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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1893, p. 6

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ON____ LLi2T-LAi'4VflU EN.the reward afterward, L1c fVlot -ïe-inVtel au jn will Eno[ mivich enougli enthusiasm ta cry ýout, "We are; longer 'haveu oth ler. She wlI sîtit ih Att eTALMAGE PREACHES ON THE DAN- 1 learu also fromnthis sý; ubjeet thje dant- i'o rt4ý -jr soul igUus out sa gentiy,A ank. ~~GER 0F WORLDLY ELEVATION. gr1fwrîî %-oio.TisEî n (Il-do fot exacýtIy knaw the mioment of Bana____th__ gocinhd gratmalFold the bauds that have iijr ~~~~~waswa h ordcled getmn on(,, s mauy kinduesses for you righti This b ta notify Seenes ln a 1sanmmer Holase-ouirRpd There were huindreds of peopl h vrteher htla ba ihlv jai i jor a- Figh Toard Etrnly-Paetee wold avecouideed t th egsates oward yau since before you w ere boru.Li colnt at the bank ih oad tent-rcieI honor of their Iîvas just ta have htims of hcalîth La aver-. Neeessary Before We Can Help Men to speak tai them ; yet aithouighlieh is so fi bu MralEye~gh andIlrng hem high up in worldl- ostinbhai lot Lot the piIlgrim r est. She niwery d(rav-,; iltl thosorate youIht adillng hom o abcend the reach a Euf s a 1r Deakth iu the suaimer bouse. bankspt, nicî'Visiaon of the Cross. sue a gruat many iyeople ttriing ta im Gahrbotu what w-e thiuk 13 coin-w Up ini social positioni, having a dafar sdluuy ien the paie mes- s BRacuLyn,, June Te sermon se- that theru is a saf e place somwh r arsi grcamtes; liu doua not stop ta look at c lected b)y 1ev. Dr. Tainage f(- or this fore- above, not kuowing,- that thle mauntain tha arc.,hite-cture ai the bouse before haie noont is founded an the tex,i:ý Judges 83, of fame bias a top _ieMon Blaitc,cvrcae in: nar, entering, does hie wait ta 15: "But when the cbjîdrérn of Israel cd with perpetual siow. exainejl1 the piotures we have gath'ered l ired unta the Lord, the Lard raised We laugh at the cbildIren ofailSinair o iew;obuigoe orpi themun deliverer, Ehud, the son of, for tryiug ta build a tower tluit fold ow, hie does flot stop -ta see wvhetie Gera. a Benjanilte, a man left-bauded." reach ta the beatveus; but 1. thinik, there is calor in the cheek, or gentienesb 0f Pure Norwegýia-n Cod Liver 011 Ehud was a ruler in Israel,1He iwas if aur eyesight wr only good in, the laye, or intelligence in the hrow. s and Hypophosphites",to lIpt-haudeil and, what -was peculiar enough, w-e cout!ld ieaila Babel But îvbat of thatil Must ive stand forever d 1bsiid you "p. 11 about flic, trille of Benjamin, ta wbicbi ho in many a iloo-;ard . GbI, the mouruing among thic graves of our dead? It Will 8rop A COUo-, cURE~ belonged, there weru lu it saven buudred truggle is fierce! It is tojre againist No! No! The people lu Bengal brin- COLD, a;nd cheacck ONSUiMrIxON and left-hsndited men, and voit, sa dexterous store. housý gant os tet icw.nst cages of birds ta the graves of their dead, ai arsor- )EST1NlG DI$E.ASES.A Z. bal