1 ý iKii 1~Uùf . ELEC in flic vi,a,. Iha -'0WANVJLIE. M'A iJ!T me CM A jnîs j H ic-er T) Davis W P prewer J kme Ja Mca n .~~ R Werth R Vrtue ilHckt VJ Pry J 3cMuCrryT sherini Dr. Bot-je 3J Mcloney IF IlATson SenTU tVWÂRDL.-D.Dvs .LlT Krby S.W.asn T. 11. Spry, T. C. '2ecii J.MSrey F. B. Wi Mu, M '-e. VWil1i'iams, R. Moyse, Corp. A.,obs Jon Grigg, W,ý R. Rk. Cawker, Lewis laneJ. B.Maryn Je.McK'ayW AN ASil. sIL J.1W inesH esketb,ï JewelTu, Lyle, Grî;"ggMy, Winiter sund M¶ANVILLE. VnfreM'.GabaJ. 'Jeffery, LavieeEBlm. Chas M',S. X.Brc,. K 1abmrh Ai. VW. Crawiord, F. IL.bMasen. 28, 192. Te andtesare PtesnCrib Galbrntairhsd McWay. DT INS, eerlof fli eegiugnminees f or cn ilowill retire, but if, is impossi 1oMe leffer ii lu hs te feu j 1uu t new ,,-ho are realy cniae ceuly etrensd a-ho are irt.Th llo apri Mm.Alln rvea thf. m. elliman i5 isnt a t he ,iu ,-.cadiat flctermi, sud if is1 Anisent te hlïm fliat use tefhat f here theL alega-tions mnade ial caýpaif-y. Whien yimlportant sud re- tft bias eulgaged th;e nilwithin his (ce- aed bis dufies v'Y eaýy maffer te lu mf -e t rtter te ai- 4l-1 -thi ew btsues Iluc àf ëcan li no extpected t-bat tbiey will neyer erm ounub tic natr.The cenfeat uow ma betav-en Mr. ocme u M A. Jamies., ,op - tbe) RCevesh1ip MW. P. Prea-er S flid Mmn C. M. Cawker are tha ýoutesf- lentG. The femrLias becîn reeve four yeqra; su d1aims te have 'ala-ny.s doue bis test aft th e tcwnvi cenil sudi 1lie ecuinties council fer cw-Ile ail Iraýs sia-sys alad aFreng support in t-lie t wv. Mmr. I Cawkýer bas beeni a, ver.y sbcsfihai-* temanr, fiaý bo1s s of fricuds sund has ln anurepadedate dcfend., The ceuteat The ca,-nd!idates folr dpyreeare al experîiiecd conrlr, u ncîaking n vigeorcus fih.We bave w, ;1 hen li SCounicil wifhj Mr. Pmyain(I c:ui confi- f' dent y Say that i -a smu c reuas- rdesand systemnatie euill'-L.. AIlli cadiats r a-cil , ,.-wu cifi- essdthje electero uaiecd for thmevsas te theinresetv unerits. MAYÏOR ALLEN ETIRES. ELETeR oi' BowasAavmax AsI staitedl p vveu , if a-suy luten- tien te retir-e frer imunicipal 11fie at r"t houb'It if uîly dnty te subl)mit mly record7 ~'n felic- ow smnbfe vactiugý t-be adminsaiv trust repe)ýsed! in mle. Anl )portuuity b1aving beenive at flic argpublc metin atflic Toewu Hall ou1 Mondsiy eveingi lat udlie acenGf ty stwrsiLaving beený placed be- ~< fore t i hîre '-th fli epporfunifiet for disusson nrdquestiens invited, sud mny coulnse as mayer, by generai consenUIt p prod( of, 1 i- erefc,re, conideir thaf baivrug ~iceeu putbhicly vidctd freur these %andercusýý accusïatÀins, tlie d1esircd end en nioili beurai fuhiled. There- fre tiauing felîca' cifiïzens fer flic honi- ùr;al aiveadcenered ï c respectffuliy &mnjinc my,, a-itldraw frem fthe candid- etalre far tlire mayoîaify for flic year 1893. Wet 1rav e been reqluafe l te pub, lili au eiforial front the N.ý Y. Su on Cuitinl- ultel Unien, but w'_ arc mIoreý iuitrested iblild1ing, up a truc Caa iuatiousality1 0aui ilu lcdu ur co1lumuslý te circula;,te saufiBril s articles o! flic charatecr cf the euelu quston DARLINCON. Nomi'nationls r ouhpo a liaingon -wer-e as follew's Fer IReeve --,iSmlesd Levi T.sf D oepu . Wuî. T rewi , W m. Brent' 2nid Dcpufy.-Wmn. TeiJ .P loc,'. Pa.scoe, E. 'renoufhi, H1. Argue. Councillors.- --T, Pascoe, T. Býaker. L. M.T Cou-rtice, P. XVer-ry, T. 