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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1893, p. 4

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,.,OltSLEBY 69 Kiný..--g St.) IVt, akes $1 t0Voscud a tcu cf liay Lay eaui thus sasily compute 'herbthe1,1 lIay for Eng"Iand nusut be pressed ju ite bales cf 100 te 15-0 pouunds, suld an Engi-r liali ton la ,4 on Thie W tyCelgiste Institts Bar lias beei greatly a1gitLtecf l laVe. A few iembers disi1ike tue' lisatit master sud( have boeenstal igevcny lnerve o dis- chiarge hue, but the uis the ratcpay- ers sudc thieispctnsliold hlm lu such Ligli estsem thiat the desires sud efforts cf Viie kickcrs are tbýwartedl. IVteckz thietu till mlidiniht iasat wesk Vo abiuse escli othlen suth ien decide o stop wiucre tbley beugan nit ne-engage the wliele staff. We cogauaePrincipal Tamblyn-un lis ne-appoýint nuient. The Goxýermen-it lias shoan isrio ndl .visdom l ppinugOp. .J SuîrvJ.'P., editonrd propnicton, The Oobun ui 'rld, as goveý rnor andt keeper cf he Coun1ties'gL. Fsxv men c greater serviceVothe lin pj)anry or the publishiere, sud it is stsatr 'oes ionaýilly sec one reýwanded lu tis practicai way. Thie appointmcxxnt se faeras ire eau Iearu gives uni versalstifcin except- on, f c lrse, the othe lic ani' ilits Ion Th1e position. The office is a ortt1lineariy ~150a ycar, we udstr i 1 was a littie ludicrous te sec the Ne vo Cat- mug a incal smaau for the office ýt'itres day-S sîfter bVhs appointai cnt Was role, but. Vhs Ne-çcws ï is pa tsms1hertmi ay OccasioixuaLly wcensiiet a Tn fanuTeri whIc is ïaprctectionist, buLth, ' vy1e geV- tin,,sarc. e preseut tiï oconclui- Sienls cf ia m1aster mmlid for thle euea tien Lcf suy men who) are stil l i doubt. 11ev. Nathtaniel Bunwashi, D. D., l'I. D., COhanceilon cf Victoria Univeu-rsty, bas beei studyiug hseffaects cf probtction upon ail counltnies sud these are Vhs chef effeets experieuced byv pretecteLI nations: (1) The conigestion cf,Ëpopuistiulu Vi hs citice, towuis sud nmanufactunînig oeures. (2) The ex-,odus 1f population fruïn, the rural districts. ( :>) The accumulation cf immrienise fortunues in hs bhauds cf individ- ual mnanuîseturers sud capîtaliats. (5) Therelative decIilue cf foreigu tradie. (6) Thie gradunal ailure cfnankets for hs, manuactuerathemselvea, sud lieules hs iecessity 1cr advanice Vo hs, third tae that cf Ires traite. Ris Excelliecy hs Goveruor-General sudm- Ladly Derby salled fncm Quebe for Enigianilo Satsrday ou tire Allîsu steari slip Sardinian. Lent ,Depnby's quartera ame fitted iu priiucely sýtyle. Tho party v.il (ctcupy four saoens, Vwice Vhs crdini- au-y ize (Ons is Ifor Hîs Exc0lelcy asud is titted lu bronze. Its walis are covered wiVi siilk, the door casingsansd ether wood work la overit wiliplualu, sud he fIor la ccveneit with Auintrcarpets. Lady Derby'a rocîn la fittedit he saine -britsti mpors. ue ..îa %vas iNCIpur by the( Motreai epresenutative cf the i3esver unie «t the rceut coul erenice cf caýttie exportera. 