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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1892, p. 5

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Vit la the stily nigt, Wbcn Choiera Morbus tound 10b "'Pain Kiler" fixeS me right, er walaencd thos a aound MO. Most OLD PEOPLE are friends of ,Xnd often ts very bast friands, because for rny yeams thcy have founal il a fienti un aed. Il laib e best Famiiy Remnedy for Ùurns, Buses, Spains, Rbeumatism, W~euralgia anal Toothache. To gel rida!f uny sncb pains before' thay become aches, me PAIN KILLEFI. Buy il r.igh.t now, Keep it near you. Use il pramply. .for sale everywberc.1 IT KILLS PAIN. YQUR TESTED I GLASSES JNO. H. Hf' JRY, Gradtate o Detroit Optical Instititte and -Cicago Ophthalraie College STOTT &JURY'S.> No chargas or consultation. Spectacles at lowest prices. Gold Frames specialty. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANV ILLE STATION. OGING EAST GoiNOe WEST Mai l 84am-Mail .6...16 a M Xxpres.1 25.a.mLlm.Express.. 5 53 a m 3 1d. S2 p wLocal,...8458 m xocal. .-707 pm 1Mixed .....229 vm -RIaiI.. ...:942 p mlMail ......... 8 25P)0m IaiAEx ...10 56pM -BOWMANVILLEC, Nov. 2, 1892. Local and Otherwise. -Some o! aur country cors. have not been hearal- froin lately. Fermons hasiagstock of any kiati for sa' al,&vertise in TuE STATESMAIN. They set people talkiàg-those fine boots, of good quality anal loi r pices et Trelaven'. Minatere anal othersmbo senti us man- >lage notices for publicftion mut senal 5Qc. 10 pay fomrsaine. ,MIlreadera are invi4to sendI us items o! local nema anal thereby ass!t lu makîag til paper interestiag.111 LiMeut. Col. J. Vence Graveley, o! Cobourg, bas been appointeti district pay- riaster andi auperintondent o! stores for militamy district No. 2 aI Toronto. Aay one maning a gooti home olîher la buy on ta rouI et theBir airapricoeboulti cosuit M. Bnnney'e Advertisemont anal senti alontg tho tender by noon Nov. 5. ,Wo shoulal like to gel for publication in TuE S>'ATEiBqIN the expenience o! a feir fannswïti Alsike Clover. (ban acrop be reliediupon every year r Whylil ualt ralseti miore extenivelyÎ iDoos it mnaie good bey I 1 recelve THE STATESWAN rguiarly andi reaal, il eefrlly as il givos me ail the neo soft my boybaat)d homo. 1 moulcl not bo mithout it, 'ispeciaily being so far away froi n my native toma. OEa. FutuR, West Bekeley, Cal. NoirS tam ats for 15 anal 25 cents et Itro. Dancosto'r'é,. Gents, teWetEnd louse le the place to gel teinlaclothing., Ladies mea inviteti 10 inspect tie lovly stocK o! newr Dres Goode juet roceivoal et 9oucb. Jehuston & Cryderîn's. limported di;rect tram Germauy by Oouch, Jobnsiton & Cryderman, the fineet stock .o!faie'Meutîe ever sha-ra la ilheee cauntieb. Ladies wisiog 10 see the largeet choice, newatelstyles and boat vîlues la Ladies' cnal Misses' importeti MentIes anal Coats mill do meil 10 cail ana-l inspoct the large display a! theî.e goode being choira by Jao. J. MaSOn. Stanley Staplea' big stock sale Nov, 9. Attend ballad concert Friday'evening in Town Hall. NexI Sunday sacrarnent miii ho dispen- sed ln the Methodist church. Scotchinen will enjoy MacLennan'e Edinburgh cancert la Town Hll Friday night. Seo programa. We are givving the Weekly Globe and other weekiy paperas free for balance of 1892 to new suhecribers for 1893. Bey. T. W. Jolliffe'es fermon Sonday moraing contalned sone wholesome practical pointers for hie churcli members. Biggost offer oser made by a nomepap- or publishor la aur offiar of $4.50 mort h of publications for $1. on iret page Onde r at once. Mn. Bunney la