J'- GR ATEFUL-COMFO IRTI NG.I BRFA KFA S V-SU PPEP. B'Bya horangh knowledgo or the naVoral ,.-lw1 whf Ah govr heoe rin fdîetv -n u rito.andi hy a.cre i appliction Ens asn odour brealei ttIableý with a dlîl.yflw-ýOvored1 heer& ze whieh amsy' sav1 ý'n asY h-avy dootOrý' b!118. It le 0V the iadiciýous use or such articles of die, that a OOOtitltiu my' e ~adul$ybuilt up utitil Etrong enongis to resist every tendpacy te disease. HundIrede3 of subîle maladies are lioti'garound us ready in attack wherever thera Is a weak point. We msv escapa maiY a ftal shafi by keepiug ourselves well fortifSet ih unblond 'Lad a u)rnn)eriy uourishtd rae .civil Service aet" -ade sieiply' with, lJ,)iine watar or milk nl nyuoacket8. by Gneslaylaithi JU IPS & Co., lmepikcCir WEDINESDAY DEC. 28, 1892 D5E. J, C. MITCHEfLL, :q Il BR 0F COLLF(Fnr OS'PHYOQITîÂN ce ifI Srgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. ffi se sud Reliencea. Enlskiiher. 74 D BUR'5KE SE1VPSiby B PRIbTi R -FrOLICITOR. te. MOPRIS UJCiPeairs, Rinz Street. Bowriau. 011cii. folIcoantice Otani Batik Stiate httassave ianeat ttics lOwa-et raies TNSED AIJCTIONEER FOR .àe ConîY onDurisas. QSales -aiieuded eherlesi notice anti Iowestr rates. Ad dress - arsP. O.3: BOR lT. I OUNCf, V. S, d'"kFFICE H'1 TTHE WEST DURHAM NS~Ievs Block, Miera inisait an assistant bsi'ie founti front 8a.ni, ta 9 mrn, Night catis sr rer5idene,direeîîyoppcsiie Drill Shsed. Caihe 1,y telernpic an telepisono wilh recaiva promptr atention 171-yr L,.,W.T'51. UT NTEAPIRAiSER, Rosi ' Etai AgntBOWrns"ville, 0Outarnua- A. A. PON~T, -A RHITEOT. Plans unS Spacifica- !ions pruruonrianfor ovey clÉseof 1,uilding. saSd hotal uer, sud ta sanitary arrangemuenrs. (iice orne Blck , W itby 43 ly 1R. 'rP-E ATL'E à $T alo r Gentlemen's Clothes Made ta Order. J.M.BIIACOMIBE DENTINT. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. fligginbotlam & SoifsDrug Store, (down stairs), A î'anty of tbnee spoétsrc*u tilleS 125l stage stissesaison lu the Suer funeste nfI hncic- bue andStSraîbvuicisilu ScoîlauS. Teuy BOVTM ÂNVILLE ouae were Chutini a single Iiay. DYEINC AND CLEANINU tadies' aud Con t' wour ai alI tminds, Feuils FO 1 r n h itis ers, laves, Rubisosa Laces, Carrains, anti ail tirds i iaey noS DyS, (eunS c "Inover reali d lice good cf a nedicine akns ôCleacd. or siîiv, Cey ua'rn- 50 mueSas 1 have'in tselst fesv mouihs, Frenh Ceand. orkpostivly iiaan- dsiun'Sich urne 1 bavs sffercd intenscly teeS lise hast. No peddling wagon eucployed. lIonýpnieumonia, followed by broncisitis. A reliable- agent in every town. - After tryin- variousrmedies wilisour IseuclIt, 1 hu gan the use o f Ayer's Cherry BRTS MRCNBEINC C. , Pectoral, asd tise rt'-ct liasbecîs marvtious, GaiS MdalisIDyersa s.gîe dos e r-ievhits me ot chkiing. aud Gol Mealit Derssscurig a good nightse rst."-T. A. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa anS Quabec, 14Himbotiram, m. Sore, Lung; Mountaiu, AgontiniciBowncmaville.Va J. H. DOBSON, STATIONER. Gents' Uotin' Cleaned, DYed. Prassed and Rapaired by THOS.rPEATil Dyer and Clothes Cleanar. Gods warranted te ha as no one will know theum lrom new whe due. Corner King andl Ontario Stracs, Bowranvile D-ENTISTRY. HIARNDEN, L. D. S. tlraduate of the Royal Collage of Dental 'urgeons. Ontar o OFFICE QPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALTZED AIR. New Taîlor'Shop. The unde-sipead who has beau caryiug on the tallorine besWnass in couneto with Masen's Dry Go da Store for a nomberofyears hs commenc d business for bim