______________________________________________________________ I I I I I YOUR XMAS FRUITS -AT YUftNO&CO'SW RAISINS, CURBANTS, ESSENCES, NIJTS, CONFECTIONARY,1 ORANGES, PINE APPLES,, BANANAS, 69 King St, BOWMANVILLE. BOWMÂNVILLIC, DEC. 14, 1892. NEXT WEEK'S SPECIAL. THE STATESMAN Will be sent ncxt week to nearly every farmi house ini the district. Advertisers, now is your chance for a toomer. CHAT WITH SUBSORIBERS. in this paper we enclose an addressed ,envelope and blauik order forin, and noiv Rnake our aniual appeal for renewal of aubscriptions. We have sent to your homles 52 newsy numbers of TUE STATES- xAN the past year. We have spared noither labor nor expense to make our papur interesting to younig and old. We have sought to give good value for a dollar and frorun-many kind and apprecia- tive words that have reached us we con- clude that our efforts have given general satisfaction. THE SIATESMIAN neyer takes second place. t will continue to lead al competitors as a medium for the promio. Iio of the interests of the district in ,xhich it circulates and for conveyiug the district news to ail parts of thie world. We promise you, friends, that, if spared, we ýshall strive to make TiF STATESMAN evenmiore worthy of your patronage than it has ever been. May we not reasonably expect that ïiear1y- nU of-yûu-will-renew your-Bub.- iicriptions for 1893?t is for us always an iinpleasant thing to renmove from our liat the nain of a subscriber. In going over the addresses once a iveek as we do ivhen nmailing THE STATESANIthe work we always perfori personally u lien at the office, we get famiiliar Nvith eve ry tiaine to which the paper is rnailed, hience to remnove a naine froi or lsb i.i like parting withi a familiar frîend. We ai- wvays fuel more interest too in the w cif re îa subscriber than ini a person îvho i, isot. We regard a subsriber a3 ý friund and we maturally treat him or her as a Iriendshould be treated when opportun- ity offers. This year we are spending a large sum Of inoney in a beautiful Premiurn Book that we give free to al subscribers who pay LSi $2 for any two papers puhFýls' ed in CJanada or the U. S. at onu dollar a j car. We have nover givun sucli a valuablu premiumn beforu. A funl ist of ita con- tents wiil nlext week be published in THE STATESMAN. t is big value for 50c. We really desîre that every subscriber shal get this book. Being handsomely illus- trated and artistically bound it will gracu any parlor table or library. Those who have scen it are delighited with its valu- able contents and illustrations. We are offring greater inducemnelits this season for New Subscribers te THE STÂSESMAN than ever before. Peoplo wonder .how wu can afford to do it, but we are doing it riglit along. We particularly ruquest you to secure one new subscriber if possible. If you cannet get oue with the big premiums we offur, send us $2 for your STATESMAN and oither the 'eekly Globe, Mail, Empire with preminin, Witness, Family Herald with Star Almanac, Western Advertiser, Stock J ournal or any other dollar paper that you m ish to take and you will get our New Preijui Book free. We have no agents. Ail ord ers inust corne direct te THE STATES-MAN Office. