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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1892, p. 1

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F TERMB :-S1.5OIPult Âasuaa OUR TOWI~ A1~D OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD ÂJTERWÂRDB. M. A JAMES Enrroai ÂITD NEWSERESBOWMÂNVILLB. ONTARIO, WEDNES-DA&Y, INOVEMBER 2, 1892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NumBEB 44 ~JOINTOM &i CRYDERMAN Iannounce the arrivai of TEE 0GREAT BULKi of their They claim to show the FINEST STOCK OF HIGH CJJASS NOV- ELTIES in ail classes of DRY GOODS helcs by any House in these Coun- tis.An early inspection invited. COUOHI JOHNSTON & ORYDERMAIN, 1iBowmnville, Sept. 13, 1892. Opie Door West o! Post Office. e-%-UR STORE presents ant opportunity for economical buying that nobodly can afford to missi. Crowded with the Newest of New Style s, selected with experienced care as'to Quality, Good Taste as to Style and Generous iProdigality as to Variety, our Store is the Riglit Place to get the IRight Goods at the Right Prices. Popular Styles, Late Novelties, Standard Grades and Newest Attractions are ail fouind ln abundance in Every Departinent of our Elegant linue of Boots and Shoos, S.uppors, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. No question about Tiese GoodEt Plea8ing, they mako Noue Botter. No question about Prices Boiug Satisfac- tory, nou)3ecau Sou Cheaper. Depend upon us for perfect satisfaction and value for your mouey. \Ve deserve your trade because we give the Fairest, Squarest oppor. tuntity for Baying ITonoat Goodsat aiBd Rock Prices. Camne to ns for your Fal Fsud Winter Gýooda sund you wiil cor-ne out ahead. Noice to the Legisialive Assemlbly or Ontaro R3. BOWMANVILLE DEBT. Noltice le hereby glven that tise Corporation of tise town oif Bowmanville in tise County of Djurham, r 1 niake application to thse Logis- latiVe Asso, .iof the Province of Ontaio, at its o ext Session, for an Act t0 consoldate the debentures and idoting debt of said Corpora- tion, ta extend tise time for paymcnt thereof, ta anthorize thse tsing of debentures for psy- ment tb ereof, ta provide for tise redemption of debetures now outstanding and sutis other necessa.ry measures as msy ho properly in- cidenta bte he At proposed. Dateýd at Bowmanville. ibiS 26 h day of Soptember, 1892. D. B3URKE SIMPSON, 39-tf. Salie icr !r Town of Bowmanvllle. Jno. J. Masou is showing extraordinary values iin Black sud Colored Fingeringg, Saxoniy sud Baldwini yorns this sesson. 2 special lines, 5c. akein, black worated Gud black siaxony 15c. double skein. CAUTION. LACEt PLtJG OF TH E Iyrtlo 'Navy! r 18S MÂRICED IN BRONZE LETTERS. MG~IE GTHER GENUIN, NJILtIR'S VZFMONANDTUE WIaiD CHERRY combir dqwlth Ml- SIXL8SRN'SREEF,150% st) LNE buma.'.Cos Liver 015Emuislin maeic t de, rentore s irenglla andi vitui1iy, undinanket ilelous. IntasSe andi Ierreet curative rrh ted lloetS, 1power.. Mr. J. Babcock has everything ready for publie inspection at Treleven's popu- lar boot and shoe store. Foot-wear for every member of the famfly, in fine and coarser grades. See the new advt. this week. Atr.,MïZo Gilson, A stalwart tearnater i thoe employ cithtie Giens, Falls, N. Y_ ,luxober Company, says that botis ho and is -wife highly reconmenià T h food's Sarsaparifla. ieh a faîled te gain strength