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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1892, p. 1

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i. e ltt5L TURM :-8.50131!ANUN.OUR TOWN AN¶D OOUIYTY FIRIT: TUE WORLD A"3ERWÂI=S. M. A JAMES EDITOR R 21»?urola, NEW SERaIEs, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY,ý DECEMBER 14. 1892. VOLUMEC XXXVIII. NumBiE 50 OLEA RING SAýLE1 MA fI! JO0H N STÔN- & juL Mr. Lewis t Laneri hm fo M. tobe. Lne uhm rmMl Mru. T. Baker nicely entertained the young people at a taffy pull recentiy. Visitors :-Mlau Annie Stevens, of Ma-p e Grave, guest of Misses Argue; Miss Min- nie Werry, of Sunahine Farm, gueat atRoBeiandvaie. Mr. H. G. Pascoe and bride returned here Thursday evening when a reception was held at counicillar Pascoe'a wbere a r~ S large number afinivited friends spent a pieasant aeninog. ~EI ~MliMiss Nancy Williama hied the honor of beingoected Grand Couductor of tho Grand Division of North America. So- Th edpornaaebign ulina Division ranku fourîli in the Province. Th itnRefoarmer of which Mr. R. White lapublisher saya: 'r "We had the unspeakable pleasure on Tueaday of meeting Mesura. A. J. Rey- noida and, T. Baker, two of aur sohool- mates of 30 yeara ago. They hailed irons aid Sauina, and were delegatea ta the IP U Grand Division S. af T., in oession here thià week. Not having met each other for C RY D ER MA N'Sover 25 yasth dtr a onedfi ly suceeeded. We aise b.ad the pisasure ai meeting and ontertaining another aId Ju ilfriend, Rev. W. S. Cawli-, formerly ai Solina, now ai Eddystone." We cmmence this week to sell -ail Ladies' Jackets at REDUJOED PRICES, and several lines at'and under Oost price. CODUOH JOHNSTON & 1URYDERMAN, Bowmanville, Duc. 6, 1892. One DoorWest of Post Office. BLA CKSTOCK. The cattie sale reported in your luit issue came off and about ixty cattie sold at a very fair price .... The Methodiats at Cadmua bave removed their church ta the carner ai Lattimore and Main treet.... The Methodiat congregation of Biack- stock intend having their annual dinner aoon .... The Sona ai Temperance are do- ing a big work here. Nine new membera last meetIng. -. . The Bible Society held their annual meeting ini St. John's church an Fridsy nigit. It was a grand succeau. Rev. R. D. Fraser, ai Bownianvilie, adl- drensed the meeting... The Sons ai England had one initiation -at their lust meeting anl îwo more for next night. They expect ta have about one hundred guesta at their annuai supper. A grand pragraim will bie rendered. The correctuiesai the maxim "iiothlng aucceeds like aucceas" in weli exeraplified tu Ayer's Saruaparilla. The mont succeas- fui combination ai aiteratives and tonics it aiwaysa ucceeds in curing diseasei ai the blood, and hence its wonderf ni pop- uiarity. Mirard's Liniment relieves Neuralgia. Couch, Joiston & Cryderman are showing a fine a' Ock ai Ladies Furs iu &Il qualities. TO CALL and examine our stock of XMAS PRESENTS, whether you want to purchase or not Space will not allow u-3 to mention the numerous lines but the "Variety wvas neyer se great; prices neyer so low." Do not make a mistake by purchasing balfora you see our stock; if you do you wvill certainly regret it as our low prices are astonishing every one.. and already nearly haif our stock is sold. Ca]1 ear]y and make your selections. A 1hiIdW pictuire book (20c.) trce to ever>' purchiaser of XIIAN GOODS. STOTT & JURY. oI<I Spectacles to suit every sight aut specially fou pri<'cs* Satisfactionu guaranteed. EYES TESTED FREE. Thos. Curtis is home froni Dakota. ... Mis. Jacob Stevans, Maple (Irove, is W. Moore went with Jas. Walters to v siting lier s-on, Mr. G. L. S-evens.. Grand Rapid ... .Ed. Byers' barn was rut. Jas. Pye lias been visiting Mr. Gao. burned Monday morning. lnsured.... N ah, Whitby .b ert. will be a very E. Ha1wkey is likely to be assistant teacl-i- teresting plhonozrapbic concert at the guest of Miss E. Werry. )AWA tm D.Ay.-The bout mitlod o Dr. Butler's Golden Pilla have earned remolve doubt into certainty, if any sncb a ràtrptainwherever employed. bidrhy doubt existe as to the efficacy of St. Jacobi As £nere tohe and baodonl, la to use iý, and b) convinced. A are unrivall.ed. They increase h ap-warm dyi ýo a o xeïàn tite and promete a healthy performanceu dnay fiu a in nda for exper:mSt of al the functionu of the body. A thor- Jacobs 011 bas no t quai. oughly 6 clentific preparation, they never fail to effeiet a cure if directions are faith- fully carried out. Nothing barmful in NEW HA VE~N. their composition. The inost delicate An entertainme,t will be given in the syteia wîll be benefitted. Ask for Dr. achool housc of #ch.,ol Sectic in No. 3, Butler'<s Golden Puil and take no other. Darlington, on Thrireday evening, Dec. 22. The prograim wili conasu ot eu'er- KIRB Y. taining dialogues, recitations, &c , by the lteceït visicor8: Tho Misses Thornton, achoal, together withi recitatione, vocal Oroxtýo; Misa WiIIis, Oha-;Miss Me- and instrumental mnsc( by tho beat local_ Lea_, 1Port Moe;krs. (Dr.