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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1893, p. 5

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K X4hro0t PASK rOR THENEW, ~02-B oTlF WEDO)0NOT ASK YOTJ TO BUJY Last year Soule persons made their purcbases of Xmas presents jefoxe seeing our stock, but this ,year we venture to say very few 'Will act asr unwisely-all we ask you to do is ta cali and we will be most happy to show you our goods. YOUR GOOD JUDOMENT AND OUR IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRItCES WILL DO THE REST. Varietv neyer Iso great. P4cesý neyer so low. ýTTT & JURY, Our stock of' gold spectacles and other lines is larger than ail other stocks in town cornbined, Eyes examined free. 10-AND 1TRU NX RAILWAY. BOWMAN VILLIC STATION. 005150 EAST (101150WEST* mail .ll ..n......l . 19 am Express. 10 29 & n Im.Exxires 613 arn ...e. 312 pm Local. ....845a m 707 p. m 1mMtixed .....29pm LI.x,.,127 p m Imai..826 Pm *'Except Mondays BOWMÂVLLE, FER. 1, 1893. Local and Otherwise. Lined Râbbers at Mason'a Sco. Mr. W. Bruce lias been confinod ta tho house by a Bore foot. Mr. Chas. Burniam hbas again become a reident of ibis tow. Mr. Weesby Brook% ot the Gili con. cap- tured a fine red fox laet weelk. Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Cryderman o? the 7th Lino recently visited South Darliug- ton frionds. Mr. Jonathan Porter lias sold lis farmn on King St., Ejat, Oahawa, to Mr. Henry Adams of Newcastle. Mr. Joe. Heas' many frienda lieroabouts will regret ta learni thit ie hlis had a severo attsck o? paralysis. gawarend crockery 8tock of Murdochi Bros. at'groatl5 reduced prices for cash. MAGNUS EXPECTORIANT is a daisy 1 PFleasant ta the taste. Neyer nauseates the itoinacl. Chldien cry forit. Wiven look pleaeant after taking it. Old people brighten up and feel young again. Conghs and coidà disappear in short order 'where it la used- Try it. ]3etquality Overaboos at Mason'a $1.40 Âl1.wool Twieed 1'ants at Mazon's tu eMr for $275 e 4offr ta subsmibera o? a Yard of Panéaiea and our Ne«f Premniuin Book for 25 cents extra stililiolds good.- Dr. Butler'a Golden Pills are the best reey for improvivg the complexion, re- moving b'ack'heýads, pimpks, etc. Be sure ans tt ,,end the great Bargain Sale ai Jro. J. Mason's Special lines. SpeciaL drive9. Spceial bargains. Special prices. Our readers should not failita 'nake a aote of what Coueh, .iohnaton & Cryder- mnubave ta s-,y on the tirât page of ibis paper. As ibis firin do not beleive in 3arrying over goods, we have no doubt but iha.i greRa, aginaswill lie given ta 01l who favor them wtb a call. !ipans Tabules cure scofulit. Mr. John Osborne of Laiseviow evas ai Whîtby ou Thuroday. Mrs. Hauey bas been coufined ta the house the reanit o? a f all. Mr. W. Witherîdgo,o? Tyrane, visited Bowmanville friende rocenily. Peterbora wou the Dry don cup for 1893 defestiig Oshawa at Lindsay by il aboie. Mr. Wm. Fielding, brother o?