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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1892, p. 1

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j TEL -î.oPM ORTWNÂ V OUNTY IIBST: THE WORLD ÂJTIKR'WARDB. M. Â JAMES IEDIToB Â2(D PROI'ritORe, Nrw Srüi BOWMÂNVILLEI ONTARIO, W1DNESDÂY., DECEMiBER 9-8. 1892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBEP 52 _fi iL al ~?JHNTO &CRYDERMAN uuuIil are nlow showing LU VEL Y x ODEM O-OQ:DS suitable for <DO N'T FAIL TO SEE TB.EM. They are ailso selling the balance ofi their Ladies" Jackets at greatly reduced prices. t3owmanv1ile, Dec. 20, 1892. IIHT TO THE FRONT 0F ALL COMPETITION. l-lolidlay buyers, this is your fortunate chance. We have the goods -0o3 vant at piices you can aflord to pay and every ai ticle is backed by aguarlantlee o' goodneý,s. Any article in our shop is suitable for a presentLCorne and see. Success will érown your efforts for the iight presert, and your time and patience will ba saved by making an carly selection from our splendid Iire of Boots, Shoes,,Rubbers, Overshoes. Slippers, Trunks, Valises, etc. Everythig bright, clean, fresh and of lratest and most popular design and our prices make these beautiful goods irresistible. 'fhere NyillI be a Merry Christmas at your house if you ba'y yor gft rom IMPRl'OVED FARMS FOR SALE- Lot Sanad wst',loet'7 ilte b2 con. of sj Towsht etPieerag.250 acregsonwhicS aie a firpt clasa be-rna, al loee oundatrana; 2 dwefIirig bouses, wech watereî, ne waeste laud.t Will te aotd aboie or in parts. Price and ternis te suit purebaser. Appty teH. B TAî. LOI, WhltbY , Ont. t O1R1P SALE OR. RENT.-Houae andi Fà neaces foc sala or te cent, situais on seîagog treet north. The promises constat or a zood bouse witi, every oonvenisuoe.dirvînj E!hed. stable. ,etc. Tna !gardon couLtins a lot e the clIcestfritoÉ ait varietieo. Irmmodiete posseession eau"hi.,giron. For narticulara appuiyj ýo W. FisiuaEiGH Bamanvilte Ont 19-tf CAUTION, 17ACII PLUG OF TUE IS MARKED 1 MFOR SALE.-A fiat clas atni 1j ~ 13acreos o r i145 acces stuated tuntB, towneip iorEasat 'W41 rbY aIstcou, lts 15 sd T 16 on iabs Ba3ae Linoe,about Il miles froni k) wa &statIin 2 milesfou Whitbly and 60 roda ' fomt1ehool oseJLrgromybu1dng. IN BRONZE LETTERS. main tr StSfplcet et3 ifruit, soit day teen, alogobec ua tithe bet grain ferma \enth LateShoe.Nobita r aons.About Tf1 ~l1iTT1T7 10 acres t -weod , crs5 u iii e andftitoS UNE G ii'iRjn '.UnIuNMr e~ded. Te3rnis easy. Fîýrsat ploiing doue, pr uttr tiaticuarSapplyty 10 A. Aa'ais ____________________ na-S.. 7-tf. __________________ C(QUG55T, COLlS, AST]il MA, IIO[AItSENE',S, NOR«il aaY FNi 'tïýltP RRONlCEITIS, etc., Yiel t once te Dr. oias auan. reicitaWood'a!'10rway Plia a yr ,theu 1ssn -nas ~ esaasssbtiis f litilasse TirîQudLnYpef k8LiiVA. Congratulations, Counillor Pascoe, on re-eletion .... Mr. A. Milleon ia hpme' from the Model Faran looking the piure of health. He is well pleased with the institution .... Mr. E. Varnuna hadi a large pile of wjod go up in smoke recently. Incendiaris.... Mr. W. J. Langnaaid bas beu in Toronto recently... .Lsrge family gatheringa this week at Mr. Jno). VanNest, Jr's, and Mr. D. Hogarth's.... Mr. IL. G. iPascoe ba% moved into hie new home "Cedar Sida" . .. .Messrs. Jno. Truli and S. Northeott are convalescaing. -. ... Mr W. and J. and Miss Eliza Wright of