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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1893, p. 3

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(CUT PLUG.) (P LU G. No other brand of Tobacco bas ever ený joyed sucb an immense laeand popii1arî7t-yin ---- the same period as this brand of Cnt PIng and Plug Tobacco. Qldest Cut Tobacco manafac- turers in Canada. Cut Plug, loc. th lbPug, 1oc. 1, lb rhug, 20c. FLORIST, OSHA WA, - - . ONTARiIO Grawer aud dealer lu Cli'lca Cet Fiowers, Planta, Rasas. Carnations. Violats. Smiax. sud'Fenus. Faearai Designsansd Bouquets made ap ou short notice lu Wreaths. Crowns, PIlaws, H-eanta. Society Ilmblesus, &c. Plants Loanad for Dacoration.auch as Paima Foras Lilica. &o. Taiephana Couneotion. i.iy THE CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTAI3LISIIED 18e. $1 perrsnuum lu advanc'a , othenwigeaL51 Subsoiptione aiways payable ait tsa offise )f publication. Advortisiuïr ratas unie3, by cas ract, 10 cent;s pan lino, noso ciria J. first ingarbl u, sud Scouts par lino aaci saubeaquoatin ,- isaton. Lacais, 10 conta par lina. M. A. JAMES, Pubioher STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. Captt*alpaîd up, SeG.et S5510 This Bank is preparod ta do Legiti- imate Baukiug in ail its branches. F&%rmeî 'e notes discouurcd ; Deposits receÏved and Interest paid on accounts of e$5ansupwards iu Savinge Bank Departtnent. »RAFTS 183ued sand collections made ln Europe United Sisttes, and Canada. W. JJOZT--yEi, A g 3it. ONTARIO BANK eontinuses ta do s Genral Bankiug Business Bowmauviiie Ageucy-. DEPOSITS ReCLlved Iu Savinurs Bank Depantmeut and on Dailan sd intereat aliowed at carnent rates Ne Sotlce otwltbdrawal nacessary. ÂiI deposits payable ou demnanil. EXCHAÂNGE 'J'ted Statesansd Canada, aiso GoidSlverand UIlttedSta.ea Green backB bouizht sud aoid, i -COLLECTIONS Pnemptly muade at carrant rates upon ail part of Great Bruttaie, the United States ancaithe Dominion olCanada. Telegraph Transfers ?Jade fon lange or emal csus ou cil part at Osuada. This la cspeciaily advaut goons ta onr livinglu Maniloba or tisa Natisw est, etm.akes tisa funds avaihable at once ai tise place af Osyment. ,?thoraraticulars allaitishe bsnk. F RTT, GEO. MeGLLL, Accountant, Manager. VETEXI&ARY SUR(.0h. .P.RICII, Clarke P. 0.. having boagît Clarke Taws.hip, peardt put 'O o re. AGRICULTURAL. ow Panera BIsi Combine Olpîteý. Lu the Jasnary issue we urgaf tise imper- tansce of ians, a xitl smastslfarmî, combin- iug capital so as ta ha able ta purcisasa with greateet ocouomy all saci machines as realiy cave labon aasd cheapen cost ai pro- duction, sud, aiea, te a pucisa3 sncb saod animais as are necessary ta improve thair domectic animais sud render tisons neally profitable. Iu tblsarticle wa purpose ta give a fiv iinta an tis a bst methode ai combiniug capital sud nsiug, labor-saving machinery sud scad animais ai improved biood. We would cay bore, that wc have long beau ai tise opinion tisaitthe ideal farmar af ibis country, tise anaevhso is ta elavate tisa vocation sud afanî tisa best illustrnation ai theinceiligent, prosperoue, sîscccscinl larm. or sud citizen, wiii c he se mail farmer ai 100 acres, or ander, who culîlvates hie land tisoroughy, sud surrouds talsdwell- ing wiis beasty, convenlaîsce, camion sund aven iîsxnry, epacially sncb iuxuries as ane stacle lu tisaway ai realizing ibis idealisl the iuaiiliîy ai ties mail fansuen ta stock bis farim with sncb machinany as will an- able is ta produceata as ow cosi as tise lange lasmer, sud tissuccessfnhly campata wiîb him. We bave held, lu apposition ta tise theorias ai those wiso deny tisaitisane eau ha any igisîful