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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1892, p. 3

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It wM S ave j'r0nI uch trouible It wil bring you cornfort and cesce lA wili cave your clothes and han&: It does flot require waShLIg powders It will wash lu ither hard or soit water It cannot injure the Most delicate skin or fabric Its purity and excellence have given it the largeat sale in fthe world ThEE I,DýLY litIW. 0111,S:PT. 5UNLIGnT ISEIS a'aoe .,: nTTED INZA.R BKENEi AD TOliON tO MILLINERY STILL GOIIN G ON At M'rs. Dancaster's. Grand di3- play, f trimmed and untrimmed fali 1and winter goods. The stock is the choicost of this season's importations; it v~as personally selcoced with great care and with due regard to the wants of the IccaI ilade, It contains everythînIg ilew in styles and effets and it is made up in the rnost ,itistie form and«will bc offered at the naGst inoderate priées. Feit and Straw Ilats d3 cd and reshaped- uln ail the latest styles. 'Sta-i,ning donc lhere. Ih4ealso thle azericy foi- the Rotinson Corset Co. of London, Ont, a perfect fittirug corset- Orders taken liera, MIRS. DANCASTER i' orae 87 î aC~s Q î97IG T1W1 O--T G.C. PATTEIhSC ,-gc. f(-,.Caniada. ~î~taclt, usappie ly thse la~~ ~~ ro uoii slc p-eu - <t ou- -fer-ud To, sote ig luua ti- it last teig tie trou us cii i Meffeci cures-n kmsm-u-ingI La uied. It is naues emeudy, and b1 is sic~ysotlinemrnntthat mils dil' lit, POSITIVELY CURES flhsa nmmstlsvm, se'nsciua uknss scin-inca, 1 P liei oipnit General Dablity, icsc otnt aoy, Luikibago, Kicae)yDisease, l<eivocýss 5lorses, Livem' Conplaint, DysiipelcIt, Lcîiehche, Vaer1ocele, tlnary Di-seuses, RH EUÎMATIS M ILs-m a nuil knuan faut thst en-on-l sene bus uimery s <id tcsmurdri met un Iseunu tmlc c:5e-. \Ve eutui'*eus-serliontlui ehclscttiugh Iuc-lnîity hbas ouly Leen lus use as a aemed li curent for a few peama. h lulias curefi moi e cases nIihuaulun' ttla al oibem meaus tous' ind. 'omeof ut uidng phy iions, meeng- naiziug this faci, are euaHiig tîceusseives ofthIis Muai peant osf natures orce,. TO RESTOIIE IIANHOOD Thionsauds uf peuple suffr fmum s variley uf nota-uns disecses, cnt-l os Su-minal Wecknss, Imptecy, Lusu ManiionS, Neak 'oie., ha h-ndmades uftrIesîmeut fail to cure Thene les a huai ni nu-rue fonce or power that cannot Le restos-uS Ly meical tresîmu-ut, and mtnycto Soimwis o-arsud tmp unaceomplis Itbis a-y any ýaltng. rpry raekind ut driigr - le stiiug a ficcgemnus TRE!ýSE UISEASES CAH BE CURIED uviisupply wbal is iackiug, nsmneiy, norve unr snmer, impart loue sud vigor lte -I!,lssudamouse un icaltisycctionutise whole DHeWABE OF IMITATIONS AnC lise wutbiesa, eap, s0 elled Ebeetu-lo Blla adu-otisefi by an(me concerneSuad peddled tbrougstise country, Tiiuy are eleelnie un nme n nly, wor5iless as a curative power, sud dena raypice. We Callngethse Wosld tnu sbow au SIleoI oitah le'e th u rret ii umder cou- trl ni tishe Patient as eompieîely as tif. -our T 'scl Iaci, itlie portrait nifbu'. Owuu ni , n ugold upon oe-y Beltanuig -!Piiuc n ousfat-red Ly us. 4 ' ing St. W, ïTcorto. ior prospective wants, as the eitvcci ni building- decreases wilh the fincuemse i 1,hi relaýtive dimensiuns oni the prmoued silo. is hape onia silo is àalmalter ni nuofl tie importance. Soins huihd tismenuetcrehy AGRICULTU RAL. Soma folks is allers gmumbini,', nue malter what th ey'-e got, A findin' fauit with whal they bave, an! a ucantin' uvbst ibey'u-o nut. An'you ud hiuk, tub ei-eskickin' Su' 5-Cu,3ii ni tiseir uck,, That the uvurlis a bad inu-estment an' the Lord's a gettin' stuck. An' i es lmusp tn bu-ar'eca a-compiainiu, all