Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1893, p. 3

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- Iooketh Vto the ways of her hioiius4e1od." Ves, Solomonoi Ight thal lt's what the g-0 oueepe0vryhr Bthrways are not awy cd -ways. Iii faci shleha dis- Ical:i, J. imanly insatisfact1-ory Old k ways. For instance, to-day she the New Shiorteing, instead of lard. Aldthi isinisefa rea- 601on y"selkeh el l another sense, for she eats ne, lard to cuepoýor dgsinat n worse opein COTTOLBNIIis 1mu1ch ete thyîn lard for Af cooking plur ~t 4claes. aveyoul tried it? For sale everywere-. j4. K. FIRA k &CO_, Wellîugten -,dAn rSt.. D ROP A POSTAL SAMPLA £2FX bright reiigious Mk em.-spaper. ù i ILLUSTARATED 32 Pages -Weekly, The Christian nt WOrk, Box 3359- Times Bldg., N. Y. is the latest triumlph in PharmB"cYfr the cure cif aIl the srmPtoxs indiecatin.g KIieSp AND L4ium p ain. OICyon are trnubtled wtl ÇotvnsDizziess, sour Stomacho HeadaeIae Indgest o(n ýpoo PETÎE, ?nuin Fxsln, IUMATIOPFAMs; lepleso Membray' Xsdneyand Livr Cure wiil gve imineiete relie, eud ErFEtýj A Cure. Sold et ail rugStr. PETERBORO', ONT. c- Siik Headýache and nai*liave cal the troubles inci- dent ta a ilions siatue t syteru, such ce I)izzlnaess, Nauscea. Dnrowsinecs, [istressa fter ing, Pain ilà I Sd,&c. Whlile their icst reakbeSuec-sS bas beau c1lown lu curing f Hedech, ye Carsa'e 'Lmr'ns.., Lsvm Pîrr are qùaly alebe i a tprncin and ravetingthi enuyingcomLint, whill they alan co-rrect aliso csof tîle stonacl stiiate the liven and rtegulaL t lebowalâ SEven il thay oufly rcurad ~ -" - bcbaiheywnud l almsi nceestO tbose -who suiferrcmni bis distrassiug compïlqaiuit I bt onunicithiv (1odu es ceot eA vjlam nd 1ios 11hoours mv then w!ll find the tile pille aual l 0neuf wa1ys lar theay %ill not hc willing taO do vit ouStilen. ~mtaller al sicls bead Istl,,çe banc alo an uylîves ta Er1 lwhe we ma1re aur great'bnasi. Our pufis curai whi1:lc the n o un. C'11rains LÉT ELui vmra Pi[nLe aar (r'y cimal end vcmryeasy ta taka. Oua on two pfill maIre e dos.Thcye ity vegeble snd tdo flot gnripe ar purge, but hyý thir gtle actiocn 'lcusa il wb use then. i.luviels t 2 et tire for $1. KolS eirywbere, on cent by tiail, OÂRTl 3 Domll 0., h ýsw !or Tli Eaul li lu ini Wh: GI9 Lat Tor And 1 I Deg I'd1 0fr But His Ti His co- wI &di ae tai yel til cm. iîl lE ou en ini n i M( M( p il a, l au m et vi cil ai t a n a' I as fed Ihlm, aslia wvould refuisc b is looia'- auiltor's bille amnuumting ta more- thaten e gai a set b"led; lae ep is eppeLite gond aCnd ta haýva Paid c hinad girl, parlepe lin, ha wiIl gow ; naet rnegiaci lin if yoit whsb-dla,, ci, e--aeu deah, Hèw leasshe-0 ta realize a profit Iran limi. nu'7' -nls i e île doctor htislaolten cdisagneecabIe ta teacli a calf ta beuafited by liem aconnmy. TIc tiiuaae feed roma epail ; tley insit upon mirning wlie ie iha nhu-igad to hava dieiheId îl oe plsta i on Siipain e nlaie ta sava lier liclit. This il3 ,he osetir irsted o tloi1. S'l! cry.tc .A.G ICU TUR L. and perseverence for e day or two will re AGGR GULT RAL. suIt lu bis takiug is as after 'ibis fasbxio I have a man who gives ihlm bis frsi les The Old Farmi. sons, after wici 1 gati0eounicaý!