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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1892, p. 2

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ACULPLUG.Th HOUJSEHOLD, Earlv Mental lJevelkpmenlt. Both comnron observation and the elo3- ejtscientillo, study nave made it plain that youth is the period of sense ascendency. From this, most important conclusions fol- low, which we cannot ignore witaout pay- ing a heavy penalty. Attention has been called to the infant ia order to show that, Wm Er, éni-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'lho mal lively, it is most. likely inclined to be pas- sionate. III is youm duty in ucno a case to be geuitle and fimmn, andi when it is violento calut it by draw'iug is attention frout the cause ni excitement. Scolding, frowvning, or sýtrong opposition will ouly moreasse its violence; for it will inumediately imits.te ail these actions. Neither muet yen laugh o r seem sutuseti hy its ebildish rage ; but o n the contrsry, look gentle and sorrowïui. I the chilti loves you (and it will love you f MADAGASCJARS JAPITAL. A Mandsome City or Enropean Aspect L'volved Front a Towni of Straw and 1att1e. Any one who bs resti of Magascar't, progress bas bearti of the Rav. James Sib- isa , who fr tirty yaars has been identi- fed with missiousry work there. Hie has now returueti to England from Antan ana ris o, the capital, and bas given to the Roy ;;*- ýn ZG:~ ývc -et filH i ~" ~ " Y "' ' clattttù,.-£ u it ' 7>/Cco anta Ic$ -~v-man-Ki-kc,~îr~ K,-'- .~"-rno- o -m~t~îc-aîtfoat av~s~wsss-ee= Pry oftn er-aiPi-reasruat!SSthl~ife tÏ ir araA-or thev will ha aeither mshcvu or estid A suiv 5 w wa3 once in force, No huiili-1 S~.-- te=4a~4~hs&-aa n. o ut ~ 'Lt" m ~'L"O" ~ ~ ~rr iiisteid of the etrase beiîîg atteiupted, lt ;. f-- u ff- i... i £ i FELow toe soAmondg nobles anti weaithy people. were of mas _ _ _ I t h-y- g -u s- - i uI Ws. 7V3~49~ /2 - ,.~~. - ut-... t. -... - ½..ti.llT.tr.r --rt ,wttlt tv, ren sutCr-r I weaaau W-U~-dV-~- utiiuanm~t~,rni i~'-"'-' *-' ."'-". --- ~ i. ~t.t t~mt ' - - - - - - - - t-au t pî e ntteotItIe-i. e., e t'td r Td yt t heu t itn ua glar, slc ,t P. ' i Yres, ti-lreto-ýe, r- of 'c~ ownsrs4 -haa+dît IrII lit h ni sogrnual fll two tesoonfiiti nraiig?-fowa wae mix 1 1 -lfogts-ndiiîbmmmer o ver me ibuilding artwas rev;olutiouiied whaen beastiul u-o 62s.to 5Octi p er ro-li, cait and îefryu-TV- i [l colors of Paints readv for use, guranuteed to g!vàý go'od satbîs- ti~ OtttJE iI'5ttt il- .o~ago stou~i. of P,~iitts. Kaisomining, Shue an- S~iûFi3ï~ii~has aïid ror 17au 01Wiltça Cat kiEe-le-ïi .h- -j Irnr- nméi imt.$ r" ~a -nan4-nh~d-utea f tyt eiti- ui-trtd-ln ra,1-l" -B.r 1snl'n lu'I-I? intos' the-- - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - ---k and Frrus Etea aicesxdBuutoi aelrcydu wywt t l baking sbeet in a qui"k ovniSVbeu made no p -lsshort noticlWe at-t Cins dugc-y anti diso. otOccasionally s-a1coi, ut inýtO a50v §shasie ireti. - -'thev cari onlv blane them selves for theïir1 uf nieuldeti hti~k ut cf J ' 1 cal s't .r ia.. jard a ,sttt hC wo -that--tira oa uo ehave--made sncb pro,- I I r~ ~ r _d sstten+-,i n. - d -imet0. h h iWn l is .