z -~ n (CUT PLUG.) (P LU G.) N o other brand of Tobacco bas ever enc joyed suehi an Îmmense i3,LCaid popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug andI PIug Tobacco. ùZdrst CW tToiltco ;manueac tufrers iM Canada, i ON15REAl. Cut Picg, 19Cu. lb Plug, 10e, lis Phsg 920c. FLOR1ST. OSHAWA, - OTÂ O Grower and dealer in Choice Cuit Flowcrs. Plar its. Roses. Carnations, Violets, Smilax, and Feras. Nuneral Designs and Bouquets made Ui) on short notice in Wreathi. Crewns, Pillows. Hearts. Soitî itmblemi, &-. Plants Loaned for Decoration.puch as Palais Forces Lilies. &o. Tlephone Connection . ly THE CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLISHED 1851 81 per annumn in advance, otherwise $1.5). Suhscriptionsalwasyý psyablsa at thfiq )f publication. Advertisin,, rates unlsss by CII reot, 10 ceati p5c lino, nou stir-j firsbinisart on, and 5 cents p,,r licee aell subsequaet in- aeton. Locais, 10 cents p8r line. M. A. JAMES, Publisher STANARDBANK 0F CANADA. <apial paid np, SI.ooo,ooo.uegt, 55,6 This Pj«nk i preparod to do Legitî- mate Barsking in aIl its branches. P'arMer's notes discounteci; Depesits te 1eed and Interest paid on accounits o£ $5 anti upWards in Savings B3ank Departînent. B MRA FTis Iscansd Collections made in Europe Uuîaitd Ltates, andiCanada. W. J. JONES; Agnt, ONTARIO BANK continuies te do a Gûnrai ianiting Business Bownmanviile Agency. Re 'frai! lu Savlntgs Bank Department and on Ca Iaed interesi allowed at carrent rates No notice et withdrawal necessary. Ail deposits payable on densand, EXCIIANGE 13 ierbt and eeîdandt)raftsîssnad upon Europo United States and Canada,aiso Gold,Silveranîi Uited Staies Green backB houirht and sold. COLLECTIONS Pr IcPtly matie at currane rates upon ail part of Great Brittain. the Unted States ana 0'e DoPuiion o fCanada. Telegraph Traiisfers Made for large or sinali smmi on ail part ef CanadS,. This la speciaily cdi antgeous te perieur.ý living in -Manilobha or the Northwcst, ir maltes the. funds as ailablo ai once at the -Other 1, rticuicra cli et the banik. E.I. POtTT, Ee. MeGILL, Accoutant.Manager. ?1trTE±tïL&Any SUR<.*goà. ORONO, - ONT. Office, -Pest Office Bocok. Oils by tiegr-pa or telephono retilve im Ilue :iate attention. Mesers. IIONEY & MOMURTRY have purchased the Oounty nf Durham for the boat Wire Fence in this Country. It is strong, easily handled and ornamental. It will net ho lnJnred by snow, heat, cold or winds. -î-,wll turu Herses, Cattle, Sheep, H&,Doge And Pcsoultry. It le a net work wthout barba, and will flot In- jure stock in any way. It tes much streng wr andjï mordura-blethan-anfybarb feno- Ing, beJng closely woven. Fonce put up and Farm and Township rights for sale. Apply lt CENTRÂ&L Lnrei- liv, flwmnanvilie. W. P. Rica, Clarke P. 0., having bought Clarke Towahip, preparedti t put Ur) tence, AGRICULTURAL. TIEJIOIRNING OATTLE.> IBY LESLIE IL, ADM. Tisere arc many fermera Who weuld giati- iy remoeathec orna fromilsair cattie if tisay were net rastraiued biy tise ihought ilsat gatting raady te perterm the opaaisen carriat i wth it the necessîty of atrending to a long liai et details, cm previdig speialiy prapareti fecilities, as fer instance, a chute for accuriug tisa anissal, or soe partictiier for,,î cf saw. Whlle I do nôc i ss te de- preriate the use of smpoved facilitias fer periormiîsg tise werk, stili tise man Who keepa oniy a fews heati of liva stock neeti net felait i is tee mueli troubla for hîm to debemu bis cattie hismiaf, Undouhtediy the mii stistactDry wey ef dispensng with tisa homos la te checkt tissir grcwrh ou