GRATEUL-CMFORTNG, HU~li~GW1TH LOW UNS.A COMING INDUSTBUY. 1 1H R~A0CA.MFS0 FIO ing quantities 0f raw material to prodac - ,_ , _____"._ ;îIý7__ ý ' having the afivantage of a liigh protective one ton of pig iron, viz.:- . 31t.,,:- " ; 1 , 1 - ), ,,saivages, orGuîlana who, Use These Quleer n ntefr ' ý , ,-O f F i c's t I n p t a lc e t e B r itis h c o i n 1j b i a ta r i f i t e fo n o f f r e i g li - h r g s O r e :na c n f a b u t ... . 3ý t o n s,ý , , iý WeaVn -ît roionc Aroîs iï"l 1..ý1but of Valie to theWaale Inniilon. will be enabied-the tîme ig net distant- Coa fo calciiatin......, The blow pipes used by the savages of -- 49cesul tu cuipt 1it iitn riý Coa .o 1o air laan BREAKAST-UPPE. Guanafr shotingpoisliedarrosarefor the iron trade of the collet s running blast orngine..3 ' : '-1ý, BRAFS UPRGjn o hoigpioe rosaeN_4AIiIo COAL FIELD) AND TA-LEI)k IsLA,,ND jahdh h aeso h aii Limre stone as flux.ý.,..... I11>ý By a thoratgh knowleg othe natul very wonilerful weapous indeefi. The oim- Ilio watersIC ofrA th Pacifhe n«thr;ChiIa-the , e i ý 1- - - ý - plain_ lawiw h govern the oprto3o !ý3ij ate ofthis equatorial region, hengbôrh very BAIJPOSETX' 'lieE nVTm rutjonr of aiaysh n longer tooe Tol4tos .the fuinpn andr ey & cie plcaino o andi very moist, produrces a vegetatioii PCIIaA-OPosa v oRDF TO Tf ESTA utn of thoway abov nolneifkdTta os te finha provede ofuwi akattalswt of astonishing luxuriance. The forests are lÂH HIN-OMPN WORKs D NA ES upon as ae suspicions, dangerous innovation wneig h o e gief ithee isay tu lithe delicataly flavored beveraýe whioh me lF ommonly ankie deep in water for mile ofALEGL theLTIS we&Cr barbarian That that iml tic aoite eooi R _ nsmnyh~v. dctri blis. It i3 by 1he after mile, and, consequently, the animais ,AALEL FAILTS criese colintry, wilisoo n ho traversed by lacs àfern the bee fate 'or tà ecno Cons.i.titution.ý-3o esuc h ~rticsl orbuu hit 9, n found there mostly luhahit the trees. Mon- o NASAImo, B. C., Jan. 12.1893. -la apaper of raiiway in 'every directo e nu loge a cal h andling uf bulkv raw material and strong enough to reeist every tendency takeys are exceedingly nunacerous. For kili- cotiue ytewae fti otedoubtfal aurmise of the dim prospectîi,,e close proxinaity to the chioef priuiary'articles1 casese. Ilndredorube miaiear ing these tree-dwelling creatures the blow Vancouver World on the "-B. C. Col- Canada,, as a portion of the great commer- -ca.n rwl omotlkl oeor floati %g around ns ready Ir) attaco wherever galais the best possible instrument. Ibils lieries,reference wvas made to the pos- cial Empire Ilon whiols the suai nover sets,' the proposefi woýrksl7ý-aud that iocairy ahove111 there is a weak point. We mav e3capo, ,f ',? isNnoo ý afatal shaft by keeping ourselvos wall fortifiai made from a peculiar kind of reed, and ai, sible «praspective manufacturing induii- noed Îlot dreadl retaliation on accoilat of un- ail ote - 50eî l.Nnsoo with pure hlogd andi a proocrly nourished thougîs eleven or tweive feet in length, its tries inseparable froni the 1\anaimo coal friendly legisiative enactmenIts discriminat aud the protability ia ubat the promutors ',- ,,ý- 1ý ramnp"-" Civil Szeie Gcette." wegtl. ny onadahî.lspo filids. The preseut effort wilendeavourý to iug ageiner Chinese, subjects. The trado andi of tho undertakiug are none other than the ý. ---1 Made sipl-wih îlinr wator or milt ieý iearilwt afr igi u furnish the readers with a few crlude commerce of the Donainn have ii th :vat " ,- ao npi akets. by Groo3rsi. labatal ih v ' .1-4iiFJ, flsg,%(,a, #aluanî)patillecuhie hack sîght the latter being made of tire iflea8 on that important point, iMPOr- Emnpire of the Ilvery own brother, of the toe, general surîmise. If, ibis bc correct the _uý. ist, tndo. Eglacai teetb of a email beast os lied the aconci tatn0ol oNnia and British COl- Sun," a market tîsrown open whicî s ays, aouwldc enrgti .utrprisn1-ch'r- - ' ' -hen ivsae m t caeni r pet u ubia ia partiolar, but also to the D asI), n- "lCome, bring aong your produts and acte of tha coprto .esiii ur the straighruess of their lulow ius u on ai large. By dealing exclueively in maufactuares; w'e'îl buy ofyou becanso You autee of speedy commencement and ultianate1-_-:.