the tinie Wills Iboir me-seiy iscunuepiion' ni the wunt-s o'0' Sublime. Au' it sots mue to relleclîn' on the merite of the case, Au ,' adrawin' of conclusinsapporlainin' to the Till Ivue sortor got ho thinkiu' Ibat il's elonri hto colopýain t Thal thene's îut as nsuci i ofpîcasure as thuro aven was 0' ain ; Thaltisanre ainitnousure hoeursmahbmut il an uvîai tiuere is lu hiais, Au' thinge air pnetty ekally divided up, I gcess; For w-bon yOU Stnike a baisuce'tuvix the shadder an',lise si-n 'The two uviil allers el-alizc uvheuî mdl is ssid an' doue ; AuW the wurmd is balanced ou'eu, an it wouiln'i -pin aroucu" Fo lh-bhilfil MIbe boliers when the thing la lovaileul dowu. Thorea sotii en olfi-time ductrine, aui', I'vo fournd it ussgbl trc, That pou 'lever gai sthbing uvithosut a-loomi' sousoîti-', ton; Thal theme n-'ener a agains withnt e comme- puond 'n' ioss; 1hat1yur'me nutacguin' lu weam lice nwn unlees Yen pu bcan the cross, ush,'len vonr see spluins lite the iviere ynu'd - like tuget. Yýou usamo it moor laten, but yon h1 psy fur it, i bot. A man uusay gct the larulus' n the sciences an' sicb, An' another final je, futures su' may shnike il sufiden nici, Buit thse finit i lost tise puacni nouiuid Ibai once h l esd tu foc], "the a, as halot the mlli .nia hard-esmuef. bonuesti iseai. Au' wheuu ou sua a tolons gui Ihings extra Yow eau gcinetics Ifur aIl lie's got ima'c paid thoeumarket pnie. Au' if yu o lite was flgured ont, l'i laiel yon ushat infioîcd. Youft fSud'15 balanced juet the same as bie'n ai th( endi. Thon quit yocm foui cummplainin' an'a-shudyiu' hîocv to shimk,. For the turne Yeu pendil n cui' ou eau boiter speuf inuwonk. Tiings du take ou s bilions lnnk atilnes, 1 inuit adlmit But a-kiekin' au' complainimi' w-ont holp the thuug s bit. Au, thecionds ibat comne a-dru lin' by 'l vanisb 'ne byone, Au' 5-pee in' irons bhiid'em ije uglory nf the Thrs a muuh of sun as shafidor lu ou'oy drop o, doua There's a- uîuch ni day as darnese w-bon you take ftie uvnrld ail Ibron glu;- Thene's as maich off mn as sbaff or lu every hîsman hent, Aui' niday on' uight lu ovcry lite you'll Sund sus -'Olmal part. Acs îlould thrrObc a rusidu'- chas' in elibor Th.aLnd'l mke it ekal ou t'oîben aide some day, Hoe: V ertssSheep Raising. The principies ni encuessful hng raieiug are mucb mure gcucenally undemstood ard practiced tîman ana the muassasd methode of raieiug se'ep. Eu-amylarmet kmsows lime vaine ni crowdiug licepigsfe ina irth in uîaturity. E% ery fumer knoa's ttuaI uarly msmuriiy lu a hug moas quiek mnney sud lacs cihance ni luss y choiera sud ciller casusities. Every fariner approciatus the abarsatonlîti-s ni breede, sud mhooses sncb as suit hie own cii-cu-iuetaue. On corne farmas lingeare expected lu live oncon durng Ilueir enlime !ile, utitîs mure nr las gnazmug, sud cornutie ftbat lu the gleaucuga ni ctunble-flelds w-hich uffer mure lu the 1 vay of exercice tubsu fond supplies. Ou uthser larme hogs are afierded dloyen pas- >Inmos, auJ are ,nt lu-Jcorn u ints enucer- timo, huit are exp-ected b Ilve, grow smsd ibniVe ongrass. Snme bog maise smarket tbe bog crop at oiglit or tocs muonthe oid, w bile uthers practice tIhe holding ni hoge until tbey are faully gro .vsî-igueec lu tw'euly inoumîba oid-beiure ieudiug t-s fatten, E.eechof Iluose sycieme ni profitable maieing of isoga depends rcc upon characleuis tics ni breeda. Feed ing qunalitios, eamiy matnni- ty, hardy riustling qîmalities, etc, are eae-h koown toloeing" tu certain bceeds sud types ni boge uniih reliable unsiiormily. Beiutuitls sheep, sncb informationc le un- suspeciad-al lest, nit practiced hy lice average lammon. Tiso ygecuenahlly sim te push