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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1893, p. 2

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of flowers te suggest pleasant ideas wlhen Whou I went in to tea I saw one of the DFLEAMi A SRI? WA3 GOMING. abe sat alone. volumeis with a piece of paper marking a r- R E CA L L.My joulrneys from tbe cottage were full place, Opeuing it 1 found the article mark- rhe SIPPees %VirceRend lies Bible anid o ldr i t er now, blieving as sho did ed was Il Water," and on the paper cor- etnpheIn'liatA!Fc - - t] it I stuud in danger of rccapture. No tain notes-" A powerful refractor of ligbt" OJHAPTER XXXVII bler ;then what conclusion could lie draw matter bow late I returîîed, I was sure Vo -"An imiperfect conductor of beat and Anunugallant seapr-overb s ys that awom- W A' K U XIFE. from hler sndden disappeariuce and my flud hier sittine in the livigrom She electricity"-and the like, showing that an and a dog are a bo Lber about a ship. The M wife as in a Tg sMtY oe'ct savage look and brutal reception, but that econoinizcd the fuel to put off the day when sie lbait been trying to acqusint herseit woman lu ibis story wasn't, as bier big- I ha copeled erat goiutof igb and I must bre a carr te bring a fresh stipply, with a subject that interested me She chested, bronzed Young hasband, Capt. W. muent that mernîng. 1 couldn't understand D.Lncftebuns conrMnoa hier. It Weed to me that she did not pposed is approach to a'void discovery? adbrefugceé htIhodntgtswtatIaspleased. ~htst wsaoThesse îboughts passed through niy mind it again at Newton for fear cf crcating sus- "I have net corne te the part about its miIeht have told anybody wbvo asked hirn. know htacwsao. as I watched bîrn eut cf sight.cu. net risilg above its owu level,' she said. Mre. Lent landcd in Brooklyn the other At 'reakfast she asked me te repeat thce b a ii se ywifsilII a e-etrdyfr 1Fer when I IIPerhaps I hiad btter sec 1 Hydrostatics."'" day from the American clipper ship .D paarapli from the paper about Kit; and fnse yro nte hntelrw as vet veril or fo wrd s i Ihd gealy aiatedwohtes w ts wbackt efnd ishm en r ton avn ther wbenathe rwn "youlidi 1r Ivebe unu altn nbrwapr îa Bbl i invcu ted it the n ig t before, she listened " n y a oo e ha le t l s ay an be br n t eu e e en c i s .a t i d w n o r ide s over in m y bad, and I t hiink V II l ier a d. T hat w as a l she a vd fr m th e wit a inxpicblequverngintheco- t's lucky fer im hie was notbing else," 1 the beans began te show tbrougb the brown lay ou the water as yen suggested. It's Mineola, which was abandoned in a gale 180 wit aninepliabl quverng n te cr-said, witb a menacing meverenteof tbe hami- earth. Sbe seemed te derive a real p1eas- horrid going dowu there ai ter the raim." miles southwest cf Bermuda on the mcmr-a nes f erlisasifth nxtmoen eemer in rny baud, ure from these trilles. 11cr affection "Or in it," ieg cf Jan, 5.u *s rnibtburt utlut wldlaulîeror eas. My manuer tcrrifled bier, for all the living, creatures about "Yes, tbat's worse antldb an The Mincola was a littlc thrice-master, "S yle hnsc," I said, "Ki ot'soall ght; II Surely," ahe said, Il yen woudn't-" bler se'ruck me as being ridiculous, immense saving cf labor." d i ievei, a and was beavîly loaded withlbard pine ony ietbnk I is t kepeu f igt it cud o e urhe.until I awoke to., a perception oet I"But if it wen't risc above ius onlv lumber wben she sailed f rom F compan fo fora t1me." d 1 î u d brain him. And its pathos, these creaturete bier stoed Gregory?" 