_'y ; I dea ni farn It aaryodpatient and geutie witb ham niwhen ii în)ý' franght wmmories dear toma!? andou will bave no troublaewih uu 'À, spt recalia ;-me bygone hour wbeu older. fjyoscilhndgay and free. 1 think calves ftan suifer for wito ,r, Naure seema to spek harsaif, \vaýter as many people îbiuk htn inecessari an h%111,and sireain, and sunny field; in give it bo thon, SO lpng as they are f eed ;hemi 1 flnd conmpauionship ing rmilk. Cive tIern waier twice a (a ha cowde oiy canotield reular. Stl of iil kiinda reire car nut are ius shalow o1tn meaud iie lietter care tiey ara egiven ie mn L., pomp aný,id sow is or dwcalth. p3rofitwve gati n returui. Sion luevhagefo0havnsp r i. _I havasteers two yeers 0o1Ld iat1I cai 'orbnuc'essfradon ad uggd ealh thandie as eesîly as I ceni a Jt;ifIr1 hlmwholoes hesicly hae troglthle pasture and ei,1 l)ibin1)I lehid te onute soapaand ow; nan (tey are al inmed tliey wlll folli meeL itseens a better thingned t e: o feel the suigý_ht on n m rw.mellk yladadsenpaadts me Ihave npin cewitil a rnen wh id to fihc one who falsal1y scorns will kiol or pound bis stock abouit; v ha rnialy farmers hbonest toil, biave over forty liead nf cttile, ahkind au, ,gradiug deeni, 1the work that gains - oio lenbv enrie p A. living frnm the generous ni; gentle, nsofte hvbei u)o unr farm, .If Ilied a nan lu my emin" point hin oui saine famous naines who woild hab rougli and cruel Nîi t iim Dur coutry's pride and glory now.wodgî !men whnse yoith did no t dqdeiu oudJie- him tn understend lie was ni 1, To wield the ex or driva tic plough. the mnan I wisbed to emnpioy. it lt th fainerknowIii, vothThe cattle market is mior e encouragin, Lotty and hold his miewshoIuid hab, nwta tbsenti ,aspý is wvll full strong, and clear hils md, and lu order to obtain a gond priGoa we m ais duiy and op)iionsi froc. reise conice cattia, in)sttiea hsoe iLh us careful thnnigi t nid iudusiry wa caunnot do uuless we mniazge rig-Lt; kai Work wondcrs wti the feýrtile sod, ilien growiug from theîle day we first se is labors higli approval 1win ilien until tbey are ready for ma-rkei. Fron man, riomnsceneandilfrmn Gn)d, -lAna aylr i ib FereJournal. Riî~Ois -The pries of brsas ai hîleras ini a*peration Amongeo't larmera- l is very encouirag2ing in brea-ders. T] To co-opera t as in join togedibr for imarketis levra;tockad auýld wble the hast e le purpose of prndinhg an afet e acli-grade wilIliring a gn price. acv2r .noperezte ln order to accomplis1 lthat ijue, theineroraimaiile, aven op fiib it is impossiîble for thenm to carry'onit ]air.Y gond(, ara sola flor lacs ilien a remuii lieu wo,<ring separteay.As civ-ilization e1 rai,vaiguire to thliredr Ivancies, this principle lseavar liaconing This goosto carry oui thae priincýple til ore_ imotn.Agriculturiets lu general iit pay iraýse litý'e ostoiw1,ataver kiîud- :e somr'ewliai slow to takl bld of endas- stock 7iltm1ay lia. ih tiieilmbusineson acoi-operativasis; ,W, 1aihi oartaiuI-y wul ni le ia av- et certaLin classas bave beau workiug along chIe for evary fearmer t g in o then île husins dci lina, and not watboutafet of raising trotters, i as crtainly w-ll Pa TIe petroulizing oA ilese factorlies or iliosa who ara in a cndýlition to do it, to tr e tei h,îe frh1nu of diye' as- r'aisiug' colis frorn e iroiiiug s3ire. ciations, tilie appoîntiing- of e) diary coom- Ounaerly every fa-mrm ay lie fouind on issianuor, are oail advaucas hased epon île or more mairas ihet are.or bava beau w (opereiva principle, and dairym'en thus is caledi a "gond taelr"Oua ti -opratinig havaei-comie more prospemous cernaes lier liead weil upq,isa well formeu hannmy niler clase nf agricuituriats. This altbougb li te imaylha pasi lier prime, sai dnlSîry ilias lso )beauil alp to sud au capabtle ni raising a colt evervyeyar. Sul xient ibai our export, of dairy producis a m-are lirad inaler ai, trotter or a goo [w exceada lu velue thai of euy other coadli stallion niý fine action amid