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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1893, p. 3

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tn a dangerous emergcucy, AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is prompt ru act and stre ru cure. A dose taken un tbe first symptonts ofCnnupor Bronchitis, citecks furtiter prugress of tbesc conîiplaints. Ils softens tbe pilegmn, soorbs the lu- fIametd membrane, and induces sicen. i As a remnedy for cuids, cougbc, loss ut voîce, la grippe, pueumuinia, and even ulnsumption, in its early stages Cherry Pectoral ex cels ail simnilar prepararluns.* It is enidursedby ieading pbysici!ans, ian grec-. able ru tbe taste, does not interfère witb dIig"ýstinn, sud i3ceds tu be taken îîsuaily samall doses. " Front rcpeail tests itniv onufanly, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral lias proved itself a very efficient rezedy for colds, coughs. ani the various dis. orders ef the throat and lns.-.W. Iarlett, Pittsfield, N. Hc. ,For the la, t 25 years I1lhave bren taking Ayîr. Chrry Pectoral for lung troubles, and amn assuned thas iL,:use has Ï have recoornnted 15 to ltandreds. IIid the etost effeetis e say nf talsiîg this niedicitte is in small and frequeni doses."- U. M. Matthiews, P. Ms., Sherman, Ohio 'M Iy wife -.uffered frein a c ld; nothtg ltelped he l'ut Aye's Cherry Pectoral whin effecid a cure. -R. Aiero, Plymton. N. S. Ayer's Cherry Prectoral Prepared hy Dr. J C. Ayer & C.)., Lowell, Mass. 'Prompt to actx Sure te cure Mrs. DANCASTER lias just received a new stock of goods whîch 'she* wiIl selI at reduced prices or the Xmas trade. A large assortment of Ladies' and Children's Feit Ilats very reasonahie. ilats re- shaped aiid colored iii al the YOUNG FOLKS. An Intmurpted Quarrel. Fîrst Baby lunting pincitedrte snow bet-% cen bier lingers dnsail, IAnd susiled ru se.-rti-t it ltad grown a large, white, roundisîtowball. Tîsen Tnimuty Tuppur rolted it un, and muade of i.t nstead iA simwy truwer, higitur titan his little cstriy i head. Titan Lucy Lockett reached to 15, ju-it st&nding on lier toc-s, And ehanged i5tuoa greissow mtan withi yo ýnîn uth andi nose. iAnd ten cretlout thee hidn ttrec, *o "It's minelsidTom."Nni'mne and su 5aid overy unit, Tite waroi, brigitsun louked lau'-liog out, lu ntiscief anoiplpay, And whilc tber quarrelied for te itou, b melteit it away. SThe Great Dark Day-. "Grandpa, wbat du uhey inesu by tise danS day ?' sud hli% rdozen rosy.cheeised citildren gatbered arund G5nandfatber Evans, as lie set in bis btg armuhair un tîte purcb une sunîsy April aftenon. IlWhy, Guy, tbey mean rte veny dans itinebeenrît of May in 1780. it was long hefone I was bont, but I bav e heard father bell about lb man y rimes. The day seeîned turued bu nigît, ih was su vcry davis." "lOit, bov einsuuar! Please tell me al about it, Do, Gýrandpa." "I t happened joîr a buudred and tweivc years ago. Your great.graîîdfatber waa then about forty years uld. Hli icd lu New Haven, Conuecticut, aîd avas a mcmn- ber uf the State Legisiarura for that ycan. 1 remember hearing iit ell ituw cold sud severe the preceding winter was. Long Island Sound was fruzen su titat heavy artiileîy crussed lb on thte ice. Skating parties went froin Providence to Newport, aud frum Newport bu Fail River, witbout a niis. Duriug bte last uf the winter deep drifts of suow iay onrte around, and iu February