tire pige along wcth ail ilcey eais est anti drink ucutil luarveit, as ut îtihoî iin erubîe-fluidst e, 0 o olhowoýd hy green corn, snd s cornbardeis, diae iuudng ltisle e- somtedlu onorlime finiish (Thiseleashut tise bu- aieing formulinl Illnois.) !oc, ou aboust th-e lamnbel W'iat are the practiec ut sbeep raisemu? Wtiile tice proileun ni profitahbeebcsg raîiing lias bu-en learmued, the probleuir ni eheep bnsbandny bave nob beeci cnuidonod, oiuîside nf tise wool, as llcey shinuld. Hng naîcing sudsagiriuue in the corn states ana on paraliel linos , siîeep ramsiug is r'ot csow, h-ml u'11 bu ai novery disetant d'ay. Tietemdeucies ara in ilus di-ection. Ail algtIselineof tgon I iarmirg cheep havecma place timat muo olluen domestic animnal cami occnpy. iis ethe pnoleim ici the siheep iniuulii- ofy ni5%uecucuîry aindltlb--world ihat is heing studied aad nusmt buculoved before the luigluet reeuuILs chah bu oluaiused in agnri-uutune on sh-up raisin.. bis le the meason some nmeusare successfi liLercansd tbaeeai over chu countsry. The lackoni iis t ttenioni lu special selecîlouîs sud prao- lices ni breus and mianegeuscuits is lice cause ni disappoimî turient. round. Where this can be lonit kif con- i But thore are othc'r mprc wlico srA not 5qn omical of apace, but it cannot se eagily ho rough, they are mou Il like ourselve."; doue wlen the iuateriais used are wood, and WVha t e toba doue with them ? Shall they the silo is lucated in aur nid building. j tis ha banished to the kitchen table, and te usuel te build the silo longer than it le thle kitchen for ,oveuing entertainument? broad, but the relative cost le le3s wbieu the Thiis l the tendeucey, andit le cansiig much square shape is chusen, tbe capacty of thef discussion. But the fariner, wherexer ho silo beiug taken loto accounit. I t is impur- ce andi wlatover h:s ideas acay be, is jurti- tant that tire silo be deep. The deeper the fied ini denyiug the stranger admission te silo the mure perfect wil be the preserva- b is family circle uuiess hoe has proper cru- tiou ut the cru, and tire iess the amounut of dentiale. The " seemiugly" gond man, thre waste un the top. stranger, bas already beený received into The foundlation of the silo le a mnatter ei families with recuits nut satîsiaccory. Much importance, viewed in the liglt of ____ ______ diiration; the wbole fouindation should cur siet of stone laid murtar. The cis may ho Wonderfal Tenacity of Columbus. of the saine material as thec studding, aud The teuacity displayefi by Columbus lu kept flrmfly lu place by boite comiug up his long search for means sud antboriby to througlc thae tonework cf the foundation Dudertake the voyage of diecovery is se won- ofte io alb imi. derfal that it stampe hlm a hero eveu hiad Tire fluor o h iora csml not hie labore heen crowued with successe. earth-sand or dlay. But the drainage muet Eightcen years before underraking tLie ex- ho gond, otberwcse much lose wonid accrue pedition lie was expouuding hic xiews te te the ellage throngh superabuindant mo3- Toscanelli of Florence aud insiested lapon it ture, It b7as been found a real difficiiity to that tire oarthle i a ephere. 1115 queit keep ont rate, and wvhen they give trouble of a patron te fumulish iiumn a ship they generaily comle lu fronm below. To aud prove it hegan sene time later, prevenit this soine use a grout fluor, others the Sonate ni Gena receiviug hie firet me- use unle ni cernent, that is, a fluor tire lower quest snd reiusiug it. Thon lho turnefi te part ni whicb consiste ni boken atones or Portugal, sud had the mortification of find- gravel witb waterlime upDon it, sud a ligbt ing that the King attemptefi te steal bis covering ni Portland cement upon the top idea sud te carry ont bis project withoîct ni tîce waterlime. hie aid. Next hoe applied to two Spacdisb The materials used lu building silos have Dukes in succession, uellnio whom pmomisefi been woud, brick, sud atone. Of these, wood the help wanted but finally refused l as tuu bas given the beat satisfaction. W\e DmaY great a matte,,. 