- Mr. R. Fielding a? ibis town, is reeve o? Minden Township. Mr. W. H. -Foley, Broken Front, is about ta make extensive improvementa on is farmn buildings. Local option lias been deeated ini Brook township by ever 200 majoriiy, tnd ini Reacli township by 119. The iaGlob0esB" correspondent lu Lau. don, Englaud, notes an advance lu Cana- dian apples, sud urges that. only fruit o? the boat qualiiy be oxported. Mr. W. E. Pethick, the hustling agent for the Coven%ni Mutual, now supporte a liaudeome gold pin awarded lim by the Association for taking the largeai number o? riake lu December. Fermera liaving early Iambesud calves should tako thoin ta Hume & Wrigbt, the People'e Butchere, Bowmanville, who want from ion ta fi? teen a weak of each durlng the seasan. Drop tham a csrd or eall and ae tlem. SMr. S. S. EdeaIl, hardware marchant a? ibis tawn, finding colectian% 80 slow, lias been compelled toaassign for the boe- fi o? bis creditors. Mr. W. H. Garrot is trustee. Meeting of Creditor4 noxi Tueaday ai il a.m, ai the s'are. Lasi Saturday's Globe contained an immense galaxy o? goeoral information lu ils twenty pages. The Globe waa nover more ably conducted thaun ow. 0ur country readera wlio are lu a position 10 roceive il regulasly, aboula subscribe for the Daily Globe during the wintor neontha wbli ca vera île period a ctiupied by the sessions of both Hanses of i'arliament. Iu Toronto, Jan. 9tb, at the resio'enc-i St., Mrs. Gea. Witberidge, Sr , o? Sauth Darlington, celebratod ber 80th bîrthday, lu the preàsence of a number o? relatives sud friende, tnd waa the recipient ùf a nunher o? valuabîsE praseuis tend a aitable addreas, whlch was replied ta by Mr. T. Witheridge., The aged tnd respected old lady is the mother of 5 chidren, 20 grand tnd 1C groat grandbilîdren. The Moihodisi Magazine publiabed ai Toronto deserves the support of ail Cana- diane wbo appreciate gond lilerature Thaugh Methodisu lu name t le net par- ticularly 80 la earacter. Jotihe Februetry nuniber ansong otiier inierstsing arîic'es Dr. D)aniel Clark, Modicel Snperintend- sut o? the Toronto Asylau for tise Insane, adds an oiher ta lits iuterestisîg articles an Life lu an Ias eue Asylum, giving speci. meus a? the iterature of the Insane. The Tbrixepiaiomal Society o? Baw- ville Higli Sehool held is fisat annual banquet (epulum ne't epulae) on the even- ing o? the 26th uit. ai the handeomo rosi- douce o? Mrs. McCready ai the crner o? Wellington sud Elgin s. Af ser the cutomary fraternal slutations the memn- bers retired ta the spaciaus hanqueiiing, baIl for dinnor. liThe tables ?aily groan' ed beneaili the hoad o? riel mets, deheci- able cakes o? var ions sud indiscribable kîndo, luxurious pies tend tropical fruits. Having doue ample jattice ta the varions courses, Mr. F. Werry waa appointed IMater o? Ceremoniea which position ho bold lu a very creditable tend dignified manuer. Mr. Werry replied lu a ?ew well-chosý-n remarksa howing bis unctnous wit tend aralorical powers. Thon the fol- lowirig toasts nom propo~se, and respand- ed t.-Tlie - Queeîs sud Royal Famlly, Messa. El lotitnd Trebilcock - Governor- Go nons], MeEsrs. White tend Werry; Our Càairmnau,Mesarari. Steacy tnd Werry; 0cr Clubi, Messrs, N MMurry sud Paccoe; Staffaf B. Il. S,, Messrs. Trebilcack tend Sieacy; Our Country, Mes3rs. Psscie and, Brown; Thse Litersry Society, Messrs. Eliotitnd Brown; Tho Ladies, respond- ta en rmasse; Our flosteas, Mr. Steacy. The toaste were aIl pledged in cold waten. Thon al nepaired ta the spacions parlera tend a veny pleasani ovaning was apenti iniusic, gamesa tnd the usual cliii- chat. Among the leading festures o? the eveuing was a sala by Mr. C. E. Brown, who in s ricli, full, cdean voies thnilled bis hoarers with soighetie raptures. Mn. J. H. Ellioir, tho Pasderewski o? B. H. S., acted as accompaniat in a briliant man- uer. The banquet