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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1892, p. 7

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GRAEFU~-dFIllTNG Boli d7j OUS 0I L 10fou e-g3 with ce Moeegg welk beaten. " Jacin,' ih in Iorth-Western fes-SIme antit of soda "r d cream of tarta sC.anada. - __a A ~ xh ba bee baflehyadsrectcd for the silver cake. ~ Il who he ws crss.eamimc, Tratm~n of a Agci. MAT CKes.On'~ oundof roeulÀteak a A fatur recuiar o lie in seiemen L gT wiris,. an airndoffrounsstey M i "baching jr, a short phrase for "hachlor 'J saau ain o otsesre Ie condstion of beipless old ag2 appcals chopped very fine at the butcher s. ~ i"Tece b ieb hrsle !V- ý f--UÈÎ. I.in bcb yen reside, wjîî you plcase an-e~nht h yptiso 1r~ssu- ssstht a ateaspooinfiul o o n 101JIIicetbve to do every thing for themselves. swerfraklywAsr-SideofPhe t.e eu people. It ss toc often the case that the once-fourth of pepper and one of s-illi, ai-d Wheni a matisilhaches it," bris shanty con- 1i-,Vs tw iiih ovr, the eeraucusor -'s'î Ive on prn i9"ide aesn ece fthe la rmadc. Broul in a double wirc broiler stofbtnermgealy ui f andaurriiin. and by a1 ilapplicatienaor le"On ither ide," qnietiy answered tetc htftero nte ithewaarentisat bas een rubbedwithobseteretIff logs If lbe bc 9,tidy aud a clean'y mass he t1efn rcate rl V' 'c' Cca M'. witnessetc htfte riobri nteva.I uthsbe ule hWte. I t spcriodically serubs bis floor.; lhecarefully F arosslour br:eak aet salamwih a H eua t hnee h x laad but troc, that a large proportion of more cons neeorto fry rbern, fry fsrst two stows away bis hedding during the day ;bis C eylNr1 lbevere ,i vs w uiYs i v, o a ta e"rodee x or people look lapon old aga with impa- aip es of fat pork rintil they are brown and cooýiîng stecsl r racdo i ~srany~'avedouorbit. hI~ibeailraedareyr.neatly arne r i ~iadssoue s 'to sr arsile o1,t, thea uat" V a ifycure oc.ptsesre, tience. Tb e ld man or voman depondent crisp, thon take tbens out and pur tbe cakes isbec, prae ogd aa3ino b 0iàinituion ma aezra lua-tl'r bruitunOcatitlir utergtsd, on the county's chatity je more to lho onvieil in ýthe hot fat. Cook thein til cdons, tbec etbcs i alsaedcrîdwt ItIogivessgoiotestheeery eî',scc toe ; but iyolire go'ng than tihe agel parent of wealtby ciidren thieken the gras y and pour it aroud, lioV.tibse bookstrais f is reties aJred, dieae Hndeeto<sobtea ait's' are down, I live on the Icoft ide." I wî-o for bimoTo loy-eoativthonnd !loatisig arýuod us ready Io attack wlerever General l i ran he1aye aprl n oide cnwherillieeng lcincad by the tateat picturea seoctio lhere s'-,wea.k point. XVe miss cpeMotu nv il . ns i wr ae Iigsosaddugtr tsem lot~ Au AP"rg <sCHUTvrE. -Peel ten good- England ; and ls rougis furniture, nsost of a aalsat b7 lie9piu,, ourselve3 weit fortisiei credibie s.at there exista a ciass of people sis1,d appes, cire and lice thecn and steW it inaie by himaclf, je, eat any rate, clean. w;ith urebloofi ns-IP, peserly nourishbd -wbo wilfully liiareat the old.; but eseis a thessa te a pîulp) witb sugarr aouvbto ssVeets Iii sucb Iuaible rbongl tidy aboie tise ' e.