1rom 1486 to 1490 bie foi- not sray now to give aIl tbe rossons. lowed tbe Spanish Court from nue towu tu The con sructin ofn the silo is groatly im. another, uuw pleading with a Cardinal, portant. If is important that silos ho deeù, thon arguîng wlth a juta ni astronomers, but the greator tbe depthr the more difficuit caemugoraphe'-s, aud occiesiastios, esho ovor- is it to keop the ualîs iom spreading. The wbclmred hlmn witli texte frnm the Mosaic studdine musct thereore ho close, and the acripturos sud quotations froum the fathere gints not ton fan spart The ususi size ni ni the chunch, and thon decided that bis the atude las 2xlt) luches, sud the leugth pcujeet was "lvain sud imipracticablo." should not ho more than 12 feet -, a less After tbis rebuif hoe docided to lay bis echomeI length a'ouldbho btter. The distance apart hefore the Trench, but was necallefi while may vary frein 12 to 16 or 18 inches, aud ou thes jouney, owing te an aocidentai they should bho carefully bidged when lu meeting witli a priost wiîo had ben cou- position. They shounidilu muet instances fessQon te the Spauish Queen. His conditions bhave two tenonserat the onde. Tlco girts being rojected, ho again sot ont for France, shnuld ho strong, sud the plates ni an eqoal but ýwas for the second finie overaontsrcuy sîze wîththom. The sheeting iusideshould a mesceuger roquosting his roture, sud fin- cosst ni nnplaned inch huards usiled upon aiiy' eoncluded anu agreement with t1heir the studa lu a hcorizontal direction. If Spanish majesties under whieh hoe set sali should net lie close against th e girta, Or it Aug. .3 ni the samne year aud landefi on San may rot the ticuher. A layer ni tan paper Salvador ni the Wet Indie Oct. 12 ni the rmnning up sud don is thon naiied uipols' Juliaii caleudan. these. Anuthen fier nficnch huards sbould From bis argument with the Flarentine thon ho nailod oven the tar papor. This philosopher to the signiug ni the a greemont layer ce aiso rongîîed sud gnooved su mauiy waaý eighteou yeans;, the lasi incîrtoon ni] instances, hut ici others M ila eimply mîatch- uvieh appoar te have heen spent lu plead- ed. Care muet ho takon to break joints luge aud sufferinge, nf rehulle sud enube, witb the tien ni boards firet put oic, as the wiîh an olamecît ni danger that ho wuuld ho mnuer tien ruas lu the same direction, that denounoed hy the chuncis for toachiug le, borizotally. The luside surface ni the hecesy, thatthe earth wae a globe. Sunely second tien l se em s planed, lu other few mouenbave evor livefi who would have iiisceueitsle lai ccplauied. The îwopricu. couquer~eneli asrles ni obstacles hy dint cipal objecte to ho effected lu pnttiug ou the ni argnumenctsud siseer persiseonce sud won seetitcg are the exclueisini the air sud the hie way ticmuugh succb npposition sud sucera proseniing ofnim upedimeuts to sinking. aud disbelief ni the suppocod "wise mon" It wonld thereore eeem preferable te plane ni lis age as well as coid, chillicie negleot tire muer surface ni the seconcd tier oni imcutîose lu high suthority. And hie Sn- huards. Wben a silo is wlthiu a building, promo tenacity ni purpuseansd irepressible n oniside sleetiug le wanted; but wharo imporîoui ty we're hardly lessciorcibly sowiî. if is nutside, the onter walle nsay ha shoot- lunlis handling ni tise crew on the voyage. 