closed ai a stasonablo bour by inging the National Anthem. Alihaugli T. N. Riekard bas been do- in," business for ao sh3rt a tino lu cown ne hear a? many who have been fitted nis specetacles to perfection by hlm, the general impression seems ta ho that le tborougbly underataude tilt lino a? business. Hlalifax Pauta ta arden $1.75 ai Masou s C]otbing flouse. Geni's Furnishings are sold vory cheap at the West End Hanse. Childreu'e Hlais a apecialty ai Mm. Dancaater's. hedies please caltnd seee ihem. A lot o? DresebGoda --fingof-tabo bal? price ai Couh, Jolineton & Cryder- man 'a. If yan want firai clasa nasrk dane cali on me aI the Big 20. Me4yntrd the Jo welles. PouLTIty-1O,OOO pýaire raugli dse3sed turkeya, geese, duoka and chatoen wanîed ai the WVest End flouse, Bowmanvihle, for nhich the top price will be paid. If any lady wanta lta get a Sealetie cosi o? the famaus Lister brand we invite you ta have a look at our gonds. We are offerng apecial eut prices ah ibhis moulli. Jua. J. Maaon. Christmas proeuta lu great variety at Mayer's bat and fur store. Treat your wie or danghier ta a sei o? fure- Mayer alwaya sella clieap. Juat uaw ho wilI givo Lextra Xmas bargains. Cali ta sea. In arder that we may aâtari the Spring sessan o? 1893 as ne have always aimcd ta do lu thse pasi, with a freea, cdean, non stock of seaBonable goode3, we are clear- ing oui ahi odd linos, remuants, tend ah] heuvy ninior goodeata reduced pricea ihat -ara bound ta affect sales. W. are stock taking sud are ging taenu¶ke ibis a great bargaîn moulli t 3 al ur customnere. Jaio. ~TMnar'a Liniment cures dandruf, Children Ory for Agents wanted.-See advt. Mr, N. W, Tili8y, Toronto, wss home over Sunday.j Miss Jeflery of Toronto is guest ai.Mr. John Babcock's. Miss Mabel Barret ta spending a fowj weeks in Toronto.1 Mrs. Chas. Lyle of Poterboro le visit-1 ing Mrs. John Allun who la i]., 11 Miss Nellie Williams has been guest of Miss M. Curtis, Port flepe. 6 Miss Nouei Brittain is spending a few weeks with friends in Toronto. Mies Bealos of Colifarnis. las been gueBs' of lier friend Miss Fislier. Farmers will find the Agricultural page epecially intere8ting on inside page. Tbo farm advertised for sale near Brooklin in a very desirable property. Mr. and Mrs. Thorndyke of Oakwood have been visiting their danghter, Mrs. F. Fleury. Mr. and Mrs. J. Il Stutt and family of Wroxeter are visiting at Mre. W.- Henry's, Wellington St. The Part Hope Poultry and Pet Stock Asciation'si exhibit exhibition this, montli promises 'tO be very succesaf ai. Misses A. Rosa and A. McDowell of Ontario Ladies' Colle,2@, Whitby, apent Sunday wi'li Mrs. T. E llsgginbotbnm. Our lady readeras slonld ses that splen- did fashion magazine "Toilettes" pubuiali- ed at 126 West 23rd 8treet, New York. Send for a copy. Messrs. John, Lyle and T. C. Jewel were nominaaed yeaterday for tbe vacan- cy catnreed in the South Ward by the re- signation of Mr. Lyle. Was it nAu a most unu-sual proceedure to have a nomination at the same trne and place that an election is being held, as wass ho caso in the South Xard yes terday ? Mr. Harxy Robinson left on Monday for Mexico wheic ho will tilt a situation witli Mr. Dobson. He to k a fine St. iRrnard dogwtb1hîi.We wîsb Harry_ mach succe.','. Any acca)unts agelunsiMr. Dobsou o -Big 80" shonîd le reudered at ance, as1 ho wil leave towtm sboniiy. Haois rendes-i ing bis acconuts tnd muai a? necessity