salf at bis raîldence. Kn 4 St ,west. where ha je preparatl ta0niaka gentW'anti boys- suits n ail the 1atest styles, and ai iawest prices, Foi.thoýeeawh wish to order sulio , ha will carry a ,fehlina 0aif amples in ail the neffest Patterns. LEIva hlm J. T.ALLN F ash ionabla Tailor flowmanvella, Nov il 1892ý HAI[1ON 8HISNESS CUEE lis the institutiou lu which so xnany West Durham young men hava acquirad that practlcai knowiodga of busine2s subjects which lispiaced them iu raspansible poitions in the financial and commercial worid. For the mo3t elegeut aud com- plate aunouricement publiibed in Canada, address SPENCE~R & MICOULLOUGfl, > 1 Principale Heamilton B~usiness College, 3 t, 6 38 & 40 James St.,.'South. (Mention "THE STrÂTESMAN.") mri-n wzq arraigned for robbiug a hic grippe. At tîi' is1vs Issconpletely prostrat-' cd, a-d so dffe.ia-y r. beahilng that rey breatfh sceirs d as if roc nfinllu an iron cage. 1 proc.reil a btt!e r Aye's Cherry Pcral, and no sow bd 1 bgantkg ;t than relief rl 1,vr.fcouli not bels'ee thiat the effmci no ie cse rpd-W. IL. Wiliam.es, Cook Ciî . Dais. « For mors feue twenty-avse 1ar, wnas a sucffrer froos lung trouble, attended Nvith coughng sa ses s'e at limecs as to cause heorageý the poroxyins freouentlv last- ing threc or f or heurs. 1I sosinduéed ta try Ayrs Cherry Pectoral, andi aftrr takzing four botties, n'es thoroughly eured. 1 eau Ilofmauis, Clay~ CeerLre, lahs. Cherry Fotoral Prepared lsy Dr. J. C. Aver % Co., Lowel, Mass. Sold by ail Druggists. Pricc $i six bottles, $5. Prompt to act, sure to cure ISAF E _ TEGREAT Lri B RISTO'S CURES AU.. Taits of the fllood. ~ CRTAINj BAoO-KUNO THECQQ(S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. mars; brakan in places, s few wbhola grains af allspice, anS one or two claves. Peel tise oniaus as sniali as roquineS, put in a porcelsin on granite kertIo, pour aven tison tise vinegar anS spices, cuver elneeiy, anS sei on tise bacl th ie rauge, allowing thuni ta boni veny slnwhy, sotisaitishe vinegar may penmealo, witisout soitenîug, tlie ert nI lisearons. A urnte expenience wil show wben ta bring tisonsteas bailiîg poin,, than put lu cane in tise sauce us-y as frruit.' I allowad ta bail mure trian s minute or se, ubey will ebivel anS not lotk weii, but if tue vinegur is gond, anS tise eanning pro- ces perfectiy penionnied, tbey wio tepu excellant condition an indefinile lime. Mauy people prefen tisesupickleS eitisout epices, simply ahiowing a littho sait taelise vinegar. PickleS anione une more wisolesonse tissu mast piekles iu ganoral use, anS are worrby a place on tisa table nifamn epicure. Tisose wimo luet expenieuce opont his point wiJl inSd the foilowing table aofhoîcefît asea guide ta tise irmgtic ai tince equined ionrSi- feront vegelublas3 Paratoos, boilod, tiirty minutes. Potatoos, buteS, fartv.five minutes. Sweot poatbus, belleS, sixty mntes. S'weet pratoas, halteS, twenîy to fonty minutes. Green peas, bouleS, sixty minutes. Shaloed boans, bouleS, ana taeIsi Saurs. Gruau corn, rweuty-livo ta sixly uminutes. Asparagus, iteen ta tÎrnry mnîutes. Spiiacis, sxry nmnutes. Tomntoos, iresis, six tv minutes. Tansatoas, canneS, tlirry minutes. Cehisage, tbnee-fourtise tatwaihoure. Cauiifiawer, one ta 4hrea banne, Dandalions, iwn ta tisree banne. Beet greens, ana hour. Onions. one ru rwo heurs. Boots-, lana to five bonne. Yelion' turnips, ana anS ane-a-bll tatwo boune. Paruips, ana la two Icours. Cannais, oua ta twn bonne. Wite boraipe, f orly-five tae ixiy min- Utes. BABIEs