'emerara on Dec, 128. The shp' c bias amYcsure ye ssite nassentcberfllbcy. cean tellithim se if hie cernesagain." lunte place cf bei lestceblîdren. Buitîfshe 1Wyienl make it," eaîd I tbnmp- cousisted cf Capt. Lent, Mrs. Lent, wbo L rnbago, a k c duoiansrethe bo le ae o, n ha Ilb e lookPcd ai me wlth indescribable feund plensure in bier own pursuite, she was iug the table. followed the sca since bier marriage te the Heacache, Wbenever 1 glauced îowards beh, n uy n ctawywtotnotbem word. net lBse interested lu al ihai cencerncd She rcgarded nec lu silent admiration. skipper twe years avo, and five sailomi, dece le for the bept." trandbery. XVby bad he ens diuiain fryativnet;saethd iiuos nm airflsii etc erua aeolpag up eut of Toothache, breyes upon me ; and theugh the expres. eki mem-ed esset e fm.Sbe did net wait te bc asked fer ad For lier there was notbing contemptible or On Dec. 30, whcu the Mnoawsnrb sin ce rfiaedw.a ire iifl a- citons on my behaîf ? I askcd mslfttheir pregrees, and tiddtoeunter iuto ail tbe III sec bew it's te oedone, and l'il do ît.' the nortbwest. It ncreasedin furyduriug S r ho t p in thpeominatocd i,. h fowr, robtain my sanctionuto le odn omcîf- te sthtoccuped my thouglite, only Site carne te mye ide as 1 turned up the the ngbt, and ai dawn tbe lutile shor ros~t D oeThratn, the British Encycloptddia, or te combina'ctin la ti man. Wity hall ee been tee dliLybtedl if site louud licrscîf able te clotb te make miy plan on the table, anduders closc-reefed lower sai, was pl¶ung Br ie, Ume seas it the ncws cf -Kit, theflowers, or cation ;vieb tbaasuggestion. slsocd bebind me, ier band on the back of down tbe wind almeet ai steamebip. p ingus s B ré,E c hie? My mudlly ft achtishangd e pen-beguile me luto a sense cf security. I even One wet Suriday, when 1 was broodingmy chair, lookiug over my sitoulder as I lier timbers, new as titey were, coudli't Bold by Drugglsts aod feerverywhere6 ceie, oeeivd posibethatspeeur. over eny everlasting Encyclopoedia, Iebe drew, stand the racketing, and site was leaking ai tltensac1.Dre.nl "Any way," tiogbtI , IIsie'sge standing already existed between hera came iidly Vo my ie, and sail- There, Vey arc three cylinders," I sid, te ate f 1,000 strokes an oum on Vie 1il anguages. botter ceuseof gat ttan 1igve'ter -tiat heeitad founll means te cern- I"Witt yen tell me wbat yen are think ing "ote i aitr, ievnud. moruing cf Jau. 1. IEPCHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltlmore. EU gratitdefgav municate wiîitlber ie my absence by slip- about, Gregory?" " Tht t i ilLTefrst and Pumpiuig dill net percepiibly eheve bier. CanadianlDepot: V'ronlt*, ont. Ine b norning, white 1 was ai work bc. ping a letter unuler the door, Wild anId "Wasbîng." second holll, say, a couple cf gallons ; tbe The water gel lîlghith ie cabin, forecasile, bled te bouse, 1 beard lier ca- inconsistent as ibese suppositions were tbey " Wasb-iug! I muet think about thaiteeo third a pini.1 The twc big oee stand ou a anll galley, andl destroyed all tite provisions. " Kit! KIt ~"seemel feasible enonito te , .We can't always be usiug new tiîlg." sheif we'Il make 'cm 1 andl 2 ; Ieuil u rose se quîckly that thte