ai ter mmha&aecyce oiliness, seis jnis- erabIe, could flot s1cep, and lhad no appe- tUte. hnshtolcMo' nnpw1s sho began to pick up and was soon ail riglit. Jus own exper4gnco as thiat In the spring ho was ail rua down, liad weakness and dis.. tresm int hestonch. Hood's Saxsapaxilla broughit hlm nMcTo0111d all righit, and hoie is nowbetter and. heavier1 red ~tian 10or years past. Tosna e iotiIiin of People, testify te thse wonderfnl value of flood's Sarsaparilla for that siretS feeling or weakness of mind, nerves or body. It la thse helping Isad lÎcli restores full healtîs and strength. Mir. John J. Scully, rresident of the Semen'5F e li Union, 25G Catuser- gv Ine Street, Detroit, F qlRE Michigan, voluntarily writes as follows: "C. 1. Iiood & Ce., Loweil, Mass.: 1Gentlemen I 1lfedlunduty bound to tell kf the beneflt I de- arived frenom d' 1% "a es Sisaparilla. -I have been troubled wcvth nervou.s dyspepsia, was tiretS and languid, witis no ambition ta work; my sloop was Irregiar. Se 1 began ak tkln Hod'sSarsapa,- rilla. From thse very first it seemed to be just tise thing for me. Tise nerveuse dysppeia lias now eutlreiy gone, mny appetite la, excellent, j can eat licartiy witisout distressa ater- Wj#% .wards; 1 slcep Weil, ro ng0 an d eau now go about mywork witisout tisat tired feeling se frequent isefere 1 toolc Hoodys Sarsaparilla 1 have taken six bottles and reeommend it as thse King ofelediciuea."P J. J. SCIULLY. HOODIS PILLS cure liver ilus, constipation, billousness, jaundice, îick hieadache, indigestion. Selling Out At Costa Going Awaye Now is your time, as our time is getting short, everything MUST GO at cost. We are bound to seli out. Cali andi get your work done up right4. We can doît for you~ MArNAIý THE JEWELLER, A WOIlNDEDIRE ht SI'IIUT iisoe h irah a irut lares or tua.1f LESKAJD. Thieves store six barnels cf appies Cu t of Mr. Harper'a orchard. Mr. Alex. Staples' sale pa8sed o ff well. Thero was za large atteudauce. Mn't. Brig-htwell, Newtouvill-, viBited lier aistor, Mns. John Kiveli, son. Mr. Chas. Xtiveli bas recovered f rom a1 severe attack ,of inflammatony nheomatism.1 Dr. Butler'8 Golden Pilla have, esrued a great repotatiün wherover employed. As a nerve tniïc and blood builder they are unrivalled. Tisey increase tise appe- tito sud tprortiote a hesltisy performance cf ail the fupaetions of the body. A thon- oughly acîinliffie prpaabon, they nover fail t.o effeet,,a cure if directions are faitS- fnuly cari ied eut. Noihing harmful in Ihoir compo4i1tion, Tho mont delicate system will b5c bsnefitted. Aeik for Dr. Butler's Gr>klen Pillsand take no other. 0OL UMB US. Roceut v,àitors. Mr. sud Mns. John Elliott, Kigaton. Mn. Geo. Wickottlian decided to re move to Oibýwa.% Mn. A. W4-tton hansaold hie effecte sud wiii rexnove te Michigan. Miss Em,,-oa Dyer receutly visited in Port Penny wiili Mrs. Dr. Archer. Mn. D. Ciiainn, Oshawa, pneached in the Methiteit church aeoptably Sun- day. Mn. Levi Ellensa on fiera ce got a hard kick lu tise face froni a herse. INo boues were broken but hoe hsd a uarnow eecape. Hello 1I-you fellow ibere 1 Don'à go bozmping about as if your back was brokeiw--Go off ai once aud get s b iii île cf Magie- Pile LotUon-use fi according bo directiotis and you wili walk se straigisi as anybody' in 24 honra-,Get along wltb you 1 To igglnabotiamfi