11e said: '-I lay the bluecof the preseut higli cattle rates entireiy upon the beavy tarifi levied nder the Na;itiona-,l Poiicy. V s- sels are coming over oily hall luli; lui fact, the -NationIal Po-icy ta a'traugliug the imipent tra..e, sud hence sip'esu-nings are entircly dependenit on theexot. The Caniadian lau-mers are sýeveii-teiith. cf thc population. Tbey musut compre. biend the trulifuluiess cf thlis alLegatuon. Rew long wili any initeilîgent smaulanuoing tliem face sucli evidence as thiis sudf con- tinue te support a siau cor body cy f imen wbe mraintaineit a so-cailed "protective" pclicy, the oePatent resuit of which is thiat they) are fieeced «V every turu. -Aýd- vertiser. FARMING 15 RESPEFOTABLI!'. Whiat Ppecial education dloos our pres- ont Public Sch1(oolIse offer for farmn- ers' chilîdren l If ,vn-eth fh population of Casnada arc iuiterested in farming, t1he subject oif agriculture S11ouldC reccilve premilinenice. Edutcate the boys fer farmiers as well as forcers accoun t- anits and for, the professions. M\akýe the bYs familfiar uwith the science (if agricul- ture and endeavor to cultivate a just pridefin tile business of agriculture lu the 1inids cf the chlfdren. The M\in!'ster cof Educatioii bas apparently geV tis ideat,1 becauIse hie lias provided a sutuimer course for tecblers at the Onitari, A-ricultural Colege su weare hlopefl c f verv bcncfic- îal results froni this tra,-ining,. We iunder- stand there are several teýacliers in at tendo- auce. NWe hope te sec the eleimnts cf agriculture tauglit ini every aheliu the rural districts, because it 'wIil greatiy hielp to encouurage tis pride ii lu iceldesýt and iiu miany respects the nobiest cf occupa- tienis, to inistruct chiildren about the nt UIurad lhabits of farn animals the goth cf plans, the niecessity cf learui- icg the pirinipiels cf chiemistry sud b t- auy. Farming" successfully now implies al Sientitic ooieg f the fundamental trutha cff agricuiltuireý, sudithiout it bard labor sud pooirrsut wili be the case. Intelligent effort in farinig will luienost cases bring sure reward, if thieproiare nuit as large as thiey once wcre, suite ocptioncau e mad qteasrpet a tbl1e as auiy othier cal1ior. HUIHSOHOO0L PROMOTIONS. Thie resuits cf thte Promnot ion Eann atien fromi the First to thi e Scond For170111 cf thie Bowmnauiville Hli Schooi for th1e first tern of 193are given beiw. Tite writteu xaintincovered A itin1eticý, Algebra. BookkepigIistory. Geýog- rahGrammnar, Litera ture-, Latiui or Freniichi, and the ýwork donecldnrinthile terni wasaise takeu n ýto accoulnt Thei nlamles anld 1marks for the wittcn \work aire as fios Edward A. McCuillýchi........ .....441) Fredi. Joblin..... ............ ... 417 E. Sophie 3Jamres ................40 llarold O. Mýitcell ....... ...... ..399 FrankJoblu..................3. lo rdJ. M cMurtry.,. .. .. . ....390 Lilliau Gamby. ,..................388 Eddie O. Millson ............38 EelRielkard.. ,.............7 Irenle Jewell........ .......... 7 Millie Gïigg................. 1... 374 G arniet Trewin,... .............3:72 ýSusie Belilan....................3721 George Gilillan................ 3'71 Editli Carscadden ............ ......369 William F. Patterson. ........ Georgýe P. Freelmnd,.............. 343 Wesley Bruce .............. ....340 BPlanchle lMalnni............. .......$44 Berthia Osbornec....................33 Lousia Hanson..ý.................329)ý Charles Bilkey. ý........... .. ...28 ý Mabel Ciemenc... ...............