skippem's wife Instinctively 1I Steppell fomward te see Twe or ibree tintes lu the ceurse efte "No, tat's wbei I titougiti. l'mn flnlliugstandsunederneatit Ne, 2, and a larnp stands hall tirne nly te man up thue cmpanien way witasit wantedllfme . l yocp afierneen I went round te thc front door cf eut which jti tetest way. Herc's an ac- under titat, A tube connecte ithe little cvîiu- witb nothintg on save a wrapper. Site dill't tien thiat My naime was Gregory now, I the bouse te look avoir thte moor. Hebe counV cf bow te Egyptians dill it-a whole dem witb No. 2, andlà, sypiton cennecis'No, oglbrBbe bctst cp ne tm naey u tid h feunidlhem looking icwards me, and net ai sean ced it as eageriy as 1. history of wasbîug; but the continental 2 wi No. 1. A tube f rom te brook enVers Ptdlow. thte puny s hall caled, III will waich carefully," site said. systernereeme te me most reasonable ie ,prin- et te botiorn of Ne. 1, te entrance closes Ste was itelped up on the top cf te A ittle laer on site carne te me in greatII Nothiug shall escape me"cpe." witlu a valve ; aeotber tube frem i e boîîem afterdeck bouse, and there see eayed for eigi.Imanîged te fiud au iliiconstruntion te "I know soîneting about tbat," saillsite, cf No, 1, serves a as reservoir eut bore, and thiree days and nigitis eadieg lber bock ad d "Oit, conetebore, 1 bave semeîhing Vo put on tii promise cf devetion.lrigachrcostemnaletigaocoesiV vle. Do you under-Viepm. :a t show yen 1" site said, Siuc smiîdd ne more that day. Hem de-.iterself, I bave watcedd lte woineu stand?" the pompa. 1 followeddlber, wonllering wittlldi vr pression I atîribuled te disappeinirnent lu lessivant in Normanlly." Hebe looked atieetivclyat therough plan, Capt. Lent iook tl'e bottm himacif,' andl sie al mll, ondteVie ocs ,in, Vtefalue f it sIbme Tell aie itow ibey do it, for I don't quiie and caid-" VYes, I tink 1 sectat,"lte sillers workedte pamps untîl theur te lairy, witerc site stealltily pointed oui Twice in te nightt I creptstcalhily llewn f ttsdecitin""Now, suppose tal No, 1islafulldwiîb bande weme blisieredland ibeir arme were te browe heun itting in a mud bte. froin thle loft, under te conviction that I "They haug a great canidren ove,,ite waier, te liiale cylinder le also fillled wtb acre. I A 1 . "Site bas eue egg under hiem aleay,"ste iteard tce look of te cottage doer being fime filled witb waler, auldte lessive-Vlhat's water, and Nýýo. 2 contains air. In ltai cen- Thte Captain was forty heurs ai Vite wbeel saîl. 'IWO will leave thorm, an hni picked. ttc asites lrmn wvol firc-Vîed in a bag, is dîtion the watcr could Det un out cf No. 1 witbouît a wink cf sleep and nt a bit Vo cai. CGR time wc shah bhave a bro cf Young Before itwae fairly ligiti was oni my. put in titere. Iben, on as stool a littie way if te vessels were air tighti ; but if yen lit A cn ak cf andcr, semewiai broki, allhadfr chic kens." way te Tavistoce. The landiord cf te inn f rouie thefire, siands a big tub wiit a bag cf the lamp tender te littie cylînder te stearnbe adsdii utid i aîsfr__________________ "l'Il neake a eoop for thomra P e tm Iuuly adttepe asabgiris mcci ai te bottem, cnd al lte linen ou andl beai geneaed in No, 2 would allow Vree days. Iuit ih eel 7hncie wer sal aie h oy a ,dgtop. Frmr te bottom of VIhe tub her'c a te waier tVo mou ocf No. h i'îto the raser- ThteCaptain itopedl 'ro igt