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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1893, p. 1

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TERMB:-81.5O Plia Âxum OUR TOWN A2ND OOUNTY FLRST: TH-Z WORLD ÂYTERWÂEDS. M. A JAMME DXOY.AND PnOPRIZTOE>, ~wSEBOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY. FEBRJAIRY 2121 1893. VOLUME XXXIX. NUMU 8 e I11*1 Have Just Opened Out W ITE$CREY OTTONS Also an 1ms Stock of the justly celebrated LIB STER SHIRTINOS. These çjoods -are guaranbeed- to, weà-Ar welI and wash well,an n i.twi-th standing the substantial advance which has taken place in these goods, havi-ng -bought1 them early for Spot Cash, we shall continue to seil both. Shirt- ings and Cottons at the old prices.1 GOUGH, JOHNSTON & GRYDERMAN. f - altiîlville, mnd., says lood'i 11o00's SatsapartîPa ts ,Kigof Medmcires And Ilits Cure Wia3 AlIrmost a miracle Gentlemen: WLtmi1 : S 14e -yen Y,' of n,1e 1 wa3 conlftstd to jny bcd for see'~ by an attaek Of rilctuatisra, mîd whie'.tI1 p-rtiaily reeovered I Cid ait itt' e i ci mny legs, se ltai I i?1 to ïP-' tii About a ycar Inter, r hl ta f '.îî f appeared ons variouS j)ný?î Crof iny body, mil for elax an y,3=3 I v. s atun libeitg cor- jqaed to isny bcd six rz: n btiti imo tcn or elevmtofet lites-, car(. a-ppcard an'd broke, efiwsng nme gr-eapýtpil and stttlering. 'a' o~c e:' f 1bo e','or. et <ott o 1 ccrno Discouraged Il cat tb Chicago to visit a sister, as it u-,,, tthought a chatnge cf air and scone miiglt do m'e gooi. DLt1Ivas confined to niy bed niost of te time. I waS so impressed *ith the siccess of Hoods Sarsaparila 1,1 cases sinillax to sine ltai 1 decided tb try IL. 5o a b'outle w tii bonglil, atdtd 10my gre'tt gratification te sores soots decroasecd, and 1 begain t) fel dbeter. Thtis etrengtitcned sny fa; th ini the meichie, andini a short time1 as w Up and Out of' Doors To nake a long- story short, I continuedti 1 take Hood's Sarsaparlla, for a year, wisen 1 ai elceome so fttiiy released front tho chnits of disease titat 1 tooli a position wjtt' thaý Flintt &iiWallintg 1Rtg. Co., atî i'i3th'ar tie have ntlost a sittgic(14v mo ccc(t of sick-iass. I always folad citt Ut"00-1 Brpuils and ha n aGoodap"t. curs Hood's Sarsaparilla for it lbas be"n a great blesesg tenme, and to xny friends my recovery seesas aimost xirac- nions. 1 think Ilood's Sarsaparilia hs the kiig of almedicines." WiLLiAm A., nn INo. 9 Norths Railroad st., liendalillie, Iîtd. Haod's PIS cure Bilinuenees. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE NEWYORK LEDGER Farm Property THE LEADINC FAMILY WEEKLY OF AMERIGA 1 I IN TREI Gives the following, A PARTIAL LIST OINLY, of its main attractions: 1, COMPaLÈTE NOVELETTES, ILLUSTRATED, one novelette compltte in eacli issue, ty sucli atithors as: llàiAnez THornîsoNa Mas. WLLIsAMu WsNEcRa HELEN MARSHIALL NORTH J. H. COINRLLY Louis HARMAN PEELT MARY KYLic DALLAS HOWARDn M.f Hoxa WILLIAM PERRY BRiOWN W. C. KITCHIN 2. CHOIÇ'E1 SýýRIALS, BEAUTIFULLY AND PEUSELY ILL'UTIIATEDY, by the most popular I& ç aritea of the day, Who will be speclally engaged, 3. VnunuÂBL ARTiCLE3 FOt WowEN. "THE WOMAN'S WoRLD." a fui page devot- 'IIROM THSE WORLD*S FOUR CoRNE7,Rs," a edt10interesting and useful gosiP about column of bright and breezy chat about htasehoild mastters, chidren, eer vanti'. the women of lthe day and what they are fashion, etiquatte an d i5ocltty. doing, 4. "CIIDItEN -AiL OVuiR TuE Woiuio," a column departusent each week, intended te ba road aiond to te littho ones of the family. 