- - uh ALMONtD SNOWCAXE. Bet h f ..allaoi Amo pth omuinent budings are the ______________ 1n u ! uter t-o sa 't-t-' am, -"s u t "s""iin ; ~ îet o' wiltjil, etth'. e. fi 030' VU t'> - - ~ I i" TemtEif rKttWL-01 lfaTÏt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - Ny; tisr tis wi 8tî orutsix eggs to a sii , ets, [tentt iteinaut wtl for turent-e -nt,,,,tnç. i Ver P nunt luin advanboe othe&-rsice i -5fI nur"- '-' 1 i atsstdavernmg terate Purth aeti wit h corn Fr îwr hnt el *ra.r-xx~ I i.iiltYi3iiueti5e5U ueaisci4s-iTutLtp0iai.eitL4~ite an-r- -- -~ ulvb uauulum M WXI£O beluyM"l"l hasbatiti, sudblauds-ore resideuces of nohles - nu Fiunisf nI ~ec,~ btte- rfieuarer.pouitticoule a a ohrto Ilthe uvnato CaDIttaI pald up, 91,000,0. ests, 59 t10) day evening after tes beat tise boier fuliof.Pond s t utter nd, oerlquarera,-t srej-1,tre tadhin tlte 1(1<1000ofhe Hl,- nathinand hoisos, arid Fresh (xiound Grey Plaster l bas-sels- Fac " r 'avinv o- utc1epatmeut andI on 1,t-d iý'teres alio-wed at aurrent ratat No nO't]ce of çithdrawal necessary. Ail de peaits V-iYabJe oDûdenand, EXCIIL NGE 13 t!~~ OOsdir sseduuVrp Unted States sud Canada, aise Gold Slve' and Ut itied Sta.es Greo rhack Ptoueh t sud solti COLLECTIONS Fr il în u r t re.Lrote. -non au plpî la ireaf Bri tain te United States an l Doinion olCansda. Telegrapli Traiïsrers Made for la 'ge or sutail sums ou ail part or Canada. Thtis lsesepecially advatît geoti,- to perr-ors living in Vaniloba or the Morthwesî, iL mlaires the fuudý, asailabie at once at tho place of paymnent. 0Gher particulars calat the bank. ni. L. ltOtTT, GE0 OIGILL, Accounitant. Manag c. 1ORONO, - ONT. Office-Posit Office Block. Cele by telegr.pn or telephone recaive im midat ttni. ,Messrs. I-ONEY & McMIJRTRY have purcbasad the Oounîy cf Durham for isba bcdt Wire Fence la this Country. Ih le atronLy, easily hantlean ad enamental. It will not be injured by inoir, hast, colt or winds. IL wilh turnHlirses, Cattle, Sheep, HoLLs, Degs anti Puultry. IL is a net work without barbe, sud mil ot in- jure stock in any way. It is muoh strong er anti more durable than any barb fenc- hmg, heis-g cloEely moyen. Fenca, put up and Farus andi Township rights for sale. Appiy at CEJITnAL Livus itv, Boamanvlle. W. P. RICLI, Clarke P. 0., havinQ beughlc Clarke Towahip, prenaradti 1 put s3p ke.cc. vestige uf tint in te wataer. Do net tiare te put a drop of gasoline lu thse houer on thse ston-, for it, is a (isugamous practtce, sud has rasuited inlu Icatis to carclass or ignor- ant pemple. As soe may prafer kerosene, 1 aili give an easy ditraction whicb bas pmoveti success- fuil.I have known fruit-stains that hati beau hoiled in the labile to entireiy disap- pear by its use. 'Table linen le reusarkably free frout staine wbare kerosene is employeti in washing. For the wasbing ni a family of six or eiglît, shave iin thin slces a bar of soap, atit a little soft water anti hou tili ail dissoiveti take irons tbe tire anti atitifour tablaspoon- l uis of kerosette, stirring ii waell uixeti. Place ovar tihe lire a hiler two tilirde ýfu of soit watar atdsdsd hlaI of soap-rixture; uow put into this colti suds the finsat clothas that bave ertaketi over nigbt, as in fortner direction, witbout gasoline. Wben these have scaiieti shoot tsventy minute, reinove to suticing water, atid anotbar psu tiloiti water sud the rest oisuap-mixtur-e tohboiler, plaeing tharein tbe rest of the clothes. Wben inludtsing tub tbe sashbosrd eau be useti for tbe more soilati pieces, but sheete atid piliow-slips will be