k! BEYOND RECALLI -~Publissbed by special arrangement trous afvance shoots of Chcssbers'Journal, CIIAPTER XXI. at another timo I lost the stream n umaking ALI, ULWITHMEa detour aboutaL inass of scattered rocks f0g Att.os' 'ITR51Egreat te scramble over. These obstructions The men continuecti o work upon thé hoap; I hndbv vie a olwelth as tice new pile grew the rublbish spread ruugh patb, distinct enougli to my sight Widor, and the weigbt on my body increas- Jwbeu n yeyes biad grown accustomed te the el, tbrettening to bary me cfresb. Bot I obsctrity ; but I dered not Lgo frous tbe could use my lîmbs now witbnut fear of dis. streaus, for fe- ofni mssinig the bridge I bad covcry, wriggiing myseli towarcýs the edgo. to find. As time went on, and a litiho Nov ad ton bord he orkrs'voies.greyness marleed tise horizon to -thse ast, Once 1 flseugbt 1 distinguisbed tbe gos orner a tull forboding crept into my nmmd that I giviuig directions;, but I was tue deeply had o kept a straiglit lins ln descend. smofbered fet their words te be madle out. ing the valley, and by going too far east At length cli sounda ceased, the eartis cas- bcad struck tise streani above thbe bridge od te fall, sud I concludel tbat tbe heap when 1 turned tu the ef t insread oi below wcs whoily displaced, and searcis in tîsat if. This fear incseased as the skx- grew part ahandonod. I dared net venture ont, lîgbter. I might bave to go hack again; hut howusr ; for tlsough it s",emed tisaI î bcd 'where should I turn-at wbicb point give liceu underground inany bours, I could not np edvanee as bopeless? It wouid take ho sure that the sun bcdà yet set, or that tbe hours te retrace uîy stops; yet iny oniy &carclsers, suspectinig fbat I wes hiddon lu chance ol eseepe 1ev iu reachiug the c ottage the eerth therceabouts, were not keeping belore dayhlt.Wbou, the su rose the still with tbe objeet of leading me te quis my whole moor wouild ho sceured, and how hîdingpiaoe. coteld I ',lon escape? I said te myseif that Tbe eniorced rest did me gond. I recov- as scon as a certain star, that aiready ereti froua the first terrible effecfs of in- twinkled feehly is thse east, sbould ho ex- humiatien, andi got strength. Tet I was tinc.I1would turu about.'Thse fear that net ide; inch by inch I pusbed myseif ouf. 1 might do this et the muomenit wlien the ward, until, et lcngth, feeling ont ing bot cottage might ho but a sfone's fhrew beyond liglit lit fer over my isecd, I put eut my baud thsa range of sigbht urged me on with ro- und cautiously m)de an opening fhrengis the paubled cuergy. haulus. To my intense deligist I perceived For hours 1 bcd heard n souud but tise e star standing ouf briglît and clear lu tise rushing ni the streaus; new a strange cry dark sky. brougbî mie snddenly te c stand crnengst 1 pushed my way eut yet a little furthertise bouldeî-s ia which 1 W.^s suînbliîîg but witb such, slow and steady movements' along. that ne seunti wes audible te my owss car; " Peewif !" If wes no F tbe cry of eny bird and thon, gtting e fair viow over tise flat1 or aninmai I knew; ner was il humucu- yef grouud, I saw the ligbt in thse prison beyond , iligbt ho macdo by e man. I scanoed thei tis lre ad otiss heaiu tselho ciwey before me witlî terrible anxiety. Somns- the low stonno sali tisat bountiedth ie planta- thiîsg stooti eut againat the pale greon boni- tien ou ftli efisher side, if sfoedonut traight zeon, mwhich nmigb .t sell hothehead. anti leoked under my loxvered hrews et tise have onl y te hfroi yoirroatis, antiîay your~ MOOS Z'I UN TING .LN CANADA. cisaplain, brocti-slsonîdereti, rohust, witls body cgaiust tbeliîarness wbers fiscwer do tise hroczy freslinsus nf moorland freem is lookiug, te make hini elieve yen Vie 1Hoîiarch or ïuic Canadisîs ForestluHis in bis open face, I asked myself wbat hoe arc sfraining every muscle. 'Theis gning Native Wilds. bcd dons toenejoy ciaischebiessingi cf life, isackfrom tihe quarrios ne mose fatigued, The mooso, or elk (alces malcisis), is tise wiscf I bcd donc te ho denice tise luot ni a tisaisif 1. had donc c day's weo-k in tir" largeaf suemsber of tise deer fans iiy; inticed dog. fieltis, iny mmid wcs active enenugiste neeti if is tise lc"geif miamesal of Europe cand "I knew 1 sisonl i d yen isere," scid occupation in the ovoîsing. M,7 invenfise Anscrice, thse elk cf NortiseroBEuroeoacut tise ebapliîs unhuttosssîg bis ulster; Il no faculfy turned 550w te elaberatisig ichenses i Asia beissg thse saine as the Assaricci inooso. mass eould liope te escape estcept hy