titae vas s snuîvstrnm itat las ed1 uver a week, and alînoîtbnried te bouses. IlThe sprîng uvas very long sud very cold, Tise ssnw did nuS leave tîntil about tbe twenry.flfrb of April. The itights were vcny bnigit. Numcrous su-d stantling aur- oral exhîibitions tnigittened the peuple. The midnigbt iteavens wcre, briliiaub witit ned sud silven cornuscations ; aliig stars, you eaul ticm ; sud many outhebcgooti peuple titugit tbe end utfrite woî-id wss approacit- iug. "For severai daya before tise nineteentis a strange s'apur fflleii the air, jusi as you have nuticed it when large fines bave he ragiug lin bte wuods. There was a smell ut sul- phur, sud the windi was in tite soutit-cast, aud rthe weatber ooked lowcriug, Tite îtîruîng of bte nineteents exiîibited nitt- iug remanîsabie cxcept a thicis smoky as- muspitere,, sud a pale gimmnering lube eastern sky. IlYuur great granttathen ivas in Hart- ford. sahee thcou prrt masi n session .sand older folks ail sai. up to watch for the iight, "And morning dawned fair and bright. Neyer did the suni shine more plesantiy. and nieyer perhaps, was it greetcd more gladly. Ail tise gIoorn had disappeared. SlThe birds sang joyotisly, snd the chiidren rose happy and smniling. The dans day was o ver.ý "Aid was it darsallover tie worid, just as it was here, grandpa 1" asked thuughtful Franks. -"No, and that was the queerest part of it," repiied grauidfatiter Evans. - The darkness extended north and south fnom the Slü. 'awrence to Long Islandi Sound, aud east and west fnomn Maine to centrai New Y orks. And witbin this aiea tise degree of darkness difiered. Connecticut was whoiiy nnder the cinud. In New Hampshire the dask iightened aiittle beforn ight,bnt about Long Island Sound the ciood did not hf t as ail thnougb the day. "The cause of titis singular darkness has enver been explained. Tt .sas fnot prostuc- cd by an eclipse. Nor, conld any fires have been suffilcient te spread so dense a cloud uver ai New Englaind aud a portion of the Middle States, It remains to-day a wonder- fiphenomenon, inrerestinig but inexpiica- hie. "-[Christian Jnrtelligeuoe. Boys, Attention. Reading wili be founâ one of tbe înost important means of culivatsng thbc mmd, ifsa proper selection of readin 'g matter is mnade. I hope that nu boy w-s-h pretseni tbat hie cati find nu time for the improve- ment of bis mind lu this way, sînce tbenej is much time -,orse titan squandened by many, if flot most boys. There are titosc. wbo spend more time in smoking their filtiîy pipes sud cigars, ia lounging anound grog-sttops, titeatres, gaîublug- bouses, drnniing saluons and similar placsi wbich the morais arc sadly affected, thin wouid be required, by reading, te weil store1 the mind with useitil kuowicdge. By cane aud attention a few moments of timie can bc found for sncb reading iu almost snty situia. tien ia life. As an illustration, the writer wlien un tbe tarin sud wlîile au appreusice was able to devote consid v foi reading, taising bis boots or sonne, othen' readiDg matter with bini as lie dno\ e the cows to tbe pastore, reading as lie waiised or wbcu watcbing the sbeep, as a sbephierd boy, or wbcu sheliug corn, tbe bonik being laid on the " shelling-board, " lbuson leuru-. ing tu (Io bis work sud read at the samne rime 1-le also took his readiîîg matter withIt lim ru bed, iseepiug tite iigbs bnrniug for a coin- siderable time, whicb la not nuw recoin- mended, since