n-t aslrieg any fancy price for hie beautifut bous't and lot-lts at your own price; eend along your tender hy noon, Nov. 5. There are tmo articles on the Inelide pages this week thiat particularly Iaserait faraiers-The Silo %nd Hloi Sh«Iîl Wei Make the Farm Pay? The sale and tes given by "The Daugh- fers of the Church" lu St. Paul's echool roum last Friday ovening was a gre'st aucce se. Receipta $102, Several farinera who have stock pies are very wleely ueing the columne of, thîs widely circulateal paper ta make tihe fsct known. Seo their carda elsewhore. A lady, head of a famiiy of boys, acting an TISE STATESMAN'S aLdVice ment to Tre- leven's for an outfit of winter foatwear and was much ploased mith goode and prices. Few farmers approciate the value of oate, if cxit early, for hay. Oat hay le brlgbt, palatablo, anal free froin dut- qualities of màuchiImportance, especially la hanse feediog. Merchants who advertise show they have the wisalon, push, 'and onterprise ueceseary ta work up a gaod busintss. Âdvertîsers aiways soli cheaper thoin those wvho don't use printer's lnk. Our 'Big Offera le un nowrspaper fake but a genuir.e offer of 6mIrstcîss perlodi- cela. We hatve bought 1,'000 Preminum Bioks shlch me areacatually giving away with the other four jouruals free to get 1,000 nom subecnlbers te TEE STATESMÂN. A phîlosophicai math ematciaiil--s founal that a girl witb a ivoîl filleal pro- gramme Ira-veoli miles, dumiog am average ovening of dancing. Noir, If ha would figure ont what iraulal happen in casa the saine girl more asked ta carry ber faiher's dinner threquanters of a miJe, humanity wmll ho indebitetahlm. The pubiâers cf the Domuçeri'Laus. TRATED MONTHLFY intenal isening a very hanalsome Chriatmias Number about the andl o! Novêmuber. Il willire a large work, nichly illustrated, ana supplement- ed by tbree large coloreal works of art, one of which-"'The Bise and Ftlu o! a Canadian Politician"'-is bound- to be a great bit. Mns. Mary Ana Taylor, widow o! th laIe Bey. Paul Robins, died quite sudalasi !y aI ber rerialcace fin this town las itfWa aesday moranrg, lu her $Sth year. Thý funeial took place on Friday ta Proviý donco bu.rying ground, the pali-bearer being Massrs. S. Vaustone,Chas. Ooombe Thou. Jeweli, Thos. Kirby, W. Allnanau B. Bragg. B,.v. T. W. Jolliffe conducte( the services. At the lest meeting of the Priýaby*elr of Whitby a conferenco wap 1ild iaI whi Rev. RI D. Fraser, M. A.. of ]Sowmac ville, totroduceal the subject : Methoal c condncting public wor8hîp. Aa intereet ing fact lu regard ta the order of servie, was hrought ont ia Mr. Fraeer-s addrea- Sviz :-That the o>niy point in mhich al " the pastore of the ProsbytIery agreo, a "regards the ordar, le thst ail clcse mit. nthe henediction. Ai the oulcomeofo thi discussion, the Presbytery aftemmards ap pointeal a commltlee conaisting a! Messrs Ecaer, L.elle and McEleen, tc, conaide the subject futher andi bning iu a nepo: tc, the next meeting o! the Preebyterï revominendlng soume uuder of service fo general adoption. A trou lot o! books iras juet aldeti lest aeek la the Mechanlos' Llbrary,com- prisiug amougtl othore Pictumeeque Indis , a spleadidly illuetrateti volume. William Loyd Garrison, by Goîdmmn Smthb; the exceedinghy clever anal espec- ially ta Scotch readers enterhaining Littlo Miniscer, by J. A. Baie ; Charles Egbert Craddock'a la the SfirangePeople'a Coun- try, anal R. Louis Steveneon's Acrose the Plaine; tiro af Archaecon Farran'e popular aoks ; Lîfeofo St. Pauh anal Froment Day Questions ; aiea The Bealm o! Nature, by Dr, MDil, a aecnt booki on Phyaiogaphy,embelli3hed aii a numbor o! handsome coloreal mapa ; Thomas Carlyle,. the lateet issue o! the Englieh Mon o! Lettons Seios, by Dr. Nichais, andi such olti favorites as Miese Alcott's Little Mon, Hiandy Andy, Vicoo Hugo's Les Miserables, The Nom Magdalen, Banrom'a Bible iu Paris, anti Griffans The Landl o! the Lion anti the Sua. Children's Halza espeialty aI Mrs. Dancasten'e. Laýdies please cal analosee thein. 