thev ail becomne lu the use af the street, nation agiatntiu aie abnds heu they open the cages and the rnjosýt as Dat1a b1e as 211- rprdb left band that the Bible says they could for which mieu arerunn is chiairs and 0Scott IlBowne, Bellevilie. For sale by@ shu ig stones at a hair's breadth and flot chandeliers, anid imirr, adbueiwudhlgt rvsa orda mihs. and lands, and presidenuttial qupensail brîght thaughits and congratu- Iii ail drug7lqts. W'eli, ther a sa a bIdrg by the mime a Iftogt vtteyuicae,.whîat latious, and bld themi think ai vic- fc __________________________ -Eglon. vho was un oppresserorfaI raei.have tbey gai? Mei n, t-e nt sfrosu tory and redemption. I stamp ou the impse uonthons a most outrag- calumuly whliete ve 1, ndW-orse bottom aif the grave, and it- breaks through oua tax. Ebud. the manrifwhom I first thau tbat, they areualsa f atr they ittelgtadgoyo evn siioke. band a divine commt-ission tai de- are dead; for 1 i7 cus~u ra p The ancntsa used to tbiuk thdt the q stroy that appressor. 1He cause, îreteud- gravoyards. One day a usan goes n utra) nehgteRdSawcuvr igthat le was gahng ta pay the tax, imb pulhcjit, aud t iisewolddoshilmaugerous places, and they supposedl and asked ta see King Eglon. 11e w-as bonar, and poople cim up juitaSycaU- that every ship that ivout througbi thosu R.OYAL MAIL STEAMSH-IPS. told buew-as in the susumer bouse, hemaie trees t tch im sbepsia tris ol b 1s;,ed udt Propzeed Sa1ings' Sobjesi ta ahana. 1893 place ta w-hiich the king retired whe hand as lie gousaau on thie sauders ai eueith ie habit af puttiugais weeds afiJ _____________ _ I__ _iw s taýo bat tai sit ina the palace. Ti isi the people, there i a xaviug of ha-t. aud manuruhug for thosu Who had goule an ILlveipuol, Lollldosdryqiee adsmmer buew-as a iplace surrau.nu1dd a w ild huzza. T-mrowte ie i-vauthat voyage, as thougli tbey iere acýtual- oitreal M;IlterN iee. b11,lwersi, l ardire ,andispriuingi ag eweise jans aI)tpint-I ly dead. Do you kruow ivhalt they cailledl fonanami warhiliug birds. Ebud î ng pres n anldaLbrîsd ud 1those straits', Ttsuy called thuin the Front F om From eutere the umr lhanse, and, said tota iever aeprsans wba ssppiauded"Gale oi Tear." h01, lI tandtadaIa Livtrçsooi. Stem hips. atel be.Kn go ta uhdaSecterrand bnim lr cryà, 1Dwuwih hutai- Itise13gateofai ea r.;,,Ibro1 ýugliwhh I îauoy a 4 May .... I ...0Ma- My vti bt. tnsdtlal the atnd1tac! dw wilm yuîoved al1- ite iav gue ad wu Il May ... .CR SIA. -_27 tMay.:.l 25 Ma 38 May-N...... AN 3.1- Juue aults w-1-c wivdonlt f itle royal p Ires- ;u1 el bzzar sit-e alt t iise fea ti ,tbemighty lt t l V il a' iet ("lshipwIx-recked tat 25 May ... SÀAINIA2N. -.1 lte .Al juîee ne igEinr-supoeevtomnoîayonstigallon i ave gone tltrougil hsesrit uta t J ... ...MOP.