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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1892, p. 7

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No other brand of r.,olbaccO lias ever en= Joyed suchian immense sale and popularity in the same period as thi8 lirand of Cut Plug and Pltig Tobacco. C1dst Cut Tobacco imarnfae- turersiii uCiada. CUL PlIlg, I1%. -T)1Pllg, 10e. 1 lb Plug, 20. ~INEYT LOAK,-On farmn secul J iy n ot fenrable terui3-mertgatg beught. APPIY tti IICHAIRD Fi 5TEF, *Mt E 5ý wsi. P. 0. Box 119 or JOHN YOaTER, Dr*vi ;.ewmanvls, P . 0! 5 lyr, FLORIST, kJH A, - ONTARIC GrowertnS deaier in Cboice Cut Fiowere Piawle. RoËee. Cereatiens, Violets, Sinîlft3 ad Fe-o. Funeral De&îgmfs and Beuquet rmade u) on short notice ln Wrcatss, Crovw F iiwRai.Socity Emblemi &- Plants Loaced fur Dse.oration.ïuch as Pais Fer.s Lilies. &c, Telophoene Cannection. 1-1 T IRENT.-For term of years, "Gîtle Dhu " 300 acres, 2 tuiles froin WhILtby- good buildings and eoil Admirable ror stock or dairy. Ctanos fer Roîng exteneive1y int Torcate mille business or etock raising fo rrmerican mnarkas. Men wii;h capital oniy AceS apply, J.R. Dow. Whitbt', 32 tf* THEGAADIAN STATESMA ESTABLIt3HED 1854 $1 Par annum ln advaiuee, otberwise $t.5% Sulbecriptilons aiwaY3 payable at rtha o flUa, A Publication. Advertiainz ratea unievs3 by cia ra1ct, 10 ceuti par line, noaprie jfluina dt àl conte par fine ea isasbsequeutiro, ae .a. Ia ais 1 cetspa'r lne. M. A. JAMES, Publiesh" 10R SALE ORt RENT.-llouse au( L' in acres for sale or to rent. sîtuate ci Scr sireet north, The Dreusises coseeto a goed' bouse wIih e-very convenienoe, drlving shea st &able, etc. Thse gardez centainesa lot o tci oies !ruit of ail varietien. Iminediax pOseeSaleaf] eau be given, For zreulisaro es tW.fIsaaaîEIG. Bewmaa ifie ont. 4 nîf tagilal iua1d HP, âil,ffl..eâ, t, tu91~ This Bank is prepssrod to do Legîi mate Banking in ail its branches. Farmer's notes discountedi; Depositý received and Interest paid on accoont, cf 85 and upwards- in Savings BanL- Departinent. -0H AFTIS TT ed and COIlec-tîoins made tn Earepî uTnýýe ýte atel, and Canada, W- J.J<ONES DNTARIO BA.NK .1 P5ues to do a General rasskineEBs,ines' Bovsiinainv ille Agency. nDÀPOSIIThI B -q»b t and old an d firafts 1 uned u port Europo U atted Statesan d Canada al3c e4oid, Sllver and U led Sta les Green becke isonal aad soîi,. CGLE CIINS Pr pty ade a3 current rassis apon aIl ptrt cf"et Eittala. tise United 8trtesi au k, Ioe or latrg or siosîl soins on al! part of iana da. Thi lespecially aeîvaîji geou., te erln ivin in Manfloba or the Northwvýest i PaUes ths fends aval lable ai once ut il,, 3,1.,r pa iculars call at thse bsnk. Accountnt. Mana~ger. OII'ONO, -ONT. LM G jZT SA L N GA;a iA. 11OUSTR HOLD. mites which often got loto, flour are more Mr. 8Smith lives on Bloor street eagt, where destructive than mice. srvdmatly have eiijoyed hie iavisb bospitality. AIl kinds of coked fis cao hoiere EX-55AY05L MANNING. The Ohildren's Evenlings. with salas. Lettuce is the hasD green rAxadrMnngsanih-fT- T'nero has been so much said throngh the vesable o ere ;bu l i ccfisb. and cold ronto's millionaires svho is known te almost agricultural pross as tute fariner' s v~alsg elwtfuevery citizen. Twice has NIr. Manning fill- family sboulci spen~~~~ ~ ~d the wne vnn, -flTit.e hmycr's chair with houer te biioseif. that the subjeet lias bocome as stale as oldh xmaelk M.Sýb i ie- hread ; auJ yet