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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1893, p. 8

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AGRICULTURAL SOCIBTIES.IOSB.A WA. Mr. aud M Go MtIý%ughlin reached W~$i~tAN! OOLTt Sc'ITY. frxE on Mondsy înight.1 T~ '" ~ ~ te es D~ he emp1oj&;9 ci . -,,,Uo fAýc r ac oÎ th Wes Durýtthave their saunai balil Feb. ýté1 havli Aricuàltuiral Sciety, wafs heid in the û dnes- PALVATOR 'IAGlius requires froni six tot our1ciý chamber, Bownianville, W neten days te get a hold ini the aystera aftert fay ftnon Shil2t. whlch ita progrs is steady. 1tas efiect- The- Directors report waa net very en- ed more cures in three jers than all others couraging, ebowlng decressed receipîs, lung remedies have doue in ttventy. and defîiency fnr the yesr $36.75. The R. Barfaté, la now the owner of oe eof total r0cepts froni fees, governmeut grant and gate receipta were $1632.93. the new realdencea on King St, E., trect- pElymebt5 te township societies $420; ed by Mr. Boaberry. prima,4 $967.75; working expenses $144; Harali purgative remedies are fast giv- other expenses $36. 23, due trenaurer ig way te the gentle action rad mild $101-70. efi'ecta cf Carter's Little Liver PiLa. If The £llowing are the officers for the y<o' try thora tbey wiII certainly please ourrent year.---President, Samuel Allia; you ist Vil'ce preist., jas. Parr; 2nd Vice Mr. C. F. Law, formerly cf this town, Prost, Gee. Gray; Secretary, R. Windatt, has been appointed World's Fair Commis- Troasurer, Marihall Porter; Auditora, siener for British Columbia. M. A. James, J. McMurtry, re-elected; The great value. ef Hood's Sarsararilla Ditectors, Darlingteu, Robert Bith, M.Jsas a remedy fou catarrh iB vouched for by P.,* Thes Baker, Jojhn Penfound; Clarke, thonsands ef people whom il lias cured. A. Tamblyn, Hlarry Allia, W. C. Black-I The sale of Bihop Bethune College te burn, John Davey; Cartwright, A Taylor; 1the Ladies of St. John the Evangelint, ]3owmaaville. L. A. W. Tols; llonorary Toronto, bas been completed, and will be Directors, DarIington, Dr. Mitchell; I peued as a sohool for girls in February. Clake, W. T. Lockhart, M. P. P., Frank &Il disorders eau sud by s billonus state Osborne, Alex. Stalker; Cartwright, A.ofteysmcabeurdbuinCat Wight; Bowmanville, A. BobbB, Ge ofteiae nbcurdyusgCrt Wright, W. E. Pollard. er's Little Liver Pilla. No pain, griping or discomfurt attuuding their usa. Try ANNUAE aREPORT. thun>. To thu members cf the West Dlurhami Mr. Andrew Munis bas sld the south sud Darlington United Agricuitural Se- baîf of lot No 14, lat cou., East Whitby, ciettes. 1te Mr. Fred Fowke for $9,000. t ila Your dýretorâ bug xespectfully te aub- fine fmr> snd welk lecated, beiug oe mit s stateaint cf the opuratioris of the mile west of the railway depot hore. joint aociLties for the past year, includiug Ho 1 Every oue that coughs 1 Caîl ou memberbhipa, receiptsansd dishuraments, your druupist sud - get Magnua Expector- classified tatementî of prizes paid sud as- ant, the King of cougli mixtures. sets sud liabilities. Your directors regret te stili bave te The Foresters have an oyster supper report a deticieucy in f tnds te meut the sud entertainnient in their h>.l1 Thuraday obligations of tbe socteties amountiflg at uveniig, Jan. 26th. An enjoyable time present tocornu $36 sud but for the in-. fa expected. Trio new officera ar:-P C. cruasad liberality cf the Ontario Goveru- -R., E Sauniers; C R, P S Rombougli; 8 menIl the deficieucy would have been er- C R, J Cooper; Treas, W HI Bennett; l0ua1,the resuit Uc eubt largely due te Sec, .J A Wilson; Sub Sec, j J Cayley; S ~ ~ ~ W. J Cook: J W.