_________________ i ____________________________________________________________________________ ~OPULA~ Cr~ ers Evoev yi:n~-. 7 - dc co1y ky 1A~RE~ANK & CO. i~teî1 ana Ami Sts, MONTI~ EAL. D RO? A POSTAL IOR A F RE I E SAMPL13~ copY QF L LU.STRATEL) , 3, ae-eky 3359 îmes Idg.,N. Y. iCmlin.~yu are troue -1d v;ý :ieeg.fhr.rès. eSor Stoliac. JMATC PeANs ; Siuspiess Felin g, BacX 'o E1 craCu-s T;lssal Ieasl s --ssý,Ii isfr1 bha alnustate or the sI ' "Icb as fîtsa,Ž,aien D es 'usee. ssress af en i l'es s tise Sds c hie tiseir Most lu eneAU e,lus 1-u I,', lu iacurng aechas yef avmz' IvTi IeuPuis I revetiog fis i aunigcu ai 1 1 bi uhîn correct al disond1rl et Chu toni-cha ilaisethe lis-en nnami g it huboe 3, f hey oly cued they woid haint 'leasta thoae lortuiîatui!1-s , tlgoodmeus ;ous nsd iitm~iCtva1abi in 0 muîy V 'sys that -aine aur geftbesstý-. iOun ilacure i se. Tlsey a lre tu iy ve l'et:hie sud(da ripe r psîgo, asut y Chigetact -1ion OMhT-~î-111lhlg Cl, li25 u.1s 'tnI1 yenglze usur The Lustic Vil Sprinig flows lu Whsslem Fiiki'l" fea and in eu, toc)~ opa bt?1 in',ti1IvetioaaCanyon, ('ah. It beginis ta gveo;i whesJk- nen hebnlaa "Na" duufed hstv bothra b. hen=v monu ppar; as tImnlFîis" o eI caînng itersfsd îonuaaes ,the ,suppiy becaea ý gresuersu "Ad ovs ai," oadd lPh er uh ii str U brnehs a (day vbun nVhsrI1 oul hef sbngtemi vt pasentamae nla il. he ovusse vhn tu Egh'il .ded.ouv waen raua -c- ~a~n Cr-y ForPth s GCas 5-orv a5 o O ,IR 2ZAM-i-W7 YOU G OLK . ilde frorn the horos nd oand nd E,ýT N D OWOMEN 0F- NOTE. YOT-IlMICTad ESombansd abrushe,." Archie'a FirstDav at teFr. "erm 'cidne ith hong Ms iliamAsýtor has amaifcn We'l tac hl a hig o tw,'eyes, "50 mny hiug, cutithem upieikc, ai eerala or on hr Ier rs 1l"be i aud il:-aod ty EmnPela's yerodduhrlar nodded Ben. us3e ilk for- ever sa aytinabte cîig education iIEurop. Couin iche? ell ye," huc ld at heeaud ie sean! macking her he go_ýrci Wli es homeI1, b'i "oyuliece_ uea Maizrie Heorietta, of Belgium, as a Ned. "I guess whsn 1lie. bernes, horsewomau sd judge of horsefoesh, la aai tbink a cty chap can leau a littie soille- Archis'?" she aaIked, sudidenly. toh nd o rivalehis in urpe bing on a farm." 'oes, ideed il e-iied Aebie.il, "Im " aoiffed the bîredInYs nle1"rpidAae. 'Toï an.l "Yesuppose yeur cr'eaý s e annuch btter than hagb tlie IBsibop of Chichester is 90 needn't s'pose you're a-gain' ter dew Il»th that we have, I shiah bardiy kuow wbat if 1yeara Of ag"le atnato al the duties of teacin'. They laru soins mighty cur'ua ks. We use conidensed milk to make i hs ffie itýota oajulr thiolga cwn ter them city skewla flowa. cream but uetircrea.m must becmch rs.RqbrtG. Igrol receives almloat dus.iicer."- 1as mau l ttersasber husbaod, ud most1 Btthe boys were not couviuced. They " Thele, jut otice that he," cr:ieflBsni, of thlerýýs inclosýe rlgostracts. oliloked ab eacb otb-er sud winked as deerm 1 liined nt to relincinish Is sohemne The moat heavIily ;-iccured man in the thyweot ou with thieir work. -Ben wa4 without nuie more atteint. I"Thlat hieu, worli la tl young Earl nf Dudley, whose turniug the grindaltonie for the hired man to roostiog on thie apetebs got a polices r adt grgt 60300 sapnbis scythe. Ned wa5siowly pour-_ ton h in ber bead "The obidHren nf MrsGerg Gouli.d are iug on 'the water. iu a tiny Stream froni the Il Sbe must keep theîninlu er _tmch _oked. ilu a sive radieo. a gif t ironi their tin dipper. . iauglied Archie ; theni, thinkiug that if this la'ite graoidfatber uo the birtlî of