tise eau. Fer ibis purposa I have succesifuily useti caustic petasis.it is seld inl sticks about tiese ize cf a leati pencil, anti misy lha ohaineti et any timug atre, Fivo cents' wcrtis iili ha sufilcient te deisemu six or ight calves. The boit time te kili the liem is wseu tise.calvea are from ihree te six tiays olti, or as scon as tise lîttlie bons hutten cen ha definitely le- cateti. itis a pair et sdissema clip afiltisa isair ssvay frocstise enibmye hom. Dip a finger lu water, anti mistan tise hemn, dry tise linger anti, after wrappiug ail but tise iower ecd cf tise stick of potanhin u rFIG. 1. A cosv SECURRO FOR nEsIORNINC. paper, te preveut tise ingera domnng in contact witis it, isoit it aseeue wculd a pessil, anti rab on tise hemn. Alil portions cf tise bore muet ha treateti. During thse precesas cf eppls-îng tise potasis, tise bons mut ha kept moistessati, but great came souiti heobserveS net te put on se osucis wator asite cause tise diasoiveti pot. as te mcc dowc tise caif's iseati, anticeruse unnecessamy sufferng. Wlsen tise liornst-kea ce an infinueti aupearance, andthie skie thtisicevera it bas beceme ooseneti, hi ill hi asitient thati issu rsceivs-l sofficient treatînent. This eppiiceton, or, indasti, tisai t faîycuber fIbid preparadt teaccem- plis tise sauîe purpose, dosa canssoe pain, but it doesanet lest se long, uer is it as severe as su tise case of tisa mature animal, wlîeu the eaw la employeti. Fig. 2 shocws tise resuit cf an application cf a prepareti ti'horing fiaid te one home euly, tise cuber horn iiitise case ofe cci animai he-ing loir te dlevelop naturally. Wisen chamîcai tiebemu- ing cespuosda are useti cares uthbc bssrv- eti te ke"p tise houle tigistly corket i wth a rehiser cork, etnsrwise a second experimeut witis tise semae ottie, citer it lîstibeen open for sevemal meti'i, might nettbcvery satis- factorî - If censtie peah la useti h wili ha uacesaay te houtle it up tîgisi te prevent tise moisture lu tise air frcm tisolving il. Next te clsacking hemn grewri ce tIse deif, tise cnly resource isetise saw, anti wiile ihis opereth'on msy eppear ase an adi et crulty, h la a remarkahie tact tisaitishe crîticism ou tise practice comes almset wiiolly fromn persons wlso have sio pneu- tical experienca su tise management anti feeding cf cainle, whiieis exponenis are tisa men svho k-now fuil wsli tiser more crnlty la direciiv traceable te tise wearing etfisomus hy cettilstissu cen bc cbargeti agaist ilîir cwner hy bis adi ci tispriving thisn o et ir useless wepens. Mie Issbrne are te ha ranseveti by measaof tise sew, I prefer te, wait until tbey are feily daevelopeti, for it isas beau my experi- ence tisai ugiy sieisberne will surely be tise resuit wisen bahf grcwu isorns are sawsd off. If tise werk ho prcpesiy performsti on a mature animai tisera wilhacvery utile icriher growtis, tiseisorus wll soon roLund over wth eaisard seli, anti rareiy ever grew se long tisai it will net ha covereti hy the isair ou tise iseet. Twelve cows ere deisomnatiMercIs l6tb, 1888. sue. 2. RSEYs vcois'siITit ONE slOR-S RE5iO'ED From tise data ohiainet aitisae time tise iweive cows wseeerneti, iwss founti tisai tisee was a ligist tsiiing off in tise Imik yielti derng tise iwsuty-fuur bouma tollowsug tise openstion, and an inumeese le tisefat. Tisaewas also asligit increese sutise tempemature cf eaci asimal, de- neiing asliglistiegrea cf foyer foras ew tisys sitar tise operetien wae pentomu'ed. Ail of tise aniîsala airuggied suons on le, wiile tise wonk waa heing dons, sud tisere an cno n question but thatitil s