'Siwale, I. L. Urwn . H. But,,J. PeL nsp R. Pasece, E. Treucýufli. Ail wfde excfttc'eold counicil rhich were (deClar- nie "o LA oulicil iwere recelecfed. ]i'RM RS B IS bas. We commend thî extract front a letter fe thbe Globe te our farurer eaders in cen- firsuation cf flic advice we ga-ve thenr a few weeks ago in these columna Hs :iega aire higher thasi for many y ears,autti are iikcîy teý keep up, as tlcy ar;c sce ail ver the world. If la strauge rîrat Wif b grain se lcw, there arc 119t twîco as maniy I)ea f ed iii Ontario aud Manitoba. Wieare, new psying six cents live weight, sjdud atnt get bal! enough for cur requirements. Tîhis bmanch of farmiug la euly lu ifs in- Iancy, sud a-e helieve that the fammer whli gesinfe if wifh intelligence, courage sud enterprise a-i reap s- ricIr rea-ard. The fumegoiug applies with greater force te the faýmmersin Manitoba, as we read in Tihe Trade Bulletin thaf barley niets the, fanmers there oniy ulune cents per bushel. Mlauy farmers appear f0 have almost as groat, a dislike te begs as the Ilebrervs. Th'ey fecd a lot 1of uselesa herses thaf ne onie wainfs t any prire, sud they arc caf- ig their heads o-Ff, sud lu the fail manmy have s lot 'of iteers twie years ciA, for ahid by get about f wo cenrts per pound but sorrea- n brood sca- de yeu find, flîuglse wculdh briug t wo litters a ye ar, whicm covld be ýAed at six months cid for front $8 te $10 each. The Douminion sud Ontarie go-verziments have issued bulletins giving mescîf s of expeinsent, preving clearly finit by feeding coarseL grain f0 piga if wil ne the farmier a înuchiig price. TI)ey a lso show fliat te make flic most cf liogs tfiey sahntîld bcfattened sud scld young Every ;itelligent farmer ivili aiose c e eadvautage c f keeping the manurre on his farm. There is flic prospect of another large expeýrt bacon factory startiug lu London, sud, doubtlcss, ethers wili 'follow' if the prernofers eau ho assured. of a ateady aud sufficient sepply of flic raw instemial. If flic atatem uf s that have mecentl'y appear- cd lunflic press are truc regardiug flic re- quiretueuts effflic nea establishment lu London, 20,000 live bcgs per wcek will bc a-anf cd lu Ontario and Quebec next -acaoir,-- -Now is thle ftinie fer farinera fo make preparations te m-eet f bis demand. TiiF WILLIAM DAVIES Ce. (Limited.) Terenfe, Dec. 20. Week of' Prayer Services FA vcny senisiblu etefrappeared in flic Menday, Jan. 29, St. Panl's, topie:- Necas lasf a-ek'i foru M. Cjhas. R.Me- Humiliation and T£hanksgiving -Rcv. G. Çuloug cfilaultn BsinssCllege- Punkis, Mr. W. R. Climie. q, Bea-mauvi!lle boy. The pith o!flice Tuesday, Jan. 3, Trnity-The Chumch Je1f'er lacofane im this sentence-:A 1-Universai -Rer. T. W. Jolliffe, Mn. Jaq. Cauadisaion )naybce ouiy a dreain; it G1ilfilian. is, ueverthlesa fai, sa-cet sud noble;-, an-ay a. ,Dicpes a sieafiu s aniht are dstateul,-tions and their Ruîlers-Rev. R. D. torfed igno le. Th dreaai mnay iFae r .Jhlr cours cof time" througbi peacef ul revole-FrsM.J.obi. flou r3sive it cîf mte mality: the niglit- Thursday, Jan. 5, Meflîcdat-Foreigu erîýr c;seu oly ece s ea, it trcugh Misions-Rtev. E. B. Bannes, D. Mc- t1iu sedigof ,nuclibl nd udflide- Laugblin.. feaf o! a liberty lvîgpeople. Friday, Jan. 6l, Sf. Pauls-Home ltissies-Minisfers cfflithe wn. THE S'rATE>MAN a-ill fiilifs -wýy tItis ,vek imtoàee liuses îlu ei ua- THE