et b all enouglh lias beenu 'olesn the edor of cookisîg onions p'ace self-made man, Whoen h- fin sot foot ini saide , ganie the soýe Toronto lhe ivas glad te work by the day. The isolation of the farmer's faiiy frem Noter mub your eyes, uer allow your chil Bit luck was with hum. Before long hoe thewerd oîsg he intrtuefat tatdreni te do se front their crailes. bal igd the ordor of îhinîgc. Irisîcad they are dcîîicd tlîe instructive and pleasuir- A restaurant- keeper says ceîery wants teof er ocplyu eam nepoe able entert ainints and social intercnoir-e lie in celd wnater uns heur hefe.re it is clîewed. dcurto Oefhi rscnras eîjeyed by 'ity people, nakes ih imperative eosn wl of'vbos nýa s i coencelien witisthe eld Parliainenb thtIs epec at tetion shold bu gi cnt rennewi ofte oos ndles 1bar- buildings on Front street, wiceh have iDew mnake bouse life attractive, or e15e thse stag- dcsed by water, and recuder thcm as pliable otîtljved their uefulucas. He saw a great rainwl eoeubaal eteyuigas î'ew. future for Toronto sud nvsted all bis earu- natien Wil hee euar any e tephents 1Te polisb furuiture use tàwe partss of nu- ing from 1'ie te ime in reai estate. To- ofellts. home rhc r ee nyieraiîets "îled liiisecd oeh and oeepart spi rits cf ii- daylho ils the largesti hidiv.idrial preperty fer tise chilfiren fer this shut-in season, ilîcre peltine. bIl der iu Toreonto. "The secretoeîmy suc- are many Who do net. Clean thse nickel-plate cf stoves witb sefi ces,'" said -NMr. MaDunine once in the hearing It is particularly ins defes2cf lise cîril- and anusnia, using a woeilcu cleth, and pel cf the Muiter, " is tbat I aisays had a bill drens cven3iiîîs thas. I ncw write. Trie cftc,, i8burg it xvilî a leau eue, te puy or an engagement te nîcet." !ri in thie prcsy là ue drism uf practical lifse ar- 2..' icvo test f rei steel knive s hy cover- other 'c rds, le lia lekefi alter the pennies enta cniircly ignore tte diffcrencu in tuer icg thcna fer twe fisys witlî swcet cil; then and watclscd the dollars grew. He lias feelings sudditufeelings of ils' ulUle feliLe rot, wîtli aîlnmp cf fresîslunite until the rus.. erectefi mr.ny fine beildings in Toronto, oee aronîd thein.Laitîs look at a fa iiiy ini duappears. of w1licls is the well knii'îi anniug arcade îwc, difforcut pictn.rcs. A nithar 8Crs d Silver-plate of ail description is hast o tlcSt.t- e alec ewns the Grand in lime evening nerci ont Ironstisae careanaîd ceaned wiîh wîîitig and Mater, ibbing it Opte ieabuse, wheîe, under thsemanîagement werk of Ire day. And n lidolher flugers ons like a paste with a flannei cinîli. or usii.goef IN. O. B, Sheppard, lorentinians have deftly adjust a patcb, Pr liien a new rug or a bruis if carvcd ; lisen rnis cIl with a ean eiictn spcnie an ex cniiîg cf intellectual cin- click bier kutigne li er muiid rues clotb, and polisis tith a place of chamois Jye't rlîne n eteaiwî iîîte the merrew aud plans on tise labor skin. icuapeis .iOarity teitis justice. Ha bas awaitGng 1bler. Thoe fatlier site ini bis cerner, i e r "te J~~ eu"forià a nn 'lis criiiually peserty- glad eneugbi for a quiet bout of rast. I o r -tn a c<e, and eltestorckcîs, ci, in olscr vwerds, whe is suifer- But wîhiat abot thene five or six yns chilîs crceping 2 llhily ovor yeu, ha vare !Iltie paiîgs cf pcverty owîîsg te lis ewît neg ciildien, witls cager,' active minds, all ago arm Iai ay cosýI lit Yer ligesuce or sbîulce.stes. BuLt wbeis lie secs young bodies ulcf