a mir- nf escase cati devising ineans for fisc pur- ILi*ke otiser sild animais of tise vat Amnen. acolo. poe. Nigisfaftec nigis, w ,ekcf ter weel,,eauI continent usoose exist nnly lu vasLly -I thouilt Yen helievet iun miracles," usontis citer month, I teilsd et titis pursuit, diminished usbeors, logislaineyts Cîc seid I, ssileýnly. ansd etbieîgtls, baviîsg iit upenl a diesign diais andl Usnt'31 States goernusents baving 'W bat lias tirat te deo witlî it?" le cieti, tîsat preuîised succcii, I put 't us eyecuitsosine deubf heen tise issans nf scving tisese pa.usîng wistil hua inger onu a hutton, rand et tise csd oiea year. Itf aiied, andI1. again futs aninmai fi-ens cisolîste exterminatio. cast ing a sharp glaîsce et me as I sank dewn wos-e yellow sud grey ber tisree meuîflîs. 'LNet se long cge lîsisdreda nifuseese were ou the lspank lied. Net, disceuraged by fuis reverse, I1sscslugsered iii tise pros-ace iNwBus " A gond del," I rcplied; l"yen led me te 'more attempteti te get cway fiffeen mentb wîck ber fiseir akins alesse, tise carcases helieve lu tiscu; thet's wiy i fnied te es- lc'.er-flscf beung t-he third aftcuîpt in tbree heing leit te rot ashere tisey bell. Ovissg te cape." years. But fuis finse I knocked down a tise eharecter ni these districts, wviich con- "Yonr failuire neeti tnt isake your feîth wcu-der, anti waa enly captured citer e des- teis a vaf nussîher ni lakes, swampy, low-, in mairecles--if by miracle yots ssasi Divisse perato struggle -s iths tsie ecisers; anti se I lysng scootis, ansd morass, thse provisîcas ni interposition .su youir bhali. Wouid got c dresef black and drah, witls New Brunswick snd Nova Scetia romain te yonr escape have msade yen Iappier or het- ftho addition ni btter8ancd ciscis, whiclî I tise prescrit day tise fav otite liatint of tise fer? I deubt if. Nas net yeur captuLre tise worc uigbt sud day foi- three moutiss. But sueuse, sud tîsere, trnder certain restrictions, very inteiposition yen praycd fer-prevîd- hbere tise rivets were fled off, I was egainluihomcy ho isuntoti. iug yonr escapse irom s-eseiig %verso tisaiset work upon a plais ni escape. Iu bis svll.knewn hook, IlTise Wild isuprîsoumient? 1 belseve if. Whso are yens "Oh, I sisal! gef awcy somsen or later," Nortii Land," scys Black and Whsite, Ccpf. that yen sisould set yourseîî up as a jutige said I te mysoli, as I nnrscd my cheins; Butier gives bis experiences nifissoose huint- of fise rigisteousuesa ef tise Alnighty ?"'tirere arc certain things e marsiceau feresee îsg. Il'No man," li? scys, 'lsas-e tise Indicîs He spoke witls unusîsal sternuciss, but bis as clearly as deaxtis. Tise iuck mnust turu. or tIse hall Indisus c-an lînsît fise moose with s-oic-c s-nk te ifs cnsfonscry fentlcrness, as, It's e garce of chansce ci ter al -ifi its nef h-Ichsasnce ni. success. * * * IHîînting tise , bun iesffde me on the bcd and layîug bis sug more. Say tisat one in a bussdred cf- ioose luin suser and aister la oee issg- badon snycrin, lie seiti, "Believe me, tise tompta is sisc-sessful, tise man who passes kiiiiug isu in a 'snroi yard 'or ruusiug hini day will coee vien voir wili tlsank Hecven tise limit ausceetis. But there's skili dewn lu deep siow lisaenother." Te hruit cri ynur kuces tisat tise end was net as you su tise gause, andti îat cornusforin the meose undoubtedly requires' ycars nf wiibed if. I am ne prophef. A feel could sometiig. I wen't b- is a bîîrny abeut study of tise habits anti a-ys oi rhs'se pregnosticato as mais, knowing what I tis i ex onue. Tiseres pleîsty of finms. anircics. 'Tise orditiary sîethoti ni pursuing knwh. I bave Isat fimes te learu wisat Tisree usoutisa or tisree yecrs makes ne dii tiscî la simply hy -"sf111lsntissg," as if la bias taken place aimîce 1 went eway. - es once te me. Purs getting patient. Nine cllei, 'or stalikiîsg. 'Tiseisunter scarcîses Rcu shcw effes-ed te senti a cheque fer a cor- yoars nfitI, griotiing os ery day like c mill fer tise trail cf tise aninmal, svlicls hoe tain ausirtoanynne y au nansei. lYen pron,- herse, inekes c fellow prefty calions about traeks intise moat ebsoluto silence cuti isedto te urniis hum witls ai) atdi-esi. You te morrnw or the day citer. I wen't ho execisung bits tnost iknowledgs. ef tidti sknow wliere ynur wiie -as. yen satiafieti và,l the biref plan tiset looksacli woed crft. Arrivet ini tise imsîssdiate receiveti e ceussaunicatienrous B eotist rîgbt. l'I lcyy h al a tiozen tecisoose usigihorîsooti nifsaere tise ir ese la footing tlurcw yen loto a terrible statf nideîbt. rous. Lots