<j / ;speaks thrdngh theBfoothbay (Me.) Regi3ter, SA the beneficial resuits lie bas received from a regular use 0f.Ayer's Pis. He says: '11 ~vsfeelingý sicic and tired and mny stomacli eýemed all out of order. I tried a number ý-f rern.edies, but noue seemed to give me relief until 1 was iuduced to try the olfi relia. bie Ayer's Pis. 1 bave taken oniy one ?Lox, butlIfeelikle a ewnman. I thinktthey arec the most pleasalit and easy to, take of anrytbiug 1 ever used, being se flnely sugar- coated tirai; even a elilid wiii take theru. IE urge upon ail who are in need of a laxative te try Ayer's Fulis. Tlsey wiil do good."1 .For ail discases of the Stomach, hiver, rançd nowels, take ~rerecdby Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowe]l, Mass. E~very Dose, Effective FRUIT RAISERS SIIOULDJ uE OUJR l'or spraying, their trees and 1bushes. Having secured the besL r artic21es in the market, we can pos- itively guarantce our 'Paris Green lind li1ellebore to be effectuai in the destruction of inseets. STOTT & JUR1Y, DRUGGlSTS and OPTICIAN. B OWMANVIL STATION. 00ONG FAST COIN;G WEST Mail. S S'.)ru %ý Mi..3.520 amn Expre, .s*.10( "-7 arn Li M.Rxp 1eS. .6 C 57 a ina ..xs .2 4à5pa Local..... 839 a ru LoAcal... 707 pm 1Mlxed .... 229 am Expr"ss. 55 pmt Chicago Ex ... î 12 p m LmE .057 p m Mai... . 8 30pm WHEN YOU GO TO, DR ITISII COLUMBIA,' MANITOBA. EUROPE, UNITED STA TES. or any place in Canada call at STOT & Juitx', Drug store for Ticketsýaud Infor- mration regarding lowest rýtî and bes't ratites. BOWMÂNVILWLE, JUNE 14, 1893. Local and Ohrie Mr. J. H. Hamns f Craigirurst bas kesn reniewing, old acqluaintanices bore. Mr. Fred. Foster bsreturned firom a week's vsta o is brothers in Mariposa. MHre. WY. F. DoI1 o! Winnipeg .is visit- ing her parantp, Mr. and Mrs. J. lliggin- botham, Milton. Miss Mary Pattersiu ýf Whitby î,3 vis. Îting her aisterps, Mrs. Juoc. Ruddock and Mrs. J. A. Lawrie. (r. Dr.) James Bray of 288 Gerrard UToronto, and child are guetta at ber parents', Norwood Plac.. Mrs. C. A. -Lapp, Wife cf the propriet- or cf the Brighton Ensign, diad June 5th in ber 36th year after a painful illness. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gaud were thrown froim their vehicle wbile returaing from r elurch $nnday night week anrd sustained eliglit injury. Parasols at reduced prices at John J. Mêaon's. Al! sthades cf Kaisomniae at R. Worth's, Bowmianville.- Wý. M. Osborne invites ail ladies te 'est his teas. Delicic)us fievors. Gai! and sie the cbeap Wall Espa[>r from 5c. u,) at T. Shierin & Cc's. Gents' Ties. 2 for 25c. worth 25e- tn Mdiss Jaunaie Houper, Rochasier, N. 1 Yý., ia home oR a vst Mn. and Mns, H1. C. Bnittaiv, Straih. rcy, une viaiiing ai -Mn. J. M. Jonoe'. Mia. D. Cornisir of Oshawa, bas been visiiing ber old friends in Dariingtcn sud Bowmmnviile. We guaranice li cur Kid Gioveeanaid replace with new eues ail tirai are ici perfect. John J. Mason. Raemants! Remuants ! XVa have a lot cf ibis year's remuants cf wall papar ibut n-e wili