5. LIVELY ANI) INTERESTING SHORT STàRIESi of adventture,athils-tia, buainese, travel, journaiim, tite eea, etc. 6. HISTRomY, BIOGRAPIIY ÂOD SCIENCE in bni articles. 7. Cnîsp EIOsRInALS ON TITPICS 0F TEE DAY. 8., A VALuABLE CORRESPONDENOE DEPARTMENT. ;ýiV'SpeciaI Christmsas, E-iter, Fourth of-JuIy and 'Thankrgiving Kumbers, with artsstically illustrated covene. A FtOUR-Doliar Paper tor omnly TIVO Dollars. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. A.ddnress ROBERT BONNER'S SONS, 182 William St., New Yùrk City. Ar.dallthu fer oniy $2a vear. Fifty-twounbtre o!frous 1Gte 21 ages. BOU IL'MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, BOWIMANlýVILLEE, ONST. (Establised 1857) FInished Granite Mýonumnents in ,tock from $125 to $500. HANDSOME DESIGNO AND BEST BMATE1IIALS. RED IPETERIIEAD AND GRAY RU BISLAW SCOTCH ROME RED AND PURPLEý SWEDE ............ BLt -o ?,EARL AND EMERALD PEARL ............ FiNISHEFD MARBIE MONUMENTS in1 stock front $45 to $200. IN ALL THE BEST KINDS OF MARBLE AND LATEST DESTGNS. îWBefore 0laeîng ycuv order, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, and SEE W'ýVAT YOU ARE BUYING. E. R. BOLH'SALL, Proprietor. 'ARM1FOR SALE. -A firet clam fans of15acres or 145 acres situated lunlte towushp of East Whitby lI con, lobe 15 sud ~i4, lt~Y ,.- -'-- .-16 en.aMe base Lino, about 1k miles frous Osha. - _~t?~""- wa station. 2 miles froinsWitltby aud 60 rade rmmltescitoolleousse. Largcroony buildings, main haro itx36 ft, pieuty off fruit, sou dlay ~Tu NG ALIOWAY ULL FOR losus. altogethen one of lte best grain farma 1.SALE, ftfor, servie nidon the Lake Sitore. No his 3orstoues. About Amienîcan IýRnd Flook. A. MANet 191ni. F 1Macres o! woocl. 75 acres in pastureansudfresit Darýlington, Bomnlio.O. 4t eudud. Termes easy, FInet plowing done. I Fer funten particulare appir te A. âAins Rlipa) a bules. I wa,3t!.I TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON.1 Unden and by virtue cf power cf sale cou- laiued in a certain mrotgago irnicit wili be preduced at lte lime off sale, tuere wmli bu cffered fer sale by Publie Aucrion b yL, A. TOLE. Auctioneer, et lte BENNETT MOUSE. in lté town Bawmanvie. on 1 SATURDAY, TEE 4TiR DAY or MARORI, 1893, a% the hour of 2 o'clock Iu te attuxuonnlte folowing farci pnoperty FuRS'ra:-The eoult hait of lot number S. inu th-. 2nd Cncesstou of ho townshtip of Darling- Ian in te Couuty off Durhtam. uow part or lte town o! Bowutanviiie; sud lte soutit iaif o! lot numnber 7 lunlte 2ad Concession of lte lowusitlp of Darliugton. save sud exeepi litera, oui; fotyolght acres forniOniy sold ta 0n0 Chtarles Bird aoff lt2 soutit sudtheeof ounteÉ 2nd December 1867, contaluing by admneasure- mont 152 acres hlite sautemore an 1055. SEcoNDLY-theouetit quarter of loti No. 20- lu îho 7tht Concession of lte saiS township o! Daningbon. aenTeasd excopt, thereout ltaIt portion 0f'lte lot conveyed tae aTitomnas Smutit by dced daled ist Nov. 18W;:lte saiS exception being desenibed as mitatever oar1 off te eoutit part of lot No. 20, in the tut Conces- sion oet Darîluglon ase la covoned by mater bho ing titrue acres thereahoul. Titi portion o! satid loi intended so tabch sold containiug ity admessuremeul &boit forty-seven sera3s. tp, .lte loit.flrstfa,.reffrred