animnal lufe ? They are rocm te eiglîy degrees if necesary, drink a case of diiretua tlîegb misfortune, ibere net tirefi, Tbey h tva ne rcspcnsîbli.tya ep f hbut esor e colateanauJprit on ah ils noeimure chsaritable mac iii the werld iban wcighincu on tiseir rainds. Aunotne tlicy the rapsyen pieuise, cve if ycu are a.cl- Alexander Mannîing. Ris pet institution is have notbing te engage tuiir tinie, soc îîew cil* for se doiîug. Better a small lauigli ai tise lieue fer lIncurables iii Parlîdale. Thîis resîlcmsssnd disconentîed tbey are ! Twoccf your expense tais a sot are cold, la..ting fer institutionu, wbich is a meode!ofet s kind for the beys are dispotiicg w th cacli other os or oeels, peîhap s.coding in a decier's bill, cor- ihe werld, bas ef ten feli bis charitable serre trifle, by way cofcuu..rtainment. taiily spoliîng yeur ccmfcnî, and ycur gond îaîsd. 'He alan helueves iu hidiug ibis gVuld Anoîse bo i tesin bs ltîlsiter sicelocks as well. And wben the c'lill is aveit- deeis unuder the bushel. ho bas ncthing clae te Je, recciv îig snap- ed asd noîsmal waîmtlî ard iic-lth i-trd PrlaA e ping reots ini reture. Thore is au oce- xu Wi hn edtllexr e 3 neTHMmoreNG casional reprov-d frein the parents, and as.t hsu the wagons nceds a fiftb wlieel., But The hife cf Mr. Thsomas Long bas beenn one an early heur they are marshalled off te riesor sit and chili, foer f l oddliug of great ersergyasud enterprise. liecama te befi. yorîrself."fit alme'i suicîdal. C'anada un 1850 wben a bey 14 ycars cf ugo. Now ell ie, othes an faterslullIn S '38 he epeîed a stoe eon bis cwn accotin i venings se speistnuake ycur chuidren happy,' MEN W110 HAVE MADE MONIY. iii Colliiigweod. The business, whiclî n'as cooitenitedîandbrigbi-usinded? Von înoit carried ocniin conjuicln sith bis b hule'-, Swill net. Ir is su{becient te coate sncb dis- Seme qeicilLtoxuiatlss 3¶ lieare Iilloil- preain ibiac es ranLcheg w c -content in tiseir bears.s, as sill resuhi in ei nohrpae.24.Ln a n irnothing less than an escape from the duli- filas Toronto any mil ioniarest cf the principal iuivers in building np Ce,- nons cf home wbr-n they are eider. liere' s Thecerronsindividmal wo drives through inignood. Hie became iîîieesed iii lakew 'cf tise cîler pitore ;Tise day's work is ever, thse resideuti-al portions cf the cty wonld rl affio, an.d was oeeof tise stockhoidert cf sr, and tbe fnmily bas come togetiser, fer the imagine tisai nillienaires More to e hniotedfilter Lake Superior Navigation C'ompany, -e'reuing. Tue niaiser iayvs, IlCbildren, I in Toronto hy tise score. But a million bill wlicls bujîlt tise firait steamer, tise Cunî,ber- have a new stary te commence rending thls doUais is s pile of încney, in foot, strcwiu land, trading wiris lake Superior porta .Ho evening." Ard se ocenus tisai dehîgisiful coit, tiseouiber is almost heyoud lte cou- was aise on cf tise chieif proînetters of tihe- [0 beys' story, IlLittle Mon," b j Leuisa AlI- cepticut of tise hunsan mmcd. Wli.le mmxlyi GecigîIan Boy Transportation Company, sud ý ctt ; or Setter etili, tisat' unurpasaed Toronteulanis may hoe rearded as wealtby pnmt a great den! of lime, weîkiug te huiid %x yotb's bock of fiction and faci, I"Hfan', or well flxed witi tise world's gonds, itis up thse lake iradie. Te-day hltis e mevirig es Brinker or tise Silvor Skates," by MNary reputedl millienaires lu Ocr midst. may bc spirit cf ithe Great Nortîrir Transit Coin,.