-Civil sesrvsieozstts."* casuial olbserver cf ihuman natulre cals testify er ,em mentime thiclkly butter tlisides dasbissg youug fellow wlso warq a favorite Marie atmily withb oul, <water or milk 1he (lr mans Mistake. te is trull. Fatal errora bave hb"a made s oton nomal;bmeag '11, tbeil ijetiraig îouus aod tbc "best waltzer Ms], on upaickets iF Grocers. tahi'led thu e nusergoya va akn ds J "I FI-"EPIPS t Co., RI<aîzSoeeathtie (tielà A ludicrous mistake happeced sot long by paresawho, trsti'sg theirebidren isli- prss al arocud thse crucsbs fron the iinside kisowni," may he seoiu pipe le mouth, used- t~london, Engilanis, ago s.t a fuiseril. pbictly, Issie beesi issdu cod to transfer t1eirI of*a stale l 'iltcu erya sciis sssîeig f~ise is a tidy mari), or - ~ ~~~ ~Tise clergymîan procccded vwitisftise service p ropsst e oeo oeo bmfo aea îk iisnts p ej oe, mix with readsng, or writîoig brise, or kuealissg util bie caise te thiat part wbicis savsa lonsg as ti.ey shall live, and iii tihe najority ii, a tablespooiul f s ibtter and one bcatess douigb, or lup te tise arm, i sodasle ~~ Oui- ~~"0 dcceased bohe rsister," withut of cases bav-e realizcd tise errer wbec toc o ludap0ieth ibu ~~s wy rl5 o tis wa snt 4 4v1,lalete Voremcdy it. tl tIse eroissbs - ohce tiseourfsceu uesiisg wbether tise dcceased was uis eor s stsus îsng s phe There is, bowatrrtheurfrceopposiI female ;ss be t'srssed teossre of thc saoru. Tisere sss's adea'- old lady who was a cruimba citil ani hcfi thielk, asddt tbe-s fteaoedsrpto vats ît es and asked whether. it was a buotîser or graudma te thse wiiole commuity iu woish wis a icsvbilsa fbutter. Ba«-etlisepudding Iran, with tonkensatisiair, uuwasbed face, W'E!DNE3DIY NOV. 9, 1892 sisber? shelijveli. She allsaya isad a dresI of bes- uuti the cesimbsa l te aide are brcwn lites a steanger te toc ssastub, tise interior -The man very inuccenîtly rcplied, aud eomnisg c burdeis. She lest her husbaîîd, toitori a platter cvr ctise rm of tise disîs the i fiis ahaoity alhiggledly-pigglsdy. Theve muciste the cleegyiiaissconfusions:"No andtr isuo ferscoetliel' quickly tisîir ispapide dcwîu. Tise pudding je lsowever,muuelstealbc sad te excuse this. BIR. J. ýc, UITCUFELt, relation at ail, sir, oîsiy ais acquaintance." iu tihe id Isome. But two of ber sons,wisis- baving been rcmored nubioken, dust twith Trie young ioilow whc bas becn liard at EMPýER OF COILEGýY F 1l (IA ng t0 obtatu iser little psoprty, iîîduced powdered augar and aelve bot. ,work il day is too tiresi to set to bouse- eISufirgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. lier tu traisfer it Vo thems, preuniiising tesca AN esscçs.Pt ou's.-Osuc pir-t of heid axork su tise eveciig--toc tired cocu te Of-eand Eesideece, Euniskillen. 