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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1893, p. 2

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to tewy or'lier honseiold.- Vs loný-iis riglit; that'i ha thIe good hous 0,týel-eeper every vhei(e does, but particularly iii CanI- ada. Blt lier wy are not alwai£" 0old ins l fact sre lias dis- ýarded many V sa ti'sfactory old w ays. Fýor instance, to-day Eý- 15 using thie New Shortening, instead ol lard. And tîtis isini tself a rea- son wliy "sie looketi' well",iii another sense, for sire eats 110 lard to cause poor digestion and a worse ýonplexiofl. CoTIroLE:ieis nucli better than lard for ail cooking pur- pseas cvery one ',1o lias trîed it declares. Have yutried 's. Ftor sale everywliere Made c'ly by N. K. FAI-,?BANK & CC). t~I ~.Vfr. EIVE BEÂES are a new dis- covery tht cure thse worst cases o Nervous Debility, Lest Vigor and Eailixig hManood; restores the BI:E AN -S eakniess of bodyor mind raused by over-work, or the cirors or ex- cesses of yo'th. Tl' ý Remedy ab- iolutely cures the stos obstierte cases-when ail otise T5IEATMENT.9 bave faled even to reieve. ý;old by dcii gists at $1i per peekage, or six for $5. or sent by mail on recept of prie 4 rite for ramrhlet. SOld in-~ EoW,ýa-IVille by STOTT & JUICY. Ne-w TLallor Shor The urdorsigned who liae been carrying on Ibe tailoring business in connoction with MasEn's Dry Gords Store for a numberof years bas cominened business for himasel et his resid once. King St.,west, where he is prepared to mako gont' and boys' suitq lu ail theo latest stylos, and et lowest prices. For tho3e who wish to order sits, he will carry a f il lino of amples in al thqnenwest patterns. Give hoa a Cali, - Fashiionable Tailor BowmanvillO, Nov. 1. 1892, î8 thle ttimhi hrayf~ iOcure cf al te s mpon5indcting KsISEYv ANDS luvt uopli 01ye re tobe ith Votvoe IDzzinless, Souir Stonacs, Anaa i! , hdigeýseln 'oa Ar-ie TuasoFeacse, lecutamPl îam;Sseles, Niha, elneniyV eligBCZ Aris, incrne ilm',liadcanefuiiiy îd( pr teedItinieinoedIrion a ie Y 51es I v l g fe Ve r L ieî ea-"LHI- ta kin lg. Tino s, -ýo undc(1ilf mauyI;Il dy'slase" GapliORiY DseriOd? hear lubinetinck woodis onai One dala st nmouti, wrtes Mrs. S. A. SctuarefiIy secocnouitrdb Cuzonl, soins umon digping post-inoies l ine l inig into a snusnblmimg grouinda of Mns. Lowell, of Drummnedviliis, veniiibie trap fohis wino!e llii or, as àils ceming to hbtter known b, bwl oreebrdta itsz poest offini ns iagan alls Scetineaniy luiodacnteione came epon sonne numn romains. Tht-se h iad.pnevioily gvnte Cols wseeminoes ekuils sud,,soins arn and ieg (thons as aSceinl omn boues ; sud wimln thoni' were relies which ides: Cou.Sctin omadof showed uecisfakably, te whonm tins giastly cf bineAmericani foncýe, andG romains bsiong~~~~ed. Battons and ballets Sot osrade iofn n flatbeced on eue aide, wero misîgied witin Britisin fonce)wo lay a T -Lh tin oes ; gtse îsman dust inas long ago in- Creoin. leuins outemadi corpo-rabed ibseif lndistiiguisinahly wliin viens orden lb is esîident thdat nlotiner eartin, but bine flattened ballots in0à made a mistake, ("hwam" founu tineir billet lenbine pon bodies se long siank, "an officer cf îweuity ye ago laid lunbine dust, and bine buttonsi have îng,.yet hall see littho actul a langeage cf tineir owe quito deciphentihle. an iCupeuos temperamonýlt, On îire oef tinees tinowonds - Royal brav.' Tinus lois mnistake mai,ýy1 Scots" are stlPpiainiy visible; on cee is a col for) but winlho iearced ilh battery cf biree