- us Mapes Dofige. Tisere ! tise cbildreni's rosi- easily ocunted on o.se'a fingers. purîy, s,- sali knowu te temrîsts. Mr, Lorîg's nas lessuess istirer. Tise beys bave stoppori u Mr. OEORGEOSIODEiR5IAM. inteees, foetîig uver a m.llion, exîend in ly tisir bickering. Tiscy are Entarin g a isew Firet, there is Mi. George Goederisam, Diuaîy directionss, sud te-day thora G nemore -wcrld. And asthso inoilser leacîs oliopîci wîs is perîran tise viealîîiie8î man net enîy bard workieg manuiu Terontotehian o lie.H en after chapter bchiid aadý gels deeper imte in this cuey, butL in the province. H li u nown uakes tise Qiteen Cty bis central poinmt, tisebeutcf tise stery, lsew eagcanly andd 5i usecoenîtrclhîug cwuer cf tise great .dstiling sud bis home is tise fermer resideuce cf tise te teutively every word la listened te by bier business of tisaredeis. & Noris Comi- laie Slimritf Jarvis on Jarvis streot. 10r. ouyung audience. Net only ducs tise mtier pany, Limited. Neot Oelylbas tIse firna a Long laasuwun isai cau he onoe in Canada Ygive ber chisidreu the mont enjoyable ou- werId-wide rapeitation, but in Tereeitei by fohicwiig ithe straigbtforwaîd course tertaîumeus. by raading te tisem fron s snb situatefi tieir veu h, wisicis are thimelagesi backed ai> hy energy snd ibrift. ~jbocks, but sise lays hefore ibem for tiseir cftae kind in tise avrld. Mr. GCeoder'am MWILIAMS 55iLe"s, M. P. I~reflection examples of god sud ex ii in chlid is a man of iuîîmeîîse bujtsinc apacity. 1fr. William Ml'a Q. C., M.P.,, vi ce 10fe. 1, stimulates their intellect, and gives Daririg office heure hoe is oeeof tIse busiest chancelier Tor'onto University, is aIse ena of 0 tisem soneîhing te tliiik about outsile of risen in tihe ciy. A gîcat deal of lhis Oui milliinaii'es. Mr. Mnleck is a Dtiva of tiseir cwu lives. leisuue time hoe spenda a ie o*e.Ha is a this country sud n'as irrsughi up surrourled In every farmiso-e wlere tisere are cbil- fansily man and1 a student cf teer'a-. Oftens by relatives aln'ealthy like hinssoîf. Aîter àÊdren semas attention shouid ho given tc tcon- wban Toronto is favoreri Mitli a it.class a soucesaful course at tise niersity, ever tI cupying their tise pleasautiy during tise opera or a standard play Lîsi te ha seau" in e idci ho is Dow eue cf' uhe guiding minds, eveuinge. Tiiera siuould ha jîîxeuile rea.lieg tue fient seats of the tùear'.e aceenpaned uectred tupan tise study of lasv. Tc day mutter frthem-both booksaniperiodicals. by bis family. lie is also an ciitbu'iastic ho ils ai thra baud cf te isdnai'lad whichlaci t~Aud iftisey are uîîable te rcsd hite, semas yaehtsman auJ is oxener cf a comîple of tise articledasa siodent. Notoilyala Iwyer, Mr. id eIder unomber oet1tise fuily abeuld read te fducat sailing yachtis ou fresis Mter Mr Meoktesg'apidinbngclds ontisent aloud. There sisouldl aiselbe a variety Gooderis.m i.' alnays te tise front iu aîuy farinier. Perhis hecoudunet tnrus straigbt of Ofn gams fGr their uise-cbeckers, authori, gr.'at scis.'ue for tIse enjoymiit cf the fîe fle tried u it i sdmitîed tisas. lie -~ ldmuciddedywiu, ec. o or hmo asses ef ihis grewng ciîy, aud saveral olus lse mdelfrs cof Northu York. He tethe littho feliows entertain theonselves booms yearslage, wvlun Pref. Terrîugten preposed i.' a presuimnut clubman lunliaform circles, y ihu. ubrwt shgans ILitehl a g'rand imsical fetival, licen as suri takes part in the struggles sud îriuîsîphs r nDt spendreg mroîsey foolisisiy te bey sticl seconded by tise