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. The Municipal nominations take place on Monday Dec. 26 and election on that day week. Se far no new candidates have publicly announced theiseives lu this riding. In Darlington we hear of probable op- poition to Reeve Srnale, but the electors neem anxions that lie shahl fil the posi- tion one year more. Ail are agreed that ne man outside of the present -council should attempt to oppose him. New men houid begin at the lowest position and work upwards. In Bowmanville thers is an effort being made b>' a few persons to break up what tiisy say is a "n" in the present council, but no men have so far shown bravery onough to announcu theinscîves for their positions. ~There is a general desire that sonre new men should enter tfliceuncil. For the West Ward the naines of Messrs. J. Mc- Murtry, 3..0. Vanstone and J. Percy are favorabiy mentioned. In the North Messrs. J. K. Galbraith, L. Corniali and PEELS, -Ith tvie are givîug as a preminni is a high clans illustrated monthîy journal, fllud with entercsining sud instrucive rosding matter, cintaining incl information that Ln Lvaluable te sgicult'inists sud of F p-cial intreat toeasch meinher ef evury Bhome. t bas 50,000 readera viho are tunivensal in ils prais3. The rogular priot is $1.00> s year. LEMONS, FIGS, GRAPES. IT WAS NOT ASKED. The Town Coucil at thee ast meeting, in a inoment cf exuberant sud ctenta- tiens synapathy for the workiug imon's (votes) position, extended the tino fer the returu cf the colecto's nol for oe monili frein Dec. 14. Some pretested on the groond that the working men had paid their taxes, that the collecter had net askud for an extension cf tino sud that the Council liad net been asked te extcnd it. The collecter confirma our position by an actuai ci)unt. lie says, îîet ceuutiug ceiks, butchers, or skilled atizaus, ne lois than 146 îrorkiug mon, or five-sixths, bad already psid their tax- os, sud ho had promises snd choques for oven $1,500 more to bu psid by te-day. The Council did a meet injudicieus act in grauting the extension bufore it was asked for. What is the nesoît ? The taxes at once virtushly ceased coning in sud the treasurer lias bad te bornow înoney at the Bank te muet insturing obligations. The inu vo paid hs taxes lat înth -on-' abled the towu tliereby te reduce its lia- bilities te that amoont, while the town bas now t tpy intenest on the uupaid taxes cf bis neiglibon sud pcssibly ival iin business. The mon who have paid tlium taxes have good neason te compîsin. Publisher's Column.- 11usd Ihis column AT ONCE, 10 save intue. We have ne agents ; ahl subscriptione muet bu sent or paid te, M. A. James, THsE STATESMAN is $1.00 only arIen paîd for iît advance. When not paid at the tet cf the year $1,50 is ciarqed. New Webtor's JnttnpationalDicttoinary lateat edition,nogular pnieu $12,50. W ill bu sold cbeap for s prusent te s teacher or minister. Ne gire The Original Webter's Un- ab.-idged Dictionsny free as a piemiumn for 4 ruai new i ubErriburs te THSE STATES- MAN-PIIl for $4 in cash Calsud se the bock. Our exquisite Oul Pitire-"A Yard of Pansies" is a gem that erery venian sud girl wants wEen ahe sues il. Psy your subacription AT ONCE sud aucune s copy. Se oui ofler for a nov subacriben. Jlorr's COMMERCIAL CAIcULATOR, puice $l.OOis a bock that every farmer,inechan ic sud business inu aould bave. lt shows at a glcctce, without the e cf, pen,pencil er papen, the accus atîsýtver te ahmoBt erery cuncivabis calculation that i-i lîkely to occur on the faim, in the factonv, sbop or offilce. The corruect valus of a'l kinda cf grain, stock, bay, ceal, luinher, etc., is insaiely fu uîd eta y prîce snd fcr any quantity. Givon fiee as a premiînifùr oee ew sobscriber te Tiz STATESMAN. A 0OflRISTMAS GIFT-By tlhe generoeity cf saviealthy gentleman in New York whe is viel kuovin as a phlan- -thrnpiâasnd staunch temperance advocate,- vie are enabled bo make eerny one cf oui subacribers s preseut cf an uxquisite Oul Picture,36 inches long,entitled"A YARD 0F PANSIES," paintud by s noted artist sud prcuouuced by competent