eanti sufficieotly dlean wiîhouî rubbuttg, beuce the eloth ist savei, as weil as nne's val table strengtb. Since lesrning ibis I mrili uet ashow a denses- tic te rub itry gartnutc to pieces, though s-be ha unwilliig te spare herseif. Hists for the.Laundry. WASHING FLIDs. Two anti a hlai pounte cal soda, hall a poueti borax, a quarter poonti recin, tiro ounes salLe tartar,,o000 anti a hait ounce iquiti ammenia. Dissolve soda, burax sudri cl in four gai- lons of watar sud bell Lau munites. Wiseu cohd, attd salts tarrar, ansmois anti tour gallons aifirater. Kaep wal-corketi. STAttdII. Dissolve inuoeeanti oua-hait pinte colti irater, eue level teaspoonful pweireetbohr- a, anti two heapiug teaspoontuis starcît. Dry ciothes well witbout starcbi'rg, wring through this solution, fold lu a dry clotb for tira boume, then rmb wth a dry cbotb anti itou. Wash anti rince flanuels lunirater of evan tamparatume, ha iL bois or colt. Iron stuekings, underekirts, etc., wmoug sida ont for convens-enca iu mendiesg. Folti elethses snseothy ; "A wrinkle iii, bas to ha geL nu." Rub irons en a piece of emery paper Lu make thenut smootb. Keep pienty of cean iron boîtiers. To ramove iran ruer, appiy laînon juice anti sait anti expose cothas to the son. Te ranuove miltiai, pin on eaves of the Janstewn (or Jimsoul waed anti hou. A litile vinegar iu the rince water ilih preveut delicata colore troni fading, Zaphyr articles nsay ha cleaneti hy tub. bing thes-n in flour or magnesia. Parent anrd ahild. lf a chilt i lutates quickly ant ils very' Itttc usik; wOenîdoule aOrt te yolk oet ttve anl-- I fe"Cty s"ue'"" "'"'1' '" igas weii-heaten eggs (let tbe aimonds cool fîret), car. Offihers anti soltiiers -are sent from it oue wîne glass of orange juice, anti su"amto to garricon ail Lbe ports on the coast sud taste, thon une quart of thin creaut. 'Str ituportant towus in the interior. Every it ovam tise tire ountil it thiens but do not1 weak Lioussesis of hooks anti peiotilcals are let iL houl, pouîr it into cupe or j.-îîy glasses, nîs-ributeti froin Antansaaivo al over te sud serve coud. country. Hare native tioctors, surgeons, nurses, scheoitbsasteic anti evangaliets are AL.MO.eD IcSNOa-Blatsch une pouandswaet taugbt anti then sent away trt otitar parts of alinontis, anti sosk theta lu coiti wstcr for te kusgtiom te carry on the gond works te tweie bums ita chp thns -amysutilwhite nman bas brouglit into tbe great isianti. t-our theut in a mortar, anti mix theora______ graciually aith the witeuofaniegg, tis-juice of a lemon, andti trze pouinds sistatitte Two Articles we (Jau flardly do With- cuzar; spreadt iie uer te cake anti let iL ont. stand tbrce tiays te harden, then spread 1Matches anti pins heing among thse rnct over iL a cugar icing matie as- fuiiows : Womk 1centutn titinge luntiaiiy use, iL le seltinut tngatbam wiîb a wooden spoon tise whitas of that any thougbt ls e bs-owei upots <hem. 1four aggs, tbeajuice oftwolietnons, audt Irees Matoises that are iguiteti hy friction were pountis ifteti sugar. epreati it oser the cake first macle lu 1829, batome whieb ime tbay anti let dry lu a wamm place, but do neot put were matie te catch tire frein s spark stmuck iL in tieoven. Iftnot wantatifor fruit cake; froin flint or steel-a very inconvanient use otsiy the flmt ibing. methoti. ALMOND Pur-s-s. Two ablespoontis of 1 It is bard to