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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1892, p. 2

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55 ~< 0/~~' botî to Onr own ignorance ccdi folly, sine MISCELLINEOUU ITEMS. HEALTH îanitary cec is diemansratiing costantly the faut thatt tbc worst enemies of if c and A recent earthquate lu Japan distnrhad Eiok-eadahe. ealth arc those wbich ve ourselves cncour- SickHeaach. sce and fotcr within andi about Our dweli- the sea seventy-lve iles frein tte shore, Siet-headache, on wbah no~imi~ i S, and in oun habits of life af rnbdieAneia aqeHse conncti caiednerousbeaach, bllos 'with sesl water wbich was very little below beadache, bilions atteet, on bilions vomnit- - the hoiling point. Sorne oi the crew ing, ccordng a specai stesse laiduoiITeIfinence of Tobaooo UDoII Digestion thougbn tliat Satan's teS iettie ',as joît nule or the othen of thesymptoumcprornnit l below thcmi, boiling over. in the disease, s perhapa as litile under- 1, Ydan-Poncbkine necently repo)rts Pc s y y ~~ toofi as any of the coinmon disordens wbieh VWratchi the recuits ni experirnts upon Pepic wo lite Inequcut 'changes iu gev z:mh 1I G. aflibnhmanity. Prosw aeubctsex du beaitby pensons not addicted to intienet may find vaiety iii Mexico. Dur- J afiietPenons bo re sbjet te. îg the paît sixty-twn, years that country te these attacki uîualii atti-ibue thern to nokný, for the purpose oi detenmîusug bard work, ls--nifsiecp, ta kiug coifi, mal- the eflecîs ni tobacco upon digestion. Be ,sas bafi fifty-fonr Presîdents, onue rageucy, theitoach o a arity l the cases made carefol examinationi ni the gasîrie and nuie Emperor-thie unfortunate Maxi- ari, dsererei lme, te ble cîtog juice for ilîrec days, during wbicb ne tobace milieu. Nearhy evcny change nf Goveru-, nou n wicbar te raiorpaticular co was taten. At the aeil, ni that time, meut bas been effcctcd by violence. cause te wiich the diseaie iî chiefly attrîb-cah of the seven pesos xcircted That tise 'aonid was inbabitcd lonîg befone utsbie. upon wene allowed te imoko twenty five anthentie bistony began h nw nueoni the Wbiie not dangerous te lufe, thet iufferiog cigarettes daily. The gastrie juice was ex- generally accpned leets. There are sald ta (P U Gendredby ersns ubjct a fequntat- aminedech day as before. 'The observa- bc more than 3,00 prehistorie buildings in - tacts ni sie- eadache i enonglie omatetîuwceascoindfraudduil Sardinîs. Thcy are ahmeeot al lu the leti lic lic tborongll niserable, and bence it is perin f itiee days, cter whicb the use ni districts, andi are but le groupa which are No ot.her brand of important tbantîcle cause nfi sunupîcasant tobacce xvas discontinned. Tlee recmiii oh separatedf rorn nule anether by widc and malady shah bc discovered andi possible eervcd wcrc as iolhnws:- gcncraiiy bareu places. T obacco lias ever en= ncmnoved. Fortnnately, bothb-are easy ni 1. Tobaccoincreases the qnantity ni gag- The argest baud sawing machine lu the suhanimes cconpiiîient. Indeefi, it may be saifi trie juice, but dîminîshes its acidity, a Sig- wold bas recently heme oniphetcd ilu Fnig-1 joyeti iti oi psitvece aitmtenttserainificunt lent wbcu it is recalied that the de. land and sent te Taimanla. 