pain- fui, but tise wosk eau sud sisouiti ha dons s amy quickly. Iune case, hy actuel obser- vation, dtit irequire more tissu bah e min- nie te remove a home ; in a few cases i only took fiva on six strokas oethtie sew. As soon as tise berne wene off tise animal waFiraieas-, eti, anti bran was im medisrely pleced hera tisom te sece if iisey wonld eat. Oni je onea 1nataucewai fiai.1hlosfboS is usuaily E lit, but i is net uncommon fer eue or morsefiCe streams te spunt eut fnom tise hemn for fiuîsen cm tweuiy minutes. h bave caver yei founti hi neceseary te put anyiising ce tise isemute stop tise flow of bleeti, or teasesisainluhsaling. Tisa work may ha safely doue at any tima excepi turing tise bot menuise, wiseubise fuise woniti ha oublesome. A simple meto ofsecur- 1s4..3.nExn OF VICIOUS JERSEY Burcu. ing tise animai for dsisorning la lîlustratOti is Fig. 1 Tise animal is placet inicau ortiinary stable staisehion, excepi thai le precantion is taken te hava it ismceti vemy sscurely. A pair cf ligisi double imliey blocks a ise iaatened te tise ceiling a uitile lu front aud te eneside efthtie animài'a beati as it stands in ties taîsehion. A ieavy five-ringeti bai- ter zs piacecl on tise animai's beati; tise puliey bock is thon fastanedtt tisa haitar, anti tiseheati trawve rp as higis as ii dan ho. Owing te tise block beg lung te eue ide cf tisa center tise auimal'e iseatlisl tumneti1 itiewaya ; when h las drewu up, ibis posi- tion ecebles tise eperatem te get et tise home ccnveuicurly. Tise Isoru sisulti ha sawed off cleam dewn te tise hase se tisai theme wîli ha a rim cf beir leit on tise savereti bore. As accu as oee lorn is emovedthie assistant roleases tise roe, tise pniiey block l is ung np ce tise otiser sidaeofthtie animbl sud tise opeatien repeatet ou tise renainiug bons. Tisa eperater sisoulti have ais assistant wboae duiy is te dmsw tise animnais heati np anti holàit hwiiiatisatise wemk la heing- dons. Tihe roes sîsuit nor he a fsiseti, but iselith ie bauds, se tisai tiseisati may ho rleasetitise instant tihe home la off. Tise eperater souiti, wlien ail is resdly, svork with ail tise vigor possible, sud net liesitate anti stop isacaîsse tise ani- maIs moes abouta littho. A crpeters sew, sucis as la useti fer ligh isilliising work with' a blae about eigisteun incises long, I have focedth ie mori aatisfsetory for my owiiuse, itsooti ho verys inrp antihas/e but litile set hintise tacts, Iu Fi ge. 3 anti 4 are sisosvntisa bonetianti iseruetd i isati cf a Jersey bull wiiose berna wema saweti off lu tise early part of Jue, 1892, wisenhec was about twe yeams citi. Ho waa hautiietins the msîiîer jusitideacmlhcd. Neitiser bis tievelopmsetnr arcdes appear to bave heen interoptet inletise 1liait iy tise epera- rien, Hie sharp born a isatataineti e Fsc. 4. TIiitLaSi nEIORNEuJERSEY BULL leîsgtb cf a foot anti weme tise incisas lu dis meter attise base, andi, as se usuel witis, ,Te seey hula,lbe was a very tiangamcus animai,-but lese no longer. Tests of Milk- Mn. Frank T. Sisuut, M. A,, chisiiciiemisi ef tise Dominion Experimeutal Farmis ad- dreasedth ie recent Dairy Convention on tise estimatiug et fat lu miik, and tise atioptioni et tIse Bahccck unetisotins creaieis anti ciseese facrories as a iceens cf putting tise sale cf niik upon a more aquitabla issus tissu ai preseut su vogue. M. Short saidt iat aitishe lait donsvention et tise association lie isat poiniti e- ut tisa necessiiy et velgng milk eccerdurîg te quel. ity; tisai, ehasetienpisasizedth ie tact tisai tise value of auyperticîsiar anpis cf snlk- wisether