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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1892, p. 3

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ÇMRATEFUL-COMFORTING. MAKI1NG SOLDIER3 OP TIIE BLAOKS. YOUNG FOLKS. ther a Tde.Itike counting-one, to TWO CiffliliS Kathy saw lilttle ni Jernie that day. Conei Rier.Tbrouglb apparent inattention in one f L Uj The Congo State has two statewer Kathy's Consc'ene. their classes the gis were forbidden bo th.- native sôîdiers, enlisted in its service, I " avcn't any co.nscience," said Katby speak to 'eaebi other. Titus Ka+.hy was BREý,AfrEA'ST1? SLPPER. are trained for their duties. Onle of these Ward, standing at the window and adî- thiowiu npou lier ow'n resources, "Bya th,î"oetî knowiedge o? the naturai camps of instruction is at Leopoldville - îigeogaCen e nîmom~, "I can't let it roll away," she thoogbt, ad nwhith ov.r ueoainau otier is at Equator Station. The camp comn- wowssiibnigo.e e okl h aiking forlornly up and down the hall. an , nriinand. by a c treil ap ication if a h a tl edi oerle oki teTe mni eerfn t;i ih the fine propýrrie- o' w-i-sInctad C-nn. ,.madera are instructed to treat the natives dini af ternooii ght. ' hymgi ee idi tmgtb Epps has pravmd ]oeirbrea1cFmt tablîs3 with a with honianity, and aluy infraction to tbts 'Julius Cane3r, Aulus Piautius and Site- swept up or something, and then it would dietly fiîvýoreî aer vhich ai Ly s iveo me is severely punishc'd. The newv milii.ftn., Roman generals invading Britain. "h taigfrm.Iogtt osriltt us many h ev,,, tr 'hil t Li,3 hy t Uadnel.i judiclins ose ' stih aricg of dis' thttI tary orgaiîization of the State bas been in murmured lier more studionis rooin-mate. Doctor Egerton sdri L about it. That a5onstruion v sy a radu l y buit on itnn force about two vears, anti by the enroîl- II Why, Katby Ward, of conrse yon have! wooid bc ftie very hret n ie . etrnng enoui:h mn resiit every tende i'. to ment of C'ongo natives as soldiers the ex- Everybody lbas a conscience" wi, I des erve tg do." dioeagaround u red osdnbtle nalies ara penses of this braneh of the service have Karby shook lier liead. " Not I," h As she tarnied again ie asd Doctor flotiig road 3 ed 1o a'raele wherevn"r been reluccdEone-balf. Itisals,3foondi(that eý nswered safly, -"and soinetines wîen it i, Egeiton Ilinself was approacbing lier there is i weak pint. Wc mas' eqsoapg mas a fatal shaft hy keepihenourseives well fnrmtifl the Conmgo natives iake bettersoldiera than haîf dark, and 1 remctnber how far away Katby tast herself opon bier impulse wVith pure blond ,id a or 'cnriy nourish d the former force, which was recruitedon the from home 1 am, it 2ares me to tbink about f" ý1Doctor E gertoti, macv 1 speak to yon rame."-'"Civt1 Service Ga,,ete" aivest Coast and at Zanzibar. The oid sol- îny conscience." fr a minute '!" slie asked witb a tlunupîng , Maesiplvwith boilin< water or mil k ertwih iiot teràlerwr 901(1on-tp ii e' by Grocers. labill Uict diers enlisted for terms of nue teotbreears, 'e'Juhiuis Ciesar, Aulus Picotiunud Siec- latw haiotssohndbrwrs JAWES Fpg»s - o, çq. ienueupatiLle chr'ns and they bardly becamp efficient bef ore they toiiu' J st now you Eaid you ;mrcnut Sltc sogbt the coin in ler pocket. In an 1iSts, Londion, Lnglanqi, were off to their homes again. t was alse any conscience. 1'Romn'n generais iuvad- othen nmiute ahe 'noold have told him the ~ -~'-'---"-~~ more dificoît to malte thein submissive to ing Britaun,' " said Georgia, witli ber ciii ai ble. dtscipline than the Congo natives. ou the ceiîing. 