1Gmrey Flannele anti Flannelettes la gratvs.iehy anti very cheap at the West Endi Hanse. Ladies faucy flair Pin-s 20c. now ne duced to 10c.Pé* dozea-going fait. cal secure somea Big 20. 500 LAMBS WANTED by the nom Bowmmnvllle Butchena, Hume & Wright. Cail at Reynolds' aId stand. Bemember Maynard the Jeireller le leaving town; any one manting goode eit anti beloir coal nom le the lime. H. C. Bittain lias lotI hie accouaIs mth J. fi. Dobson o!f ig 20' for collec- tion., Plesa c oeiaonhlm soon as possible. As annonnetdinl their ativertieement Couch, Johnstoa & Cryderman are naav shawing irbat le beyond question a au- pemb stock o! fail anal inIer goods. Thousande o! dollars' worth o! nom goods, Clatbiug anal Boots anal Shoos have arrived ti I 'ao's. M. W. Jen- inge is la charge o! tho Boots andi Sboes, Give hlm a cel. "What you.=a buy for a dollar"'le lie subjecî o! Jao. J. Mason'a nom ativt. this week. One tblag our neaders may depenal on le Ibal lie statemeats ,made there are facte. Read il. Our 111gb School foot bail team mer 10 Whitby on the 2let uit. ana l p1yed Il second gaine o! the season wilh theOCc legiate Institute teain of thal placq. Phe endeal la a dram a! ton a brieli contest îneamly sut hour anal a beif. A lange nut o! the boys remaîneal b the Columbi Concert given by the puptie o! that Ii stitute anal mere woll pleeset i tt] I performance. QhUre~.jy Q~.rPltcher's CZastorig.ý, PERSONAL. 10e. F. G .. Hurnher mas ia Toronto lait 7eek. Mrs. T. E. Higginbothan was ln Toron- ,on Monday.j Mm. H. C. Webb has been appointeal lon at Cobourg. Mm. and Mmi. S. Armour of Ottawa rre lu town lait mekl. Mn. T. G. Bragg of Toronto University :ent Sunday aI home. Miss Lough, Toronto, was vislting Mme. Y. Armour, Scngog St. Mm. J. K. Galbraith wae la Toronto nlid&y lest on business. Rev. Gec. Blair, M. A., o! Prescott, ctures ln Bommanville, Nov. 8. Mm. A. Barber Ia secretary o! North.- imberland Teachera Association. Mm. J. Bletcher, Port Hope, mas ma- int get of Mme. Dunoan Beith. Messrs. W. G. Glaver and T. Perey et- runded ' Cobourg nacet lest meek. Mr. Robt. Hoakin hbu movea lu tho !ne brick residence, 31 Centre st. Rev. .Ja. Curtis, financil agent of &Ibert College, Belleville, le dead. Mm. R. C. Cluto, Q. C., Beloeville, -rai Jromn prosecutan at Cobourg açszes3. SMr. Geo. Evans, Toronto, spent Suln- lay wlth hus aunt, Mme. John Brock. Hon E. lîke rectlveal a magnificantA eceptiIon et 1Briton Wednesday righî. Mrs- N. Wilsocn bu-s gonfe ta Chathami to s pend th e wmater w itbhanrd anghte r. Mns. Il. McCuliocb. Columîbus, mas nueet of Mre.- Thos. Creeper lait meai. Mr. W. Wlpht, Wlidder, bas been vieil- :îg t'ho aid bomaîtead near Providence. Mnr. anal MMn. John Tape, of the Classc Soa, mare mecerat guest-a of Editor James G-ale. The Lîndbýty Poe t s Dr. J. Simpson has gone Io the back moodeoa deen hunt. - Mr. A. J1. Lockhiart Ymes la Teronto about mnciîinery fnr flhe nom olevator hast Mli-s liosa S-ow and Miss Smith, of Nbltb4', more guaste of MisCouc1u lait vi'ek. Mier, Minnie Jfne-a attenclea tbe Pro- vincial St3bbath Scbrol CGonvention at n ("lph. Mi. James lt-hlin anal daugbterz frein Ctilifomnia have beau gueste