'Tichemachine eaeand popul -arity ln cause ni sint-beadacho,, nervous headache, grec ni acidity of the gasirie jules is the eaui saw through a osaxiionue deptiî ni 75 aane alied affections, bas been discovencd to measune cf is acîivity lu the absence ni luches, aud the carniage wili accommodate the saine period as thi% be tbedevelopment of pisons lu tihe stemacie abnormal acid fenmetationsi. 1 loge 50 leet long andi weighi'eg ab'out 50 andi bowels, ucuciiy the stomracb, as the ne- 2. Thli quauiity of frac bydrochloleie acifi tons. It h asscnîed that tiis s-w cticeve brand of Cut Phîg and~ suit ni geri wbîcb bave been swailowed lu the gasînie juice i dixinisiedulander tbe. laster tîcan a cinelar Saw, 3vbile wastiug with the fond. These germes are prescrit in influence ni tobacco, 75 per cent. Ies wood. Plug Tobacco. tomacb eoulstantiy; nevenîiechess, nley 3. Just inproportion as ticsfrce bydmo- Acety urayprsn rne cause siet-beadache onny in certain pensonis.eblonie acid is dimiuished, the digestive wbeîî a Sale ni land îo'k pla'e, it was the Oldesti 7obaiacce ~vli/efa- The reason ion titîis iatwlii-tc cns power ni the gastnie j uice is diminiîhed. csont axete)eadîtwta e,e i. rei-s in Canada n peetitesoacltbyi 0uren4 'obacco alsodlminiihed the activity acorpanied by twelvo uitile boys; and fo favorable conditions ion develepmecut. Onef the nenuent ferment contaiced iný the when the price ni the landi was paid, andi ni thiese conditions is a dilaîcd state of the gastisejusce. iasusrrend or tnok place the cars ni tise boys , stomch, hic allws he fod o reain These iaete îbnuhd be careflhy coosîder- wene puilefi, and tbey werc beaten severei y, in it c gleatlcnergth ni tirne, se ibat thecd by those physiciens wbo have been.in so that the pain tiens itîflictefi shoulfi mate germi ihare an oppotuniiy te dev.elop and the habit ni nccormcendicg tobacco chewing au impression upon tbeir mnemony; ccd if to proiuce the poisons te wliîùb the dis-ta tiecin dspepiýic patients as an aid te requirefi aftcrwards, thhy migbt hear wit- trsing symptomi accompauying this dis- digestion. 'Xe have constantiy notefi the nesi te the sale. case are duc. hcwriier liaîfounu c dilat- remaîkable fat that toba"cco smoking andi TeQei ee rnsmr la w cd state ni the stoinacb lu cvery case ni this eeig bubntiieoui eoj-glaises of ither chauspagr.e or clanet, andi Imalady w'ieb belicas bafi an opportîsity tn mendefi as aie excellent reneedy for certain a rdxee inMaet ccsondt i estî hoateb h ast îhnce years, aned be- dyspeptie conditions in meu, are neyer pre. taierdne e aetyitcutmd ies tgocane ,,,varine comatietsenibefifor wouteeu suffering frmrnidentical tae a irali glass niofnkay. f h isor cndition. 'flere bas neer been tihe Dynamite bas been supersedef in Swedn Cî't Plug, loc. ru lb lg, o Si te ilfs no urgrder. ssigts sinifcbsifor sncb a recoin- fon basting purpoc3es. Elcctric wiîces are 4 lb Plug, '11ve.aablespell beeicti rejainforexample' ineuldation, andi the results ni caneini scieî- îîtrodnuced ie the rock, andf then heatefi. an'seiiyditteonn;I ong it Tise sufiden beaiiug ni the rock rends it in getabeshoog lu Usi e ifle expeirnent now prcsented by thea' picces, quietly and effectiveiy, wthout peril îtomnach lu consequence ni the great heugtb îhoiy above