4' Are vounont ont nf order Lu beiuglitere ____ ~ t~dThe uccruits learn the Frenchilangoage to Katlsy tarned toward titi window v.itis a et thsis Liur, Miss Ward ?" lie aaiecd, se- some extent, sud ail msnlitry onders are sigh. Conscience or no conscience, she wa vcnly. ______ gmen o tbem it Frencb.'ltey are indged îti sorry for bier paît ru"giigene, and "Yes, sir," was ail that she couid saiv V ~DNEO ~ DC. 14 1892 in tEoropean camp fashion and served with toeiieynîafui wispering whicb " Tiien select e different time to as it a regula ratins.tlutactlise sbe'.vdCongofavor cof me. Go now to yourciascs room."l Y---NTF'3DI DE. 14 182 reula raions Infacttheshred Cngohsd hîco puuîsbed by lier separaton fromn ________________________autborities accustoun the mcii to E'sropeams ber ebosen fîiend aîd unital ronunl-mate, Katby burried awa>' lu motification ton habits of military liii and ru the ose of Jennie Randail. deep even for tears. She eînered the clas' DSR. J. C. lIlJTVFliU,,Europeen prodoctst; and wben the meii fin- Katby was a sby girl. To few people runun with lagging steps, and received au Ptf O~IPER O Cl1,HEqF'OP' PSIVCTCAN ally leave tbe servis i i l found tbat tbey couîid she iimresrvcdly open bier hert ; but oîsbeeded reprimnd for ber tardimîcie. As AV-SsuiSSur nt <ario, Coroner, etc. take home Ibeir iseîviy mcqired habits and fennie had cliariued lier. Now, sorely lhe seatE d bmrself sbe caugbt sight ofiJennie Offi Crand Meidenoe, Enniskiilen. 74. needs, t aniliarize their relatinsm with Euro missimiglber confidamte, ibe bad tried toe cdi' ae spet u oya vr pean ideas, and create a demand orthe speak bier tbougtto tbisnewer frind. wbose siîîng pointediy hi lier direction. The EStimE ~wouderful thinga the white mcn bring into compamionship had hein tbrust ripon ber ghost uf s nod acc'ýmpanîed tihe miiie T) Aý!'IiR OLTOI1TOR kn. MPRNr, the contry. for ber improvemerît. pîrbapa someîting sncouraging had hap- J) PIJ 0CR u [airs, KînQe firree. Bownnas. Most ut the sold iers are secured by volon- III suppose it la net lbaving a unotlîcr tîsat Pened ! vile Ficeitonnfor te nti usiqasi. atstary enlistment. Not a few ni thîmu, bow- maltes une iSrent," Katby went on. twseos.Abth rtoprimy rlIâtejbil.vstoaedat hetovr ra5sever, are slaves whn bave bien freed by the "Motbera camn malte yoen dirstand thingaeîînic banded Katb s' e second non: S. C. igiVNIING State. The 'black milîtary force et Equator but aunts can'r. Aunt Octavia taiks to me " aerosb tswy ftral ED AUCTINEER FORSttiononJoly 1 ast waa coin nsîd of 500 abu till inil voce, but I bave neyer Take tise coin to Mi,;& Rance anid prriet ut T TÇNq~~AUC IONE EenFO and15oney p . anusaaves auna 'oo,, to the subool, She ,eed neyer knosv where iJ tht Cuunty oý Durbani. Sales -attendedmiad10niyfedlvewreso heard, it, liaves von ? Rave you, Gesorgueinte b toa shJrtet notice and lowet rates. Arldress conming to the camp to hi driled. The "Wliy, yes nif course I have," auswcred you got t, and se -,an pur t itheoa- Cùiim P. 0. 36; natives take naturaiiy te miiitary instruc- Georgia, iupaticntiy, "land an have you, unît herseif. -tioum, sud the older soliers engage in the eîdsn bas ivirybody. It's wicke o~ Aii the weight arbicl bail rested on BiOUT. YING, VS. evolutions of the sebool ni the eompany yoo lavîn't! 'Gaul waaco kerd b rime Katby's heant tlirough the morniuîg seemued ( FFICE JIN THE WEST DURHAMI almnît wi th tiseprecision of white veterans. Romans tif ty years before Christ, andt oanseittiase ed and ot ain-e ~News8 BP . anhans hmnueif or assistant Tbev are cormcnded by nou-comiasionied divided into four provinces; thrce centuriesa ermnissitton apeaskeMuand R ine n wil b funt", rt a.. o pm.Nigbt catis wit e offi cers, wbo now sud then are replac- later it es uverrun by savage tribes, emnong hlrnsint pak e cLMisy upn et Ai rEidEDe-eee,uieiiYOoppoamuîDrill Shed. Oeils id by the mre competent and advanced of whom the Franka bad the aî3cendency audctotimth ae1onlyup ht Lt legaaph or lelephone iili receive prompt tentv o ingv îennm otecnty! o idlady'sdesk unadirbier near.sigbtid cyes. attention l7l'yr The Congo sta"ions are proving to be bitter study your revira' for Friday, .W lî,thn11.u Ktî,"s 1 a T.A. W. WT'ki.E, peace makers tbrougbont moat ni the val- Kalyati wul ad"wrmiv. "I asun ewys deligbited to re- AUCTIONER, APPRA'ISE R, Real