o! Mirs. roirer. The Pririce of Wale anal the Duke ol Yforkl. itenalvisitlssg the Worli's FaimraW Dhicagý). Bey. E. Raberne lectureal lu Oubourg eu Monday- sienloir on "An eveningmli Salomon." Mm. anal Mns W. IL. Hoilanal, Toronto, mare rQcent gooste aI Mrs. Hoiladd's, King &t., E. Mn. Hugi RBoâs, Damlungoti, won ûtl prize in Boy.' CI»ss et North Ontarla plovrîng match. Mr. J. A., Uaaderhill, fozmmanly o Taunton, has been appelnted princIp i 1o Brooklia SciroW.' Mnr. anal Mme. Albe>rt Axnot, Ennil41 len, wex-o recent guensao! Mnr. YDo0m man, east of 10 mn. Muo. Kyle, Sherbrooke, Que., anal Mne Craitk, Part 110pw, have baan gn.ta o Mrg. Wm. àcuunimy. The Editer mqueste al iotizoatat sent in vaines a! viaitore te aal tram *3ow mauville ton ihiecoaluneu. Môisaina Moeire, goki medaliut li music, o! O. L- C., avilI play aI a big con centt bKiaale Fniday nighm, Mr. John McSwayn, barristor, Llndeiay hae becu eppos*eelel lcal master durin .1 nage Dean'a leave of ..beaffce. Mm. John H. Allia, Tyrme, in tendl giviog op icheol. teachiag bte tudy medi ciao et Trnity Medical Coîhege. Mns. Oea. Mitchell, o! Darlingtou, 1 moving ta the nom brick hanse, N. 'Wý corner Centre anal Concession Ste.r Mn. Albent Walèh of Clarke and hi aister, Mmi. Tyerman, epent Sunda with Mn. lasse Jemoîl, Scugog st. The cleabh cf Mme. Robblus remove eue more o! the fo eirntm~ining personagE of eariy Bible Chnîstians la Ibis town. Mm. J. W. Higginbothiani,'Virden,Man heal a neir st4re hult anal stocked mît druge mithin a meiek after the big fixe. Mer>ns. D. Burke Simpson, W. 1 Px-owen anal James Hlay, jr., more regii aI the Rossia flouse, Toronto, Friday. Mn. John W. Thonupson la resignîn the principaisbip af Brookiu pubLi school to mezume hie atudies in modicint 11ev. John Bunmash,M. A.,' 'f Vuctor! University, Toront'o, mill pmeach ealuc tional, sermons Suzay week ia tIi Methoalhat Church. 1 1 LECTURE ON ASTRONOMY, Rev. George Blair, MV. A., of Prescctt, formerly Inspector af Schaols for this county, wiil deliver hie papular illuetrat- ed lecture 'on Astronomy in the Town Hall on Tuesday evoning next, Nov. Sth, under the auspices of the High Schooi. Our citizons and especially young people and studeuts ehould hear thîs intonseey luterestiug lecture. The motion of the planetary world will ho largely exeni- plified, and a botter idoa of the B,arry heavens will be obtained by this meane than by a wido range of reading. The lecture will ho illustrated throughout by means of a large biunaal terapticon, illu. minated by the brilliant ether-oxygen lime light, and will ho followed by a oeries of viewa of historie memorbes of the Old Land. Admission 10 cents. Rey. James Gray Dead. Death came auddealy Saturday nioning o Rev. James Grey, treasuror of the Superaunuat;on, Fund of the Methodist churcb, in hie oflice, Toronto, while sittsng In hie arm chair at hie desk ho zuddenly foul as in a faint. Dr. Sweetmn was summoned but ho coould aLo nothing as 111e had fled. fllart disease was the cause. Strange it la that only Frîday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Gray paid a vieit ta Mount Pleasant Cemetery and Mr. Gray selected hie grave, flot knowîng how soon ho was to fil IL. The plat adjoins that sihere regs the laie Rev. T. 