of time. Tîsef wasa e bel's gae or reating hoe makes bis final anti stecltbym Yeu sent fr a rienti wbe confirme J yeun 1 playeti last tnrn-slatirssinu reborus anti appreacîs. Es-cny bush, e' ery thieket is suspicion ; tîsat suspicio coucerieti your geftuog bac-k iste tise Agriculturul Gang. 11j asuntely anti silentiy exaînineti, anti when Iviie,_ber vor ii nefsenti ber eiares ewon t do if enain. Stickt tri mv osarres, n-is. heta5, ~s- --î--of' i 1-- anos-b'prceeor rec'eded I cc-nid nef tell et fisat Upon tise evidtieceitwo w11- esss-oýne-eln biku nslreak theise s'keep It wasc neftishat a-y I hall te go. Prinuces- distance. netoieus rasca-yen condemin ynur wife, Onu tisepuiissseuit 1sf, tire tise wbiColo lt tos'n ley tae flc wsf. andthie rans nitise Peewit Again that trangoe ry. anti make a desperafe atenpt te escapeon mt witb wefcing rme, lecd theus ais'g 5gl street was Soutis. Becausie ne paf rol JWe-itea signal rous a mais hefore teonue wifb thsenhjectfefinflictingpuunishmentupcuioee aise scout citer tise ether, f111 et lest wcs in sigisf, tîsere s'as greator noasen te beiinîl me? I glenceti e-r îy sisoulder. lier. Is it 00f se ?" fisc real attouspf shall aeem netiig but e suppose tiset one was te ho encouniteret in A block oi Stone, the saine eolor as my drab Ho waited ionrnsy noply. I mcde nn sigu. feint, andst hey lot me slip mindes- fioivory tlue direction I inuit take. 1He milisf-hoe blouse, rose Iigier tisan my lcati. If asesl" Ifmuet lh olcliehosaiti. Il Yenwouid neses. 1I usd1 get it protfy hot, tsat's c-or- stetioneti on file othen ide of thise cp frous improbable tisat 1I b h se acc. Tiseeoh-.ieîy it if you bcd a spanrni affection bor taiu. 'Tisevas-ders lias-oalmost forgetten wiicb h 'seogn.Tiserî s'as no e bof- 00iflirent novet egein. A streeak eipale ber ; andi as-at coulti has-e xine îist hat f ley liket ao ne ; tey'ii f urss spite- a i = on an rit gee ecu ; t nvsayour ovefo or i csesf. f e il! bel'ere l eug N.0Nonse, tcaeigie' sisados' nifuis usounti.' Suddenîy e short, genle, Sisessti Igobhcek? If ýithfbing was no longer wertsy oni if? Couse, XVyisdlsansi as gooti wheu ynu'rc uisedtat if. Ail pris- dry ceugîs ceuvincet i uetisat a ana as onu e mcanlyinig isaait bonruse, if was prehable Itell me yonn trouble. Lot nie know s'bafloges knocked cff-e procieus tifforence guard n tise very place 1hdsuspecteti. I tnat tise bridge hy s'ich onue usght escape fuis chsarge la tisat lias heen bresîgluf against tbat'll inake te me De1)I s'eut tealiave wciteti ivoeinutes, nef stirning a muscle. - rous tise mor s'as miotan off. Stili watcis. youur s'ifeLot use fry ant i ud somsex- a vslit fre iser anti lier lînahauti? Tiseusai c1am-e bi fumt eeintisn I -ing intomtly, if seemnedtat me tisat tise boa-i piation ni if. You nîay lho Sure I shah Corse tiseus hotîs! D 'n ewie board bis stops, and tise nexf moment grewiusg es-eny misinte clearer egainat fisc not pronounce juligient f111 I bave feundti ieus, or Isear imoîn tisons? Do I waut te caught iglîf cf bisfigure, e rifle un tise higiter sky s'es roundt, andt not augular as oheicwise trutis." Icoos'w wetlser se is clive or deat? No, belles' ef bis anus, lu blaek silhsouefte if svoultiappear in tise weli-krown warchor's "I lie hd enougis of ftisejutiment ni nef isefere I eusfroc h en-I oan't thissk agalutishe grey suske tht bd risen hina cap. Thon un expla'ain lasiet upn me oliers,<' I sai, fierc-iy. f tiat an insy scieses -locly eit tie saine Ire. inblafornier position., Ilsstreîîetree -ifs'as tise scout cf soesepoacisers traw- I"Yen liase ne rigîîf tea essplainon ifluet fime. fliere s'as 1I? I kuew what I may or four Pacos onut, acutfîer standing thore iug fueir nigbîî lino. Tise ery, as-bss Iiscard jtigment," sait ieh caisnly. I leoketi up eUpeef. Puinusbient c-eil cnd plauk bcdl, a minute, as if looking about, lise eturneti if egain, sonrîdeti lilse c oy's veice. Yet I I isriously at Ili. Il Ne igisf fi cospaîin ceois cati irons-ais! tley're tise wnnsf te tise seep, andi cause reundt warts tise daroti net lot usyseli h on Il0*hy hlm ;'tho ngh cif tl ud îtgusent fisatmadte sac, anl innocent toe îar. Neyer mid, ene's net e hour's fire, passiug an close te me .tisef 1 cenîti, au escapeticouviet bcd ittie te fean frein nari, a sl-ave 1" pain, neftc lingeu ing torture, no privationu, by stretcising eut sny banti, bavc laid -peachsers, Tise stneak hle witened ; tbhe I No," hoi repeafeil, îearîessîy oMeeting nmi atignity tîsst I have suffet ilah these belti of bis ankle. A s'ilti idea horizon was