leY. Bauds nf fond sellers cous te the Dr. Egîrton'a achool bad for yîars bhein cve contributions f -r the inuserau it ere 'A ~ 1iStsue Agent, l3own"'nville, Ontario? camîp daiiy eitber along the foreat patisa or of higîs repute in tlie part nf the counnr epcilyagetdaruhlamefon Eales atteeded in sny part of province. by boat. Villeges that are tîvo or three where Katby Ward lived. Young ladies cois, and we liav.eonniy a few. Are you A. A. Powr ~~days' marcis fromt the stations cotribute wîne sent trou amng the isct fansilies îseetdi hn oynko bu A- - P NTtheir sae of supplies inexcliange for trade iithin a radius uft tlree iuundred miles to this nue?9 No" uval, I will flnd ont ail ARÇHITECT. Plans aud Specificut- goada. Before tise posta ivere estabiisbed sequin tîseir education tbere. aboit it for you, cuil it shiah lie hy itseif .±i ions prepared for evamy las uto building. th. villages ddtd dan to tend their Of the tivo bundred pupils of bier time, iu the cabinet with Lis description crna card. sptremal attention g vin o beatmng seuciiena 50 fan away fromn thein own littie Katlîy Werri n'as perbapa the nînat sensitive tmgiî vemy sauna to arrange ail our ~~ad~~ oa ao n nsnir ragmns u o hi m'dn ate n u sa mnosv yntr coins an, but as 3et Ilhavc not bcd timne. CAkec: 0Ouuiclîiock, Wbîtby 43-,y territory ; but nw Wr witradingpartiesandither.ors iiand vomit' miureaune ~ ~ ~ d.. ..,u t~--re 'e"av, - vi l'ur.-4'-fr' s r .e WINTES. WRINELES. Mr' Choral '- I uer youn wife rau off wirb a neigbbon. Tbat's very atm ange. Mr'. Bioomigdle-" Oh, he hadn't beau living bine long, and didn't kiiow lier." Barber--" Yon are vimy bald. Do you know what La Is e cause of ilt?" Mm, Few.- ineks--" I dourt know, bot 1 suspect tîsat my heur falling ont lied sanme Liugto witb it. TIse unît difficoît part nf beiuîg a hem las the tmying te look as if you donit knoxv you' wvveone and yet nt lookiug as Lt you were ton thmndering, cocksune yon. Weren't, - Tiat lady cee,,e ii! et rase Lu a low- neeked dnisa. Stiel awfuliy confusid eveî'y time ber pertuser looksaetliser." 6' Natisnaily.1 Shbia dancing v.itb bier iusbeisd." "lDo you quarrel witti yonm ncîgbbon yet about lus dog comiîsg ovin into your gardeon?" "'No, that's ali ver uow." "Bnnled the liatchet 7".1;o ; huried the dog.' tibe took my baud us shîeluered nouba., hIet.mok mny tiowins, caudy, bns Gobvia, aIuyrbing I cared to simd- She inuit uy rival lu theenmd, IWliat? Got yonm patent icatimer bouts blaeked sud bougbr thi noly ton daya ago! Wlasi' the leathîn auîy gond ?" Il The herbher lsaai rigînt, but the patîmnt seeiema r bave expLned.1 Il Wliat's tise matter witli the baby? askeri a lady ni e litie girl. îvboee baby buntîu' se had uiderstood tu bc ailimîg. Ohil, .otbin' u'îucb," ovas tbe answer. "Ri's onsiy batchin' teets. " "Vou saay you ivene stmueir by liglîtusin' an' are stili livin' V""I Cetainly. And, wluat La mure, alten being strmîck I welked home and wrnng a quart ut îlectric flnîd ont oi my clothis." A Niglit with Lionus The liglsing of large fines wben euccu"p- cd in gaiecoontnica bas gsemally bien regcmded as a aune mens ni prevemsing the attuuîka ni wild animais ; bot tis is not aiwaya the case. A correspondent ni the Fiedd Lu Masbonaland gives an eccounit of a niglur sitb lions aniy lest. Ilefore goitug to sloop the finis bcd bien canif niy umade np. At 1.45 (scys the ivnitemi I woke, and as the fines wsec&li a but iow I made thîmîn up cf rialis, spici'ally the centre une, walked round the herses, maid then got ito My bienket again. Jus ü as I lay dona1I eard a gmunt, and ssid to D., wlîo ias aiom'gside of me, Il Listen ; was tbat a lion, or avas t one ni the humiss " Ve ast un. and mast Sold iiy Draggiss nd Dealers everywhern SFifty Cents a botie. Directions Mn igl ia7es. M1E CHARlLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltliaore, 0&~ Have you tried the CI1GA? Recaguiscd SIÂNLiARB Elîauds

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