Blsokstock ; Mr. John Short ef Moore- feld ; A J. Rteynolds and wife,Danforth ; Mr. J. B. Reynolds of Toronto ; Mr.Jno. Awde ef Newcastle ; Mr. Geo. Awde, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James and family, Bowrnanville, were among Xmas visitera. Dr. Butler's Golden Pilla have earned a great te putation wherever emiployed. As a nerve tonie sud blood buildler they are unrivalad. They inoase the appa. tite and promote a healthy performance et ail the functions of the brdy. A thor- oughly scientifie prepstration-, they niover feul te effeet a aure if directions are faith. fully carxied out. Notbing harnifful in their composition. The moat delicate system will be beneftted, Ask for Dr. Bntler's Gilden Pilla and take Dio othpr. Miss Ida Osborne s haime. . Misa Spry who bas taught our sehool ecceptably itlaýe past year has lot t bore to teach ulsewhere. May success fellow .e....,Mis en1-,rry spent Sunday at home,..Mr. A. Bell. mian spent Sunday here .. .. Mr. Fiink Blackburn la hime enjoying the festive season... Although our homes, have nn-t bten visited with the Angel ef Death since lest Christmnas yet naany of our family circles are net comaplets. Somo of their members are fair awey in the dihtant 'Manitoba, Western States and Westeàrn Ontario. Througah the colunins of TUEF STA&EEsMýAN, which reaches them alal, Providence people as a whole wieh theea succeas and a Happy New Year. . .. Mra. J. Wiaht is about well agin . ... Misa Effa Wight is on the sick lit. . -.Mr~. Sam'l Bragg-visited in Hope recently.... Thursday uight Rev. H. Strike formned an Epworth League. bore wth thies£ officers: Hon. Pres., Hl. Strike ; Pres., T. Smale; lat Vice. Pres,, Miss M.ïý Osborne ; 2nd Vice Pres.,Mis E. Elf r d ; 3cd Vice Pres., Misa A. Alun ; 4C, V-co Pires., Miss K. Allin ; Treas . . Bragg ; Seey., E. W. Allin. Alread-y about 35 membere enrolîrd, andsera more will next meeting. With the aboive *officeca the Lesgue shonld be a succeasr, With many clergymen, publie speaker, singera and actors, Ayer'a Cherry Pector- al is the favorite resnady for hoarserresa and ail ïffections cf the vocal orgabns, tbcoat anq tnoga. Itse nodyne and e)x- pectorant tiffects are promptly reehized. Of Torento, Otaneù, Cured ci Catarrh and eaIa lte c'y e t liten('"cfer pure bloc,,."'Jlae promipt acio eof}ieeds 2'rsnapiriila on t"!11 Mt -)od, comie c i e titis to)ig and stcrîýigthaý- nng cff ect l'ton te n re -.incie tIIa;ts grant d i for tatt'litnl lsi or catatdt., etc. Wc coyîntdtitis le' tee o i lîaviitg suc trtiebles, and espec!eiiy t Sufféï1ngWme -V od-ncfy eairs I i,.vc eenauff r- L il e te c ,,ýin permanent relief front-i nedi't'i adsice, tttl taîy frics' fetet 1 woutd never fnd 5 ýytlaing toe t"ec Int timre ugo 1 was induced te try Iio's K- riar arilla. At that tuite 1Iwas tînab!le !, s cli even a short dtt ance witiaeut feeliaag aýI Doatýh-like W eakness overtake atte. An'd 1hart itense pains I~ netriaiii a ny itead, back t a1nd Emb, w'ilti v ery exliaustiîag. Eut 1 sua gltad te say t snt oeafter 1 begati ska Il Roeds 1 rcipatiiuti a fiit iraus detasg tpe geed, Wiac 1 took C botleS i was eiItmnty Cured oî7 Neuiralgia I gaineS u in.srcugliarapteily, sad eau tuke a twO-nilc w kiiliut fcelinîg tireS. 