yeilow new. Itws's toc lata te uy wibd loobk wti bis calai, soI t cyea - years tisat shalllnef hoe epsit. Wlsat I ni fippng lus p cti nltig br i go aci ; adnes t atîstistil "youmhase ne igist te complais0f tisat base receis'ed tiroughlier, abe shah bis-e passedti Irougismny sintni, buti tisougbt - (ronciiing iosin I crept eut iloetisepmoer, jutiîseut ; for, upon slahetr ovîtence tisais bac-k resmue. Al fsatI bave enduretisec botter onitifanti lt hlm pc-s. Ho wout as sntendiug te usakoe atetour andti fiack te tisat wicb cesîsicteti you lunfisc mira c cfiaubsalendure. The atone schicbs tbsî-es' fa5 f P.g'uet Prs, kickoti a ssaoultieing em'eer, tiseiftreams et e scie distance abcove tise bsy. imupart iai jutge, yen, biasseti hy passion, sisal l al hcck upoî iserself. I bave e gond cati returnetid, again passîug s'itisis e foef of Witi saouefing like despair 1 nootifiset coîstemu tise womran whiose defonce is un- maesuory. I bave kepf an accunut of ail I tise itter in ihisI sas billt; tison e litto flie yeliew ber in the sky waa finsiset ahove lîcart." na'z. I bave ut here lu mny hsat. Net e furtiser on lie soctet imlof ou tis e bap, witb pînk. Just thon I catruek e pets nuais- I wiih boies-e ne evitieuce but tisatf n jsingle iten i sal hoforgetten s-ieis fli biseatiandthIe harreieofîis rife jnst crep- nîog lcfiglît angles s'ifis My curse. Tisis myov'si ues. Sise shaîl défendi ierseIl tissae oessteseffle up betasecu us. Il aise piiig np aheve fisc ontlîse nf the rubishs. msuet auuely lbcd tte icbridge,'"fisouglîf1J, s'inhlictamise comes." lihae cesparîcof feeliing, I wsill fraîsple ao ('learhy hoes'es pesteti there fer tise îigif. Without e aeusenf's besitatieon I turueti - <' 'th tie secouses and, imaanwiiihe if; lf aise ictal bier bigi sepirit, I will Ilcas- sas I fn paesa hini? dties'owarts tse Streamsfiless-ing thsepatîî, wlsat are yen goisîg teatel" break it dowsî, I soc tisings cloarer nas- I leeketi about use. Tao flicnertisancui eu ing ae low as Icouhd teahoselteredl ly I" Nothiog' I repiet tcggelîy. tisais I dit. Kiiling la foc gond fer ber; West rîsere s'as netfavestige of emoke ; tties arnbby gnewvtla cis acis silo. Prescsit. He argueti witis me for a long s'iile, itif 'ot ne uogisfor ose. Su shal ilse anti mnuetflho olling esvey tte s onfb-east. Ifî ly I egaisi heardth ue runuing 'afen. 'Thon tryiulg every ensîstisat a keen antinoulesueefler for beiselitise ressacrue sise cenît 1 conîti get iste t if sgbt fblles' ifs cunso I stoppet, anti, s-isiug my beat eanfienîby, mind coîsis ccise te malte e ue cr real. nef loch for me. I %siih keep lier clive lu comparative safety. No giierd s'enht looketi airoundtime ; fiere s'as neosgn ci aoa, te inc-line une te mercibul actiegl. 1 as I bave hbeesi hept alive. I will te. be likely teafandi in tise eooklng fumes, anti living creatuire. I erept ou more stcalthily matie saorepiy, but sats fiere l sue ate aele sas a eaeiue u tbcy s'enld bllip'te conceci use. Bof I balta bie eore, ant iun e fes'minutes matie onussilenîce. At lengtislie rose w'lis e sigis, shah mioe lier wnmenbot as 1 haes 0s sy te tiras' mnyseif ouf ef tise hecp onus'iieitise e rougis bridge bebore me. On sny bauds anti citer faking e turu up thfl Ccam nsmalîsuoti, anti hecein tise sevage brute I guti as as sif ting, nef more sas t wo or anti knees 1I epf on fcatise bridge, acuti again hachc, cnd t anding befere me, put his banda cM. WU e s'ill nover part egein. iVe arc three yards away. Ceulti I de tiis s'sthout pausedtatelook eroti. Once mere I feocioti on my ebeultera, anti sait - ettereti for fle, tise oneîtate 'tefr, anti maeiug a soundt teattrant bis atteuntion ? Iboard tise strange cry Il Peeslt b" " Ne maai cau te nething, Wyutrisasn wasbosss'cde if shal hoein ae bonis trug- The crackliuug amndspluftering of enfla in Aill sas perboafly sf111 sas-e tise onofon- MWe msuet keep mesiug until tise ecuti -gle. anti t untitogether nur minet seuls tise ire were sufficieuf. I belies-ct. teasask nus ippling ef fhe Streana. Juaf boyenti s'rssorisackwanîhs, usspsr dtiwnssrcls shah ho dehseeit vraiigfîy nh oise I mlisitb make. It ss-s my ast tIse bridge stoodth ie cottage I seugisf-a -slsere's ne staninmg sf11." If wsatisus my plans ni oicaemng c-baic-e, andtiflc affomptmusafho matie, i ittie ts-'a-rocmod bouise. Ne lugbf wsssla He s'i igbf, îIs'eut Irons fiat day hack- vrwthapoet rvnes-stiluied Silence s'as nc et euDy neeasify. Tise ible ; but tise grey ligisisoni uaoning s'as sul- wartis anti dcwsna,-aris et flue saine flîne. e very day irore tisaholical as I vilehtîn"ti tisog muet ho douce qckly, fer e cesual icienthy sfrng nos' for suds ea guide tae be jsstr tise cbapliu's influence 'if snighst the brufalisiug ilfseucci about me. To glance tote eiglît weubti ro cal me tate icsnucc-seary. I atole up te thbe toor, antihe lasoen efherwise, but if waî my misior- gîsuaf upoîs a iuow foraiof s-iigeareo asesthie guard. 