$ ,-20 Floýra M. NfýGalbraith.......... ...319D Bertha rage. ................... )31 Crisel M. Tait ............... .308 te attacli bis namie te aui article lie writes3 on a great mocral issue, lie slieuid 'be branded as a ccwvard uniiwontliy of the sac- ned position lie presutues te fill. ANXIOUS FOR PROMOTION. MAJo-fR HUGHES WÂRTED THECOcLONEL 0F TUE 45ffh BÂTrAION TOREO. A1 curions story comles from tho e rct Kýiingaton militia cam)p tih ilI iiutatcaý the10vîluc cOf the >lyal (f Majo)r 8S1l' Hughes, IM. P., te thie Queeu'. regula- tiens sud ,,lBritish armiy tradlitio, whq, 0en the [Hughes fsmiýyly my Loe advaIIoC- cd. Ameuii2 thc rogimietts in cmp was the 45dhb attïli(Infroi Victoria, of whicb MLaîor fltigles sud bis blroilher, Major John Hughies are the miajorsý.lFor some time beýck Majo)r Sani bas biad bis cye ou the ccioneicy, but oonliObit, as the years go by, seema ste h nnein blis ycuth sud remaiis beat-ty aidvig-r- eus. Tnis, under th crutne s, wss very disappciintýiug. A plan bas boeen lu view by which botb wouid be maîde col- sucls as the same titne, v.z., bDy Vhs e- mnovai cf Coloniel Culbini. sud theeraz. t cen cf Pa uew aîsin Moj r Hge Vteke commnod (f ors and iMaýjor Jd the other. Coloe cubitito a e le 1Y Ciyou onItlle 1,rin 8aide sa te Battalicu baud stuck Uip Yankee Dood!e lui complimnet te inme Amerîcar.. . Whule Major Sam ru oe ut te stop the uusee3mly aud di8loyal tjuie themet ing, broke up. On returnieg te Kingfton t'le commnl itteduly waited upDInColonel1 Cubitt witi tie sugygebtions agrced upon. Tie. colonel met thcin l Vhpreper ,-Britishi L4pirit. H1e od them that oiy for bisi personal regard fer them as diiul lie would ciap thein into the guard bous. Suddenly the cemmittEe diFpersed and ýMajo)r Sani and Major Jack Hlughes still woucr wheu tbey wili be colcei.-- Oit twa Free, Press cf July 7. M1ctb Proof Carpet Fe sund ail, kiîiîds cif Building Paper at R. Wrhe Carri.1g10 Rugs at the West End Housae. municip:at L purose  & y-lrrwIIFI te be ubited t ep'op' e (dc" iu fayot c(f te uote c4ne which fornmaiapiain vh e the couie s fr dmta ý. Th i s is taken iun erbgetrpr tion «t the mreetin1g of 0ts reeves oi bai next Fe"bruaryvwenil, is cxi that Durliam wilil dec'are fu rsp 1 and BesmmuviAe el ge the ce town. The olee ceuncil 1<ý t'11 Northumbenlad ud Hat Do representatives for sp ocf thei!r ctuin fo)r amtac.Tes movmou strtdat Port HE1pý",tbu that tbey bave ne hacef 'r'the C towu they are r4d bot il1 lave)r cfp- conditions -Oobo)urg Sentiliel-Stil Co UR TiC(11. M'rs. S. PiktrE ,3 avýý lier mether Mrs. . y an,; othEx ives hera .... Mr- W. Pirie, ea g.xest cf Mr. D). Ok Suoday ... E. T. S'e-mer, B. A., Oc vi. 13'e. L. Pbhelp!3 a,' the parsonagG week .. . .Oun ThuradaIj-i'fternoc)Il a ber of relativ. S cf;î s.S. Sers - wmet aithe hol( mo cf Robtr. Ev. Eaq.,Hsrmm.~,whLerj rite 1 alb plesaniy euruied y M.S. J.. tiec reidiog s corupiwiicutay addcý the comIp tny pres Il [ h.lr wha pluailicuver' dI.scy char, t b1) th esucf he)r jUbi)ee (5b') biit Mrs2. Suiestadie a voly f(e1ling alte-r whicI l hebrthusntdsstr cd a Iew words conI'plimettrv ta c oaace f 515er Jae. r. W. soni very efflienitly actedAsiF chairma-i Treniutb &-,Sens cýf Bampton a«,re,' ing thc brick wemoýk cf C ucillor tices n rew 1ouse ale sic i11în a clasa jo'b. .. . Mn . WF ortc nesr ly 'comple odùhefro t ar new residence suid tiPi mm ve iurcji week. Bo' gntle e 'ete) con. iatedl on the oprrïc f their hiv'r weli ais Mn. 1U. Gay%, tho