AT TisE FAmt "Wiat sheli we Sa wiîis Toddietins 2" le an auxuone question to mauy prospective World's Fuir pilgnime. Wonnmly Sort undhbauds have rsohved tisaiprobieru by nssoaitbisaChildrn's Rame lu procesaf arectian an tis a Fir grounds, which a con- esponderci af tisaWoma's Tribune Se- scribes. Tisa home, sic a eys, wue not ini the original plan, but whon euggesled il mot witb s genenaus nosponse. HeurtesurSd purees hava opened wide,aud thse building ih lready fan advanced. Tise beaume uneup, tise rouf going an, - anS tisa wonrmen wiii soan bacavering irseaxtrior wibi stsaffwbile thme carpoutare finish off tise interior wood- wrt, AimosI eveny Stube hue respousded Ibroughis is Slato Board ai Wansen, anS many have already lurnisisad tiseir quota ai the needed nsaney. Tisane is s grand p3syground fan clildren in the court in tise middSle aitisa building. Rare no ana but ciildren sud tlier atraen- Saute ara udmitted,but we wili ah ha allawed ta lotk upan their funnirons a pnîvuto gai- leny. Tire will hae anothen pîsygnound upan the fiaatuof ai the Hume, wisere birds sud boces wiil flt anS trees anS lowers gnaw, anS wisere tise chiidren wili sport freefrirns danger, ion a wino ,netting, sunroundimsg sud coevng tise rool -anS stretching upwsrd same iteen foot, will ut once provenrtisae yaungstans irons Sropping their prociane selves overboard, anS aiso Irans îottitsg their kilos anS halloons fiy off intoboundieesether. A reading rooni will lha iteS up ion the suory-book aud Si. Nicholse lvons, sud risereMili ho an assensbiy bail fan showîng siereoptucan vlews snd holiung concerts. Pan bulle ta tell af ah tisa good limes tlil 1u11ens wil baveaut wark anS play ender tbe supervision ai wise anS lavsng kinder gurtuers. But ta uî-y î,siud the heur5 of tisa home ile banursery, whaeeltkilflo nurses are ta ministor ta tisa hables. Evory Taddlekins unS eueS sud al of hie beiong-1 ings wili hae numbered snd tagged so tbat NAPOLEON THE GREAT. HOUSEHOLD. Descriptioln hi Ona Wlia SawflHsn ai Ber- - 091ie. FitOr MANY SoustRCs. Major Genenal Yakoviteh, of the Russian army, l elle af tihe few men DOW living who CnAiNBrnstv JELLY.-Wash canofully a saw the great Napoleon ail a battie-field. quart of salected craubernies, put tham lu a The aid geutlemnus tw the F rench Empenar purcuiain.lined saucepun with a hall a pint at Porodino. At that battie Yakovîtch, af waten and hall a pouud af good white than a mena boy, senved with a battery in agr.Bail -for tweuity minutes, and pres t'le grand redoubt, whicb was the canton af tbraugb a fruit trnainen or jelly hug jutoaa the Ruýseanis he. Ru gives avivid descrip- mnuldwhvieh has previously been rinsed tien ai the buttia. W heu marniu g brake a witb cold water. When cool this should forn sea af gray msrt ebut out the field fram apefetiloidalfbrighterimsoujeiiy. Cran- vis-w. Ttue vocesaf tiseenemy wero hourd, berry Fiauca may beeooakad in the saine man. the neighirîg cut tieir borses, and tIra rumb- non, but overy effort sbauld ba made ta keýep iing of artillery wheels. Thon cama the thse barries perfect in shape by stirning tbem thunder ai cannau, miking tbe veny curtis as ijitie as passible. tremble. Thtree time, ail the Russian guni-, TEMPTINOU SAUCs.