1 enlergeti thebioe leore me cfftecm noîenf's Ihsitation appet soitby tlune nover te sec bln agalu. Tise day hbore ache induilgenice offerot te sny passioensa tbresmgls s'icîs I ball te ereep,let tise saine wifhi uy knickles. Afferws cting amiosîte hele s tealias-o nefurno te Danron lie muse of acc-nîplisiing if tise euhy cmpioy. fume avrkiug sny body anti hegs te gis- obr respususe I reppeti agalus bouder. s'as fuiuowu rous bis herse andt kilieti. Theiseîenfomyintelectulfacniltics. Asusyplas. thons f reen passage. Wisen theso propane- 0'11Nail hum, Diek !" erieti a vieîfoprietise geseruior hiseif, s'ltl toarsa lubis cyci, Sion gres', ny mental powes-osentreetot. If fions s'eremacte, cuti 1 bit thaftishe me- ntier ide of tise rocti,anti ieiore iennîri toit me thise ueS. asas lfbs dibfic-ulty I fixet issy mntiupen tise nient wcs conue for ftho atfcrnpt, Iglanceti tenie-ca stop rosa tise toor a mais hunît rous "H1e teck eadeepsîntesoesf in yon, Sit piacticel purpose hbene sac. My ficuigisF th lf. le nadwil>li, anttronïgblcyen a t te lkfYt. h[wareidaway m Lho c-ontesuplatsous 0 ne longes lu iglut. Setcisg bonvras-cn i apetos-enthe opposite isetge. I recegniz- pen n yuiiem,' lie sait, tisat I mount tc vîctios s-itlsing suilier punisissîent. Mose pen"eis-eti mlo goent's bCtileasiog hack, 1etdtisera heth et e glance ; tlaey s'excgang bhng uira bac-k inte tise rigst rmati aglu. antd mureOleff ets seate ouns'iic-hIcres' the Pc k on isiicep iltet nps'arts. Tise j s etos IHoesmuftugt li bs s'ay ciene onrfteucLis fic, dia rainssof theo prison, tise quarry, aut prissibiity thatsliehabatfallen anie-[),ci- I s t.nsggied I.' frc myselIfrbm e vsasigor. guniî~ic-e sf ctiers neas. lAnti nos', o'y uman, jtîscir sumrountinga, Saitis tisigns ly as-licis curaeoci ue. Puttissg ont miy ibands euIdeus hantsefisat graspet i ue hy tisee rsu ni' lyn isea1 e-cbrtatk1ea ni inarîset tise méshefioflievasion, s-ouit tiigginig my lingons lu tise ersis, 1cires' my- jtîsmat; ibumtI s'es tbmown tclown, syarm het oif fieuts, auyrspectfobr lis memory,îipnoteiirsuykue.etIlt selfioutsf renf tise iton; then on usy koea ts'isteti isoiint me, andinin noufscyen ailI cuteaor tfoulfil biis lait wsiî. 1e useefifnlubroodingonu tIesehaine anti enfler, I crashet awavy,keepiug choie beii- tise bamîticuffa,-voe suappedti mpen us s'iat tsireyeti s shsoitli as-e tisis bock loi- eamssg 1suste foreemy as-ie. Asdyt-Ebatsulhl- j beap tubise ath iclr ule e fhn.IWlsile I stil lay gaepi'sg on flue gounti, Ikeejîsake,"lise atieti, laying tos'u e a cîit reason bit te sec tise fatal tenIletf thetilametor ci the îseap istaeen me anti andthie nien quiet ly imketi a cluclu os tevolume ou uysy ablI; andtihflics ihotisisaself-intulgessce. I s'as c-ions is ais tise gsar, anti tisecohumaîs i fseke rolbuusg iceianticuffsa e 'eun'asiînriek rose freuins'euf ouf quise nverc-nmehy thi, mena- i turne Iabeimiti ecose tise slas-e of iny afedi n-m Ie runibeoe e Igthfiscbridge. ny o iebiat uilie ckrpassions, incapablecifesîy smeuntal offrt-a ounicy feet, msade a stop bonisart, tools a 'Oh, Jack-, Jck b"she cniet, rusiig ieo batl estfofr es-or. ravsug usauiac, eut aîthing more. bumioti glance tri tise igisf, rres' a tecp des'n fowants us; "t(Ion't let tiseu tekej I tank up thie book, Is s'as Dens'in's But I stock obstissately te asy itica of breaths ci air, ant i issiseîoss y plunge i imte , you." " O rigin ni Sp-aie. " I ne' o nd a, s page ti rin g t he a ers on tsi; e a s ithlsomines esrt 1 rasi on tise leese eartbs tilt 1 caisse foisstoise itise ' artien standing bSobre sue ,;Ilyeur cliaphain asemîit for me toroat. tIsat they groas-cas-dossaanti négligent. Tisej a h.PfiînO"bnseu e'Iaa htetbband's scie encuiglisiiiDartmsoor. If t Isa beedbtesste os uia-r rs bat juif essoughs prte te malte Wal.Ptt 4gM bnd -n op1lied beenlaci, bes a keen tisaf -' los, ndtl'eos b airnidlicule. Te Se mislet sya ns or, isepareti fer a bll iii flicdeep dth bdbe ak e( tkntilisas-cning'teuciset hy fte message tV)use. Whiie theo diteiu I alayedtateget hseatls eut look sbhunt Teto t,1prevdwoi a ulurades, s'as intolerable. Theyriaiei Thon teor a mIipnuet-et orso f a-asresoinfien I