architect. TLe Divisio;n S cIf T bam 112 mem Mnr. Chas%. Law cv f Bn i ie JColunl liere. Mr. Duidiy Diligie, Chicago, ia lin The woleuiii hL s noV 1'Ulnw0 weli. Miss Bcatrkie Dinrli lah-Ime wilinipeg. Mrs. (Pey.) W. J. Juliffe sud fe are euLinimcirug «at Grimsby. Miss EuaMorgiln teck ýboe-tat « manvulie isat week ferMciem. Abouit 300 peopl)le wcnt on ihe M.3L Excursion frein (,awa, Eid1(er Jameis Pioseer is ths nýew p cf the Christ ian churcli. iBurton H. NightiugalIc'S cuif tb inlitiate'd s pimie on bis wnr,' pcisouing set lu and lie died Tueca 'Ur. W. 11. DingL1e is te) be a-i day Voc M12ssCordelis E. Coie, dav'gh CJol.Cole, Brockvî1Ibe. IMr. Gec. R Buirt.l, ac Piano F.'ctory, was presýentfd with perior inew upriglit 700 pisue by M( R. S. Wiiliamus & Soui, bis emplo sud a Whlite onJyx do(ýCk woî )tii 8q bi empîcyees on bis return froni bis dinig trip Isat week. He is very pij ltowu VOLUM3ES COULD BE Ilý filled withi the testimeiny: whc have been m-ade strcng' by Pr. Picrce's for you ~ Sold by druggists evenywlîýrt Ail coora cf praparedI Paint Wemth'm, Bowxuanville. Tiix STATESMÂ%IN t e uW SUb3C balance cf 1893 for,5Oc. A Yard of Pansies sud our Ne(,w1 uni Bock fer 25o. comibinesî beau': big valuie. Seuld for Vbem -étamlpï '110W Tro CIRL AL. SIAN&LV ESL Simpllly apply 'SWÂYNE'S 0O-NT-N No internai medicine required. tetter, ezemna, itch-, al eruptions face, bauds, nose,, etc., leavinig t] dlear, white aud liealtby. Its grest ing sud curative powers su-e pjec ttc other rem-edy. Ask yeur drugg SWÂY Ç) IEHENT. Lyman S Co., Motitreal, Wholesaie Agents. XK W/45V t V£ILLBJ. Subacription have been taken fer the mprov'ng and beautifying cf our cerne- ýery. Aire .dy a new weil is uurih d with a pump avd a ierigthy structure n the rose for tying bhorse.sintieof âerais .... .A lawu social was recently eld «t the Manse for the benefi cf the iresbytcriau S. S. iîbrary. Proceüe 21... . On Sufiday evein 9h inist. the )rangennwent in a body froi their lodgerooirn tefthe -Mthudist ohurch when i:sermon was preachsd te theiniby 11ev, D. C. MceDoweil forrneriy cf Bowmian vnue,... Mrs. Whitaker whiie wa]Lkiiiu i er homne troin a visit te ber neiglibor was Leized by parirlysis si,(d wtssfouud( [i6elesa on the road «t 10 e'c udt! p. mn. Silo died frem the effeets thi e days aftcr wged 52 yars. . . The widow cf the late WVm. H1endersue ditd oit Friday l4thi ftt,r a lengthy sickness .. . .Recent visit- .rs: Messrs. Charles auid William Thomp-, ýon Withi their famailies fron t8-. Louis, âlo , ou1 a %Àilt te their figea mother; Rev. G. Purkis!, Bcwmnanville; 11ev. W. calecs and wifo, Oshs-wa; Mr. James 4ockhart and son, Torovto; Mr. WPiiam ýoodenuugh, Lindsay; Mrq. Walters, Nillbrook;, Mr. John Whitaker and twà' ýiters, R'ochrester, N Y ; Mr. George Eendcrson, KLgton. A. STARTLING CASE ÏN RO{AYUGGENýTLEMAN 0)F BR(OOKV ILLE DISTRICT FI1G UR11E S. ~MARELLOS REoRD rnce 150F ITuE GIRALTESU I.NTE1RES'T TC) AL--No lRc. MtANCE BUT SIMPLY Seun FÂcxTS TinIÂT WILL BrEm TUF FUILEýST A. N. Irten, agecd 17, lives with his parents on lot 24 in the 7tli con., cf thle (ownsh-ýip cf Eliztbethtowii, near the vil- agof New Dublin, 12 ies froni the cwvn ~of Brorkviie. 