& 1, l 1I. ý17 uem-sicr Eutalt-bd pmanl, it pcba ia h viadtha(-I, ret censtetbg ot boy(dil-, 5 Jane...PAIIISIN-H1 June .23 Jane h. Ifamoi ( ý [ 22 Jolne... NUMI1JI 8 .. uLy...YO9July a'adaee, nbrssE lontbougls i neles ts hadler lshdînI hlniglits tvlse1Wear(- ,su:pPed ihuprayer lO Jonc...SARDINIAN ..J.y...5Jtily inulithe lhalit vut in iafter the biade. on the decauters. '11w breath ik banig- iakos lusethinkthat the depated are flot À*.Jaly .... .MONG 'LI %sN..22 .luly....-E-Ian f aIls. Ebiti cames forth ta blow 1hng gaidem floats à in u isc nîg;lt air, tiLe dead. Wu are dead-ww nliatoil ;wie 13 July-...PA R11 -A N-...29 Jnîy-... îOJaly Eg 2e Juiy - LUEfA.5~g a trampjet afi comit amidst the maun- tlisevaice ai ruveiry fiauta ont., da-w-ho iveep; ne svha sn-we are the dead. 27 Jîly ...N UMIAN ..2 Aug.. 13 Âng tains ai Epbraimi; and a great hast ilsawreatIis, and tapestry and ilded lbant- Hasv ny huart breaks for isîman soir- Steamers are disvatihed rom Montresi ati-marstsalie-d. and proud Moab sulîmuts ta siers, a finger -%,trites. The usiarcb i a row I! this Boudabcaigserata dalist ouibeh day of sis~ and sait tram tise conou-eror, and Issaei is free. Sa, hast is beard on fstahs.LaugbJter I hear ail about me ! this lasI look ai Qau obe lt 9 a.Mun 0. Lord, lut ail thy enemies peish!1 Sa, catches in the tbralat. A thousaandhurt faces tisaI will nover brig-hten again! aluarners wýith a 1wilt ual stop at Qubee, O Lard, lt ail îby fionda trhunsph. stop beathng. The biow ha truk, heit is last kisai lips that nover ivili speéak Itimou kî or 1Londadnderry. iiaufrlio Ii 1bettebla nts lo l ibrbe hnagaifi ; ti iidowhood aud orpliauage power oi left-bànded monn. Tliere nr tse w-hueon tlisetable. Tise khugi,ýdom liasl Oh, wiseuiii thu day ai sorrow bu RATES 0F PASSAGE. saime mn vbosv pîsysical organizatia- deparlcd. Blbza 5 i asgouern Ev 8 Q, Piin, $60, $75 and $90, singe, itave as.,uhisreuigth ils tbehr letha perbapa, than b undreda af ipopein Aiter the sharpest wintur, tise sprg $0,$13 ard $183. ru irai. 1ixra lasaScabinel as iii their rgî.btteelasst yabututbspstinse in Odsmauunts front the shuicer a car two pui-sens (rooînss503t157) $100 single $1835ute - ubiiiotx uihsip ucntn ibjutsu astn sstîltrrugala ansd paleils warm baud iulurn. Extra alas cabins tir thraeepersans iGadh bas-it--i of thso-sx theicurtis 'liecdnies "alîn there a, <rois 50 ta 57) $80 sIngle. $130 cetui-n. that Ehuid bAdsomrtef ec-tin l dliaspIse oit.tsîayul 1ss "-r 3y Sardiatan anC iroasian $55 $63 aud $70, baud wiich cousipe]led hlmta ouse the ai us, "iewa agrrî enra,"or'-lecmes the grass, artd theru came lýthe $1Bst o ihr emrs 39a $loft0 nC . Oh,Étise pawer ai left-liaudedns en! w-as lin ioouaelcheisatu" or Ho a, and God read ae $150 ýËtt retur$0 n $3 10.adGoulus l isoten ssii-observant. caretul aiftiglty isnldy laiusn,"bt tIbis tle paetry ai bird, and Lbrook ansdj Second oibtaOut-arl, $30 and $ý5; prepaid itauhi, not given tai mucli bu, burahssg: thitg înuy lhosiId'ai on and I, "lboomn, and pronounces il very good. $15; rtti-a icketi. $65; ehiieren aetwesn t and ineeIse ta ils 0w-n aggrandizemeut; was a gou il cizen. aiitthfflýulCisishtan, IWliat, -mry irieuds, if e-ery w Inter hall 12 3'îfshall fart; salants. antward