-Craam a sufficieut nons were killed and three times uew men quuîîrity af butter and sugar,-far a tamiiy talt their places. Bullets flew thiclt as af five, use bal a teacuplul ai butter and bail and men dnapped dead or mangied a toacuplul ai sugar. Pour boiling. water as ery momlent. c'ver ibis, beat the yoll's ai four an five egge At last a trnange souud was horâ in the wîihs oûle co- and stin juta this mixture. distance lilte nain pattring au withered Place on thse stave, and bail tbîck, stirring louves. fitgnosv lauden aud laudes', uti it ail tise lime. Flavor ta taste. It is gaod filied thisar lilto the tour oaiaastornmy sea. witlm any kind af pudding. Ail t once a groat wave of bright, swoncls Triv Buin ' BEVERÂCAES.-An anthusias- and ielmets ai d hanses' heads came sunging tic laver ai choclate afflrms thai for those up aven the breast-works. It wus bthe im- wiso wisis taeltep the ima gination fresis and portai gurd. Be-aie the sbacl tata viganaus, chocolato is the bevonage oi baver. nighty wave tire Russian canton cnumbled ages. Howeven capiously you have iunched, away shatiened wrecls. Xheu Yukoviich a cup ai cisoclate immediataly afterw-iris, came to his sentes and apenod bis eyes lie, -, ll prod uce digestion ibrea bouns af ton, saw around him tise carpses ai bis lather, ,nd propane lise way Ion a good dinnen. Ih and conados. Sudsdenly tise trnmpling aifis neeomimended ta oveny onu wbo devotes to boots called hie attention te a group ai guy- brain worlc the heuons lehoou]d pas in hed; iy dressed offieers, and Napoieuu's staff ta eveny wit wbo fends ho bas become sud- came idiug aven the field. Tise yatcig denly duli ; tealh wo Sud the air damp, Russian peered anxioausly mbt thein faces. the urne lang, and the absuosphere insup- lu bis graphie language : portable; and, abovealal, ta tîose who, tan- IlTheno wene fticelbard faces ai Rapp and mented with a Sixed idea, have leit their Darn and braad-cbeeîed Sebastran and freedom of thougbt. Nan sauty, wiîh tise suber sean acrosbi$s UCTCES I "oeSey ilr chekan te ow bro olS ethe aveantwill scald ber tbick mik with boiling wuîer bull-dog jaw af gnîm odNy h rvs wheu malting cottage cheese, instead ai set- ai Ihoni ail. Thore, toa, wus Murai, wîrb biswbte lues udbi bnidd jckttiug itonrthe sîove and letîing it scald inthat bis riengumesani 1 bis bad metlit awav, she will finS il mucis sweater, and it bisridngwhi, i bs bndjut lkpae will keen good much longer. The waten cîreus-nider. And thon tire gnouppat takes away the nabural sournnes ai the suddeîcly sud ricane was the man himseli nimulk Thon fe thsbe rie i tise midst af tisem, with bis face biard anSd oaie i asbaudaie j fimmovahie as ucarblu amiS ail that blood bag peîfectly dny,aud is coiS(Il do net thinlt andagoy ad afar-away lok l in hseit good wanm), gind it tbrougb the Enter. unS gonyarcSa 00 useprise Meat-Gninder. She will Sund il eplen- calS gruy eyes af bis as if bo eaw -Moseowv did, se nice anS snmootb. For market, I somewbiere up in the sky but couid sea noriingbetwou. 'A gonius ctoy) m ix a plut af gool creant in a pauful of ntid Murt, viu. gcis bu. 'Whr grolund-cheese. Malte it itbaoblong cakes, crie Murt, aviD hi han. W a ard wnap lu punchucent butter paper. ibey stir thene'll bc among the gond folks frtila aiet erck.A utie Pariswben the bulletin arrives ! 'W aeocce obtained romains a weekly hoyer al lest our armuy lu doiicg îR, ticouýh,' gnowled wiuîen. Ney. 1'Hadu't we betten faîl buclt a little sud wait thera for re-eniurcemunts V Thon "CORRECT" TEA AND Cops'st-I hbave Napoleon turneS bis boaS slawiy, jusi as just neturned franc tbe East, and wbiia tice statue migi do, and looltal bim in the ticene found ont the arîly "correct " way te fa ce. 