apead, wi, ommodity exporiedl, wtl îhe exception produce a coltt bet wîau en itreui and wý îlte out put of the foresi. Fruit-grow'ars, treined, wiil commntd znearly, if nitqui tan wvorking ou ibis principle, are opening ias muci again nonley, as a colt fron tý i f'or thansalves maIaies, protecting common111 mn n fi draftIlorses. emevsagainast fraud aand establishing h lte au excellent plan to hreed to hirrpua on in foreigu markets lu a semae sire two yaaris lusu1ccesion; 'iay iliat i wonld ie imiposýsib!lefor iinchances ara thai liy sodoîng a vell M istci o 0were tiey ntco-opratinig; yet aveu pir of colts will lbeie île rsnt, wi i connleciion witl thiese inusres tle the ire la sped(, good action, and iir rincipla lias but cormnencad to)lba appiied. wVill pobliy aka a, fine carniage ,7Ve are saiy ilu need of a developîn-ent of thatiinm city mari wiîb a long polet - Lils 5ytew. ni workiog amnongat ont ferm- wlll lia willing to hbuy et a priesa ýia ces. The appoiniment of e dairy coin- help a gond ways îoward paying the issiouem bias 'doa mudli to forward the gaga that has beaun runninigan mau,ýy lairy indusimy lu Canada. Mauy other and whîci it acamaed impossible in hft ndustrias tiai cen ha auccessfully carried But tlie breedingja ni ail that n.ýf a in Canada requira commiesionnrs-. aîtendad to. The lest of coite, if1111gr 'Ireugli île iusirumanteliiy nf the Deiry- for, wil l ing no more tIen e commiitno ilen's Association, deairying leas beau made wall carad for. inre profitabilea in h formeriy was. The colt miha icgener ously lad,st Iigihinothar ascitons lie atabliahied, lu cold weatier, ud [kapt luigm i id LecoMPhshli1asîniler work? thilrifîy conditionuor il.wiIl uni)docredlit Tlîmugl ilia ework of îeFui-mwrsht redn.ht ae py onegleCtyoi )so iain ilt iudnustry is recivîng a st.ock no any k 1iinel If poorly birad gondl c imulus ihet coid lia givan h uinoether and gondt food wiil go far to iicîprove tliet ray. Ail ile.saare benetits arising ftrom while the wlIbrd nimnal i, aulianca c-opemtiva work, yat avenlu onneii value eccodingly tienehy. Vidi these industries co-operaii ou Lias bceau Tic colt, whi it lias arrived ai ana Ippîed aeiion ny a few partcle ue.sultehie for trkining or " brcaîKiu, shou 'il era ar.e iliarlese otiers iupon w-,hic tic !ha plac3d in tiua hehnds ofniaprfesina rinBcipal Migit lia oparaied. NLot only uinderatanda île business. euidceil indlisiry La represented by au Hae is miore capable to traïnin hatIe sociation, _but île fermiera lu oaci section fermner ; and whan selling tuime comas t hould cntituta ain association. TIc farmi- colt lainled by le profesion%] ira1ner w wa of a district, migit co-oprate lu the in,- bring, a latter, price than l e lalu broke c rovemnt ofniras tock, Say, for illustre. whioýh flc o*ner lies put imm hlmussa i ion, by purchasing a bull superior ta what driven hirnseif. ny onue of then conld afford ta liuy. Tiey As au illustration ni ti3 hlsenry of go night co-oprate liine îestiug ofn w vari. breedinig, I wii mention ith a menfr îlesf Of sead grain orrots, ana iestiug a acquaintance lias sold ovaronue ilionsa, kw of the lattst variatias of seed nais, an.- dollars worth i colts ra.ised hfromt a blii iher varietias of aesed wheai, a thîrd van-. mare which 'se of nperticullar breaduxý îtes ofh inuipa, and so oun. Hundrads of e3mpli, a gond formod, dark bey, whichi >eaenis might lie'eonductedluib tis las bred as ave racnmmended . nlu aditi way ihat wonld bie of nuch value to île au- to these Eales liae lias SUtilwo colts on lial ire community, ana wouid require but a Gond beedinig wili pey every ine. 