- : --., .-,1 never alow th ea t o ean aga iw n us, a at n d auh e t a ef fa t su pl i l age are friendly te our su jects,' ec ces , _______ a- _______uw 1_____ lethey should ho warped. The arrowe thé, ambition is that the poor abiliity Sir Chas. Dilke, that iar-seeing political if it wero flot for the high protection - 1 : ,1 I .. :1, ý___ ------- ý-----ecspioyed are__ d fronatebi ien a t conmmandi will succeed in mali ng "3conomist, tells us that Vancouver Island, pohicy of our noighbours to the South, Nan- ,lq,. -,,,1 ýý-ýi,-1ý WEDNESDAY JAN. 25, 1893 kiud of palm, made to fit the bore of th-- tho api of the argum.ent flur ani lac utn out into the Noiera PCcil amo naldun hotdy ofthe cifer os the- ý.i,1.,ý -____ -_______ gunr fr1 a wrapping of wild cotton fastenef hedo uevroay u aati a Ocean, witls is unexhaustible lid f coa 1auacum 1uusr of th P-ii 0oe ;L L - . ýIa,, u - witb a fibre of silk grass. Great art is re- ho mientiolied, as a prelude te accuse tbe aud mouastaias of bematite iron oreis boid ni Ameriva, sud tise forest berein put Coztains uno AIum, Aminonia, Lime, DU. J. .ITCHEtLL. .urdt u utecto rpry h confideasce of the reader, tiisal Ierein is no in tiane te become the Britaîii ni the New- forth be-- l Iid ou,, olid ici," crie" tiseP5spasayIuiet ,,sBE IFOLG 0E PFYSCI rn is abut on th lotonn tîsek. Te Ostensible individual end to serve 111 West. Tihe commenceesaent ofÉheconstruc- pnieurnatic croaker, whose hiver and Sligos- PhosphatesT orny Inunt sud Sirseeon, Ontario, Coroner, etc. than a crow qulill aud al, one end isl particaîlar axe toi grind- no paper rallways tion ni railwaye in Chinse, will lie tise signal x ieogD r u fore ihasreto Offi111111-e_ oif eiec. nssiln 1 brought to a point as sharp as a nefle hythnulsimasilewidenese, vr uer-toItrlte irs i hebasabruceut uasthere"Wbtabuttie ro ud-nd____-______________ D> RiiStEKF slmso4 scrapiîsg it between tle keen-efigefi, saw- mountahbe obstructions, no Utop;au papier resounding thudf of the stegm-lammer, the coal ni the Ural Mountains-the vait beds I a like teeth oi the pirai iu. One-bali ni a tnwn sites to advocate, a stane of thinge crunching of the rolhing mille, the lathes ni ni these materials kusown te exist lu trans- B l OCKT uinia 5 j.~ i s igSreBwnn pirai jaw is always sirspeuded to the quiv- ishaiebfrtegnnirtilCnn- hoe msachinse shope aud the emoke of ins.aum- aka 3iei h provefidc waf-' Aer"E o teOtr al r bis, iston prevaient ut present time. trabe indutries inthe viinity ofNanao navigation ni the Amoor, the construction N I ÎaeBeer Oedath watrts The vegetable poison asefi for euvenomiOg tityIYOFN',n10 sul speoaqaity sudesngi lnhusc ose pr iorssdthaol u in icv inaned-- a_ _l the arrows l calefi "curri." It iextrema- TaaCsY 0tNyAI n hoandt spseio u luinean tinle qpro x i tea anber the r al a tn ise nite-L d e U 1 l S. HNoneva Siowee onthatserahoeso ered by the Yankees on the Ase- 4 S. C. ~~ ly powerful andi wiîî kils auman wiiuna few StadonheasruhrsniVanl mity the tîree esseutial natural prodacts e,--s T ONED AUOT ION EE R FOR minutes wisen introdnOOd luto the circula- couver island, distant 75 miles by rail froin requirefi, viz,: coal, iroîs ore aud lime seau Peuinsula, ansd thon tabk ni the T eLde'Junlý Lith Cuat n Drh.Sle -ttnddlin y n rnwpont toghitlehsmtise capital City, Victoria, sud 30 miles di- stolne. Vancouver Islansd laines nsonopolisiug tise -te en sisertast notice and lowest rates. Afidresa leas when swallowed. It ls very difficuît rectly Opposite from the terminal city ni Tise quality ni the coal mined lu the re- prospective Chiisese market. Whist about 1FT1O O 1tiio .O 6 