awnership ai land. tisai tisa farmer wlso comas su hagal possecsan ai se mucis ias isiaeceacary ta cmploy bis mental snd physicah capadities ion iaban sud enabla is ta support bis iamily, bas as jutai ms t awucrsisip ai that land as any oison property ownen bas ta isapnop- oty, but whass s man takas possession ai largo tracts ai land, whilisha (lues net need sud docc ual propenly cultivate, keepiug oisons irom n ning and csltivating it, wc are net nsovad ta cay snything lu sdvocacy ai sncb dlaims. Wa are awara ibat h la not an easy mai- tar ta sudicate a plan hy whicb s namben ai farmers eau fors a parnucshîp or joint stock association ior tisa purcisase aud awuorcsip ai machines sud iload stock, thai shaîl operaewîish justice sud equity ta ail tise members sud give nu cause ion camplaint. Lu tise firai place, we wonid rcommend no bacce association ai neigis- bore, verhalhy agraeiug ta purchase, awu sud use certain propcniy joiutly. Sucb a associatians arc prcity certain t:) resuit in mistindenstandiugs, dicagreemenis, beai hunninge and, probabhy, ligitaîlons. Our ides wonid ha ta arganize lagal joint stock corporations, ion wcll aîsd clearly defined purposes, cvenytbing ta ha wcl nndcrstoodl snd lu wntiug. A dozen nean nieigisions,, working irom 1000 ta 1500,acres ai land, lu as uearly a square body a possible, conld mccitagatiser sud talk the mattar aven, Tisey couid datarusine what machines it wonld ha ocouamicai ion thens ta owu jaintly, wbicb would ho, probahiy, sncb, as they woaid want ta use for s short tisie auly, in.certain ceacana, cay a drill ior accd- ing, spring sud atumu ; passshhy a raliat-, darn planter sud perisapa a disk banrow, sud mawer,harveator sud thrachsug machine. Wbcncver a practicable buakiug machine chhaa beiuvcnîad tisai waaid, ikeiy, ha lu- ludai, anîd a potata digger whcncver wc bave anc that îs really lsbor.ssývsng sud ecassomical. Perisapa a large ctiing ma- chine wonld asea Se wantod sud a traction stesm-enginc ta aparate threabing machinea, cuttinig-macbinc, possibly huzz-saw lu se localiies wbcra wood s stili plentiful. Thon, tisay mighi incînda sncb sccd auj- malis as a stalisn, a buil, a rame, s hoar, al ai hast biood, an, perisapa, a ciallian miglt profitabiy caver s iangen tenitasy. t caid eaciiy ho estlmated how snucb wonld ha raquirad ta make ail uecassary puirchasea sud then 2.5 ta 50 pan cent. addcd ion repaira sud oisornencessany expencas. 1 bis wouid caustituta the capital stock, wbici shsbuld ha dividad ia c hane ai convenient ize, $25, $50 an $100 aacb. Thsis stock should ha taken hy the ucighbhrs, oxclnsiveiy, sud lu proportion te tise nus ber ai acres escis mamban basudar cultivaîlon. Lt wouid net ho necessany ta psy down tise t i iansaunt ai ail tiese hanes ai once. A 1certain percentaga could ho paid ai organiz- ation sud future asseasmenis made as bauds were re'quired ta miaka inniber purchasas. Soei tIe mosi scisablo men sisonld be -chosen s-trusta-es,-sud-s presiddent, sacre 1tary sud treasurer-elecî. Tise treacuner sould expeusd the money, aud tise sacra- tary kacp theA ôccouta and bave cusiody ai prapanty. A building suitable for honing ahi the praponîy, chonld hacnected ai tise home ai thoeccrearly ta hla ssed ta tisa association. The socroiary sisanid ha locatcd as near thea cane ai the anas covcred by tiese tockisldcrs, as practi-_ cable. Lu the byiawa h soaid hac tated, bow mucis shouhd ha changed for use, pan day or par acre, for every machine, aud how mucis ion service ai a% ery animal sud sncb charges cbauld ha anteneci againsi avery tackbalder nsing machines sud animale. At tisaend ai tbe year tise compsny chouhd he cnaditad witb the value