or Stoit & Jury'e. BIL4DLEY'kq SCIJOOL HOUSE. On the cveniug ai Oct. 28, about 100 fniendasud neigihbors gathered a'. Sprssce Hi, formenly the beaubiful residence ai Mrs. Gao. NMitchell, ta express iheir re- gret sud grAtitude preions t10lber remov- al ta Bowmnanville. Mns. Mitchell hsd been from home during tise.daysud was completely surprited at finding sncb a lange crowd of lber friendesudndaid se- qualitances ipresent, but expressed lien- self lu ber ' gual g-ood mariner, making ail wecme. ' fter a goodalnd chat, ancIen wes esrlied snd Mr. Frank Groait declared cisai7rman. Afier a few suitable remanka Mn. Groct caîlecI upon Mr. Jas. Heatiie who reed thse foiiowlng addreas: Dznu FiiIEsiD.-A few cf yeur wide cirais o! frieuds, aming wbns y,)u have lived sud ýabaured for tise tue iniereai of aI, have aasemhled bore ibis evening to express cur tente of your desenvingg lu sorne tangible fonm. You have aiways given you& assistance snd extended your sympsîhy tle s ick sud aernowing sround yen; tise needy 100 bave alwaya found in yejn a fniend indeed, sud lu your daily life yeu have sot a noble Example. Our hope î a timany will aeek tb folle w ibis exsm ple. Your noble caadon bas won fer yhu bise bigisesi esteeni of ail who have been aecitdwitis yen. Ailow uýs now te p-risent te yen ibis set of Silver ias aaigs oken of bise gratitude sud apprcr.-iatlou lu wbieis yen are esteemn- ed. Mayoenlong)hoe paned to look upon these mementeifes Paud ho reminded cf tise kindiy f ein xiating batween ibis cein- muni! y sud yrunaseîf sud my your eu- doavers bots tempenally sud splnitually ho cre wned witb succesa. - Sined on seisaîf cf al], JAMES HEÂTLIF. Mns. t]ioias Wilbor sud Mns. James Heatlio ruade tIse formail presentatien ta Mns. MifcheIl which consisted o! eighl piecos of sulvrtasd a hauglug lamp. Iu zisiýg te reBpond Mrs. Mitclieil was evidentiy very deepîy rsffccted. Sica alu- corely thanked thse friendsand accepbed wibb hearî-felt gratitude, tIse valuable a,.d beautiful pr,)ose-uts whlcb they Isad been se kiud as te, tender te bier. She deeply ne- gnetted lavJiig tIse old homestead where tshe for ce s naniy years bad iived, sud it iouched bear beant te uee se many fricuds present esmld te feel iheir kindneas aud eonaidenatiou towards berseif. Ifn con- clusion sud) in meat feeling terma Mré. Mitchel l!aiiked lber ffiends on tiseir rkIndnesa., Short epeecises were givon by Dr, J. C. -Mitchell, Moesans. Jas. Pye, Wm. Ormis- ton, Tisomas Wilbvr, A. Ormiston, Wmi. Beath, Mrs. Beatb, sr., Rev. J. B. Mc- Laren sud othere. A very, attractive snd iuviting apread -was tis,... partakeu et aften whicis music by Misp Bain sud Miss BE. Heailie sud recitaiopa by Miss Bain sud Edua Rota were enjayed by al, At a laie hour-tis -BETHESDA. Report of S.S. No. 10, D&rlinigton, for October. SR. 4-Richard iloskin, David Roy. Jn. 4-Edith Hloar, William IRoy. Su. 3-Stanley Jardine, Roswell Jardine. Jn. 3-Edith Potier, Ettio Jamieson, Frank Werry, Georga Werry, Arthur Hoar SRt. 2-Sam -Martyn. JR. 2 Maudo Rundle. PT. 2-MNary Roy. JR. PT. 2-Erneat Rundlo, Sydney Har. PT. 1-Edna Roy, Florence Werry, Ar.- nie Nixon. JOHaN LEE, teacher. 