A GRAEFLMANE.NFIELD. Mr. Fred. Ashton is visiting Hampton fiends... Mr. and Mns. J. White, Rag. AFTER FORTY-SEVEN YEARSI 0F lan, spent Sunday here . ... Mr. John SUFFERIXNG AND WOE. Crosasi has mioved te Oshawa to work in the tannery .. . .Jesse Cele, Hampton, ALPFD B. HARRIS, OF > KINGSVILLE, FIND)s las bought 1200 busheis of turnip% for RELIEF-H IS PUE-Lie TESTIMONY. shipping te Toronto. Front The Leamingten Post. Those uuhappy pensons who sufer frnm In ha ceaseteas seac for something cf nervonases and dyspepsia shouid use intereat te our readens, a representative-of Carter'. Little N erre Puis, whtch are thus paper lait Fniday afternoon met witli made expnessly for aleeploe, nerveus, Alfred B. Hlarris, of Kingîville,. who, dlyspeptic suferons. Prices 25 cencé. wtth a numbar ef other workmeri, was, employod in erecting a building. After BURKETON. a few minutes chat, M. Bamris eýclaimed: 111 tell yen, Mr. 'Reporter, that's a Rreat A Christmas Tres anid social in belialf inedicine that Miller, the dnuggst in set- of Brnkton Sabbath seheol, wiil be heid ling new." "What medicine?"ý we inquir- iu the churcli on Thursday, Dec. 22nd, te ed, "Why," lie said almdàt amazed iliat commence at 7.30 p. m., when addresses we ehouldaak snob a question, have yen arne expected front Rev, D. S. Houck, net heard oi the wondorf nI cures wouglt Enujîkîlien, Rey. Rural Dean Ceighton, in tht. section by the Magie Pile Lotion?1t B.D., -Rer. R. L. Edwards, and Rev. R. Our curiesrty waa now aroeed and wr. M. Phalen, B.A , Blackstock, and Rev. decided tu thoroughiy inrestigate Mn. R. MeCullongli, Tyronie; and a goGd pro- H1arnies atemeuts, and in answer te our Jgnam by the echool. Music wiit bu f tir- questions this gentlemen told a &tory as)]i ished bv the Ennuakilien choir. Admis. exactly eated beiow. a-on 15 sent.; childnen net mombers 10 "Abot frtysevn yera gowhie 1cents. A good time is expected. "Abut ort srenyeas gowhieR. SLEMONý, 1H. NORRIS, woking at my trade as a carpeter in a Superintendent. Secretary. western city in the United State,1 was expesed a great deal te the wt weather Tuy CAUSE OF RUBUMTISNr.-An acid and this, together with the heavy lifting which oists in sour mille and cider,calied which 1 was constantly calîrd upon te do, lacti3 acidl, i. belteved by physictana te bu brouglit on piles. At fint I paid littie or the cause o!fnlîeumatism. Accumulating ne attention te theni, hopiug that theyJ in the blond, it attaclis the fibrons tissues. would get well of thir ewn accord. I. iu the joints, and causes agouizing pains. stead of this, iîowever, liey contiuued te What is needed i. a nemedy ta neutralize grew worse and 1 was compeled te seek the acid. and te se iririgorate the kidneys som .rTif-.Tapi--je te r -g-t -in sd liver- th-a-uil- waste-willbe carried -off the town aad lie advised me te apply a lood's Sarsaparilia a i eartiiy, receni- preparation whîeh was thon being exten- mended by many whont h lias cuned of nively advertieed. This I cotinlied te rheuî-nstism. it pesmesses just the desir. use for eevenai menthe but in place of do- ed qualities, aid se, thoroughly purifies inz me iood my case grew constantiy the, blond as to prevent occurrence o! worse., I then tried oes emedy ater nheumatic attsckfi. We snggest a trial o! an,= n but aIl witli the me discourage- Hoad'à Sansapînilia by ait whi)sunfler fnom in iet. Net only did 1 use ail kinds nlieumatistn. of patent medicines but 1 speut hundrudi of 'dollars in tneatiug with the mot emnent physicians on the Ameican con Boom! Boom ! Boom! tinent. I couid give the usimes of a score of doctors who attended me ln Detroit, CHEAF HOLIDAY LITERATURE FOR ALL Lansing, Ann Arbor, Kingevilie and ether THB YvEAl ROUND. places. Co-operation in the erden of the dîy. The resuit wss the rame in evry cao, Lt pays te greup your newspapers and and 1 continued te decline. 