1 tde net sufer nearly 50 mucclifremn- tarS, ant i lid that as my strength inceeaas biec atarîh decacases. I. am indeud e chanaged w-emani, antiarn ver- grateful t,) jHood's SarsaparillaÀ fer w-at it lias dette to111" tcIfis miny a-i thaIttis My teti hnallch ulsc in rtier tital tterssfrý i as Iwes mei leacu 1how te e en1- et. M . St. ' Matmtîcxi, 57 Ei tet ootOt HÎOOD'S PILLGe ure all i," 1e bleS aesi. .auadte,IdgstoSick iHead.sesxe.. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepoata.- We Woulci Like You TO CALL and examine our stock of HOLIDAY PEET whether you want Io purchase or not Space will not allow u-3 to mention the, nui»erous ).ues but the "«Variety ivas neyer so great; prices neveu so low."l Do not make a mistake by purchasing b3fore you see our- stock; if you do you will certainly regret it as our low prices are astonishing every. oee. and already nearly baif our stock is sold.ý Cali ear]y and make your selections. A clxWspkture book (20C.) tree Io every purc1ia@er utf XiIAS GOODS. STOTT & J',7g GoI<1*,spectacles lu suit every sigit at speczaIIy ow prices. Nagist'a tion giiaramteed. EYES TESTED FRE E.. (JO URT1U.~.NE WCASTLE~. Christmas viaitors: Mr. S. J. Courtice, Norc.AIacunsdet .Br Kirby ; Mr. L. T. Courtice, Town ; Ir.. fett, Newcastle. flot paid on -or betore J1. L Courtice, Toronto .... Misa Ethel January 15, 1893, wiii ba paoe ino Osborne is sopenditig Christmas holidays other bande for collecion. with her sister, Mrs. (Rev ) J. H. Oke, 51-3w. (Signcd) IL BÂ11rýETT. Wilfred . .. .Rev. J. E. Lanceley, Toronto,, who ia to lecture ut Ebenezer Jan. 9thi 111 CUREta MOTHEÉR."-GENTLEMý-N,-- in connection with the ra opening of the My mother was suffering ftroua dy>pepsn church on "zone another" bas been called and had no appetite. Everythimg iua'1eid by the press the Henry Ward Beecbtr of to cure ber until one day, while vîiiung the present day. Every perFon should a ftiend's bouse, 1 saw a bottie of B. B. LI. heur hini. Sunday services will be con- on the, table ;ou inquiring hat t'y ducted by 1ev, G. Webber, Jan. 8. usied it for, 1I sion fouud ourn whiit it cur- ed, and when I went hoir.e t'1d nother BLOTUHIES CURE.-DEÀR SIRs,-Iu Ithat Bhe should try it ; abs saidabsna 1890 ny:body wa&s covered with blotches Do faith in anVthing atcd objectedto ry~ and I was at Iast induccd to try Burdock it. No-wthtarding ber 1bj tzn Jwen 11iord Bittera ;- by the, te 1 had ueed jini the eveniung an i brougbt homeý a boýt 'e 3j' boties of it 1 was completely cured, but it was in bcefbo<r 9a we-k b. or and 1 caonot vPPeik t00 highlv Of V. MAiEs. we could ind ue-'ber to t àke it. -At lea ý,?t, JAMES DESMOND, BlalifaX, N. 'S. sa she wasgettin.- worse ali t hetusii sho eonsented te, try iý, and on bpîking hai ,CNFgLD.the hottie found it waso orim, ber. 7,,is Wm OmittinF'r, s vsîili lerAnothor b.ttle eured beor, adws &iv Mrs Wn Oriatn, r ,is isiirghersavoadlher life. We are lieve rwtou son Thomýas who la very illii inToronto. .B 1.B.. imw. hIs s5nacb a p,(ond remedy3 .Mr. Alonzo) Niddery bis returnod froua fo r heayache am well. E. WESTOI1q, 15 Manitoba !ooking wli. . Mr. J. S. Short Dlo~eS. otel et Morfieid aUd (jouocillor Pascoe Viti- ited beme ceceîtly. . .. Mr. W. Niddery bas gone in pactnership with Mr. Louis Vickemy, Oshawa, f.urmeily of Enfield.. .Messrs. A. Smith and J. S. Ashto.n took e tuip to Toronto ecently... . Mr. M. J. Gibson is epandiug Xrnaa 1 olidas et neme. He uaseuieeïs ugageu,*.