salli at ceai. "Big 20" Mr. Norman Tilley iras ruade a nieat creditable pas aitihe Law Scicol exain- inatien, standing founili iu. a liai cf 140, anrd la cntitled te write for hscnors. M. A, James is agent for the foilowuug popular etaamehip lines-Almu, Alian- Stuta, Dominion, Amenican (fermerly the humai), Anchor, and Hamburg Amenican PameaiCe. Ail information about rates and sailinga cuir ha bad on application ai tie STATESMAN Office, Bowmairviiia, parsenally or hy latter. David Porter, the wnmier of the $15, 000 prîz.s ai lia London Masonic Lottcry, dici at bis home in Ballydufl'afiar an ex- tendad ilîness, on Fniday evaniug lust. Business apeculations which ho entened ie preving unsuemessa n, aitirhe turne cf ii deaih uitile if ny of tire moîay which tins came loto bie possession n-as laft te i. Mn. James Eainns nrites us, date Juna 6, fremn Port Hope, sayig : I sea un yeur paper tirai I bought Power & Carveih's cailla, n-hich le, net se, as those cattle n-e nnt gond enougir sud bought tee deau for any parecu te sbip and itakeasny îraonay. I gave thra space liai I n-as net willing te 511l myseîf. Pleasa say ibis lu yottr papar, as my buyer-could not huytiesecattie." JAMES EAKINS. "Joea"HasLt, lie tmperance lecturer and fermer pugilist, lis siowly recovernog froni bis serions ilineEs. Mn. fHasa sufer- Ad a stroeaof paralysie on Jan. 25 whilc laberniun Canada. He had bean ialk. iîg sieudily fer 102 nighis, and tie gremi sîrsin fiuaily resulted in ii illune.s. Ha suifered another etroka afier returning te bis home lu Clarendon, Orleans county, N. Y. Duniag tira paît week Mr. Roes bas imprevad gremly, aid Dr. Ely, nie is tiendicg hM, bopes fer bis ultimata reovcry. Tire officers' liat of tia Saivation Army stili continuas te decrease. Sîmf-Captains Beulton aid McCady witidraw a fan- deys ego, anrd on Satnrday Siaif-Capiain Soithail, editor cf tie Wan Cmy sent lu bis resignatiou. Tirey ail express dîsmp- proval cf Commandant Beotir's plan cf epenalicirs as tire cause cf their witirdraw- ai, It is said tiraItirea moearasîgua- tiens null foleow sbontly, sud tiat tien tirea nl ha scarcely a Canadienan Iaamy pesitien cf importance in tire army. Wire seme minisiers kniown te our readars are siaiioned :11ev. W. A. Bunner will go te Minden iusiesd cf Lemouvilie us tfret inieuded ; 11ev.,J.W. Bunuer on Betirany circuit ; 11ev. J. H. Oliver at CGsrnphell's Cross, Peoel Ce.; 11ev. C. W. Reytnolds, Greenw-d ; 1ev. J. E. Sandensen, Cleremont ; 11ev. Gn Wasiigtsmni Quaensviiic ; 11ev, J. T. Mlorrip, Sisynen ; 1ev. W. C. Sanodersora, %"Viudrmee ;ev- O0. R. LaiuhIy,4ýA., loomfield ; bey. L. McQu4ade, A9aelias- bry ; 11ev. T. Ben, Cno; Rev. R. M. Poee Newcaste ; 1ev. J. R. Reaml, Orono ; 1ev. J. 1'. Berry, Starahope ; Rav. J. A. Jswell, B. A., Stinliiug ; Rev. Ge.r. Brown, Màdec ; 1ev. J. W. Aunis, B. A-, Qneen's Ave., Lu)ndQn ; 11v. E. A. Saiderson, Neti Marmra ; 11ev. W, H. Buit, Ceiralia ; 11ev. 0. E. Me- Intyre, Chatham'-,'-1ev. S. J. Allun, Airerothurg. Tira feregoiog