qseifimiba moci cxccîhe luln ie ________________________________ ofn time requirci1 for thein solution in the lent rea500 for prohibiting tebacco, nt M ONE TOLO-IN,-ii err seur. astic uic se hatthe ma bc lisha n' ly t hosoe suffornsg inmf eeblcdigestion, A wonlan 5 icet 2 incheî hn bcîght ~JT~ NEY O LO N,-Oe fsrn scun astnejus e e tia ien i seargefibut aiso te those wbe wîsh to e e~p iein ileoulf wcsgb, et tirty yeane nf i ge, f rom . ty onu mou favorable terri-mortgagss in h ýti ertiual e digestiv e ognas ho a bealtby condition. 7st. Slb. to 8st. ; et iorny she wil be 21b. bough .Apply h tî CHsARsD OSTER, ecas ni tiv.e ni attacki nf siet-becadache. We lia%.c , tewn, P. 0. Box 119, Or OHN POSTER, Dreyer, niten been tohd by pensons sobjeet to this Thbe tobacca habit is onueni the most con- beavien ; ah fflhy ueariy 41b. hceavier ; etT Bewmanvtlle, P. -0. 5lyr. dsecase that a " bohIefi dinnen " was certain 8picuonus blceishes ripou nur modemn civiliz- sixhy she sienuifibc about the sainme 'gh M - 1 tn brin g coan attaek. Forthe s-sueeeacnn, atien. No apohogy-cao bbcnferefi for it ce aiîhirty, andf-,lbe leoulfi get lîgbter as FLOlIIST, iasty eatng, wbicle invoixci tise introduc- which is net equally gond, or betten, for she grows aider. OSHAWA, - - - . ONTAR10 tien loto thse shoneacli ni fond impenlectly tise aicobiol hit, the ophimm labit, the The fislhenoît ni BereninNrwy Gro'wer anudeler' lu Clece Ct Flowers. nasticatcd, is productive ni a condition cocasue habit, or the hasiiecîle habit. lit 15 bave for over 500 years imoculatefi whaîcs Plantai. Roses. Carnations. Výiolots. Smilax.1 favorable ho the deveiopîcecnt of ick-hcad- ho be bopefi that the thme is net far distant witle bacteria luinfler te thîll thein. The and Fenni. Funcrai Daigus and Bouquets 1 e h eie os erado vra when medicel men as e daiss, will set'tbehn wbaics coter a firthie nan the îown andi arc made n)nu shortntices ho Wmatbe. Cnowns ach.Tesiemscsi foect Piillws, lisants. Soci't:, tmbline, i îg. Taking great quatutities ni iquili et faces eannecetly against poiison habits ni diven ie a uerow bcy. A net lehbo Plants Lcaned ion Deeomton. oei as Palma meals, especîaly ni cýid liquides, tise use of ery descript ion. Thon, ancont o until stnctcbed &cerns s temoud), eaed the '.vaics Ferrim Liieq. &c. Telephons Ccnnccinn. l-1 tea and cofféeson butter, thec froc use ni tiesi, eau we boec for the beginung ni a sieni wiih poisonefi arrows. Af ter a day on "'10REN.-Fr teni f yars,"Glu matpastry, s'veets atîytbiingwhieb tends genc ne l eomation on thse part ni the two tlecy becoineiclly, anfi arc easily dle- DhuRE -30 oarern ieana "1ie mt, houceidgestion, snd lence the for. la;ty. sssatcbed. good buildings and soit. Admrtableer stock metion ni gases anifidistensione, and nti- s 'x>lî"î Tif. rcigsal eaippt ice s nehete or dairy. Cbancs for going cxtengively mie înally dilatationooh the stomace, i pro- Ammrpl c n ipotnt art s- ing tbehbis g bei hat above fiat ag ( Tforonto nîlît businepsson stock relshng fes ducthx e of sick-hoadlacc. Anre lyda rprat atr-thren tbighl htaoeta g mmenlean marte. Mlien witb capital nnly Aeed appiv, J, H. Dow, Whihby. 32 te! As regards treaimeset, ibere i on spccific ccuîiy in dehecting c Pari-siame rogue. 