74. for ber tire remrainder cf lber life. Not wislu- watcr, oes Ialf pint of isul, two cook. Leaviîg isis piossel, or ies axe, or B5kE ~ ~o c ~ in t per briiat t 5î scswletallspoonfais cf corn staeeh,ItwIvo bis spadle st wbere hoesnay happe nte b, ao s l eccîed te tisik osiy ociber good, abs tried cqs one tsisoounil cf w-ite sugar (wherc it will romain util bie iext wants if) 5PRIiSl.Ih R OLCITOR, k4-es.10P RTI ,ý lAfier suriferg for about twenty-il e ycure te eliese as îhey lid at(!gave lber cousent. auJ a litti' sait. Dissol-e tise corn star-ci, hoeis toc tired te ksseac, se makes daisper K urrira trefis-et, Blwan- from scrç,f.i. sso n the', legs îand ar For severai ycars ases' ayed hy trusa witlij, ia lttie cold n ator and atie h, mb ethe witiî or-witlcut oaksng powder ; foc tîied cill. Sltotosforhe ntar Bak t~iusirasuediatcîr.<uvthost àrest, îse' two auna, eacb of wbos exacted pay biig pit ut water, thon add tic whites c trouble about a reast, ho will cat oeclsa:p 5 alvate moneys iaedat th3 towast rats 8 J began te use Ay.'s 'arsap.,ilt.a a frusu tise other for lber " keep"i, front il-cf'tise te-o oggs beaten ligbrly, tise salt aud off -a pire of pork, from a joint and co'uk it v ouderfusi cuve "a. tiherestt. Fise bttes suffi cd te rcstore me tu heatti.' &,riîthcia neas or otier cause, as eorerstayed tise tise stig . (irokorer liot watcr titl it tsick- aisylson ; lie caves uotising about 'tidying S. C MUIING Lope, z,i E. C01sussrce si-, Sac Antonio, tatedliîgtb of tinse. The pour oidmothser en-,, tisOnpsor toto a înusd and set aw,,ay "P ;" 'n'glscts bis ablutions ; tumbies ite SED AUCT ION E E P. FOR wvc.aas fuiiy awaaie oft tieir differings, aud rery toicool. Make a costard it' ,cah pi1" o Iss uabken bcd witb bis clotises ou and À the County os Durbam, sales -attended ln pyoerflrbtpovvcrissa 10blliîniik aisdtise y ci softwo eggs, sweete slop h 1e fteftgid h ai ,0c IasshetnoicP ad o0. rte. - bes erself. Tee- ohroiýndultracd flavor te tate. Serv e tse pudding very grows upoîs bis; lhobecorma sdirty botb in reas ci . . e4bst tbsy,a'e ais oi the businessaarranemnt cold. appcaranute and, in fact, soel nali isat-le by loess sre decliuiid te gîre lier a Wsscu.e IVIÎËEAr us'5 - epînt ci dees, arbîle bis alanty, unswept and ne- ROBT. YOUNG, 1V. 8. lhsMy daghter wa~s ui Eicd for neari l ayce r Ionse. Tire vcerpre-eJisugliser ieallu she wlsole,-absat flour,,twereaspoorifuis of bak- glected, soon hear anaisabmndan ce of living 55pri aeccsc etFEIC J1ý TRE WEST DU1{HAkI 'ihcsrh.Ts hsuibis ubeO wass rex'eell, sandsiber da-tughtsrs.in-l i ilpwe, u auusooo hotnnp17ofs tîsar h is a strauger Vo tiselhouse- es~ 3 eek. çitsee ieeelt or aBsistaa, Srspak il t 1fiollwc hd -*cue. 'ihree ectel îstlssss ibrp-sue . one s 5 poon ofsasgar. a little sait. iMix caid sud the clsambersaid. [Caal nilnle frin,.8sa.m. to 9p.pumNigt catts iroutis uofvestar ts te ,'isstl Ases, the treushe she cussei theis. 