rcr is togs crr"ru h Vancouver across thse straits ni Genîgia, 1centiy deveioped shaft onProtectionuIsland, the price ni lahor, eh?" Phew ! this je hoi, A large 35-page llustratel Fash 1OST -OG ---- natives,-who are muet uawîilig to part riscs at firs- grandiy thon abruptiy irom situate in lahie eoutrance to tue harbor 'btand olnf udl nto ae o Vlnhy ilb ett _OT ONG .9 withit. The arrOw heafis are kept carefnîly the shores ni ire iaud-iocieed capaciosîs bar- connected with the maiuland by a suhmarine caimly sud dîspaesionateiy discuss tlse any address (FFICE IN THEWVEST DURAM1 separatie frein the shaf ta as a protection bor. The streeteradiate npwiards, fan-like, driitway, bas been proven by teste te bie a bove. TERse mui Joaýs, 011QZ -y j:-- News Block, wsbere himset or assistons agaînst accidents, thse savages themselves from the segmsent of a circie formefi hy perfect coakiug ceai, producing that article FO1 %vil' be round irons 8a.m. tn 9 p,m. Nigît palis heing very mach airaifi ni the po Commercial street, tle leadinfg tbornugl- ni a strength sud pnrisy necessary for the Captain Andrews' Adventurous Voyage, O ty eieinceph r eypoot ill hed.v promp whc hyepo. serto rprare, adjacent to tise water-frouis. The ohd eceunonical smelting ni iron ore aud to on- Captain Andr-ews, the intrepi .oae nlfo twap s k7.y tengap thr poisonon sl rausied proopt Wyts aei wooden buildings ni early days, in the snre a quality of pic irn renderiîsg thec went lfas four rime crosse, $I Atai su $15 ttninciao man froîn generatn to gouerarion, andi business portion ufthe city, are gradnalhy suseequent processes' ni reflning sud psud- smali boats, le la Birmingham, with Sa- - L. A. W. TaitE. the coînnanun people are not persiusted to being supersedcd by more moderu ssructures dling ni no diffioalty in turning ont a su- polio, the littie boat ni cativas lu whiciî le Call and see a sample copy of AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real know il. ni brick sud atone, the latter materiai the petiot article ni malleable metai. Two made hie last trip. Oui Tnesday the boat ."d Th e Ladies' Journal " At Estate Agent. Bnwmnnviile. Ontario* Fsrst muat ho sought the canari vine, product oi tise no 1tefi quarries ni Newcastle seama ni thle valuable coal, 7 andi 10 was draîvu tîrnugh the streets on a fonu- ,,ales altended in any part of Province. wcslaoseyaie othtrcwihfr.Island at thse outrance ni îhe harbor. The foot in width reepectively, have heenl horse drag, sud a ttracted a gond deal niof eapblcto ht llitre A. A. _ P__~ nishes strychnsine, sud to the apas troc irom. streets,, dust aukie de--p in dry, sud mud estrnck ai a deptl ni 1,000, foot aud attention, util the police ordered île dis- every womnan in the lanad. 1 A. A. Ptb,%ýT, ~~~hlch île Dyake nf Boruen get the poison duto in wet eveather, are wide, lackiug toge- it isas been a3oorrainefi as tise okgscniucefitpblexhiinonheTorua usrpinpieof"e AROHITECT, Plana and Speciflea. for their arrnws, When île poison mnaker iariîy lu the nider portion nwsug te the rug- progrese that the seas sud qeait orin-gs ounnce nIa it public exbstution ou the Laies regnaa nd hrpti ppri $f pIer At1 fions prepared for every olass of building. lias foinad su i li looks for nw bilb gefi formation ni tise grouini, ampy compen- proves te a' remarkale degtee.I îiitsYfrin~i grasssa 1t ilb eebre tCpait, itr Yeueu obtrctonn the tados foriei -n ti_ pae is $2 par.___- -'r '15 ____ ____________________ - - --r~-------- ----- -~~~ - -- o - -~ -s -r P-_ . __ - -A _--- - = --- ------ __ _ _ _ J -~ _ - - . - . __ ~ - - r ý --- - __ _ _ _ à ____________ _ ___ _ _ ___ __ -_-_- - _-__ -_-__ -_ e.1_,___ --- - - __________ _ _ -i4 cý u- __ -- __r- ---.ý - - '1 - _ -.----- -- - --- ý - _ _rg~ n --p - --- - _ ---,- -_- 1- _-7 =-. i.. - . - ;ý. ý., ý1 .1ýý.-- -I a..lÉ M - .- - ! _- . 2mýýb ý - . I ý ý ' . 1 - ý . 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