ho thora is silute a good bouse mt 51000 foundation sud coUlar. Tite onthuildinge mure lately de. ttroyed by lire but the atone foundotians ofi te buildings are ho ganu conuin. Tite rosi dance sunlte frm mas clac laheiv deshroyed by ie but tiere ara sufiiculn bricks on te1 premiez t rebuid if desired. Tho Iatn is ail seeded down sud unden itay aud grass wilt lte exception of 29 acres off whicit 9 acres is rail plougited. A .splendid sîneaut oet water rins titroug thlie witole property. Tite proper. t>' finslly obovo meutloned us situate mitin s maile et the Pot Office o!flte towu off Bo-mman. ville. Tais le a good frm sud mosî deirLble. t is eri nttcaliy planted sud laid eut. whicit withl long avenues off evengreene leadiug up ta j'-. deuîial potonss.sud sWoping heuistsa cîk sudes, meke a luvely sceno. Wtt 11111e expi ) il coiald bu uîtde loto a beautiful home. in additiou ta ils cing onueaof te boat £ouelsud grain fonces lunlte noIeS township cf Daringloni. Tihe pttoporty seceadly abeve menbioued ls situahe quarter of a ile fron te Scugug Road sud je a mile aid a liaif front lte villages off Enuis killen au i Hampton. It lu a deaunsle toceluty, sud centalus n qusutity off valuable wood. TEnaIs. Ten per cent. ah lime off sale; oe lhl<d litintirty daya Iheneaiber sud lte balance on mortgage ut 6 per cent. sit con- dîtia u u tit t punaitor. Ail cash can hoi palS if deEired. 1'nrther sud paticular cia.« Sîions ivili bu maSoeicuowu aI lime Off sale' For futiter pa.'hicu1,ars sppiy tae David Fishur, Esqatro. off EowmuvUIe. or ta D. BURKE SIMPSON, L. A. W. TOLE, off Bewmanvilie, Aucticeur. Soltittor for Vendons. 6- Id _ __I S TOCK FOR SALII.--Renewed cowe, one Jersey mititon wititout cair.. ltrue caves. Ateo a qurutit> off coder polza sud coiS woosilanulea.ouI. J. litTstELEXti, C-lUEamp 0o. Ripans Tabules cure <yséieoS~ JoHSO ' RDRA RA YDON. IBRTHESDA. EÏVFIgLD. LeZpart of S. S. No. 21, Darlingtoe, for An At Home undor the auspices of the Miss Jeouie Roase la sfll. vcny low. Juay.The numibers after eschinMe Ep.worth League of Christian Endeavor Mire. J. Forsyth in quite îl. il tho av-er'age percentane on ail l bjects. Soci&ty will bc field InIVhis churcli on MrEdaBalebsquteahn A Amiger 70, Edgar Stutt 69, H Slemon Fnîday evennq, February 24th, at 7:30. tM..sgnBalyla uttahn 57 R Hudson 60, Gertie Halfacra 58, A Lgood prognans wili be furniahed. Talent school owing to s'ekuesi.' Evertt Stnutt 57, N Sbruitt 55, A Trewin froin Bowmauville, Oroso, Enniskillen Mns. D. Dyers, of Coltîrnup, in visiting û4, E Wahlingtoui 54, S Trewin 53, S and Tyrono are expectIed to amssit. Ad. flore. A&:cîu 53, M Curtis 52, A Avkny 51, W mission 25 cents. Everybody c-rne. A Mns. Saln. Bray is visiting tianr Brant. Gicu, 51. R. SNiELL, Toaclier. good tume irousiaed to al>. Proceeds ln fond.' I». ButIor's Golden Pille have earned aid of orgau f und. 7-2w. A oleigli loaaf fromtliane atîeuded a agreat roputation wherever employed. Foa Coins AND SoRE TmtOÀT.