'iont uI lsking pewAder itl tise flouse, eubhtie Famiiy Magazinse. si -sideeeojeciy ppsit fitShedi. Cais Sars.pîrsia aid ,vsas Pilis cosupitiel wjtl s 10 -ses s-r s ir5e asked if she soluo ieîg t u îewtsmi __________ ttetegraph os- telepheane wsi eev vnst ri d ,'d.uf hie hth' d.Lii ersau aasafti'ii tsu eocghte drop frein a spoon. A Boy's Ida,% of ?ia ingtLe Gials. i tetun l-yr Rieite, LiIe Canada, Wsre, Mass. isiglt rititeo i les laucglitsac aa li 1.AZ , A .T CIE.pieased as a Clih at tiue thouglit cf a change.sousse cookb ljke te adi ai, eg;g. Tho irous T tz ritch boiz that ketches tise gsssls. AUCTJONEERI APPRIAISER, Real But, da lier daugliter irioruured the1 paru issulul le hot aud thoeoughls' giuasd, i Tha ki-i by cande and soda watter for the J- ussloe Ageut. ,Bown'avev,e.Ontriîo-behejstop "sc iiemuîeliîand sbcuidstanud ou the stove rbile they gui, a wtsas rat gorsewants. h-iJc aefllerndammetlngr atlte Jtei.eed su any part of Province. -silo svuuid s au tkf othe roc'nfra eur lîeadaisosu ogutlte.H hbkctharîtch au wauîs te pIeses "For reveri 5 cars, 1irsas troubled st,- re lisîas jde o bctruIlîcm ffinis hegin te s-sac, then tbey mest be Vhe surîs tho best thing fiue hissa Vodo je te i>o T sliasmaeyrhe,atiss, si, seb ad T>. s laby us aucaeus au coausual onse. puit on the îspper grate of tlic oren. They bc a solger or somethin an arse a yuise- A A- rnPONteTt 1 'tipee.Fi-r rieln, lPages could be fillledun euiumerating hs i a it aie in flftcon sintuiitos if hs ovc e fr it o-a Plaen auypcfc- iC ers swhecr v1 et' the ffects of' il, trtu neforms i ogr bsa'-nfr anaHadTECT, I w, tbgctetieAcaSr.s'. siI-riugs broogit about by tIc unkîrilnss shlie. abei kaut be ritcb rhv aynfr e . l i o Iu i p e d r a B lo cI f o l u t s .'Vm r 1 J 1i c B e u u u a F o s L . B o il a fo w l o t ili e d l u t te s - b c u f T a a 's b bh c h e a p t aid btviater and t sntar i r ueLts. cosn slcof proî'jding fcr tîseir ow'e futuire.bus et csp su sdps akway Vo ketcbhgus-s. [asclTribune.,e <dies G rue to kW b tb as y F i a l b c d d se s s i ' A bosess or tise a ed lshul d bc an iisstitu- j te tI e ssswaier itv/as boiied in aund_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 1~ 7ntr~1-s l~a~tie insuc-y tat. rernneabosilbeadîloes hlf lox of gelatine, diasolcd in For,aerufttv Ycuis-e -A I là einey txed fer is support, anJ shouîd be wrilisg ltber ; season witîs peppes-, celery, sit or MRe- WI Wssu'ehSxrSOO -sx Syriut bus been 50iitisi ee tatbcmgh jtyll'other flascring preterable, aud boul forrisscsb3 uiilions of usilues ors teioje ebdron CGentIemen's CiOthes Made te Order. te ptie ntssxa klcae ine ehaine.sr eatd aa jeke-Smfinutesi.ugans __________________________________provisions soud Le muade tisat jt shonid beco"id lb wiil ho jcliied, and rail ferai an i cr3 ieu o it u ituoav atiTe ctb dsfeng asnsc IlhIomie jusecs-y sense of the avord, and not pctiz:iug disb. cmidi tut a bottie ofi" 'ds. Wiiialow's Seothicg a chritbleinsttuton.Srrup"forc eltrcen teetbirg. It sylîl relies e a iTRIE RU£ITED GROU-,!. ithei poor lit; c ceitères- iismcidiatcly. Depout BrnQ-sLT. Chraetrlsles 5' cf-Bîrl VUuere it cures DicrrehoSa sogulaee scStoînacîs sndi Prcpared ty Dr. J. C. Avev & C., Lo-.vcii, Mass. th ir n olas Cures Wsnd, Collc e. rsatise isis, Soid hy ait Druggistu t1ri s ;,;sux botts, $5. Ve bave just flnialusd a iîandsosasecie Fri. essucos Infammsation n cd g!re-toncoand lre ihbiltaund a treassure is its -d, eergy Vo thse wiiuc aytei ss--Mrs. Xini'osr's 'Dures ctherz, wiî! cure yu lre ihrgs al tTs ssfe ruej odgrsb-,Soottsog S3vuap'"fee cîitsren teetlîing iR pieu y wav. It isje led -tise Dyitaud Park- kecn-witted, steossg-flyiug, auJ beautirji s ant te tise tarise a'sd le the 'pros' ri of osas _________________________________ espattes-n, but joreality je anothes- ps-c- altke ini the baud or on the table. The of tise 'sdest andi bu t ternale phy.4cuass andr eutusg jbottie. Sold by att rtuggists throuzhiout bbc- - I3A5 lu s m coine-atone, or 'senter-sfosse, of itshut recomnuendaicn, Sati3facbory for ws-J. lBe sur-eansd aslotor "'MRViss sLss U ii E IJO each patchawork square or Ilcabisu " is a twc- srr"atbJgtjeuaJner'Ilivr. w SON)inch square of turkey-red, IJpon tavoside s except insis 5 bfefrtunate spots, and ieisitmgnIdastswcdue, trie o Iigtp t h te w a tîsen ossîy baes-re the cens cys ave brokeis is periloîsa sprt. Fermerly tIse aniimale Viifv trips of each as-s uaed. Tiucy aud disbaod-d. Pinssate i grouse pack to- e- - o rn pafrsêece i h L_ D. S. abo'sld be one inch aide or ouse-isaîf ceiitcr gethes- as îsey growr chier. Tbe suffed grouse fwcse b s ouatiragspcrtsen rist oftre oyl Cllgeo«Dental PACKED 1 N TRE FOLLOWIN(G saquiere. Thus a pattes-n ja rsry eas-sly as-- ailows that lue is lîke a star, aud dweîls them on foot. Surgeonsens-rio SIZES- trisd at. wt aaeave'cu-apart. Heelbas no flxcd auJ rcguiar habjts, OFt'FICE OPPOITE LXPIIISS OFFICE. ums-y-sss squares wl aeas-ycn- n o un acrosa bina aren yedon't cx- 0 -uaASECA T LONGFELLOWS fortable-sized qiilt. Il larger is Jcsus-ed, pcet Vo, lias oîly tlîuog te go by beiusg yous- Uatarrh. Ls.u roemLIjA PCAL Yfour aripa may bec ued and sixty-fours- aar-bestknoaledge olhelocalifood. Agcod Jog Arbifucial Toeth insected w thout PERFECTOS ed, as this pattern rsiuiree a regolas- square. s'es ruificîlgrousec utsat becIci-y steauiy and CATARIIIIL Du-ÂF-Ess-HÂx' FEVER.-À PlatesL N DO N Forty-nîne will net bsiug tise light aui cas-ciel aud net wos-k up too cl ose,. Train- JýE HFIE T.REATMENT. c Os-e1 t Reduieions sn ps-sc ou ahI Denta L N DJN as-k aides te hs proper angle. d o do this work wcIi lie wosuîd flnd a con- 1 Work. .Vitatized -Air, cutnlyl eps-o RPINTA VIT ORi-lI> A pttes- rn esPa'arieua arfages in 9oc nVilauss ufrrsaant eeal aaeta 'Inch-sg Paiu!ess Opre tiens. Pactictilar aIn i~i 'Yaa aec ate-.Bs e iepesr has-nea'y lprire hoae Vhsopen abît lion Paid to the reguaation of CiildrensTeetb PiN1ýs your frieuds exclaini, "Oh îîow prety 1"teeon euf yeas-. eare Ino h u t helSuffererseare lotgne r a-ethat ÊýW LL ORK ARBNTED -Fà wen en ufol t, l, s eonoiîca. - a aili, lonsg for chickeneand short for suff- are due Vo the presfnce os' living parasites Ileucu OlieDr.Ruheîfod' Osno apîcces and large mav lac utitizcd, for it is cd grouse, tboîsglsil yen listen Vu soulns in the lining mer;ýbsane os' the nose and L AiU of exceplioualiy fine quality. noV, "e tewo aý lkee Je eswinbsquaees Jusowncre paîîsîatly you nust believe sustachian tubes. Microscopie rezearch QI ifferet