11is father id one cf tue mosr prospercus fs'mners in the vicin ty and was eniabied t, gi, e bis son aili lie advantsges thst m"u* y co111,nte rocure. L'le boy was n.tturally bnr , g. r. 1 sith igod m uemory and a foudriess f r Vu w. ldgo that prouiottud by alplica o , i.a'e iiia foremioat plce ui s Lic ras%, }twever, preventaed front regelar t- [ed8ace at seheol, murh lite his cwan d hie p:rntm dissppoiritumeut, ecauise cf a ery pair Id dacaeese. For six years lie tas lce wnh ita5otdrrsigc SIl nerve d18eaýýs, scher( a or Sý. Vitus lbnce. For w,,( ks «t a tinie lie was con- àmed te the bous-. si fforinig unid nseryý Hia dis(essa w;s characterized by twitcb. ýn cf the msles cB f te n~, su- amsand egs. Hiseliead was at tliimes de-ta back- ward. Hia gait wqs irregular udlie walked witb difflcutlty. Apputite very rregular and lie had n desire for food. Ultogether lie becamne pbysicaily a wreck .nd alil hoýpe ,f bis recovcry was abandon- d by his parents. Duriug ail these years lie wi;s undeUr the care cf a promu.n- nt phytician who exhausted ail cithodex reedics without auceas. Ris father iad beard cf Dr. Butîcîns Golden Pilila, but lîke rmost others, liat littie faith in tdlvertised remiedies. H1e consulted the ttendîug physîcian as te wbietber lie bcould give Goeld2i Pilýs a trial. Natur- 1lIy avese lbeiug a straiglit laced Escu- lpiaii) te advise resort ta patent mcdi. ires lie was honorable exicugli te show their use oni the principle thiat «hl other1 remedies baviing faileà, if Golden PIl Iid net cure lie would be in no worse con- litiori. On the strength cof this ccld ap- roval tlie father purcliascd a box cf But- ler's Golden Pille sud placed his boy un- er treatment takiug one pill aI er ecd neal. H1e lad only token tirera for a fow laya wlien a mrarked change wag perceiv- ýd by tie anffering young man. Rfis ap- etite iimproved wonderfully, andt lie -ould sleep tlirougliout Ilie entire night. rhe latter was a b sie li ad been de- aied for si-.,.ycars. Thu use cf tlie pilla vas centinuecd for the tliree weoe, two boxes (roea ollar's wortli>baing insed. At tlie end cf the biid weeks, the svere nerrou3 spasmis liad ceaseu i b«liad 2ained1 in flesit, bis strcuii hreturued, aud he was able te aPssit in the filids aud do bores arouud the house, Thec parents were asfornished at the ra- ruikahie chanige in bis co-idition, as lie MvAs ireclf, sud I riendas nliecalilea could -crccly believe that ithe yeuog iman they uonw saw in Eucli t,7celleut beittu, was lie wie m as se prostrsted a few weers lie- fore. Tiiey giva Dr. Butler',; Golden Piils all the credit for tire cure, and dlaim bat but for tteir tiney use reatnration to healîli couid neyer bave3 beeu effected. The ma2c]al cratrfive rrr,-tie.i of But- ,tay iri>o , I)pa4gei w. .ppeu fin e mak. o tluerromedv pos-sesses calpreti. Pries 50. cents per or 61 boxes for $250. Tliey cari be at ailH druggists, or by mail freru Dr. ler NLTediîe Ce., Brockviilie, Ont. w to get a' 'Sunlight" pictur3. ýnd 25 ýSuilit" Soap wrappers Lpper beaýriuig he wcrds "'IWiy Dees omnan L'oek Old Sooner- Than a Mani") l,,EER BRos , ld. , 43 Scott St,, io, and yeun will receive by poat a îy picture, frce from advent.isiug and worti lraming. This is aul eas3y te decorate your homie. The so.ap lue best tlu he market, ftnd it will Scoat le. pcstage to Lcnd ini the prs, if jyou leave the ends openi. te your address carefuliy. The «uni of 1 5,9QtI h-àý beeil ,Ubscýîb- cd toward a rlew