1 mored subseibe fer themn in clubs. Look orer from onue, towu te anothen, ini the hope the foiiowing lot of popular publications tha;t the change of atmSphere wouid and select what you would like te ead:- have toei beneficial tifeet, till I can 1. JTicrxs and Dauuht-s, Londen, in a tutlfully tay that 1 hava tnaveiied over mouthiy publiihed by women, for women the who]e of North Aînenica. Tengue ona Isuperior toned paper, bound; $1 per cannot expresslnon pen describe the suf- year. fpripg sud agouy which I ,eudnned. 2. TIhe .dmnerican l1arner, Springfield, Niglie aud day I experienced the moat O., 16 pages mouthiy, lias s national cm-- exrcaîgpaï- -. Iwaa un-be te docuiition of-50,OOO; $11 -pur yoan. any manuel liber; 1 cold at times 3. TIhe Western Advertiser, London, a neither it nonlie down sud Ihave been popuhar weekly, recently enliged, $2,000 compelied for days to crawl around onu irn te aubscibers ini pnemirim awands, =y hauda eand linees. After haviîig had a neway piper for the home; $1 pur year. every k-ind of piles kuown, itchiug, pro- 4. Pans y, Boston, 40 sparkliug pages trudivng, bleeding, etc., 1 finally gave up eveny month for Sut.day aid week day sUi hope e! ever beiug eured and life hu- roading; 81 per yean. cýame a boýre te me. I was nover free 5. Canada Parmer's Suuê, London, the front pain durig the wliole 47 ys ro. officiailcrgan eof the Patrons of! Inditry About the fint o! Jo]y lait I happeiîed te i Ontario aud Quebso, 48 couinns week. bu iii the -rug astone o! Mn. C. S. Milter I hi; $1 per yean. and lie, knwIwg <iWall the soyons case of 6. Our 'Little Meu and Womeoý, Boston, pples with iwh1-cli I was ifficted, iuquined for yeungest neadens at hueandidnl &ow1 wa-pcgmssig.I could gire him achool; $1 pur year., but the sanie old answen that I was n 7. Arthur's Honte Magazine,, Philadel- botter. Hos told muelhs had jnit teceived pbia, crie ocf, thi" I).t iagaz'îei for the a suppîy cf Medicinie wbich ho knew hr4 ieny 1pe e already brought about many ctres of piles 8 Tino Standard Ilooks boutîd in âfne of long sta! ding. It v% ai a emedy whicli cleth, embossed iu vold eni p-inted in ha said the manufacturera backed rip with large dlean type, fi tiIn aud clisýc4; pries a guaatee that if it did net Éerfonm a ?1. cure the mnoey would lie efnded. llivin- tried soi Marty remedies witli such OUR GRAND CLUB BIiNG OFFER. ltnaatisfactonY reAsuts I was almeit inclinI ed te refuse it a trial. But on Mn. Mil- The STATESMAN and ati' wo of the er'. ecmmendat ion I decided te gcive aboe for ouly $2 25, wortih $3; sare 25 Magie Lotion a test and precuned oespar cent: sud îny thneeo fr orly $2ý 60, bottls. The repuît nas almost incredible wonîli $4; save 35 par cent; a" iny four te myseîf and it wilh pnobably ho to the for euh' $3, worih $5; savs 40 p-3r cent; publ.îe, but it i- truc, everi' word o! il. snd sny fbye for otely $3.50, worth $6;1 Within twen.ty-four bourns ef the firsb ap.sav-3 42 per cant; sud a-ay ix for $4, plication 1 s a n'el man and, athough wotli $7; save 43 per cent; sud auy this wtt four montlla cge, I have net hads voin f -r outly $450, worh fis; sive 44 asiglesymten o!'etrns~d~ an ~ par cent; sud ahi tho, sboviî for oply $5, itire that 1I&111eninels cned. Ilave irtP~; pave p 62.t, SUfened se mucli that 1 kuew the vainso o!?Oeiteenhol'ýa3 rýot n sre~n belc- -remedy which actually cuBEFS piles, and ceeed than sumo o!fi ahaoe. Ordpr yÔ oî:now that 1 caîl it a great prùmptly by nuaiber aud securo theni in î-oo10d tine. AddrLss .41 orders tu M. A. xnedcli ~w amu do{ng my cmv j We'-ý the sanie as soy then huilden aud wm iU> nt