critica te bu a suponier verk of art. Tis gentleman assures us that this reproduc. tien is in uvery respect equal to thao rig- inal vibicli cot $300.00. AIcenipauyiug this'chsniing pictuns are funIl directions for frsmieg at homeu at s cest cf s fevi cents, tbus forming a beautif ul ornameut for your parler or s superb Christmnas Gift venili at hast five dollars as a work of art. To ease yen the coat cf sendiug for the picture or cf it bsing mailed te us sud thun Io yen, it wiii bu sent drect frein Newi Yoîk te the addrets cf any subscnib- or in Canada or thes Unitead Statuts vho pa) s for TUE STATESMAN fer neXt yar and enclose 5c. in ilver or 6c. in stamps vhîzh muet be sent by us te Nevi York te psy for packing, msiliig sud postage. Sund yeur subscription this veek aud you yull recire onu cf thuse beautiful sud valuable Workà cf Art before Chrîinae. Yen yull ha duigltud vuithil. Should yen wiali an extra picture fer a particular fiund, teud J0 cents silver (,r 12 cents lu stamps. Only eue pict uns viiibe sont te the sae opurson. We cannot promise these piclures after Christinas Day. Whon your frieudsansd niglibors se yours, tbey wili al vaut oue. THE LADIES JOURNAL às the splendid Homne Magazine tbat vie are giving free for 1893 as s preiuin. As very fevi cf ont readers are familier vith tbis vuny popular ladies journal, vie viii gire s summary cf the content.1 cf bIe D, cember numben jusi te baud. It in s fashicît monthly ccntaixiîg 36 large >iagee, wth illustrations and redîug malter ab, ut the ltuat faghiens occupy- ing seyerai piges. Miss J. Il. Wetherald, the talented edit rosa, vritusinîter.-atiugly about Christmnas, Chîisttnai Gocdo, ths In visw of the fact that Sir Edwin Arnnold wiii very likely lie the next peut. laureaioeeturne vuithinterest te liii mnt ententainint article in the Decern- ber COSarOPOaîTAN on s "lJapanesu Water- Jug Place." The saine iiumbîr coutaîns seven portraits of Tennyson sud intereat- ing views cf lis late home sud surround The CosîrOreaTTN, Madiaon, Square, Newi York, will mark its fiat edition of 150,000 copes-that for Jauuary-by the offer of 1000 fies ichalarahipp. Inneturn for lntroducing the Cosmiopolitan. into- certain neighborhood s the Coimnopoitan offers te suy young inu or womau frel tuition,, board, lodging sud laundry at Yale, Vbssar, Harvard, or auy cf the luadiug cllegeF, sohools cf art, music, inedicine, or science. They seud ont a pamphlet on application tulling hew te obtain onu cf thuso free scholarahipit. Gur a lasissuud thirteeu almanacs dur- iug as nmauy yeara sud bis fourteenth resched us to-day. The tiet eue was good for 13 ytara ago sud they have kept on gettiug bt3ttur ever since. A vely bsndseme crven, priuted in two c'ors frein au original deeigu, 'contains 32 pages cf illustrated laplioribras vihl are guar. autued te kL,ock eut the viorst case et blues enrecord, TIýe large cart( on, ihl as cBala,ocecupies twn pages-, ilijistrates Columbus discovuriug the msossback poli. ticians of this part cf America. Scis cof the best talent in Canada sud the U. S. have contributsd Bsketchesq, sud the nuin- ber is easily worth twc or three timus iths pries (10 cents) wbich is asked. The Methodist Magazine is publisbed by Rer. XVm. Briggs, Wesley Buildings, Toronto at $2.00 a year, $1.00 for six months, The December nuinber coin- pletus the 30tb volume. That sccomp- lialied viiter, Miss Mary S. Daniela, B. A., cotributus iliustraîed paperi ou "Tennyson," snd on the romantie story cf "The Mutineers of the Bouty. " Rov. J. S. RoEs, M. A., conîpletua bis raluabie study on "A. Century of Missions " The Editor contibutes a piper on Tennymon'a