in-cluala s,.usc cf tbe circuit changes tiai bava beau madea allie cenfereuce. ToUrISrs, Whetber on ple-asure haut or businress, sirouid .tuke on every tn.p a' boille cf Syrup cf Pige, as it mce moat piaasantly aid efectually ou tic kidnay«, livar anrd bon-ais, preveutiug fevers,iead- aches and ochar formm'tof sickiresa. Fer sale lu 75c.hotiies by aili ieating druagglste. Carniage Rugs ai the West End leuse. Tira cheiceml family grocenies ai W. H. Oshcnone's. Doni't foýrget Kirh)y's new paint siop. Dron lu sud ee hilmi. Mleui's upshirts aud %irrderahmta mut the Wvepl End lusa. TiE ýSTATESMNAN tO euw 81SCbsiberS balance of 1893 for,50e. BeÈi place in ton-n te Iuy Gieres and flose la JohnJ. aoi ' Banr and Aussealed Wîre ai R. Wo'th's hardware store, Bowruanville. A fan- Salten Blouses whici nill! ba "Ild champ ai lhe West Eud flouse. Ah-ut 800 relis of pretty Wall Papars to e hold from. 4c. upwmnds at Kirby's. Ladies' Spring Jackets anrd Capes sli'- ;-. off ut-udaide cei pnce i Cocir talle yen centidentially jual wiai nul curé y'rur cold le pre3crîbing Kemp's Balsamni tbis year. 1- thea prepamio f ibis ne- iI rakiLL mediïcina ferceugis aid cocLa ne axpnselaspmýred. te cmbie ly tire hast and p eI)u I- ngredIienta. Hoilda bWotecf emp's Balseni te tire igit aid leek iloug-iA il; notce5irebrigir, lear looki, to r li,jio ir cirter ramedies, Large bottlas mi ail druggisisb 50ec and $1. Children Cry for Seo the Wesi Ensd iHonsacavi on tire fourtir page. Mr. Harry Gale of Coîborue n-as in ionn ver Sundsy. - Mrs. A. Niehols is visâting fiands at Niagara Falls, Seti. Mr. Marcu3 Soper cf 0Ouca bas heLii vlsiting fiaonda in iowa. Mrs, John Hciilga, Torcuto, l isiti ber motion,.Mr,§. Cotton. Tire West Erad lieuse knedia tram al eut onHoisemyjsnd Gioves. Mies Coleman cf Detroit is viaitin4 ber parents Mn. and Mrs. 'W. Coleman. Dr. Herbent Barber in 111 iratire Toenor- te Genoal Hospital nitir typireidle r. Mr. and Mme, W. Garrett of Yonkers, N. Y., are visiting ai Mn. S. S. Edsail's. Mr. aid Mro. James Richards, P>ieker. iîg. apent Sunday nthi friands un lewî. Mme. Dr. Honoyn-oll cf Hanter River, P. E. I., la visitiripg lar motion, Mr,4. W. Mns, S-amuel McMurtry iras goee reside witirlber son George ai St. Tiroma. Mre. Sandanson, Coubrne, anrd NXne. Alex. Boyd o!Ternon, are visiting ai SUNEIsE. Miss S. A. Ollord cf Wecome is cu a visit te relatives and friands un Bawmnu- ville and Darlingion. Ah kinda e! sporting uoods, wagon-, velocopedes, baby carniages, etc. very eioap allihe "Big 202" Mms Fred. Rois Éaad tires cildmen cf Wesi SupIIericr, Wi., are visitiug lhem sister Mms. R.