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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1893, p. 1

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~L7/~26 Y~ ?EUomg:-5 1.50 PuI Â Axy. 1 OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY' WORLD ÂPTERWÂRDS. A. JAMLXS EnITOi,4 ý1 PROPUIDTOIL, B OWMÂNVILLE, ONTÂJ Prom Tii Date' JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN üuuuI wilao ho, balance ot tiheir Sprinlg J Jackets and O&pes' and unc@r os MAYCH 8,183 YOU CANNOT FI to be pleased with thenew stock of Boots and Shoes just arrived at JOH N -E. ' wLL Y AR',OS W-e ask yoDu to cali, inspeet andI pre if you choose." We ýl-ve the resuit wit you and are confident tl,t if, will be to our mutual satisfaction, because, goods well bought are haif sold. Therefore a ter inspection, the re- raaining haif will be easily accompished. Ar. A\-i assortmnent of Trunks and Valises alwvays in stock. JO* I- NHELLYAR, King Str,3,t, wiavilMarch 28th, 1893. BOUNSLL'S ARBLE AUO GRANITE WORKS, Finishied Granite Monuments in stock from- $12.5 te $,500. HAND2OME DSGI AND BEST MÂTERIALS. eMD OSERE'D P RAY SWEDB........ lý)E ,READ ÂND GRAY UBISLAW SCT..... D BLUE EPAL -AN ERALD PEATRL,...W I DoeS NotC Care to Live If Ho Cannot Have HOO5 Sarsaparila It wouiid le diffi t-'it-t find a1 man better known in the vici uîy-oft3rig toii.V1% than Mr. R. D. Vh 7 ý-er of Winooski Falls, the uficlen. Deputy Sherif of Burlington cou' .'ÎHe says:- "C. LE Ilon & Co., IneelI, mf Derir:If Hood's arpril cos 1 shoul1d stilt keep tusîngit, as I have for the past ten years. ýWith me -lhe question as to whcther life is wvorth living( depenids upon whctheýr 1 can get H oc' s Sarsparilla. 1 doui't thiuk 1 coldliE àhutitnow. cértaini>' 1 shiould not wish to, andufer ÈYIas [I used to. For over ten 1eastsifeéred the horrors of thie cdanod vwithi for if cever ia ma-n sufesith anything in tis wridh iswit that awful dis-. ease. It seems to me as if ailj other physicat suiCeriing erecempressed into that' 011e. I took a!boLt êverything mar, ever tried fort it bt , ovrot a (-11' saail. I D WHEELER, jjépUty Sheriff, Winooski Falis, Vt. HodsPUIS cuire Liver Ile Y getalb l ills are pni pairedI to mieet a legiti efcet reibIle family ptiysie. Tlsey ar stanüce fany kind. Hood's PiIl aet upon tbo stOmaeh,, liver, and alintilai canal, andI cure Liver onîplaint, Constîiaiou *aIsea, ]iiosns, -eadaolie. 11iigestiol 'r Stomaehi, Distreaýs atter Eating, JaLitcý aMid may be bronlci up ami a leýver proýv;ui *rYomptly taling H1ooas 'iILls FI.0.od 1s P is Are prepatred boy C. LHot & Ce).,Apteae LoweIl, Mass. 1Prîee 2 cents per box. SolIý1 alI druoggists or sen)t 1,y maIon)ilreceipt of prie, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSH-IU Froposed Sl!ailnqs. Subiect to cha)nge!.P LY. MAY 17 1.893. Henderaon'a team accident. with thc seedear making a bad é te go to Os5hawa for repaira ank iibank lias engaged ).Buike SimpsonI as coachi- îsRrs. A. A. Powers and Johin rcl Ieaving for FnglaPnd with tle thia weeük. Mfr, James ronio accomnpanies themn. tFRîssNDs A BOUT Ir.-Yonr couII e au -"e curod. We use Kemap's Ba.Iiam within 1years has cured so in>'il oida in this conimunlty. Ita a10 lias been won entiraly by nerit. Ask zSome friend who what hoe thinkis of Km' àere is 1no medicine 80 pure, tive. Large botties 50c. and lorîbut hiabeen viiitinig at ..Mr. Wmn. Ormiston lias rload of cattie to Toronto. . ,ns received a car Ioad of sait istation on Wednesda-y .. Paacoe, J. Forayth aud J. auted thEà McDonnel fan. . ýamphel la regaining health. expectir.g to have daiiy mail ection by telephone with .Our anDiversar>' is on the a>' and Moniiay ln June. SOLIN-A. Bat tha Divisio'-n was3 poàt- ha.i week. . . Mr. Jon. Bray', Misa Minniè Werry, Ked- el guesta at Roalandva. . ice snd a nice row of trees ýo the appearance of thé Cor- Vhen ahaîl we have a revivalE .... Who waîi the young man .ng ducks at Baiker's marsh ? 