> Shaw of t&1ejjý. Provrede for school suipplies. To l York andj( Mrs, Bleelker, Marmiora. ... commjience at 7:30, sbarp. Admnission 15 The Methodlist wiinivermýary was a fine suc- cents. Everyone should attend thia--one cess-proce-1ds early $100.... Messa. of the beat uchool concerts or the seaaon. W. J. Ro' y and W. H. ýReid addressed ON! aN CLS!DSoe(lA the zdrns t arecet oen eetng. lat-a rcinedy that is sure, safe, and Magic Pile Lotion excela every other painless. Pnituamn's Painleais Corn Ex- remedy af its clasu in the following Rar- tractor neyer failr, never esuses pain, Or ticulat's, viz: 1 lit action ia iminediate even the alightest diucomfort. Buy Pal- aud iraqical. 2 It ru cheaper th m any nam'a, Cor» Extractor, and beware of the other in the market. 3 It is cleanli', many cheap, dangerous and fleali eating leaviu.g, no stain on clothing or bedding. aubstitutes in the market. See thàt it îs 4 fi's more easily applied than auy made hi' Poison & Co., Kingaton. other. 5 It is equally efficaclous in ex-_________ terval, internal, itching or b'eeding piles. 6 It jaua excellent dreeuing for AiU kinds GURIR of pa;nful wounds,' abrasions, stings of The Sons had a private oyster supper bees und other poisonous insects, etc. at Mt. Carswell laet week.. . .Miss D. 0Oke and Miss Fia. Gibson visited friendBs -PORT FERR Y. m 0Oshawa ,mniv...Mr. T_ P rih. We Would Like You The Montreai Witness. The Montreal WITNE'sS, whiclxiis tD move into ite own building next spring, wiil be by far the boat equipped news- paper in a mechanical point of vlew in Canada. Ite immense boe quadruple machine will be capable af turning ouaý 60,000 ei.uht-paga or 30,000 twelve or sixteou-pagae piper an hout', printed complete on both aides, cut, pasted, and couated in piles of fifty. Thi will be one-third fauter than any other proe in Canada In addition, its matter will hc set on the Mergenthaler Linotype, which gives a new, dlean face of type every i3sue, and its form will be compact aud baautiful, The WITNESS, aithough aid aud reliable, is Up ta the front inlurespect of enterprise, andi ite readers expect and are nlot satisfied with auything but the be3t. The price af the DAiLy WITSESS l8 tbree dollars a year, of the WEnxLY WITrSaS ene dollar, and the NORTITERN MxSmxNoEu, publiuhed frora the sarme bouse, la tbirty ceants. Airenta wânted ini ever Y town, village and P. Oý Specimen copi,e wiil bho sent free toauay of our readers, on applications to the pnb. liabers, JoHN DoUGALL & SoN, Montreai. A Year of Delight F~or AiU Young People. Wide Awake in 1893 will present over 1200 Pages afiEEntertainmnt an&Ilngtruc-. tion Beautifuliy Illustrated. Fo.ur great aserial etorin. Guert Te» Eyck, by Win, O. Stoddad-A S tory of Young America. The Miduahipmen'ao Mess, by Molly Elliob Seawel-Life smng Midaiptaen on sa American man-of-war. Piokeu and Rer l'eopka, by Theodora R. Jennes-A story of IndÀao of to-d4y. The 0.ala Boy, by Mauriac Thompson-A êtory of Florida, with a myètery. A few of the leading features ini Wias AwAKE for 1893. Whittier with the Children, a deliglitial iliustrated accour by Margaret Sidney ai the poet's love for children. 1Aurong imy Barefoots, A charactaristicaccount af hie especial wrd by Teilo 1. IYApery, the f amous b q editor. Wisinirg, Asparkling comaedy for ebidren by WilliAm Grant. Adapted fo< home or school acting. Mr, Van Gelt's Case, A Christmas Sto)ry by William O0 Stoddard. The Gofd buitert of H.appy Vallioy, by John P~restonx True. Prom Cordova ta Cptbay, four illugtrted papers by Frederick A. Oher on the Dlaces made fanions by the struggles anit triumphs ('f Columbu.. Johni Knowlton '& Way, The story cf a roai Arnerican, by Edw;ard Everett Hale. Practical Papen. for oir GOrls and boys, by Annie H, Ryder, Salie loy White an~d Aunie ýSaw- yer D ,w Iiý Supreme Moments Falnce 1492, ce. t4in signiticent cpochsi in the wýI Id't hitory for the boys and girls te tbink oves. Nide Awake Athletica wilI con tain articles on Games and Sporta with expiýcit diagramas and directions by the mtxt enihient experte. I'here wiiI ha s'orics of Adventnre, Horne hife, Patriotism, Travel, llistory and Schaol Life ; with Poemn ud Placés, Sassons, Scirnment, Childhood, Va'or and Fun. Valible practical articles. 8pecimen copy, with premium litat, 5 cents. Xide Aw, k ,Ia$2.40 ayesr ; 20 centea number. D.LOrrnROP CoupANY, Publiahers, Boston,

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