ask prompt payment. Rev. J. T, Caldwell, M. A , B. D., Pickerinîg, accupied the pulpit a? the Methodisi churcim Suuday in the absence o? the pastas wba nas preaching mission- ary sermons lu Pickering. Ms. tend àArs. ,oshtna Oh ver o? whi- churcis nerts guesta ai Laine Villa on Saturdsy. h nas tbeir firsi viil 10Bow- manvilleatnd tbey nore delighted witS the ow antnd especltlly so nuS the IHigh Sehool which they inspected with much interest. Mr. A. Tamblyri, Secretary a? the W. D. Farinera' 1nstitutz, sritea TnE STATES mAN ihat 150 bille nere printed for the meeting o? tho Iuatitsîte ai Osonoa tnd six o? tbem sent ta Betheada. Pisaaîbly aur carrespandent meatat that the meeting wasualet iufficently'.idvrtised lu tho paplira, the beat mediumn îhrough which ta rachitSe farnore o? Wese Durham. hi lias been cutoinary to advenuie ahl sncb neetinge lu the Bowmauvmie papers. More Kmnd Words. The folIo wing kind worde and wi3hos a? Rev. A. Frases, formerhv of Oroco, are fnlly appreciated, tend are imiier to those that o? tan roscS us fromn aur subacribers ai a distance. It le truhy an- caaraging ta uns tolearu ilat aur efforts ta publis'a a nensy paper nre approcialed by osas thousauda o? rtaderi.' TEE MÂNsE, CoiMox, Vancouver Island, B. 0. DEAR SiR.-Endlosed pleass fiud tle sun cf one dollar fur STÂTESMAN f-Jr 1893. I have been on very faniliar terme nuS TEE STATESMAN for a number ot years tend 1 non fiud that 1 can't do without Ît. Lie nîne hit a- praves with age. Distance tnd oId, ton- der, loving associations make jour paper a nelcoine guestinlu iis Ultima Thuhe o? lise Dominion. I niah bath Édit or sud paper mucli prosperiiy. As yau, are ta be Major o? Bawxnanville nexi year, h trusi yon may ho ensbled to fil thal pont o? Sonar as creditably as you bave lllled tle Editan's chair for to a msy jeasa. Yonrs incerely, MI. A JAMES, EOq., A. FRtASER. Bownanville. Cahi tnd sou my new Jowellery store ei the Big 20. Yiaynard the Jeweller. Ail rendors are inviied to send us items a? local news tnd theroby assistinl making ibis ppes iuteresting. Special bargaina lu Fans, Overcatt and Dresa3 Gooda e bore stock takiug at Conch Jolinsian & Crydermau'o. Now fus gods-a yery nuce stock o? ladies, men tend childen-jaset arrived ai M. Mayer's. Cali tend gel jour cboice nhile they are frash. Householdera requiring breakfast, din- uer, or tes sti, or aiher crockeny or dacli Bras. ahd stand. The wbole stock la being sun off ai big reductions far cash by John B. Matyn. Da net ovrloat that T. N. Riekard sella Waicbes as law ais they eau ho boughl. lu auj ciiy and ihai ho keepe ne rubbiah lu tock but gives jou gonds of tho firet qnalty, telle jon whst they ares sud tsts but ane price. J. B. Mariju's great ceaing-oui-aale o? Murdoch Bron. stock o? gracenies, chiuaware, crockery, glasenare, wooden- ware, lamapatnd sther linos la stilI goiug on tnd for 30 dase more the groateatinl- ducements ever given. boire for cash will beoafferod. CARD 01" THANKS. MNr. Dobson of 'Bigz 20" wishes to tbank ithe people of Bowmanville aend 7v;P4nýity for liberal patronage since lie came ta) tovçniaand at tlhe same time would ask them ta give bis auccessor, Mr. D. W. Casmpbell, as generous patronage as tliey ha.ve favored him, feeling sure tliey will ho liberally decl with and courteously served. BUSINESS CHANGE. It affords us pleasure ta welcomo to Bowinanviile and to introducs to aur West Durhiam