Lests Kuowu Posuis. Two capital storieis furniali tbelightur ru.dng. The anueunce-1 ment for 1893 in particularly attractive, embracing biht asni a tries,ilustrated1 papers crn "Tent Life in Palestine," - What Egypt Can feacli Us," 'Canadian North-west Sketches;," Missiouary Biog- raphies, Social Reforin papers, and the like, sud many otlier important articles hy the Editor tud able cotributors. Nov in thei lime te subscnibe to thîs ex collent family monthly. Erury Methodibt houâuhoid sbeuld have it, and thu3 ený courage cur Canadiaa productions. SUBSTITUTION. It is univerpally coucudud that, wheuns mauufacturud article han been a standard sud stapîs for inany ysars sinongst the trade thé-, profit thgreon through competi- lion simmurs dovin te almoit a cash dis- -c-n,-fwiieh îheteo are- umaai-l fsw wbo eau avail theruslves; thurefere other brands than thos that are standard sud staple are substituted in their atead, upon which there in considerable margin. Cernpetitton lias increased te sncb an unormeus uxtent amcngst whoesaleroansd retailers that a great inîany cf thein, con- ider it necessary sud advisable te sub stitute other brauda that asemingly pro- ducs la'gse profits. Soins are cftihe opinion th-at by se doîsig they benefit lhereby. Othurs prefur 10 liandîs stand- ard aud staple line,upon which, although the profit i in aal, the turu-over i n uch greater ; sud in the aggregate, profit langer ; not takiug imb conidenstion the tact tlist t is mûchcaesier sud lea ex pensive, sud more satisfactory te suit staple liues than those that are nuknovin. The consumer unfortunately dus nor. underatand that wlsun lie enquires for a certain clansacf goodsansd in informed thAt tbey "have noue in stock," or "are jus% eut," or "vie don't handle thuin"' (which are reinanka frequsutly made by dealurs), that their cbjecG in te puali articles -that psy a Jarger profit. To the thinkiug public it is obrious that tase consumer in a loser thsreby, and that in order that lie ahould get the buat value obtainabîs for hae money, hoe shonld insist upon haviug standard aud tapie liues. Jr is a iveli kuovin and indisputable fact that the celebrated brauds cf cigars "La Cadena," "La Fiera" (manufactured frein the creain cf the ilavana crops,) "El Padre," l'Madre E Hijo," "GCable Extra" (or new i ne), "Kickeris" sud "Mungots" are stasîdard and staple goods ; sud are manufactured under conditions îvhich for the production cf a finit clans article in ev- ver> respect are unuxcelied. Thereforo it bebooves thein for thuir ove sake te inast upan bariiig these branda; thereby insure to thera a reliable amoke, sud ful sîne for their mney. The cny that in repent- edly heard thbt "It in diffionît te obtain a good cigaz" viii bu unuecessary sud un- A Remarkable Prospectus. We have ruceived frein the Publiahers of The Youth'« Compauiou its Announce- ments for 1893. They promise au un- u.qually brilliant volume. Amoag othur notable featuros is a suries Ôf articles en- titled, "Your Work in Life," vritten by persons experienced in the diffarent trades and professionFt sud designed to help young men sud women iu choc sing what Ani ther scrýes, enitied, '-The Brarest Deed 1 erer ssw," nirrates deeds cf personal heroism see'n hy Uitd Statua Ger, erals sud Var Correspondents. Theru ii alto a rzes of articlcs entitlud, "Odd I-ousukceping," vihicli wilI 1ýi0 of mucli interest te ladeq. sori emun.i a Stories are cotibuted by William Cýai k Russel thu famous ioviiist, aud sevetal articles on India by Sir Edwin Arnold. Special Correspondeuts wiii write of the World's Fair, How to'go, and vihat te ses in a giren timo. Gon. Levi Wallace