neading in bcd as weli as in the cars, is injurions ruerite sigbv. lTt was mure proper to awake as soun as it was ligbit, flnding a short time, at least, befere the hroonîstLick was heard j ust beloxv. witb, 1Boys, get up. " In a few yeans of boy- iîood a great de al uf useful knowlcdge may 1 A WALBE1NIR MIRACLE, tio. They contaiu in a coudeuseor al the lemntsneeessany tu gîve istew lite.sud iciteesa to thte blond antd restones sittered à A .R. P. ilan Relates Ilîs Won- nenves, Tbey ai-e an unfailing speciflu' derfîil seape-. for stîcit iseases as locomotun ataxie, Î neunaigia, nltnmaism, rerous beadacite, Imelieýf3 wth heun, -tite atter cifects ut la grippe, palpitationi lEliess 115h lterîîîtisî is 5i d- Fiiei otrie -heart, paie ansashow camplexions ateler eais sjesi5e't~m lait anU d uirte rired feeling nesnltiug froint ucnv- -The Story Coreolieratellt by Iteltute uns pi-naration ; Il dsae eetn il 5ascac~. pon vitiie d sunons in thte blond, sucit Gra'nd Valey Star. as scrutuis, eisronic enysipelas, etc. Tbey licre ara tewv peopie isnttijs sieilliby wlsu are alan a specidue for troubles peculiar tu do nut knosx MnTis.Msu tmr - females, snicb as suppressions, innegulanibies 1- Hie ias becu for yeans tise tnustwnntlîy sui ail formna ut wcaku ass. Tbey build stp section furcol ii uofthbie C, P. R. ini tte divisionuthte blond anîd nestore the gluw ut bealti tob in wbicli lie esides and te cxempiary li fe pale sud talion' cheeks. lin tise case ut men : bie al'wsys la I 'tas gîvon iis a respecable tbey effect a radical cnre in ail cases anising J statua intis conisiutlity. He is a ventle--fi-otemîetal svunny, nserworis,un excelles ut mni whit a îoongiy eliable, sud witeu svlateven nature. This wori-renowned Suap stands at te " om" oss tulas yuu anyting yen eau TI-ose Pills are manufactured by Dr. Wi hesd ofal Launcy andtHousehold Suap, boit depend upoîtit every urne. Tbisbiy wayofut ms Medicinie Comupany, Brocisville, Ontl- f or quality sud exteut of sales. pnel utc to --n intrestîng stuny tbe Star Itas sud St-henectady, N. Y., sa renl sd arcrcugbudretinsdl ui.aa ru tel lion anme rime pasi. a grear dal u bxe baîug is irm's brade mark ou ti1 no'elansd enterti, gientrhappa-Waper, et 50 eta. a box or six boxes tue with ail the oid-faitioned drndgery of waîsh cd in thse cousis outhtie piess blînnu.intt 2.50. Be-tv lun iind titat Dr. Wilîiamsrdy.Tyb;enouedsponc. t'le countrny, gis îîsg biteparticulans utf'Lunes Pink Pillsarae neyer sold lunisuli, or by te' SUNLIGHT SOAP bi bçen ije tse il, lsortlrnîg 'on tilt minacuinîts, in varions tiozen or huutred, aud eny dealer vrisuou- Windsoru Caîble for te paît 3 yasansd ita parts nf isecouontry. lîsose wto bas-e neat fers suibstirttes is trying ru defreuit yuuud teanufacburers have boen specialiy appointed, thee nrrtivs ýis hve utthei owu aitonît bu avoidet. Dr. Williams' Pink ethse ratives matd have putrtiancs, rPilla may bu lied ut ail dnoggists 'r direct SOAPMAHERS TO THIM conete r te auncisin that trrurbha indeed by teail fnom Dr. Wtllhaius Medicine Com- QU5IEN srrangel- tii s ficrtion. Te Star must con- pany trum ciiter addro-sa. Te pnie et teFs risat it uid nas psy muci ttencîtionî bu wbicl these pillsare e soid usakes e course ut o ise reput-ted iiîiracsslous cures umuil abeut a, tneatmeut comparativeiy ittexpensive as ANTE îuîslîag, vtes 5 estottiera ur cmared wiit otiter remedies or medicai III'l PURE AND TO qui'.' as notable as nsiy out tiose pub.