srenthansdJas-k agaiist Jas-k Thijs holds't5th ieis- doge are se arrassgcd, andI endos-eJ, howeves-, has proecd this te hc a s'act aud J tUiiltIMAIIXÂOfiUIXiIn isrent Daylght auJ Pas-suces gcod., Oece sîpon inreoves-, with qualitses of super-lauman the result os' thiie diacovery je that a sim-- DE1NT~T. o sut ai fases, he qiimio-bass, i is asiI~uiled inach elligence and prescience. con lsl se senedy bas been formutated whare- aINI .s-hip suns nepar or at tise sear'. Te lgto i sufdgossi by catas-srh, cabas-s-al deas'ness and hay laths tuîubîee-deaigc qtit, onselias op-djrect sud bis trait, ou iody scIal, eaus'os fever are psrmanentiy cus-ed un eie ta eorbunjby le e of one'a fs-ends. for th eaught up by lise Jog's folîewsng eareflîy thee simple applctoamdabh e OF I Ebegro M Sr. ilos odunul s ialong sais bte of light. Soeaetiises Vtae b ed lctoa ud Ihm OFFCE ----Rar f M sss. MIîlios oIdAnnaiY. patter-n calîs for "ne twe alike." Evcry wl aease rudjahl icea e by the ra.tient once jn lwo weeks. - - varicty of colos, aightaJas-k andae helf cirho aligbt wbse fch as wie ltutude, i and. tee, ous htand will then Ilflush wiid"as hs . N. Bs.-This tscalment is noV a Hligginbotharn& Son's Drug wiuinswdeltiudnsuenut l 119 huIfiTfrI seUy adqite atimhwe nees ese-coineup. Usual]ylbewillmnakc for snuff or an cinnuent; both have heesa dis- Store,(down tairs, iji J#IIIUIJL prujtITUIflfllLuit." sa, tbsbmiwers as-salue-thiaskove, the top of a allen trc or abrush cas-ded as injurions. A pansph et ex- Storek Vo iake itandsstceont.k, o icis goiîsg Vo liy wbeîs hoieearts, auJ wbcîs on reeeîpt of etamp t10 aypostaIze, by J. BOW A VL E-'*- - vr a- ue eeat its"kw you cornse along lac pulls bis ireigmb asound G. Dix.n & Co., 345 West King St. Tes-- ______________________________ 1AC i L- bers orpurt Iluerbexac. lt b o-tcdIle eaea tesaud kiusOnsf sglît b'iiud ontteCanada. ~Chrsitian Advocate. - ' e e oin sose atera. ise baet cuiîrisatedit, leaviug yo-us gun smoking auJ you sarear- Suifes-crs, fs-,m Ciaass-al troube favrit ofmin, mdeof we olo-ssaitsig. A grouse pub upîy a yelping cockerhulJcseuly-edVsae. D"IN NO CLEANINC bleachod coîbon, auJ pink, greenu, bine, sd, spanuieîorcuewilisequa-nlytaketoa tseeand hudcrfil edteaoe os- eilw u plin r uarl plin ein.fwîlii thon bh o ienuouawatcbiasg he Jog -The largest telegraplaoficse in the warld Laduic' aud Gents' arear of ail kînda, Featis prefer pink, bel othes- soîjd coore as-s that bbc shooter eau couicei5p aud blow a isin London iu tIhe Post <ilice, Inuit thorae crsGieceRibone LaesCuramn, ad -. -ps-tty l tgîiied wad out of bis atsaomny. This arc over 3,00) opes-atees, coatantlyesnploy- alil kundeof fancy goode Dyed, (leansd or us_ bryaxaeucsar îhsrp e sbb aia -y1 e re, but noecd, about osethurd of as-ons as-cwossuen. Feech icncd 'Vork poatîrsly guaran- îje ýMl'-tweeo, îwo inches wide, of hs colos-. îr s tobmnall ilodbabirge y as-er bayses lceJ thebeat. No psddlsng awagonesnploycd. '____- should lbe iined withi hs saine colos- aun jsd eb aL.lwdlrel yfrie-by A-l resitigen:, un eeruy t wu. bouîsd. This