'Tis a wondorfnl Treasure! A thing full of Menit. t bias plncked from the Grave It has raised the weak Spirit. i has conquered Consuniptioin Saved from Nervous prostrations. And the ivonder of Nations. If yonr lungs are effected, Doni't delsy until 'loter'.z Ask for Saivator Magnus 1 Or, Magnus Salvator 1! *l At Stott S; Jury's or Higglnbotbam'ii: NE WCA STLE. Mr, Nicholson, tinsrnith, has nîoved ta London. The Misses MeNaugiston have left for Sudbury Mrs. G.- Cochran, Los Angelos, Cal., la rRccvening alowly froui typhoid fever. Mvrs. Lowry lias been called to Cart- wright Monday by thee death cf lier broth- or. Mrs. John Lovekin died Sonday morn- iug aged 65 years, sud w-as hunied at Or- 000. Mr. E. Gomme wam given a fins seud off by his brother baudsmen the other ev- ening. Last week Misa M. Wilson and Mr. E. Burrows of Port N4wcastle were quietly m&rried in Toronto. The Concîl deeerve cradit ýor the eu- ergetie way thse suarsh bt te weat of the village bas bhii sdrained. THE TESTInONI.4LS peUblisheod On b0haîf of Hood'a Sarsaparilis sire as reliable sud as worihy your confidence, as if tfhey came from your bîst and most trusted neighbor. They sttte only bbe simple facts In regard towhsi Ilood'eSarspariiia bas done, alwayis witbin trutis sud reason. Constipation, aud ail troubles with the digestive organs and bthe liver, are cured by Hood's Pillas. Unequalled asa dininer pili. One touch of Nature makes tise whoe , world kin." Diseaszes consanon to the race compei the search for a commtmn; remedy. Ièi&ef)nd in Ayer's Sarsapar- lls, the nepubatioo of which li a rd wide, having largely supersed*d eêery other blood mýedicine in use. Miss Maggie Armour la vititing friends lu Brock. Mr. Fred Fijutoif le spending a couple of weeks huuting deer in the uortb. rMrs. W. Cryderman, cjwn, aud Miesa Wilson, Harmony, spent a few days with Mrs. L. M. Courtico recently. An Epworth League of 4,hristian En- deavor lis been organized ai Ebeuezer. (Who are thse offi,ersi En ) Tise Patrons 'of Indu3try beld a very successful meeting bore last week. M4ea. arn. E Lick and W. Mowberry,, West Wbitby, Mr. W. J. Roy, Tys-one, Mr. L. Corycîl, Oshawa, Mr. T. Kirkpitrick, Maple Grovo aud Mr. Dellant, officiai coubracto 'r, Whiîby,spoke on the different agnieultural bepias sud urged s united sud coutiuuons organization 9,n the part of the, farinera sud labourera to suppreassbthe il impostid upon thema as a clasa. Mita C. Lîttiejohus aud Mr. Dean Piekeli gave somne very bweet mutile, snd Messns. A. Foley aud T. Kirkpatrick entertained witb recitations. Mr. Cornelius Osborne very aceeptably filied thse chair. A priv- aie mF-eting cf tise ucombers was beld ai the ais. e sud refresimnts were Perved, A o ,u ty inssociatîon was organized. (WVho ero tiseofflers ? I) BNNISKILL EN. Mrs. Jas. Sibih of Lukefleld la vieit- lng bier sister Mrs. H. Rogoe. Mr. Aiex. Staples sud family are mcv- iug Iuta thse Manie this week. Miss Ethel snd Maister Merit Teskey were visiting lun Toronto 1 ast week. If thse party who took a carving knife home by mistake the day of the Harvest Home tea will ca at Dr. Mitchell'e lhe can have the fork as itla very lonesome wlbbout iasmate. Rev. D. S. Houe k wss s delegate last week se Ithe S. S Convention ai Guelph j sud was highly pleaeed aud says it prov- ed ta be the rmost.instructive sud auccees- fui of aillbise provincial conventions so far held. R - 1. . H. -rieofTroe.Pr1c A CHANSCE vo GEv A Bic, LaT orGocis REÂPING MÂ.TTEF FOR Vaav LLîvvaMOXEv. BEsv OmraaiVER Sauv OUT FRIM THE STATESMRAN Orrîca, BUT 1T MUST CLoON 0;MoNu&DAr, Nov. 14, 1892 We will tend tise publications usmed, for bise lime iRtaied afler osais, toQ xsy addneseam lu Canada or tise U. S. É~acht paper will ho sent to a diffeneni add'tess if desired. Big 50 CENT Offer. STAPAM&Nnew eubecriber, 5 menthe----------------------8 .» Moutra-esiFamiiy HeraldansudWeek- ly Star, 5 menthe- -------------. 