'fhe is ton nid ho begin with cuy bopes ni suc- _____________ _______--for siet-lecadache exeept completse crnl)yo thieves of the Trench metropolis anc the ees. THE (Dl1f-DIMi' STATE9S MAN o hîe stonaeTse suffersugsimom siet- cleveresi rascals in tbe world, andi positive- 0f Amerian appies uecnhy 1,500,000 bradache by passiog a tube ie i he item- otîser Eunopean capital i onue hall the lu- scasen, about e fournis ni these fiîîding tiecin o1 ESTABLISHED 1851 -e and ernpiyiig i'ni its conteints. The genuity exhibitefi by ilsis eiass. The hin- way ho Covecnt Garden. 'fli barels weigb ,11 par annm n ls dyace, otberwi 1~i.51. eiici btainied ho this way is usuaiîy in- nue Doval eating-ieonses, on restaurantsa, anc rou'.1401b. te 1501b., endi arc excelenîly fiebscniphions alwaym paya'ba t tIse lesel ant, the patient eeaing toaisfer as scion ineatef inu ail parte oh the French capital, pactefi.Euoe publication. Ad rmirtes unisegbty osa as the nffendinig substances anc nomnovefi toungh they are ahl i:nî.u by ths saine coin- Ple Empresni Austria le reputef te bce ract, 10 cents pVer lins, nenp iris) lrai; insem'b fron the stornace. 1h in'ly neessary, pany. The professefi objeet of this cein- the hest Royal bousekcepcril uroe Go, and 5cesnts per lins cccli snbsiîne.f lu- I tc'ton. Lcl,1 et e is then, te kcep tise stoiee'cb lu gond easitamy pany is te serve excellent boond ie a gond Ererything in the Austrian palace là under M Al, JAMens Publilinocondition te preveot atacets oh siet-Isoeaf- style andf or a very mofismate chsarge. lien nwn persossai cane. She ondere conte, M._ A._JAME , _______ cies, Io cases iliwibtesomcsl hb beco iately diseoreref tisai a sys- buthens, andiieundny-meids, enf iaconstiant- T'OR SALE OR RENT-llousseud wifily dilanefi, this is by ne means au easy terr i fîbieving wes beiîeg practisefi upen iy iuveuting comething ocw lu cookeny. Il aceres for pale or te rent. stuais ou teck, but caneflul attention te fiat, or at h iesen tabiisliiecu herb"eby ihcy loinc IeFieî axe nEegaf nctoau Seugzog Sneet uortb, The preises constat nifieat a dietetic negimen afiaptefi to the Thesidenab:eCesoestini smail ilarr entiches aCobos t every cuenec, diins esofteinduriduel, '.yll control auy 1sncb as forts, spoons, andfi imilar -Csltnh neihnisgadu.1 able Di-îsyshineoweihte ec Cae t Oheli, stable, etc. Tas garden contains e lot et l difilenît teordi rader.Iti the eboeesi fruit of ail vaietie. mmditecase ni this disonder, nmaiter bow obisi- w5e, but by wbOitae ' S icul- tetie ncsii hcvs nii iut poîsluabcrivsn. For vatieulars apply ae t1 may bave pro'. d te bc, citer usedi- fniut eee, a carehul wctcts was e ieetcnh icde -cygrein te W. FISHLEcIGs, eWManVille Ont. 49if cinal or alotbcn reneedîeneay bave bece set, anfi wit tliee ololig resitit. aidthely brenithea 'eaoky Ca eie.Th edosînîstarefi Soîsetimes thecstnmacbnsay 1 eas onrd that a respectable -lookiu19entac s ag rcwyiihecif4 SADRBAKbc '.acbed ot by swehlowing c large peon wonlenter thse diuing-saloon and' fentrateceh crandccbwsyvie.