free-pre. wbie îuany an monlwitb no natural ou- a fiend ofJ s. Adthiat iin tise asI net ils sprlng, and every nîglilt ts day, laid $3. . A. JAnas. Agent, n vr lou t'lw n vr Biwusauville don-monts. acinalîy defective i piysical daysili ha flise iigîsa-t aialil uoiîs.aCeeygan l ln n v ____and mental organizaîhon, lias an ornot I earu inciser fins lis ubecLhat bitter uaw its an-eut bureaiter. If yeu nes for the riglît, a patient induslry, an1 death cornes te lts(, ussrboie have heert ou the sua jon ukuow, us the j i.-'ail -consnmng pesevurence, b. Ein ivaiepeIt deirta sueslip passes lu the ie-ht, thecre is a phos- ~~~ Cli~~~~acaI. TMtogh iciî-handediusnEsud that driitedikernn- m thohe wtr alu i a -t n - isy a sriAda-nasi1a gel nCwudn-;hath iski a hedai a ialahi sindr.WbI icas ii La, arut, Na tsecau se i4 J0,ta svrid ,lyrnaiug lu iJo feeiin tub l oi a tise '4g' ocks builulue i is rilca prosrd a uecteailorer f cmi oGods bleig ai he sdu iagat uraîy;btwîa wte sig In v guK1: o adedby intedns i bins piu-a~,gsain, gîzig, açe- rpy irg-lhabîedpao a thip ivupitst, anC aiý,ilIusrinud ýing e-ru uind, iea ip d !iîae, v-baiu h 0gî1-îs U crtiî s hïmala- eflinesrib-bsde ou -as arcab, sw ili1t lisfrNslaaGis adckbe,,tecustru 1 mily ar, KixSt,-'LieBt o i, lanvib. rudadrud t Ibrone ai (Jodtau. Oideat l vatioshor autrE eCia v aCsize uIin.ASh or Lt su3 rusdmcilQsenli. ismehi ibg time that join, 1J leil-if itý ak 1-;t baned ie, nli Isvobec lnghg or ~ a hvehim c-e. ui etaits haoid,uIanC isen-s take nu fi-iadTH S.,Kr BYt . te Iii gI,und t-hiiat lqueisceussdieiac Itkthe oatr ai Ibal Isove l okt teputetav t hcs ula _______________________________oter u a a -citstanpu,ldaie yau lfeit ar I V11e hl- ad n ick, anC tison coudlesued Thren-s a out Nervo.m Deilit, '-..~ cetedco arto t ui tra-blIna sgy as Lit l'a N s a Ilcnies fng iimarciage-bes.mad pih.lyWo Manhrd; e fur ? jdise cîlsaiso areineflin tsIl' Iheced la n snack intul l i tlerd ud bockaof.lii caupThio hy ovipi--pe-k, o )rst wi5O XWiabsdniuesofodormdrsecuchsaCelaosaC asyluma? e isthi jtaibu caiibteoi ih lesolsreons tasngber lasbis iatir'iauTe cessesrycf a enin th. h, Rr-aidyah eggss, ssumurogufendtuiand n li'rpaundgi temTie ran saled Te idosf -a ~ait.ycuesth uat bsiatacse weaai ah rd pniing? eds;Aimo nen. ini ou-ie ruad )l ii t arje tecsc berttu eîhOmeit 0deArNs la efale'o liea.tYong- o orlat iny$ pr pas-kae, ier en Srt~. Asuli il~ dnmontf s, hugh fini tisnatnanof-- Henredla an aed man.lie basdoe anc e n cime, lochs suowd dna pan reoepto Pi-re rit forpamhlet Sod. edgtsmelesWt haeibeft-iidd nd for bis nomt, havelie-bdoil loiuslv i Ter ain hsaledbiand iia i athout t tisey wurn Éae aue, andthîîey I ackthe ampaniof a ssjos aeaLokisah. entnir, owih.lela Bowmai Hieb ST& JRY. w-ec er rin' etud, dyt e ynr f u ta iteci, -(,ý. iihencneiid hr a hr irsuspîsnt.gu, l iscneviCu LI logs l sbo nciy neflytar der y. Wici aI i stanC wareila the aas&anC he sviousoaofbu isece. wise icavhbisadi utdlotspoathtEsdis agîsîsbusàbalsje, - Couse :i, iLard stacaues.nd lpi-s,,ide. Tlsuy eîssd ~~ Tailor SxPtà e h 0itcsopfaluneerbu boitaâshon selt uisadll encm rihy"OlDab ieaproi isycryiîi his h Thenoartge wosba stcarigr cui awa tnee-baiss beadîs, ka r a ise ake idiroîn hum tis e wss gayb wibas,mtria,-le itgIi EAoN~S iled Soe or stoars theihst gavelsimtseWondared ni dextuniOy. d C ghriv asi iak sc pte! Up fleea d ieo lts lrconprl bas aomusene usness ofboor mlussaua sGo frhstandjour sai aud bu lisbisutte gt shreysacFleîeayagetusaanie- ta _ maagat' n oys salis n althe, latroest Wflos d fluourfrst uttosui -ithrourb te lnghyast! i to ity. Ah, as-ng er qisutl Father' wbousse '00esa . ai cess ies ot. Foi- ioe wh jab is to e-i, the ""usis eC t Deth n hle unlido sal. Dt eat hheturatinsbo l tisec's T kes0! Hmaveul WhtA orer sts, obu iicarry heafil thlna0fTean otlinerstnfput it caru ia a en- ts tavbeeu rsuts ev T.EApiENS ina Iss newestopaterasv. liv'y bi's tisesbig, swin i e-oun ttieaoedmnreay fo theskie, an core ___________lert__liene____ i git at$ fecai, gj or sixak fore a95,anCteenrî tmejott bsusummr-oul.onatCaet ho receipt of raite i lb sntieielvc o ler. fs-st ndea iscr tisan ughaslyma-ler, amiConeal dhswielcsso-ddw Fre-afo aiepamplt. lors-ao rnsbstre îainth-b hiis n viuork -casaand noýudurtisisis- sBle eaud swomen of at r Bonmavile, N So JURY.592, b eye efocao tpt a erit I lih t siitisrofug the t;(branche s laudemasy h na tn weail. Tserfirane acritu od - lide eetpayndHow quckij twsem dard, -ha as eva-tcd bssei t he ud T plae ave a hord, r dries a it fe, anC toir bo it.csi stind. f p tbmnghbana, h aant xoIt aiurt.'11mob lsadetteseafbe -isoog, in rpi(, anC ihiEe1 mewake ao o-peutI icci upos-etht lTs issî maous Lok.. Iugo, enjoyýIugIei\ie. s-ecs mae tu the tatluga lIL L IN E ~frs lime i to a siinls hm.Ie do ac e ses hitu htonta otaches ar ama Om-, posas e te n-o ouer amag the omen aitise prsent da Ile c1oJgýbirles i ortps-n iit Idif, hu jur li il ffpts ut Cong rcer tds îoah1:1nIlgle srugh Ie ao igtenneb ae rj, D far a mbto ea-itI:god, yu aretaI vecy l-ri-ly ucsa iio.IeLausbi ca ett'rhtae ah mtwtuouo ti tu b. fui Uuduste-îd thatusefunesa s au I iita i Ie group-e la a u r' re use nuîitkboering e(, dai) n as-t, a sdiesîcu, a traCe.i nacaîss-isu1bon- heu , bbce-cran- a the ppr pm u i ithi iercaii a Nii Spýau ho i(as ri o" on. u .adin-asan cnhs-pemorssiguvry -pOct iluh oxvI Tse-uikfel roorton iqldis wth hi ce-auj, ajdon do tise-t; llr Coo mistse lacarueth NbailiDebiio ijLthesumu-bus. ht i hidi hiaibZr cen. aitis wis i, rter91fts iý HIearya f llieof T e-any tlr o e , utai." " n," sll thu Hubck r n isf e ra , tin snid-hh f u ic ug aoî fi sxar sm ial aom e,1n ampesnall, "ii la vcryeas Gie, easdyo bu t I ho e I ngh, s t1es n o iriiute paolan wud b tl a i s o- the t sLingiîadmntif -oit e-oth aztecumanC avfr Iulthe alrmru ihisi nIeifcsohrgre tri mni and jvr-- îr- j nlieInhe auî Iita ciao d, tiaoy se-tU: j oblrenwlnýispuranC n-ýait ottiy n-hure wa;a,, buýt universal. Froi anc extreme .Ld--.