narrates the crigin snd Lrowh cf kis famous novel, "Bsn Hur," vihile Frank R. Stockton tella the history cf "Ruzlder Grange." Thure wilîl bu eleven serial ttories this yea-, besidos more than Onu Hundred Stories by the Most successf -l Short Story witerq, bu- aides maiuy atirring T.iles of Adveuture. The Companion aima te bu a favorite in every family. sud its circulation cf nesrly Six Huudred Theusand copiesaa weuk testifies how widely ie is appreciated1 New pubsoribers Lent novi wiil recive the paper te Januury lot, fiee, incltoding the Double Holiday NumboEns. $1.75 a year.a Boston, Ms's. Babylsul for 1893 wiIl bu more dE lUght- fut than uver. Eve.y b'iby in the land oughît te have BABYLAND,it iS Baby's owu mnagzie,-the "bzightest, the clu'.erest, the hast." There will bu twe stcny sets of twelve tales eachi, beautifully illustrat. ed. Thno'igh the Fatrmysrd Gate, by Exuilie Potilsae-d sinty. charming sud tender. StorieR about B-ahýykinQ, by Mrs. d;orgu A. Paul-a p.ttyfel!ow baby mill euijey riehi vieil. Beetioie Jinglee,Prett3 Sic epy-Timies9, Ittlo i y Stortes, asud ,-tory Pîctures. Sp-ciikiý c py with preminîn liet on r"eýof a s2c %î -' mu 50 cent s a y ear ; 5 cen i s a hum1. i.1. L e m a O or C m p A - Y , B s t , V , , *,u We ctrinîcat unhesit .tingly .c' u- nîd te cen readers -v h ' sppriate r' ai good litorature Th- Atlantc Monthly pubhisheud by VIoîîehtort, *Yiffl n & Co, Bosto,,> Mas.,a $3 a year Befois de- ciding ou next year's readiov, send 25 cents fora sa.ileccpy. TAXKE HEA1?R2T SIf yeu're a. suffering woman. The chron- .4io weakn esses, pain- fui disorders, and delicate derange- ments that corne te ivoman only hv positive remnedy in Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription. If yen wiIl faithfully use it, every disturb- ance and inregular- ity eau be, perma.. nently cured. It's a logitimate medicine for womnan, carefully adapted te lier delicate organi- zation. It builds up aud invigorates the entiro systeni, regu- lates and promnotes ahi the proper funo- tins, and restores health and êtrength. "lFavorite Proscription " is the only r emedy for womnan's ilis that's guaranteed. If it fails te benefit Dr cure, you have your moncy bsck. Which is the be'st to try, if you have Catarrh-a medi- cine that claims to have cured others, or a medicine that is backed by money to cure you ? The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to cure your Catarrh, perfec/Zy and /er- manen/l,' or they11 pay you $500 in cash. flarper's Weekly. ILLUnTRATED. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. anid5 ODO HIAIPER'S 3MAGAZINE-------------- ...$100 Ot 1HARPUll:S WEEKLY----------------s:*** ou0 E HAltPER'S BAZAR--------------------1.... 0C HA1IPER'S YOUNG PEOPLF ........ .. 0 Postage Puce te alsîîbscribîr8 in the United Stactes. Canada and Mexico. The volumes oe lsMAoÀzNE ehugin vilI tbe Nuinhera for June sud December et eac1 >ear. When ro lime la înuntioued, subaoriullons yl bugin wyth tle Number curreni aI tle lime et neceipl of eider. SHA' Bouud Volumes et HA.Rpzs's MÀeAzr.NE fter tIree years back. lu nual cloth blndiug. viii CUEJ bu sent by mail, poýit-paid. or by express fiee ef expense (provlded tle fraight doua net ex- IONç ceed eue dollar pur volume), for $7 pur volume n Cloih cases fer each velumn. suitable for aî btuding, -,Nil1 ha sent by mail. poît paid, ou receipl t f $1 0ue. Remittances ahould bu madea by Posl.offica Money Order or Draft, te avoid chance of bs 7eîcspapers are not to copyiît/s advertise- ment witheîut the express erder of flAiiPER & BROTHERS. Address, RARPER & BROTHERS. Nev York. Leave your XVatche3 ani Jewellery a. SBig -20 to