readera Mr. D. W. Camp- bell who lias bought the stock and goad- wilI of Big 20 froi Mr. J. H. Dobson. From a elight acquainiance with hlma for snome turne a nd the high recoma mendations ho bringe, we can confidently rocommend hum tioaur readers as worthy of their fu!leat patronage. Big 20 lias been f.svored with a large p itronago in the past, and under the 110w propitier we expecita see il continue ta do a pros. perous business. Mis% Andrew will assisi Mr. Campbell ,.whch will increase tthe pleasure of a eall as a lady's smile in the bouse alwiys doem. Our readerasbould cali and mako the acquaintanceofa Mr. îCampbell. Dr. Hoskrn's Lecture. As on two former occasions whon lhe lias lectnred in Bowmariville, Dr. Jehn Hâoakin, Q. C., of Toronto was greeted by a gaod audience ou Fridsy night when ho lectured ini the Disciples' churcli on "Christ'a cominfg lu Ris Churcli and af- terward witb ia Churcli ta reign." Rev. E. B. Barneýe, pastor of the eburcli, presid&d. Ini bisa peninY ramaika Dr. iloskin referreEl to the warin place Bow- 'nanville occupies in bis heart ani the plebsure li'3 experîences in meetirg bis ald frienda hîre. In bis prelimiuary ta bis lecture proper ho referred ta the ev- idenees of the truili of ectipture in resuits 1 a"csnie rezearh-he jncoverinaof anceni ruinsa tnd builditiga-- tend of the plaininesa of (wiod's3 Word. Respeciing the ,ming cf Christ, for instance, there are neanly 300 referet3eis lu the New Testanmett, yet, as wh"-n EH firsi came, only a few expecled filin, so now Hlie coming is net looked for very anxiously by the majarity of profesaing chriatiani. We noAl like, if we hsd space, to give an analyieisof îhe lecture, but anything lest than a reproduction lu full woulid hurly do the ipeal- er or the discourse i self justice. The lecture waa based sole- ]y ou seripinre which wss freely quoted, Msny expressions of gratification were beird afier the le -cture and ait weul away feeling iliat ibey had enj yoed a rare treat. A cordial vote o? thanke happiiy proposed by MIr. James Gilfillan, &-ience Master a? the High Sehool, la a neat speech, oecondod by Mr. R Windati, tend unani- mausiy endoraed by a standing vote of the audieno,waa accorded ta Dr. Hoakin ai the chose.'Mirs. Hoskin acsanmparsied hlm and tlîey were gueste o? Mrs. Arn. aur, Ontonlo, atil uriog ibeir yisit. High Sohool Notes. Tl,,e third mreeting o? the Bigh Schoh Liteiýay Socaety was heid ou Wednoaday afiarecoon, 251h n!t. at 3.30 a'chock. Mr. Evorpît Brown occupied the chair wiih bis uouai akill tend dignity. Tuie minutes o? île lest meeting were read and con- firmed no seconds were reqirod-slh be. ing peace-te amali diturbance lu the resir beang qnickly quelied. It nas pro vionsly considered iecesaary lu view a? the long coniinued cold neather liai the nombera, nien csllad upon ta do no, ahould 'drese tbe chair. A?îer samo dis- esîsiaon il wa decided <lai five dollars sBouhd te axperided in liuying ma.gazines for tho use o? tle achooI. A mnagnifleent programme worthy of an Italiau opera troupe was thon conimeucad. Mr. F. Werry thrilled the audience wilh au or- iginal essay an "huitle Thioga" thon fol- lowed a sang by Mise Freeland eniitled "What lte Chimney sang," Mase oNr- man ficathie nocitod '"The Preacber's Va- cation."' The Misses Tîley tend Northi- cote phsvod a duel ont itled "Pearl& of thme Oceau," Miss Jaunie Frazer gave a piano soleoenititled "Mars" and