ai canîinga ai prapeniy wbich sisonhd ha divîdcd amoug tiese hanes ai stock. If any stackbaldcr bac isad mare tissu hie ahane el use ha wouid ial lu debi ta tisa campauy, sud il any had basa bis cradis wonid exceed bis dahis. Tha hy-iawe should expiicitiy state tise noies oi precadeuce in use ai machines, as tisane the greatest danger cf trouble wonid anisa. Tîsose who ahould first gai naady ta use the machines shouid enter thici names sud use this ui n ai record, sud-as viited so irequently in thoca spara suomaînsa ai tise snaicisad ironstise bucylvea ai thoco angaged lu carying an a fansý, wbatbar in- docre or ot; fan, bha kîsowu ibai we regard1 tise Isuskccper,tba cooks, Whso prepara tisat food ion supplying tise energy raquîred ta, pariorns the outdcor ishor sud make evary-t tising pleusant, nestisuh sud camiartahein lu To gssard againat paiaouiug, a law bas been passed lu Germnany that al druga iu teuded for internai use mnuat be put in round1 bottles, sud tiiose wbicb are auiy 1aaed ex- ternaliy mow't he piacad lu bexagonal bat- ties ih11ar e P-Cry foe MWUIENT OLOOKS. the indoor life af the farmer, quite as really the workers on the iarm as those who tilt and sow and reap the harvests. The second requisite in a garden is that if bc Weil stocked:. that is, that it grows those species ot vegetables and f ruits Most enjoyed by the members of.the family. Tastes ditier greatly, even in cilîdren af the samne parents as well as iu the parents. It is a waste of time to grow kinds that noue of the family cars for, white any decided predeliction of auiy member, hawever humble, should be respected. A frac discussion of the matter around the evening Iamp, will soon settie what varieties itise best te cuitivate. In the meautime do not forget the oruameutal. Feed ideality as Weil as the physical. Have flowers somewhere, either on the lawn or lu the gardeu. The third point mentioued was well tilled -A ueglected garden la repulsive ta vr one who sees it. Il you canuot resoive to give it good culture, whatever betides you had better neyer commence a garden. A neglectcd gaZdeu will react upon the char- actera of the growiug childreu and ai the parents, taa. You kuow very weil that where there is a will ta do a thing, ta carry outa-y-plau,a-wy-i--bfaud Noxv, we know very well, bath from ex- perieuce and observation, that a farmer will be mach more likely ta have a good garden the foliowing season if hie begins preparations early. An important prepara- tien la ta secure the seeds. This can he donc by your winter ireside, when aid Boreas is swecpiug dowu fram the uarth with zreatest velocity and honling upon iearth bis sharp snaw crystals. Order a 1tew sced catalogues tram the most reput. iable seedsmnen, st udy them well, make vour iselections and send on yaur orders. When yau get yaur seed it Mnay ha Weil ta test them and sec haw reliable they arc. A dazen ai each kind, kept maoist lu carth or1 bran, or mass or even iu cattan flannel, and kept Warin ander the stove, wil hegin ta spraut lu a iew days, and you cau judge ai the vitality ai the seds by the percer.tage that germinates. Then, again, yau may think it advisable ta start somte kiuds ai vegetabie and fiower seeds lu boxes, se as ta have gaod straug plants ta transplant juta the garden as soon as the sai is well warmed up lu the sprng. If yau do nlot cars ta bother with bot bcd, you will waut ta start some tomate plants, at least, for ta wait for ta'nataes ta grow lu Lthe apen grotund, from seed, is ta sharten the scasan aif ruitage wouderiully. Tise follawiug anmal fiawers may be startcd in the bouse and will bear trans- plantiug well: Autirrbinum (or snap