'ami, sînaîl onilay on île part nf eacl i di- idual larmer. V'aluable work nigli aise Oan the Farxner's W ife Afford to Overwar e doueslinlie marketing ni produce, as, Itsea, in ha anuuîdispiited lac i i for instance, lu île marketing ni pomk. If tle farmna'a wife gauereliy works hayv it were s80 naged ilai in ilie neighor- lier sînangili. his ueni always bacanse ood a cerload wouid ha reedy feotihe mer- ineaus wil not admitheti extra expaii ket ai ana unme, they conîd ha shippad by or ilat lier liuaýbaud ile unwillhng to pmroî, lia association ; or if purchasad for sliP-'lielp, but for onue ceuse3 or aniher ia mnt hy a buyer, lie couid afiord to pey. farmmers' wives go withotthe extras i more ou accounni of'getiig a full ceload in an iI"gati ~lori~ene bis localiti,. 1lu bot wetîer île womkl susuiaily 1I The farinera nia section could nmeai once idensone, acithae xra mii tiet ,are r i; iweek or once lu two wasduring ilie te carry ontic fe atim wrkara connim winter mi-outha, and tal ovar 2sncb niattera hoerded b'y their employer, and île w-,% as -we lava lare refferred in, or diacuss îng au imnin-,ig for,lhe rnonti lihaldis abher suljeets ralatiig ta thieir inta'Lrests.1 as well. The- cama nftei îe ilkisl greateri )ccsioali a îeeingai se i-sihe lusummnner, and al ihis, wihbthe lnt ibaracier whch bib asexes mighi attend audl fatigue occesioned 1)y any hhriL stold cultivate a Social feeling, wlici. is trame bot waaiiher, miaIes îlýe bo)us2a viuchi needed lu many agriculturel districts, ou1 a Fatrin ton mnuch for oua womnali i Such co-opertion would lia ni immeesur- wîthoui danger oi lier beelîli givi)g Ua able value to our agriculturel comnunity undier tle irain. Wl, so nmauy won were i flly carried oui. Fermera would will persistiilu doing h îtiyatery.' in ibis way liacoma boiter acquaiuted witi tle country ilimougili, yetu wîl find tulei and more sociable towerd eecvh nilar; tlay joiîy nifwnmc, tboe whosa uhed would inclue famingii more profitable, and pioy moîn Onue to a hall ai dozen iain, gai htter ratuinru for their labor ; and, bjy doiug tiheir wom;k aldona, or wiihtleiI Occaa-ioually discesaiîng tir iten-eats ulte île oAder chidren ; and lu addition ino way lready iniad, tIare would ni are dloing the antire sewing ion île iarni -x-.an4. chdi-eeua i piio.l m i hi la sid ihetthile larLger portion nf ,j , i- ni e boy seven years nid travelling ýU] il ihe wey fron Boston ta Mouireal ý , c-e. Tilai'S wlai Wi-ilia did. Ha gai ro aying aihliaend decidad ici coma ta it ol oayto cana te Canada. nbd noua. TIat did ni troubla lin ,He waited erond île station yardl ing île freight trinsle leiug made 1up, l lie foluud oehiwacoïnniug oitreeLl. Wban î lie tinlu moved oui ni ard it was darký, 1but ilie weainwc arîd wemmi, sa Wilia fit heppy lu île ybox caàr wiidliwes iocaddW'iti long ME BEGAN TO ONT 55UNGRY. ,Oa and on want île train. Wilie began ia lnnel3y and hy.and-by lie lied a very l fpy ieling in île ragian nf hie wcisi- ,I. Ha ilought ai lis lore-iow lae ahele was lied again I The train Lopîi'lad isoest-ation andi coma oua uenicled ý,on tî loor of thie car and >olndý in. Witl bea-,tiiug îleart Wilie hkd ehind a box. W thîe nan laitthile eiuîuresouîit avelUler watciled li inch'Iýe idl juni-pad out. 1Ha tbon)tgli lia was ai onireel, b ut it wes St. Lmbani. Ha lad ada up h~is mmnd te cama taoireal and ilion by bol or îby 0cmool ,eanit ta gai SAt 8 'ciock lu îleimorniug tîle van- nù~m Willie Waa deapositad ai îlie Boue.