lCARRIER BOY. i -ere if, is nef a regular viiter. Rfcàà it if ovrcifi/eus, sud zs e fycu Towu aphacribers whose papers are de- wou fld nef like ifs visita euiuedaeekî!y lvereil by lie Carrier Bey a-iIi ha viifei or19.lic-ea ougt naiuf New Yesirs' (Henday) mornicg with hie ýkiug flic bet towui papem1J Sainie price aninuai addres%. ]li as fitjhfuliy deiiv- -but a,-omfh f wice as m)ucli as the o$ber local eed Tiuz STATEssIAN aud as iu former papera. Thiais s avr umei years wiii ne deelit be genemculy remtin- Tue ladies ail ;ia-u on e iliirssalera . _________ - ', yard cfPÂss, an exquiste ~ue, 3G inchies long, TuiE STATES- Paffyl, elicf cf the, late Lyman W. ,,ill be sent tenea- asuhacriberis riuJcos fm ryof Parlingi cen, died sud- 05c. h~~~~em son- rIaM.TJClerEge ~ me± batyenhaxa0 stM bave remamna.li '-e inerd uBama il t bis wekte eciau hr ceoeeteory yatrdy Mi.llicn1hry se- u tc,,fe tr îvemy iaîch bcul gh - companlcd tha ýrem-aîre. SetiAreucbedî T. N. Riekîrd, Vani aty al] the g f7lyss Las ee th-ei rfirm Ifriend and weI ill-wisheur, ald wehve bee ecedigy leseif late to s,(e!!("ivfaVorahly ,-the New York religioius press of vrosdnnjain bab i soken of Itle gooid -ork the oArmly Ms ccnpiig.such hi,ihca relig- to ua journials as ýthe ChrstinUion, Thle Independet theChristian HIeraldhav b1een milost genlerous in pri-sinlg thle ry' offor iýt torecjlm the fallen. ,The Me2Jtod- jat Reodr fPiîladleiphlia lately said l an) edtoil!thatthe Àway ifiavlch thle sec- ular and eIigiouus presý a ha trate te Cotinvental onresof theSavte Arm, eld ini New York ýCity, owa greaf hage i th!le attitude of the pbi enalyto thlis myovemenlt. tluat the avai Ari ii, has wo rspct andl ]las wo)n for ifacîf;)a recognlized place in heacepedagencies for tle mioral r- i orrq, id spiritual elevation of imenl. 1TLe ea;rnc.#p - and siiniy thlat l:aupomt ed f1 1 11andwomýï en who i"l ifs rankai,- bas o~- e dvatever pejuice andop- posi ~rwas waknedin its eariier ueo i, ca i 1it3 ur.Fuirthler- more,-hre asbeeu agrowing suspicion1 on lic parvot of manly tboghtfll inda t a dle(leerphl (Èpy f uman naturel mîight discerii a reason Ju fifýinig ithe ulse of suh ethodail, inte edavrto reachi the mmnds and hearts of tha;t clas of po pie miost iuneed of the rdee iuhlpio Expressons of incere smabyhv bý-een received by the Amyfirom man,1y of the nîost dsiguse Àadpoietce- have-pubiclyginexrsintthr pp an u doreren"f felw(, tha>t the Armly is doin". Aogtoe whilo hîave given imiirexp)ression iii t'lit States are Ph:1ilpa Brooks, 11)1.*Lymlan, Abott an thr f equalinfirluence and note. Thle (;k f the Salvation AIyco(,vers a gro)und (that no other :ageusicmove- mientý so fuily reaclies.Th churchies caii net give tbeImselves se'ounrescervedly to the wOvork ftritereach theloweafVý classes of society.'l'le greajter prtOf the str-engýth cf the churcb mluat ncesai- ily lie emloedtecare fo, the religions (ierst f thlose who are already vin, the fold Thet spiritual inistruction c(f the thegflc teady,cotnnspbiig of christian character, nîiust, perforice, e- plcy ý'the larger part, cf the einergies c f flic chut-rch. The ~lainArrny, having turined its main effort tou reclafimîng the unst abandcned and wretched classes cf people, and having its iniethods peenliarly adapted te this end, is able te do this im- portant work more effectively than the cherches