Mis Kato El- liit necited "The Little Matys o? Smyrua. The lasiý picoe on the program was a charu by Mosars Ellioti, Brown, McMurtry, Paa.csae, Trebiicack, Mitchell, Jalliffà and Colville. The chaîna nas very gaod, the baye tender tenant rase nilli esse mach bigher than thme ihorno- meier lias (-f laIe. The refrain "Off by thb mornîng tirain" seamefi te effeci one youug gentleman exceedingly. A NEW OFFER. WVe have completed arrangements for clubbing the Medicti Ad viser aaadTorma Be1p, pl:ubIi"bed by Ms. J. H. H. Jury, Bowmianville, ai 502i. a year, with TuE STATESMAN, and now make tbis attractive offer as long as aur supply ot bookts asts%. We will send toa au address in Canada or the United States ' -TEE STÂATE.m.ïyuxnçxwyear 1-00 - TEE MEDICAL AnVISER, one year 50 OUR NEW PIREMIUM BOOK 50 $2.00 iAl i hree for $1.25. ) Ali aidera must ho sent or given tb M. EA. JÀmBs, STATfflmÂN oflice,Bowmnanville. STOCK WANTED. o 12 good miîk cowesepringoru and renew- o d, 50 fat cattle, 200 voal calves, 50 calvea !te an aiotnd 1000 fat aud store hoga, nili givo higlieni price, cau be paid fer auj or 1 i. Parties having stock tea adi will do woîl by sending word ta or cainîg an me beoare selling. S. H. RRYiioLDýs, Box 1, Every Lady Should Subseribej _____ lomnii. for The Ladies Standard Fashion Magaz H:o~w to ge>t a' Sunlight" picture. lue. la île cheapesi monihly magazin 'e publiahed, only 50 cents a jear, alwteys Send 25 'Sunli.ght" Soap wnappera thoroughy reliable, coutains al the eus- (the large wrapper) ta LEvEit Bnos,, rani fashion information, dascribes aIl the Ltd., 43 Scott Se,, Toronto, tend jan iucoming dreas fabnicsa tnd trimminga wll receivo by post a pretty picture, free eteeh manil, ihîntrates aIl the standard frain advertising tend nel nortS framing. styles lun now ganments accnnmpauied by This lsan a asy way ta decorate youn instructions for makiug. Publislied bj home. The soap is the bosatlunitheeimtr- the STANDARD FASHIION Co.. 342 ket, sud it will ouhy cosi 1c. postage ta W. 141h Sit, NeiY-York, the moat advauc- ffend iu the niappeain, if yan lbave the ed -patternubouse lu the world. onde oven. Write jour addresacarefulj Pitcherl'à Castorla*è WHITBY-BONE-On1 Jan- 17, at the re.idence of the bride's parentý. by Rev. C. W. Walch, Chalmiers Luther Whitby, of Port Perry, and Mise Annie Engenie. daughter of Johin Bone. OLhawa. MCDONALD-IIEWITSON-At Grand Forks, Jan. 4, by the 1ev. J. Conarîhy, Mr. J. J. Mo. Donald ta Ma ud M. Hewitson, eldest survîv- ing danghter of the late James C. HewiLLon. formerly of Haydon. 1DIED. JoNEs-At 216 McCaul St., Toronto, Jan. 21, Jainet Patý rson, aged 40 years. wife or J. J. Joiaes, formerly 0f Newtonville. Initerrod at Newcastle. BROwN-At E xeter, Jan. 18, the infant son of Mr. and Mrm. T. A. Brown. MALE-In OshaWa. Jan. 18, 0. S. Male, aRel 83 years and 10 days, WILSON-At 081hWa, Jan. 22, Sarahi Jane, wife ot W. IL Wilson, painter, aged 41 years. STBICKLAND-Ifl Buckingham, Qjebec, Jan. 17, Emanuel Strîckland, aged 8) 3ears, brother of John Stelckland, Oanawa. COATES-In Bowmanville, on Tuesa Jan. 31. 1893, Relen. infant danghter of D .L and Helena Contes, aged 2 manthe, 17 daye. Fü, eral Thursday at 2:30 notm BOWMÂNVILLE MARKETS. Cerrecteti by J.. lIllrtry, cvery Tuesday WIIEÂT, Faîl, iP bush ... 0 0 fi066 's Russian, '... 0 i0 O 65 i Fife, a...0 00,, 0 70j Gaotae, i . O0 0 ilO058 i Colorado,.....0 00Il 0 63 RYE I .......