* Mr. J. Baldsou bad a successful bçye et drawing turnips lest week.. . .Mr. Thoa. Wotton of Raglan bas moved into our section .. .. Mr. S. Kiveli bas taken the dagree ùf Pa... . Mr. and Mrs. G. Ifeatle bave beau visitiaag bera fra Long Sanît. Magie Pile L.otion excels avecy ottier rmedy of ils Chas in the folowing par. ticulars, viz: 1 Its action ta mînedîte and mazical. 2 It la cheaper than aey other lu the market.- 3 It la cleftniy, leaviaag no atain on clothing or bedding. 4 lt îa mors easily applisd than any1 othar. 5 t is equally elicaciona In ex- tenal, interna', itcbing or b'eeding pilas. 6 It is an excellent drepsing for ail kînda of painful wounda!, abrasions, atinga of bras snd other poisonous inseets, etc. Mf tP2ON. 1 PS y the higlicat price for Ilides, Skina, Taliow, Tanherk, Dressed Hogs, $6.25 per 100 ; Horsebidea, $1,25 eech ; Good Potatees 40c. per bnshei. JESSE E. L. CosuE. 50 tf. 1 desiro tbceugh the widely circuieted STATESaLAN to thank uay numereus eus- tomersasnd frieuda lu West Durlhcafor their generous patronage during the pa yeac antd hope ouar pleasaut business rela- tioas in the past iilli maure e eontinuance of their eteeîned custoni andi faver. 50-2w. JaEse EK. L. Coi-z. Tho "Hlonay Social" on Christmhs eve was a very pleasing event, the attendance w-es not as large as desireti, but the pro- gramme was onaet the best evar randerad bers. Atter thes literary treat was ever, an excellent tes ivas serveti in the basa- mient, povidcd by thaeladies of the con- gregation. Every person seemedti 1 tboroughly enjoy the entertainanient. The fAclowing pacsons ware anong those w-ho took part ini the prograua :-Messrs. C. W. Souch, A. N. Mitchell, Enniakillan; Misses Lottie Brimaconhe, Mabel Tait, Bowmanville; MVessrs. A'. B. Crydernian, W. Cryderman, T. B. Heitige, Lewis Ruse, Misses M. J. Elliott, E. Moynes, J. Salisbury, Ida Saltar, Mca. (Rey) J. Liddhy, I. L. Brown andi famiiy, ilampton. ...Receut visitors: Mr. Wiil Bunt, Woodst ock; Mc. J. J. Hoitige aud family, Miss Loua Lane, Toronto; Mr. H. Aahley sud famiy, Oshawa; Mc. Frank Trehil- eock, Mc. Jas. MeLean sud tamiiy, Bow-. mnville. Soxat Fooiisui PEOPLE allow e couch te mun until it geta beyond the reech et medicina. They otten say, "Oh il wil we.ar way, ' but lu moat cases it weams theinaay. Coutti they ha inducadti t try the succaîstut medicîne callati Kemp's Balaam, wbich is sold on a positive guar. entee to cure, thay would immed.ately se the excellent effeet etter taking lhe' ficait doso. Frics 50c. sud $1.00. At al druoggisto."1 TYIPONE. On Mouday evening lait . .Ali was tnvited te Mr. Jus. Hawkuey s for the eveniug and was surprisodte bffnd ea large number ot frienda arsembied a-ho there up'an pceaented bu witl a capaciout a-ai nut tudent's chair hantdsomù]S uplais o- cd inl brocaded plush. Mr. Alliai madf a1 fitting epiy expcesaing bis sappreciatioa et their kinduess in hestoring this unex. peeted gitr. Several speeche. ,by naeuahees et tis Bible Cis eand memberz, f Tya tans Division flilowcd, ail becaing teatimony te the aateem iuna-hîch tbîir lats teaoiter sud brother waes leld., A very pleao.4nr time with amusements sund rjýrephmsunta folinwed. The next etiernoon et eche.