say how many millions- of flous-, Lwo ounces et butter, tsco ounces 'matoises at-e made ln a day; but wisen the whitiesugar, Lwo ouncs swect aîtnrnds, tour numnber of people that use tises-n l reckoueti bitter almutîds. Biancb sud pounti the ai- the otal le appalliog. ir ntsis n a mortar te a sutootit pacte ; inaît Prohably in Londion alone oser 20,000,- tbe buster, stir the fleur sutootbly in t. anti()00) matches as-e us-ad every twenty.fouî- ati th ie sugar anti pountieti airons. Beat1hoer. tise mixture weîî anti pour ft loto csai welG Burt iatchas are snob li things t-ha huttereti cusps, bs-ko ln a utodemste os-ou for ssobotiy ever ceeu-ste Lotblnk of tham twenty mnutes-, or longer if the puis are Frout an ordliuary 3 incIs plank 1.86,009 arga. Tomn then eut ou a dish witiî the matches may hae mie, yet aveu at tbat rats bottons of the puf opparmost. the lursher usat in1 the match business at- ALMOO MEsN(5FS.Witîkcusewistestains enemmous proprtiotte. of eggs te a still' troîb, Inix witb tsth, Plsreinteeisetmaca- 4 qoickiy andt torouge ,soine flue white but not entil tite beginning ni this century cogar, allowlng une ts-blespoonfui for eascîshe w yeta y nsauufctudby sbi bndy whita nf agg. Iban place a seet et wbite Tend. t aig ahpi byianti paper on a meringue-board, and wtiamtsst have teau srery tadieus, ant Ll -n tabasptos, ay nt ha i'tuse o ais lthat people ware secarelase wiLb tabesponlayontthemixureon t i 1 hemthan, as tbey wrmanucb more expan- littie lseaps the cize of au egg, anti about sive tissu uew.t twe luobes apart, keepiîsg theut ahl the sauta IL bac ulten beau woutiamed what becoutes siza anti shape. Straw a littia poss terati of the pins tbst are leLt, but iLiselisard to sugarlover tbeîss, ant iet eus-e place thte -boarti in a motierate oen. Wbau tise mer- .y. ingues arae o a Strat e ler sîs-t seaut liard Thare are fourteen distinct operatiens ia takatitns et, ametllytiatch aking a pin, anti lots of trouble attacheti to toucb, te tis ucaeal etc ote proces-s. Pins araetmade of brase, anti tbemn fren tise papai, scoop eut the lucide then thintreti anti blancîsat, anti milinus of anti replace thaîn in the ovan te dry eut them are nsanufaetured daily. vary slowly, baving the ovan very " slack " As a pin eau ha useti more titan once, the sud the oveni door oes-. M'lan they are number usetid dcc net equal thaD of matches, dry anti cool fil h îtt witb as small qoan- stsîî miles upun milie of wire are useti an- tity ot creans prepareti alLer tise recipe nusliy in their manufacture. gsven inas-moud creans pi"ý, andi join them nt- Like matches, tlsey are little thingesud pairs by sticking Logetiser the untierside ot net much thougit oet; but wbeu yen neeti a each. Dmn or a match, andti ieme us noue te ha ALMNOND BISCUsT. -MiX Weil togathar oua iouni, than yen realise what an important pounti white cugar,' hall a pounti sweet part they play in daiy lite. almontis sud a faw bitter eues, pountiet fine, oea quarter pounut sitteti finur, six Hot Water Ctare Was No G-oori, eggs, tire yoLks anti wisites beatet sceparate- . eti otrbst attahne ly, tefgretsi md cito eeus, anti a onihie metijeai friande ou acenunit of a naL- litiafiual.shce ciro pei.Peur ruto oral tuictake that hae made raccntly. A sutali mouids anti bake la a moderate aven. patient calaeteLobe treateti for a cavera colti. ALINOND CREAM ('A5C.