sux net afraid te undertalie beavy lifting, ____ something I ceuld net do for many years----- Pefre clannot tee trougly recoinmendi DREA ail Aý'1'ted as I n's te use Magie Pile rUL PSrIunrn s B B5i-ý asked if ha lisd afly scrup os Covelng- Entiro Body tith Wtahite abouit bis stateunents being made Publie, Scales. Suffelng Fcarful. ANIr, niArriosqjaîd mest pe-,.htttil 1], Cured by Cutîcura, that heoulood bhoàai ungraieful nai sif lê(er hf 'rt rk n o yâf MAy disse rtbonouonmic did net mxtol the inicrlâ t4 a rehedy rhei-k, spreading acroas rl o e, and ainost cov whicbh hdc doue isa much for hi. eid cring my face. Il rau Solo muy cyca, andthie -witli tiîs acînraucîî the reporter took bis pliysiciae ,vaùa fraid I wuid Iwo my eyccFi,ýýh deanur. ltogether. Ih epread ai over my hcad, : udm Calîing upon Mn. Miller the wvli kuenuown ~ derful cures in somai othercases. Magie Pile Lotion te maunfactnred by the Saîxator Mangus Medicine Co. (Ltd.) o! Bnockville, sud eau hae tained o! any nespousibe dri.ggist, or wiiî be sent direct bv the mauatu-rens upon receipto! pries, viz, 50 cents pur boette. DRESSED ROGS. Tlie nndsnaîgned is pnepared te pay the higlisat market pice for any qnîntity o! flneseed legs. Parties will do n'eu te write to me bu- fore kiliirg their liogs. STANLEY STAFIES, 47-tf. Burketion. C. C.iiIADS & Co. I bave nred your MIN ARD'S LINI- MENT success!ulty in a serions case of croup Iu my famity. I cousider it a ne tuedi neolieuse aliold be itliont. J. F.CusNiAî (Cape Island. Tha trating on niy finger means "Dring homesa bottîs of MINARDS LIN IMENT, li0r me woa Cotn Ejncci ' e' tienc bo tici C[u'ICUittREsoa'E.TNewi ~cstle, at Mr. M. A. Jerome's; Mise ciauw;su 1,fttlo4cUTI CtAkRE-n Fau beT Cee , asEa amoa ýt ' i i rIhad 'e-cfurC tIi vUlE ni Wemny, Tyrene, at Mn. A. Tamb- Cunot rli .ii,e ,i haT, C led à of C lrw n.' lyn's; Mr. sud Mrs..Moore, Port Penny, eueO Oas f CuTICUILA SeAp, 1I Wa3 cured of the at Mr. Jas. MeGil's; Mmi. Wm. Jeweil dc' îdiul d-case frn which I baC cîffred for ice sud daugliter, Osbhawa, at Mm. George yeais. carers Nvil a peu ch tî f eed Been's; M . . Bleker, Marmora- Ro. If el t m d u y e ec m m udIhn M y h î i A L i rto n , C o o kBv ille ; M n. s ud M n. G eo . rctocdasgod s ve, sdR. isie yckgt Rowe, Bowmauvilie, sud Mn. MeAthur, lfe itcî. OS KLL,"V ewei ilow1.v. ________Toronto Univrsiaty, at Mn. H. Menlton's; Cuticura Resolvent Mn. D. Callahan, Pontypeol. Thi' nein Biood Purifier, lnernally (te cleange &'IT CUREO MOTHR."-GEXTLEME,- the blond of al impurities andn poiBonous elemente), My mother n'as sufoing firom dyEpopsia and CUTIGUBA, the great 5kmn Cure, and CUTICURA and had ne appetite. Evenything failed Sote'P, u xquislto Skie Beautifier, externaiiy (ID clean the skie and scalp sud lestons the liair), bave to cure hem mniii eue day, n'hile visitung cered thoueands or cass where theshebdding of a f ieud'î lieuse, I1î-aw a hottie of B. B.B. îcales measuned a quart daiiy, the skie n alked o h al ninnnn htt biceding, bureingý and itehing almost beyon ntetbe;o nurn htte endurance, bain lifeicas on al gene, suffeineg terri. unsed it for, 1 soon found eut wliat t cur- bi'. Whatothernremedies have made sucl cures? oc, sud nheu I wnt homo totd mother Sold everywhere. PniCe, CuTîCUBA, 75C.; SOAP, thtassol r'i b ad asebad St.;IESOLVENT, $1.5OPrepared by the PoTmvxn uDofasthl in auything sud objected te try IsTuo AiN CIIEMUCÂL CORPORATION, Bostou. igiàSend for" 110w te Cure Skie Diseases," 64 it. Notwithstandling lier objection I wnt pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimoniae. in the eveniug and brougbt homne a bottis DIMPLES, biackà.bcad,red,nough,chappd,ftiid but it waa in the lieuse fer a n'eek betont [IVoIIFaier dy TicISunAi'A. we