'W. Jeffery. Ho was thon isplendid health an hbad not the slighteat intimation that ho was to ho Po acon a corpse, in faot it was not kuotan that ho iras suffering frein heart disease. Friday, night ho iras as well as usual and took part in a religions meeting. Hie let n family but hie widow. Rev. James Gîey wes bora in lrelarid abouti 72 years ago. Ho entered the ministry of the Mothodist church la 1846. He iras brother of Mrs. James McFeeters, Bow- manville, and preached in the Methodist church here recent]y. Ail who ejay Scotch airs should -at- tend Fridey night's concert in Town Hall. The publications wo inclnde lu aur Big Offere on firet page are ail good ,of their class. IIM. Stanley Staples mili hold a stock Lsale ai Burketon on Wednesday Nov. 9. Se'auctian sale notices. 1Mns. S. Mannirrg of the tGrand Central bas arrived safely at Rodisuda, Cal.,, vshither ehle has gono b espend the wiater f wih hor daugliter, Mno. J. E. Clarke. t The Montreal Weekly llorald iserapid- ly coming ta the front in the race of the grest Canadien meeliis. The farinera' causele avoc1odil every issue and sledgo hammer blowe are deat at the legislation which noir oppresses him. Send a poat card for a free copy ta th( Mouireal Herald Co., 6 Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal. The Editor of Tux STATES- ÈmÀK hoartily recommenda the Heraid. The Lake Magazine for Oct ober cannot fail ta please and intorest ita readers, and Jconfirmn the fiattering opinions already exprese'd. "Two Leaders of the Coin mous," by J. L. 'Payne and John A. Ew- an, cuntalu careful studiarta of Sir John - Thomson and the lou. Wilfrod Laurier. Frank Yeigb, in "Young Men and Pol- itias," makes a strong plea ta the young fto tmke more interoat ia political mattors. The distiinguished artiste anuounced to d appear at the Royal Edinhurgh Cancert la to-rn hall Friday niglît are: Mises Nel- lie Ashor, soprano; Mises Mabel Munro, n mezzo-soprano; Mies Alice MacFarlaue, contralto; Mr. Hector MeBrido, teoai Mr. W. W. Kininiehurgb, base; Mr. Jas. Scott Skinner, Scoitieli solo violiniet and composer; Mm. Dove Patterson, elocation- g [et; Mr. Jas. B'aikie, musical directai, and a dietinguished dance artiste. Tich- s0 ets 25a andl 35c. Plan o! hall at Big 20. Il doos Ite wcrk qulckly and thorougli ly-lt le the heet and the cheapeet and sa the world canat heat t, or match IL 7.If yen have a cold in the head or a cougb ask for Magnus Expectat-The Greff je Coesgh Mixture. ýy At Statt & Jury's or iligginhotbam's. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurauc( asROBT. VIRTUE, Agent, -Bowmanville s A full lino of Watches, Clocks anè Jesyellery always in stock at Bîg'20. .1 The ltost uovoity la Birthday Rîni h' at Big 20 Jewelicry storeCail sud se( thein. . Mr. H. C. Brittain wauld like al out- S- standing accounts paîd ta Mr. Debson. Big 20', this week if possible. )g Ail persons owing'accounts to Maynarý ce the Jeweller wil please caîl and sttl e. thera et once, as ho is leaving town. a It wil certainly pay farmers to get al a. the grain they feod ground when Mr e Vanetone doee chopping at Se. a bag. ru'l1fAflI-T1~R. WANTED-For S. S. No TAX NOTICE. To ALL WHoM IT MAY CONCERN,, - The Taxes a! the Toma of Bowman- ville are not comiag la 10 the satisfaction o! the Collector, anal I thinkit ise partly an accouait o! the Toma Council net al. lowing a robate as ia former yeane. But nom 'as the Taxes are due 'an'l muet be peidi, andl the Toma Counci bes appointeti me Collectar, anti bave confi- dence ln me that 1 ii coilect the Taxes, 1 am detenmlaed ual te betray their trust. Themefore uisless the Taxes are paial forthaiti, I shaîl immediately procoe etit issue marrante o! distrais for the collect- Ion o! saine. No furthen notice miii ha glven. M. PORTER. Collector. Bwmmenilile, Nov. 1, 1892. The publiihere o! the Canadian Alman. se are makiug important additions ta its 451h aanual iesue. Besides