0ur New Premiu Book, 100' lange pagea .......~ 5 $1. 50 Ail for CO Couic, Big DOLLAR Offer, 2 SvÂAsTSAS, ew suhajcnihens, any address, for 6 menthe-......00o Moninoa&l Fansiiy Herald sud Weok- ]y Star, 5 menthe---------------5.... Ladies' Jouneai, 36 pages mouthly, for one wisoie year.. ............0 Amnenieiu Fïrmer, moutbly, for one wiscle yean.---------------.L100 WO'eÀNKIND, beantifnliy illtïdtrated houstbeid întliy, eue year. ..50 Our New Premium Bok 100 pages .50 $4,50 1Ail for $1.00. In these offena you sioîply pal' the regular cash pnice f or THE ST,&TSMeÉin&u ge ý ai kIe snlasfraeopreciulum. Tiseoni oodiie~attcoied toe ie ?ia0nIhii ofereistisai pi-sent'tu'b. a cnabertî;o Tua u sssÂNuusi psy up elh irmers (if any) sud une dollar çis Tai STÂTMMSHN for 1893. For example- Ou tise "BIG 50c. QFr.ERt' any preietit paid.up suhecriber te THx STÂATSerÂN asu Bond ibis paper1 to any uew gubacrxb,n für 5 menthesud gel thse Famiiy Hevsid snd Pnemium'Bock iin self, sending os $1,50 aitogetiser. Or, ou tise 'Bioa Don. i;,n Oynnla" a prAment Paid-uPsubscriber to Tir, STÂTES-. MAX Car, psy$1. OCfojr Ii& papen fo 1893, oblain îwo new subsaniptions for 6 maoutisu oai for Tirs S'rÂvaïxÂN sund get alise oison publications himselfsoudino, ns only $200 altogetber. Pensons not uew snbscnibers ta Tiî STÂTESMAIÇFSiMply have te psy UsSOC, on tise firsi offan snd $1.00 ou tise secondj ciTer. Wben thse Book is sont by mail 5 conte extra muali ho sont fer postage. Al ardenst onder tuhe speciai offetsâ must poaitiveIy reais Ibis cfflwe on or ho. fore Monday, Nov,. 14, Orders fer T» aSrÂTEetAx wiil begin witis thesetion 2nd week in Novomben, Ail orders muai ho paid into Tir STAT-qsira-N OffBhe,or sent by mail addness- ed to M. A. JAMES, BOWuYÂiÇVIMLLE, ONTr. T Y R YI. Faste? &Stmplhs shlâhpped sa earl ad of fire peotatoe rofnm EBanketon 10 Montres! lasi week sud aWsc; one car Ioad of hMgs ta Montreal tht week. A Great Event. hbisl said thse greatezt thing lun Alman-. ae this or =ay oiSon country bas yet sean wilt ha tise ST4z aAlmanacocf Mouneal, 400 pages sud 6 mape. Ta lb6 penfectly Sure of geiting it wus believe it wiii ho boit ta givo your order ta a uewuadealer. Leave youin àteisa anud Jewelleny afb Big 20 ta ho rspained. AU work guaran- ieed. Still a few Mlarna Olocks le! b at tise old priceab Big 2&~ Mn, George Edward Wcodberry, iu hie admirable paper ona Jolns freenloaf Whit-. tien,his ccntributedl perisape tise ablest cnitîcai review on Wflttler'ti pince lu litee- atune whioh eitlier bas appeaned on wii appear ; sud as is fiténg lu tise pages of thse AizNTîicr# ta wiiciWitlier bas been 50 constant s couf¶hator, Dr. Haimes hars cou tribu ted a poon te his memnory. Elizabeth Stuart Phelpe has alto a touais. ing poe n Wu Viittier, whieis wss written as ho lay dying; OUR TOWN AND COUXTY TIRST: THE WORLD -AFTERWARDS. M. A JAMES EDTLTOR AND PFýDPRM"R,

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