* R. Hoskin. A genmme Elgin or Wliiams ali(-, stem wind, ecron- halsanmdacre- blck for $7,50 aird fui!y gnranioed. For lusects un lire gardon use Our Paris Green and IIellibome We guanantea the qumlily. Stett & Jury, tira Dmuggisls. Rey, Wmn. Limbent cf Odessa nie bias beau visiiîg friands in twni. occupied tira pulpit of the Mtirodisi churcir vory acceptuhiy Stsoday mcruing. Mr. Jav. Perey advetisei oua cf tire hast cottage homes in ion-n for sal- vry cireap. lu s remiiy a moat dosirabla resucaoice for a amal l amiiy. Se advt. Oua dozen beauliful spoons, n-iuiit- i.iàs baud eigruved for oue dollar and tn-entv-fiva cents. Kuives, Foira, Nap- kmn Rings. Casiers, Crens, e., equally champ ai Rickard's. We congratulate Mr, Xi'. D. Dyer, youigesu, son of Mr. Daniel Dyer of Co". urubus, fcrmrely cf Eifieid, ou raceiving lie degrceaet B. S. A. fromtlira Dopant- ruant o! Agriculture cf Toronte Univer- suty. 11ev. T. W. Ja.lliifo, Grand Master, as- isttd hy chen grand lodge efficers, laidI tie corner altone o! the rien- St. Andrews,' Prashytenimu chus ch ut Stirling on Timna day -tire local Odlellen-s iaving ebarge Of dia services. Misa Leitie l{eynlda_, ire preity lunte daughter ocf tira-Noble Granrd, presented M ý.Jolliffia n-ti a siiver tron-ei andr.abouquet cf flowamï. itn-as, a gais day f-r Stirling imd everything puasced off splandidfly. Tire tepie aitirhe League Monariav~eu-. îngf in the Moîhodîsi ciurch.-Oiir yu limas for Chist-n-as 1e4 1 idêieTf!ý mandMr. J. IAel!yen, j r. The subj ýetwa8 irtrjduced in ai, excellent piper -by Mt Hellyar. Mçs. J. j. Mauon al.so rcad a àiplendid paper. Miss Kate ElIiitt e- cîted eicely; a chirs nas pleasing!y saung by Misses Norticote, Tillèy, Jamnes, nes- kmn, Eleanen; âusoirarp selaction follon-ed by Mn. J. H. Efiot i n-hi paneo accoru- paniment by Mlisa Nomîbeete. Mn. H. C., Brittii enlivead the prograiru by & fan- n-crda te his eid friandsx. M',r. M., Treleven arnivcd home by tire aaiy Montreal exprels Meuday mornng aller an absence o! I-o yeas eperit ai Shnatcn, Corn-al, Englarid. Ha carnse over by thie splendid nen- Dominion Lina steamer.Labrador sud had a fainiy goed voyage, uiougi ai limtes tire neuier wn-a ratier rougi. Ha boire mach botter for hies sojoumu un tire Old Land. He n-il shunt ioueeaping ai once luir is band- ema brick residence on Churci street. We voie tisa sentimnenia cf Our câl- zen% gauarall iy nbon ne say thai n-e are rud te n-lcome Ibiiubueir te Bownin. mille aid hbeha n-il! long liva toe anjoy bie very corfortahi ironie. Tie muuyV old friands o!f Rey. S. H. mticeansd family wili ejoice te hear cf te ir scas of oeaof tire aa. Tira Si. Joi's Diy Globe says: Oua cf the stu- ddîts, Mn. Cyrus H. Ruce, n-be graduai. ed tiaus year front lie Mount Allison in. situse ut Sackville n-ms a former student usnd gold miedaliat tof lie St. Join Gramn- Mam Scirool. Mn. PRi es, a a fon !R1ev S. H. Rice, o! St. Andnew., laieiy sam tioîed at Fairville. Ha not enly obtain cd ils B. A., degrçoe, n-hihoborn, but got a spacial houer certificabe for philoze. -h U--- n_-ou $0 niz fr9 riiie A Remnedy. Prepýam1apecaii for tice xpe)Cld ira. vasion o! Asiatie, Choiera. Aller bavinig bûeauloouhytested airnd i int m sud pan-en proved is non- being piaced un tic unacIticdrggal.Air for "A i Sue~êSfuIGarden Party. A ver y pleasant gard en party was givera en Friday evening oby the ladies of the Missionary Auxiiiary cf the Met hodist