drag- on)> asters, halsains, diauthus, portulacca, petunias, phlox drummoudii, salvia, stock ten weeks and zinnia. Shallaw boxes, withifram two ta three luches in depth ai sai, wilI auswer every purpose lu forward- ing plants. Another preparation tisat eau be made ta gaod advautagc lu winter 18 manuriug. Select some ai the fineat, Most roîten manure that yen can find about the stables aud sprcad aver the survace ai yoar garden immediately. If the ground is covcred with suow althe better. Whenthe snow meits aud the rains falthe maurieawili ha dis- solved and soak juta the sai, ready ta fced the plants as accu as the seed la sown aud germinates. fthese prelîminary operations are at- tended ta lu winter yeu will bc likeiy ta plant a garden lu the spriug, if flot, you Witt probabiy ha taa, busy ta attend ta it and go another year with nathiug worthy ai the namne garden au your premises. The Tragio Side of Alpine Life. These heavy crosses, each covered witb a narrow, paiuted raof and decorated with a îrude picture, standing beside the patb, or ou the bridge, or near the mil--what do they mean,? Tbey mark the place where a bumai% î111e bas beau teat, or where same poar pes- aut bas been dalivared irom a great peril and bas set up a memorial ai bits gratitude, Th6y tel ai tihe danger that iurks ou tbe steep siopes aif grass where the mowers have ta go dowun with nopes arouud they waisGs, and iu the bcds ai the streama wbere the floods sweep tbrough in the spriug, and in the foreats whene tbe great trees fai sud crash mou like files, sud an tise icy bridges wbere a slip is fatal, sud au the bigb passes wheère the winter snow starm blinds the eyes sud beuumbs the iimbs ai the traveler, sud under thse cuis i rom whlch avalanches ailède and roceks ral Tbey -show you Men aud wamen ialling iram wagons and swept away by waters sud averwheImed lu land- slips. lit the corner ai the picturo yau may sec a peasasît witb tise black cross above bis bead-tbat suesus deatb. Or, porbapa, it is de3iv erauce that tise tabiet cammemaor ates--and thon yeu sec tbe imitier kueeiin beside a millith a flood rushiug dowu upr it, or a Dessant -kne.ininuglu is barvest field unider au iuky-biack cioud ; or a land- lard beside bis'Inn iu fiames ; or a mother prayiug baside bier slck chlidren ; sud abave appears an angel ar a saint, or the Virgin wîth ber chiid. Wolves in aluna. The plague ai wolvoa lu Sheusi, a m)un- tainous province aif North Centrai Ch ina, is described as becoming mare and mare alarm- ing. A correspondent in that part writes that iu the village iu which be is sjaurniug they hafi beard ai eleveu parsous beiug car- ried aolf by those animais lu seven days. Most ai the victima were ehblîdren ; the restj yauug persans ai 16, 19 aud 20 vears ai age* -"They camie,"sys the witer,Il ta aur. village here every niglit juat now., Meu are Bachus"A il 1.na2I or irr s it.- oe. Typical Fire Escapes. j UU oi ur atee . oes-" What br-atin ava, youl est price paid for Raw Furs, Hatai Cierk-"We bave firo escapes irons bvary faonr. AI you base ta do is ta make your way ta anc ai thesu sud isilloff." RCIA 1 PEtcher's Castoriat. A ENnaber or oid Wssys or Measurhxg Tusse. Thse aldest invention for measuriug tima wbich histony records was thea watcr dlock or clepsydra. Among tlise ancicut Egyptiaus varions modifications ai tise water dlock were iu use. One cotrivance was extramely simple, consistîng ai a glass cylinder gradu- atcd juta twelvc equal parts, sud haviug at the bottomra n opeaing throngh whicb. the waten aacapad lu twseive Isours. Darig tise course ai the centuries, the water dlock changefi aimast unrecognizably iram the slmpliity ai