the firat Across thle yard little Annie was awigiflg was the style nf jokiîîg bis cousins enjoyeid lild ou the atout gate at the sud of the gravai he would jom in it, bue added, 4- And not ~IIaHeaLrwaefruemsit waik. Every tirre the gate swung out- be- singlenue niyour cortbasenyrirot teet yond the headge which separâted the farn on the upper jaw.'" the mýnillionis, hias tlie details of every piece ironi the grass-bordered village road the lit- Oh yes, tbey have," said Ned, quickly. ni pro-penty abs owuas at bier finger eoda. tie girl book a long look down the road ; aud I"Our cows are ail rigbt." Mrs. Evelyn G. Smiith la a very courage-i wen, at the other end of the exiaratin g And Ben asked, IlWhat makea you tiink oua1So v,;!;!,o lias béld the position af little journey, iftshut togetber wth a sharp sokeepet i e jailu. \Varwick, R. I., for the b)aur that would bave jerked a less 5xpe- "Wby, do't ynu kuow ? asked the, past irt ; een yeara. rieniced rider from bier position, the cid youngi, natural istory suibusiast, syeiug lHeury M. Srauiey asslbe bas n inten- glanced up to the windnw wbsre niamina tbem iii surprise. "lA cow neyer bas alny tiono ofctrinlo A i ie. He will be a ast sewing sud toben tolte door ni the shed fott: t nee per~cîîîaeforailseat iiu the Britisb Parls- near wicb bier brotheýra were ai work, sud la that Bn ?" sajd Be,,, earulessly, try in g ment at tL ine> teecon sbook lber samal bead in a way that cleariy tIr onea bis iglrac sdeagr-in. Deit the iset ibat Lieuiteosut-Governor 1Salid, «,ot yt." Perbaps we'd botter go in to sîîpper in'w, lnai,,)f \Inntanai, il,,p ralyzed fronm the Cousin Archie waa comiug fromn the city Cousin Archiie." Then be addsd. heartily': wi' ou is na distinguished iawyer to Spend a few weeks on the farni. Papa l'mn awful gitad you're goiog to spend a few sud au eloqvuenitplatformi orator. 1badl goos ta the stationi to mseethlm ; mam- weeks witb, us. ouvebadl a chance to Mrs. Ameia Brr sai tsr mSlO ma,, lad cooked great paa ii ofconkies sud learli sn mue.b vie nevYer tbongbt ni. We '00 to S ,0a yearuby 'ber itrr ok do.ghnuts, sud 1bazed evra extra Pies1 shalhave joliytie together." Thi., sfa ontpulsd witbi a view of indlu. suds ch ýocolats layer cake ; asud the two 1 k nsw we woîld ' exclaimed Archie, euciug yoiaig vo to enter the literary boys Bei nlu Ned weruje prl e aSlip be- corduially, I"becans yen could teadh me an field. I las safrer itarry au bonest, indus- buiud te barn u onsight at mom nman)y thioga I dont know. Now I eanutins ouug m an s,,l udt1f im saru the lu- notice. bardiy tell a pear-troes roni au appîe orcoe At iat cami-e a glad crý froni the &gate cherry trec."Am g the 400 Icaindidates for cehgty "Hee tey colins ! bers- they camne !I" A "la that an ?" asked Ben, however, with satsin! the Paris miiaiity ýLa Madame flyig fgur diapparedup he oad tamnch respect even for bis cousfn'a ignoranice. a i inl, the wîife of the Fec nrb returu setedil triumph on lber 'iather's I"Well, perbaps' we caii teacb yeoninmeistand the molther ni aechilid namred "Lu1ci- kuees, iriving wN'ith bier Émail bowi bauds things. fer Sata VrengtoixMiulk." IHeri polit- the njoble as of great farm-horaes. Il Waal ! waal 1" chuckled the hired mn, icall pLtforni is " oa, nt escial- Arhiehd aever ,oeil a cow muilkel," as hea traiued the white ioamiog frotlîfitraimilat sd R'.publicai.