-Aionhalorf4 ST ID R" anoîtni ofwariu or htwae. As aruegiveh" rd for dneof hic bFe par- corridor rn oueron100 yards isuto the usoun- O F CA NA DA,- tihe eoxeli ane inactive, and shoulf be toU. During the meal lie conveycd one or tain, cnnractiug as t proccedsis lto a len h Capital plaid up s1,c, ooo.zeste ý l1'o) emipîied bya lange enieah the camne timte. more articles te tho uLnder ide nf the table, gley nwe hsi asd nte i mytisieaus the albeiienhery canal eau bc fixing theun there by mevans ni wax, withllyefbntisepssiaohrl This Bank is prepanoci to do Legiti- tisorooghhy ceensefi, and the patient quiet- whicbhelie vas proxifed for tise purpese. lrecv srahd nae aniîg n ilit ban ne. y relievefi. -Shoulfi the servant who wsits upon hies Th e most curions departmcnt ni the post ai Fae ancr's naldiso net; osits pntn -os - mr- ises eny oniissspoons on ntlser articles the office, and tisemomît fertile in ofi anfi p Farnr' nte isouitd Dpsig potaeasTyphohd fyr rogne. is stili ic danger, andi offeni hies- auhn nidents, is the Retunnefi Lethen ueceived andtITnterest pidnuaccounti 'fîat t odfvrmy cu pna-self te bc searchefi with perfect iuupunihy Orffie, off lMoongate-street. 1h us bere tisai e anpuwads it ai tphif evrBankccriPOiO andi au air nifhieuref innocence. Oh course al lettons are ssntandi openefi, the ons il ni 5 ad uwars ii Svigi Bak cosi'. witbont euy connetonu winl a pre- bie is ahiowed tO depaît, but immedieiely Of wih cannit, for sortie neason nr other, D_-epa.t1 vent. cdciig case ni typhoidf ever, is a natei- citer au acccoriplice êners, oera bis disie, bhounof. fb M A FT Swlich bai becu nrougly comined by su-wbatever i may be, seatiug bimseli et. the The New River Comnpany, whicle attends 1>1< olleciG 'Tmd i urp tany authonithes, altbough nsantaincd by snie table, wlieece lie momoves the secret itho tIhe w'euts ni the uoî-east distrhets aufd Isxued s nd Colecansadeu nrp Dr. Nlurchison, ni Englinand ueithe Samînent articles te bis own pockt, n ourie aiig ni tbe City ni Londfon, supplies a waten iJntcd~taes su Caad. S Wilim June, vboleefitha th ~ canesîlth tthe waiîor shah net imise any wbicli lies the nepuaiern ofnibeiîeg puren W. J. ,TO.ZÇZLS. ase is duce, nite oa speciflicgonm, but toc rilsfent las evubboeî. tieuiat ni ibe Thans, irons whicis the A g" t. pecuiar dccoiiposiiion wriicb îuay bc set Thene is ne neason for snspeeting this in- othen comparue tains their waten. Tbey P n tl toso eatyProsa wl sdvdawho qîietly pay bis hil andi fe- pa3se stihîv.u'gis -lange filuer bcds, andithe s ON A IhBA isee urnoishefi by typlsoidf-ev-rpaitp arseu hr h ooywt iswigPurity ni thein sopjely depenis eDtineiy uipon 1 X cîthosugleranch more itcly te occur n teconflee1ahe. w gfthe ecfiiieoey witb which ibis procese ha jatinues to do lu General lcinktg Buinoes stgoisofetpensons s enig rnrn typleo;if-A case ni ibis kinfi oceurnef a lex wetks canniefi oct, ,,Wanyie Ageucy. fb --Thev iln easse î tbeafinsîuîice un the Place de le Madeleine, weethe Rotiug ires stusîpi îuay les casîly ne- e DEPOSITS thi' vîew, uintil ecen ty i cees cen îîenov- supern tcsifiet slnspecned the trick, suppes- movefi in this way: Wihh a 1,1 incb engen ered fi th ets hcianeounico '1is- tefrt at ortieatranlgs oe a hohe iiithe(nteote tmabu 1- , uZ 3v9diInut9cviuos iBank Dspartmeut and on! Isa tlec g i erm argintestine f iug 'fintpyh eieatrenoi -h s es its tm bu mîanîiynpreseni lu the arge intestine niratesfr seancbing hlm. Ho,,isnwcver, sent 18 inches deep, and puit in 20 oz. ni Sait-N uciflGudiniensaualnow