for tise creamcry, tise ciseese fac- tory, cm tise consumer-Wsa dirscily tiepenti. eni upon tiea osssf butter fat ibsi milk cotaineti; i dt yiseIntroEduction cf tise Bahceck tester- we wcme aioipîi is business principie cf " paymoeut oci meney for vaius re csîved." Figures were tisos given showing tise reliaility anti eccuracy oi thia procese. lu erder te lessen tise am- ount of work anti expesîditure of tusse noces- samly entailet inl making tiaiiy tesarscf eacis petreu'e miik, tise methoti et coiiecring anti teatsng composite satuples wes ativiseti. Tise resuite et several sou les oci experimenis cous- tincteti aitisaeExpemimestai Faîsu labura- tories, Ottawa, hy M. Sisuti, were givoîs, tise fig-ires epresentsng tisa resulis heing preseniedt6 th ie audience ou charte, Tise inst sisa sowcd tisai Mr. Siîutt bcd heen successful le gettiiig accumate resa ',viiess uing a speciai pipette 1 1-6tis of the usuel aise. By senîs of it tisily sanîples ci esuis patroîî'asnik weme pus lua eisat houtle. Ai tis eanticf tisa weel tise test hotîs tiserefore coutajuedth ie regular a'sseuut, vi., 14'. 6 c.co. Altisengistis com- posite siple was thon curtieti andt iick, it uvorlee very satisfactomily ivithstise aciti, andt he resuli t hen preveti te ha as cen- et as hy testing tise mik aily sud aver- aging tise reaulia Tisa second series, cf ex- perimnts tolti of tise use cf pet. bichromate as a preservativa. Thsis chemicai, avien preseni cnly ilusali quantilîea, wcuid keep mik fluiti fer weaks anti even mouihs. Furtiser, tisai ibis milk dousiti haanalyseS. or teaied tia any finie, andthie percentage of ftiobiaineti ioulti hi correct. Tise mctiîod of uiug tise bichromate was fully expilati, sud a samplu cf silk, matie up oi composite sampies taken from tise 8ih te liAis December, 'sas exhibîteti, lu wes psrfectiy fluiti. This affordeti au alternais metlîct for obteining a composite sampie wisicis couiti hae esily anti eccuraiely testeti hy tise Bahcock., Tisa wesik anti ties trng points etftisa aboya proceasea wsre tissu brougis ousi, the use of tihe bichromate isev- îug somewbat tise hetter dlaim of tise tivo for adoption. A matisetioet empiing tise milk was tise explilîet, by wbich net enly was a repes tv apeortitbuti also an aliquci or proportions te emount ef tise milk daiy aupplieti by eacis patron. This titi away wiististe errer tisai axisteti wlien exactly tise semaequantsly was treis daiiy as tise samples. Fortune dees net change muen ; it oniy un ss atisem. THE OAiEADIAN DATRY. lis Prosp sets Rei iewesl by a Scotch Writer The a~ciua probiem may net un- fairly iay dlaim te ha the question cf the day. kt may ha hopeti that whan it has l'ad is day ef ceucentrateti public attBa- tien, a practicai solution cf semae of its par. piexities may have been deviseti. Soeaof the heroic remedjes cf which much ivas heerd lu the recant Agricultural Confer- ence are rapidly drifting eut uf the public regard.' Thair edvecatcs may ho axpected fer soeatime te occasionaiiy distract atten- tion frem mnie usef ni propesals, by press- ing them on the notice cf the agricultural cemmnity But that is net ail. As an aidtl ho- thoughtf ci stutiy cf the situation thati se gemg on thr-ughout the country, attenption n l directeti in anotîser "elumn te somes facta, cf wlîich msany may net ho aware, relating te the pregrosa cf agricultural science ie Canada. The circomatances et tihe Dominien ara net in aIl respects com- parable wtb these wbich mile in Great Britain. Canada, toc, isowover, lias had is agricuitural problcm, for a feulu the prices ef