conld inducesber te take ît. At lait, IT 8OPS RE PIN. as ahe n'ai gettiug worseuahi the tume ibh IaT cSTOidyP aiTEsnckei consented te ,tryi i, aud on takiug hall nhenmatism, aud nmuscular paies Te. the bottîs found it n'as cnniug lien, lieve neu nniebto ui nothen bettie cursd hem, and n'e belieme Kra Ati-Fain £Uater._ ~ saved lier lite. Wo are nover n'itbent ___________________________B.B.B. new. it i.sncb a good remedy A WOITNDED SPIRiIT whse sau heni Vie for beayscesas3n'el. E. WESTON, là tori (iarbolle salve hs'aisasioai si, eut Dalhousie St., Montreal, bmuises or burns, (0ON0. (Condensed from the Netvs.) Mr. A. Leigli wasîIn Belleville recently. Couneiiior Armstrong lias had the grip. Buiao U.-When the system i. run down, a person becomes ani easy prey to Consuomption or Scrofula. Many valu- able lives are saved by using Sqptt'a Emuls:on as soon ase a decline ti heaith i. observed. Mrs. Andrus lias returned fromt Port Hope. Mr. Wm. Rolfe hans returned from Stayner. No btter preparation for the liair lias ever been invented than Ayer's ilair Vigon. t restones the original color te faded and gray bain, and imparti that naturai glosa and freiliness, everyone se much admires. Ite reputation i. worid- wide. Mr@. Benj. Divis has returned to Can- nington. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong haî returned fnom Toronto. The action of Carter'. Little Live r Pil is pleasant, miid and natunal. Tl3ey gent- ly stimulate thu liver and regulate the bowelt, but do not purge. Tbey are sure to pleaie. Try them. Mn. H. A. Wartman lias been spend- ing a few day. hene. Orono Mechanica' Institute have ne- ceived $77 Government grant.. SomE FooLisii PEOPLE allow a cougli to run until it gets beyond the reach of -mdcn -Th-ey-oftenasay, -Oh -it-wiJj wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Gould they bo induced to try the successful medicine calird Kemp's Balsgam, which in sold on a positive guar.- antee to cure, they would immediately ses the excellint effeot after taking the firît doso. Pnice 50c. and $1.00. At al druggist. " Mrs. A. R. Gamsby liaà been visiting her faher, Mr. Hngh Kennedy, Mill. brook Mn&. Robt. Besit and Mrs. Wm. Boddy have been visitiug frienda ti Oshawa and Whitby. "Tric scid in the blood is the cause of nearly ail disease, it visita every part of the body and i. BIble te fasten dissase on any organ ; the duty of the kidusys i. to extract wastes f nom the blond; a cold will stop thisaction, a pain in the back foilows, and unless relief is obtained, permanent inability of the kidneys to perform their functions foliows, which may terminate in liven campiaint,dyspep., sia, - blood --dise-ase, - dir-opy,--diabtes-- Briglit,' disease. Dodd'o Kidney Pilis assiit the kidneys to natunal work, and cure ail compiaints and results siing from same. Reeve Underwoo 1 and Depuiy neeves Jackson and R-i1 are attending the Counties' Councii at Co'IourZ. Mr. Edwand lPinder set and nailed 78 honse shees one. day asat week. la there any man in Canada who can beat it? To D.4y Hood's Sarsapanilla stands at the head i the medicine worid, adimired in prospenity and envied in merit by thousands of would-be competitore, t haî a langer sale than any ther medicine, Such suçces-g vould not be won withoubt positive meitf. Rlood'a Pilecure constipation bhi' ne- toring the peristaltic action of the ali i;nentny canal. They are the best famiiy eathartie, Mr, A. A. Powera narnowly esecaped, being- gored by a bull the other day while attempting to put a ring in i's noie. He knocked the animai dcwn twico befors lie çould ç7s ape. MADE WITU SKILL -Dr. Woodi Nor- wa*y Pino Synup, the nmodern successful curo for cougb,coida,lioarsences, a3tima, bronehitis, ere throat aud ail