-Poindt three Hea tiscribeti hie troubles a' length andt ha ounces sweet almontis, eue quarter pouant doctor ativiseti bis t)i go horne anti soak botter, two ouncas lbaf sugar, anti a littia hic teet in hot water. rose water taatblck pacte. SpreaatL n "That will dongond," was the repiy bùttaredti Ln anti divide iL into ight cakes; of the patient. bake it lu a slow even. Wisen colti put a IliHow is that l" asked the doctor, a lit- spoontel of preservo ou oach cake anti caver ie puts eut. wuth socme almoi cross preparati as for the «"My legs are cork," cait ieh, with s pie. smile 'niiadren cny for« ~itoners castorJ~- aiss cune t nisboaing ottutean y WOIVes iti avuideri- this asuri rode aS thie sida, wbicir tha dirtrictuf Pckost. Hea btigens-teRus- was cuteoth, for the runers- niisbaheiglit cia witb a bicycle, and ai the tima hae feu sn siatiges do net as a ie waar the snuw. IL wltis the wolves was on bis machs-ne, baving was easy enougli, et course, tea'tvoi tise cevereti a distance ot cime tarel.va miles in rut wbau rtling straight aheast, but whula an endeaver te Il heati" cs-ne aIkt, looking mosud here was ti anger of uiy I liati((ha says) ritiden buta mile or two front wbeal slipping toto it anti aither et- the ratoru joorîîay wben 1it ctruck mne cbeckiug the way of the machina or aven tisai I ought ta siigbt snl refmasb my 'na. cassng s cap ize. I bati jusL turneti ny chine with s iaw draps-ofni nl, bol bsrdiy beadt talook rmentiupon n'y porsuere for xvas I ou foet than, ha3ppening Le glaîsca isbatwaiîb ime-ais 1 tby waraetil gain- back aieng the roati, I sac scoseîbing wbicb ing, sud weme Dow withiu 1ls-y yards. Hear- at flrst siglit causei a tbrîll ni plessurabilno c iatrtrtet fm out axeitemnant, but ceeu gave place te very baek again Lfasce wbat new danger treat- tiitieraîst sensations. Hartiiy a quarter Of a nati me irons thai directs-un. In t-hUe twist- mile bebînti, anti comuîng tewsrti me at rite ing hack anti roanti agaîn I ailowed my front long, gsliop wbs-cu envers the greunti at a wbael Lu go ont of the direct lisse, The next- won darfully rapiti pace, wera five large gray instant I was lu tise roL, anti betoea1 hati wolves. I saw the leader raise hile noce, ima eea svbswht was happening was, with attd, catching iglit of me, cock bis case anti my rusty bicycle, burieti s couple ai gîsre tangua, josiase a dog dg rgi. Thar icet deep ln the cinw at the citi a of tise wac ne douisi about t feflai; I Was roati.I gave myvsalf up for mest: Ail this heig bunsoti. Iw,,8 spaediy utsandotidtinot take long te bappen, an"t as I away anti as I cauned th ie padalst-ht cimll neri-ergeti oti h-tasuow I wac in tîme tecee a mannar teasvhîeh Lhey ware autitely in- twe thin)ge. Tha tirt objct wbioh met nsy usati 1 triedtat calculata coolly tha probable gaze was a'naguificcut hull elle, ,ftllowed by relative cwiftness oftbucycles snd woiceq. 