme, miéréeue was huggesi tèn- derly. "IDidu't lier havé a nicé béti, Ani-tilo INaa ?, aisi Misiget. IlWhai umade yen, maehem up .fer" A gentlemanwm ise iid LiSéréS-alarge puhlishu1iui'g house te taise bis son, as by inte ils éuuuîscy aI a nuere-t rate off psy, net long ince, mas cespécialby anuxius un is requee i haîthe yooang man should hé m aSe o te und nlleemu tise buinesu. This iîsubmuction mas neétles, as although moern ufashion issi dons awsy witfs much off thé jatnitor ansi porterasie mers off elS times, yct tée young man ftsnnd thé sélec- tion off stock for çYvd s, paciig thée smie, entoriug, chargin dita n vooa érrande, hep iuts actuveiy enployéd -fer about taiviheurs a day, with au heur eut for cinner. At tiséeuSndoff bre méeks' time lue faiiesi té pus in an appesauicé, but tué faîhérl malisesinicone mornssag iiths tiuiulemation ibat Jîihun wosuld net rtntoteh position, Wby net ?" akédt 0liepsic'l-r. "Wébl, John lias te h avé uts breakfast ai 7 :30 evéry morniîsgtegel here, ansi thén hé is noîuseS tecarry hususiles, sud oomnn- timès hs's beea seult with 'books iut uap te tisé houseoff peopleie .0 ssovsoeialiy. My snts nt béen brougltu p tisai way, ansi I guucss I wo'tihaveoim earnthme businuess. " Hée diS net ; ansi wil's more, héieyeer Icarnesi auy othér business. Children Cry fou fNow let usilook ni anotheraotolptcira tint off the sou off a wéalihy ml-ourde- sirinz to bécome a manager off thémls "But tbileisimposg&ble," saisi théeahr "lunées yon practicaity learu thé busi- n es.',' IThisjewia-t1 wouid like te do," said thé soir. " Buti te becomé a superinienlet or man- ager, wé prefor a man wîo bae rison froun the moire ansi undersiande tisé mechanical deparîmènt sud thé ways off émploycs. " Let me begin in 1 thé raunks,' tien, epliesi the youssîg man. Net oui'. was tis donc. but thé youing man '.eni andi boirdes in e imanufactur- ing town ab a workmau's bosrding-house, andi ieut in ansi oui off thé factory at bell cali. lu tirée years lhé was forenuan mu one off thé departoseats, ansi a former cînssanuabé andwéll-known eociety man caliing Ibère upon hios, wus surprueed ai meeting s stal- watt féliow in binée verails, with muids sa soiled wisli machinèry oil ns ta preveus thé cesuvèntional handshaire. But ibis yonng moan perseveresi, made aud paid loue own way him9elf, andi bis father co& - ýdit would net injure lis future prospecteý. Judging frgm thé facitiat ho is uow uanager off mille (eut hie fatier's), a&ta sslary ot $10,00-J a year, and with abiliiy to commnîad ovèn a boît1er compný Sation andi partiemship, ila evdecetin Ilélaruing a busuness," aveu by a man with a Roud éducation ansi a rich fatier, pays a god reinu-mu, bhinmunoney andi manIy in- dependence. POIS OI OINLY TO THE BLOOD. Iutereetlug IFacts Regsrdliu,'Xtheé Ieamly Véena e f cepile. Nature seces te bavé providesi tisaine poison whicls acte sexternally shah bhavé any effect internaily, ansi vice versa. Tins thé méat déadly snké venonsi can 'De ewailowési witb impunity, thé juices off thé stouniaci presunmably decemposîuŽg ansi enderiug il hammiese. Many expérimente havé ebeau made te prove tîs. On eue occasion ré- cordéd by Humboldit, eue person swaliowed thé whéoeoff thé poison thai conisi bé ob- tainési froun four Itali,%n vipers withoui suffering any basi conséquences. ln thé saine way thé envenomosi arrows off thé South Americans can hé swaliowed witb %aféiy, providesi cniy liat bière is noî wouîsd ou thé lips or insidé thé meti.1 Fontana, wlîé in 1837 publishési a bok ont poisons, ramrke:11 t (l41Being reduicesi by contradictory evi-1 dnce teatisé nécessity of tèsiting tie venum myséif. 