'Thou advisiug a rerreut, Michael? malte god tes and caffée. ThseIl chef" Licat is somethiug new, iudeed! Na-na of tce Palace Roteisuaid, "Put your lau anS falling icuck now. I uestdtae my bulletin cofféeelu thein respective pars, and SU lwitb fnomn Mosc ow. As for the anmy, yau can't colS waber and set off' the range as soon as malte an Omelette 'ibicout breaking a îew boiling, ainS yan wil onjay the priviiege of oggs.'" Yakuvircb save wben hoe hourd Snînking trou and cuffée as they sbouid ha risat lhe tnew tisai God bud forsalten Na- made. Your coffée wiiI ba golden, ancd poleon, fon nu man suva onueSomed ta Se - youn eau wii tfaste lite nothing you ever sînuction could have spoken sa ightly aI lice dranlt before." siaugisten ni ihauàands ai brave mon n, u ANi R vsv WAv aop PscyLs.reu ,,ONSNs tbree mOnths froni that day the Frenchs Em- ana ai whicll the Anmrican Agr-rctturi8t peror was fiying for iis life-uerass the border tells us. To a quart ai vinoger ailow ana with the Cossuelte ut bis huais liko hungry mail teaspoonitil af suIt, four emaill cayenne wolves. peppers, a few bdofaimaco, and cinnu- will roruru bise compliment, anS ieave un- noticeS those ta whomm Clhrisbmiceascaris su ittle mare than th iseumi. Tise Dulte ai Westmuîîeber's astate is wortn about $S0,000,llO0. Ir yields aun an i nual incomne ai about l$2,750,000. tîisane will ben danger tiaItishe nurses wili mix thase babies up." You enter the great gales, and at aince saek tbe Cbildrn's Home nuden the sbadow ai the Womun's Building. I1aving establi eh- ed Toddiekius thora lu camiorur, you anS yaur " John" startr out ta shcow ta tha oiSon eilidren sucb parts afi tie Exposition as promise ta bc moel profitable ta them. When tbey are tirad, sud bcfore tbeir sweet teînpene bava sounod, neturnnwitb tbem to tise Childnan'a Rame, for by tisis tume you ougict ta be loukiug aiten Miss Baby. Airer your owu rosi anS diversion louve theni al tisera whiie yau and "1John" punsue ionIser investigations acconding ta you rown tastes. la flot Ibis Rame s boon ta mothers wba bave beau dreadiug dnugging a cross and tireS baby snouud thse balle ai tise greut Exposition? MENDoNîŽsKID CGLOVES. Tiseecauomically minded readen a tise R-. W. cincle wil ha glud ta koow of the fuilowing eethod ai mending kid gloves, wiic,whiîe I confees tisati is le nt original, I hava net found wamming. A glove witis a isopelessly lange reut eau ha quite neutly meuded, anS wilnit be druw u oaishape. Carefoily bu1ýtonhole ail tise way arouud tise roui, set ing ltce stirches weli io thie kid, and making thora as even as possible, but uat rau close togetiser; thon, beginniug ai onue end, draw tise edges together, pnttiug tise needie ilrougis oucisopposite pain ai theo huttanisule atiiebes, anS rakine anly amie sîitch ut a btie. Cotton tbread ta match lice colon ai tise glovae au ho useS, aud will haiS tise worlt nore Sicly tisan sillt. SALT Fait TÂBLu USE, Salt, ion table use, sbould hava mixed with il a emaîl quantity ni connstarch bu- fane putting il inta eiîben sali cellan or sali shaker. This wili provout tise teudeucy il hu e a irnc mb osaliS lumps. To CLE4Nx STAINED WaODWatRK. A litile cald tea mixeS ivitis warmn water and applied witri a soit woolen clatis wili malte staiued woodworlt loolt bigut and fresis. ' NOVELTIES IN RaME ADOR-NMENT. A very Brylisis chair appuaned recuubly lu a saop wiudow, aud on riean inspection 1 wae surprised ta fiscS bow simsple wuc uts coicerue3tion. fitwus a smali rocker, broad and low, paiuted a pure whiite. Tise biset anS seul wara