bl O, 'sat id ll 1 1want a dog," sil I. I" Wht V lathat pipe for thte water te run cf'f£romn the tub voir marked B. Do yen ssc aV' ctegain ounte leak and take bis vessel uuio z 1 -a "Ot iatwh efamions 1" sel site, iacobenamigivb oeslnieVt cuiroWun iewae ohe t Vîk~port oic tce way Vo Dems' witlout qusticning, anyrmore ttitan wha on twb 1 tareueing.s ieoor scenveniteenildrluesesethetaer pilmp111 tinkse.som purpose a cocp cold serve. lier deligit Il"Oh, be's for sale, as fer as tai gees ; a woeian scoops te watem out witt a alle II Wall, if yeu tmmcl ont your laeîp wtcu ramra. iThree baye' elmos nes sant Dp RBAII Oiu was teat cf a Young girl. but lbe ain't wbat yen wouhd oeil a laby's anýd peýurs it coet ce top cfte linen ; ih rues te eservoer was full, te stcar in No. 2 ing toib ci lest, au ndite aflernoon cf Rc us T H AD oa Wben I was putting tep the situtters e g-thdn rngitcuatckunie lte canidmon. Afler would condense, cnd run beck j inte oeJu4 t up iod ou eic ac.i o ie foenJn w t erasedfteruy payddoui Vten,____________________ ci t e came te rny ide, and lookiug Ido t wauta lady s d.titis proces,th lien i alioVhun down te thc cf water ioe ittile cylieder, et te same Butthemen_____________________ontthen, over the m oor, c ele l m y attention Vlte h And ttc ain' m ach teolook a ,aculie river, a d in s 1 in clear, run ing wae m ime tiat te v eoumn form uîd in No. i woulll a ic l tti ne t c C p ti t hewie a s san sheI)tcf whte misi litat laylitke a lake in ain'V a oportieg llcg, ced buie n't muet f a > I hîlinkt Vt's lcow ius donc." cause thte water te runetp fom îles streaneiU t, sigthor î i-n ce ifer osestand th olo, n to u h prle bee othr i acitsesirtetl "yu Aanices, old-feshioned, barbamous waste titrougithVie valve A, until lte former con- M Li fl<,orlin o heafe busO th iolc, u Vtu o tepmpetom reel titer: ogin't aus caie ta.lye B reue aor"d io Vtinawsmnwd"keeping a hookoni for a a cii.M standing up lu savage uajesty againsute bite lgsnVta icib s u Bc mksVte inennieaandifull "e titaoftiby juai igîeg ied îap en Thte wind was stili blowiug e gale, vary. pahe igt ini Vhe wcst. 1 wilsay titis for 'liite's got nmore bark in "w tit ab tcirs giveinansweameifl c"ould briog to gallon cf e w aîc mp ttcing from nortitwest te soutwest, endte "I eyr ne Vtemoo ws e rad ineVianitifa eeod ie ry esand OtIdnidut b teu' a me îrcram rigitt utc the bouse ?"canvs-tl'e foresail, double eefed-wcs ai" Ciu,"sosi n o oeofh' htnat epgr cwe. tiat 1 bas te keep 'ira in an crnpiy pigstye "ouD bo yen Vhouk ay oubl alcenhd K;an k ate a yu hore cd batfl, lscibe owtuIfhestaInsytmemlwiDarnes ed e out wit ou uytoule ine il;nn fteea yacooe"geing sluggishy befome it. Site lebored "Well," ttongiti 1, as I lay down tbaV by biîcsehf, and se if you want c wtcb bog machine " Site bcd a certain aw nvdut a Tit seerna more wonlerfuh titan cny- bccvihy and siipped lois cf water forwerd. nighti, '"I did weil te humer bier, We siteil fer acfammyrd-" aw cd hVitug you tave cnvented voyt cwl ile, grog- Althoughit i was fer below lte latitude ef jog aleug comfortably ncw. I's en limes Titis wec exaclly te dog 1 wetel. I fietence wit regard Vo rnc-hinery ciejon 0ry" cIte eaid, uvit fresit admiration. foi tm e bî eVt etws botter Vo ses bier cheerful titen wiîb a face bough itube, wiîb te necessary appoint-oeibtepoon eif nc Ils 'curions," I edmitied, wiit a faucons