- intutarSa i He bcd lidden oin a aMSSenger tmaini. He was axedýinigiy bue- i-y and liîs bai wemc COU d, a hed to '0 i, but hae crid ni sianve; lia weut id asked a polieen a Qlend lm eLiquer- er. Sncb e raquesi irmn snch a source ai urse was beaiuig. The officer tank lin (,ile Chiefa niPc.ica who told île boy le Loidl have to ratumu lin ta Boston ai 11ac as ,Motreailiead'lois ni poor baya 'htibot împomtiugiben. lHe iusimnciad lie offican o go ta île G.T.R. and C.P., pan ed sea if lie oould nitpersuada thase mpor-tione to take Willie lied free ta osian. Tice officer lailed iu lis mission. 'ley lad beau heaten outonionue ridaeliy ie young ilveuituret and cauld not se ly tbey slould 00w give lin enatien inca ide. Tley reely cou1 nit sympatize ith snb epnaviiy. W atish ta lie doua niil Wiilie'? Tlct's île question that île liai ivenie anmeonue t,0aîîswem. THE STAR 81111 8 I ES1I -J-LTJ ITEJ my inidaed. Buit it is h ili other of, g chilirn ,,o needs heip more, per- iban'1the woni wlo isnot tbs a- 'eredf witLli er work, andl îî fa most sL who1does ithnout it ; as in! the ýr years Of' tlieboimefilfe the family es aregeray conisidered as n iant t prov ela lp in thélbouse. Se onnig v wýi an mther eathie very timne ishsould lie apared, is obligeel to do !e duiy on the bonsework and reer- lie Eblru o. ti t i ikely if oaes not give oui euiirely befoeten by tble tlime tecuirnare gronn wilîli e ;sufIicientmes to provide butabe L V-,,1kl ack et the yealrs are goa itb île wil Ibatile con'ld lied more time to enijoybe ilon, nat aie been obligedl to bvetlîem d vr)t the never-endling roun of Fhold lelio. sbnuÀ hoc -onidered as oua of tbe sCaýry xan of tle ferm te provide hie blp in ibah kitclen. W bere it is saile to keep staady lelp, et leat lai ra ïigeu roning ha put out. There ually soînàne in the naigliborhood ig to do such work, and it will lighten ývork in the bouse wouderfuily. me fermera' wives do their work aon r then hrave tbe annoyance of iii- ied or ineflie ,ït fleip. Î.00n1d on hrokený dîsiies ara certeinly auuoIying, it is n hast to ha too exact;Ing. We 1Jd not look for perfectioni, and a girl eni vwe-an ed irnui, do plein coig wýaSh the diîshes wit a reesoneble Lit of breekeges, is pretty sure to earn ragea, auIi e wvûran doiug th(, work farmhonusa-wlo eau ocura s;uoI a girl at a1ffo rdi to do lier work e una t leasi îai tle lieatad term, wlen tbere is Bol ýi extra work to lie doue. A REMAARE A. LE RIDE. 'ilie Burns, eged eigi years, wes ýgt toeilie central Police Station, MËon- tibe thar miýoriug, to lia intarviewed ie Chiai i olie wowas nitglad to ini. Wiý'l[ia was fotsore end hungry bara feat were cvrdwitliraud. Wben o),Iica heeard lliestore, tliey geil- aeound eud gae t lin curiiously. ALL ,TUB WAY FROM I BOSTON'. Two reasons why you are certain to be benefltte inl tradling at the old reliable Gents' furnishing,' store ýare 1that wev( kee) only l'el'liable goods and they are so; id t lowebt living Our customers eau depend on getting, well-made, good"- fltting anid stylishly ent clothing at prices to suit ail pockets. FuIlI Unes of Ties, Collars, Cuifs, Braces, Hlladkerchliiefs, etc If1yo want a suit this Spring you will please us and beniefit vourself by lookiiug through our mignifleent stock at the "Star" two doors eïast of the P~ost Office, Bwavle JS, E FR MicrobeKiller Eoriches the blood and gvstom-- and srnt to the whola 9systFm Microbe Kil1ler G esbuoyancy of sJpirit, srot n eil t i xee0 t Microbe Killer Doas tis, bcauseits min Ontituent i xgnNbr'eriey ,Micro-be, Killer, Led in siickness ilenunexperim unt, oructe drugs and minr.aisare. Microbe Killer 18 the greeteattnifo