edacrut al tes Nehumait beinge may assume, under certain fon a dehecive in plain cloibes,end'fitbade petre, fill the bole inh evater, and plu., 1h nolale onwitdmawaned, l kldîoit circurnstanccs, cxacily the appearance andfina waicb ibat paticuhan table. Present- îigbt. Io the spring tate ont the ping, aInsheablper os f teeman dio eedîy, alter the deparione ni tbe finit rogne, poler into tihe bole a hati-pint ni cmufie EXCHANGE by Eberth, whicb bac becîs rcry gcnerally bis coufedert ae enherefi, seaîing ismechi ah pcîmolenm, andict it onfine, 'The stimp BUiedStes land Cndasse GdSoueurO elaendeb tesecfcas i typloifi the table itu questiono, anefi ahile ttiug hie willeuro and imoulfier ho tiseeniite Unte haean eudasooiiSivrud'ever. Roux, Vmllt, aufi othens have been sI an htros UaitedSta.esiGreubectsE-ýonurit asdîtl. -0sp, begaîs bis wnrk, littie nleaiugtatmts eaving nonbiug tbut ashes. 1makîng c carcbni investigation ofniiis mat- the peaeealee-IOokiulg citizeni opposite, witb Tise numeneenoh asehons in Britimsh ips ni C6LL CT~O S te, su ireconinccibahbert's gnt'8te ic bact towend liis, wass 'vstmching er.sry war varies accmdiog te the ie ohveesel enf 1Fpi ptIy maiee t curreaen raies upen alilni t 1sinspîy apeenîtan m ni o the gerun relennef iem entin tse ookingý-rlisi thncegb a the ebaracten ni the senxîe inhtndefi. A cf Great Brttale, the United Staies a~~m ewib ostanhy ouiinth lrg i- oblu ntIhe iecvspaper wbich lhe belfibebore lange iriciaficannies ciglet anchois, twe VO L'nion of Canada. etine, irons xhicb it bas deirefi the naine bis acc andf was pretending teanef. Ii wcs 1"-bowers," two Ilsheets," aile I"streaus," Telei'ah Taiisei' "sllus coui1." t__1 ineIigaisealoîtaignol s cpiy, nf th 'dtective one "iteii," cand hsvc "kcfgem." Smaiien pensons il'. las luoMaasoba orat, andnthe es css3ponls andi vauhis nusut bu reganfien as fcllow wamm boru home on a stretchen, whieb pefihan pali, an h asthly flepanefi, bles ie letb fn disese, lnorn whicb may cossu- provef i îîconuestely that John bcd hemn shoulfi fiscoven bow she bad beau cietefi. ste net only typhoidf ever let a 1mai cf "ýnu the alent." oher destroysog andi fatal nmaladies, and hh rhfyo eafifitisat Jols did't New York's capitoi ah Alle"ey i isouifi bc aboliliuedf rorn cvery ivilizefi get the sacit ber bis nnnrhunate mishake. stisbulngimoe 're.Upe coîîunnihy. The greaher shaee i euuleieng, dt 96000dlar-aebe xed TféplECLUuI K'SBE ST FRIEND disease, and death crsefine,nt ho Provi- jOniyonue mnsin hwe bundred aund tree isfae1,000folushvbesexcd LARGEST SALE I N CANADA. den-ce, non te uncoutmllable circurnetences, iver six feet in beiglet. cd on it. ijo il!oPitcher'ls Castcriae a I for Infants and Ob!Idrn î eomn tas supe irOay preclplSour StMaci isoa"Eutai kngwa to me."H, . aHRM . Ii Wormns, gives sleep, an.d prQzuOt,% di. nie *Ozod t, 1. .Iwu§a miïn edi.