cannoe with halis le pile ; American amy was cnoving and on acetiner, a lettei-aspparncby a cap- laeet him lie keew tinat in,,s few ialI , tinougin it migit be T r F, ls faictiy panses wenoe nequai te deciphenablo. TIIE SRRO Thustbie buttons show linat tine men wbose bodies woro placed is a connunn and gave tins onden te retoa grave centino niglt cf tinat feanful and bleody der, aI bine gains tin e sdinp e g, hatli fougit fer Canadian froodein on tine tc seforrin Cen. Drnmmoud, 'l 25t1s Juiy, 1814, beseonged toebIseRoyalî mnisfroe bis rdesotinatn Scots, tise Royal Artflisry, and tins Incor- midin ra idlerar, ponated Miliia of Canada ; and bine lottons iigrpdyfvlr G. R. winicinaise appeaned on sorins cf tins Moud fourndibine head cf i ho newly-fouuuded relies, undouitediy mndi- umm alneadly within a few innI cate bine Ciergaîry Regluoet, tins Ligint of tins crosi cf tb inbul, aoed mine1, compaules cf which weno on tins fied un- tiick virgiui foret," wami don Col. Battersby. An incboward acciden t mec. Ho ceucbermnacdedin iappened btebiis debacineent ou tino oven- rdredutp Tompkimos iioiiIý iDof tiis force engagement -sinn rein- tory cf lwo 24-ponud piIe forcmetswor coming tp, aud more negi- ward sud ineid tins Amenicas,1 fiieid. tr t ineir placeutoe chetwiile the loops could sinpn TineIogarriOswers onl thein "Dr fomtin il il cf tine o inll, sud as ecîusc in oyl eadiug au amnbugslo Scottý ( Scots sains up, seeg ameng 1tins thlekscana) canefuiîy rüconnitreýd1 reos mec le greens uciforins similar teot use winicin wibin bie exceptjionl cf mie Anonican riflemeeniey iad en count- dweiliug with onciard sudA eredat Lwison i themorinthe theoSsouthn-ide cf wiat s i jo erd t ew RE leAtiOLEYocng iny ey enclosure, mretcIned an pot-au AVOLLY - aides cf tins ncad, dcwe t)th i into thtes, wcuidieg cnany sud cauaîug kirtod tino brick ef tbie cîinase, muemcon fusion. Intinehsif-ligit,fortlossun distance, sud iis deiay enabie( was thon ging dowu, sud tins me ocosig ligit treops te regain tinhpe up veiled se a mist cf sesoke and dusi frcon juet abandceed. T[bec, -as îe 5'1tins fildcf battîls, sncb a cistake Was eaosi- Lane was bondered, by may 4ly made, especially lu the ardeur of cectesis. sud peacinIrses, tiîusting bline Le Tins excavation cf tbine uwiy.discevened arunna ovor bine igisway. Lui iI h_ urili trnci,î nl ey procesdieg slowiy, le'tthe Clecgarry igint intntiry ic 1-céusequence ef tins deptin cf frent in bine ond origbengns 9- grcudo u in omulg of reginointal Bribiain lice cf battie. Tompki)i 'a ciaracters already f oued rondens it worîb wens placed amoug bine gravel -while te enquire hase' biey camoe'thero. su emlit cf bine kechi beside th Tino battis cof Lundy's Lace, as it is fa- ~tri swoop bine road." Tino - miiar ly ternined in Canada, is, ie British sacf tin st8g, aud tinhecop ofi Slrcors mb alssud 89mbear inaihewero pested l in e fild, on th ) RoyalSctSh,0lstad8t ertt main noad exbendiug word le ceseseemoration, eminiazoced on TOC ARtoS T11E Il;', an tinein colouns. Tino Incorponated Militia sh aise, worn nu St. Georges Day 23rd Apil, The oxtrenities cf bohi i ý112,prosentofi SrMeegie ýatland l htly forwand. Tino remaýiI 182,a S engne -nscn's columu wam forieedIl 1 wtb cieurs isccibed wlitino esaine word it "Niagara," bine York Milita hesng cineseos asgessdesioerftnord LO their nepresenbativeocf that date.'