-Sîre, - party ou Friday eveningr giveti Ly Mise Ais u nestve tonio and blocd buildor they We use Hagyard's Yellow Oil in o1ur Edith Argue, Solina. are iirriv3.Uusd. They increse the appe. family for coldesud set lrî,t and it le On Friday evenltîg Ist aborztt thirty tfto -ud prornote a heslthy performance excellent. My sister had aathm% Bembu young folks from n iahv et joykid tlium- of a) 1týhe fuanctions of the body. A thon- childhood, but on trysug Yellow Oil for il selves at Mn. Richard Reynoîd,3. eugly, scientifie prepration, theyv never ahe soon was cuned. Miss. Lizzie Chapelle, DIAÂRHEI. AN»D AsENTEUTY ara perliap3 rail to tffi3et a cure if directions are failli- Baldwin, Ont. euotiomoofune.ydaII, EuUly cýu!ipd out. Notîig harmful in te o__cmmnf,_______da ile thlir ompoS!tion. The most delicate and every poeon nearly lies souteepecitîl sysiteus wil le ben*fitted. Ask for Dr. TA UNTON. cure of thair own. Ours lm e on Davis BUxsGol)deu Pillea and taks no other. Mise Edibli Short, Mooreiod, lias been PAI'N-KzxLxE, and h,%viug' used, i for calling on friernde in Vhif vicihity. many yeaxa wuecau confidently recommeud PrON; Mr. C. A. Lander has beau, appointod if. Get Big Botle 25--' e~t leloss:Mn.J. . Hodgosudleader of Zion. cheir, and a choral revival nid.~orato;Mn.Geo.!Sanderaon,lMich. l nlcptd UT. S ; Mrs. Hawthorne, Cavîsu; Mr. andi Sorne of the members of Mounit VerunMiEs Baltl, (À Orono, la viàiîiug at i4rs. S. J. Willtarn, Solinff. oongregation as3eýinued at the bous of Mn. E. G. Pancuees. our new neigitbor, Me11I. L. Pascoe, Mn. E. G PAScoe a t a viluable borse AMr. J. Balmer teturned t0 pastor and pnesented Mro. Pisooa wîth an a-1- by falling .îî the ice. Lîddy'è4 lasfr week aftee a pleasant visit dritsa and a purse in negurd f )r lher st' ja i i. loat'gv partyt wit hs saslutheU.S.vices as orgginisÈ; at âM, Vernoa &ohuroh. lier friends on Friday eversing last. Me. Thos. Ellictt and wife visited Mrs. Ricit. MitchEîl bas been v4stiag Mrs. R.' B. Mitchell lis retned (b rom friendeý lu Port Hope last weef. relatives lu Scarboro. lier viait bu Torontýo. Mn. 0. lHetzlewood, Oshawa, preached Mi E. A- Baia lias relunnui f r,>în vin- Msh.cîrarsk Wilbur was very jtleasautly a good eenni ere on Sunday monaîng; iting friands lin Torosnto tfl.l.Weet. srnsdo easa vnn stb and probttJênîe ddy ver the eing Several fiondes sent a pleasant after- ha many fionde and neiglibors calling on md ~'pitml. îscure s th eVnin. erneon at Mr,. Wesley Brooks' 1iset Wed- htus acd pneaeuting frirawtth a violin and our dlivlsior. pa!d Maple Grove a Ira' îîeday, the attractiun belng a chnîston- purse et monsy snd lire, WÎ.lbur with a 7bna iti edueaday evenlug. ing. set of dialie4.Mn. W. M .Tokin nead a Mr!. JehIn T. Colo lias been qulte'inais- Mn. A. John Short of Courtice-lias nicely wo-ded aîdress. Mr, Wilbur pcoa bti mnvîg beau vi-siting fnieuds around biese. thanked thons fer thein kinutess, congrat- Mrs. S. Ashton. Mrs3. T. Rowe ns. Irn natr puh folwdaàalést John Clle ased Mra. lHurley are aIllon thbis - rey's Kidney sud Liven Cure lias eenn, spent.oloe u apesn sickli. been àispenseî by a prouîineut cliemiet tu W Se. Mn.Joh Eliot ws lid p w~hand druggist for yeara, sud hundred3 if Flow TO CURIE A Co.RN.---là f$ One Of l. thEe face as id sek. hhie cuatomers, have I reely tearifikd to the the eagiket tîtinge lu, the wQrld to cure a oTJ5lpF!ls i h aele ek beautiful eff.clesuad wonderful cure cf con. Do not use acide or oter caustia SAIT A-D SURE.