lied telen te aasndon usyseuf b tnbtu fose enec 'îcl sa nie er misnfeor f'e.Twe cm throe ut at dsanotinlutise paf l, anti siy tiat 'te flue course of os-cuts andthescproinsting qi itrisucet isfe ccs acs ouisînI as seafferati hliglufs te flue nîgisis nankoîltheo s'cnmiug cry lied heen gia on. aysnc.Io ucnIintle'In i no-le n F iaissae s'I wses'con aller lieuses un tise village. I coud sec nethimsg il e it -iuerymt-a e t erahin e nes' teparfune ; but ashou I lias-I e ' jim - -gey els bu tiseas-Ili led eaecitie tar1ylot e loe tseprison yard. As tise grisatisÎ~enedt teuecolt cut i neaiugosapplusaes yetiucxt tisse," saisIac s'ec-, s ag" aky, ebut tie sonbhy 1ohadlanethe Ls gra.y uglss'ugt es 1suIfu ia l s on hpli.atfa oc sa esuaeelay, gisiug my wrisf a creas s's ba st tiindcutys'ai evemreme. lIceuit-ush msyateswnI o aehidms'as gto héiwcapan ndtebokwsaene.telc-uff c-lchI a "persua,-der -'"mse' ndiry lastbaleof saewn oeut of mny siglut, I loolceti uupcmîthe los lofum ire l'il beiscisyendos'n math. a blet" tise Streanm anti feihoas- t up te thse cottage - my fient as enotisen hcas-ocf tisat Powsen TIse gevernsr limnelf began te fosc whiere Tilly's asie s'unit gis-c uie refuge, I CHAPTER XXII. s'iic-b bat tiomet rue te desfructiosn, patiene sbould lie out of danýer.SuX YEARS ON THSE CUINISIENT LI.ST. Thero s'as nothmug ilu ay lufe that fendes I dntjnwwa ad lyui 0O1, I shah escape 1" sait I te mysoli, The cisaphaincanse iite tise punlehmaeufte s aise me rous tisemoral lassitude. nýesaitdon t Whu 1 w-,1,2saf entes-f.wh yn,"o difcis into tise hcather. '<Ne pos'er on tise gos-rner. I bat net seen biemn fer a onergy fluat reniaii iite bat obsaumels.yasvuwr h etmr ntepae cartis eau ostke lune priira gi."ltortîuiglît.His laf visitas-as mcdo beoie Lesîessly as tise gos-rner was sposed to yars yo'uu as-ec fsi c uais lis tise phac- An iufe'ticatlug sonse cf fiuspis sas aij JIsaca n wi~s'te's initieity fmiss anti fer muearhy silire oritbis-e heen escape, lieih. o t bit ' Irsumn Beetun. deai avitis bon iatis pst seo e~hve treateti yen aaith tise ut mesf leicy, un tisaassurance cf escape. Tise Ho caeeiul i tisue "goed-hyo,'<anti s'sa cupeliedtateinfiiet punislinturpeounoynmeis-etuct peruittet. That liai bail- j fierce pasionuoniabrute s'as nef sol toei J'y tolti ue ho waa geiug te Norfolks fer a usintirer te snainfaisu prisen is scipline, antd V msonbo-em te ry is efctf a single huuaising isope. Tise solo objeet monti'sa sooting. Hie -ic teiegrapsedtiat discourage otefara frouna eSilsilar offeace. I -erii beloe mu s's tekilImy iie usdpîutcii um s-bos su bent o myescae, kowig s's tercdl tetMs f iint hai. Mybineasedet 1 '<cutiI yeti ou îsatI1sah hisu ent te ily os'u ile as eeeu as possibhe. jtisat hoes'as tcepiy imteresteti in unle, anirais dres a si eangct ion yc-ios'cutnoaonde ct cvi- l,,i 1 sisigloîl nuis astar sus flic direction IbI ha sa rsese utînafis-oy as hoe cîtereti; but fie grcy ; grue1 asas giscn me inpcoo That uîgisf Jas-cnt to sieep in tise s'oceus te fake, anti, keepmag my eyes eusifi, Mae affection I hbat hegus ta ebe-Ifor tIbis iisaui foc; i mue lesgfn teck exer"ise s'ish Crioîpainc lgiî sysri otab nuyasay ferasart in as straiglît a lisu" as I I aswa-iolly gene. J batnotîiiug te hope for fuie got-coiis lnct mcen, but omaichet Before fis- cmiiocitise avek I wasciagaisi re couuit keep :,teaiung my way tisrougus tise rens bissa ssa. Withisoit snSl e nsud saninussgie file asitis licse rss. lunid- çrfreti. Toausy afoniaisueut 1Iassent hîatht anti scmis, ieapiîsg rens block Éc ent, gratitute la impossible, es-eus te aliiontutoihis 1 asaipuis teasesi b ise ouft. ateqare h etionn ih binais of granite, reesseaâlike ci pain ant iploisophser. ! q uarries, ashero, s'iti fosur efîser 'ref -uses (elt bointise iieicatise oserning as-i b autdcar-gem. 1luts l say I gos ie-i iniso Notbisug ce iope foi-, notisiug tea"Iseisli. 1aîesst hske beais t te t otnue tsutok, 1 hyeisg fakes olre fisc gos-eri o, Tsea tihe velîcy, 5k ic-.easopimîg fil'b1Jfount tWbt lied I1oen rreceis- t t i Iaisiseàtate rwge'? flue blocks freinfisc cutising te tise oiy cae piauctcu e n ît dfbioteaVsi tisai usyscloi sait trouisti. 'Tises 1 Stop. rotain? Ail tiset 1Ilai uigit be fckeri dtepot Thle ss-rk s'ai isutalizing Li-id cx- iommcaseelied bous acers-etfor te fVgimgIts pet te Ilsten, sainsbmg arîkîe deep f ruma use anti bave me lianeftse p seer. My bau-ss-e te oeet of nicta f0tis egrî uncissflotee I mores insattse foring. fisc-hecuae. s. ut -tnttise nusiug of s ator, very lifc wsa.su scess ur-dei, te ho gi-ein j lant's die ofai liiîg little snt fcsgnsng But o adyt e asmte o rs and cnfidet tha 1 wa now ear te iip.