upisalstened wiris durit blue denicu, This wue pnrry ivel overed wiîis onîlined emhoidery lu rblclt witie fose, lu a gracef ul pattern ai long and narruw louves iutrlaced. Bath hack uniseaut piocos ap. peaned ta ba siigistiy pudded. Tise latter isong aven tire seat of tise chair sainie tbnee luches, and thîs sud tise isue were bath flmished wiih quibe s deep wvhite linon friDge. A gasy cushion in tise sanie window, suit- able for coachs an divan, was aisea I ou nm, ni tisa sainie colon. Tise desigu, tua, wus mucis lilte tise oison, but insteud of helug lolloweS witi tise needia, il was execeited witis a fine brusi unS gi paint. Were I ta eapy ibis I sisould use a stif bnishrle brusis, sud tiret autlue tise pattern wiris whsite or yelaw parut. Wisen periuctrly dry I would go aven il iti glit, wviicis would ho mucis icher iookiugnà ris baet- iug ai paint. Tbis cushian wus Sniehed with a corS ai -gi, sud a buncby tussel at eauci cerner. Speakiug af denni, I saw lately axi bited, a Magnficeut portiere ai Ibis mabenial. i was oI pure heliabtrope sisade, withs a stnange Eastern patern wrought upon il iu gold tisead, unS aIl borderaS with a nanrosv gili fringe. Tise antistie arrangement aifSdifféent k Inde ai netting it a new anS tastoini home decorutian. An easol, whereon stands a flishing scena, lisi sbapprcprialely drapeS witis uettiug. itcoules lu cotton anS in ail delîcate colore. A yacht club girl drap- eS one corneraif ber roani witb s sea-green usai, tied witb nibisons ai tisa sainie colon. Bouestis lung a pictueofiboas. Mammy otiser forme suggest thameelves ior netring decoration. Thiere le a nov. shape faorlise dinnen tabla -a. triangle. Tisa hast is sealeS lunbise middle ai tise shontasi side, anS tise boste.i ai tise meeting of tise twa longer anas. Tis arrangement brnga tisaenter rainons anS tise entertaumed noarer ragether tisan ai tise an- dimcry square or round table. A single clatis is ual useS on tisase trisugulâr tables, but ratisen narnow sourIs aofiseavy apen wark-. Betweeu tise scari anS tise centre piece tics epuce is iloSd wiris bon -bon anS suiteS aialmnd isises. Happy Chidren ut Chitmas lime. Iu eveîy isousebuld special pains sisould ho tatou ta mesure a " gond lime" ionrbise lit. tle aises aiflise family ; aud lu homes wbere tisera araen blîdren tise appantunity is ai. fondeS la malta it,,a pleasant day ion somes lacs forbuisate littho nues wisose parents bave flot tise meane ai pro' idiug girts anS a goad Sinrsf on theni. Perbaps during bise y"sn that le nearly gone Seuls bas raltei iran vaur home tise chilS, orciildren, GoS iaS g. 5nyou, andyou mournfuily sait tyoun louiei3 tseuntisbrood- îug aven your grief, relnsing oi ha confort- aS. Il may cosr ami effort, anS perusps yan Fi feel tisur yeu cannai now end ure tise soursa aio childisis vuices in your suaent noonis ; yei t it wili surely bring camion t ta yon if yat thraw otf this feeling snd invite sanie' ciil- fdren ta spend tise day witis yen. ln He-III think mnost mou are fools to miarny." Sha-"Yes, tb'tt is true ; aud we poor girls hava uatbing olsa to mrry."- [Truth. When Baby was sick, we gava hier Castork.