cburch abttha heautîful residene efMn. T. E. Hligginhotham. Just as ta was< about to be1 served anrd the tables wera prettily spread on the lawn, a passing eloud s.ent dcwn drops as big as marbies anrd a iasty raitreat bad te be made te the veranidab anrd dining recru where the tables wero ne-set and about 125 pensons pantock cof tbe tcothrome edibles abuird- aiyfurnisbed by thre ladies. During ihe ev.ening Misses Freelaird, Northicoie, Tlait, Tiiley mcd cibers furnisbed excell- enti musie vocal and instrumental. About 9 o'clock Mr. M. A. James on behaîf cf thie ladies of the Auxiiiary calied the cemipany te oreransd un a short speech pns en ted Mrti. (Bey.) T. W. Jolliffe, the president, wiih a life memhership in the Socîety (wbicls reprezenis $25.00) ira rec- C git ion cof tire good'wonk sire ha% dons I in connection witb tha churchin lugenieral Iarid esqpecially ira ber relatîonsirip te the- Society. Very eniogistie addresses wera aise delivered hy Rev. Wm. Limbart anrd Mn. James Gxilfillan, Science Master cf the H-igir Scbeol, wha said soeainca tbiigs as well about tire inmbars o! the Jolliffe family who have beau students ai th1e High School. Mrs. Joliiffe in a few eýarn1e3t aid well chosan words tbanked the ladies for tis manifestation of thair I.Lgenarons kindasa and expressed regret tui abahebd net beau able te rende r more e fficient service. Rev. Mr. Jollifl'e aise spoke briefly anrd happiiy con behalf of bis usefrai beipmeet. Rav. Mr. Lim- ha3rt offenadl prayer anrd ibis pleasant epi- soda un tira evenung's prograin was closed. Bacforo retiring it was moved by Mr'. J. M.Jouai-sand secondad by ex-M&yor Youie that the irerticst thanks cf tire congregationa ara due te Mr. anrd Mrs. Higgin-beuthmm for placing at cmr service tiroir biouse and grounds fer ibis occasion. TbLaraselution wms unanimeusiy support- ed and was suiiahly sekuowledged by -Mr. Hligginboiham when tira happy gati- erng dispersed. The, grouuds wasa 'bemuatifnliy ilinsninated with Cinese ian- ternus, anrd croquet and other Ramnes ware participaiad in by thre youîg 10-1k. It was a tcary gwtifyiug succesa fiumuciaily. jParasocls at West End flouse juat un anrd vory cbeap. Laidiàs, caland sec Connor s Iruprov- ed WasýBeor mcd Royal Dominion Wning- er-tic hast ruade-at W. Il. Oàborne's new grocery. Belfast Ginger Aie, LameraSour- a delicieus new drink, Champagne Cider. Tire hast Soda Water ruade in canada,, GRAND CENTRAL. Asic YeuIZ FRTENDS ABIOUT IT.-Yor di,3tressiing cougir ean ha cured. Wa know iàbacause Kemp's Balsaru within th3~past few years bas cured se mmsny co)sgbs anrd coîdiA un ibis copn-imuniity. its rem-avkabla seale bas been won entiraly by ite geî3niie m1ent. -Ask semae friand wio ,,,ýç1 ï-wat ire ihinke of Kemip's Ltrgobottles 50e. and Hwto get a"Sunlight" picture. Seird 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (rpper bearing the wc rds "Wiy Dees a Womnan lr>okO()d SonerThan a Man") t,) LEVER Bies, Ltd., 43 Scoti St,, Toronzo, and yeu will racelve by posi e praity picture, free fnom advertising aird vell worti fraruiug. This is an easy t wsty te dacorata yotrr home, The scap is dire hast in thre iarirat, and it will u nly coat le. postage te seird in tire wrappars3, if yon leave tie aends open. Wieyour addnass carefuliy. I curad a Herse of thre mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. Dahui.CJRISTOPIIER SAUNDERS. 