1 Isa, Lts net witient repyig- nauce, ansi I shah asvisé ne one te iry it in0 gayeby off heari lest lue shonisi happén te havé semée excoriation on, tice tonguée-a cir-9 cunsetance net always easy ta déterminé. 1I couls inld ne taste iu P. excopî a vemy insipi isquor. Among aIl thé people' thé sucking off tisé wouunsibas ever béaiu connsîderusi tise meeta effective remedy ci immédiate applicationc for snko bites. Iu Afines a cuppiog in f etrunsént le employesi in enuergènciecf thé kinsi te draw osut thé poisonesi blocS. Thé aucients followes tisé sanie méetios, aussii whén Cato msade his fanons expeditionc through thé serpeut- iuîfecited African désertst lue employéS savag suaire charniers, caliésia Pgylli, té follow ie arîny. Tney performesi1 many myseeioserites ovér nuen wluo wèrè hiton, but thé èfficacy off thir treaiment apponte te havé cousistési in suciring thé wounds. A vivisi notion off lhe intésisit y off a cobras venour us givous by thé expériencéetfDr. Francis T. Bucislansi. Hé put a rat into a cage witb a suaire cf tint apecues, ansi it wast kiliési2,afler a plucky figlut. Upon examiuu- iug tise skin off thé deasi sai immediaieiy afterwars iehéfeunid twe very minuté pun- tures lîké ém-ail néedie holes where thé fange et thé cobra h d entered. [Thé flash seemocd alréady ta ha'.e acisuaily mortifiésit in thé neîghbbrbood of tisé wound. Anxious1 te lied eut if thé sinswae allected, Dr.t Buicirmaudsicrapesi away tise lair frouusi il witb his inger nail. Tien hée îhrew thé rat nway andi startesi homownrd.'Hli d neot walltcd a linadrési yards beforéa&Il off a susiden ho feunas it seusèbedy hasi ceose hé- hinS hlm ands simcit n, a sévère blow on the heasi ansi secir. Aithé samée tileého è'spericnced a ment acute pain ansi sensc off oppression about thé cheet. He knéw in- stanuly thai lue was poisoned, ansi se lest ne timo in eceking an apetbecnry elîop, wheré ha wns, doses i vtihbrandy anti amnonia. He camée'.etyunear dy'ng. Uudoubtedly s srmail qunntity off venm d maie ils way ie us sBysteos tisougi n uittle eut hbabliat hie nail, wheré il hasibéeau separniéd slîghtiyt froos thé flsh in thé processf cleaning thé nail wibls a ponkuaifé s litils timue bèfome. t .Lé Wanted Ris IRevenu-a. Micky Cavais, xhe bas just arriveS in1 London, was sîsfferiug frein thé toothache,1 se hé rushos intlabo dSntisi andsi aisi IlPlasé, sorr, is murtiérési Oi amn wid thé toothache? \Viil yé irindly taire thet binyguard av a tootis cnt av my poreE moutli Y, 11How long bave, you sasi it ?" inquiresi thé dentiet. "About t'..eniy yearu, sert." "Twenty years! Yen misu.ndérstoosi me. I mean thé ioothaciîe, net thé e oti." "O), intiade!IOive has iilfor a waké, more or léssé:hut, ginirally zpakin', mosm, sir," salul Miciry, ruefoily "lAndi which teotis is l lai iroubles yen, my man ?" thé dentist asked. -Théeiran foninsi the inclut on tise top bnck reir av lié roigiet elde, cr Thete je tili burning iilu Idlasa cred ire thtis assliglitesi ty tiséParasees lwolv.e cen.uries age. Thé lire is fed wti saudal ansi etheýr frîgrsnl veoda, ansi is meplelish.