* J Hastings; S B, C t gces witbout the gaying tEst eMe iaot7. .... ,~ year bas been the moat unremunerative Coburn; Auditors,, J A Thompaun, A snêl embarrasing te tha Agriculturaliat, tan, Kennedy sud J J Cayley;, Trustees, P S this county at least, of auy year in a long Rotnbough,GLawrence and Dr W Coura. titan pa-st, csused by deficient crepsansdI For that tired wra eut feeling sud low price, the reault (À unwiEu sud un- lack of ambition that emany wemen *..--1,. ,.titor. 1 complain of, try Dr. Butler's GoldenPills. O ROND. (co densed from the NVeiwls) Mr. Jeas. McGili bas returned from ýj)en'ver, COL. TIrÂT PALEF-Acu-For Nervoua Pros- tration and Ansemia tlherg 19 no mediolue that, will 80 promptly and infaliiY re- store vigor and strength -as Scott'8 Emul- sion. Mies Lizzie Broad bas gone tai Jax vis, Ont., ou a visit. Mr. Chas. Barrett ls laid up with ani injured shoulder. "0JUDDEN COLS.-At the comineUCe- ment of a cold, take a teaspoonfal of Perry Davis' Pain-Killer in a litfle milli and sugar, and the cure is more sudden than the cold. Only 25a. New Big Botte. Mrs. Isaac Beot bas returned te be« home near Guelph.i Mr. IL. Wiuter hbu a creani pitoher that is believed to be about 300 years old. If you had taken two of Carteb,'. Little Liver Puil before retiring you would net bave had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for occasional use. Misa Lucy Affin attended the wedding of Miss Annie Bone and Mr. Whitby at Oshawa recently. Mr. A. T. Gamsby and wife of Toronto were here sttending the finieral of bis uncle, Wm. Gamsby., Ail who are troubled with Canstipation will find a saf,-, sure and speedy relief in Ayer's Pla. 'Unlike most other cathart- ics, these pilla streugthen the etomscb, Lliver and bowels, aud restore the organs to normal snd re2ular action. Social gatherings were recently held at Mr. Wm. Walter's, jr., Mr. John WVst, son'a and Mr. D. llall's. Mr. HuLyb Gibson bas been elected preeidpnt cf Clark-e Agricutural Socie ty for 1893 and Mr. Andrew Pollard vice- president. When you tlnd that yen cannot sieep isad âet ug in the morning as tied sas Kïdnsys or Liver are out of order. Muni. braya Kidney sud Liver Cure wil reme'vu the cuurse cf al ibis trouble. Try it. Messrs. A. Clark sud Ileuri Beweu bave gene into the sheep rsncbîng busi- ness in British CAlumbia with a capital WE ýWJSH TO GLEAR OUT several lunes. 40 Suit>s for Boys frorn 5 to 10 ypars, $1.25 to $1-50. These are goods that were sold from $2 t6 $2.75, 25 Men's Qvercoats at $5; they were $8. Boys' Pea Jackets at lessthan cost, We have very heavy orders placod for Spring, an.4l will sacrifice any Winter goods that may be left in stock, to make room, Wilimak a god weedSui for$12 Will make a good we Si ord$12.or$61. Expeet to receive shortly 100 pieces New Clothing 1Yaterialse5 ForBargains this month eall at T. GEO. MASON'8 OLOTHING flOUSE, [~~~~~~~~~~~~s Mme .ê .t ' & ..JJ*~SS~~.~. Reàid without delay T. Geo. Maion's 1,ew Flvertipeetunt. ia ibis pâper. It concerna àyou. INTERESTING ANNUAI EVENTU -r 8 TO 0 YWITAb KI N11; 'BEFORE

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