-Not onlY safOty Kldney aud Liver ce)mplaint. Atk youn preparatissîs, sud don't cul a hole in yeun from mninerai poisoni (of which B,.B B. drugît fon lb. Sold by Stoit & Jury, boott. h le in ply lu apply Putn&m'sý doosflo. cntau te eighesi rac), ut owmnvibe.Painleaa Corn Extractcr, aud iu lhree de i"cnanth lg th rc) ure f nile.days the con ua's i b naoved without promîipt and sentaii action ilute uo ofpain. Sure, sale, plIe, Take ouly diýsc, eymay ieconfidently nallod,)u frrouilslvT ENN Pta' ,_ýrcr the use of 'this untiv5llîed Y»atural speciio ON ER N rtnmeCr'Etat for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i SYIiss lisdA ssiVeýiiod;es ~ ' 8YUOOMjL HOUSIE. Heedseb , Lî1Issness sud al dissases ou'îïpIe '9,"5i the loiclliver, lowcI.3 sud bloed iJyd teee jImese..ilecent viýitos:-.Mr. end Mfr,3James ______________Mn. John Orcliani had hie foot liadly Fairbarn, Toronto; Mr. Wai. Fiuley, Aid LE R0 R.eut on Saturday. Ouca. JiALEGROB.Mr. Walter Syer, Bowmauvîlle Colleg- Miesa Mary Nott wbo bas beau visiting A hoiec of Mr. %Vm.' Glrblett, jr., late, spent Sunday st Mn. E. Millsaon'a, fniencelso ue turnied to lier home ia breke ïa leg receully;,sud one and one,of Mise James, Peterboro, Miti Trebil- Webcowo lai eet Mn. Mak uruday's was sevenoly kicked. cock, Bowmauviile, aud lMn, J. B. Roy- iMn. .J. Rickard's youngeest son Roy bas, Me. Truman Power while skating no Ida, Toronto,' apent Sunday at Mr. b.-eti very 3ick but is recôverrnig. ThuI'sdaýy fbu, cutting a bad gash on hïe Gao. Arguu's. Mna. (ko. Rikard bas gons Vo Wel. chun. Dr. Cheser . I>ower dressed tbh& A pleazant tiie et Mr. John PascWeS corne ho rait on lier mothen r re. Sym~ong wound putting In three atîtches. . Moriday evening. -who ileili. Mlies Addie Cole sud Mrs. S. C R sud- A numben Iroin Oeiawa, BowmauvilIe Mis LousIa Mallory is rocovering fnom; le bave been ailing but are co(nvîlasaîog. snd Countice oujoyed the social aI our lier reonî ilînea2. Rev. L. Phelps le trying t0o rganiz, an genial host sud huiatese, Mr. sud hMne. The Patrons of Induetny are boomxng Epworntlh Leag-ne hiero. Allen liayes. lIf was a grand succesi. hbo. A large numben of themn attended Hlanpte)n Risiog Star Division S. of T. Mn. Herbent Sanderson, lackstock, the Couuty Association meeting, in Dow- pail 'hie lodge a fraternel visit FrIday eve. Mr. John La, Tyrone, Mrn, snd Mise manville on Tuesday Feli. 141h. Mnl. anid Mns. A. W. Foley are viaiting Anuis, Courtice, Councillon aud Mne. fidanean bako Sinssie. Pascoe, S*lins, are amonz rucent visitons. A bout 40 yourig people f rom Kirby aud Bsntras, rion of Mn. Sams. Souca and Slsaw's School Ilouse sunprieed Mr. ana Misti Anuje Steoeut lias returned IrrnMis. John Clemnce on Tuoeday evening visitiunîids in Pickernug. ithe daugliter of Mns. Peara of Port Perry last.Thtepariy uused themaclves with Visi~re -Mn aniMIr. W R. a'î are vory i11 with diphthenia at Mn, Vm. ~i u se allmsutl1 'ic R.Ma S,îîh'e. They caughit iat Port Ps.rny. mtseaduulpa tmsutl1 ?lc niug and Mr. Thoq. Cunts, 'ryrone; Misa when a eumptuous boa %vas served, afler Flornnou Gibiin, Oaliswa; MIr&, Wi. Do not ho diecouraged if otlier mred- whuch bhey retisned 10 the-in sev2ral Wobster and laughten Edca, Csmbnay. laines have failed Vo give yon relief, homes apparontly plessed witb Ihuir Somu, of our youug people speut Salut'- Membray's Kidney and Liven Cure acte eveuiung'& enjoymeut. day at the toboggan elide Enniekillon. onu thok Kiduey's direct, cambitied. with a No Ohiu NERD Fi Yov.-If you die BîLîUsisssCunsx-Gntbmeu--.l rild action ou the Liver sud Bowels, of consumption wilhouî liaviag tnied Ibat have .e.d undckfiEd.