1 four snaller eues, jus-tinthe s~o trotting ha t aUleasitas-senmilessLe go befote I shouiti acr-ece Lita soati,n tan yards ',fmonime reacb safeîy. I migbt possibly do that in ctiding tismough the 5550w at s long trot, tbrece.qiiarters et au boum, if tisa machina their beatis weli rali st-iad resting bock on anti my heaîb beiti eut. Coulti the welcee Lhisr sheuidars. Thes orber object wss the acoomplisb tisa distance in las- ime? Tha lis-Lie pack otfsvolvac Secarcaiy tity yards situaitions sas by iso masonee for trilliong. behinti n-e whau I upset, theco wesa upon WVlep 1 hati rîitien s cospla ni miles or sat I me su a norant, anti I hati ba.rely ime Le vaîs-uredtiat glanoe back, the recuit heing seize the bcavy espanner ni my mnachine the instaniaieouc conviction titat waeeand-put sny back 'a a trea wben, ta my de- ose travel taster than ahbicyole. The brutes angtph ov,-hi btfv ad rr hadgaied poi me Thy hd gine ama-prieketi up tiseircas, pased se like isunstreti yards at least. At ibis raie 1 a flash of greasseti igbtoing, anti darteti quickly calculati tiey wouid pull me denairasay in pures-tit the aik. I piceati p jusL about two miles batore I ceulti reacli my bit-ycle, anti, ta put it sniltiiy, rode away my destiioti-tu anti city ot refuge, Lavrik, ws-îb ais speeti. I tbîuk I rode those thre uîIslec, indeeti, Lhay coulti net keep nip tIse miles lunt"record imae;" anyhow, iL was fit- paca, 3clicb 1 flattereti nyseli wac raLlier Lacs- minutes lacs than Lwo bouts frmens the hot. start wvl'co1 scutidet inlto Lavrile, anti if 1 Anetbrer two mniles anti atothar paep b-ha- atnfot rititen twenty-eigsi miles I uet hinti me. The wolves wame bareiy 200 yards hava dona vary near iL. away new, anti cousiug slong as thouglr t-bey esjoyeti IL. I cet-s-I wear that the laading weif licket ishielips aslha sa-tvns-e look arounti. 1 trieti a spurt. The roati w c as To The Back Gate- leval as abilliard table, anti I sîrainati avemv Acutyprsimnitr aeyvstn iserve te tire utmost. But aven as I titi j0A eonypas mnitriteyicin iL was borne le upon me tîssi spurtiug wouîti Etdilbuigit, maLtu inae treat a servant girl net dIo. I muet sscenn off ai once, for I who hati loft his con9regatien te go ta s situa- coulti neyer kcap up the terriflo rate at tieîn is e City. whicb I wassnow traveling. Intacto[muet t " eylagr iecitiuaindly," «- acouemizealsl my stayiug poware iiortier t yt-sIline irnbt-in e wItaton?"y gs hast eut the distance at aven my fermer rate scnne, ta; boI n eylnlys't .e ai progression. Then, sutitenhy, an ides sIl a seny stkig ts-k." ge.Wel lI occurretitome. I wouhd riug niy belilouti- "l awdseethiubing ean, Mage i. WbIi ly anti coutinuonily, snd sac wbat affect calatir ee y ell I l e to'wn. this woltipretioce. I presseetithe gonsg, "a ltvrdlily y aut sud turneti round te observe wbetirs the that, for Our mictrese ashows use folloers seuti wouiti check my porsuere. The affect but" (brightening orý) Ilif ye came 4~e thev wac instantaneone. No sonner titi the tiret bacle gate wban iL'-s uark, l'il try let ye ino eiang of the gong ring ont than the weice'- at the. wus-dy." veyoan -a-stnppeti deati anti dis- - appeamati hehintheis treas. I gave a yeli of defiauce anti dalight, anti dashati on, ringiug away fer test ile. B3ut mytriumoh Wiîau flaluy was sick, ire gavo lier 'Casetfrir. wagshcot-licati. Ou lokling bacle a feir Witn s-s-was a Ciild shooied for Ca.4orîa, m-oments alLer 1 founti that nsy fnc wre again in tft-ml pumeuait. Ilowever, I hiat gain- whean site becasu-' F.e, sue chues-r te Ctsstaortîz. ea a littie. Whse ithad Citdikc, saie geavetem eastarlee, Fr ý Lix 1 1 :1 rit, Lle Wý a .11 - - 1 ý, fý 1 -- ý - ý -e - ý - Z- -, - .1 -- 1 ý 1 - lý , 1 -Y% L --4 ýL-àý b-P -M. A A A-- -1--i ýL -L -LU -L %ý- ' 1 7T

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