well-kccwn dis-till-r, vIso lof Toreuito's great educâ-tionai insttution. tisings fer clilreu. Make ycrîr children guaranîel te cever amsy hossta ti mii t b MOS.. A. MURRAY. hsappy and conteâted ini the;r' home, snd yen snsîaiinad by tise vanie wiih bis ewn for- oth ie strzugest safogeard aroaud theru choque. Hcwever, Mr. Tnîringtcn's fetauThte enly woman in Toronte wli lukn-vu against tise evils of thesatridc worid. val wiîis a grand snecess lu every way, as a millionsire is Mis. W. A. Muiiray, for- Lihie nuany more cf Toronto's respeeîed uterhy tise idow or tise laie william ciions. Mr. (Gotiderb'%m lis a charPtable Cawîbîa. Alihougilling in re lurenuerttin t .Frssutumu s'veOt - ieari, and what hie doms lu tiseway o e nnscinJrvssre t tio be, iread pudding. ettat roasat, lima cisariîy is nos. beraldefi forth te tise n'rid Mis. miliiýrrv is encrrieus, reacbing preisais beasbraàpulisg H couttpbis wealth byinuiffienanC bis îy o 0rtUî.ler it.hutUand, Mi. ts . Rabiit seup, biled hans, cauiflewer, beantifolnasieti on St. George strêei, Uaw-tira, ufade lis mecey 'n Torounte intme ts tonmatoes, appîe pie. juil abos e Bleui', is one of the obs'-cts oellu- olJd ys. Fer yaars the. family rellideuce S.Pg nsup, Safsteah, culons, pota- teret te visitera thile driviug î'crengia Our s. itsecrelBa u isgsrcs k t'es, basas, le..liau luitter'. reidenîili districts. flac buildirng, whuich is Dow cccupied by tise 4. O'tsll seup), veal cntlets, lurnips, te- Sle DAVID MAC 1iI'ERSON. Mýlisonis Banui, is non' cxsutd by Mr. Alex- maoes, diied poaociipudrding> anid"i Manning. 5. Pugeon pue, suilen îomgee, \Viuîer Ne resident of Toronto has 1usd lmore te________ sqtu's, iornips, sppi.-mIca priiciîll-. de wisbtise puiblic Sm aimso(ajiada tissun (j. Sî.ewed iîeare, cid hlaru, cabisage, po- île tail, creci sud veiserabhc-lookieg gentie- Thse Scotchmar's Pricyer, ta t e , n. îm p k i-s p i . sea u o fte a s cen -n a lk iîîe Ja- us 'V nn g c itr eec I l G a i n P r v d ce ! B "' tI t a M p t. 7. Reast fexvh-auJ cysior samuce, turuips, -S i David acuercL ir David bas locmgf 'Uracclut.Povd'n 'Besaitats- -beets, roase r ett, craLisrry pie, p-esers'ed i nkncMn as a Canaahts utllionstre. Cons doiaia, andta Msdo...ad's chlducu, ter quinc. img teCauaa ii 185 ha ece avedluissorssouns aund tai daugisîca' daugliucîs,fo quitie. t Canaa in1835 ieOsinbis 'Is atico',amd ycars laug synre. Be gracions te xsay ic wealtis and lpower.sîva seiu s smotains of inuiff sud totsacco, and i8 NLew ldeao. lieue lhe san' fields for enterprina, aud bis sn srvr fwisy-z eyfns Fortiseevn-ho are atier novelties for ilueir Scottisis pluck n'as lit greateat aid. EF sendhsriv, eracfnwh sky nd ueryidus t afeno futer r ic ae- in ài-icommercial caîcer lho associated hini- oasiIOyeIAdrn muso itesru os tisea re and fl.u Mam ea.sel h tiewe' nwacnta petfim f atosand bread sud ceesea as big as i hn r lgsl necmd u syb 'n l 'l-uev o.rc.ugfrnc I ta lie-weef Stratincre. And, mereever, ;hutat tue Japsiose sospinim pouuid tins. h i zewssi & Ce., and ceuetuuciad maîiy cf fih erise, scud us flceds cf Mater, tat irre ta sord ey aa et s.îy th cu is a ~utie rail asCnaahich ba.ve doue great sprvice my pe giasfor pîcîity fer insuld bas, ly a boudoir n'iere a cup cf tes and a bit 0ofIpresueroum country. 