[ho up, and tins tnocp cf the 19mb1 rAunericans -always eal tins figit tino "Battie dai i u ieiiina cl f Bridgewater,» ftisec ainecf bine Street funtiner away. pneperty on Streets ('nok.Tosalte ubrytu On bine morcicg cf bine 25tin July, 1814, tiis asat discovery -,t runn r Riali, lu pursuanceocf a well digested plan upon bine field alun0cstadeb' bv whiih Geseral Dsummond hopesi tc p.m. bie(o4nd c Ile bilt su a laif-snnecch1--y dbcnnu -swneep thes invs ders frein tin wo ie peninsu- Royal 1',ots;Cigay; la, iad pnsined fcnward bis ligit tncops le seize tins important strategie position cear agalun ; 4lst; h;StýI ; sipp Niagara Flls conmacding tie jelctices cf ieft,tiowsea erd Lend7y's Lano wvitbi tinsPortage Ra. Ti7 by a largo) doai etcf tins is býine veny spotwliers e noinales are fcunnlsenaoiordtahn 1but t'ins fýhil athlid tlinon lcýw wsyel me , couse,. -Col.erySpb' bie FriBi ereae iti, a ua dla '[we leiOCreek ý(couoltnv8ina ut - Ctinanrisnç.)'[J ieStcmdjBr1 d ,ind-o(1tins IOdnd a)nd, al gmn. mnnomo5 si er ge sud M, ia-thn, tîs au.- .* sisaga) in 'bid cdLigit IBVgadîe etPakosbrgd f bine 1Cr -elk, bine Founbn rgae Lieut. Coil. Panny Penus;ylvania-l nd, d y avie jcuo tnoniin wnpcf rn niii pston n, as it we,--Caads 11and sretched adong Tsv-ie(rek j sucMle' ngd flm ' fa as De Cew' l'a- Lile, nbl cie eai stad Nrîca'bia 1brigade under Lieut. -Ccl, John Cordons UnedSao Jfaty Acro bolilu fareservo. "ins eonms e Pý Torage or QLeet, oi mc A FRMIABL FOCEa tnng body f tinh r, U. A vnisnABE racaunder Cen, Ripley, supplortei on paper," remnarks Captain Ernesat Cruik. distance byTwonscompaes'y shnk, te winose " Boutle of Luudy,,'s Lace"Ilenbusi rear on tins1sf t,Sct' this papor is .nucb iedehied, " but mine plas-ed, supporîed at their r Royais, tis, sud lootis<OSdiwore mens distance in the roar !bv aiý skobleîs battalious.' Tise ILaiten, indeed, Drageons. lu tinswodstc could musten bat oceeCaptain,bt s gbai-lino road iay sevenal ompa tonnrasand 250 efficient Imen, while ti' n tiens Col. Jeeup comnsint'ig tins IL wsre verylitlte sirenger. T I ý-ins ilii ei tlsIfert herng monts were weak ienners ndmioaby ivr i ,-mer1 " This was onulrime tvenins ,,c,ie Iso,,eeeebleis Will giva isomediate relief snd EzasEÇn Cure. S'id as c.l srug stores. Feterber' tiled!clue Ce., Lnnted, __PETERBORO', ONT. ,woCpan Mcnohiîe. The avucd NEW YOIIK STA'TE M11ICLE. ITEMS 01, INTEfifESTL haI g sràw s alea y w itin t br, ee n m î i f p al r i1o wee hirdstctinwhnthey ,were imet by - ubri aefectosed n-Ie wa'ls ail orderly barngadespatoin f, om" Cee. AYheeare 6300 tacîners in tieAmn an Raauun Ing tat 1ho ewas3about go ro- A ounoLad'î OGrateful Ackrowledze- eau n on stur- tire upon Queeustou, and- directiug thomn ment of a Timely Rescije. Irelaudý's weakht h1 ' placed 1t ,e, ,~0, o~ a1 to rtreat au once. They h ad retraced tineir - 000. stopsý four miles when tlic roar of cannon migs LIIIli Sparlîs lestored Io10 t1a" Tokin adevrtises " had burst upon thoni ears, and they wèe over stresiglisAfter Medital Aid uni Fanled htî.e4luk ro rderu,1,ackîn by a second messeuger summonin)g -lier Condition Tient.of Thousanss 0' ach salmolu, it isesiadpoue Coýt t. l- the ,t the fleldof conflict. It was accord- Other Ladies Who 'Nay tsske Hope Fra",i about 2,0,0 gs bohingiy nine o'ciock beforo the head of this Uer Stoxi'. Nn on oo eetyeggdi îgdecoum, eary and footsore with a snarch NnYLnwie eniry of miore hian tweuty miles amuît witbout o h eelailN . ie.wnod-sawing contest, for prizese, a, lBeaver? )f ie i1ltoaie i viw o th exremrigt." Panted Post is theonaame of a pretty little Dam Wis. .mj11le Dpfloyiug as before described, these reiln- village of one ghousaed inbabitants, situated' bI Abid pro- frcemeuts