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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1892, p. 1

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N,~Y - "f y 't i TEMB:-1.O~aOUR TOWN AN~D OOUINTY FIRST: TUE WORL» ÂFTERtWÂDS. M. A JAMES ED11oR 4AND topTB NEW scpV8"î, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, YWEDNEciDÂY, INOVEMBER 9.,1892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMB.Er 45 pn.hIPu 4OHNSTO & CRYDERMAN announce the arrivai of THE 0GREAT BULKý of their They claim to show the FINEST STOCK 0F HIGH CLASS NOV- ELTIES in ail classes of DRY GOODS 'Ild by auy Huse in these Coun- ties. An early inspection in-vited. OOUGH, JOHNSTON & ORYDERMAN,2 i3owmanville, Sept. 13, 18912. One Doer West of Post Office, Mr. J. Babcock has everything ready for publie inspection at Treleven's popu- 1er boot and shne store. Foot-wear for every mexnber of I ho family, ini tino and coarser grades. See the new sdvt. thies week. -Rev. Willim HollinsheL 01 Sparta, N. J., voluntllnily sayse "To Whonx it llIay Cencern: IlUaasked I dcem it my duty te a suffering humnaaty wvhase bedies and seuls 1 weuld have healthy, te, tell them ofethte value of Hood's Sarsaparilia. While living in Ohio ene of my ehiidirn was greatly A&ffitcted With Boils baving.u,, on bler limbe, aad being unable te, walk. 1 liad heard otf leed's Sansaparilla, andi bougbt a. bottie, hait ef which cuned en- tirely. Tw,ýo yeane after, anetîxer clild was afflicted as badly. 1 uscd the elle-r liait bottle e o tod'es arsaparilia wittllike re- suite. Abxt foucr ye'xns alter, the child finst afiictedvs again tormentedl like Job, and 1 beught a bottle (en Suaday aitixhat) and againlacu¶-e. I gave some et themedielue to n gon u'oxan and two chidren; they wene heiped as' woe mine. Tbreugbi a testimo- nial sent te C. 1. Hood & Ce., inquiries came froni ail the country, asking if it wsas a 'bona fidel testimonial, anti of course I unote al that it was, andI have the know ledge et Scores and Scores (if ga-sens helped or cured by fenod', Sarea- pannla. Mild cases et rheumiatism bhave yieldledtoit. Biliousuess and bail liven have been corrected ianxny own tamily. Thtis je 'the only -patent inedicine 1 haveftilt likeî praising. 1 speait net for C. 1. I-Iood, but ton the Jobs wvio are impatient and are ton- mented beyeud endurance. Notlîing1Iknow et will leanse fixe biood, stimulate the liver, or dlean the tomacli 50 perfectiy as -Hood's Sarsaparilla MAy persan wisbing te know more, eaclosing a stamp -wll ho xnformed. Youre ton tîhe health, bappinesand irtue et buxanity."1 'WILLLMH4I1OLLINSHED. pastor et ?resby- tenian chiurch, Sparta, N. J. i j 1 1 - - - -- -- , - - - HA MPTON. Dhurch members from hore who attend- (À quarterly services et Eldad Sunday Yriiorning report thý services very intereet- ing ard profitable.... Quarterly officiali reeting et Hampton circuit is poetponed îc! Saturday Nov. 12that2P. M..Born, ý":0v. 2, te Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parr, a son. Congratulations.... Mr. R. Burns lies been meking extensive improvemelts îi,.A hie dwelling this season. Mr. Trenou- th lias recently bailt the chimneys which l.,oks& very imposiisg. Wti coiagratulate .Mr. Burns on the improvernents in gen- a. . . .Mrs. Thos. Burrows ije euh in ;XOor health. You hardly realize tbtst it ii medicine, wh, en tak;ng Carter's Little Liver Pille: the,,y ae very amal; ne bad effecta ; al t'roubles frem torpid liver are relievei by thýeir use. The Song Service on Sundas' was a gr and succesa and we hope the Rtev. Mr. Strike may see fit tu favor-us with another in the near future. Outaide the usual congregation were several front Bowman- efle, Newcaètle,Oro.