~-~~ ...LJ'..L A.L1 " r-lgericral, wst-heIare jon gsoing ICi anco th se -raus1poil. Passin1g th- house Our cleaî-shavea faîbers pluuged hto the give for ali hlei-'pe"d l-bLe ut nîg1,1t, ynsec, tise qiit gl-Aancinbu ,4 mi1 rpi Ibis?" " eii ,,u- ga' i 0'se#as a t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I riiridS Idn io- ubuynwti oigr os 'os~, ds ua 1îie lashhonlias1or ate kolngl vags eus _'sdI' pres-'l. D , i lses -os 111 L1 b eilLsîseniahIàoCcomm-Ioli, but the mustache is cultivýae-e in C ~-aI ~s e- l?~en~5ib~ lI - - anC hon ov o Yon isst1yor - ae tIbe Buglead as nidey as ounlise Continent. -, -v ofsscu - c-ring fo1>r liesIn-ajis a godnhile B"t n-by aisoulil the fuir aux be viilted by thso ilr w 14il, ir1anL nCcnedye. s it gusfri 01hanse ta bousfle, thuainflilcîon t Some wrilera on etnology £dýn U1 ~e " O ts tet - iesuri P j e ofildre anC gasdoidm ne s hoiC thal thehigtisr laces ,OF muiaarc and c~Ire . srvie. I flot prois oan eay dellug, ourcbsdrea sce ur coiilg that in aecen "tripa mu5i ndWoenwil .rIÉ'~TC&~i-PDy-> ecIItIians, nnd tý!rie-bse-id n1 arccte-moiIrs oel erufor jon bas beievaMc.Moiaïl udie crtainiy ahIossbd i ir. ,1 k'-iJ$riif Lon u -tmaClce caesansaritd up bter face -ithme-ny aCe a aal bv asIedyai bu deC -~ n' - euemue-Isvei o icand jon onuLMwriuitiee-nlbr be-o bopasvtcarry-bety 11"beuL noiuda t -ti 1ýý" ýî bruC n s1uirbru& sneBahc_ Tuî Au Afficau ?rmno'e Put to fLeaî,h. The. Royal Mail >steamer Angola, which, has just arrived at Liverpool from WTest Africa, brings newe af the dîeath under shocking conditions, of Prince Konu, of Ç-otonou. When the French were operat- ng against the King of Dahomey they ar- rest ed Prince Kanu, and delivered hirni ver wo King Tofa, of Port Novo, who cast im into prison. The report just received is to the effect-that the unfortunate Prince was put ta death by strangulation. This hap- pened about the endi of February, since, wvhich time, the, tragie' affair has been a secret. It is furtherretported that the body, et the Prince was wrapped in a whjte clati' and placed on a pedestal in the Fetish or Ju Ju Bouse. Prince Konu, it is said, was lond in hiis pratesis against the country be- coming French, and on that accotînt was subjected tealal sorts of indigniti.es hefore being murdered. The poor Prince was al. ao tortnred in a shocking manner before death enled his suflèrings. Taken at His Word. Barry Sullivan, the Irish tragedian, ws playing in Richard III. somne yeirs, aga at Shrewsbury. WVhen the actor came ta the mies, I A horse! a hort;e !-my kingdami for a harse 1 someone in the pît called out, IWanldn't a doakey suit you Mr. Sul-- livan V, es"responded the tragedian, turning 1uickly on the interrupter, Il please came round ta the stage door." A General Surprise. Ma-" Did yan ssy, Jimmy, that Uncle Joe taok you ta the circus. ta-day i' jimmy-" Yes." Ma-,' We]1, now, telllire whatwas the moast -urrningthýing yau 5aW there ?", immy- Pa coig in with the caak Yen d1ischarged eseda. ON SENTRY DUTY it vii guard you secnreiyffrosu disease YoU Hnia a yver BadCogb Are ~~u~eriFîomL aiUigTrbl, Have, Iost FleIl Tlirodgh lnes AeTbfeatened JWitliCnunpin IT WILL CureTat OoUgh B alYour Lung, Boe F Flsh On"Your m s Frevent Gonsumiption. SMALI & LARGE BOTTLES 603. & $100. IT 15 VFIRY PLEASAMT TO TAKE. Asifir aid tu surs yîss gaI thea" D. & L. Emuision.e Amateur, INTRC-IAIGt. tos e..