enabled Gon. Drummond te ro- on the lisse cf the Enie Railroad, in N eu e C mn h rsetrcne Ralnew the figini wlti fresh vigour. Witinucounty, two miles from Corning, rudN.ut, o, eYforc.ik ruik- aný heur, Miller's Brigade of the 23rd U . S Theo namoe seeses an odd one untl onue learsens, w esadapg etaïid- icfantry, ad, by a cleven manSeuvre, car-.tino circumnstauces from whici it was deriv- Sixty languages weie no by Christiani re, c ried tho littIe battery of twe pieces, onu the ed. Wlien the firît settlers came blers f rom Joachim Mobu, aNregewino died shytop cf tinobill, and Lieut. Tompkins with Peunsylvania, ail tinis beautifulvalley ws ecently in Naples, at the ageof 85. cnt omne of bis monen eeinavily woudod, and aboundods aay Tino negnoes iu Virgiia, are bocorning wiole APTt'RVD AND CONFINED kindi cf game, and was a favorite nu tin, bifty. They paytae on real estatd Mcrd tO ,, withii tIse littie rmd cinurcin. Now theo grouund for theo Indians wino thon claimed' valued ait $9,49-5,68.5, and on porsocal prop- oOl Amýerican forces worked close ni lu support excluzive igint te thse terri tory. An object erty wontin $3,34-9,950. achothuý nd heAmeica arillywinicin attracted tbe attention cf the fir Tino wives cf Siamese ,nen wear cfd acbe tinae a nd t eoAs erin rteSluery setters and xcitd tieir curiosity, was a k e-pants, and c nttLuc lair se tha gýit m dvanof t e b al ;s e w osit i o o the sum-de o paint d post w icin stod prom inently lu a sticks straig it up frrnm tinor linpa ( h m-,freb-; eigthste eandrfsaîîclearisu tdb ra praigae ri d r-the Britisbh Artiîîery, under Captaiu Macke.skntdbygrauirediga ,raolengtin cf minir inair-is1a àà agooûùn cocinie ilbcforsvard uti temuzlsoftre. I wsstained md, as sonme suppos- inch Ia alaf. Sail- theipssg uswr noa cd witinblcnd, and evidently commnemorated A hcrse-sboe e'hicin islikely te ie everal tio, ppacgges e - ul afw yards soice notable eveut le Indian life. And se tine apeed cf nacers, has been predied asude "ad inobatle" aysCniksnakf rose ibis incident tino place naturally teck E. C. Loyd, cf Janes'ville, Wis. It is 11 "tlencef orward became a confused, fero- V esrum-ioas, and sauguinary streggle, waged fre-itna. Tioct cfBtnRue fansimadwgkîlynceS s cl- t tno al netpeit, r ~tb lub(wbicin menais Ilpainted post,") La., aise a inaîf.- cyuont1yq. teck ils namne from a similar ciýrcnmst5lîce. Afruewsmse yler a~ yrsbed muikets, the British striving desperato Butomnpeoroofr -n yu o -Aifordiednecvntsly le New Haeyon, C o. s, "tino ]y to. regain theo grouud hey bad lest, and Bttwaan up s e afrwic r cu h ideetynNwF,.-,Cln i rife- ioir eppenents telirust tîsem don n mb respoudent camne borewiudo ear the par- lnvented tino device by wiic unà-barrels tadtino hollow beyond, and drive thieun from ticulars cf a notable, ide miraculous, are inored, but ceglected tel pat 'et tý e l bat- ifeld. Rgmns opn ads c ure cf a young lady and her- roscue frein Diarronda ,n amalinat ,500cf , i or- eie s, ce ndmpniesd 5015 r.deabin by tine efficaclous use cf Dr. Williams'. tsenwee inoke npaud ieged tgetner PiPlls fer Pale People. Your cser-vegbuacrtbaoinnet sHl1e, cbeck , retired, rallied, and wero led to tinond 'Tine artificial stones receuîýly prodieellin Tie asodntelykeitnttiocaec tn nglacd by an electn-ical fproces, are as orsl. i ange agail." ycuug lady fvas Lillian Spanks, daugiter ofabutissze Anerbld. It asesenlyattins haviodcf toMr. James W. Spanki. On ercquining mat let nespece y e, Amr iin ia tn e weerman ae ~ittin o pst office for lier fatiner's