pulmonaryj eccmp!aincs, is made fnoiu the bes, pevtor- ai herba and barks by the most silîful and scientifia methodi, and cannot fail te Sive prompt relief, There wàs a very plessing titue at the oysten suprer Friday evening week in the Christian churcli. E!der Bannes and bis brkhewsr) pnwent from %vmnville ara ho delivoiiid a capitai address; thons wene solon by Messrs. Angua Staîkcr, O. A. Gsmsby ai d C. G. Armstrong. A very nicely rendere i quartette w.s aung by Eider Bannes, Mr. O. A. Gamsgby, Mns. M. L. Travelle and Miss Gilillan, Miss Etta Kirk presicled at the orga - A REIAfiKABLE CAý,E -GPNTLEME.- About five years ago 1 noticed on mny hand a great number of soft, spongy wants, very;piinful, and which bled when touched. 1 nover witnes£ed anyLbing ike i, %ud was quite nlarrned. Ve are ycv.rtithout Jlsgyard's YeiIow Oil. and oes evening îny little giris applied it te eah wart Thev did thia several nights I Neyer were so Attractive Neyer were so Varied Neyer were so Pretty Neyer were so Admired Neyer were so Che ap Neyer were so Saleable À" A %e0 BOOTS and SHOES. A nice new line of Feit Goods just opened out and meeting with general approval. Ask for Mr. Wm. Jennings in this department. T. GEO. MASON'S Clothing House, Bowmanville. Mr bre.McDiarmid spent Sunday Our NEW TDEPARTIVENT Miss Loule Luke han beau visitng We take pleasura in announeinar to our many customers that we Miss Pediar. bave accepted the Agency for the BUTTERICK PATTERNS. Any-. Miss Gertie King bas returned from one who knows anything, about a pattern knows that Butterick'a are T-orontoý - --- h MsMib-ncncto-wtBâee-e Mr. W. T. Atkiiaýn,rTeronto, w temotrlAbemd. Tïcnncinwi; hintenBuiesw town recenty. are givinig to our customers, free of charge, THE METROPOLITAN FASnioýNs, Miss Veima Gould in visiting in Toron- a fashion sheet pubiished monthly by the Butterick iPubishing Co., of to. 1New York. E very customer dealing at our store will be presented witli miss Kstie Kemp, Brighiton, visited one of these sheets each month. This wiiI aid you very materially ini Miss Fannie French racentiy. . making your selections in Dress Goods, both as to quantity and style, Mies Ethel Rico in taking lassionsin and it wilI aiso keep you posted as to the Iatest novelties and styles ini vocal music at the conervatory, Toronto. ail kinds of Dres Good. We will carry 1 n stock a full range of But4 Mr. George Hodgson, Orangeville, w tacsatraadi hr hul apnt eay ieta ehv in town recently. eikPtenadi hr hudhpe ob n z htw av Miss, May Darling, Baighton, was not in stock, we will take pleasure in sending for it without extra charge.ý guedt of Miss Velia Gould recently. A number of DresRmaker8 lhave aiready express ed their stjt> Miss, Ella Whitney han been engaged and pleasure on being, informied of this great convenience, a conveuience au, teacher of 'Pickerwýg public sohool for which we confidentiy expect îwiIl be fully appreciated by çur large cie 1893. cie of friends and customers and the general dress wearing publie. Mrs. Schofieid and two sons, and Mr., We are bound to maintain the good name which we enjoy and Richard Spinki. are viBiting frienda here. wiich we believe we rightiy menit, for dealing in first-ciass good-value~ Mr. and Mro. Geo. White, Trenton rsZDo adTimig.W sa eainowt ev o il recontly visited Mre. Robt. Wiliaims.on rs o1an rmig W shlbebenwt eveyu îâ Mr. Smailpiece and Mr. Lawson of To- greater abitity and we teust better satisfaction than ever before. Wa ronto wre guestis of Mr. Geo. Pediar, jr., shall make i a point to keep well posted- in ail that pertains to the sue-. rccently. cess of this iruportan b Department, and the ladies of West Durham eau Mrs. Jacques and hier daughter, Mrs. rest assured that we shall