the original usadai, as is prov- cd by the description ai ana wbich the Eastern caliph Haronn-ai-Raschsid saut ta tisa Esperor Cisarlemiagne. Il t was ai bronza," says tise chronicler, "iniaid with gold, and the bours were inarked an adial. At tise eudofaiecisour a propantiossate nusuber ai gold balla 1dbl s,,cuessively on a bail, wlsich resouuded at their toncis, whila twelva cavaliers, sprnu- ing tramn twelvc windows, eugaged in picturesque evolutions, assd at tbe isat stroko retrned ta thaîu dmiiLs! The houÏr-glasa vas lu cosuson use ueariy ta the close ai tise bsst century, sud was ai- waya employefi ta serve the parpose ai ship chronomaetens. Thea dock su tise modern sauce aîîly dates back ta the tanti c entury, sud was inveutefi by a French mauk named Gerber, wvbo lsad studied mathamatica amang the Moors, and wha lu the later ycars ai bis 111e ha came Papa Sylvester Il. This Iearned triar is creditad with wbat was really anc ai tise must important ai inven- tions-aun escap amont attacbmcut ; but neventhalesa, bis dlocks sud those made for a long tinse site nwards were exceediugly rudimcutary. Iu the thirteentb century, a Saracan su chanie canstrnctad a dlock sa cupariar ta auy bei ara pradaced tisat it ha- cause FAMOIUS T IiitOUGHOIJT EURtOPE. About 1326, an abbot ai St. Albans, lu Eugiand, invented a uatewortby cdock, sud came ianty yeans later a dlock that stnuc k the banna waasot np lu Westminster Ahbey. Bat in many ways thase timie- places wera vary defactive, an ai aintian had ta go on, daveiopîng bore, suppressing thare tili before the cul ai the fannîceutis century a Paris workman isamed Vick invented a dlock wbicb cast aveu tisat ai tisaSaracen gansas into the chada. Prom this periad, Franco rapidly took the lcsd, sud long sus- talued har absoiite cnpromacy in dlock manniactnning; but, in spite ai numerona fimprovaments, the system romaiued ian iroin peifeet, aven lu the fiftacntb century. Oua af the hast examples oaiaa dock ai that -period la presarved lu the Natioasi Lîrany ai Paris. Ciack snakiug did net become a dis- tinct professon until the iallawlng cen- tury; before that, tfi ocksmitb, sud aven tIhe hlacksmitb, had a gaad deas ta do witb tha moat skilfally made spacimeus. The public dlocks, whsch darng tise latter hall aif tise ionteenth century becanse the pnida ai great chites, were ion a while so ciumaiiy canatructedl that, as camne wnsîer asys, a msidern French turuspit for roasting mn est suaves with mare accaracy. They must have beau troublasoma also ta take cana oi,s it was nacessary ta wind thems cverai timas during the course ai twenty-ionr banna; but, ail the aiam, kings and municipal authori- tics sud citizaus were aliko prend ai thair possession. Before thesxteenthb century ended the pnamiuaut cstses ai France viedl with cacis other lu the production aof W05 DERFUL CLacitS, ai wbicb tbosc of Rouansd aiLyons are still ta ha seau amoug the curlostias ai those cities. Thase time places were the ad- miiration ai Europe, sud anly Venice sud [Strasbnrg coaid ventura ta bald np their heads lu rivalry. The Strashurg dlock, wich ranked amoug the cayeu wanders ai .sdovlGarusany. aithongis cauctrncted lu 1352, badl ta wait until 1573 hefore it wac altarefi ta the couspiex structura which atîll romains a marvel,baving lu aur owu century beau once again rapaired-or, mare correct- ly cpeakiug, made aver-by a native ai the tawn, wba devatcd foar yeara ta the tack. Dunsug the alxteenth century clocks, ai- thaugis many beantiful anas wara made, ra- msiued sncb vainahie possessions that thay ivaro conidered fit ion gif ta ta royalty, aud, lu their descriptions ai cauîemparanaaus life, gosaiping