'cd the lantern on Sundla> rs. W. A. Tom and M. bW. ave been in Toron.. u r. uneo of thjepegou t )eeu cleanefi utüh- hwa bn i t.t.t. on. Vr. a Pillsansd talkeu"oothIer. TWISKILLJgN. lard, town; M-. eanner, r. J. R. Bingliî, Toronto, hi parents for afe daya.1 ing Dr. Fili..-... Arbor day ývedI at thie achool liene lisL O. llezziewoed, Odhawa,i excellent sermon 'in the irch Salibath oveng. ..., Miilbrook, wio lias beon.i ter Mra. McU u I lochf -r a rnied homle t.a... .MISa slias retunned hýome fre-in ker ig.... Tlie anniverïsari isb Sabbath SChool Enih. ho-id as fliow:-On Sun- seimons wiil be pnoaclied md C 30 p.s. lby the Rv otpo.On WcOdesday, la>', ttea wililieopserved at 4> are served'. At 7 30) p.mýý. thé cliurch wiii lie resumedc. s a A .1 1 iverpo)l, Lnéiery-reu4,uAil feïontreaýl Mail Srie ~FroFrin Froin Livýerpoot StcnrmsilA Monitreal. Qée 4 May ..ý.PA IÀ !1A , .. 2l' M ay.. .CIMal Il Mjay..CIRCASSi'AN. .27 May .. ..28 ý Mal 18 May. 2 ...ýUMIDTAN. -3 Jfln,.,. 4 Ju111 25 Ma .SRINA. .1jo une ..Ilî June ji un .. AOGLA. . 17Jue.. S June.PÂRIS1AN...24 1Jime. .2.5June 15 June ..'c IET&.1Jt.. -2Juee.NMoDI N .8 JnIY ....9OJnII ,9 June ...SARD)INIAN. . . l5 Jn1,1y. ...16 JnlY 6 Jnly .. . MN L ...22Jly . 13 July... P.A i AN . 2...9 July ... .50 )Jtrl; 27July ...UM[DIAN...12 A u 13 lAugî Steamrers are cdioatched f rom Milvontrealat daylighit on tho dlay cf sailing, aud saili rani Quiebeo at 9 a.m, Sunrd ià - Steamters wih a ' wtiÀ uot stop at Quebec, Rimn ki or Londonderry. RATES 0F 1PASSAG"E. $6;childreunei[a infants. ,outwardi T. .l. JeAjEa ,Agex FNISREDMÂRELEMONUMENTS in stock -from ,$4.5 toS$200. __________ jIN ALL TEIE B-IST RINS 0FMÂ8BLE AND LATIEST DESIGNS. Zfoirý lacïin your ordIer, CAIL AND EXAMINE MY TOCKPcatriii i , and E~ UATYOU ARE BIIYING. i8guruel1ion 7.yE. R. BOUNSALuI, Proprietor, Lit'e ',I Plia -m3,a .f 1.-, crogor 1 , ,.acs ituated in theI I Výacseas for sale or le rent, situiato o n VOLUME XXXI[X, NUMBEP. 2 RA YDON. I MOUNI' VBR'N ON. MUr. W. Bread lias been aeriouiy fili.. Mr. and Mr-i. E. Annis recentiy visited1 .Mr. and Mis. W. IL. Banbury visited friends in Whitby .. . . Th E. L." of C. E. at Mr. W. Broad's on Sabbath.... .Rev. is flourishing, micetings Oevery Wedne2day J. W. S-avagea will occupy our puipit next evening, Pre8t. Miýs Eva Souch; Sec., Sunday.. .Arbor dây was weli observed A. Abrlahami; Tr ea.,S. Abraham.. by otur teacher. ... M1r . W.l. Creepýr r Mr. Wni. Gilbert quietiy pasied away lias purchase1iian o!rgan F nd will keep the ,i Thursday Iast. The funeral on Satur. viltIagersingo humo,-r now.,. . Epworth day ,,vaï very largeiy attendeld. The League on11Fridayevng.. Io longu floral tributes were numrerous3 and beanti- before the new windowvs are ta bs put fui. A large nurnber of frien<'s asd reý in the churcli lativcs from a distanca) wers present. WHIlAT CA N BE' DOrNE -WVhen1 the The services at Eldad were conuce by Bysen ij velodedwih rpuit, heRev. P,. McCuilougli. Deca3ed hid cirulteisrion aded the impurit>',otebeen a life long amember of the Methadi:et. cirulaionslugia, nd he tomeh ntchureh and wâs highl>' rspected by aIl of erder, as is off en the case in apring wofre iraqanac.Teafit tire, there i3 no remnedy sD eflicacious ai edhuabanmd eand faiy avce. th sympat Burd)ck Blood B-ittera to removýe every eo hlb ond mn niy hether ad erave.y trace hfipure matter end restore peîfect amteot... .Mr. Wiiam r and eAni, Ebenezer, viaited here asat wee, .. .R2V. OUTIOUZ. D. S. Houck ably filled the pulpit hiere on Sabbath... . 