preduce suds as lias boon experieîsced ceuiti not feu tt iitarb ecouemie conditions. The cultivetien ef the soil, the rearing cf fruit crcps, anti the reiaing cf farci stock is tlise national intiustry oi Canada in a senso which dose- net apply in Great Britasu ; anti cn this account the Dominion Goverument bas takasi the agricuitural intorost under its epeciai care anti prote -ien. Its tasît has bean u teiistrncî it in the science ocf talriug Pare cf anti pretecting itseof, h h s littie ovor twc years since tiha mattýr was 'taken iin hanti on a scale cf any magnitude ; but the acheme bas beau attentiet with a degree of success, that, te say tise least, laplisenom- cnal, anti ils rpesilts canniot sait te material- ly affect tee preapcrity efthtie wisoie country. Uoder the adiministration of ile Miniter cf Agriculture a central experimearal femni lias beau estalslied iu Ottawa.hit has bean placeti undear tisa . MA\i,OEM,ýE-\T OF SKILFUL siENý, capable netonly cf coiiating the resuits cf valuaable ex pari mente lu ail departments of ferm wcrk, but cf prosenting them lu tle form cf popuieriy wrttren reports, andi, what is cf oquai value, instructive lectures te farmers tlîrocghout the Dominion Brancis farma in other parts of thse country hsave also bec establishietinli ortier that the ex- perinoenus mig ,lt ho carrenenu cuer disverse conditions as te soil anti climats. The d istribution of emaîl sampie haga cf grain for eeed te ail fermeras weomay ai oiy fer thein la eue of the moat vainablo hea. turcs of the work at theae farcis. A largo part of their aiea is set spart for the grcwv- ing cf crepa oi the mest suiÊaisie kinti, with s view te diacevering those which are bear adaptedt oparticular soils. 0f very greet importance, aIse, is tise seres cf experi- nienta nmede is tise feetinîg cf cattie anti ewino. fhere are probaly few farmers anywhero tu whom tise knowiedgo acqrîirod frcin tiese experimeuts wouid not becof in- struction andtivalue. The first place, hew- ever, lu tise great educationai achemeno f the Canadien Minister et Agriculture ia tise svork carrieti on by tise Dariy Comîissionei, Preteaacm J. W. Robertson, te whose second annuel report attention is directoti. ,hc exhaustive experîments cenducteti et tise centrai famm are really cf secondary im- portance to tise work that lia anti isstaaff of assistants have overi e 'en. Tlsey haveç it may ho saiti, been over the iength anti broattiof tise land, deiivering pop nier lec- tures anti gis ing tiomoistrations in thc work cf chasse anti butter makiug. They have tampemarily taken over for tîseir de- partmeni a large nuinhro f chsse factorise fer tise w'ster, firtedti iem wiitiste necea- sary appîiratus anti turîsedt iem into work- îng creainrica, in ertier to tiemoctrete the commercial seuntinesa oi c see that muet have bean regardeS witis conîidoraisle mia- giving. On snc a scale bas this werk heen carrîsti ou, tisat it mey ho aceepteti as liter- ally true tisaitisera are FF ENS rirSitOU BUTTER MAERES su tise îsîire Dominicn whc ihave net wit- nessati or comes into direct acqualîstence iitistha moît approvot inietisodasriosm lu thoir iaduistry. TIhe boit systaci cf cattle feding, awinc faediug, the preaemvtion cf fotider iu silos have heen hrought under tise notice of evary firmer in tlisa conntry, eitber hy means et a lecture or threîgb tIse me- iu oiiî f tIse bulletins issîset from finme tu time frcm tise experim2nral tarms sud agricuitural colleges. In its severai de- parments ibis great educative scheme bas manif estly matie ais impression cos the pecple