1 curcd a Hersie hadly torn by a pitcir fork,, iih MIN ARD'S LINIMENT. Si. Pters, C. B. EDwÂEBi LINLIEF. T curad a fforse cf a had sweiling wih ,MINJtD'S LINIMENT. Brihusii, N. B. Trios, W. PAYNÇE. Th ire iiesi maiket pric.î will ire paid fer ïany quantify cf weel ,eelivered mm' ilue. 22. 11. LEWIS QUICK. LAKE ONTARW STEAMBOAT CN'Y STEAMER NORuTH KINGT NEn-, FASE,- AND ELECTBtIC.-LiOHUTED. Daily for Rochester. On and attler Monday, Mfay l8t wnul leave Cobourg at 8.00 a.m., Port Hope nt 9,45 m.mn., on arrivaI of! G. T. IR. Trains. Arrives aI Char. ltte ai 2.30 p.m. Rennnleavea Charlo.tte ai 11,1,5 'mn (ecept Tneaday at 9.15 am.and auray aU 1,15 pm.,, amivlng ut Port Hlope ut 630 a.ru.. (Sauray i DOp m.WIII cat iCoîborne on WVednkesday anrd Friday a t 4.00 a,m.,mnd Brigh-. teon Mou Iidmy anrd Wednes day ai 2.00 a.m, A ik yonr local agent for Tisrongls Tickýets ta any poiirt on N. Y. C., PL RC. LeiARir Valley. WstSharp. W W , ,, D, L & w-, B, Il, & P., w. N. Y.&P., and H'ave Bat>ggg C. 1. GILDERSLEEVEÀ, Kinga!ton, CGecn. Pas. -A'gi,, Tlcker Agent, Bon-manville. Cail andaea tie cheap 'mnd pretty Wall ri Empare ai Kirby'a befora buyiug. Ial1l8 H avana Hil Watch repaiing properly and pro-mptly atteuded te ai Jobhn J.Mascn's Dry goode aird Jawelry store. Tho Mallissa Rainprcof Overcoat is the cnly satisfmciery waterproof ganmeni. Tiha chcaenies rubbish maude lmb cigars Sae tram ai Musonsa Clotbing Store. la many cases le brandesi on tis elgciar W. H. Osborne bas won great faver box ior label -Gsmranteedi Ilvana FIluer." wiib the ladies since tbey hava taated bis 'The giaruate a ry ibe readily ussdneds fine flavored teas. No fluer toms, aver -When tise pusblie are Informesi, -Iicki l came te Bowmanville anrd tbay are cheap. a f.,es, ;Itia, av.iafur as r osh Go te Rickrd's iF yen want a watcir. aaflese cbig Ha salis a iady'asoslid gold 14k Elgin fri wcv ents paver ondiuwr5 watch woËth fil ty dollars for iwenty-five Tît is JIIY AE[L-aarautce, an I tie only dollars. This is belew the lowesi city ONE VVE O!rTEII te sinekers. 'ia brandelsq -prices. c'gars tirai bave'stoas tise test l'or ssearry We show the fineat stock cf Union- biail' a century, lirai are rccegnizad asj wool Tmpestry anrd Brassais Carpets ireld iosonaigeass, and al,%ays reliabla, as te hy any bouse un West Durhani, Couch, Fttîb iemsyssli" !Cms Johuscra &Crydeman.murgos, El l'asres andi lMadre E HUes4) Sinokera Talie si arssseg. tisai are sold vearly, and f lor 'svisch tiseý Whan you ask for "Omble Extra," demani is cersainilytaraig "Mungo" or "Kieker" do net ha iudoiced te tare ocher branda uals are repreied as being "'juat as