-o an] Clarke Union. Thesigig agecelet.Allweremruch êdïified by his exp'anation of iie bymnns. e.W-Or linjeiters itteid holding revivel aevces hore next week ; we are g]ad te niýar of their succe a et the Sauît. May th"3, have as 'good succesu bere .... Mrs. johii Wigbt te suflering frorn typhoid fever.. .. Mrs. Samuel Allin ia down agaiu vrith neuralgia. May both speedily re- ecover .. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Allun and agltrare v)siting et Mr. S. Allin's.. -Mr. Quinlan of Newcastle, the fanions threejher, is seon going te inove int the lieuse vacated by Miss Welsh. Report of S. S. No. 5, Desrlington, fer Oct. 1892. Sr. 4-A Wight. M. Wiurbt, ~Blaçkbnrn, R. Smale, 'W. Hoar, IN. Ailin. Jr. 4-W. Soecb, E. Prout. Sr. eý-C. Smale, C. Wight, B. Berry. Jr. 5.2-L. Smale, A. Wight, M. Allun, B. Blackburn. Jr. '2-.-L, Osbornü,. L. Bragg, W. l Baffle, L. YeIlowlee,F. Jackt. ïon, . ow lonald, . Prot. 2-. 11F. 1 I M.arth, RiPt. aud e Ruito. e Thntgo hüumping àîbou t as if yeur back asbroken-Go Offa'. once and get a bot. îIe of Magie Pile Lotion-usd it according te directions and you will walk as etraiRlit asý anybody in 24 hours-Get along with, Tea}ligginbotham's or Stott & Jury'a. fPYRONE. Viaitor:-Mrs. Sootheran, Millbrook, Mr. John Robinson, Toronto Junction; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Phelp. Bowrnanville; Mrs. Jas. Bedford and ciildren,Roglau.. -Miss Elsie CJade wbe has been visiting et home for nome weeks returned te St. Thomas lesÀt weok .. Quito a large num- ber attpnded the special services at Long Sanit lest Sabbath conclucted hv Mr. LESKARD. A succesof ul concert was given Wednes- day evening under the auspices of the Epworth Leagne .... Mr. Chas. Kivellisj able te bo out again .. . .Mr. G. T. Red- bure, Whitevale, bias been visiting old acqueintances bre... Mrs. J. Cuncan- non, Peterbcro, je vi8iting here. .. .Mr. and Mns. C. W. Wright, Janetville, vlsit- ed friends here recently . .. .We are te lose one of our proninent farmer-Mr. E. Hicks. Iris a wonderfnl Treaeure! A thing full of Merit. It lias pluckod frone the Grave1 It hies raised the weak Spirit. It has conquered Consuxuption Saved frein Nervous prostrations. 'Tis the King of Lung Remedies! And the wonder of Nations. If yonr lunge are effected, Don't delay until 'inter'. Ask for Salvator Magnus 1 Or, Magnus Salvator ! 1 At Stott & Jnry's or Htgginbotham's. LOCKHART'S S COOL I1<)UlE. MIr. Thos. Chapple left ou Monday lest for Bilhinge, Montana. Miss Mabol Burnhamn, of Ohicag ý, is visiting athler sister's, LMns ,DJ. Gibsoni. Mr. Harry Aliii lias leed the farm souili lot 32, ini the 4th cà'i., 100 acres, freux Mre. W. Roua jck. The faim waa previoualy worlrod by Mr. XVn. Chapple. Dous have been makirg great havoe with shoep thirough titis s4ectior. Among those who have lied sheep hilled and worried. are Mr. John G IsN. r. Ricli. Osborne and àMn. W. C. Blackburn. On Suiway la8t Mrs. John Lovekin, an old andi( highly reEpctedd rteidnt cf this oeotýion,pefeed away nt tho age f Cyan and 6 wnonthp, just fout, yesri te tho dey froue the date of lier Iamented hushanl s' death. NEvEM NEGLECT A Lx->.A si Flint aays ilu the Forum ; It b probtable tixat a peron with an