'Ue cf tise erirs of 15and soue te spare for ta pat-Nb. Send es gosip re n oder Thse etratsIr ubtis firîn nas tise cons truction of Teîonto's gîuis and îfiptois asnacre assc ta s oi a8r gossbc m pdear a tintrd .'ibv e e ra they rein paa de r ff r f t e yish re ;1 andswors, te, ikewise te kfl ahl d~ Sauaea1trcie uWutra î ar c xnnado. aEver efti cathd strdyta Grants oand ta yacýpiscars for everunrra alas feind te S-'in tise Sumnmcci. A i JSoossosna.astieîwrs sumess. 1Besa ta avecstirk. sud mar' binaaliuco reena could bemade wiisnaàuarge draviug. f In polu-a i a poietfgreiabgco i raowî by the judicieus use cf acreenstahes I iîne àf cerîfederotien. Iu 188(51 o bfore ii-ratig us. Bletweaies te i wa t i îc'S'eauuru afbtgebuar ihnle. Ob, yesi ua n iagns ppointdSpae o-h CndanSuPo t ta sîretigtl of Samucu irîto Doahd'e tl e i a g i i a a i e , a nd i s t e r la c f i l l e d t h e o fl i e . i u t i s e ' a n s a d s e i r e y k n d c n A quulohide8ert'înay bho nhîaýlBisy critusug Cabinet of Miiator of Imeie- r, wselîlciIearsaus"dispulyhle uJer a boal et plain cake into tisick ssUces, puttingr 1 ndl 181w 1t3iibati.lepidu 1eDlesalta8iusDnî Oua u esis ess~t pate.Ove tis ca e sasigted u 1884. ic De11-avd cf ce u O tr sdFea îd e oad fn peu agaes dmder cf e cup cftih. -115 1a-ad yo.î1Lauc-tIl.- . d yen Peter.nO Lord, - hoe i n tise cintra of tmin, frix qutchlv cunte snd. LeMutoir nla tct VMr. Sinut s teth n'iîh a speem. -tise sciae wnor cf tisa steamers. Hae is neted in- Fleur geold be kemt in a cool, dry place. as a mia cf gmet oiarity, of slaireivd business Wben Baby wan ide, we gave ber Castor!,n If poasib'e, tisere sboiold ha seina k;id cf a habits aind as an uprigisimin. As a politi- ,ysti clune receÊtaclo for il, anud teo hgar, a can ha iolds a front seat iii tise Censerva- Wien se nas s CIMild, ste crieci for Casteria. et, quantity saîaîetluuîes speis by beiuug lepi teeo tise tanks, bcinü! a us'rnber of tise l)orniujiu Wteu 5 e becaieeMisfs, ."e clu orC e s-toria. pi( leng. It sbould asio Se r'amemi-bced- uhut Cabinet, and bis weud 1e au geod as bis bond, ' àontVaen sLaud Chiidreu, slae gave th*m COsutoriz, 51 for Infante and Children. «Catora is sewe adaptMdtohi4reth t aati acures oi,~neiai [reconnuend t a superior to any peari our Stmach, Daroa reat~ b~Wutomr IL A.ARCHER KifS woarns. gives sleep, and promacteu di- Broo Meacttio, THE Css'run CoMPANV, W, Murray Street, N. x FOR SALE EY J. HIGIINBOTUaàM & SO.N, BOWMANVILLE- beularge Stock of well seiected-c Ainerican W Il Fapers, cheap and b tauiful froin 6Gets. to 5Octi per roll. CaIl and see for youî self be- fore purchasi.'g elssewhere. Ail coivrs of Paints readv for use, guiranteed to give goal satis- £dctj'on, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Ka:lsominingr, Shoe and Scrub Bru3hes and Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Grain;ng and Papering doue promptly and satisfactor*tly For alof which7cali at, SHERIN & KJRI:>BY'xS, South side Kîng st., between Treleven's andi Reid's Shoe stores, Bowmanviýlej The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durhami for the libera?. patronage extend-ed to us durin'g the past season, als-o to remind them that we are stilin~ the market andi prepared to pay, thel!w HIIGHEST MARKET lITCE ALL IDOF~ delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlinagton. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian. and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Baàys. Rock Salt for catt and hoe ses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we arej prepared to seil Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN. SCREENED COAL atuays in stock. We invite inspection and guarantea satisfaction. We h-ave the best, the cheapest,-- the most effectuai FIy Killer. ra.nglefoot Sticky Fly Paper, FI-ly Poison Pads, FIy oheson Feits AND FIJRE INýSEOT IF0WDE R DHEMSTSAND i P TS The New Zeaiander's Haaea.. Tise Noew Zealonders imsagisra titise nuls of tise dead go to a place baumeatl tise artlî calied Reloga. TIhe patis nhicb leads ibtis abode cf -naa.'S inmnurtal pari " is ulieved te hsý along a dangereun prudipîce lose te tisa roaring o coan ai the Norths aSe. Iu is alec ubouglittuait the ra- ivs ache lice near tisepath cou boar il-e tuds caused by the passriug cf spirits hrougistihe air. -Asietiser remai 1,-able supai- tiie aieug thorn, auJdcone ilat biais di- ectly upen tiseir Sa liefin a futuVo ueIc, hat tise loI t oye of es'ory chiaI Sec oses a sur as suen as tise cuef diea. Shuagie, a clehisted Non' Zealand ciifian, once e the eye cf an oiSon valiaI leader,f rinhiug tbaItishera y iey ho ead iccrease li brihhiancy of bis own "oe sa. tgends aud superîstitiors non' ienrr.t iong tisous n'u Id leaJ oue te tise. ninien tisait tey ence bad a So'liof lu a parate imrnstality fer oscis cftise eyea ,tise dead, tisa loftacendiag te heayen to iceme a star, tie rigiat Jescending Ucoi teiuuga. It migisi te maniioued in Ibis connection ie natives ef the Sandwish Islands <aud nore espechaily thosa living in tise viciaiiy ,fvoicanic aud heitai>rings), forîneriy beld curions mediay of confunod notions and mecu ideas concmsing tae future aisede cf îe seul. Tise seuls cf thisaitdel s accord- g te theso ecd faucies, wore led by a gd, bhose nasne siguified "1tse oye bail of'ts iun," te a laud of -bies las beycuîdtie"r dday," wblse tire nussof ail il-eomen mople, wn'et doavu to Ehes, a pilace ceira- pudiuB stiti tise Ne- .gsianda's P..ahmuga, What 00l-0r is the Sun? Ouae of tis ahiniung igisuof astrociomical scie nce bas this ta aay iin regard te tise celer of tiesa nm: " I hîmunly Seliev& tibat tise truecoclor cf the sou le bine. I h myayh a'rhod: "Wiat. suggests the idascfOld Snil's cerulean ,hile ' My en'u attenion n'as tîsrued ilu suaI Jlection yers age, whiile m-anuriog tise hast sud iight fItem différent parts of tise suu's dise,.lu li nownm that tise sun issu au atimospisere of its ownn n'iicis temnper- s sie"aunsd ty uttiug cl certain radiationss-sud not otisers pinuduces tise 'spectral lice' witi nhich n'a are se Isailiar. "Tise linos n'a usoslly study iu con- noctien wiltheSa bscrbing vapors 0f.'sod- imn, ieon, etc., n'bicis produce thies; Sub my own attention n'as parti eularly given tçp the ragiouu cf absorption, or te tise colons il caused. l lnieee iuuveuigatienS I feund tisai the suui's body muasbc a Jeep blue coier; sud tisatit wn'ulJ give omut a blue liglît exu'.pt for uhe sular stîîî sphrie 1I he sus atmospisera (as n'all as tîtat ohfu own uitIle n'orid) are usualiy îspohon eh as bahug colorloss, but tisey roa'iiy plsy the liait cf a reddisis vahl, lettiusg a litile of tisa blos appear oui the rentre cf thse suu's dise sud staining tisra uisdar roi3, su as tb appear as beiug of s paie aqus marine bu theo center and s Jeep gainai at the edge. *** T' ail not for the inter ventien cf our own stîneeree and tisat cf thesen we uld bave hlue suisline aud tisa gceai orS itself n'euld appear as Seing of a brilliant carulean h~ue." Blackr net is used fetiu'elyoaatmsig fer smnniei gowns,

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