()00 Il 0 50 OÂTS, "...............O0 25 il O 26 BARLEY, VI bush, No. 1.... 0 00 fi 0 42 fi il il 2x.. 0 00,, 0 37 fi Il il2.... 0 00il 0 30 i3.-.0 00fi 0 25 Two rowod 0 30 Il 0 30 Buck'wheai 4' bush....... 0 00 fi 0 40 PuAs, Blackeye, V bush... O 68 fi 0 70 I Mnmmy a ..O0 oil 0 O53 '5Small, ' O0 0 il 065 'sBlue, s' .. O50 il 0 18 BUTTEcR, beat table, f1.... 0 15 fi O 60 CHICREN, e lb ..........O006 ,,0 il DucK',..................0 10 0 11i GEESE,................O0 09 0 10 TuRKEys,.................0 10 fi0 il EOG, f doz ...............016,fi 018 PoTÂToRs3, V'bush ....... 0 00,ilO040 HÂAY rou. .... .........6 00,, 7 00 P )LAIN COOK WANTED by iFeb. 15. A ppgly ta Mrs. D. BuRxE SIMPSGN, Baw- F ARLi SERVANT 'WANTED for a a year for general farm :wark. Appiy to J. GAuD. Scugog Rd., or ta Box 126, Bowrn au- ville. o-2w* TF AMBS WANTIID.-Any number af -1-A Spring Lamb3 wantod for which the bighest price willI ha paid by HUME & WRIGHT the Peaples B nIchera. Bowmanville. (1 ALVES WANTED.-Ten Calves a ,week wàLn'ted for nevt four mnnths bv HUimE k WRIGHT. the Peaple~s Butchers, Bowmanviile. 5-tf HORSE STRAYED.-Cime on my promises, Newcastle. Jan. 10. 1893. a horse. The awner !II requested ta, prove pro- urty. aend- take il away. JOHM UGLOw. ehant Tallar, Newceastle. 3-3w* 1 LLFOR SALE.-A Short Horu Bl,6 manilis aId. mastly red wçîh ewhite spots. descended from an excellent feedilig famiy. A very pramiozin animal. JOHN VANNEST. Jr.,. Sauna. 5-4w« TMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE.- 1. Lot S and west 1 loi 7 iu the 2 con. af thse Township af Pickering. 250 acret3 ou which are a firfft classe barns. ail atone foundations;, 2 dwellng hansfes. well watored, ne waste land. Will ho, sole whole or in parts. Price and tera ta suit purchaser. Appiy ta H. B. TAY- LOR, Whltby, ont. -if. LIVE ACENT WiuANTED For Thse Ioîinioat Grange Muttawl Fire Inasarance Association. For the Townships cf Darlingien and Carke. The Company is well knawn,and holds a large amaunt or insurance in these townships. Nouo but thoroughly energe tic. icliable, prompt men need apply. Address R. J. DOYLE, Manager, Box 461, Owen Sound. or JESSE TRULL. Preaiden t, 5-3w' Bowmanvll le. Executorii' Auction siaIc of Vahiable Farmis ffar roo iStabtion. TWnshiv ofi County af Ontario; Parcel 1-North bl n North 15 acres af Sauth haIt of Lot 26, 6 th Con. Whitby ; goad sali and büildings, tabling for 50 cattle. 10 horses ;Wlna Mill Puuap, 1 acre voung orchard ; very desirable prope rty. Pacel 2-South part af Lot 26, 6th Con. Whii- ny. goad grain farm. Sale ai Waodruff's Hôtel, Whiîby, FEBRUARY 251h, 1893, at oneo oclock Easy terme. Parliculars on application ta J. R. MATHEWSON. Brooklu, or JOHN THOMSON. - w Box 82, Whiby_ BAIRKER & SIPENCE'S S HORTHAND THoitouGH PRAc A G AIDUÂTES AS- T 1CAL INSTRUc- il n S T O GOOD TION IN ILL DE- i POSITIONS. Send PARTMENTS, JD 1for Cîrcular. B US INESS SCHOOL, TORONTO. Now Promises, 12. Il & 16 King Street WVest. The Icad'Ing Business College of Toronto, 5-3m Minard'a Liniment cures hurna, etc. Miss Shaw is clearimy, out ail Winter Stock of Hats, Wings, etc., at cost and many thinga far below cost. A niee lot of new Veil- ings just received. Nextl door earis of P. O., Bowmanville. THE JEWELLER has moved to Dob- stre son's book soel, BIG, 20. If you want auything in the Jewe1ry line, yolu wiI find it, there,, because he, carries the nicest in town. He is also prepared to do your wôrk in a manner you wo uld like it done. Cali and see him in hisne store, pleased to Hie will be see you., YOUNG GALLOWAY BULL FOR SALE, flt for service - Registpred'mn American Herd Book. A. MANN, lot 19. B.FIl., Darlington, Bawmanvilllo P. O. 4-tf m"o RENT.