- Wheui sha was a Child, she erieti for Castonia. Whonusica becanie Miss, she chrng ta Castonia. W&hou she Lad Chiltiren, she gave thsu Custonia Quaon Vietoria's ostrieh, now at the London Zoologi cal Gardens,was uot presen t- ed to her by King Samadou, as repontod, but by au evenyday sort of an Engiishmap uamed Joues. EýOWD)ERE D 100 PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. ~ad o seilu any euantity. For maingsSoer ~tenine Water, Dsioerinrdahundred atheý usez. A. can squeis20) puueS alSoda. sold by Ail (rüers and Deugglsis, NbKV~ NERVE BEAN8 arec a new di- cOvcryticat cors ihe vonsteesofe INerons Debility, Lest Viger aud N Eaiiing Maehood, restorea thce BEANS1weakuess of bodly or mind eaused by ueior Là- tr' ror ex- cesses ofyoutb. TY,,tcmedy ab- ooiuteiy ceres the soebstinr.e cases vicen ail other TaEsTTS5 ave failed aveu terelieve. Zeld bydrug- guis ai $1 per issekage, or six for $5. or sent Icy mail on recept f pice Write for pamphsilet. Soid lu- Bowmanville by STOTT & JURY. TRE BOY CAMEBAOK TO UE OT. A Toucel to!iry oal'se Fs'enei Coamsune Tise orSon baS beEn issueS ta Paris in 1871 hy tise new republîcan authanities tisai cýommunist insungeuts wlco were tatou wi th arme lu tiseir lauds ebauld ha nut ta Sentis imediarely. S a rtes s Frenchs conne- spandent. Tise ord îwas be,,ing noientleseiy execuitad, wbuu, luncime gardeofatrimaElysea Palace, a Seracisment «ni eprcblicau troope came upon n email baud af insurgeuls. Amaug ilion was a boy of 15 years, stili in short trousens. Tise baud was con docteS to a. langer party ni communiste destinaS for axocutian. On theo way lise 15 yeun-aid broke out tram among hie compunious anS placeS bimseof su front af tise Colonel wbo commandeS tise eseont. Mating the miitary salute witis a good Seul ni grace, ha saiS : ,"Muster, yau're gaing ta shoot me, I sup- posa V" "'Centaiucly, my lad," saiS tisa colonel. "lTaen witis arme in your banse, it'sal np with yeu. Tisut is tise orSo." "IAI ingisi !" suiS tisa boy, "but sec haro; h ive iu Miromesnil sreet, whera my motber is concierge lu a bouse. Sbe'll wait for me i I So't cama haone, sud sise'ii warry a great deal. h juet want la ga home sud quiet ber a bit, younltnow; sud tison aguin, I'va gui mny watcis bora; I'd like ta givo it ta my maiber, SOsese'Illbaveans mrucis as tisaI, anyway. Came, Colonel, lot rue non borno a 11111e wisile. 1 give you My word aofbaîrr 'Il corna huck taehacsisot 1" Tise Colonel was struclt wiris astoicisis. meut aitishe boy's Sanand. It also began ta amcuse hlm a goad Seul. IYou giva me youn word ai bionor, eh, tisai you'Ilireturu lu lime ta ho oxecuted V" "lMy word ai Sonar, uisten ! IWeil, weil," selS tise Colonel, ibtis. yauug scump bas wit as woll as assurance. A natiser yaung rebel ta shsoot, toal! Well, bis assurance bas saved hiîss Go home, boy." Tisa youti bowed anS scumpered off. "'Tisa lut we shall sec ai hlm," saiS lise Colonel. Hall un isaur passýeS by ;tisa Colonel, wira wau uow indoons in hie headquarrers, baS fargotten, ln tise pnesifhile terrible Sue- iness, ail about tise boy, wbom hoe regardeS as icaving Sefinitely beau set free. But ail ai once tise Soor opeued, anS tise boy cani- muniet poppod in. IlRers I arn, misten 1" ha exclainsed. " suw mamma, taiS bar, gave ber theba vacis, and tisseS ber, Now l'mn ready 1 Thon tisa Colonel diS wisar perisape noue but a rougis soidier would bave doua. Ha rase, camne aven ta tisa boy, 4eized bum by bots ours, led bu tius ta tise Soon, anS tîcted hbu oui ai il, axclaimiug: "lGel out, yen young brigand! Gai back ta yous' maIson juet as quiet as youe au h' Wi th a ted face tise otticen returneri table chair, muttering ta hie campanione Las ho wived bis isand toarud a party ai tisa con- damneS insungents r "lSa tbev bave their beroos, iban-ibose Ecoundrels h". INCREASE IN THE SURPL5S. ]Revenue tcreater and Expeauditures