tired nl and womdin eveýr produicod. Microbe Killer iCorrecte al bodily disorders easily, if taken ia timer, used f reely. Microbe Killer Purifies the hlo)od and tisee by driving out the livingr me Microbe 1K-ller lias no equl aýs a rheumtia pcfo cureB urned For Sale by Eliggi-nbobham& Son, AGNTS FOR BOWMANVILLIL Pricas $1 and $3, according to Bize. W M. RADAM MICROBE KILLER Me,,LIMITEDR WýiII lie pieatsed oéfe in Qaniytwc ii uliy and thiree thales ilft rice who ilinspect theq ilneqtiaiIed iOtmftoi" Boo 0ts and Nhoe0 Stippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our Store, seBEAVEIR BLOCi,ü BowmititviIIei BIOGESI STORE, BJG&EST VARIET'Y, BJGGEST VALUE. Every body invited to caIi and see our new foot wear was 1 edoe in Novemban lest lui île herbor -nf Saloflielie hy a divar lu seardiai ofJ Isponges. Wlau îlte diver came uip fimi île lboit na i o îlt e sea Le displ_, a eleud111- Slui, ni aif spouiges, but ni silvar coiga nfile evary antique date. Ha tnmned aOven île coins ta île popitar ofaiiîebtwhîo 1ondemed lin bai-ikloinfind aiOnm ote corne. I&SON1 t WRS cavra uesin successýi. Fiuily le fiund et a deüpil ni,10ou icat auhnuox, The DeadLy Steel ?row of the Moderni Y wffiich conntaiued nearly igiteers pouinda cf iliig ahie i shîver _coI IeprOpriatrof nitîe baiFhià ahie madle île searnaen in is aruploy promiseata Tise Acc-ident of Rer lwjesty'm Steanis1iP boh s1ent. He ate e tin oma prascute I ili.torla Demonsftes thsaelT ie ii lu roney aend île find ra eieda secret nsaorTiSReT e cN f fNaval Wrac Sfor ualy ibrý'Ce noutis. 1tcently (ana fai Itn týeT i t he semenl, having quareied wili île tilgCsiTttadtie erfC îý mestev, Iatnaycd île scret t thelaGraekow Goeuetand tise latter conipalled blm Remnmiug leas beau iucluded iii navelai le tap tho îe coins. Tîay date lied ta fenalve tectie ebatîe daye ni île liatitias1 il tic aysof aicient Macedonia and are lu liaiweau Greal iiranes and Romian gelîcys.t ýS ex,ýcelan rvein , shuwîng île bnci The accident ai ranming ai H. M. S. Victoria1 ni-j Aleudaýr île Gmai, holding lunue by HI.M.S. CampatrUwn 'lamonsirates thea ïî bud the sceptre andilu île otien a bird, dea'liy affectivauces oni tua mode ni etteol.* ýy atlo.Tacon aeba Now ibat it is nlanger a iheary as ap-t utudor aîemuene Abn. pliad tamodem armored vessaisi en blia in__________ more confidauily ascaetie hn beinra ilati e Men 'With Extraordîiuary Beards- île naval bleofnithe future will lia lange- n hiy a rammng figli. If ibis alîauld mclii, h Musa Kitsolne, a Koroalan TumI, who prove mrue it would lea e-mrked affect les beau au axhibitinu luthe large citie of ou île construdiion ni war chipe. TIen a le Ansinia, Iheu, Ganmany and niher Enro- lietile abip, w;th uts law aie ni speed and g9 peau coýuntiea daiis ihatbis beer dis fit- i, ercion maànuverng qualities, would be 0' two molheq(liant feet and four ince) long, et au anarmous disadvantage. TIc ight, e lis manager dcciarng ihetlthe sic 1e las swiit slip, wihlks invincible and destru,- le navet beau lefote lu the îistory ni thc tiva ram bow, could shîsk île greatasi lina ,d wold. According ta statisis colicctcd oi bettia slip afli)at, with mniuum injuri, i by île edii-rorfni ibs 4daparmnuofth le ta iceli. 1,e Prèss, tiare hleabeeti dozene nif nen wlosa Tic, ram oh fa wen slip le e solid picce oni 91 mereexad'bulngliat ni " Kit- teal beginiuig b th îe tmrpedlo tlie anid ,l- saluai, île Tumir," aven witl bis "Musýa" etui obliqnely aitud dowuwend t er aîtaeld. Twn, et leasiý, oi ibase inan ana ithe leel. I isbace up w;hlageie se nOW livingwituiu île limite ci îleUnita ,1udgirdae, san t ai îe strain ilo is Sites (if thýy bave ni recaniiy diead). 