xvo, cul rewsa hL n t er roeslte as long acea fille. Now I can get on wit 1 meut cf e muzzîe, c massive collqr. and e ability. prsîence cf care.essuess, titengitheVluctod d a ns cfsrayeVtet cared abodtcu my work cmfortebly. No need te botter tcavy citain. He was c form'î1.sthe animal, "hu "I xlied "'tsr.wes Vugling in ry veine wititan excitement kept lier drencbded. Univcmsahfly ackuowlelgeb bo my bead about bier for awil." witb a mcciforbicdunpiuspect-bandy, bleaur Why, ook bers-tleure's te eoppsr," only knowi, perbape Vo inventera.Ttcefonaerexeauegvupb apeirueerrsec And probebuy I shoul ntuhave botitemcd eyed, and uelerte'cjg. Ini bis ceci peece- secigtt opr ie io ytc " But if it'e sc simple, why itasn't bse, wcrk ai te pompe cete nigitu cf Jen. 4. te any pclber branla in te rny hai any more iftilinga ted gone ce lu foltrnomeýs hottcseemed te Dc meditcting au oven, IIyou put yonr lessive-ail titese acshes donc bfore? " ste cekel, still mrevlling aed te weer rose again. But te sec cul markeý. Alwcys reliable, as te carne cotrse. But te vcmy nexi day assuil. ot wof V te vsnu orbiris'in, ul ahl oerwind went down sornewl et.hebenflybecntcd someîiug beppened tole rcw my cox'ety. "lu dccc net matter a bit aboutu teing fl lii ec.Nw es orwe. I bel te adroit tat perhuape il bcd been Bfrecce r.Let ie id enb temhn s I emtaedl Wbie wc n hllerkio~ue ot Iugly," cy wifcccid, wlen I cbowed mrn ew îng tebxvtit a lot cf btes ii inte otionV en eoe;ttV ttsdy mtoa'se epingeJwk nd saiLenttat heir trobe ytemlinth ae atone for rny jolet, flots- came cul calel, in purcicese. "If te ceswescour purpoce and drain tlcrougit, and a piece t ve-sigitth efthVie simiple contrivance being praclucahly wnlce eoea st udce lpaunually and te incrca-,ug wbeeru he'y gve scfeln c ecrî, ie u vry uing tgug atooftghe liter lî on c puied.in c dreaine ailing towerd tem, caldltai Iemcnb for thee, 1noVwtit- "Greory ' uing." ocVic k c uepon top f Vte coppe ou t, ed "IYen cnet 'make thti, Gregory," my by Icyligit te sbip wonld te in sigti. Site standing an incraseà c- c "Wi, wiat is t uow l" I askcd, ailI One wouîî bave tougitt 1 teî Iîuglt te e aet epe arysen uii ccwife sail, ieuderly. I"Not only wil hiob edVt supwuîcre rmVt oi, petlîlon cf orer (<ne B undj-ed I lpD tte tn.ot les ir ýTtc tube goe bown necrly le ts _bot- uccful t hi t ecnui î ieu rsai e i aw cit got eon etkhe s ub and Tcî-iv e eFcoes- Il pig tVt aoe Mind yen don't truitoasitem. omte tccopper, canl up just abeve tic 1in ter bie." peeW'r'v u f e a twsed Thunsier tac adtii-fpesactolus,- g el iiwiaian c." rs h CATP.XXVI.level cf thte linen peckcd in te VtubrouInd Titis gratiful my pride ; i h t Vo have pSre enouhisettrepei.udaihsiWe aecci e vlues Ttneres NOcnîe LOVd VsCHP E . XVI.i.lt tpc iepp e tpev-'tcatoucitel my tecri. mgten ssy,thems was a seul efar off. Tlue bull manufacturera is houes. " 1eNOedeceLOVE. ld oan aul Ita dezen hleipe c Vite II 've never tried mybaud et rciawsaonnveadAso baepln " A en!"I etosd lecendne ite ad- At igiti Iput the dog lute living rren; comk, ien f hete st pier yprcie wssc i iwcli cc eam li cercunfereece cf itsotetu jucihundemnintthe mecitanies," I sil, forgettung rny assorliti,, i it e sbip's lookout bcd sau lte i rA'rT c..CrvT dem cd ciise ii ce tndhamer n tteas ceeu as I tegan te move l inte memieg, Noix'yen ligtt yonr fim, ced wit aep. ltai I beue a wctcitraker, But site shooner's signal cf distrese. la D V IÔ O<.