- cd t', c imus s dav. It bsas ossiv boei cighty-o'se years sir.u'e thé fluet tomaloe were introdluced mbt Amserica. Thue original plant mas cultivatesi as a Fetable curisity ai milens, Mass. e*',chierls Gastcri- How Many ESeparate Parts Des a Watehl comprise? It bas sometiuones been renariresitint an a'.erage watch cousisjts off 175 différent parts, but Mr. Deént, the well -lnown timepiece mnanufactuirer, lias slaîed tint évcry watch consiste of at beas 202 piecos, vmployirg 215 porions distributed amonget forty tradles, te say nothing off thé tedl makers for ail off thym. It was fusrthvr etated that if auy matons]l altération wvre made un thé construction of tisé watch ail thé irades would have te be rolearut, néw tools and wheei cutting engines devisesi, and thé Imajority off the workrnen begin lufe again. Thé balancé off a watch gives 18,000 béats or vibrations in an heur, or 157,680,000 in a yéar. In a bar horizontal watch there are about 154 separate piécci '.'ithouî thé case, andi 170 iuucludung the nase. There are thé bottoin plate, the psottanc-, the endstosu, andi endstoné scréwpiecé, live bolée in whlch thé pots work in tlue bottons plate, twen- ty.fivo bols in whîch ecrèws and thé study 1pin fit in, the cylindor cock andi thé screw, un whioh there is a jewel holé ; thé index endatone, éndstone pièce, andi endstoné screws; thé cylinder, thé balancé, thé hair- spriug pin, collet, and stusi ; thé 'scape wheél withi us piîien auud cock, in which there is a jewal hole;, thé fourti whéel witLh ils piuuion andi cocir, in wbici ibère je a hols for thé fourth pivot ; thé third wheel wjth usg pinion, and thé cocir in which tluere is a holé for thé third pivot; thé ventre wiueei bar, 'lu which ticre le a hole for thé pivot of thé ventre whéeli teeli ; thé barmol witb1 its caver ansi arbor, théeunainspring, thé star wieei andsi tap linger, thé aide ecick' ans crew, thé ratchet wheél wiîls vovér, ansi feur cover ecrews, thé canunonu, lte centre square ands cup, tisé heur and 'nianute whéele, thé dial, two screws, théeboeur and' minute hbands, thé seconde hansi, ighl bars1 svcréwi, tisé case wilb ecrew for faïitéuiugn, the unovéosént, théeifly spring, tise locir e;priuîg, thé domé, thé giss, thé bow, thé bow acre-y, and thé push pin. A keyiéess waîcis bas rather more pièces. Chemisais in Man's Make Up. Dr. Lancaster, tii' eminenl London spe- 'i alist, wbo is saisi te havé wholly discardé I thé titié " physician ansi sorgéon," hécauso lie ic2s 'loi consider eue umanu lu a ibeusauss worthy off thé tubl, recéniiy anlyzesi tic body of mn sud ga thé résulte cf thé in- teresting exporiment te hie claas in chemis- try. Thé body operatesi ou weighed 1,54.4 pounds, beiag about what is known as thé "'average.sizéi man." Duriug hie lecture thé doctor exlsibitéd te hie a cas23.1 pouinds off carbou, 2.2pounds off limé, 22.3 ousuces off piouphorus, and about one (1) ouuce énci of, sodiumi (sait) iron, potassiums, magnésium, ans ilicon. Ail of thèse, diffèrent minerais hée had éxtractèdl froos thé body of tisai oue msan I But that was not ail. Bouides tisé aboyéezlisi residue," Professer Lancaster eimaièd tint there wére 5595 cîubic féet off ostygon, woigiing 121 peun da ; 10,1,900 cubic feet off hydrogen, weighing ],,-4 pounds, bc- aides 52 cèbie féet offnibtregen in liati nan's body !Ail thèse éléments weré combinési in thé foilowiug: One bundresi and twéuty. one pounsis off walèr, 16.5 pouusds off géla- biné, 1.32 pounde off fat, 8.8 prssnde off fihrin and albumeus, ansi 7.7 peuuds of pioshaté off limé sud otisérlsuuerals!1 Ujatarrli. CÂTÂeSIHÂL DEAFNEss--HÂAY FEvE1I-A NEw oai n TEÂTMENT. Suffeére are net generally aware tint thesé duseae are contagi'ons, or tisai tiéy are due te thé présence of living parasités in thé iiuiug msemnbrane off thé nése ansi eustachiau tubes. MIcroscopjc research hewévér, has provéd