3ed, the camne as those ni other farm0out- Ho had their superstitinsand fbars to buildings. contond wirls, was himself perpiexemi hy a Varions mateniale have beeci applied te strauge variation ni the cumpace, which hi$ the muner surface ni the huards in asisln mon constrned as anr indication oi iurthen witb a view tu tkeir prosenvarion. Thiese danger. Ho perseeored nt ouîy where 7incelude painit, petmoleunu, pitcb, coal tar, mnst nther mon wonld have lost hýope but sud oticers mighl ho naitied, but unenoe ap- really againet hope. Only b)y meacîs ni a parently is quiîe sure unît amcy ni tîmec sub- double reckonîug Jid hoie ucceed in îccduc- stances repay the outiay. iccg lis crew to persevero thrungli the thon lu building a silo it is ni micirc impnr. strange Sangussa Sea andi the wasleofni tancce tiat the walls ho kept freim spnoadcug. waters that lay beyond. H-ie indumnitable Iu fact, it is ail important ; for if thce wails resuuîtion wae as cecessary to the cartiryiîcg spread se as to admit air, the -vsine ni the ont ni hie project as te the gsining ni poir- silo ijeilua great moasuerdestruyed. PEverY mission te iuderlake the work te wliicl, hoie precaution shnuld thereinre ho taken to had'committed flic langeaI part ni bis adult pi avent tîcus contiugency. 111e up to that puinît. 1 Wre omîîred lu mention tîcatifcisceDow A great doal ni ignorant abuse bac, heon c _itnmary to put into tice coi-ners nf ire heaped ou ihe Iseafi ni Columbus. Amuug siun s hall ni a scascîlirg, cay, 6x6, aawed uticer things it le charged that lho cuade Op the contre irmn angle te angle. Some, slav es ni the peuple lie fouud, sud tonk soins ou lice otîcer band, use s piasir S8 or 10i of tfiemr with hîm ou bis retumu toe Spain, but irielies wlle, aud bevelled on thoedýges the trnlh le ticat lu the lime ni Couw. bus the next tue wsl. The spaco beblicd ie filied church sud the wnrld lonked lapon siavery w crh sawdnsl. Theba bjoot ce to taclilitate w; th vory différent eyes te tiiose turued ou tis ettling of flic silage lu the corners. thal relie ni barbarisuus to-day. It wes re- - gamded as salighiy proper sud muet efficient The llired Man. meacîs for the christianiziug ni savages sud Wliat is tu be dons wills tisoelired mnru ? neathen, aud defondled as a "divine institu- lîVe muet bave lrip; tînt is seltled. But tieni" hy the qînotationuofinumeouciextracts 1mw o ge sîng Wuls sirn 1mwto lve rons the Bible, front thuse teliiiug nt the bim na d respect hini ase a elluw-ma sîa 1 ourse onu ausanicdown tbrongh tise slave- question tl,at troubles mauy s farmer sud]i holdicsg by Abrahcam, sud to the epistle hie ondw ie, ho elivo hatah ecsarw bIien Paul gave to Oneio.us lu aendung eqsi sd oiled o luquthall menhe udhiicc back te bis master, Philemuon. Donht- pi :1i an ngoe. oeqa rgtsadlose Colunbshuwas a motai man, Dot su Huw itic ics have ehangefi ! Whist hicel oîsgel, while un thisecarlh, wbatever ho may men uve used toeuae, sud wliat irol girls, bchaniuu. As a murtal lehalbhie fallings, tun tue farmors' sons sud danghtcre, penlcaps ic moralese well as lu judgment, susrdy, lînnet, rolcable. Fatulis l'n ut it now bore appears that, in any respect, langer thbm tissunow, sud usîîanle l iy ucsîy nue tissuthe the average ni bis son sud dau4lcmer were noed-d at Iconcece. uChitin f his day sud genenation, Th rsIuont îrto wnrk iciftie seigîsho.