*" bis mathur had witteii,, I or watl led the the milk. "lFer a nine-year-nld, the er MssNirn Fleinlg, ni the *1arvard heu with lber cickeii3, or sceen the piga fed, luetîs city chap des beat ail pnse ' tIl 'm leg hsraorl rapidily asauîing or board the croakilofaithe fro,ýF, or pick- rigbt glad bis pesky yorrng cousins lidia,. 1theruka n smnae ta ash ed hernies. l'm. sure be ýll be very haPPY kîvered thet the feachin' ai't a-gain terbyteaeMislriMtcllaVaar wits ns, orbuisalwyssaertaIshuab ail on their aide. lt'il do 'em a sigit o' Miss Flemiinýg laa Scotch W011ao1. Before aud is cousina eau taacih hLm n uîui h that good."-[Harper's Young People. leavilog for Boston abs htauglit for- five ysara will bie new sud iterestit;." il,________________ "lSncb a littie greenis !" Bsn hadl sald, -__ - l h ulcahaan ud wirb much imiportance. "Prnblably hie QUÂKEB1,3M ON iTHE WÂN E. -MisHenGidiarsggtedeal wo't koow a hieu iron a turkey, sud vwlIletonteildngnfte encia ruly. think the piga ouight to take a înaring .,bath T'e s eeS-Non, For:asî birt au Eleinent st rian cbnrchb ly thele in i q fJay G ould, lit the svery day before br-eakiast t' Býen waa s ofd t1ss irbla i helate finaiscier ilu R'cxbuiry, thîrteen years nid, as 0was, ni course, , lswill surprise maîsy ta u frmo . .Tlirs cburcb vwill et30persanis. very wise-at least sn thsugt Ned, who 'that the quaker -elemenut iiPaepi a 'ihe material Ioa be qusedi ifs constrietonu waa oly eleveii, and Annie viho was but fraan, exceingiy smBlprt of theic s serpetin astoure. oins just Archie'a age. - (onnnlity. 11Ibe frienda prl"eter the derby The lte S Mue .Adama ni loiclî IW aut ta go suter the cows wth nu," lu- jsud ilktewt Bect;y ott dwafn i elu ~armral vited lBon, scon aiter Archies arrivai that the dru-s wicb lithia u5 s an yar nicieewicb biappened se,(verai years aiternoan. affected. If is ouly when the yeariy meuot. ao uigaasters thunder-stoimia "'Yes, iudeed," asseîsted Archie. "iWbere iîsg period arrivea that ther"-- omes tilockiuýg caulary bird fcwloo he hoas. 'lthin a are fbey ?" f nom the sunoundiog -eouitlk friands iin 1ue- miues a sh.ivenriog subalvy frigbten- "They're arteudin- a social dowu by the somabre gsrb, anîd they are as îuucb o ailedspaueli aamodIegigfor admission. bars," said Ben, "We, cau't send the car- cuiasity as are auy other distinctive class Thisdg ;,as 'Jet lu. Lues.tan au boum airer- nrage for rhum to-nigbt, BO we'll have te go ni people. Tbereiore the titis Il Quaker wardC lid wsaý!,1 bealrd eryi1ng ou thu out- down sud ses ilium home." City" as applied to Philadelphia la pîseti- aide, udthe dorapne admit a littis IHow funny lie taîlk," thougbt Archie. caîîy a ioianamer. tnt scalrceiy '2 , e ars nid-. Thse cbiid, dog "Ho must lbu a very droil boy. l'in sure I Wisen ESsa Hicks tbrougb bhi- tescbingiz, and enayere uwer ,;-caimed. Mr. A dama shah liku în," Ibut bu said iuthing. cansed a aplit lu tise So 4ýety nif Frieai n liund a cn4 Iib ome ,for tlie littieunues "lTank ifail indio e?" ch-uckled N d, l'-27 aven t'equestion n ite ivio ni whie he o;inued ta cnefon tise donsu "H'il icaru aonme tnga bef)pore hse'a a dayCrst tnsrs tebginn ln h e-bid 01(er " ' cusse îlu the unmber of friands, wh vici lias Cois look so'large wbe1s theiy Iare Cool g "been istedily goînrg caueer aTnes.1Te T 'EATMER AMIL Dr HE T M E R the baiý s sd 1,osncb fsmiiliantityl and i- to uti iy dtef~n~ siuo thcgbbs couins w iould hvebeen mc aIt that tinse tobu ,000, ere euhy - à5i W5 vse telrrancuni naiu miwyte iiddbrcut!ise twi)leeus, îllTe u- Lo WLreaitth wure grtly amiiiused r -o ses bu di lod ,e sud 1orthlodnx Isud the Hi Wrto I) k make forndathtoneirwsil