could hope te do. ifs succeas in this work bias been such as to comnpel admiration even froin tfh,;se strongly prejudiced agaînaf ifs methoda. Deapite flic extravagant sud apparenfiy fanatical character of its methods, a streng undercurrent cf practical cemmn se nie lias gcverned the miovements cf the organization. Gen. Booth, ifs foundcer, lias shown that hepossesses far-seeing suaý d hard common sense in his plans for fdie social regeneration cf flhe lower classes, 11e bas drawn the attention sud the bymi- pathy cf the world te his giganfie cncm for hrininý«ig work te the unemuployed sud help te the needy imong the pour aud the outcasf cf Etigland. By ne means t he lest nef iceable cf' theý results achieved by the Saïvafion Army i5 flhc reflex influence if bas had upion fhle churches themselves. Wbile, as we haie said, the cherches can flot give their ab- sorbing attention te the social regenera- tien cof the ontesansd flic degraded, yet if ,Shoîuld give a due consideraficu te thec ne o f these destint e classes cf society. 1if is no more than the truth te say that fhe cherches were ueglecting their dufy in this direction. They gave but litie heed te the conditionscf hf e surrennding thle imost wretchcd levels cf bumanit.y. The wcrk cf the Salvatîcu Armny has caîl- cd their attention anew to their dufy in this direction. As a resuît înany cf the Christian churches have crganized move- ments baving spccially in view this lhue cf werk. Even the dignified Church of England bias instituted what if ternis the I'Church Armiy" which does a work sim- ilar ini character. Thus t bis movemeLýnt, which at the ouf- set only drew forth ou-ly the derisien and the scoif even cf those who wero in sym- pathy with ifs fundemental aims, lbas vin- dicated if self. Like Methodism in, ifs e ar1yIEisFo ry,-itImas-haUWto cvercëÔ enthe prejudices cf those whc shouid have rec- ognized ifs -worth froni the sfart. if hias proved by ifs succass how incouipeteut is avery low profit. A lo f Boys' Oeretsselng off at about coat )vice 5a ouht Jhstnau-d e ci asunspeefmy socvkber by J meillr Minrd' Liirnnfcures dandruif. Pi1,îcShco9l Cocex't, On Frldaýy ight SIl s teppils cf the 2rVefd by a fUohCrue spd cariipot theprgrm ithmtchcrediftiten, scîveýs sud tahrTu-eechoru(iýS e bel by tce boys asu l eowell rendd ciaosagave somin Iteresfiing lkindergartcn Thbe Flying Bhids!ie -Worm and The dilge epu iue iveir lby al njumber cf beys anmý0 iýss .Crawford, as Aunt Poliv, hoehe orebeys, ac bntbey ar e ft uin "e cf flic boume. The beys who teck t. import sut pars in tbië were lma eFraukl Knigbf, Jmes Jarvs sud Innie Feu- ick. A Mombr er c aruival l'as held iiu f be form of ,s weconre, rcpt.drill as Mctbeý'r GM'Ose ave theve'ome, aud then arecepion cfaihe aca c fSs die Mother GeeeM ymeos ag ched. Thee er futtca!yc 'stnimed su! prweseuted aplaigapanc ate wee nf frgh virions marcbin xecWS. Amronig throse whio teck pDart wer>;e Masters, Guy Bile ordon Beitb, Fraek rBaiIey, ilref Elenor, Claren-e Meohb, Geo. Lsing;~ ~ ~ ~ an su issMbsLcerr, ea Crdeurn, ab'eillenry, Ethe King SieAlin, 1Bi'da Ri v ichu Waiiý brigs.Hifli eidasCineella, Uer-, betElleaner as the lMau ailfaf eredaud sud orrsud uy ]3ilk'y as Littie bey bloc were wcrthy cf speimenýtien betb ou aCcount cf their costumess "('the wy lu irbih tAmr ok ther parts. eorg Nonne as