aid cbronilers naver mention thasu -outaideo a aaeecoftb-e athe sols Some ai the moat graceini dlocks ever fash- ioued helong, bowever, ta that ageansd it can lay dlaimi ta tise invention ai watches, wbich wore at firci portable ciocka an a veny amail scala. Timepiaces wcra made lu ail carta ai odd shsapas, af whicb thosa lu the farm aif shîps wcra arnaug the quainteat as wail as the moat camplscatad sun thaîr worksnansbip. The firet mention that wa find af alarm cdocks la likewise lu that cen- tury, sud there is a record ai ana whicis, ivhau h struck, is saîd ta bave lightad a candieansd klnled a fine. "luntise saven- teentîs century, " writea an excellant antbar- ity, 1"a Lcreat change toak place in the use madeofai docks, sud a correcpoudsng revalu- tien occssrned in their outward appeanance, Watches, wbich bagan ta be quite numerons, wr1 ERcARDED AS ORtNAME-NTS sud were asteutationsly banDg nom tisa boit. Clack-makers became regulariy attacbad otllcars ta the Frenchs court, sud, lu the reigu ai Louis XIV. enjoyad theC prihalge ai baving thiinworkshops iu tisa royal palace, and-grcatact layron a al- inca admission ta the kings apansmnents. Lu 1647, a distinguished mathsamatician ai Roliand, named Huyghens, astonsshad tise world hy produciug a dlock wh a pendunlusu a conception which speedily ravolgtiouizedI c ~ if AUl kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEÂN SCREENED COÂtL always in stock, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MCCLT-ELLAN R& 00. Beaver Block, m Bowmanville Ký,eeps always a la rge assortment Rubbers, Slippers, Trunks, etc. Ail Sbyles,Grades an dSiz es, and prices to suit ail pookets. No better orý cheaper place, in jWest Durham to buy. ýcompetition. Hie defies Oldest and largest store; best, biggest and cheapest stock in Bowmanvilie. i FuRSI l ý'I',.â lu ue of tbhe, largest, stock of- Furs [n this county is to be fouud at M. MAYER'S Hat and Fur store. [t consists of Fur Coats, Robes Jackets, Capes, Collars, Muiffs and Caps in the Latest Style aud at the lowest possible cash price. A large and well selected stock iu Gents Furnishings always on hand and as cheap as the cheap- est, cail early and secure a bargain as the stock must be sold. Highi- F'URRIEfl for Infants aend Children. t reconmend ftas supersor to anyprsrpin urSmahI)oerutifl LoWInto me.,, IL ÂEE,&B K rtEMSW mo ijoBleUaPome. 111 Oxford St., Brookln N .W"tous injurionsieSo THE CENTiRrc ComÉNc, 77 Murray Strst, N.-i. FOR SALE LY J,.IIIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE. A large Stock of well selected American Wall Papers, cheap and beautiful from Onts. to 5Octs per rofi. Cail and se for yourseii' be- before purchaing elsewhere. Ail colors of Paints ready for usè, guaranteed to give good satis- faction, Floor paint a speciaity. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes and WtÀks. Jz1 ass any size, and Putty. ainting, Graining and Papering doue promptly and satist'aetorily For ail of which cail at SIIERIN &KRYS South side KIng st., between Trelaven's and Reid'a Shoe stores, Bowmanville East End Graiûn Depot The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extended to us during the past season, aiso to remind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the IHe IHE eST MARKEý.M'T PRICE ]FOIR ALL KINOS 0F CGARSE GRAIN à SEEDS deiivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlinton. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt iu Bags. Rock Sait for cat t and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Piaster in Barrels which we are prepa red to sel âlsý 11 lýilli il 1 ]ý

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