-For term o? years, le AUDhn -"-300 acres, 2 miles tram Whitby". gaod buUdtngs andli. Admirable,'or stqck or dalry. Chance for gobng extansively juta Taranto milk business or stock raising tite nmerican market. Men with capital anly Aeed apply, J. H. Daw, Whîtbv. 32 tfs F RSALE OR RLENT.-House and lj Racres for sale or ta reni, situate -on Sougog sireet uarth. The promises constat of a gaod hanse with every canvenlence, drlvinx shed, stable, etc. Trie gardon couSsins a lot et the choicesi fruit of aIl varleti, s. Immediate possession eau ho gîven. For luarticulard aal ] ta W. FISHLEIGH. BOWManvileO Ont 493~ FRMFOR S ALE. - A 6frat el"$farin , ai 125, acres or 145 actes situated In'-the township af Euti Whithy isi con, lots 15 and 16 ou thse Base LUno, about l& miles fram <Osba- wa station. 2 miles from Whltby and 60 rode tram the sehan hanse. Large roamy buildin«s, main haro 95x36 fi. plenty of fruit, soil cray- laam, altagether ane of ihae st grain farmgo au the Lake Share. Na bila or stcnes, bout 10 acres of wood'. 75 acres ln pasture and!refit seeded. Terma easy. First plowing cloue. For furiher particulars apply to A. xNans Osha. 3 7 -tf. 5 PACKS CF CAROS FREE One Pact May 1 C U Home, One PsckKes- cart, One Pack Flîrbition. One Pacek Hl ta the Lightl, One Pack Our aofâ;; mai 501,4 two, One SaMD7e hook ful! ce Noveli tes, ail' FEE, if you Bend 5c. silv6r for past'aqe. A. W. P. 0. E C S, YAH'dOUTLI, N. S, ~4 ~--'~, 25 Men's Overzoats ai Mason'saI atls nim rn rn m aii than ceaito taer. BUSINESSOÔEDUUAIUfl Cardigan ovcrahoea al sizes for sale a T. Geo, Mason'a Cloihing flouse. YOUNG MEN and WO MtIEN, ou wham. M-Â.G-N-U-SE-X-E-E£-c-T-0 R À N-T is the devolvesithe necessity of makiu)g theiroawn name o? the Prince of caugh mixtures. wtey lu the wor]d, wisely equip themeselvea Try ib. For sale by ahl druggists. as beet they can ta wmu auccasinl their chosen profession. A practical business ____________-education ia esseutial ta succaes in the Mtilves or Blrths, 25 cents; llarriages, ý50 comrmercial world, tend a@ no one eau lio cents; Deaties, 50 cents. esehIs nsertieon -but FUESI )FCaF EKJGEwheen tihe said ta te outaido the influence of buai.. fanerai carda are sirinteil aet tislSlcO usesa a ihorongh traininag in comimer- ______________________________cial aubjecte is o? prime importance ta the BIRTMS. public lu general. The course a? in- ANnERus-In Landau. Jan. 22. the wufe of struction pursued lu a businiess collage is Mr. G. A. Andrue, ai a daughter. MILTLBoN-In Clarkte, Jan. 21, the wife ar M, pre-eiently practical sud usenI. If Hiram Milisan, ai a sou. jon are interested in practical education GILBÂNx-Neter Lexitard, Jan. 25, the wsfe of aud are possessed o? the ambition of Mr. Franciz Gilbank, of a daugister. makîung propr"sa in life, wai e for fuîll par- Baaws-At Exeter, Ont,, Jan. 16, the wfeof tinniars ta S PENCER & McCULLOUGH, Mr. T. A. Brown, Principal Public Schl0, ofi HEARD-TI, Harmany, Jian. 18, thse wif e ai HAMILTON, Ontario. Mr. John Hoard, of a son.___________________ aI.n N I L e -r -i . MAYNARD.' f

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