thenn hn Wntte mîWn te bing a wife bore in b is weelh!axrew, aýIrd Annie Lyle as Lbis te, c Ilelich inrimn y tiY ctos heaut îmswero e vey prclfy, seiîl la If£flic Sleeing BaiwbiCb h bw wth mcd liHP. luithle dialogue, ThIoe;ui Bemyl E'ssll sud INi.C Hml. sud Mas- cns Don. (almatlJez . Vi(1C1-nsan sd Nemmian Ncmýý'tbCote wen"ie ,,hc 7n e Whoepp d as gr e-u-rA n e -ry ffCt illme'-. Si-xt'ý e i li-"a nex- wct tboug aunique pa,~."'ei sud Pheu camen %Chrisimsr i:ý. ea Niglit bfee Cbistmas. Ttc cha'actera wfr: SufsCissEvi'rett Bïrewi; Kaf ina, Carnie Marfy-à; Alire, Coraklt Adeir, GerTweul y firiefi almse t->et part. Tis 3was sdi p reaeýr.ted with arrpi scery sund ightF. The -fmgramn iis ine -esi ith inpfrumeîîtalileikieic byïMeissesNellia Hall. L2as Pette>r sud PeNy Vansebe sud 14nr. Vîe. Cas kpr. Mhss Rerdcftire Puhie School teachiug ,stp.ff played flie accounpaiments. WlINILR' imnl hollow cheeke, aud duil, sunken eyesl, deu't- always urean t-bat a wo- man's old. lf flic time they ouly show that she's overwerked or suf- fering.. To sucli womeu, to evety woman who is tired or afflicted, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription safely and cetaily brings back healfli sud etrength. It4s a legitirnate unedicin, t .hat corrects and cures; a teulo, that invigorates sud bailds up; a nervine, that soothes sud sfreugtheuî. For r.il the deraugeieut s, irregularities and weakuesses peculiar toe womeu, if is the euly guaranteecZ rem.edy. If if doesu'ý benefit or cure, you hve your mouey back. A great mauy ruedicines Ilrelieve" Catarrh in thec Head. That meaus chat it's driven. frein the head juf o bvthïkfïï-d rlungas. T3u, 5y AS ~i1,seothing, cleansin g sud hea3iiug p7r operfies, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remn- ed~' perfectly and permauently cu>'oe The eopl cf owmavill sudV '-cu ef ai,,avertise in Tiin: STATES)1AN'. te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yu ea tVreyHl n NPO ev 'urWths~Jewellery at MY SCK whl, iimicyen l fnd wl i 0t" be rpie.Al work gu1aranj- se, ted sud wh lih Ihave buu)tghI i. or ýî1h ted. Sf111 a ,few Alarm Cleekalef f at thUF Cïabln."Mý t, sll u vu; 'hu old price atffBilz abeprices3 for Ca-sh. T. Geo. Maao- '-nd Boot If you,,r wafclh des net KEEP TIME ansd Shoc stor' te cash I ean mati do se, if any one can, for 1 system, B"" 'cash is have had years cf experience as forenran their mot e"jV' lu, ai shop where aixz mren ýwere kept and them a where we made opiioafd sd flne adv't. wafches à apecialty. I-) ail Y epaiI l U nHt ' wilil find fùat J1ea giveyen stsato el o r if You W111 kipdly give m n- hane-3 yCrill prove my asseQ rtions. thà; year. .Àý IN SPEýCTACLES Iar1 hecghymariable m sud ri ' prepared tie fit auy eye rght as have ne expense,o - q' iîne cîy tire naz so, le xpsrienuio in ftting sud am heat and pureet ingredieut..ls. ld a a.rautec anl epticial institute snd bhotti of Km' Balaam te, the Iight suýd bave ail moide pi auesfer teafîng the lokrugiL t r hir ; notice the brighf, cleaqr Eýyes which 1i iil do ffree, au-d heing leok, then cemipare wt other remediesl. Jeweler a1se have ajileesr tools fe r Large bottli at ail dru'ggîsts b50e sud $1. grin ding sud fttiljg the lenses su ad repair ___________ ing lle frames. As aillustratîr 'ion ht My prices are Ca sh Fo r ?Po ult ry.