lhen s peacelul nid- ca am:e lliuiug ictowards iii. lo av n -t uud )) , nygreuf littie Anus, "Yen Ca li o tm e, shnia . b spcal lae e,lisud easy sabena t"Ai ts ,iLh lc-str ussi o il o sociuty vis 1 ofren ied b1m1non (»lenuda ilJcý "Nov," aked _Ben, "vii i,,l 1 sho mare nernîls thaîs iite rival, the Lterstandinoer lise cage ahoùe ta baudh;1lma yau firat,-theonue ironi wshwu munik mcimr eih.Ts rioo nusafg urdaidres11,111,sîanIssu, aud molasses, or the ans whicb giveds kerosene9?" wli a vaaf ail ssît i eeetyof ailsipoin unsngaou awabuetîgýenstick bis "Ha ! ha ! ha !" laugbed Ar cb'ueordially. te >the \Viser bothrswhoare Iou lbug reat psauo;"twu,,eu thuiraon 1bars oi bis "lWhat a dm11 boy you are ! Bat, Pa:uos ortis auyvisre motol 3,0s'00 ta ,00 cag sudrach fan me. Onu, inchnearur Bien, I wisb you'd just bld oeeonitheir 000, s500o beroii snu ig. sdlue wnis4 sely bave strick une. This mot ' pna momrent, BO 1 couid look Xhi's If la truie tsat tish aae nsf nienexpuctud and uuuarraoted asnack an ex- down sod ses the gulet wvhere the cud gos £lilas Hicks have lusoe this world's gre'>dcs ioue me tat1T ised osy nsmetal-headed cane frst." than their athodox riv'ais, they ne-uthe- sud siruick tise beast qsu3b a terrifie blow "iVhat do yon mean, Cousin Archie ?"luis have a large nuibshr of iclismen. lu, that lie qucky etrsat),ed to the corner ai Annie asked, pt.iisae uatdwat heouh-bis cage suid h mlodaidbeilow ud finus- "lWly, yau know the c0w carnies a sort dcx element la geusumnhy adirei taet adbere ]Y. Ou1Isfl" oi day the whole epan. ni lunch-basket around with ber,' expla.ioed ra tise fbruns oaithe Society ni Frienda -more sf1ti w-s rueatd - The riger vas îow nmy Anchie, mnerriiy. "When Baise flid a oie strietîy tissu the Hiekaitus. The neasen ddcly etiemi', lsuldidsplayed sucb feracity cinmp ai grass she bites itf asd rellit asnignied for this la3 thaf the latter brnch is oun yaprabta Vhse cage ibat I because up witb ber tangue into s bal,.suad packs realiv undenominafienai, althousgh iît iollewa intunes d ilubis actions. To test lus pow- ift away lu a kind ai a pnucb.- Then viheus the genunal prin'iple s laid down by tise uns nifmemoî, 1I ýitetioly absent ailîîsy abhe'i saway lisere abs ea't feuil, aie bnîis ssciety, sud consequently bas comne mare in Seiî fonreunld -ys, 1but buie emred to knoyw t up, &sud cbews sud chuwssou i, aloi that caurset witb ths woidi. Thu idea oai tu y tepý, sd ise momenit be caiigitsigbit rime if gous dos-n inoalier stomaris su ad isHikiuhnbistsln laisebraameisye sidduabariiu- digeýsWed. Ivnun"leTm nm --geat freudanoir fviews sudas igbt t eu-lyaaoart i nitise age itb bi l iaîýg tt hsbeys -"if a eov uur lseahuati illgs otrnsa ',ndn o a0i1cryaho tucage i l i,'1rage. Sd "i i ureI nu' kaw" coissu Bn.oi olY a ew yera !fo Ihseuia- auenm.Myrtaep asacue Cow 1)d 1avvys s(1 anfsmiiiliac ta ities nio',e sneiuryiii iaper sdtsytise bsfta f!org(-et his vaugpsd ilusibsa thei, eiberI5u ui Nd ladeVer 1 wili ilue lesýt i te ultitude itheir cuIlncede vudiiy.Fo hus 1Imwelsi 7hi, i oewig ier kiý te dbjo>àýo o it i f Ilitu tiiisailet li iothasv ouoced l, ýien, rather a,,tsa-nsd lont l fi.os uns fa retard It'les match of imprave- bad becomle so inflînate thatlie lie ouf, ni vbat bis cousin aaked, yef flot arugte uent and the desirp ta continue theu ex- amy, bauid. attemut it. 