geod," or with tira apolegy "juat eut cf ihemn, and similan- subterfues. Nearly half a century of mmm:aa publie apprecition by tebs ugso cigare un this country, as ahewn by the immnse qUantities sold, abouid bhaa srufficient, guarantee of their being the VERY BEST. iou take ne risks when you buy arnj brand cf Cigars -uadle by us. We do not manufacture checep goods. S. Divis & SoNs, Montreai. Notices er Births,i25 cents;- Miarniages., 50 cents; I5eatlïs, 50 caests, eaeh Insertion -but FICEE OF CHARGE, wheus the hisserai cardsare srlited ait this elilea BIRTMS. PAýTTEESON On Jurle 1. Mrs. Fleury M. Patterson, of Montreal, of a son. YEO-In Victoria, B. C., on May 21, Mrs. J. H. Yeo. of a daughtar, SrrA~RMAN-In Orono, June 3, the wifa of Mr. E. Sharman, of a eon,, MARRIED. Hsan-Vsoa,-At 29 Oxford St., Toronto. hy Eld. J. H. Shouits. on Jane 7. 1893, Charles Hi of Lucan and Miss Rtachel Vie, cf Selina, DIED. RUTEIERFRost-In Toronte. June 4, Henry Rutlierford, aged 46 years. MCLEÀN-.&î Sioal Lake, Man.,1 May 25, Janet Neshet Tom pleton, wifis of Allita Me- Lisait and eldest daughtar cf tire late leur. Templeton of Newcastle. MÂnsL-In Ciarke, Jane 6, John Madili, aged 80 years, BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS3' <,Irrected sy .. NfcliuiY, every Tisenday FLOUE, P 100 Ibsi ........$81 60 te 82 30 WHE.AT, Pull, IP bush . O.. 00 0 O67 Russian, ai.....O0 0 0 O65 F ife, O0 0 0 O70 Uoofsa, O0O0 O 57 l Colocrado il.......O 00 0 O62 'A,....... 0 W 0 O50 OÂrs, '..... 000 r,03*)5 BARLT,Plbush, No, 1.... O0 0 0 O42 Il 2K.. 000 QI 03ý7 Ir 2--.0 00 ,'0 30 i 3 ~.400 0 2 Bitckwhat bsth..,0 00 0 501 PFEÂs, Blaeye, t bixh- 0 O68 0 470 nMo.-mrny nil 0O() r,060 Small, .0 00 ,0 55 'aBlue, 0.. O50 11 O 80 BuTTriE, best table, ' lb.. O0 0 11 O14 CIIICKEN, e lbr.............O 00On012-1 BGGS, V ldez ............. 000 0 10 POTrÂTOES, e bush ....... 0O 0 O 45 HAY.týr ton .............. 600,,7 00 R1-1EPRESENTS tbe Federal Life Ait- Bsociation; and tire London and Lanca. IrEhre, Commercial Union. thre Lncashira Tire Insurance Cos., and the Staam Boiler anrd Plate Glas-i ms. Ce.. of Canada.' Office aet Worth's Hardware store, Bewman- ville. p ASTIJRAGE.-A splendid run of py asture for farta stock te rent wîtli plen- y cfgod gras8, "water and shade. T, G STeNEneusE, nanti cf lHampton. 2-t M ALE TEACHER WANTED-For S. S. INo. 3, Darlington, second or, third clasg, for balance of 1893. Apply with tasti. moniale. stating saiary, ta Trios. PowsR, Sercv- Treas., Box 43. Bewmanvil le. 2-1-3w TAMBS WANTED.-Any number cf> JJSprlng Lamba wanted for which tire irigbest prie wiIl be paid by HumE & WaeRGH tire People's Butchers, Bowmauville. C ALVES WANTED.-Ten Calves a weck wauted for naxt four mentira by HUME & WsRGHT. thre Peopie's iBrtchers, newmanville. o-tf B RICK COTTAGE FOR SALE.