- 1 onote the folio wiïng:-Genf s' Americani Wsltham VtCh usally ErCld at $ "-1 o h ndrindis prpareil1te psy thre $7.,50, Ladies' Goid' Filid gin or Walt high1eaf cash ric for- any quautity of hiaml WVafch seudin l tmaowns at $5for, Peul1try drce,' aed nohefollowing mauner: $18 Boiesdry p-iekic-l, w iug, ansd hesd Alil ace b)ougbffrom pno iilfui the u7ipîcked; sudnndawn New -Year wlb ac puie dl'y a-three 1iso cash paid f 7cr Bsu Dried Applea, year guftrnfee. Buttr sdDr! e -Kindîy g ive ie a cil. Neo bet Eglos sihow ge)oils ,oruoeprcsihich iagi Fofst fsta ettwuyor her'eeb ei g k i Cidte bekiiled assure you will be as low asthe loneat. b nditg w ll ute neck; do flot T. -N. R,1C1KARPuD,n ù£flicuk. Wxcs MKE, EWT.RAND OP'TWI'AY. JAMES MAN-N, 'VAUlPiY 1ALL', 'Bowmanvilie, Bewaaurll. I Firit do riscaîf cfthe Bennett Eliese. Deý you xwanit tereut sa good bose i BomnilelCail ou M. A. Jrz. MnadsLnmàý aue b ha,~s; wlEST____ USE Just in aELCo0 M PlG Iete s' '5et (oif Travellez--r's samp leL frorm a uMojntûreal Woea Ladies' Vests, Gent 'e Top Shî.i, UTndershirts and Sck, adsý Cashmere and K-"idGlvs8h., Carpet Ends, Curtain Ends, ral Covers, Silk Handkerchiefs and Handkerchiefs in fancy boxas. Ladies'»% German-mad.e these and much More al of0which wil] be sold at actual' whoiloesal price. Now is your chance for bargains--don't miss it. Cal early and get a good choice. We have ordered three doz. more of- those Table s which we are giving away. Don't forget that our GroceryDerm t is comp]ete with everything need- fui, for the Xmas trade. Our stock of Dinner, Tea and Toîlet Sets was neyer as large ancd well assorted and our prices we, ' Ee -n z7Avpr1 i -xrr 5.A~iV'... L. I~5 _Ail kinds- 1fPioduce ltak-en JNO. McMURTRY. OL D A c l Ds f f CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS' X N[AS 1892. R~ ETURN Tickets a-l lie iesucd bd- SE E OUIR DISPLAY. twe ta-estions of this Company Detroit, Port luron sud cas, AT SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE We have the newest and lalest styles in PL1JSHI, OAK Ou Dec. 24tb, 25fh sud 26rh, valuA for SL efuin nutil Dec. 27tb, and un Dec 31sf and IJdER DIRESSING CASES, MANICIJRE CASES, sud Jan. 1sf and 2ud, valid for retenu ODOII CASES, etc. until Jan. Srd, 1893. Firet.c!as fane. Our goods exceil ini beauty and fnsour pic are very lw aud eue third (iu Dec. 23rd, 2-Irl, 25th, iih rcslw 2Gtli sud 30 bi, valuA fer returnuti unfdn Examine our stock aud we are satîstied you wili be suited. 3rA, 189". STUDESiuAc Tzxcuaur, on prascufs-- tien of standr f!ceif ficafr,sigued tsy flice Pricipi-, gecd Dec 9thb te 31sf, vaid ferr neftiaz!itil Ja. 31sf, 1893 î', eucut -aes ti, points oit 0'erfor 'You.n a d Oid. Caii su 1R.ils'ays enat's asmcd. Fom t ickets snd ail! iifommafioî', appf0 oauy SHAVING CASES, MUGS and BRUSHES, COLLAý-,R and o! Companys; Agents. 51-2w. (TFF ueat.~îirp1'v new. GENTr.I TP1i..îQ (CMP 'sT. IIFOUSE TO) LET.-S iuateda near the J.. Nricy ornr.Howanii e.ApaîT te C. M. CÂwstar5t, Box 47. 4-tf ,5 PACKS CFGRO FREE Or Pc May I C U om0 ne Pack Es- 'crt. Onpe Pack Firtatin.cee 'l ck lold teu tie Liht,One Peek Our '-efâ; just lds twe,I Oïun aseip3ebook fuit o'velteq, ail FREE, if ,r' ,nd5,. iver for posra2. A.ý . K i NN EY, 13. C . Sý, ïY 1 RfH0i TfIN. S, IONS, at redîîced rates, PERFUMERY, bottled and b-. /ý.1-11f any qiraýntity and a great variety of Fancy Articles, Cheists and Dru-