opera house in Geo. A lot of prints and sateens selling off at1 about haîf prices at Coucb, Johuston and 0"f14ERS Crydermnaii'sj. VILL A minisiter who occupied the pulpit of i c U R the Mfethodjst churlh, St. Marys, prayedI' ', 0~ "Bleas those who are in prison and bIc ýss the thousands who ought to be there." Kepyour eye on the advertisements BD in thiýs newspaper and see whichi of our il ,'q1) merchants want your customi and are Euf- . ficiently courteous te invite yen te ealu c EA i LONG ,and inspect their stock. SKItFE A dispateil sasy thait 5,000 Orangeinen celebratedI the anniversary of thec Battie of thec Boyne at Port Hope and the tewn ma2 crowded with hiundreds of vhiiter WC fancy 500 would bc nearer the truth New Btther Eirrni. ERYNR S iMr~. Geo. Jol i anMt,*Robt. Rowe have bouight tha old establishiel ruea tA YE businiess, front Mr. WI. R. R. Oaw'ker wh I lias for so mxany years cirried on a suc- P RSAPARiuLLA cossful butchering business here. Mr.iUfa Joli Las a thorougli acqnaaintanco' with m. 1}Thmnierly, a we]l lenowi busineSS mant the meat irade and the high character 0f o llbrV. i usts]oyt the Town 1hall Meat tleatdquarters will111.1 1 ý, egtle Y Sc",ý0Vera be ulyusained. The new proprietors aOeSihe eeyMée xprlci will give czrefu! and prompt attention te nilve elreemy eg fromth L ex- c ail orders aare dtrie to give fsat- tn oohtprso h oyArrtyn isfaction to 0all coers. Cash wiitbl arclr is beegan îa llsl .A.ye5' padfor bidesn, shieeps-kins, tallow, poul. a YpriIad b!ieIJid f;rr 11e13r -try, eggp, etc . lHicbest price for good seonldl'ut le eL ceiao~ cecr cal'ves an'd lambhs. Çi.tizens are requested A ers as ap arfa, to give J oli & Rowe the new, firm, a trial. rese yD.J .Ae eLnflss SEVERIE A [nscxss CuasmEr.-Dear s , ýc esot eswI0Iure yo U I hiad an -ibsce.ss3 mat behind my right. car, in Auguat, 1890. After sufferivng for thiree mionths, 1 begari te take B.B.B., aud after onie imorith's use of it 1 was very TV RNT.-Frtrn fyer"len much beýtter, and the abzocas entirely ..LDcu "-300 a.cresý, 2 iles fro-Ki wltby- disappeared in four monthfa. I arn cer-i good bidings anidFsuit. Admirable3 for Lst)ck tain hat BrdockBloodBittes is or dairy. tance 'or geing xssveyiis taï tht BrcockMoo BttBs ianToronto iÏlk busineýssor stockisig O excellent remedy. FLO)-RNCR M. SssÂw, emerican miarke , Alen withi capital culy Solsgirth, Man. Aeed applv.J. 1H. Dow. WbrtbV. Ztr:' Tloronto Business and Shorthand College FALL TERM, SEPT. 4. Leading Commercial So.hool REORGTANIZED. G~RE AT DEPARTMENTS MANAGEMENT BUSINESS ENGLISE E FACULTYQJPE [SHORTHAND TELEGTRAPHY Laget ud METHODS SPEGIAL PENMANSHI.P Larest andmost comýplete e he ,ae mi nt s cal i . facilitieF.Tehrsae mietscaits N T CEj11 Thiere is only one Toronto Btsine8,,and Shor)thandc College. I tablished 'business 3coilege premisesm in Toronto. Patrons and graduates «l over the world. Studentz aïsisted to positionsE. Write for prospectus and othier informaation. Satisfaction guaranteed. ADDISON WARRINER, Principal, 3 SHUTER STREET. we8tLbd Hu---%Uqvlci Thîs is preserving soason, ~during- which lots of is required. If you buy your Sugar from us you will not pay too much for ib. them. Dry Goods away down. LACE Ourtýiins speoially reduoed in. price. JOH-N MeMU. ,S.

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