ever aim to menît in every possible way theQ Ferguqon, are gueeis of Mni. A. B. De- patronage which lias been so iiberaiiy accorded us in the past. Miii. We ask of you that you wiil at ieast give us a caul when makinig Mr. D. M. Tod hias been laid up with your selectio)ns. an injured linon. Rev. J. 0. Fergusan, a neturned mias.i-3~ 3 ionary, delivcred a lecture on China i DRY GOODS AIND JEWELRY HOUSE. D)emili College Monday evening. Rev. S. H. Eastünan, M. A., was in Hlamilton list week attending the funer-MU ai of hls mother. ,H U looing flsh and blood, commence at onceP u sF U SPr ! taking Miler's Eniultion of Ccd Liver Oit, which in far ahead of a.l ohr pr- ne of the largest stock of Furs taigMilrsErnulion people gain in this county is to be found au frn 5 to 10 lba. by the time the firàt bottie is consumed. t is the greateet iMV[ MfAYTkiVD' c' H t - ad Fur si.. bietsing of the Cntrîrf te n ai 'l i cate L.~~JJ~J La n ..'rs o o health, or who aufKr with coiigh@, colda ft onsits f Fr CoI-ats ,-dob es, and aianents that tend to consumption. ~ LL5 .' .LLL~~LJJ.I JJ/~ Rcmember, Milier's Emulsion contai ns Jackets, a es ola s-u«,Pci n ail the consttuents feund in whcat. It C ps1u -1.i.± usa a is ueed in the hospitala and azyluing of Cap s in the Latest SHI) a C a the country. In big, botties, 50 n 1 at llDrg Sors.. the lowest possible cash price. Scolanniversary was held Sunday. lIn ___ arge and WOe1 selecEd S oc the morning Bey. j. C. Ferguson of China preached especially to the young in Gents Furnishings always on. people, andintr ha evening a Platfort meeting was addreEsed by W. -R. Gibbs, han d and as cheap:ý"l as the cheapby Esq., of Toronto and Rev. Mr. Fenguson MECHNIcs-Preideest, cali earlv n eue abarg'ain yourseives with a bottle of PAIN -KnLEB.a_ it in a prompt, safe and sure curea for a the stock must be sold. many juls, lemay save you days fsrck- ~ O i! findit i more A U "h than gold. B sure you buy the genuineK1 U Perny Davis' PAiN-KiLTLOt and tkoes price paid. for Raw F.Vurs, other mixture. 25c. isa Cheap Dco' Bill. Z The following are the new1y elected of- 0 ficers of the R. T. o T: Sel6ct Counillor, PIRACTICAL IFUIRRIBIR. Mn. G. Farewell; Vice Lieuneilln, uMiîss IF. Luke; Paît Cenucillor, ,Mn. Keddie; Chaplain, Missà Senvias; Recording Sec- retani', Mr. J. A. Cooke; Financtal Sec- A s - netary, My. E. Luke; Treasuren, Miss CarmichSret; Rald, R. Bîsynsi'; Guard, W. Notit; Sentinet, W. Wilson. The fact wnhich evon poitical econonislts are apt te forget îe that a manufacturer's rate o! profit te not the euh' esasutial etement te aucceis ; the eggregate profit . at the sud o! the yoar is of f an greater importance, sud thus in, mosti cases is greater eut o! a ton' rate e! profit than eut o! a higli rate, because o! the increas- ed business, whicb the îon'em pries gives is to. It n'as on tliia pnincipte ibat Pair; Mesêrs. Tucketti & Son acted in tu)trodue- taste îug thuir non' famous "Myntîs Navy"' te- 60c. bacco, and ote h!s pincîpîs they bave even aines adbered. This is oeeoe the Grn y remuons n'by peoiple o! Canada are amok- great va ing the boit tobiceo which can be produc- End Ho I d, at a chuaper pries than auy other _ people' eau lui'a saimilar article. . Ripa 'DENTI STRY. '--I Y ~'1~ Wè1IC. HtARNDEN,,L. D. S. .atable afs cream. No ofly G aureonOn I 1Yent like others, La big bottleBOsC.POIE XRS wIg and $1.00.,FIEOPSTL'P>ýsOFCE ____________________ ITALIZED AIR. Fiaunels sut Fhaunelettes in vaiety rrd muni' clisp at the Weêt 1"Cîsar Havana% Cigars," 0050. "La Cadena" sud "La loa. sIa! paa Tabules cure naussa. upon liaving theEe branIdi. JUST TO HANO LAST SATURDAY, CLOTHING HOUSE, 6 Large Cases of NewGToods. An Immense and Elegant Collection of Nice Goods. -r ý 1