the usual valuaishe malter, il mIll contain an On- tario LawrLLst, a1 liaI o! Notanies ia Que- bec andi soie intoros3tiag articles on neir subj cte. A graphie description o! Mont- real miii ho gîvon witb a fine u&p of the City. F AR.M TO RENT FOR' A TERM OF -V YEARS. lproed rpin tarinof 100 acres p.ituated in the twsipof Cartwright, con. 2 lot 6, abouit 2 rods fri>(n ýPurple 11111 P.O. and lesa than 1 milie to lch o ise, with gond dwellîng hou,ston oundation, softt and bard water. also a goofi barn withsoft ard bard water. About 420 of a"e pear, cherry fi plum trees and a varioty Ofsmafl fruit. First ploughing done. 34 miles froin Burketon stajtion, For fnrthlir particulara apply to ABRAHAM MORRuS, Purpie Rili. 40-tf F ARM FOR SALE.- A firAt lasa far -V of 125 acres or 145 acres situated in tho township of East Whitby lat con, lots 15 and 16 on the Base Llne, about 14 miles from 0Osha- wa station. 2 miles tram W hitby and 60 rodd from the echool honse. Larze roony buildings, main haro 95x36 f t. plent-g of fiuit, soli cia> loam, altogether one ot the hast grain taLrins onIbe Lake Shore. No hiis or stîcues. About 10 acres of wood. 75 acres lu p mireadfrs seeded. Terms easy. First plosving done. For furtber particulars apply to A. ANsS Oshawa. 57-tf, Notices of Births, 25 cents; liarriages. 50 cents; Beaths. 5o cents, eaca insertion -but FREE OF CIIARGE, wlsen thse fanerai earsis are printed ai this oMi ce BIRTRB. 11UBEARD-Near Enfield, Oct, ho wito 0 f Mr, Joseph Hubbard, of a daughter, STAPLEs-In Clarke, Oct, 23, the f Mr. Colin Staple s of a daughter. IIENDEESON-MCFEETErRS-.At the residence of the hridle's uncle, Mr. Chas. Honey. by Rev. Robert McCulloch, Wednesday, Oct. 26. Wm. W. Henderson, Esq , of Bowmanville and Miss Minnie MeFeeters. of Darlington; DIED. RoaiNs-la l3owmanville. Oct. 26, Mary Ann Robins. reliot of the late 3ev, Paul Robins, aged 88 years, Il montas. 1 MEACHER WANTED-For S. S. No, I10, Township of Clarke, for 1893. Appli- cations, stating salary, experionce, etc., will be received by the undersigued up to Nov. 8th D. F. Walsh, Sacy., Starkville P. O. 42-3 w Y'fEAOllER WANTED.-A good -'tescher wanted for School Section No. 6, Maple Groaje, for 1893. Applications will bai received un to Nov. 8th. by J, SNowrDEN. SEiýy- Treas., Box 109, Bowmanville. 42-3w T EACIIER WANTED.-An exper- ienced teacher for S. S. No. 8, township ot Clarke. for the year 1893, Applications received vit to Nov. Ist.ý Apply to box 127 Orono P. O. 41.tf. T EACHIER WANTED for S. S. No. 5, Darlington, for 1893, holding second ciass certificate, maie preferred. Apply no te, Nov. ltb stating experlenco and aalary required ta W. 3. BnÀGG, Secy.Treo Box 29, ]3owmanvlle, 13-2w* E EACEIR WANTED-For S. S. No. T21. Dlarlington, (Haydon). male, holding second class certificats. Applications wili ba received up ta Nov. à. State experlenco and if niarried or eingzle. JOHN RUNDLM, SeCretarY. Treasurer. Haydon. 43-2w AVALUABL'E FARM FOR SALE b>' tender in th1ý township of Darlinzto1i. consiating oE north 75. acrescf lt21,con; 6,aIs the north 57 acres ot lot 19, con. 6, of the gaid township of Darlinzton. Tenders will ha, re- celved up ta the 25th of September for tho puirchaser of the said property. W. WILLÂRD, Port.Perry, 7-f E" XCELLKNT FA RM~ IN D ARLIKO.. _r TON FOR SALE.