1 impa1ct wili comiou!ý1giiudilly ou tha îp taer ta Piilip Henisen, i Cn inl h 1-S, 1shl) ip udwli lie lionne ly the eanime simno- as and Adean Kimpen, whn wes e resident niofe niChcago lu18n ,can d aitaheard tweiva Iehp itaerneaen I ra iieet og asn îeMsicpiwani. est variety, aeu su cipsthe constru1ction A dern,1le, or wes, a ane i unsu'.>ai stature (A whii h j centemnpoaneous. Tic Amneni- )11 (611), but uotwithsteuin i-ý his bislcedcen clips hava com!parcthvely sinel rame; 7 iLwould reecî îlhe gmound wlien lha wcean îo uslani, nf île Bnhtîdli vessais. Thc li tadn eecti masuitnngover ,ce,,enty Frenii ain 15 reiaralbie ionris ,greait ine l eugili. 0f course savnt, indhes ienîhand tîlfetc iiithc point la very oc- ni beard is uotîing companad toKrpn5near tle wa or linae. Areck e pc- iwesl-, eet ai facial edonumaints. I simplynnis île tain of île new emrdcruiser rgallilde ta Heuisen'ise etraordiýnary iirsuie to Deýpuy de Lamne. R à,isimmcrnseiy long and slhow ihaiteouawill lie lui-as a îe exýact alpai e wîà e's îdas la lias rau bleandilesa youih wban le pis iniscif, on ci the surface?. TIcreinni îl te Germena lias ex hibition ai Chicagn tue feu, as 1 undaer- Cruiser Kaisenin Agstis a elma- rut stand thai la bas ne mde arangainente io 1deousonue and lnuliýe cli tîce. ic ,or tiet effci. ranimlalarper thi n nosieand ua tta TUr[E SHOE MýAN.; 'The ram of miJa Br satoehru- like Libis aud represenîs anothler idea il, rames The rama o f Pritisli shipe will 11etur- a remarkable and uLiylookng ramn the Camperdowu as The Coihu'ge- wvood, Howe, odeadA1uson ail' have such ramie. The r'am of thehpea Victoria was also a terror of uiorei el u aud ilieCemedo would prob-biy hatve been suntk jusi as eesily b-, thle ViC- toria hed the t ablesý been tuirned. The Sanis Pareil has a bow lika thle Victoria. The big new scndc ass iiel-ship (Centurlo lias a tremendously large ram. The Cepi- tan Prat, the big GChilian cruise wic'il wae-. so ofien mýentioned digif ',tle Chilian 'civil wer, has a rein- which isloacked up by an enormous quentiiy of steeal near tha ei The ram of the nid Frenchi ship Arethuse is a type of tha obsolete form of ramn, whicli makes the sbip's bow look like a plowslîe. The more moderate ram or the Jean Bart is duplicated by those of tbe two Freuch slips) Alger and Mtay. The ram. of the Admirai Baudin is duplicetec ou- the sister sblpj Formidable. A well-posied naval e xpert says :-" luL the absence of definite inomto 1 sup- pose that teCamiperdnowu's sharp r am' struick the Victoria 1undar tîe qarmor blt, audcoseq'ulypunlcliad aUn eanormous1 hiole into brl t.errasbse struck lier wbýer'e 111oiney 1s. Lutat case the lonidn alblkad wnull pireVent theengne cmfirm iiing umore iban iie, siiesha wasstruk oethins ov- ,waighting fa ig,, sh dip 'aId heing hr, riglit CoVer. TheccdetshWshe great siperijority of ithe ram f ighigpro I a icllued to beievîe tlîat t ill1 s cs b)e'siLttionhefor"'a1 (ýbuild inii-,iiman y imorýe liea vy, slow, and uinyv'eildly battle abips. I t1hik the sea figlit o h uuewi i tiddb tleý ram .larg&elyt,an in tbat cas9e tbe swift andi iiacdLy, l:ihtyiy rmad ilsbip wilhave an ï1imenseeangeortasopwr fi silip." More ubrosare raý'eiedin levicip- ity ol Paris than iu any Othacr pi 1-1ur W-T STOOE('ED 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and Suitings of ail kindsomn, ycr.h!S and boys, were never exceliec ild prices, neyer more moderate. ierls Castoria. A

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