Žl closing Mr. Allen was egaîn tFken by sur- pris on the oholars preqentiun'Aiai with a "gentlemian's cotupanion ",sud t wo ailk bandlkerchiets... Soesoetour Chriattuias visiters: Mc. aud Mca. J. H. Hicks, To- mo)nte; MiesaJennîs larris, Toronto Jonction; Mr. F. Mar-ning, ]lamiltou Colugiate; aud niany oCîLcias . . The tes on Monday was a aucceas. Mr. Rsmsev & Co'. detightad the audience for two houra, Proceeds et tes, so tar, $'Î4. 9LNLSKILLA!N. Holiday visitera Mss avey, et Mc. Luke Pottec's; Mc. Ferguson, Manitoba, et Mc. A. McLaughtin'a, bis unele; Mc. R. Amuot, Park River, Dak., et his bro- ther Albert's; Miss Jane Lewis, Toronto, et lier mether'a; Mm. Rebert McLaughlin, sen., a former ceident, Dow- of Michigan- Mc. W. Faith fui, (f Toron te, et Mc. Jas. Pye'a: Rev, Mc. Laing and brother at Mc. F. Rogers'; Dr. andi Mca, John Montgomery anti daughter et Atdecb, Dak.,at bis tether'a; MIss8 Giadîuan,tewn, et Dr. Mitcbell's; Mr. S. E. Sauderson et bis fathers, Wiitcn; Miss Amnot witbh trienda in Huron Co.; Mr. J. Young, teasher, et home lu Weutwortb C.; Mr. Thes. Evans nt Woodfitck .... Rev. D. S. Heouck aud Mr. Jno. Petter are sick.... Messrs M'. Riggs, R. Stephensa nd Miss C. Griffun are borne frona tbc Model, Port Hope. We congratulaIs Iheni on Iheir sueceas. Mr.' Riggýs w-ll Ieach et Br ati- ley's and Mc._ R. Stepheus aI No. 4 Mari- vers next yesc,.. . Mr. W. Tordiff, seni., hati over 115 bushel cf Alsiko clovar seed froua 17 acres.. .. Mc. Peter Werry et Tyrone, bas purccaaed e eboice lot et Oxfords from the peu et Henry Acketl, -q., the sioteti sheep breeder sud prize a-muer in the U niteti States sud Canada. Succesa. The annuel festival ei'tith Preshyter- ian churcb beoe wiIIl'ho hld on Mondaay, Jeu. '2, Tteswill bho served lu the base- mont t the church frona 4 te 7 p. ma, et toc wbich atdrmese ailho 5delivered lu the ehureh by Reva, J. A. MleKeen, B. A,, Ocono; J. B. MeLaren, Columbus, R. J. Whïienaan, B. A., PortPerry; D. S. HoncIk and R. 'M,. Phalen, B. A., En- nikls.The proccedinga wil1 ho en- livened hy quartettesý, duelsj, racitationa> - sud snusic by the choir. Tickets, 25c. Everyoue comae sud anjey s plessaut ev. esning. THE EDITOR THANKS YOU-. DEAn EDITOIR, 1 look forward to Thursi- day or Fridiay of each week with pleasure for 1 know 1 shail receive news froni home.-FatED i. lAsoN,Rochester,N.Y. Mr. M. A. Jame-Find my order for 1893 enelosed. 1 ara very muola pleaseci wlth Tnai STATESMAN. Frienda of ton neglact to write, but your paper is a gooël letter every week. Hlope thia will mike zou Iaugh twiee, comingr froni à good old West Durham Tory.- Mas. R.,C0., Erin. Dear Mr. Jamesm.-Pleass accept $.1 for THEs STATESMA a for '93. The lesfthtrea papers bave been more inters ii3- usuel (if possible) on accon of the whereahouts -oi qr aquaintanes, rmany of ther: worthy Editor of -Tiu wouid like te wi-lh a merr.y happy proaperoIus NeaYar- BONAR, MedfordI,Oegn 31r. G-3o. Gale cf (Courýtie ,iayFjT STÂTSMANb bee. better than11,, 1 1tately. Thalàký, Bo Gaie, we shall try te keiep up tho presert interest with the. aid of our eclet tf fo onutry cor- respondenta. MnAE WI ]HSKILL -Dr. Woo-d',3No- wàY Pînio Syrulp, temodem atficeýsaful Curu fort couhscoldoreesat'a bronshitis, )osthroat "and ail ptlmonary ci mplýaiu o s am)Ade rM te beat pector- aiI herýba and h10s Y the anost Sailifui aîid scientifie menthouda, ad aanotfait :0 give Prompt reiîef. THE IURISTMAS MEATS. WeO doubt ý'f t isn of any town ln Caaaae bters 1pidwith choie, neats- than Bomnilana t ail timen of the year, but eapeiaily at Chiirata tam.,. Mr. W. R, R. Cakrs sop laat week lookcd very inviting, the prettily deadmoa re frona the atals of %well- known breedetas and fieders, Messrs. W. Wurry, Thox Baker, Jas. CahIaeutt, Jnn. Wight, D. Triiacoiti, Thom. Gibson, T. R. ba'ý' r, Jo. Wight, Jae.bodgAo«Sn and otheýrý, niiade a capital dCisplay. MIr. COawkeýr dd a gotod( trade aad se he ehould with ncba quah:ty rn matas he fur,. The young butcbers, Messrs. Humei & Wýright . LsecVe to aocceed, as they are evîdsnîlv Ioing, fo.