1Mr. John Aiehtýin'a ittle Mr. H. Gaty & Sons Lave bui1b a barn girl ig recovertng n*icely froni her racent for Mr. John Br ent . ...Milr. D 0an Pickell attack- of diphîhoria .... .Mr. L. AMitîaon hias moved into MIr. D). Clatrke's house .. lias improved i Hm preniisea wvith the addl. . . M1r. A. S. Tooley blas bal as aucceýsaful tion of aýn orchard, ise lias Mr. Alex. season in bis saw iii departinent .... R8 ypulian-ü fsýd re The Sors turned out in fui] force te) the Ra ypatn ubro bd re temprane srvie a Ebnezr sin- . .. Mr. 8. Butson basenae with the temeracesk-rvceat betz- S n-Hatnpton chqt SI facto-y to drabw uilk day evening lin their new regali3 imaking !hssecn quite an impo-sing diaplay. Rev, . i bssa Phelpa preached a capital, practic:tl tem. DELAFNEs., i URF.-.Sir,-For years 1 perance sermon and pirtieultrly erpha- was troubled withi des-fres3m, and last aizedl the necesity of totaîlprohibitor>' law. winter could acarcet>' hear at ait. On The eh,<irEsang s( i mevt ry appo9ite è eiec- applying ,HaLyarn'd Y1ew Oil it reFjt-ir. tdons Th Sns have arranged for a box amin'yy hearing and I 10w lisar as wtl as social on May 24th and cordiall' in3vite aniyone. Mits. TUTTLE C oK, Weyzuouih, Solina, Maple Grove sud East Whidby N. S;. Divisiona to participate. H'LES ! PILES ! ÏTCIITNG PILES. SXMPOMS-oistre;intense itclng and stinging; most at niglit; worse b> acratching. 'If alleod to c mtiu;ue turc- ors form), whicli ofton bteed anduces, becomiug -Very su re. SWATNE5S OINT- mENT stoios the itching aud bleedfiiv, heals ulceration, snd iun mait cases rE moves lthe tumori. At dýuggisb, or b>' mKil, for 50 conta. Dr. Swsyne & Scun, Phladeil plia. __ _ _ _ RRv.ja. MidvPTOchN n(ri. ,tue aIayr,,,provicd uiey were givuuC .r.higoCe eadh Sn 2> . r. Lewis Ruse wont te ufablasi week baving saeured work for thé suminonîur.... vIlr. Jus. Trewia asud faiiil>', Bowmaul v7illeý, Visited ai ý,Mr. Jesse SaILera' Sunl- d1ay .. . .Pleïi tesco Mi.SsE. Moyneaý, Oa-haws, in aur village Sonda>' afternioon Rev. J. Liddy 1su1dlfamil>' are ail able to beie rojund again. Mr. Parr's babIy i6 botter. Ma.Eltiotki-laimprov. in.Mrs. Hurle>' sud is. Stonhouse are nbetter ..See liug la p-ogrtsing but oiv bL T TO Tiim LiGHTi-The mnan who toila you cui nii> ulwhat wiliCu] re your Cold i3 prescribîuig emip's Btsism this year. 1-i the preparatiof Àtia ré- maIbemedicine for cojuglis andceîds 111) expenlse laspaedte ombin oui'hC besiand purect iIedets loU a bottie of Kemcip's Balsanmi te thé liglit and lok lirou3gýit ir; notice the briglit, de 'n bnok, thon omprexith otithcc mdis Largo e btties ai ai' Cml ugZ;IrA$.. achojl sand dress b>' ilETHil JA. Liddy, 'Rami ton sud Mn. Oahawma. Singing at al On1Monda>', Ma> ' 8b, thé Off1icial tihe sclool. Collection sIt Board of Tyronoe circuit met iu Betheada, eta. 'ea 215 cents; obildren cliurcha. The finances wèro mud i lu, ad- INTO, Sueritoudnt. vance 'of isat year sud Ilie report givrn for l e week'ýSvc bytit' pasto)r concoruing the standing of th"oe crulwAs ver>' gratifyiug sund en- ar( ia to bavesF. new force 1Cors%ý îi i AIrM. Rd. 