be repaired. -Ai work guaran- teed. Still a few Alarin Clocks Ieft et the old price at Big, 20. T. 8Geo Mpaon s Clothing a nd Boot ln hoe store have adopted the cash systein. Buy for cash and sai for cash is their motto. Cash custoîners shouýld give thein a eall ard get the benefit. Seo I adv't. ORANGEviELE, April 4th, 1892. DR. L. A. SMITH & CO, : DEAR SiE,-Anti-Dandtuff'ýýevidently gïving satisfaction. I have sold &bout; haif of the gross 1 boughli' from you on the, 23rd of January Iast. I use it in my own family and like it wwsl. Gan recom- mend ià to ail who ara troubled witlx dandruif. 1' Yours truly, Tuos STE VENSON. Cash For Poultry. The undersigned is prepared to ! vthe highst cash prie for any quaýn,,.y of Poultry dressed in the following mnanner: Bodies dry picked, wings, tati and head upke;and undrawn. ois cash paid fcr Beans, Dried Apple3, Eggs, Butter and liresoed Reogs. Fowls to fast at least, twenty-four hours before being kiIled and te be killed by bleediing well in the neck; do net wring the neck. JAMES MANS, Bowmanvill,. Firat door east of the Bennett buse. Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians. ENO NOISE. Just lu, a complete set of Traveller's samples from a Montreal Wholesale flouse, consisting of Ladies' Vests, Gents' Top Shirts, Undershirts and Socks, Ladies' Cashmere and Kid Gloves, Shawls, Carpet Ends, Curtain 'Ends, Table Covers, 811k }{andkerchiefs and Handkerchiefs--in-fancy-- boxes. -- Ladies' German-made JACK 7q,1 78 these and much more ail of which wil] be sold at actual whoiesale price'. Now is your chance for bargains--don't. miss, it. Cail early and get a good ohoice. We have ordered 'three doz. more of those Tables which we are griving away. Don't forget that our Grocery Deparment is complete with ýeverything need- ful for the Xmas trade., Our stock of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets was neyer as large and well assorted and our prices were neyer Iowvçer. Ail kinds of produce take±i. ___JNO. McMURTRY. HLIDAY onS XMAS 1892. sEP TC)rTTR. 'DTtqPTsAV ïe have the newest -and Iatest styles in PLUSH, OAK SILVER DRESSING CASES, MANICUIIF CASES, )R CASES, etc. ir goods exceli in beauty and finish, our prices are very low. xainine our stock and we are sat.isfied you wiIl be snited. PRESENTS for Young and Old. IVING CASES, MUGS and BRUSIIES, COLLAR and 'F B3OXES, e;îtirely new, GENTLE MEN'S COMPAN- IS, at redîîced rates, PERFUMERY, bottled and bulk in qîîantity and a great variety of Fancy Articlos. Ohemists and Druggists. Ye3, but feed it with Scott's Emulsion. Fecding the cold kilîs it, and no one can afford to have a cough or cold,acute and leading te consumption, iurking around hum. 0f pure XorwegianuCod Lîver 011 and Hypophosphites strcngthens Weak- Lungs, checks al Wasting Dseases and is a remarkable Flesh Producer. Almost as Palatable as M ik. Prepared only by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. The annual meoeting of the West Dar- hain Farmer,' Institute will be held in the Council Chamber, Bowmanville, on Saturday. Dec. 17, at ons o'clock siharp. Alfarmera and others interested are re- apectfully requested to be prement. JAmEs PAE, Preiside., 49-2w. WESLEY MoUeTJOY, SeC'Y. De you want to rent a good house in Bowmanville? Cali on M. A. JAMES. *ging to the village ?" '"Yeo, vifs," f ben 1don't forgot te bring rue a bottie cf that Kump's Baîssin for Couglis sud Cuida, the medicine that cnred Auut Mary's fcougli after abs lied fooliahhy lut il run sloug util asebad about given up eer gotting id cf it. Remember Kemnp's Balsam Audrevi, sud take ne other. Yer cau get it at auy of Ithe dnug stores." if EST w