-One of lte hast farmis la Darlington fý-r sale cotiIgahnstt 140 acres, al of wbh is c ,,ad lud in istace o! cultivation. On the jp ' mlst re a go5d brick dweiliug bouse aud good outbuildinga, two welle, two cisternas, two neyer fmfline p rin nd r&k runniuig ibronihthasiouth part of tbetai. hf rpetcl*itsedo lot 6, .o. 1, qoarter or a miile fumthimiit's 5 acres of orchard besidea pli ao, lad n gardon witb sinall fruits. Well fsncodL. Easy terme for payment. For turiher par' dculars aDDly on the promises tu MRIs. RowE or R. ki. TuaNais. Bowma nvillo 3-I Miss Shaw's Is the place to be suited in Millinery. We strive to pleas9, our, customers. Hats reshaped._ Gall and see. EDUCATIONTHAT PAYS, Parents 'aho cil at the collage to ar- range for thelrson'e atteudauce frequently remark-If I cou]ld havei the opportanity of obtaining a business educatlon when a Young man, it would have been worth tbousands of dollars to int." They dti flot ovor etimate its valve. Young mon should profit b3 the experience and advice of thoae who now ses where they failed. The elogant Announcement, prof usely il- lutorated will ho mailed anywhere on ap- plîcation to SPENCER & MCCULLOUGHl, Prlncipals Hamilton Business College, Tiamilton, Ont. (Mention "Tng SrÂxIasMAlq.") FARM FOR SALE DY TENDEL Seaied Tenders, addresgod to the underaica.. ed, wlli be receîvod up to the fifth day oft No. vember. 1892, for the purchasa of ail that part of thoeNorth quarter of Lot number 2) la thoe 6th concession of the Township o!f Darlington, belonging' ta the estateor0fwilliamwiiliýams, decease'd. containing about 48 acres mare or lesa. . . maîl portion of the above laud is ia - cludete fa 8ase ta One John U .Mayaard, do. ceaaed, which dons not terminale for soea yoars. Right to plow thisi fail. The Iigbest or anY tender not necsarily acceptedl. DateS at Bowmaaville, tbis 101hi day of Ot A. D. 1892, JOHN K. GALBRAITH5, 43-2 w Barrister. BoDwmanvilie, ont, VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT BY TEND"R Soaled tenders addresd te the undersigned wil ho recei7ced on or before 12 oclock. naon. Saturday. Novomber 5. 1892, for that valuabla propert>' owned and Occupied by Me. Bonne>', ituate on the corner of Ontario aadd Qucen s1îreets, Bowmanville. consiating o! a Frrnm e. bouse contamninz 9reoms. with halls, lo,3,tg, and upatry &ar nd set t water, Thorae;3is goodsabe18x24, aIeoa a oce lawe. T'lho property is in first-ciass repair. baving porches anS storma windows. and blind5 to ail tha windows. The bigheet or an>' tender net necessarily accepted. TERss.-Tenderers can pa>' the*hl amount of their tender dowo, or onufhir down and balance lu aunuat instalmonta at per cent. For furtber Particulars apply on the pre;mlzî Or Wa WU. BUNNEY, 42-3 w Newmarket, Ont. Grain) Grain!1 WANTED AT' TUE FIE RuooFELuvAroli., AT GRAND TurNK STATI 3N, NEwcAs'rLE. The hi.-hest current market price will be paid for any quantity of Wheat, Barley, Peas , Rye and Buckwheat, deliVe0red at the above elevator. Or, If preteý?rred, sill recoive, însure, and ship for owner at twoyj 1cents par buahe4. JOHIN CARVETU. Newcastle,Ct. 1892. 40-f. ltipans Tabules banish pafn.,t,,, Ripans Tabulles çiireayspeps,,ýi~. : i BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. a Corrected b>' J. lieiurtry. axer>' Tuesdayb FLOUE, P 100 ïba ........ $1 90 ta $2 50 WHBÂAT, Fail, e bush ... 0 00 ,070 Il Rneeian, il....... 0 10 0 70 n Fife, il ....O0 00 i 0 75 Gooie, ti....O0 00 il 0 61t fi Colorado ti.......0 00 ,0 66 RYE, '............. 000 0 52 OATS, "..... O.025 ,0 27 BÂRLmT, P bush, No. 1.. .. 0 00 0 43 il I 2X.. 0 00il 0 39 il 2.... 035 0 34 n n i 3 -0 00 0 28 n Two-rowed O 30 O 32 Buckwheat P'bush .......O0 00 0 O42 PiÂs, Blackeye, f bush... O 72 IlO0 0 il Mummy il ... O039 lO062 il Snail, tg ..0 0 il O 58 si Blue, si ..O055 ilO0430 BuTTzRi, best table, f l... 0 16 0 18 Cciutu, V th..... ...... 