'S, noimoved tlit, end .. ..T, Byfieid, phoo. e.B.M tOcbur esteemed pPstar, ýwa, recentI>' okrnno hinvtt dbck for another ytar. Rler. chool sud pupils,. ý.. .Sîce à11'. A Sniectîig as record ing teward, d- eiri an tast Fsummor arur awing to thi.IuImosef W.,. mLs ariLera, Msa'N. >'er7s Esq , puti',bis Ime io, n ed callod for ai tou b-ava Ibeén traîung stadingvoeo in il présent rose to 'ha form-er lias his trained ti Ibm fct. Rev. Mr. McOuillch ros .ghbon'i whien thé>' requiro lpouaded checerfuil>' to this kiud sud the latter lias lis liens s> hosrty invitation. -Mr. H. C. Hoan pro. il doposit their eggs wvhere posed thia esttin-That we thé -Our fiend lias oui>' to momeýbers of lte Qoiart:en Bî ;a.d(laofthe in the barnyatrd sud inua * Methe)dist chundli, T>rane circuit, i- e~aaa Ibre read>' ta aembled desine to receîd suad Npnrs aûur ouse. It las aid friand B>'. hî,i apprecistion suid Yreapst for Rev. mak'e atytling b>' ielting! H. A. Strikeo, our junior inutebr during for feed as fiend Stantan thse past year. Ilis earnest, zealausg, and 3quïutities of eggs. .,...<The dhiat üian deponM Iotl bas WOn aur aPLP a cor. in refrrng Mn. F.1 proval sud esteenai in lis able active sud S.Baskenviiio for a driver ardent service for the Mastér's kingdomn, panfor thé carniage for sud aisa b>' Ibis wo sîincenel>' équest Bru, ging f rom Saturda>' weekis Stniké te ceultinue witli us for suolliér oudrequIre smé sig yean, sud liat théc ver>' cordial sud unit. scrap iran wagon for tli eéd effo)rts put forth b>' our misbtera for df huiseif. Ir migîit P?5- Ziou's weifara msny inuroRsingl> continue. n thé welght of thé tf"t- Thé a'ioU '. éolutio was ûÎsO carried b>' 1colectd Ïbat bro)ke dawn a sauuîing vute. Thé paston sud thé re- s. Four diffirent igs ini cording stewaird ware unanimiouisi>'ro- s vaziel>' sud there *18 1101qetd1 owx ti aouin1 ho jouna>' troegh Lif ev. T. W. Jolliffe, clisirnma of District, lonatonouls. <and thon prcse-nted ai: he iMstnict éiet mII n also tl it lié,Àred aI Confer- Laiiea' Spning Jackcsa and C-,pes seli. in f at and nuder c -at nr:e aI (oucli, Jolhinaton & Crydermsùi's. The Wor1d'a Far is lte attraction for '93. Ilwve o fot loSe sigh't of the fact that T. N. Rficicard is a wAtchrmaker, jeyvelar and opticiý anfu that ropa.iring la5 one of has speciItcieý, thero-fora a-ny work yen msy give hiim to do 5ill ho doue wall. KaLSEv-Wh"ty wovII t1yî U bQeeea m-iuîster'a Word sooner hthanan>' ether Man'M. WiLTýsI-Bé8causoelhais siipposed ta preacli thé tru ,fi,n( el!otthétruili ? But why do yen asic thé cpintion NWèi, ha. drlovtr, ehippid anuxetinlfine car ioad of Citi le hibaveraged fourteen hundnm'rd each front Buîketaa te Toronto last Mon4altýy . . .. Ms W. 1H,. Hickg ipraiLed ler aukle oun Mna. Sattrrdny tdé infanït son of Mn. Jame% Siui pson puled a i spot of Ihot tes off théa table, scaldinig himself hidi>' coi the heaà and face ... .Vi.-iors:M. J. H-. 1lieks, Torouito Junction; Mji,2 A. Smaît aI Mr. J. Rodýgsom'e . ... Aft( r s ingerirg iluves b,-, e wlth rmikbo otttoClarence L-she, son of Air. aw d Mrs. Ja-. Bing- bam, paSSeýd i, bt ' t <n S+raMay lt.Ex-prf "" i ts cf ,yiliby ave poured iiu fin aIllqureait, d c-aaed being higil>' esýteeoby ii. siho Icnew him. The Sors (f TemiornIce pasid a fitting t'lbuta teuthé mi)mory' of their de- paited brthr....Mc-. ilieu -J. Werry standl3ssixth in genErai ro i ' AtOnt. ario Agricuitur"l Collège ilu a cîas3 of 38, sud aes Fîrast Cs Hoons iun oarly ever> subjeci,. flothl thle nmeïtod andl resultz whe Syrup of Figs i 8 taken; it is pleasantr nnd refreshLing rto tho taste, and act3 gently yet promptly on theI7idneysr, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sya- tom effectually, dispels COldS, head-.' aiches and fevers andeotres habitual, cônstipatýop. SvruP Cf FiP S kth3 fils,?P ,lthy BlEtiEs,

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