- -"Tira underslgrae, dcsirious cf baing close le lirasirop, offers for sale lits desirable brick cottage and,~ acre cf lanrd on Wellington, St. Tira cattage tirrougliont ij in perf-cot state of repsir and centains Pàrior.1-Iail.f)mning Rtomn, large Klircirn,Plntry anl 3 Bed Roomus. frre Summcr Kitchen and wced.slied atrsched. Thoe grarden centaine Apple. Pmin, P'ear,Pea(,h and Cherry treas, Grapes, Black aud lRed Carrants. Black and lIed Barries, Goosabarries anrd Strawbrie,all o! tire very ciroie4t varietins. Immediate possession cao ha given. For price and rail furthar parliculars apply te Joi.iN PEROy, Bowm anville. 2t-tf Fa-e Miaulla Bîndar Twlne, manufaciured alir fe CEINTRAL PRISON le cfféred dirtct te the farmars cf tha Province at tire following pries, freigirt paid te anv raiiwaY Station within tirePravinca as directad Pure Manilia Binder Twina un car loads........ ...... 8ý cents per lb. Pure, Manilla Binder Twine in less than car loads...., 91 cents pet Ilb. Tira Twine le w eli manufactnred froru pure manilia without mixture er cheailNew Zes. land hamp or Sisal, anrd will rn about 600 feet te the pound. Orders for full car loade are accepted oniy when farmers club together te take tris quart. tity, and tira order muet contain tire namnes and addresses of ail wire are in tire club, No orders will be accapted for less tran 50 pouirds or for lais tiran f il balles of 50 pouinds eacb.for am2y addltional qaantity aind ne ordar will ire fihied unleas accIàmpanieýd by cash l l, ragistarad latter ban-k draft 'or puoat oiffice eider, 50,000 lbz. n -i nted alliae Hampten- Woolen Mflis for wbicir lie iigiresi cashý picen-lJi ho ptidt. Fanmera only iruve thein eyes hall epen, nirey are alrmid to bny cf lire middie mou but tbey rush te ther n-i tîmtein nool. Be sensible and bring youn nool n-bore iti laeho homanu- lactuned- -yen nul find ilte oyonm udvuni- mgo. AIn-mys a good etshoir cf Lrooda on bmnd-ju2t wniai tie fariners a ni, nhich null ha excianged for n-coi, Witi thanks for past fuyons, I romain Vour ohedieut servant, 21 3w- D. TAYLOR, HAMPTON. in business life ha largely de- pende nt upon SUCCEssbeiug ,properly irmned in co)mmFeial usages.' A lier- cugi. course 'u practicahie subjpet3unuder expenicnced office-moun-wil! put ambiticus young mou andfi n-on irn possession cf informatiour tiutliras a ready demmnd in tira commercial world. Elegant iilnsirat. ed circulan mnarled te aniy address. Apply te SPEKOIR & IcCULLOUCH, PRINCIPALS, Hiamilton Business Collage, 34, 36, 38, 40 James St., Seti, Hamilton, Ont. Miss -Shaw is clearin g out ail Winter Stock of ats, Wings, thltlg8fcar -below 0v cost. A nîe lo 0f ew Veil- ingés just received. Next d(or cuiqt of P. O., Bowmauville If you wish a really good and1 reliable Watch cîkll and see thoso Wa]tlian and Elginxi Watches being- sold away dow'n in price and fully guararateel by T, N. IRIOKARD, Wmtch malien, Jeweller anrd Optician, Vanieiy Hall, Ousness, De)iity, .nd ali lith train c£ evils fromueryerr or latcr cxcerses, tibm resu~F~ its cf cý,vcor, 4 ~ '~sikýus, Yworiy, ec.ý entuî aud toue icrven te -~ ~bic. 2,0100J eferences. "noi, xlnto Onit, Office over Davis' Poot store. Kn t AýceQuni QlQ'd saucsmnge,1-m Y J y