this te be a fact andi the recuit off thie duscovery je that a aim- pie réusédy hei béen formisiatési wiére. by caiarrri, catarrhal déafucés and liay fever are pèrmauently cured in cne té tisea simple applicatione@ made ab home by the patient once ln two weeket. N. B.,-This treamant je fnot a anuif or an cinimént; beth havé béen dis- cardèsi as injurions. A pamphlet ex. piainiug this new treatenbisl sent frés on receipt off etamp te psy postage, by J. G1. Dixen & Ce., 345 Wet King Sb. Tor- caleo Canada. -C hriatien Advooaté. 8ufferers from (Jatarrhal troube sisould carefaiiy méad thé abové. Thé Brazil nut centaine froin fifteen té iwéuîy-fourqsééde, which aIl gérasinate et eue hune. Thé mont vigorous eue geis fi rret tirouigh a emaîl hélée t thé top te thé openi air, sud tioré, upou it ïsiranglés and féode upon thé rest. Accord ing té thé néw British postai megu. listions a foreigu lelter may hé of any wèigit, bout muet net éxceesi two feet in lengli or one foot lu bréasiti or depti. Editor-Theré are net eaéugh feet lu thiz liné, air. Peet-Feet, air! féet ! I déu'i seli it by thé foot. ht's a pésun-nét a cord off Wood. cyURER D ,,-J4 Lumbago, Backacheo Toha h e Frofit Bites, $prains, Bruises,_Burnsp Etc, F '>r nietsaad Déniers every'whenO iy 'GeaUs a botl. Directions in Il Lanu ias. TU CHIAME S A. VOGER GO., Btmere, Mt O= aa Dn.«2P5t: 'fionto, ont. Have you tried the "M uingo"ý "Kieker" "GaLble" Universtdly acknowledged t0 be supe-uiesvvéry respect to eny otheic brande in thé market. Always reliabie, as has beén f ully denaoastra'éul by thé milltons tbat are sold annualiy and thé lncreasing Jdmand for theen, notwith- standiug an incria"ee c su- pétition of over f - ibeBsuidrfd and Twènfit-ftve Factore.- This faut speairs volumes. Wé are flot cheap Cigar manufacturera S. DAVIS & SONS Montreal, Largest and llighest Grade Ci-- Manufacturers in Canada. w 31ET, STR N~T ET. EIHNMVZBrZÂIés ave aa ne e- N ~ VJ eévev thmet ssorss ases e SeronsDeull7,Lest VigorandI EAN ~ftiingMushed;restéresr thé by évev wosk, et tho irt or et- aol'uteiy enrua the saisi eobstise ca-eu 'ee al other vasATisescrabavéet évedeenté elieve. Zoîlus' dos- iilsai ý.ue artae, or six for 35. ot méat by mail on 9 'Suite fer upamplet. SelSti- Be inanville by STOIT & JURY. "B a c che thé ncavéngve;*, inéons the hid- of thé system, MAH ODRETO E~ noyé are in "De/ai! 1i ftrouble, Dodd'a dangerous . Ncg- ~Werululb Kidney Pli/s g/ue lectcd kidnéy - lisoe;,ussoSurtha prompt relef troubles -ézutt; ' ý cree ail N31ouauisu- , ' 75per cntsînRa uéod, arsuisceu W"k o d/seése i Dyspepsia, Litler ~teoeryLusef in5u f aused by Complaint, cand kûai-as sg'LestMoi dïso,-dercd hid- the iméat dec Iseiod, liervoiugssuesofLai- étau- miiiduaie ~ nee. prous c mJ Î,or AtC s 153 f euve Its(1,h fas- wélI Brighfs Dieease, Pleéruidtrmhe. OOcraivé uélul é aea Diasb et es an d FbotDgra'ped ibliet a'x, mus os omer exertieon, yaulu îliuicéîe5 rtséeîue he aIt h y ei t y Droi3sY." lestte sllzalî Céiuunstiu éalîaéOls'- ut is The avoue locusoju,érsué ou-suuîtia ut s~st. ut tge, as good diseas c annet ut au'eca"s ce 5etu t'uta5è .1 r MsLiy hect whesu thée xi et wh ère our -l.ai4î iuv- éa.tuèlaldui, kd 11 oiye are Dodd's Kidney 5 t iuy S t. %r15 lo ~ ggdtheyare ,Pi//e are used.a' forus.U'sr by 1 c î' stnby imail qpr rcrit -~~7fl~ s. Pei- box or si-x févin, FOR ALE N TVý MIN TLE'ONT Y eDr. . A.Smifi &Co.Toronte. tSriIe igmubts I oFxilyadýs-vis boa k salleS Kidutsy T"uk ........... -iý ýAF Eý

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