inheiented tendepcy te coi-uunption would atever d6ellop ljio (1tiee if hoe ould bit prc tocted agsnst iifcto wîtdothedtw4ycey o Lin tiýsU oau nt) Ilpéx-r bO P,3 r4as nIliw Mr. N. S. MeDonald, teaclier, lis been re-engaged tor 1893. . .. Mr. W. T. Wîth- eridge, Toronto, visited the old -home stead recently .. .. At a recent meeting et Derlington station farmiers were unanim- eus in the oreotien of an elovator. A subscription liet je being circulated, The G. T. R. Co. wilI bear haîf tlie exponses; the ceet le estimated ett $2000... .Mrs. Houck and dengliter Ada,of Warminster, visited lier sieter Alctr. Thoz, Power ro- cently. Report of S. S. No. 3, Darlington for October. Naines in order of menit. Sr 4, Leslie Hall; Sr 3, Vida Vancamp; Jr A DARLINGTON BOY. WHAT HE as TiiouGET OF AwÂx Facar HOME111 - Mr. Win. T. Bunt, son cf Capt. R. H. Bunt of flamptorl, bas been. laboring as a; Baptiet minister in the Counity of Nor- folk and on the ove of bis deperturo te attend Wocdeteck Collège te botter equip Iuxneeli fur the work, a very large number of bis friends geubered eit hie boerding place. The ladies brought well filhed basketis and a very enjoyable timne was spent. Mn. But was pnesented with a very confortable Studont's Chair, a beautiful album and na una of nxoney accompanied by the follon ing dre and rPcommandation: MEn. W. T. BUNT,- We have met to-day tei show oun re- spect tei yen and te bid you gooid-Ibye and to tlienk yen for your kind labor with ne as a niuiter. We know and fei3l that y on have lied it liard andi have hFâd a greet many discouragemonts, but the Lord J ü.us bas bleseed yen anti cro wnred your labers with encas, anti now we present te yen this chair. Pleaîe accept it as a token of love and respect, for we have e36r,.-d te lova, yen silice von have been sv&th ul, and now go yoen bave us wo heariiy wiah yen succeas, and pnay that th-i Lord Jeanus, who bas done sei ni ucli for yeu n6d lus al, wilI abundantly bl'esa yon andi vive yen blili that yen niyoai'bi le teO go on ini this gond and glonjous ceuse in fvniosuls for (Jhrist, and 4thiat'yoti xnsy recaive e crewn mena Ged'e own ieu ,aIl dazz]îng and sparki. inig is'h ewl e feel aad et panting w ith 3on, i nit d we lnow or nealiz j liow wo mhal i a yen, but wa büli8eoGoë sent yon boere with us and now if itia Hia -wiIl yen ehuli igo, wo muse Bay l'aie wihlb li oe" ani G-,od be witiye. We saainolver f--getyen-. Yen will aiweys i ave U wu, il place in our hearta andi we wviI! ever neiueniibo yen te oGed in brayer anâ wish yzour p rayera ti rour ' . We 115v9a'h e.j(yti or compauýy ail iyeni en qweeleou ut ior homes, and if4 wi li11 vr welecotno y'lnt auj ttiue yotm eaxit bo wth u2, Andi when iwe are donc uoietïn« alld a ;rtin2g lian, we ltnew w 0 iIit ee yonlu He 1aven toi ~v ~v~~p4 ey r. 4>stiuyaw ae, as ~~irht <tundt,. en ahêatyiviato teý stay witli us, as wo believe yent are the à igrit mau i the riglit place. Presented in behaîf of the Northi Mid.- dioton aud Glen Meyer churches. Far-ewell. faithful !riend, wo must now hic] adiieu To thoPO j 'yeantud pheasures wo've tasteti witil y(In; Wu've laboned togoîher, urited in heart, But Ilow yen must lbave us, And soon we muet part. RECOMMEPNDATION. This ia te certify thet ]3notber W. T. Bunt, etudent, bai bcen or pester fer the hast tounteen menthe,. lie bas faith- fu y prEacbed th-3 Wordi, and lias done the pastoral work in the three churclies a

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