fer whose bonefit it bias heen planueti. A distinct stop in ativance hsheau matie, anti it neet i lartly hea atdeti that those whe laul tu keep pace witb that etivauce wil feu he-. binti in the race for ivealtis andthte struggio for subsistance. Itninat hobf t fer tiose wlîm t iîrectiy cono,3rns te consitier hiow the facta tisus hriefiy nioticeti are likeiy te affect Britishs agriculturai interests, anti also wlietber tbey hasve or bas-e net se instructive aspect, Our importe, cf agricciturai, dairy aîsd fammyseti predîsce show ne signa cf dîiîsiution. It bisas ocorredti t maîsy observera that tise iseevy arrivais of buttor, cheese, anti or, s from abroati that finti place on ocr prctiîce markets are an u-sueces'sary severo inroati upon thedtomain cf Britishs fermera. Vani. eus anst appam"tly satîsfectory reos 'bave heen given tercet lterîng tis eonomy cf tise arni te consbat this foraigu conspeti- tien, 50 F Ai ASCA'NADIS NCONcERNED, Nature bas wiseey arranged matters se that e man enu naitiser pst hiq n-rm %;Il kick himiaif. Tise cet bas ulue livsa, whÎch shoseetisai nature isat a protty fair idea of whab the dat wouid bave te go ibreugis. for Infants and Children. 11catoriis swenaapteto astorla cures celle, ConstIpatiol, 1 rcomd it a suprior toanreCY Stour I tomach, Diarrhcea, Eructatiol known to me." IL , itn 1ll Worms, gives sleep, and proraoted Ili S. (Wod SWitlOQoui injuxioun zundivetion, THE CesNT~Ai CoxrpAN, 77 Murray Street, N. r, FOR SALE LY j. IIIGGINBOTHANI & SONT, BOWMANVILLE» * Î. A large Stock of well selected Ainerîcan Wall Pa p Is, Che ap and beautifal from 6-,s. to 5Octï lper roll, Cali and see for yourselE be- before purchairvg elsewhere, Ail cotiers of Paînts readlv for use, guaranteed to give good sati f&ction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomaining, Shoe and Scrab Bru3h-es arid XVks. Glass any size, and Putty. Paiutinc, Gî ainng and Papering donc prornptly and satisFecÉorily, For ail of which cali at SHERIN & bK-J) y South ide King st., betweEn. Trlevens sand Reid's Shoe stores, Bowmanville rThe und ersi gned d esire to th ank the farrners -of West Dan larn- for the libera!l patronage extended to us during the past season, also te remnind tLem that we are stili in the market and i prepared te pay the 'IGHEST MARKET FPRICE ALL KINDS OFC E RI SEED deîivered at our storehouse cor. Kîng and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have aise on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Salt for cil, and hoî ses, and Fresh Groand Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to sel1 -ASEI- Ail kintis of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COA.L always in stock, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoCLELLAN Beaver Bloqk, &oo - Bowmanvîlle Keeps always a large assortmnent of Boots and Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Slippers,. Trunks, etc. Ail Styles, Grades and Sizes,, and prices to suit ail pockets". No -better or cheaper place in 'West Durham to buy. H-e défies competition. Oldest and largest stock in Bowmanville. One of the largest stock of Furs in this county is to be found at M. MAYER'S HEat and Fur store. It çonsîsts of Fur Coats, Robes Jackets, Capes, Collars, Muifs and Caps in the Latest Style and at the. lowest possible cash price. A large and well selected stock in Gents Furnishings always on hand and as, cheap as the cheap- àst ea- u --%"early and secure La ilbargair as the stock must be sold. 1Ail kinds of Furs altered. Higli est price paid for Raw Furs, ?ACTICAL FURRÀ. CI-3E--M-A-:P