residence we Th ialetoeiy 1(ea wens ben ucveemet ieir fate ; l inholc- landta eivdc in cdt oe aiieyare 1-1000tlb cf -n inel-in frdam- susa l l w b e ell a c d w in o e t n e y fou tin y w r e b y , fi v e m ile s tu er ,n P in te d P o s t v illa g e . e t r . T b oy re b o re d b1i r cigp p ' ardaI nunecousecnaticg tine grcuud wizti their Ad"si hugmnwn vreard. rubies and diamonds bya - e.cwio cam-,-lood. Tino limenweny vin ong mancteithe ' vosain witin tino postmasto, 'it makes 22,000 revolutionsa mtinult. a eti awanlù1 fed itrenoed vientbly ti lis daugirwio wâs se sick tinat tle -Au acling tootin caused se inich pans ar aldo r ounfgi o tr g le tc%îgi l s d cto s gave lbe n up and aie w as cured by M rs. Jane L . Few l, f De dï li l Nun i s.,' a osgerlasiug net upon tine field cf victry. Pick Plus. And tino young mac volun- tinat she wont te a deutiat Ho nmovd a BgsIl yAedtuý,e w hventy-nin ears arbneadad-teered te guide sue to hr. Spark's home. Sound toctin instead ; m s d iina soyina l stugio incinprsonedCandate Tino urtous young mac was !Mr. Willio recovored $450. cherry, revoronîîy îifged 1gbc Covet, a resident of theo place, organistisnlu Excsvations wore l ig rmade Ufor t is jecicgle ins andinuouabl lad W,~tine Metiodîst cinurcin, and forsnerly organ- feucndation cf a inotel at Dnracgno, -Mexico, reiard L cemcuecte d elson1o isis foi-tino Young Mec s Christian Associa- wliee tine workmon cannie acreas an, ironisezx ofei CoeerWinn alatadtien cf Rociester. So getting a herse wO eciani old Span sin gold coins ote patnitî dust lies hk and deep. stanîed inlure,ý i'u, ililmie moncury value cf g$j00000. tioTinoLundys Lace Histerical Socety', - e o, for aieml ieoe pi0 undler tins eontinusd pnesidency cf Rev. nc'5afvml ieee At a medical college s e enýyïl a the~ ie veyCanon Blunetkig hG--a'rdtins scow-dr'ifted road c f Horuby His. I uestion xas asked, Il Winat aI-e somle ou 'l'il, 'oul ~ fn ac Winen wo neacined cen destination we found1 inets t3k, as it did le in sinsilan instance cf a a veny comfotably housed family, consiat. h asso aua.dah." u militia yean or tiVe ago. ing of Mn, and Mns. Spanks, cneesoc andienetyugmcasrd,'agls cf tns Rois fo tio hoourd dad m da lufive dauginters. Tins oldest of bine dasîitesl diseame, and nid age." m.oent's tender gr-cee. Miss Lillian, twonty.two yeans old, is tinse If is agaînît tins law fer offiens and mn T ýchonci heir gloieus deedsabaove their eu -ins reported wondenful cure by theinoltmie Britisin Army to siave tins nppe boîilplace,"on o, icclîusd "Raise sintit or columu toten dead, lot some use cf Dr. Wiliams' Pick Pis frrPaies p. Sonetimes au infraction cf tins nulis sc emonial fi People, yeun cornesp-inlectliîad gene out permîttedl, whifi 8ncossany toensce ir2 f o-Tel te leur fire' chiidren ai, that tinene sxproscsly te voify hy actuel kcowl- age a iackwand mustacine witthen aid o cf tins roces luminer hrsV' edge. Tinis is tins stcry told by Misss razor. suil, eB TliAKtoenDor.Sp-rste yeun correspondent le presenco ITramps rarsly visit EmnMýii., mor cf lber grateful and apprcvicg- fatîser and binan eues. Winetiey are caugbht ln th litce Peenired. mutiner was sitting esotinen, and 18 given ilelier own lauguage. bwctins alpai pts tIne lui the j Tu the rocking-chnair woru and nid, Z.,sil -alb laun iv yrsete-sm u îsaraigfn ,inedl by Wat_ýching the ceasolos dtting lYs ii swt laue1gv y1bid ,ruiglr o wen 0 ýf gthe sunsetbhams of goid, testimony 1tinoh great value cf Dr. Will-tineincçsmfent, and thonrper ie pp n e, WIaitiug, witin patience Feody, iamns' Pick Pilis. 