ýaiifLill. rnuh. Whn I gtsurprise.celAintthesurpiug. Atertus-ng y inutiineteexx l3frmaiaI 1stnode on a-ain. 1-resthy J sas' 'Ibcr is but oee il'p rous indifferens-e toeovcnirg 1fasedsono up. I hegan ite ic-t as coise yriscdo on akt h the streama hcforc-nie, h.. haokesu waters huiret; that stop IIsati lready trodettm. meon as I1lat sIo'red 'uay gruel. 1 s's yard, nstc,oI os dig obck tetis gluttcril ng 1111111317 ie Stans ; J surnsedtatheflue <onti1 bustIate tflýic ocio ty , preisunged 1j uîsfitfbe, aniy iiteilectisal exsteio, uit 1 p4,ad omedt ol, tase s lt ne lc-k no.h bet s il at tirectfs-. "icic -as no Myîexisitenc-e onis-to-att dto îny samn cf 1 cenfaiîiy hllie nin-linationu flat saay. I , atirt otigetdidsithstae i-althha ses, i aigus ofteas: i fic heest yot awhiii : tisat is ilrys, tise paisor if t gis on me lits- îscnves- cakot ionr cbooks ;uc-ven couaet cntdle towli. If ws art an cc- ince I bat in s'îîc 1oa..1 oi. cs bas-ctmy beins- asiti ses s te be-i j msy suate. Il Wisa-' t' ie gocti ?Iaket bcdl efretcliet mîysolieout ou cmtsufing sciser gs Tise commire of the" -streani , as' -ifi- 1s'l aid inspinet inse vith.s]loue te torturc- 5soIf. Wi aI sa'ce ise asits'is-eu- roustisaisd Tel -aywndrn cuit e A' -we 1ilnea marh à 1me wih depair my dze 1 -,,oild Lrn liedheianappeonet.atIa fou-rtnd.tisaisn nuis utii 1as-laisa I asiuptas my kasees, ob i .îe te Sensibhe usf ssy tgnta on ciiouilikc a Io,. Reiatia-ly fisis condtion s'as te fis-atenoeî. aSie îumoug Sreamuou. Issicro,3asug it tisaisne ýnnli'-iuga->nce lIOurd iî?îfnor- i' afi-i lca mseaini"cri M aneec atucnpmvt s. el ppc--Ionsi ainy bouiter, acui "iasr- lj h iari i ss-s, f regr d-'t as-i -- gooda. me1grw oe tnnn, n e<tt dos'ms t'itise jetu nsdreti yards; 'cis-y ail YIladisluaicaipel MY taie. As 1 d'it iloisore work tlisasi MY illowî. Vota(TO BmiE tOI TI'YOED Ine ctul sot r cnccýlaint s ds re edu thie Iunter gently breaks a soscli twsg, a buge, tiark, olti-werlti ookiîg casimsal riscs tup, anti, sbeuld tise siose5 careinlly led up gto proessuccessini, balla to risc sic more. " -Moose (seiig" le probahî lichemoecx- iciting ni ail tisheietis adopted iu huntisg tise meose antie ne rcquiring tise greaicaf emmst ni akili. If h oniy precticasie dutr- iuig tise rut ting sesion lu Septeusber cuti 3Octoybe. an ccii nuls- ho e set forstea fuiy otos sunso el t aissrisoe, berinthe ta--tuino. Tise art ni brnuging tise mcoe as-itiisrange tisis s'y ih eue pessesset lsy boas- swhite mon, requiring as if; tees au >anuionut ef prectice eut skill seltom poess et oxceps hy Intian haunters, Out OF thse QuLestion. "Cen yen relax tise featunus ae imfle?" aikedthtie pisetographur, reiaing bis hîcat ironstishe c-k nitise c-uaena. "<Tse ex- pression is toc severe. Try te louis i littie jmore pleasaut." II "Nover saindthtie exsqao b, " saidthfis sitter, dojccfetly. "Tse expr-ession is aIl right. Go alseeas-witi tise picisure. Yon ca'fo'xpect e maistiat's juif t leutr silk bats, a suit ni clotisa eherse aut $67. 50 un cash bealtes on flue olection to book as phea sent as iflbihobat ballems hein te a ferus." 'If tisn't cny of sas-businss, ni course," sggesfe elicpisotegrapher, I"hus conbdn't yen lavO s'aifet for tisis j ob unsil yoss icon feeling a lititle manne cisee-Itl ?- "Ne," s-aid tise mn fnront ni tise causera, au atiet siiaeeof gleoin enessing bis bac-e. IlI ans tuiusg this on c bof, tue.' Xioxitlily Prizes lon Bes-s ansi Girls., The "'Sunlight" Saep Co., Toronto, offon tise foles'ing pri7es oers-menttitli funtisen notice te boys sud girls unden 16, restding in tise- Province of Onterio. Who send lise grestest numben cf "Sunligist" aviappend: lst, $l0; 2sd. $6; 3rd, $3; 11h, $l; àOh te SM, eautinsome Beoos anti a proîrs- pictune 10tisehse wis enti uot les liscu 12wsrappers. Senti as-appesa s "Sunlight" Sose 0tfiee, 43 cots Sf, Toronto net laser ta2tise ofis acls nisufis, anti nanketi «Cenîperifion";aclan give bull name, ed'dress ago, anti nunben cf s'cappers. Winnori naines sit be publiuidila TsA,,Torooisb a.el on firet Saturtain la ccinonts. Sixty thousauti people iii the Enuer-cit Isle apeakIr ishsnis-. Ho ws as awsye; blsat usa lie, Tisaswae bis culs- fias' And, fisougis nonse es-cm sas'hum es, Many base sein bisa sas'. A large fbria iofceatomisera lu Berlin lias iieti on aceensiscithiseS inabibîts- te gef la as fend cf dispisy as tise E qiperor, -ad is scid te rcrely wear e dresisumore than once. If used te be fihe preper thisg, XVheu passion s asgbt sevealiisg, Fer koigis ttepass tise fini heferoe Tiseir lady loves lis kneeiug But lit tic did fisose belles s ksîosv Whet sweect fis theiîy acre nîsiasng; Fior iife's ton shsert te-day te kucel, We take if 0out in kissîog. Notice to Farmers. 