-,,hi'-.ase a discoverer,sud onue who pus- bond, lu the scoat tuwtî, co'inty cin wlenevmý euedil hie owui braset tice essentiels te tlcey wei-o waîcted. Tire far.mu-r and îheii suceusseasesucb, ho toweic far shove ail the hined niai), lire latter nitusuftice sons uf! res tas a usountain compared with a moule- ceiglibors wene eqlnais iii al nespcrs. bil it Lîappseel nten tisat the linod man, Beecher's Only,.?oem. uiari--d tie dangliten noflis oempl~oyer anîd eettled dnwic on tire farmn, or isoar by. At 1Dniring tlie days of Jleiiy Ward Beecben's the tachie, lu the fanily cincie, in al I coin-1 conntsicip h le nailated tIcat hoe once Il'dmp- pany,"the iiremi mari sud the limai girl hal.d hdlet poetny," ani wrnt-e a iew linee ni a place s3 e muchon thu faiiily ; sud the verso, ieemiicg wîfh affection ion hie swoet- loispany, lu rhoýe<aye lîelped tu dlean d'e ] eau i. Dcctthe verses wcre always kepi table simd waeh the diser,.tîsat the farinon's sacred hy Mme. Beeclîeî, as they are ait the wie aud the Ilsired girl uiglicihave ais equal presocît day, antI nnthis)g cao win lhem imom nppurtcuity With th.e guest ini the avents 0f lber. Onse day MnI. sud Mme. Beecîcen were the eveuiug. lu the office ni Robent Borier, tise Acueican lu som-e parts ni t e ontry flice help puhieher. silil sit ai tise tab le ultls the icuily, but inuIl'Why dori't yuu write a poem, Beeclien famulies wlseme Ihere are children sud gmouvun id theasetutepubiiecr. np ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i dTgIrts ntm l ain it H i ic, 'mie m . .ece. Upward. posse-s!igsuns'-iufauilios for 1u sluig-mnaeTiutýItgau l "r lvn'c'stIr C ";' a.sproved eredit, sud bjr su doing I hope 1tgo lyincrease ny una c ai eaOÈ .Wa w--l tbe wood paurts nmly, or tho em~uiane ofb iu 5ranOI. Ail Kinds of Veniicles Rpie At ltse Shunteet Notice, Paimted sud Trimmed il Desured At îLeC Fa'-tury 1 also do Planaig s"ing, Turning sud Sawing witb ijircie, Brusi or Fn* sawe-. sud prep ira alilkind-c f lumsih.r for arpunlers and oliers fon builuhin, p-n-an o~acncai a cd l'aîIi tîerete for fenes inlacverysyle nequined, mafiate C nsaý IBO-VVMAN VILLE., Headcauarters in WEST DURHAM for FINE Dinner and- Tea Sets Chinaware Glassware Crockery Hall, Parlor FancyCups, and Hand Lam:ps Saucers, Vases Lemonade Sets, etc. OUR FAMIJLY Is always well supplied with the very best goods at lowest prices. Highest Prices for Farni Produce. Leadingr Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. Inspection solicit ed MURDOCH BROS. Victoria Buildings, Bowmanville. Having got settled in my New Shop, in the BEAVER BLOCK, next door east of Muardochs, and1 having complet- ed my Spring Stock of .3oots and Shoes of ail grades and sizes, I wish ail my old customers and many new ones ta give me a cali and î's'pect my fine new stock. US E IMcCOLL'S MACHINE OIL. The Champion Gold Medal Oit for ail Machinery. McCOLL'S the ianmers ni the cnîury. What l ime cisa,'> idtetl oc I' st farues duly înward suds as ian a bs? "a s," c idthehal . rn as u hall According Iosonne, se shonld Il 1ahor " to s h V eusitr a' ix. rah u nelorm," admit lu iamiiy grnnp sud ,"'wurk ienghhgl amu'sip" over lit. " But tise fanmuer-sgeuerally wm-11j lu 1625 a huiip hnlh -,,Ii in lu Hohiandj nI take ibis uiew. fur £4,5OO. Il weighed 200grin. Double Cou ured Carages-----------------------------------$150 Single l'hieîuus-------------------------------------------------100 Open.Buggy------------------------------------------------------..70 Deunocrat Wagons----------------------------------------------- 65 Lumnbus Wagonse......-..-...-.--.--..-..-...-.......-... --... -----o5 Liglit Wagon---------------------------------------------------- 40 Express Wagon------------------------------------------------.. 7 Skeleon--------------------------------0 Sulirv-----------------------------------------------------------40

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