Less. Tise revenue aiflise puet five menhe how an meneuse ai $624,000 aventisaeorrspod iug nonts I ai yean. Tise totai for lira five- mous is $15,662,77), as aguinet $15,038,- 194". Tisa expendiione ion tise pariaS shows a Sacrase ai $800,000, as contrasteS witb luet yean, tise amounu ionrbise paet five mouIhs emcg $11,757,794, as ugainer $12,- 546,047. Tise surplus ai revenue aven ex. pondilune ta date is $3,901,976, as againet $2,4992,151) durng tise sanie pariaS laet yenn The cunreuit fiscal yeun tisenolore shows an augmentation ai surplus la tisa axient ai $1 ,412,826, a mrost encauraging position ai affaire. Tise xpaîsditr n ucapital account ion tise ive mouihse ib$1,651,191 as againsi $11 938,071 during lise sanie pariaS luet yosr. Reachina' Upwoýrd. Lbite Boy :-"Manrma, msy Ihbave tisa big iamiy Bible a littie wiie ?" Fond Mamma : Il0f course youe au, My pet. Your tisougis are ouniigisen tiinge, Little Bay . Ysn. Brudga lia iesesl, twa iheuresiatar- rwands): 1 "lHumpis 1 More o aitisa ju got. h Son'i sec bow tisai boy reaches it." Fer OverFIfty Yaar.4 Mite. WINSLaW'sSauOTHîNG Svstup Ses beau ueed by mitlitons afi nothers for thein ciiltiren while teerhing. if disturbeti atnight and brais on-.ni yorir rosi by a scl chilS suffcîing anti crylng wiris puinof Cutting Teetis senti ut once anS gel natotthe af " Mre. VWinsiaw'e soorhing Synup" for ebîltiron teething. It wili noieve tise pon ultile sufferer irîmnetiately. DupenS upan il, maisons. thene ce taoiel aise abauttit lit cures DiarnlSa, rogulutes thse Stamacis anti Bowels, Cures Wind, Calise. ofteic'rtisa Gurne, -reduces lInflammation anti g;voi l oue anS -enengy tthie -shlo systoes "ns Winshaw's Soothing Syrnp "for cisiltinen teothing ise pIeu saut la lise tasbe andcS lethe pres,,riptian ni ana -of tise aide-st anti besr femalo physiciane and n urses in tise United States: Prico 25 cents a b ortIe. Solti by ail drtiggisbs thraurhcoultishe wonld. lBe sure anti asis for " Mas. WrIlNeas'S SYIt5JP." VILlngo" Uaniversally acknowied2pd b be suptîniar in overy respect toa ny othbrrbrande lu the market. Alivsya roiabie, P.& bus beau fully demuostra eS by the millions lr ,rs uunurmiiy and the melrca~g demaud for thein, noîwv standing an ineroesefi c su- patiti",n ai aven - ne HuncîSîed astd Twenim-five Fectog,sî5- Tite fact spraks volumes, We are ual cheap Cigar manufactrera S. DAVIS &SONS Montreal, Largest and llighest Gra'le C~ Manufacturers in Canada. combined with the ncotbiug and exp-ctorant properties of other p'ýctoral herbsanud barks. A PERFECT CURE FOR OOUQGHS AND COLOS Hoanseness, Astimua, Bronchitis, Sora Ibroat, Croup and cli THROAT, BRONCHIAL and LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which resist other remedias yield pronipty to this Pleasant pifly syrup. , , -2,.A'. O. R OTTLE. "Bachache gtht saogr 'trouble."Aodd's dneru.Negf Kidney PISlue lectedhidno prom/t relief." toblsresu It "7à Pe ce L InBad Biood, of disoase le Dyspepsla, Liver frt cd hy Camplaint, and diadee id- the mast dan-9 neye. gerous of gîl, "Might as well Brîghie Dict 1, try ta have a Diabet i cn1d hoalthy city Drapsy.",' wiihaut SeWer- "The aioue age, as goad disoases catibat health when the axis t tw h e r .hidnuysrr are D ld V id u ciagged, they rare Pla r1çrm. Sohd by ail desSers or sentl by maila, c oifpnie 5o cents. per brox o i ~,' Dr. L. A. Sînitis & Cc. Trno n book caeld I-.-iyTais. -u r ,' 1 Bore ~r t Prost -eltes, E8prl-imnOç TBE CHIARLES A.VOGM eL 8 07 aiin~ d Have. you tric d thbe CIGAR