0 OS8n0O10 Eoas, VIdoz ............. 015if 0 00 POTATOWS, P bush ........O0 30 ,0 35 RAY, rton ................600 ,7 00 SMART YOUNG GIRL WANTED- for general honscwork. Avol>' ta Mua. GEO. Joan. Liberty stroot, or at MR. W. R. R CAwirçER'sbutcher ehop. 42-tt T MPROVED FARMS FOR SALE.- .LLot 8 and west 1 lot 7 la the 2 con, of the T1ownship of Pickering. 250 acrea on whîch aTe a flrst dass barns. ail stone foundationa; 21 dwellieg bouses, well watered, no waste land. Wil ho soit wbole or in parts. Price and terme to suit purchaser. Appi>' to I. B. TÂv.- LOR, Whithy, Ont. -tf. S TOCK FOR SA LE.-TIIORO BRED registered Short Horus, prizo stock, for sle; aiso young Berkshire pige. S, SNowDEN, Son., Bowm aavillo. 43-4w' AYRHIE BULL FOR SALE.-A toordAyrsbire Baul for sale, tbree yeara old;- gond disposition. AppI>' ta S. NoRIrs OTT, Sauina-P. O. 44-sw* C OWS FOR SALE.-Cawe already e nowed and somge ta como in soon for sale at ail times. S. H, REYNoLDs Dealer ln Farin Stock, Box 1, Bowmanviile. 12 t!. S TOCK FOR SALE.-Jersey Bull ris- ing 2 yesrs old, portectly auite; yonng c0w due ta second cal! in December; a young mare good driver 3 years aid. good sl.ze. Appi>' te J. J. COOLEDGEs, lot 22, con. 5, Daillngten, Taun- ton P. O. 443-3w " SHROPSHIRE LAMBS FOR SALE -Having importod a nuniher of ver y fine Shi opshire sbeep 1 offer for sale a number o! Ram Larcbe. Parties wanting sbeep will Sund me et home on Tnesdaya and Saturdays. ]v SKINNER, Tyrone P. O. 388-ýt!f S HEEP ASTRAY.-Came on Lot 25, cen, 6. Dariington, la October. a ewe andi twa Iambe. The owner la requested ta pa>' Mxpenpes, prove propert>' and taka tbern away, 8u. W. RIVELL. Solina. 41-3w S W LOST-A Black Berkshire Sow Switb white nose. atrayed frorn lot 22 con. >Dariingtou. Information leading to ber re. coTer>' May' ho left at STATESMAN Office or with owaer FRED. NICIsOLS, RaMpton. 43-tf 1 WÏIIO'S GOT THE PIG ?-The lit%- proveS Yorkshire White Boar sucb as W., Daviesl' & Ca.. the pork pacivera, recom- mend tarmers ta use? One is kept for service b>' W. WERRv, Solina. 41-6w ('4W AND STEER STRAYED.-A b .Jrindie cow and a red saber with about bal! the bush cnt oa ie istail strayed tromn Farmer Frank's field Oct. 25. Information leading ta recover>' rewarded on notlfying J. F. BROoKe, Courtice or S, H. REYNOLDuS. BOW. manville. 41-tf ] OR FOR SERVICE. -A Thoro- brdBerkshire Ba ekp for service on lot 6, con. 1, Darlington. Terma $1, p)ayable at lime10Of Service. ROBT. ROWE, BOWManVille. 43-3w* B OARS FOR SERVICE.-An Im- "proved Yorkshire White Boar and a Berkshire Boar are kopi for serviceona lot 29, con. il, Darlingtont Torme$t or two for $14, W. H, NICHOLS, COUrtiCe P. O. 41-3w" 3 7OARS FOR SERVICE.-An m- JLNPproved Yorkshire White Boar and a *Berkshire Boar are kepi for service on lot 8, cou. S. Darlington. Terme one dollar. Tircs. WooDrv, proprietor, Tyrane. 43-3w* T HROBED ERKSHIRE BOAR for ervie, redtrm importol stock. cah$12ifcred Lot 22, co, 2. Darling- to.SAtE SODN, Sen., 13-4w' t 1bORS FOR SERICE-A two yr. " odPure Chester White Boar with pee grec and pure bred Imported Yorkshtre White Boar from W. Davies' bord blood, Toronto,, importeed stock hoth ides. Terme $1. J. L, PARsoNs, provri.tor, lot 6, con. 4, Darllngtan. unplcked; andl nndrawn. nt yAIocah aid for Beans, Drical Apple8 50 ,s, Buter anal Dressed Hoge. a' Fr'm,wls to fait aI least tweuty.fou of heur' before being killeal anal to ho kîllee a- luy oeding well la the. neck; do no Ü' wriiî, the neck. JAE M N, Yrtdoor eat o! the Bennett Houze 0.

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