1 was ili for four yeans, bine stovo, P Fer the kettlewiiei woold'thboii, doctoring neariy al le ime but witincut Abgannedad{ di ecsnied ,l Ad<!casng thle ined linbs. reaeiyA ugaenrdad-11iap 3s1 otdin; lTo brueik itin a long day's ted. aîsy benofit. i liad six di6ferent doctors ; cils and wae pr)cef'siin I Sot Sne ior busy 4ir.ce arit morning Dr. Hodden, Dr. Purdy and Dr. Hoar cf gathon sonnieyil ý dingnoicl On tins Workig hlenig day tireugin Corciug, Dr. Bublncf ony rRmj isosoi, se tnscaliatgiaoocfdanig- migincf aPePst, and Dr. Beill cfyzd- .als winen ho was rhee®r saa ose iiri e iMontorey-. Tiey saidiu ny b-o l.Y a Suddenbunat cf pncfaniîy. I 1pn a o d A n d M 1 1 ,1 a d( o n G l e ti i y, t n e o w b s .s a i c a i e f r e n a p a r n t , a c d il s o i s y o a c u l a Kil l blos aw eke its master. ,Seut ls tins burgIne onl ine "lndwaiegslerlaap;i'aie gpy, iele in!ile .as fr pcty Ktt , " 1a s aea acrî'fied, witboug any buooy.' acinnent Sinewas imos aiwys aay. f brasin I culd bard1,<s-,weak and hr m8t f A. Iselneyabdgn s1i ahe izadtosws ywlIwa eThe Deoay of Wne-5ot ~ a~ le fanu oara-ttioeueyft, na.My bandsawacdf' inglicg cesse Ise myanda ~'-~moteorhad~41sin'd atierrime. My Iilins woreet woroccold ai lhtno inOaerg iinbian o tes, qntns Adinu k, he l ere i.- ioeo vn o .î en.Iiad lest il an nlides cover ed wbnsnow-ain4 s s id Yck, Snohd srd0n1snuged&ttîinig weiibt sthiI kpttoboggans, HoP a osrrio els I f tn Tnt eulas f vr ne. otnn nîaigptn eiccs ul ha hn sbteue1eaiiy god, toboggau lu a]d;t hooaeswn p-eling,ra citn lmn a ettecfa .oerful wnl nwsnesare." mbesd ow by hp o 1 f A d t n b s u t b î e w e ' s e t , u e t o r u i 0 i n s uLs e f Dr . W i lli a i s ' P i ck t e lsî s Iv i e e f o r m e n i y lý t i n y we r e c o un t e d hI y : rod, Adtin mot aared for fi p- lils fur le Peei'"ple, and 7h utiegint ,I ould inundredsý. It issimpe enugin le nei tlirsi"]cduainefe oe eoId bd n e , try tises, h d id so, giving op ail ominon standinat bs i rogint bouttino chanige seesusi tnat mne iuet io dyng, cdicins and felewiug tinodirections close- isenwhat is iusually acptdas bine typiWl îfnry ssh a b in ieie oo.1. By tins timo I inad taken bise finst box I Cnda sitrso A lew years ago, tile S sAndo-aol ae.d h klg I ivas feeliing botterIsa h adbenluawben tobeggacieg and isnowv-shIoeing 1f0o1n- lilieny. Au ie threu 'bthe poplar ali, - d çs Till eut cf the fast-cosooe twiiighî, long ime, and I continued tineëir --ýI -t li sined puel for tins groat sport funn-ýislied, t sient Sineinord asoi veie ril.new as you eau 500, and as my fatiner sud;etino prefessional improsarie, iaided by tine !sody cf IAnSudcacin woary neuve and muescles snobinr kioow, and as h know I am penfectiv botol proprietor, concein-ed tus ,idjea cf cf Qfsoe t intsitcy wehl. I de't ok tinssaame pensen, nd I hooicig Montreal, suand enal ens-lin- gint ~ th An linaves benpte buru-le,ea-win yug rfs, As tinnepi a stores wüec nigio. c ow ecjoy mysel if h other on ing theesseives, by lioldingwntncrvas 1J td At det sine lnoîpot it w, peterl el. Indeed 1 ca't say toc mucin for Dr tino main exponses c ili oebreb mn in Re dniogb~ pI nd, Williams' Pi'nk Pis, fer I am s unee; Mntreal mencinants. _For a tinsi tiney But lion cic was o on seeter saved my life. T I bave recommsinnded +h- n drew iargely, sud Cnd a ieai inign, Tncu on iabi oyt eors vireae a sng _rtîmi itln Muc4, alie wiii n sow-simces adtobi'gansllbt -ora.- 1lî-91c- - retiJea eis n ashoil îsitr m

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