pattes-nia sonsetinses ch osen sd hy gcntlisuanly fisiing toursjts, wbo SRIISHAMRICN DEIC c'r Meses. llONEI & McM!URTRY have fok oît uhwt uoepm p n Stcî befere uhey started for the woods tisaI F Cold H MEd1aîjîtDyEICre Y puschafied the Counly 'if Des-bam for the plain ws-iite, though I lkes it bettes- without tlîcy wes-e gcing le bc ont os' seat, and seOi Mii-real, Te lo, st Deav ns Qes best Wire Fence in this Coutry. I&iks the autographe. tqok alossg a shoîguin for a lirîle illegal shaoot- X Agent in Bowmanrijlc. , sts-ongy, easiiy handled aud osnmental. It requirs soins patience aud peesever- irg un hsbitai of me rufdgos Pawd URE DOSN TTOE. ItwilI net be injured by snow, heat, cold auce te get it juer riht ;hsbaskets WEI.cTe, habitantos tie auffnitrofasle a aide _____________________ or as-nde. It wili tus-nHorse, Cattie, botiser a litIle aI fisst, and a lirne e tl tsilcig etebrhso od f N E Sheep, HiLes, Dogesud Puiultry. IL ie a eut" uaay haro te be dons.lu qeîîting tî lle iici1ebteli liao od o'j ?W E E G en s' L othig ne wor wlhouîbas-s, ~ ~s-îî ~i~-seamna imust bc e ed around, and as tises-eCanada, Nesw Eeglssud sud tise middle theesnsd many ther siJilar CnapaisîsUESAL. ggs, one scaul teaspoonfel os' soda anJ Vwo er said: ; Iay~5ous- e ie a w-5Maiuresi yieldo lia hapylsafueucel ~UDOCR eintsof' he Blod. eapug os'e-as ci tas-tas- os-ths-ee ouuded "But whal dud David eay ?" ~~1.ý,adres'. Cireusarirel ein'x sip y,*)I toth hppyinlunceofLUDOC Tins o te loo rno., Crasai . Adstes ~ GEIA ~~ BITTERS. j l~~~easpoosminîs os' bakiiig-powder. "David said," shouted out Donald, te i lisis hsP~,-U.A ~~a I"os~2elalusjail .eaiii. ER . ocuaCAKE. -One-Ibis-J of a cup os' but- the sus-prises os'the congregation, Ilthat he I 3685 ies.bmoi-sStreet. CjII1CAG0, ILL. 2or CaTe Ay . NeadiV.e, lecp fpwe-d uaoecpo'wilil end yon tbf ebees wheu you send the IFOR SALE tE BOWMAN VILLE, ONT, BY 4ILUR~ CO, OflTor~ onfto. icoîd waVer, hs-e cupe os' flous-, yeUse os' souey Vo is." jC. iegnism otFuiy u îaeu Sore '-hroatq old lsy ns-cp -jist c'aand 7eai ýgs eves-y vhez EI'y Ua ' hLe Dre il Lanusiceges. TU1E CIIIIS1 . VMFiLE , 0E-hlsre Have you tried the CI.jGAR? "Kieker" Us-ivrss sy ackuowiedged te be sopinir in every respect te t.uy other brande in the mas-ket. Aiwaya cellable, as hae been fuily de-moîssVra-esdý by thermilions tat as-e aold anriallyaudVhe iuecsaing cmard s'es thein, notwibh- standing au incregsed esin- petitiru csf Oee <ue ludred and 1'sestq fise Factorise- Thie fact speak8 volumes. IVe are net eheap Cigar manufaetursrs S. DAVIS & SONS Montr eal, Largest and l-lighest Gi-ado Ci.,yT Manufacturers in Canada. Ris-h lutise lîasmg-lieaiimg vis-b"oýs os' lie Pine ronîibinesi witb the soling andi expector-ant properbies ocf other pectoral herbsanu barke. APERFECT CURE FIl COUHSAND COLDS IHoarsens'ss, Asbbssia, tocisSrThe, LUIIG DISEASES. Obsbnate coogbswaich resust other remedies yield ps-onpbly Ica Ilis tpleasant piny syrup.0 a PRî0 5. N 0. siS OTD - SOLO DV A L 50,S. HAVE VOU

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