1 ami preparod to du ai!, choppiog et flve ,eutH ptr bag, I bave aise put in new mach- Iry far grinding cern andi cob which I ii r d et. th e samo 0price. Yeurs Recýpecfull A. S. TOOLEY, 't'oieys MiiiDarlingtor, Courtie.Dec. 1, 1891. f-f In a dangerous emergency, AYER19W CHERRY PECTORAL is prompt tC act and sure to cure. A dose taken on the first symptomns of Croup or Bronchitis, checkv. further progress of these complaints. Il softens the phlegm, sootbs the iu- rflamed membrane, and induccu sieep. As a remedych for colds, ceuglis, loss of veice, la gri1pp0, pneuînouia, and even consotion, in its, early stager Cherry Pectoral excels ail similar preparatios. It is endorsed by leading physicians, is agree. -ahie te, the faste, does flot interfère with digestion, and needs to be taken sîsually in small doses. "ý'Fron repeated tests b us3 osn farnily, Aycr's Chrry Pectoral lias pros cd itself a very efficient rcrnedy for colds, coughs, and the vasrious dis- orders cf the throat ansd luugs."-A. WP. Hartlett, Pittsfild, 1N. H.1 <'.For Ihe last Žýyears I basebeen talingAyers, Chrry Pectoral for long troubles, and arn assureýd that its sehlas 1 bas-' eccommrendei it to hundrcds. 1 flnd iha rnost effectiv'e way of taking, this mnecinue is us susaîl and freet doses.' T. M. Matthews, P. M., Shernian, Ohio. " Ay ife s'rWered froes a coid; nothing lhelped ber but A3crs Cherry Pectoral svhicn effectexi a cure."-R. Arnero, Plyrnpton. N. S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. A3 er & Co., Los, li Mass. Prompt to act Sure to cure AND The LaiÎS' joliaI 0F TORONTO. A large 36-,page Illustrated B'ash* ion Monthly, will be sent to -any addrefs L>JN FO Y Oniy one dollar acnd ihiteemu$1l cents for tise twe papuirs. Ccli anti se c asampie copy ni "The Ladies' Journal" Ifl sa a publication tîsat wilIntorest every wosnan las the baud. Tise regul,,'r subsenipticî prie.- of "Tisé LadieS' Jousrnaul" andti iis paper is $2 per year. Yen gel tise two ter 1 3I .M Senti s-ue saunes-euanidresi te tfissoffice, CHILDIIEN AN INFALUBLE REMPEDyI Supersedes cil oteSr hsupartioss for tise cure of blental Debilita-, NervesssProstr.ation Loss of Hemaihiec, Palysu's, Loeeiotou -4,axmm, Paisîful Menstruafsons, Smpprsesiomis and l frregmularl. fles, Leucesrhsua, Bisontinet ofStomasis, Los etAp. petite, Dizsineas, etc. These Pilla poses ne purga.- tise rpuertica, ueî- any fbing Isurtful te thse moiti delicae systu. iey arc uhe reault of yans of cre. in tie puis-île ractice of an emiuirut pisiiei. Ties- set priusarily on tise nons-c centres, încmeasing ti o irce, promuoting Aisimiutsien, Esnih. ugUic Bloostiuus prtmcotLing and znn!g duieese. For. scIe hy Dmuggists, 5ec, pin bu-s, or senti pouf. IsItirMedtcinte Ce., BarokUllo, tont. COOPER'S LIONTOINC CORN CUJRE Cnm-î-s Baramigi Soft dornç ; Only thmea applications requireti, COOPER'S BUJNION CURIE Cures iieuos. XVsrts anti Moe, Ss'olien Gl5tuda, T'tsck Neck anti Skie Disoases (Oifa 'y- Iainloas. Don'msbe dereis-eti, Ais fin Gop ses anti taisen othsen. 15 anti 25 ceets. Al timus-aists., 151. fluBer t fle i eiC <o Irorcmnlte . on t Iu-nt Itea itlsons satof thse sy sursi s cb as t'iszineîs, N',ais -os. DI, siuiessi Dl-trrss afler eaîing, Pain iu thse Su lc- &c- Xlui'- Choir mess nc-niarkcb'ssocces' I asbec-n alîcsi mu-ring iectiachie, s-et fa,,usLITsELis-caPiLeu sLeeqehlairbie inCio'nstspation, curirf, anie uncvl'i"us 1tg i-snoyt-sg eoiili.)ainf. as-biS tluey alse c-esr aldiorde-i v f: ts tmec stimiula' eters iae n regulate th9bossela ifs 'ruif tIss sl -e Acl h fI'o 'ud Se a1mîst pris-eteses h sic suiffer roua flis idstressissg -iputi- buf forrunately thetu- goilu-es s nef c- lieu-c, anduti ose alie ouscetery liseni asfît,. th-'e little pis valuablo in se imauiy wissts t'ne'y as 515no e ,saailisîg te0do - iso' c-s Lot aier cl i udrh-.ecti la thebane oet unant-lis-esthtiflieue 'es-her wae ao unr greet 'baat.(Onn pilîsc5 whlile utisens do 55,s. CAisRTss's LL'E Lis-sa PîiLare sc-s nafi an eutvoseasy te ilo nseor tu iv litias e dose. Tisas are strictlyv aet'xlildand d nos gripe 0s- purge, lit b "tlseis- aduti e nte please all a1r ise se îcm. lusvie l aet S-c'uti: s fis-e for $1. ibid es-ens-mslic-e, ou- sentfla- il i the (,,'CI m -- ü , lier bill. ,-nAý 1 m