'lnivessees chaacterigtie oi the dead gener- "L-ittie bylittie bu pe1nmIitt:ed mne lta rb D risisbis kaeese Arehie vwatched siss T1u-metn aselctd1ubshsd u iben 1li spoke ta inIieh uaei."Why," lhe said, lus surprise the mest papulos sparts ai th. se, aevnl close lus syve;sudoissu illus head "shesesîs tabriug ifup ions amevser srrausssed by wails siglîr fuit hit1, giviug 1lovingly lagaintts mibas e os jnear lier stomnachs. I rhogh t prbapi abs a prison as'sectto thenibcrod -[New (ideled the tinis rip;e ta take the lasis t îr- hsld s pouch ilulber eleek, sainie as the- York Adertiser. namely, ta nter Vhs 7'ýcage1Itoln i Ie keep. littIc harveut nouas sud seekiud oi un i' m itufo, u h asfigi'nc L nakyude"Iu s'id 1I1lsad oîn l1 ad. lut -I Jnsisîrd. ilnvwaa mnakisîg a grout show ai lettîug Ehe La StilI th;e Canýtain UailigiHu ouened R peîsd the onu i the lýl cawse lp Sait f.rorrhs ili u. djïýtte a( Uwi lt " Hai brve an ae 1"crid Its iamal Tnpnoddy masle up bis mâidi that bul denietserarsdslas-d'etaetr c ous. raveDo ou spoelI 'e aedar oigt uraîpe ayluer by 1 __wbils embingly lie lhîld 1tIe- doon latch l.,in prices neyer more moderate. Two reasons why you are certain to be -benefitted ini trading at the old reliabln Gents' furnishing àtoe re [at Nwe keep only reliable goods and they are soled at lowest living profit. Our custom ers eau depend on getting, well-made, gooci- fitting and stylisbly cnt clothing at prices to suit ail pockets. Fulllines of Ties, Collars, Cuffi, Braces, llaudkerchjefs, etc, If you want a suit this Spring you will please us and benefit yourselfby looking through our miagnifleent stock at the "Star" two doors east of the Post Office, Bow-manville. & Microbe Killer Elariches the blood and gives tone and strength to the who1l asïtem Micý,robe Kijiler G'.eo buoyancy of spirits, tranogth and heath to il uiprà o! Lt. Doss this, bacia s main constituent is Ox;gen, N ariire'a remedcy. Microbe Kle Uzed in sickneaa ki no experiment, orude drugeauad mimerais are. Microbe Kulier Ia the greateat t oie for tired mon and women ever produced. Microbe Killer Corrects ail bc3ily disor-derm ea8ily, if taken in time, Used freely. Microbe Killer PuriFfl the bodm tissues by driving out the ]ivin.o germa. Microbe Kijiler llas 1no-)equ il as anhu oepeciic ; cures guaranteed. For Sale by -Higg-inbotham & Son, AG4ENTS FOR BOWMANVILLE, Prices $1 and $3, according to aize. W .R D M MIGlrýOBE 91ýLLER COul.LIMITED< 1 1Vi be pleased once%â Quntfly 9ti ii QîfiÎSy Slippers, Rubbers, Trunâks, Valises, &c-, BIQ&EST STORE, BIGGEST VARIETY, BIGG-EST VALUE. Everbodyînvited to eull and sec our new tfoolwenr THE 5HsiOE MAN. f e 'KlPl e, has. one of the best, the latest and Iargest stock of Rats, bought dî- reot from the best manufacturies, direct from E ngl a nd- and Ne'w York. Prices as low as the Iow- est---from 50c up, For Men and, Boy's sott or liard and in ail colorsq and shapes, C ail and examinE prices and gooôds. InGet furnishings a largean woll selected stock aiways on001ý hanid. Highest pricea ipaid frRwFr The OnliyAliternative. AnuIniel!îman lu a fur-nitume shop he other day, hvas bsin aoyna ong album things, sani-e cilothe1s boxes, Vths tradesman tryiuug verybardVo ail him onu. 1,And -vbýat (do 1 vant a box fan V' aaid Wby ta hecip y,ý,cun hthaini," vas ithe neply. "Shuime v voudyen ,ba e me go bOn l"!it xhure did yen get tisenýi! tu-enes3 aiskeda ýn Irishnian ni s ma.n votif)apupeoedA Vo hapusig itb s pair of nsnarksly abe'irs 'lusrson.ý 1I'g,usse isere fbuey ge, .atise "cyeu'v-epuedtsn a year to soc i Rue vho inseehp csheiprsvt -'loths, Tweeds, \Vorsteds and ngs of ail kinds, for men, youths boys, were never eeleiand