- Bteoýn fortliereby remnving the cause of Back- celsbrated cure, now beiug talked about; bilîcu4l udocfi , ilohe hit. rmfdy Ache, Sour Stomacb, Dizzinees, Indigos- by evory one, sud kuowu as "îMiller's bilc ts-iFi nd in itthebeýt rrn li on and Constipation. Try it. SAd by Emu-lsion Of Cod Li ver Ol, " von are net for, Vhs cmpînt. 1 used several other Stoît & Jury, Bowutaaville. euîitled te any pity. If yolî wanb 10 stay nomoedies but they ail failed te do me 515y wltb youn Inieude in lthe fledh, do netlet good. llowevor, it nequined only Vwo TYRONE. an bour pase liy witho'st sendiug te the bottles of B.B.B. 10 cure me completoly. nuarest drug store Ion "Milur's Emulsion sud I qan recomrnend il Vo ail. Youra Mies Froui! Westington, Plairiville, of Cid Liven Oil." 11usd about the Truly, Ws.r. ROBINSON, Willaceburg. Ont. ,lîs een guestof Misa Cors Minuetta wuefu ue lbswogt hsi Wenny, Springbrook Fanus. the eluctnical age of wonders, sud Ibis COL UMBUS. Mr. snd Mne. H. iRosevear, Baltimore, Emulsion istehle prodisot tif the latosI Mn. 'S. Hugo visiled Mn.,R. HuýYo sud visite l elatives hure leut wuek. researchesiluscience, la biizbottlea,50o. Iauiily, Toronto, this week. Mn. Chas. E. McLean's cheik talk given sud $1 OC, at ail Drug Stores. bcru T;iranday evening was very interuel- 11ev. r. Savage was married ou Wed. . T ho.li Baud of Workera Iront tle CUT(T ucsay o flle NelieSPece f Trone.Mçrhod;st 'P&hernacie, Bowmanville, aid- Mn. sud Miss Rundie, Brock, are vieil- Mn iFed Riclisr3îoi's infant souniras ed bte meetings niterially on Tuesday ing at Mn. James Rundle's. buried ou Sîsnday week. ýtud Thunsday. Mn. A. J. Courtica uenteîtained a large Mn. asud Mrs . Joh-n Abtoa are visiting ID. W. P. Rundle, Hanrmny, visi!od numben of fiande at hie homne ou Thuns- luintf an sd Littole irl-ain. Ty?o .eo Division, No. 126 Thureday even- day eveniîtg.' A very pleasàul limie wae Mieý Minnie Kerr hlas reburnod fronstnp.speuit. lien viit to Meafosd. Ou accounit cf the snow blockade sud Mt. Cansiwe'l Division visitel Cedan, Mr. John Eveiy, afhter sisiting relatives sa've cold Out' Division did not visit D. a lait Thur'day sud. roprnt a splendid hue bhýs retumned to Iowas. Hamupton on Mlonday oenitig lest. tî,me. Mr- sud Mri. Robt. Kerr, of Bay View Soma smusing acceunts are givun of ID. O. 1Beatty iras ai S. A. Bun etnuggle St. Vînceut, are visiting wlth Mr. Jas. church goure beiug ail but lstin tle here sud iil other vliiig officors and Sliand sud Mn. Harvey Kerr. blizzind, af Salibaîli cveuing within a fow the Bowmaanvilio baud made things livuly. Mies 1 ry Hugo, Totonto, le visiting foot Of home. Mn. Wit Delalos in Bible Society meeting at Ebenezen on et Mn. S. Rugo's. crosing fie de 10 ruaI home, actually Friuîay 241h at 7 45 p.m. Addnussies by Ms Lynde, of Piciîering lias buen could not fiud lii way fon a tiare sud 11ev. J. G. Manly sud Rot'. L. Phoelps. visiting Miss illtte Moone. blinded by the alors lied great difficuultY Maple Grovo will please acceipt thi8 imils. lun egaining 11. llsppily bu yul lives *0 atiosi sud attend. frr. J. Wotten la vury il]. tellVte tale. Soute irose homes ivere a Th foliowiunLyana tiae ew offiaens sud Mr. Ilichard Aclilon ie vieiting in cusdenable distance off remaiued. withleeraIbezr:-utJsCori, Camipieýlford sud Cornwall. fInonde overninglit. tasist at do, Eeeon; Setay W tCe 1- 1 -1 1-- 11-11 -.L sd1re .le fEenzn asMtselld ir tm eahn istnt , Wsitant o.,An; LibmaWn

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