-îliJtmt. ilCiit, N lisîtediad bs-en srouglsr withiu a few HMCL utiles ut Gr'and Valley. 'Tetact is tiset HINDOO TRADITION8 Of THER FLOOD greas, cures, or accidents, un ragcdies, wben tbaev nucur butîdreta ut miles away-uo .ntater lsox excibiîîg or how rtriling-do Oike Viat tgrecs lu the Mein I5etails Wlth tnt usually ennuie mare titan e passing iu- Our Bilical Accsuittt. ci-est wot-ne tise actons or tise centrai figures l1t may bie sait witont tear ut contradic- atre entiruiy uîskuown. Bait lut soîîsetlsing nion teat a ecasit two-tirts Outhbie nations oc-or it cees owus neigitituhood analogous sand races ufthrie globe have soine tradition ru tat reporteti fî-oî a distance, sud witit (in isany cases very ftaint) ut witat we cal wiîat diffreneusfeelings is te îsewa received. rte Deluge or Floodt ut Noal. lIn India Ic lied ruait ut miracles wnouglît et Trou- titese mytits on semi-sacred legenda appe-ir toi, Lonîdon, Hamnilton sud et otber places, in neny ferîa, one at least, teat conrainet tIrnit i te use ut Dr. Williams' fanions in tbe Hindou Maitaiharaba, agneeing wititÂhî l odMdI Pink Pilla ton Pâlme People. But sve vene ounr iiblical accuout in aIl ou t iraain dtrils. wre1104Moaî nur acqinuted witl lte parties reîtoned ru Brahmts did tt1"speais witb a voices t___of__________ lieiit we wene iin the eîjoyment ut guedt biuisitr tint a dontd," but appeared tob lieaitit ourseuves, and tlîeine.u i-y outhbe gncst -Manu, thte Hintlou's Noaht, in rte forteu T afo S op biînga doue in otitar sections pataud front flit, titis un te River Wirini. Frutu tteuceN e a l r S i . unr inid. \'(ien wc wure tuhd, bowver, bue was transternet to te Ganges, lîaving tat we iait only ru drive down ru tise pretby growu bon large for rte Wîriui, aud atter The undensigueit wha bas been carrying on village ut Wsidcmer Su get rite tull particu- an aatoniising incruste ut huiS trom disporb- the railorng business tn conueutue w'ith utr o a miracle as striising as ittsy 1 hat at ing in tise sacrutl river bie was transternet Mason'a Dry Go-ids Store fora ubroyea lias commenceit business for immeit at lusi beu repurtebu in te rews papers, we wcre bu bite Indien Ocean But even hure Menu residence, King St,west. wherc lho is preoireit et once intencted.. W e sers turtiter toit (Noait) waa iititin speaiig distance, ant. te make geuts' sud boys' suite tn al te aists tar -Mr.- Tios. Mots was tise man whîo lb was tromt btroceau's deptits tat Brait- styles, sud et iowest prices. Pa, titose who owedIsi netortio buiteatitbu iteuseut e m-ve rtes tn rte uildng t a wîsi S ue drsantis, lha wiil curry a f al lins uf owedhisresoraionin ealh t th us of a Lve rdes fr te bildng f agreat sampies inuaIlthSe necweastpatterns. Give hlm Dr. Williamis' fted Pink Pilla. Rensember- iite.-aving s-esscil aiS). Maîtu dit as a cadi. iug titat Mr. Moss at been lait up witit Brabuta directet, sud on te approacit ut J. jT. ,A.nLEN%, rtumatiate et intervais for years, anduttiat the grear floodtbonis goot care bu atruw away titere svasa rime lasasprngaudsummenwiten seed ut al Sinits as well as the living crea. Fashiotiable Tailor bis famnilier face was entirely miaaiug frotat bures ufthtieertit. Lest ut ail lie provitet Bowawisnviile. Nom-. 1, 1892. thec -ailrrisrV Itle Star dieterminedte usec bim oa.fp,-s for,-hseven RIliisinti, hol bipi,

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