- the3y are maeintaining the iýh reputatîùn et Wii ()I od tndorbest aeasth o niflords. Tha a aa a bua,ýy plsa last week as cwtzeiýs flicked 10 ce their large and su- peý,b sia mLrtean of Christaas meats. lie p'"u, - ii a«I s of &prominent Wesb Durbani breederaj were cepreaented by Aisss.irad (C. Aliau, John Jewell, C. J, î (la wk r, dso. Trimble, Dr. L. Potter nd. Pe-ter Stalker and the arrangement of tbeo carcassta and the neat nianner in which ail wsre dressed was highly credit- abla to alcrtbaGte cad skilI. Hume & WÇ%right are ve ry attentive to the wants of. a an~t cd are ding a .âpIendid trade, PECUIUARAnxrso.Adeiag a patentmneda.citaei heapeculiar way ta whih the propriotor of Kenap's Baieaux for dougbs and colds does, is indsed won- dertul. He authorizea ail druggists to, give thoseWho eaU tfor it a oample hottU, Frac, that they may try it hafore purchas. aa'g. Ths lar'ge bottlai are 50o and,$1, Ws certainiy advise a trial. It may sae you frorn conaumption. Another Presentation.- Thursday wiening the choir of ths AlethodiBt Ch"rch reenedMca. Johnx Stbaey with anà addcesa read by Mr. T. E, Higgiubotbam iand banilsoiino sîzlver dinner sund pickle cruets., ,Mr. H. J. Knight, leader, made the presentatton. THE APDRESS. To MRs. J. STAOIEY, As you have eutered upon a new relat.. ionshîp in lite, arci have asstimed uew me- sponâibý,itieg in o fsqenoo which yoig bave for a tiansatiesevered vou,,. convection witb ovùr choir ; we feel it reRard snd arfecrii e shave entemtsinied îfor you porsontatly, aand for the great ob, ligation ws test woa are under to you 1eÈr the long yeara ot faithf tai service you hâa rendered as a mem ber cf o-ar choir. We iare awere et the tact. that ilu the tandeM.e denrete do your duiy faithfully and weil yen have teqsently expesed youmaelf to consaderable sacrife and self denial. We ask you 'te accept ef these artieleýs, not with any ides of their beîng consider. ed e rermunemation fo~r we kaiow ypu, look higlaiec thant earthi.y objecta for y4'ur reward, but as a menna wïhareby yonr nremomry msy b. recalle in1future te the many happy boucs we,-thavc togebher lu sinigang thesot > May your pathtvay tbrough lite e o ue*. with flowers, a-na be bright wïitlia sunshine, la the uuited wish ot yoýur follow meiii- bers of Trn EIOITCisoiu, - - -- - - FCP0rSsD rO FRIs GIRL ONi TbU STaaR. On Sunday eveai3ngla as a young man Wb$ ascoCtring bu irl berne froni oburob ho pcoposoed te ber the3 1oo :,a coL-uI. diauni; Wbere la Bowmau-viEislathe besb place te buy your -Xmas CandAiee? Quick- ly cua tho ase:Wy At the Granda C entiral of course , And lho had te admit that site bcd auHsweced correctly. ]RIO dIîffrent kinds et choicest (confeetionary eh cooseefroua. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance ROBT. VInRTU, Agent, Bowmacaville 41-

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