&ti.i Tmn C=AUR uCoMr.sANY 77 Murray Si;rcet 7 T FOR SALE LY J. IIIGGIN30TI-IAM &SO0N, BOWlMANVILLEy. A large Stock of well selected Ainerican Wall Papers, cheap and cautiful front 6-ts. to 50ct3 per roll. Call and sce for yourself be- ore purchasicg, elsewhere. Ail cotors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to give gooI. satis- ;tion, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomnining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes anad hisks. GlaEs any size, and Putty. Painting, Giain;ng antd Papering done promptly andi satisfactorily For aUl of which call at SHERI & KIRBYii-, Souff sýde King st., between Treleven's ai Reid's Shoe stores, B~lraVl rhe unders,îined desire to thank the farmers of West Durh, a for the liberal patronagýe extended to ns during the past season. aiso to reminti thein that we are stili in the market andi prepared to pay the H IGHEES T M A I "K ETr",P *RICE.RU ]FOR ULKINDSüOF AEI&S D lelivereti at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We hbave also on band a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, )f Canadian andi Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bag'S. Ro±- Sait for catt andi hoises, andi Fresh Grounti Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepareti to sel CBZELAoe ~'O~» 0ASE1- Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEÂN SCREENEI) CQ Cways in stock. We invite inspection anti guarantee satisfaction. MOGLELLAN &Ê UGO. FBARLS 0F TIIUTH. AN OLD-FASHI0RiED WIKTBR. The generality of mon have, bike piants, Îtent qualities, which change brings to "lGetting a littie cooler 1" remarited INMr. ght. Gallup as lie walked home with bis neigb. The fortunate circurnatauces of our lii e bor, Mr. Petersby, a few evenings ago. are generally found to be oue of our own ed \es, indeed ,and I'm glaad of it," returu- producng. cdthe latter. I I became heartiy disgnt. îroduîng.cd a'it Warin weatbcr durng this summier, Happiness is not a reward--it is a couac- and 1I l as if.]I'd nreyer want to see any q1ience. Suffcriîng is not, a punishuent- more of it." t is a nesuit. "lIt's the saie with me," cutinued Gal- Respousibility is personai. Befone God, lup, 6'and I only hopc that we eau have a face to face, eý' ch sout rnust stand to give real old-fashioned wjntcn this tîme.'" aceomut,-[Robertson. I"So do I," said Petersby. "The last fcw Talent is a great thing, and truc genius winters have simply been no winters at ailî, niay be greater, but perseverauce sometirnes but I trust this wvill be one nf the reglar-1 beats both of thcm. nid style, with lots of keen, bracing air andu 0cr1 incomes are like oun shoces - if ton plelt.y of snow"." mail tbcy gai1 aud pineh us ; but if too "Alh-h, you'ne nighlt t" exclaimed Gi large they cause us to stumbie and trip. lnp. "What we neefi te put lufe iu our veinsand color in our cheeks is somne wiuterý Light is above us aud colonr surrounds us ; weathen like that we uscd to hav e. Thies but if WC have niot'light and color in our namhy.pamby winters rob me ofanii allîity, eewe shah lot sc îberni ntside us. and~ give me that tircd feeling that oi 1Everything is rigbt that tends te the true real braeîug wes.then aund pleuty ni the bappincss of mankind, andi cverythinig isI'beantiful' can cure,ý" wrong t'hat increases the sin of human, By this-time the neigbbors reached their miscry. adjoining homnes, sud scparatýed for theý If actions hadlno consequences there night, each ne cherishing a beautif ni pic- would be neither gondnor bad. Couse- ture of au old-fashionied wiuter sncb ats he quences are the standard by w1hich actions hoped soon to sec duiieiated. !Vbcn thley are jcdged. Thcy are the children thet amIe the following morning they ,.und that testify as to the reai character nof their the ibermorneter haf. lalicuseveraî degrees, parents. 