# ..JL' other. Lu cuotiter momnet I chenl bave lbe gave longue, ced neyer steppul unlil 1 pene?" umklliecntaicin I-sQ-lrsod t baecfte cone edbc strobe inVo igiti, but taab setitew itarsecî Openel te.door witeu lie would have tm " c' nwGeoy tons ttX Viteh c otripholu.ber cs e the une Thme bd wleofVte c wer segegea ueAo ra belore mme.o lce iIlblllf1ti drealoGeoy i tiee-telo ftiup nle ysatte ie mse le h ce eeeggdi h "li l qunite, close-te wiîî seceyou t!" stem Dee s i I uVotprudenly lf i'pressing de c f a gencrel tlow up). I understcnd il eow. pmucs om f eiieengVteinier1 wtîspeel un error.mnrzled. During 1[ee daylice wachained Il Wiy, withlie water toile, ttc stecut, "Imgtut ihet oit"si I uu ilgen ai of, and icn ite .Caeto looked ai bier lu stupil perplcxiuy, jtpi Vt1tbe. i astwtsloluboieve rciclynvnt îdprse n eg aein te my drawing. bove Vo wiuedwamd of lice Minooa, Cepi. Largest and Uhhe Gade Cige-r wcedc-iug itat temswas t tuer cedWitenliteppiklyoie cnd the irngthe straeo f tewater aîud force il z p lte it, I know yen ceul !" chle erchimed; Actr a ia ew dhv esu "Iiimey te a detectve-cu officer in dis-.etr t u ofeit ee ypue cdn lj pa vrVt i ce i 1 cm sure you conldo anyting ."lowu c boaVto ter. Ttc trensfer was net Manufacturers in Canada. gis-corne ite ke yen away," cite ex- fears cud auspicions laIed away,'cel ty ttheunnde sca i oudpe colau itongVthepe Isclhv ost pabni.Ttmspemilous, for ttc cea ted moderaiel c gond____ plciiied. cdc iswe eicrsmdorfr-lnnadccp ckiV t oprroem for it inVte shed." led. Mmc. Lent wcs toc wcck te stand cul oc vci u sap l endft h weeqniliity ul gool deo frst m-ic, tirongi t hlits oles ienthe nottem oet hlItetub, Il W le lt lu bes? Il will te codl ont ashewes ftcd over ttc low-ying ide oftite sacs roccs wocldOuhmpetel. Thiý, you fewh aegeig Cac. Amesitury gave Mme. Lent sDne f W.. "Hde yoeunctwt ere. Oit o'î cndliber uncsasing efforts te cnake te would docauicets.1i05lly eXactlywha5t i d ýoue noise." bsouudrlttswcc ieml ver waes motet,"cie coniinuedd "I will beau et thinge. b ec i onnwtuttir ladîce.. ' "Wliat cf Vt? h 9Ttwilh give me pleasure Vo fit iterseif. Al tends werc treetel se -e eeî,-efu eect ~ mxt-'i-t-' -ermv ~-ii~euceorc4l<- e - e t1etLrgbîV T s l'il'tf ' I-ced fe~e~îh ie-it itt~hitWt WEtur tlwW guurîceyseae-.ey er e-cOttdl... h ..a-1ueti-nojietmcl cct-.eii. Ofyteiu neese- le-.di aitii r= ~ice c-racwue, trIe'ueOa~~-0ulr-r cnt -e ceae - rmMn-tct eimd- ~- - e- re-ce- --e- - -e- . e-e- e- e-e-- - e- -- e-- e- e-e-e-e-e-ae- e-e-s-.-~e-~e- .e e -e -e -~ s-e -,e -~ -e-e-e-e- - e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-.-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-~e-e-e-e .e-e-1-.e-e-e-e-4e-ee-e-e- e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e- e-e- e-e-St-e-e- e-e-e--e--e--e- -e-- e- - e- - e -e - Se--e--e--e--e-e-.- --e- r-e-- - - - - - .e-e-- - - e-e-e-e-,e-e- -e- e-e- c-e-t-e-v-c-e-e-- -e-e-e-e-e-e--- e--e--. e-e- e- -e-s-'e-eV e- e- e- e-e- e-e-t-e- e- e ~e-.e-e-e--e-~-.e-e-e-e-.-.-r--e-e-. e-. -c-e--e-~e-e-e-e- -e-e-e- e-e-e-e-e-e- e- :t tczic-ix'e-- cc-e-h-e-t- t-e-c-cic.---ee-e-t -as-- e- - e-ce-e-- e-e-e- 'e--e- e- e-e-e-e-c-t-te-e- e-e- e-e-c-~.e-e-e-e- rje-e-sv-e-e-e-~e- ~ cee-e-de-.. 5raie-,- -UtTe-s.-ise-1-e-.-~e- c-e-~tt-t ieic-rtLc-L c-c-. 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