-.irn-.as... '"" eautîful j' j lHame. III Ilffl Cal- Il eî1" ociPiI and - oloe antganC eveyh-ixi iHme Ilucora- beantiiulij illustre-tedrgide. Ever -ouu n-ho sesnds $4 diect ta anr ohiefor onuejoris sscpisn e Frac sa tPemîlln, ea capy of Our exquisite satr -coior fuc - saille- *s"' le TrySting P.'a4e,C sire 27X22 luches- -biais bas neyer ben sald for less Iban $10, anCdn-bicha meae-ailostbeauliful git for auj occasion. - ý Sampie capy aitise' Magazine, nils 3 Colorad PÎeturleu, suai for 20C. !HE ART INTERCHANGE CO., 9 Daî.brosses St., N. Y puritie t f tom a m j" LLàr a >d'owi ', unlcA 'K Incorporated 1887, witii Cash CapI AND APPLLiANCE V00. 49 KING ST. W.9 TORON,r(2 G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. focianda Blectricity, as isppled by t Owen ElentrieBit Ta nlo- reco-nizuît as the gi-cat haoý, naf ta -ufforng htsanaty.U i ta fut Itakuns ple-ce of drCi-oa il clinrvons e-ad-ipt troubles, mnd s iii e-cet our, i-ul, t- hojaciess oas-es wberucvcry album kplsnu hs failed. Ilta sntales rmuyq nb" sîu ', sstlin ,urrunt tsettaradl PO)SITIVELYCU S HIýe-UIIatJlSns, Sexuni;t Wn Seatics, Fesuie'asp: GeeaiIebllty, notn, D)yspepslis, LiaBci Vst,îieoe, Urnarý- Di ese Tl is a n-cIl kuufaut ta ia e lies ul ui-t fîeala tt ard the;lu,1h1 ceses. IVu ven)taro thesutuht altho agen fo e- cw 'S aa, l lis c r) marc i ncs iu f naurslares Thyoussto f r plwi !, rni-vet 1,orans kid su1sei, su-hsisSeInat Wile 1 t6mofteaj. baim!eiisdOd, Ret a EtrIita s am ie af ti-calmen att s.Ttistaabas of ferr foce r pw s.ny Cociar wso tn1dtyla acoa, fmitbD forear paforatanisus. Prand riy trat oirioity, ndaseppeiud bythu On- Lun t i nurvous system. R WR !:F 151 . iMiTAi. qN ACthe n-othcss, uhca, a-cluc is-sisthe couiuj- tsy redu nies nly, n-ithletss :as aUonrattre Pan Ceer ut eny price. We challenige the WurLd tpi) a Electrie Beil whetsueiaurnseut braiaifthse patient as comlleyasii Our Trasie Margk teth potrit Own -aubassed tn goldI upocr arB applianue suauufsoturi-dbY sus. Senid for ~aou-Ia1d(eld THE 0OW1EN ELECTIC iBELT 49 Ktïn g St. W., Trne msention ibis paper. pJJ.~ ~ t il AgenoS Forinuforsuationi sud free Haný ttU5N 5&. do.. ii3]61 uW Oldêst buieau for secairsu pif Erurv iuattaken ai-t 1b.- usj thse plto tu y a notice gîvua ri e Le-igeaI circiilatiao of-n17 ?adi sue - aisuid hawithouî jr. - yearî $1555six -moucha ACCro meas athe kl*id- cj neys are in trouble, Dodd's ( Kidney Pis give prom pt relief." Ïý par cent,.e, discaso a oaused b dis;orded Ak!d- i "Might ris wleII ryto hv 1wîithQiit Sel C/t oye, as gooCId olgd,11fhcr Ifdb 5 ieiiso i dlmr 1-9

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