1and that the finsit suggestion of winjter was The worl'l generally pi,31bes a mnan the upon tbem. Btititwasnonly-a falot sugges- way he mates up bis mmnd te go. If goîngf tion, so slight as to go alinet unnoticed iiy up, tbey pnsh l im up ;if gein, down, tbey persons not given to stndying the wcatber. pnsh hin dowu --grâ,vitaio-i, ho-wevcr, mat- As CGallup was on his way to the alicy with ing the speed greater on the ilecline. a bicd of coal abes he 2aw Peteisby split. Witbout self-sacrifice thiere eau be n on îdn 0tebctyr.Bt biessedcess, neitLhîr on earth nr in beaven. ne, vwere warmnly wrapped up Irom lbead to Rie that loveth. his lifo will lose it. He that et hateth his lii e in this paltry, sejflsh, luxuni- , Ia Difi y)u ever sec snch a goi bînged nus, bypocnitical world shahi keep it unta Cuge lu ic h weather in ail yonr lue 2" et~na. [CaneKgiy shoti Gallup just as the ashes -b 1 h if e trîcd te tbrov; o',er the fcoce came bac ,a Whistle For It. II"I siiouid 5ay net!1" said P&eenîy. "Georgie, Georgie, rnind-ynnn lbac îvill IIt's tbe-.d»e.go-.dpst cold suap 1I crnsaw be biown off if you lean se far ont of the or beard tell of. It'seneugh to rip the luei carniage !" ont of a breas4 ciephaut or freeze a feather7 Paterfamilias (quick1y înatcbing the bat bcd.", frnm the beafi nf the rcfractory yonngster I man wbo will stay iu this cliat, and hîdîng it bebind bis back) . IlThene, saiti Gallup, "lis a double-deckcd t- now-the bat bas gone ? wiuding lunatie, and if the Lord will let e Georgie sets up a leowl. live throngh ibis wmnter I promise yen 1'il Alte awilcbisfater emaia:"Conemrne awa; hefore a-other winter me" be quiet; if I whlstie, the bat will cm crno e ntitdepating ni e n oi igh bacit again nw oniudPte1" 'ie hnb wbhistlcs and replaces bat on boy% hcad. ni soothcr long, cold wioter mates mni k " I'ereît'sbact aainyonsecat heant, " Atsd then the twýo meiikuried Wbiie te p aani are engîeii ove-lt herbre!adstcos"I L sation, Georgie tbnows bis biat out et the store, wbhile tlîein wî' es buntef i;uptî w indo , an cri s :ar-nenfs sd ar tie oversho c. wIldPa, tanfi csinybicihsteita A n old-fasbionel wîuter is real ncbut a , th re g ce rnnO s " i aci a ter ail it see i s m ore 'd elig litf -I 1-tU n ec t ag rn fp op le a iew yca s cf ter it b sp a>se . Auc orficu'wcs isanef in the-11ussars the other day ho hav'e ail the lhaîcete in chvarge ni the soldions pot nutîifie on the baireutk- square te La airefi as a preveushion ni choiera. A gentry weî posiefi in hate charge of tîsens. Be Lad not beaunuiinhy long wlseo the 1'fmoopý Sengeeset-Majon carne up te bies andi astefi wbah he w'cs poe hefitforo insd hie jreplied in an innocent usaunen "IlSir, Iarn jbers tu keep ihe chioiera ont nf the bar. rackts !t A historiececoiecton ni railway tickets Innîn ail parts n' tise woif iliibe neni ibe exhilsits et the Chîcagn Wolf's Tain. -Wbcn Baby was sie,, we gave her Cadorir. Whun se wsesaChild, ehe cnieli tonrunue %Vhen sic becanes Mies, she clung se Cas'-. ia. TWhan $ho bad Childi-en, shc gave them C%'7" tls-n,

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